United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?
I dont mean to be rude but I doubt his ikea desk is worth the £580 it costs to ship !! When I came to the US from London, I went through all my paperwork and only kept what was absolutely necessary (one shoe box). I sold a lot of my clothes and personal belongings on ebay before I left, and then managed to sell all my furniture from my London home too. In the end, I came here with two large cases and also shipped my cats (each had a luxury large crate with a bed, food and water, and basically travelled pet business class whilst I was cramped in cattle class!). Any really personal items I kept or left with my mum to hold onto. I realise some people need and want to ship their belongings here, but if you dont have to, its really nice making a fresh new start without all the baggage!!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 22:02:00
United KingdomUK Police Certificate

I have to say that although I went through the standard channels for obtaining the Police Cert (submitting request over the counter and waiting), I too was running out of time and was not able to wait 40 days. I sat chewing my nails for days on end knowing I had my interview and without the certificate, it would be useless. 20 days later I received mine in the post, 7 days before the interview.
If anyone is waiting for their UK Police Cert, it doesnt usually take the full 40 days if your record is clear. Fair play to the Met Police - they say you will have it within a specified period of time and you do. I dont know if anyone has had a bad experience though?

Actually, it DOES usually take the 40 days. The majority of people here, in the UK forum, have waited the 40 days with CLEAR police records.

Apologies then if I misled anyone. I had heard through a friend of mine that a relative of hers was also moving to the US and she waited 3 weeks for her police cert. I simply assumed that clear records were processed faster.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-10 10:13:00
United KingdomUK Police Certificate
I have to say that although I went through the standard channels for obtaining the Police Cert (submitting request over the counter and waiting), I too was running out of time and was not able to wait 40 days. I sat chewing my nails for days on end knowing I had my interview and without the certificate, it would be useless. 20 days later I received mine in the post, 7 days before the interview.
If anyone is waiting for their UK Police Cert, it doesnt usually take the full 40 days if your record is clear. Fair play to the Met Police - they say you will have it within a specified period of time and you do. I dont know if anyone has had a bad experience though?
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-10 09:03:00
United KingdomUK Judgement for non payment of debt
I would point out for the couple of comments that were a little negative, I have now made an agreement to pay with the company concerned who are very happy with the terms and I will have paid off the outstanding amount within 6 months, with reversion to the original agreement at that time. I have an excellent credit score in the UK and do want to keep this intact in case I should ever need credit there in the future.

Thanks to all for the advice. I am sure it helped others in the same position, reading this thread also.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-06 09:31:00
United KingdomUK Judgement for non payment of debt
thanks everyone for the advice. I will speak with an attorney and also call the company concerned and see if I can make an arrangement to pay. Thanks again to all. Im just relieved that I wont be arrested at Heathrow if I go back to the UK!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-02 08:33:00
United KingdomUK Judgement for non payment of debt
Hi everyone,

When I moved to the US I settled my finances back in the UK but alas overlooked one which hasnt been paid for some time. They are now going ahead with a judgement proceeding. Has anyone had any experience of this and if so, what happens and what can I do to resolve it? What will happen if I re-enter the UK again to visit?

brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-01 11:53:00
United KingdomOne more question ....

For the interview do I have to show copy of Jamals birth cert (usc) or is a copy of his passport like we used in the original petition ok?

This is consulate specific item and Packet 3 will tell you everything you need......

I had my interview in London and they wanted to see my birth certificate but certainly didnt ask for my now husband's birth certificate (he is the USC and I am the UKC). In fact all I was asked was to confirm his full name, and confirm the state he resided in. That was it. I was in and out of there in 30 minutes flat (including the time waiting to schedule my passport delivery from the London embassy to my home). I had mounds of paperwork with me, including photos and emails, valentine and birthday cards, affidavits, etc). They didnt want to see anything. Basically they have the approved paperwork in front of them and when they see the relationship is bonafide, it will all be fine.

