United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?

Try to look in your local stores, I can't emphasise that enough. I had a real problem here with sofas and finding one that was of my liking. There just doesn't seem to be very many of those huge, sink in and disappear sofas like you get in the UK.

Most of our furniture is local. This way we keep the community going and don't have to go far. We tend to buy handmade, wooden, specially crafted stuff that you can stain yourself. We live in a really old house, so Ikea's furniture would just look stupid and rather naff.

Our fridge, freezer and washer and dryer came from the little electrical appliance shop 3 minutes from here. Because we are so local they deliver for free. The same for our sofa, end tables and coffee table - came from the furniture warehouse up the street. Again, delivery is free. Price wise we haven't paid over the odds. Because they wish to stay competitive and in business, they are reasonable in price. I'd rather pay $30 more than an online price if it means a local gets a commission (rather than some unseen superstore). We live in a small town and keeping people in business here is important to me.

Anyway, the point of this post (if I can remember it) is that you should look locally, don't be put off. You may be pleasantly surprised at the odd bargain and gorgeous piece of furniture.

Yup, looking locally seems to have worked for us - I'm in love with half the things in the shop NEXT DOOR, I'd buy half the shop if I could afford it. It's an absolutely massive place on all four (or is it five, I forget?) floors of a huge downtown building - I hadn't realised initially that they were using more than the ground floor (full of uber-modern weird-looking sofas and things that didn't appeal that much at all) and C. had warned me that it was 'really expensive', so I'd not even bothered going in... then I wandered in one afternoon, found the chest of drawers of my dreams (mysteriously reduced to a price below those of the crappy flimsy ones in Target) and... yeah, I'd like EVERYTHING there, please. They now have me on their mailing list and sent me a postcard about some special discounts this week... hurrah!

As for what you said about the 'huge, sink in and disappear' sofas..... mmmmm, that is what I'm after! Finally I'm living in a place with enough space to fit in the perfect sofa, and I can't find one! C. fancies one of those sectional, modern things, but... noooooo, I want the kind of sofa you can live on, damn it!!! :lol:

I also agree completely about being more than willing to pay extra for something from a local business rather than some giant online place (I would never buy furniture online without seeing it unless it was really, really, really cheap, anyway - you never know what it's really going to be like 'til you've seen it!), but... not double the price, which seems to be what we'd have to pay in some of the places round here. :(

I agree wholeheartedly with you both, however I live in Old Town Alexandria in VA, where the small furniture shops here want anything from $3,000 to $5,000 just for a chest of drawers. The pieces are lovely and one or two would be great, but with needing so much, I need to spend less. I will ask if they are due for any sales though as that might work!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-20 07:29:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?

Here's the big North Carolina outlet.........

Thanks Rebeccajo !!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-19 20:48:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?

Ohhhhhh, Britty, I feel your pain!!

We spent four weeks searching for a chest of drawers (just something simple & nice, we're not that picky!) and couldn't find anything that wasn't utterly horrendous*! Finally we found the perfect one, in a furniture shop next door to our building (oops, should have checked there first!)... I don't think it has a website, and in any case it's mostly damned expensive - we were just lucky to walk in on the day they were selling the perfect chest of drawers at about 50% off.

Now we're after bedside tables and a bookcase... I know the kind of bookcase I want, the kind of thing you could pick up in your lunchbreak in the UK. Here? Nope, nothing doing - gaaaahhh!!

I haven't been in the store, but we have some catalogues from this place... they seem to have some pretty nice stuff, but again, a bit pricey. I quite fancy a few of the things in there, though...

I cannot WAIT for Ikea to open here - I was all excited last year because it was due to open 'in the spring'. Now it's opening, hmm, in the autumn, next spring, who knows. Bah.

(*edited to say... okay, that might have been a slight exaggeration. But several evenings/weekends were spent driving round everywhere that sells furniture within a god-knows-how-many-miles radius, and failing to find anything that was even close to what we had in mind!)

Oh FeatherB you have made me laugh !!.... Its sad but nice to know that other Brits are in the same situation. When I bought a house in Essex, I basically spent an hour at Next, half an hour at Matalan, and 15 minutes at DFS (they only had two nice sofas so it was an easy decision), and basically had furnished my entire house on a Saturday afternoon. Thanks for the link - they did have some nice bits there and they have a store 7 miles from me so Im off there tomorrow for a look (and hopefully a purchase). My USC husband doesnt understand and thinks Im being too picky! I thought I would never get over the "this isnt bread its cake" saga when I first came here but that pales into insignificance now....... Thanks so much and Ill let you know how I get on !

