Australia and New ZealandCan I bring my police check to the interview?
Well, we'll give it a week and then maybe if he calls every other day it will work in our favor again lol :devil:

jk...but I would like it very much if he could be here by the end of April :whistle:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-25 07:56:00
Australia and New ZealandCan I bring my police check to the interview?

I would be careful about sending the P3 too soon though. It can often take a month or more to get the police certificate back, if they schedule your interview too soon you may have to change it.

Btw, congrats about getting the appointment :D

Really?? A month x.x! I thought it was 7-10 days >.<

Omg...I've reached the point where I'm sooooooo sick of waiting lol Dammit immigration, give me my future husband now! XD Ach...well thank you for warning me lol :wacko:

And thanks for the congrats :thumbs: It made me soooo happy!!! I was so tense when they told him July >.<

Edited by Austramerican, 24 March 2012 - 09:14 AM.

AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-24 09:13:00
Australia and New ZealandCan I bring my police check to the interview?

When I was worrying about my police check not coming back to me on time when Iwanna send pkt 3 asap, i emailed Sydney Consulate, then few days later (today) I got a reply!!!!

Thank you for your inquiry.

The Australian police clearances are usually forwarded to our office from the Australian Police Force offices, therefore, you may send in your packet 3 documents and forms without the police certificate. In the event the certificate is mailed directly to you, you only need to bring it to your interview with one photocopy.

So yes you can bring it to the interview!

Thank you for this! That's the only thing holding us up right now so I will go ahead and tell Ben to send the packet now with a letter saying that :) Since his fingerprint appt is this coming Monday!!! :dance:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-23 10:02:00
Australia and New Zealandink fingerprints or scans?
Ouch! They said that to my fiance too! What he did was he called every day asking if an appointment opened up, and they gave him one within a week (it was actually this past Monday :D) So just keep trying and you should get a closer appointment!! Good luck and don't give up! :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-26 13:41:00
Australia and New ZealandPolice Certificate - Are fingerprints necassary?
Update number two! He got the police check back so thankfully it didn't take long at all!! Now to mail! How long usually is the wait to see what the interview date is, and how soon are the actual interviews from the time you get the date??? Is it possible for him to be able to be back in America by the end of april?
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-30 23:18:00
Australia and New ZealandPolice Certificate - Are fingerprints necassary?
Thanks guys :) In the morning he will be going in there, so I hope the processing is quick as well! I really am soooo sick of delays, I want him back right now :rofl: Its finally getting warm here and I want to share these nice warm days with him!!! :innocent:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-25 07:53:00
Australia and New ZealandPolice Certificate - Are fingerprints necassary?
Update on this: He has been calling every day and finally got an appt for this Monday, we are so happy and relieved :thumbs:

Moral of the story: bother them enough and they will find time for you hehe :rofl:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-23 10:04:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
I'm the USC and I grew up with well water so I am a water snob lol I refuse to drink this nasty treated sewage water we have here in the city :P
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-04-05 09:42:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview date
Just mailed it yesterday, here's hoping!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-04-02 11:31:00
Australia and New ZealandApproved!!!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-27 11:32:00
Australia and New ZealandWere we supposed to have already scheduled the interview??
Thanks guys, I'm a bit hyper sensitive atm cause I just want him here XD I also worry too much hehe :whistle:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-31 10:05:00
Australia and New ZealandWere we supposed to have already scheduled the interview??
Ok thats what I thought but I saw another thread where they made an appointment right after NOA2 and that made me freak out for a min lol Thank you!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-31 09:47:00
Australia and New ZealandWere we supposed to have already scheduled the interview??
Ok so we gathered all of packet 3 finally and we are sending that off on Monday, but were we supposed to have already called them with our case number and scheduled the interview?? Because I thought they would assign us an interview date after they received packet 3 from us....please tell me we aren't in for another 2 month + wait >.<!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-31 08:10:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview date!!!!
So happy we got our interview date, and today's my birthday! The interview date is May 8th, anyone else have the same date by any chance? :)

This is the best birthday present short of him actually being here :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-04-18 14:29:00
Australia and New ZealandScheduling Medical Appointment In A Different State Than Where You Live?
Good luck!! When you send in packet 3 deff send a letter requesting the soonest interview date possible, thats what Ben did :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-04-22 08:08:00
Australia and New ZealandSydney has us waiting

Sorry, I meant to write February. Anyway, I got Pkt 4 yesterday, 10 April. I hope this helps others to approximate their wait at the current time.