If you want to know any more about the whole embassy process let me know. Im more than happy to help. It really is such a simple and pleasant process.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 13:09:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss that you never thought you would?

never thought i would miss:

The Tube
Dodgy pubs

I miss pavements too - isnt that weird?! The weather here is far more extreme than London so I do miss temperate grey days where it wasnt warm or cold. I missed chocolate for a while but then found that certain stores in the DC metro area sold them anyway so all was fine. I really really miss a good curry, and bread. Bread here is just pitiful - I miss going to Greggs on a Saturday morning and buying warm bread and a cheese and onion pastie. I have been looking for a sofa lately and I have to say I have been longing for the likes of DFS and John Lewis. I miss family and friends of course and just popping over to see them when I was bored or wanted a good chat. That said, my husband is my life so Im happiest wherever he is !!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-06 09:48:00
United KingdomReally Dumb questions you've been asked about the UK
Its all harmless fun!! I was stopped in the street by two people who asked if there was a cafe or bar nearby where they could smoke. I told them the pub across the road had a smoking bar and they could also get great food there. One of them says "oh you speak English?", I said yes and he said "oh I thought you were from Norway". I told them I was from London and they tell me they have friends in Wales and then go about trying to remember their address.....#######???!!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 21:57:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk

Okay. Does anyone here know of a good, online store that sells British chocolate? I am sick to death of Hershey's. It tastes, quite frankly, like it was deposited on the floor by a camel. :whistle:

Even the Cadbury's sold over here in supermarkets is made by Hershey's, it just isn't the same.

Any help, suggestions and information would be greeted with eternal gratitude from moi. I'll even give ya a hug and kiss, though it'd be of the non sexual kind of course! :lol:

I use I got galaxy, branston pickle, crunchies and curlywurly's......heaven. Everything arrived quickly and in very good condition :)

oh wow crunchies are simply the business !! Get yourself off to World Market and stock up like a maniac. I got Cadburys Caramel, Dairy Milk, and a bucketload of turkish delights. To be honest I probably finished them all within the week but Im lucky to have a World Market 3 miles away !!!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 15:33:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding

I use vegetable oil and the key with a muffin pan, is to fill each section half way up and have the oil so hot it is smoking and spitting (destroys your oven but there is always "Easy Off").

Just to confirm, you don't mean fill the muffin pan sections half way up with fat do you? If so that sounds way too greasy.

unfortunately yes - it does sound greasy but because the oil is so hot, they turn crispy immediately and repel the fat, so yes they are calorific but they taste great. I got this method from Jamie Oliver and it hasn't failed me yet !! Just to note though that if you try this method, as soon as you can, spray your oven with Easy Off cause it will need cleaning !
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-27 10:09:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding
I have made yorkies numerous times since being in the US and the secret is whisk well, and chill the batter mix for at least 2 hours in the fridge before using. I use vegetable oil and the key with a muffin pan, is to fill each section half way up and have the oil so hot it is smoking and spitting (destroys your oven but there is always "Easy Off"). They rise so high and taste great.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-27 08:42:00
United Kingdomvisting fiancee whilst k1 processing

My fiancee came for a visit recently and had no issues at all. I am the worrywart in the relationship, and had him bring all sorts of proof, including a copy of his interview letter. They didn't ask anything about the K-1 being processed-so he had a good laugh at my expense. He came through Dulles International.

I come through Dulles (DC) too. Although that airport needs a good shake up with its 176 strong immigration queue every time !!!, Ive never had a problem being stamped in.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 06:57:00
United Kingdomvisting fiancee whilst k1 processing
Im from London and I didnt even know that visiting my fiance in the US whilst awaiting K1 visa posed any problems !! When my husband proposed I was in the US with him and ended up staying 90 days, and applied for K1 whilst I was here. I then left to go back to the UK for a week and came back again for another 90 days whilst the visa was processing. I was asked at immigration why I was coming back so soon after such a long visit, and not knowing I could be returned to the UK, said Im staying with my fiance whilst my K1 is processed. The officer wished me a lovely wedding and stamped me in !!!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-29 20:56:00
United KingdomHow early can you start waiting outside embassy?
You won't get into the embassy earlier than your alloted time, so he will be waiting in a queue watching others go in before him. I arrived about 20 mins before my interview and I was about 10th in line. My whole experience, including queueing, took about 1 hour in total, and I was amazed it was all so fast. I was led to believe I could be there for about 5 hours but no one ive spoken to has ever been there that long.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-27 08:36:00
United KingdomBritish meal
how about toad in the hole with mash and onion gravy ???? Can't get more British than that....