Thanks to the other posters too for the info - much appreciated.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-19 20:46:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?
Having just moved house, I embarked on a shopping trip for new furniture. What a disaster !!! I am used to shopping at Next, M&S, Debenhams etc and can't find anything similar here in Northern Virginia / DC. Everything is either too modern or a bad replica of something from the 1800's. I managed to purchase a sofa from Thomasville but thats it! I like Ethan Allen but for all the things I need, there won't be enough cash.

Does anyone know of a store that has similar items to Next and M&S, isnt too pricey and has fairly good quality stuff? Any help would be appreciated!!

brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-19 20:22:00
United KingdomS.M.S visa collection from the embassy
Don't despair !! SMS are actually very very good at what they do. Im sorry your experience wasnt so great but they are right that they cannot schedule delivery without the passport in hand. I had to deal with them on a couple of occasions (i stupidly opened the brown envelope you ARE NOT supposed to open when my passport/visa was couriered to my home in London). SMS were great with pick up and delivery, and arrived on time every time. Once they have your passport in hand I am sure they will provide an excellent service. Good luck!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-13 16:19:00
United KingdomVisa arrived BUT...............................
I was very over protective with my x-rays - actually purchasing a hard back cover for them to travel in my hand luggage so they wouldnt get damaged. What a waste of time and money !! No one ever asks for the x-rays and the officer at the POE looked at me strangely when I offered them to him. Dont worry at all about not having your x-rays.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 08:14:00
United KingdomHP "Steak Sauce"

Wow, where do you live Britty? There must be a lot of ex-pats there.

I consider myself lucky to have Wegmans that sell the bare essentials (Digestives, Baked Beans, real HP Sauce).

Im in Alexandria VA. There does seem to be a lot of ex-pats here and that must be because of the close proximity to DC. Unfortunately everything imported is very expensive but the $6 for a Heinz tinned pudding was well worth it !!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 07:53:00
United KingdomHP "Steak Sauce"
Steak Sauce is just plain evil and nothing like brown sauce.

I had a Heinz tinned syrup sponge pudding last night with birds custard. My local Harris Teeter is stocking so much British food now, and my local Whole Foods are also jumping on the bandwagon. An Irish guy has opened a fish and chip shop near me now too and he stocks all British chocolate, crisps and cakey things. Just waiting for Warburtons to appear and I will be one happy lady.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 16:01:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol

On my cable box, it's on twice, once in a east coast and then a west coast equivalent of the time slot. I can't for the life of me figure out why they'd start a soap opera for a month and tout the hell out of it, then just move it like that! I was originally happy that they'd be showing Coupling daily, but then I realized I was going to miss out on the fix I'd just grown attached to! Barsts!

my thoughts exactly. We were bombarded with ads for hollyoaks months in advance, and then they suddenly move it to a ridiculous slot with no notice??? f***ing idiots.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-31 21:10:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol

But aren't the reallllly bad "documentaries" worth watching every so often? The one about people who love their life-sized dolls was classic! Or the I'm-a-sex-addict episode!?

I absolutely loved watching all those documentaries when I was in England. I saw the life-sized doll one!

oh the life sized doll one was hilarious. Ok so you send off for one of these dolls, and pay your 6,000 pound. Why the hell would you then agree to a film crew filming your life with it!!!! Can you imagine if you watched that and realised you worked with one of those guys?? Every time you were alone together in the kitchen you would run away screaming!! So funny though - especially at the end when it was announced that the girlfriend of one of the doll owners had decided to leave him as he spent more time in bed with his doll than her. BUT IT TOOK HER ABOUT A YEAR TO LEAVE !!!!!!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-31 21:07:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol
I didnt realise they were moving Hollyoaks to a 3am slot tonight !!!!! I am so furious with BBC America. Do you think we should oppose their decision as a group? there is no way I can stay awake until 3am. Im sure you cant either.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 21:11:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol

I just can't understand why they can't show Eastenders.

Annoying isn't it? They used to show Eastenders on BBCA, but they stopped because it was "too expensive" and "nobody was watching it" (mainly because they showed it in Omnibus form on Saturday mornings).

There was a demonstration outside of the BBCA headquarters when they cancelled it.

Maybe with BBCA's new improved format (i.e. not just 24hrs/day Cash in the Attic) they could bring it back. Sadly I think they won't because they have it on Pay-per-view now I believe on Dish Network.

I have to admit to watching Cash in the Attic and Bargain Hunt. It reminds me of London when I would call work on a Monday morning with a hangover and make up some story about having to work from home. I would curl up on the sofa in my PJ's with a bacon sarnie, and watch all the way through from Trisha to Car Booty !!! I am going to try the website mentioned on here to get Eastenders though. That would make life perfect !
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 19:52:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol

I was very surprised and happy when I flicked onto BBC america and saw that they show Hollyoaks 5 day a week! lol! It's only about 6 months behind the UK so soon I'll be watching episodes I havent seen!lol!