When's your interview date?
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-04-10 17:14:00
Australia and New ZealandSydney has us waiting

It used to be (if you look at other Aussie's timelines from 2009 to early 2011) they usually waited a few days from when the consulate received Pkt 3, until they got Pkt 4. But from when they receive Pkt 4 to interview date is usually 3-4 weeks.
Now with ours so delayed I think the gap between us receiving Pkt 4 til interview is just one week, I hope! :blush:

Flanders5689: You submitted your Pkt 3 at end of March, til now is only more than 10 days, not 5 weeks.

OMG I hope so....come onnnn Sydney GIVE ME MY FUTURE HUSBAND AHHHHHH lol I've been very patient now I'm done being patient XD Its been more than half a year now!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-04-10 06:48:00
Australia and New ZealandOh my gosh!
Congrats and welcome home!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-06 14:39:00
Australia and New ZealandHis interview is tomorrow!
Thank you guys!! I'm not sure if he has access to internet, he's spending tonight in Sydney for the interview tomorrow morning (his time, my time its later today) So I won't know how it went til he gets back probably!! So nerve wracking XD even though everything I've read makes it sound like a walk in the park!!! I just hope he gets the visa back sooooooonnnn! ahhhhh!!!! lol :bonk:

Good luck. Tell him to be prepared for it to be really anticlimatic! and if he's a nervous pee'er (like myself) wee before he goes in cos there are no loo's in there lol

XD!!! I don't think he is but he does get bored so I sent him a note he's only allowed to read while he's waiting :) and some sudoku puzzles since he loves those :) I just can't wait to hear something!!! It's been so long since he's been here and I miss him like crazy, I'm so over this waiting lol
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-07 09:09:00
Australia and New ZealandHis interview is tomorrow!
I'm so excited and nervous, I'm a worrier, even worse when I can't do something myself XD I wish I could be there for him but I know he can handle it!!! I'm so excited and antsy to find out!! Anyone have any last minute advice? Anyone else have an interview on the 8th of May as well? :3
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-06 14:42:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Approval at Sydney
Congrats!!!! :3! (L)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-07 10:15:00
Australia and New ZealandThis forum helped so much
I know right this place was a miracle XD still I will probably drop off the face of the earth until ROC comes around when he's finally back here, maybe I will post a wedding pic though XD
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-08 06:03:00
Australia and New ZealandHE WAS APPROVED!!!

Out of curiosity (and for future visa applicants), what is the "wrong" type of envelope? When I went I brought an express post envelope, non-platinum. I got the non-platinum one to save myself a few bucks, since I figured the envelope was being sent to me so I didn't need the signature. It was accepted.

I hope he gets his passport/visa soon! I know that wait can be the most stressful.

He said he got an express non platinum :( They told him they didn't need that, that they had their own, so I don't I'm mad at them for not taking his lol
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-14 09:17:00
Australia and New ZealandHE WAS APPROVED!!!
Thanks for the congrats guys!!

No I've been checking my email like a madwoman ever since lol no email yet :( My fiance didn't bring the right envelope according to them so they are going to use their own...they said it would probably take 5-7 days to print and they would email when it has been shipped....I WANT IT NOOWWWWW lol we have a friend's wedding on the 20th and I want him to be here by the 18th or the morning of the 19th at the latest so we can both attend!!! They need to hurryyyyy lol
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-11 08:39:00
Australia and New ZealandHE WAS APPROVED!!!
Thank you!!! Oh another question I had, with his POE, we found a cheap one way flight but it stops off in South Korea before heading onto the US, is this bad for his POE? SHould we avoid this?
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-08 06:44:00
Australia and New ZealandHE WAS APPROVED!!!
Well I got a short email when I woke up, he wrote it from Sydney airport and he got on the flight from Sydney to Melbourne about an hour ago so I don't have any details (until he gets home and talks to me!) but he was APPROOOOOVVVVEEEEDDDDD!!!! They said it would be a few days until he gets his visa but that they would email him when they send it off. I can't wait, he could be here in two weeks or less!!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-08 06:05:00
Australia and New ZealandShouting it from the rooftops, I have my visa!
YAY!!!! When was your interview? :) Congrats!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-14 09:20:00
Australia and New ZealandApproved!
Congrats!! Now you can join me and Ben in waiting for the visa in the mail XD :thumbs:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-15 07:09:00
Australia and New ZealandWe have arrived!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-14 09:21:00
Australia and New ZealandMy visa's here!
CONGRATS!!! And yes, please don't XDDD
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-22 13:08:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
He got it yesterday and booked his flight for monday! So it all worked out in the end! Future reference for anyone else who finds themselves in this position:

Vanessa&Tony was spot on:

I believe you need an appointment. I recall at my interview a couple in front of me trying to get in without interview and being denied. I suggest you email, flag it urgent and subject "URGENT - IMMIGRATION ENVELOPE OPENED - FLIGHT xx/xx/xx". Wait for a response. You might need to delay any flights until it's fixed. You're right they won't let him in with it opened. You'll need to find out how long they need to fix it. Sometimes it's just a quick re-taping, sometimes they want time (a week or so) to go through the entire file to make sure it's not been altered and nothing has been removed. So it could be a day trip, could be multiple trips.

I think it helped that we put our target flight date on there :) So a big thank you to Vanessa&Tony for saving my sanity XDDD
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-24 17:05:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
Thank you guys XD yeah we can laugh about it now and I forsee it being a running joke with him and us XDDD Ben says we'll tell our kids the legend of the do not open envelope :rofl:

He hasn't gotten it back yet but if it is not here by tomorrow we will check on the status because he is hoping to fly out this coming Monday :dancing:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-22 13:13:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
Ok, so the consulate called him back rpetty quick which I was surprised and told him to send it back to them and they would have it resealed and returned to him probably by Tuesday! :dancing: Soooo much better than what I was expecting!!! OMG thank goodness!!!

I told Ben next time he is confused a quick google search will answer his questions :whistle: I'm so glad it wasn't worse but I won't feel better til he is here in my arms lol

(BTW his dad didn't know how serious it was and neither did Ben so I can't blame anyone for it I was just really stressed out!!!!!)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-18 08:42:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....

I believe you need an appointment. I recall at my interview a couple in front of me trying to get in without interview and being denied. I suggest you email, flag it urgent and subject "URGENT - IMMIGRATION ENVELOPE OPENED - FLIGHT xx/xx/xx". Wait for a response. You might need to delay any flights until it's fixed. You're right they won't let him in with it opened. You'll need to find out how long they need to fix it. Sometimes it's just a quick re-taping, sometimes they want time (a week or so) to go through the entire file to make sure it's not been altered and nothing has been removed. So it could be a day trip, could be multiple trips.

I already sent an email but I sent another one just now with that title, Ben also sent one earlier.... :bonk: I feel like #### right now....
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-17 21:41:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....

Send the embassy an email and they will tell him when he can return. Send email today, they should respond quickly.

I did send one today and I think he did too, so they are getting two emails lol oh gosh...this is such a nightmare.,..
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-17 21:09:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
Its our entire file...they seal it like that so that POE knows it wasnt tampered with so he cant come here with it unsealsed like thatr
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-17 21:05:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
Can he just walk in or does he have to wait untilt hey tell him he can come baclk because we can make the flight right now if he can just walk in and get it done today I dont care how much it costs!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-17 21:00:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
What can we do, he just got it yesterday and his dad opened it today, yes he saw the do not open but his dad opened it anyway....please help me we are both crying we don't know what to do...please is there anything we can do, I know he can't come here while that is unsealed or else they will send him back but will the consulate be able to do something!? please help I'm desperate!!!!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-05-17 20:43:00
Australia and New ZealandWe are legally married!
Thank you all! I'll try to post pics later :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-07-19 04:34:00
Australia and New ZealandWe are legally married!

18003755283 uscis give them your info and the new address to put on file

Thank you we will do that today :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-07-18 08:14:00