Oh isnt it just great? Its been running for about a month or so now and even my husband watches it religiously. He evens know all the characters now. His faves are Mercedes "Mercy" McQueen and her sister Carmel. I wonder why???! I love curling up on the sofa at 10.30 with a Cadburys Caramel (a real one from World Market!) for a half hour of bliss. BBC America is getting some more good stuff too I believe so hopefully soon it will be all I watch. I just can't understand why they can't show Eastenders.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 14:28:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
I think the OP and his/her friend had a few cocktails, then decided to open a world map, close their eyes and point. The friend landed on Glasgow and there you have it. So funny though that it needs to be a scottish guy. What if the potential husband was from .... say Carlisle?? I wonder would that rule him out completely??
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 22:51:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
One month since my NOA1~~~ It went fast lets hope they all do :lol:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-12-01 16:20:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Oh hey speaking of which, if he (the Australian <3) already has a SSN and a Virginia drivers licence from the last time he was here on his J1, I know he can't work til after the AOS and all, but does that mean he also won't be able to drive? I didn't realise he would also be unable to drive when he first got here (not like thats a problem, just didn't really occur to me that would be the case).
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-26 08:48:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hi Georgiabound! Yes I agree, I don't know what I would have done had I not found Visajourney, not only does it help to talk to people that have been through it and who have advice, but it helps to be able to come and talk to others who know what its like to miss our loves...and have them be half a world away. Skype is also wonderful XD without that and MSN video chat I'd be going crazy. I'm already feeling the pain and longing, and its only been a little less than 2 months...I thought keeping busy with work and the visa and the wedding planning would be enough to keep it at bay for a little while but no x.x He lived with me for a year and it was the best year of my life, I just miss everything about him and sometimes break down, but he is always reminding me that soon we will be together and become husband and wife, and I know he's right! The NOA2 wait is horrible though and I have a long way to go lol

I hope you get yours soon! Looking like it should be due any time now!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-16 05:50:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I've got a K1 thread in my signature that should be an interesting read :D

Wow thanks! I will definitely show that to him after reading a good deal :luv: You are extremely organised and detail oriented!! :)

Lots of good info!

Thank you for the Congrats too Travis and Meghan! (L)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-08 00:53:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
^ Congrats on your recent wedding (saw on your sig it was the 3rd :) ) Though I can't say I know exactly how you guys feel, since I'm the American one in this couple XD I know I would probably be feeling the same way if I were moving to Australia instead of him moving here. He did get homesick especially at first when he spent the year here, but his parents were able to visit which made it better for him :)

I've just started the process so I'd love any tips or advice you guys would have, got my NOA1 on the 4th, anything I should ask him to do while we wait, or anything I must do (besides collecting evidence of ongoing relationship and my paystubs?) :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-07 13:25:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA1 Received. Cant find case number on USCIS
Hey all! So I sent off my Packet, thanks to all of you and this website! I got my NOA1 on the 22nd of October. I waited a few days because I was doing a show So I did not have much free time, and figured it would take time for them to update my case status anyways.

It is now the 29th, I went on the USCIS website, made an account and entered my Receipt number, and it cannot find my case. Is that a problem? or does it just take a couple weeks?

Thanks all! you are invaluable in this whole process!
BaileMaleRussia2012-10-29 13:43:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA1 Received. Cant find case number on USCIS
Hey all! So I sent off my Packet, thanks to all of you and this website! I got my NOA1 on the 22nd of October. I waited a few days because I was doing a show So I did not have much free time, and figured it would take time for them to update my case status anyways.

It is now the 29th, I went on the USCIS website, made an account and entered my Receipt number, and it cannot find my case. Is that a problem? or does it just take a couple weeks?

Thanks all! you are invaluable in this whole process!
BaileMaleRussia2012-10-29 13:43:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat date is the Vermont Processing center on

Where can I find Igor's list? and thank you for letting me know, it gives me hope that it will be soon :)

BaileMaleRussia2013-04-27 19:28:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat date is the Vermont Processing center on

Hey all, I submitted back in October 26th, I remember seeing a week and half ago, maybe two weeks that the Vermont office had just gotten to October. I was wondering if anyone had news and knew which data in October they were on?

BaileMaleRussia2013-04-27 18:32:00
Australia and New ZealandNew to forums

Thanks so much for the replies. I will look at the CR-1 It looks like we won't be heading over for at least 2yrs. The things worrying me are

The poverty line support stuff? What does that mean?

Also where did you guys get your immunisation records? I read that you need this?

We havn't filed our US taxes since he came here as we didn't realise we had too. Does this mean we have to file taxes?

I am glad i found this website, it looks so helpful

I can only answer your first question since I don't know the answers to the other ones :crying: But here goes!

He will need to show proof he can support himself, you and all your dependents, by either making enough in a year to exceed 125% of the poverty line for the # of people in your household, which is 5, so the poverty line is $26,170. He will need to make at least 125% of that number (I'm bad at math). He would need to make slightly more if you are planning to live in Alaska or Hawaii.

I don't think they need tax forms if his income exceeds 125% of the poverty level, but I'm also not entirely sure. If his income doesn't, he can get a co-sponser (someone he knows in the US, most of the time its family)whose income does, and that will work too. Other than that, assets like owned homes, stocks, bonds, stuff like that can also be used but I don't know much about the assets.

Hope that helps :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-08-19 15:26:00
Australia and New ZealandNew to forums
Welcome! You've definately come to the right place. I'm just starting and I've already learned so much here, don't be afraid to ask questions :luv: Good luck with the process (what everyone else is saying, the CR-1 is the one for you :) )
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-08-18 18:38:00
Australia and New ZealandCo-Sponsor
I'm pretty sure it can be anybody as long as they meet the requirements, that's what I've been told in the K1 forums :)

Good luck with your journey and your exciting first meeting!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-09-09 22:56:00
Australia and New ZealandAussies - which airlines do you use?
United/Qantas here, I searched everything for the best price at around the time I went (Feb 2010) and I got my best price on orbitz with United for the first part and then Qantas once I was in Australia. It was no frills but it was the cheapest at the time at ~$1625 From DC to Adelaide :)

Kayak is a good site that Vanessa&Tony also recommended :) I second it!

Good luck :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-08-28 00:01:00
Australia and New ZealandMy worst fear just came true
That's horrible! I hope everything works out for you, visa-wise and health-wise. I know how bad Lyme's disease can be :< Best of luck to you in everything!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-09-10 16:35:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Nz huh? I haven't been there either, but don't forget to order fush and chups at sux o'clock bro, and put the liftovers in the frudge lol hahahahahha

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-08-20 12:11:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-08-09 20:40:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hi everyone, I just got recommended to this site and I'm loving it so far, I feel like me and my boyfriend aren't alone :) we are trying to decide which visa we should use for us to ultimately stay together, he's been living with me on a J1 visa for almost a year now :)

Congrats to everyone on your good news and I hope I join your ranks soon XD
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-08-07 18:57:00
Australia and New ZealandApproved!!!
Congrats to both of you!!! :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-12-01 16:19:00
Australia and New ZealandHaving a baby in Australia vs. America
Just wanted to say thanks for everyone's input in this thread. I always think ahead and I have talked with my fiance about when we have kids, and I was thinking about them at least being able to go to school in Australia, so this gives me a lot to think about. :thumbs:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-12-02 11:39:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat to do

As stated above you should set your country flag to Australia and fill in your timeline so that when you ask questions people don't have to keep asking for that info.

After the NOA2 the stuff will get sent to Australia. She'll need you to complete the I-134 and have the supporting documents for that so the sooner you get that started the better (sometimes the letter from work can take a while). Once the file is sent to Aus, it's pretty much all on the Aussie (except the I-134 that I just mentioned).

Also, VERY important. Once you get the NOA2 put it somewhere safe. It will have her alien number on it and she'll require it for AOS. Scan it as well so that you have a digital copy. It's important that you keep copies of everything you submit.

There's a K1 guide in my signature that might help you.

He's the Aussie :devil: But I do highly recommend your links, they are super organised and informational!!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-24 09:10:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat to do
You haven't been this process is
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-23 03:24:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat to do
Welcome honey :) now you can help get answers so I don't have to go crazy by myself XD <3 Love you :)
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-11-23 03:17:00
Australia and New ZealandMerry Christmas
Thank you!!! Merry Christmas to you too :) Still waiting for the NOA2 here, and will be missing my love this christmas :( just have to keep thinking of next year!!
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-12-22 08:44:00
Australia and New ZealandWhere about is everyone moving to in the US? Just curious!
Ben's been living with me here in Northern VA from Adelaide, and he actually prefers winter. I don't lol though I'm not a big fan of Virginian summer as it is, its VERY HUMID and I actually prefered summer in Adelaide XD VA feels like a swamp in the summer, and in the winter we get our piles of snow every now and then. Also bitter cold, and freezing rain :s
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2011-09-12 19:04:00
Australia and New ZealandPacket 3 - Help needed - Australia
Hey Ben! I also have an Australian Ben :luv:

I'll just say welcome for now since I have yet to receive my NOA2, but you're sure to find some good info here from the other members! Welcome to VJ!! :D
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-01-25 03:42:00
Australia and New ZealandCan I bring my police check to the interview?
Well, we'll give it a week and then maybe if he calls every other day it will work in our favor again lol :devil:

jk...but I would like it very much if he could be here by the end of April :whistle:
AustramericanFemaleAustralia2012-03-25 07:56:00