To make it really really easy, buy the batter mix from the supermarket, throw a load of raw sausages in the bottom of a roasting dish, make-up the batter mix and pour it over the sausages and then pop in a hot oven for 45 mins.

For the mash, you can buy fresh ready made mash from all the supermarkets but the secret is to add some heavy (double) cream and a couple of knobs of butter and give it a whisk - tastes homemade every time !!

For the gravy, get yourself a Knorr or similar powdered onion gravy mix (you know the ones in the single sachets). To make it look authentic though chop up a small onion and gently fry it in butter. Then make up the gravy and add the onions.

A couple of tins of peas to sit on the side and you are done !! EASY !!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-29 21:14:00
United KingdomRegional Accents
I definitely havent picked up an American accent but I have started to use US terminology like "backyard" for garden, and "gas" for petrol. I definitely dont use those words when speaking with my friends and family back home though so it must be a conscious thing while Im here. My hubby definitely has picked up on a few words though and regularly says british rude words not normally heard over here. Also, having watched Catherine Tate on a few occasions, he really does love saying "innit", "am i bovvered?", and "is iiiitttt" for yes !!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-27 10:21:00
United KingdomBBC America New Lineup

The problem is that I bet it will run Hollyoaks from the very first episode which means I wont be able to watch it for about 3 years until it catches up to the point when I saw it last. I cant believe theyre not running Eastenders. Its the BBC for heavens sake - not Channel 4.

Glad to see Benny Hill turfed out and delighted that wire in the blood will be on again. They had the last season on BBC America and it was fab. I agree that Cash in the Attic is really getting annoying, especially when you see "Jonty" desperately trying to find something worth more than 10 quid in someone's living room so that the owner can buy a birdbath for the garden...yawn

Bargain Hunt is a real hoot though. I still can't believe that they actually give those idiots a few hundred quid and they go off and buy complete s**t. "yes we were going to buy the Doulton dickensware jug but then Margo saw this lime green elephants head ash tray and we knew it would be a winner at auction...."

I would also be quite pleased if they axed that dreadful show with the whiney Linda Barker, who goes around to people's houses with two blokes and "updates" three rooms with only unwanted paint, furniture, and material that the owner has in their garage ????!!! #######?? They put it in the garage cause its absolute ####### and now Linda wants to turn their 11 year old Argos TV stand into a whole set of new kitchen cupboard doors, and a storage box for dog toys. Why would you even answer the door if she turns up?

Hilarious! :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile, what happened to Trinny and Susannah? I turned on WNTW the other day and it was other people.

I'd also love it if they showed Shameless, but that'll never happen. I'd even watch from Season 1 again :yes:

Shameless was truly genius tv! I would certainly watch that again but I doubt they will ever show that in the US. I think WNTW is rubbish without Trinny and Susannah ripping an old bra off some hapless woman standing half naked in front of a mirror and telling her that her knees and her ears are her best feature !! Bless em though - they do make everyone look a whole lot better in the end.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 07:55:00
United KingdomBBC America New Lineup
The problem is that I bet it will run Hollyoaks from the very first episode which means I wont be able to watch it for about 3 years until it catches up to the point when I saw it last. I cant believe theyre not running Eastenders. Its the BBC for heavens sake - not Channel 4.

Glad to see Benny Hill turfed out and delighted that wire in the blood will be on again. They had the last season on BBC America and it was fab. I agree that Cash in the Attic is really getting annoying, especially when you see "Jonty" desperately trying to find something worth more than 10 quid in someone's living room so that the owner can buy a birdbath for the garden...yawn

Bargain Hunt is a real hoot though. I still can't believe that they actually give those idiots a few hundred quid and they go off and buy complete s**t. "yes we were going to buy the Doulton dickensware jug but then Margo saw this lime green elephants head ash tray and we knew it would be a winner at auction...."

I would also be quite pleased if they axed that dreadful show with the whiney Linda Barker, who goes around to people's houses with two blokes and "updates" three rooms with only unwanted paint, furniture, and material that the owner has in their garage ????!!! #######?? They put it in the garage cause its absolute ####### and now Linda wants to turn their 11 year old Argos TV stand into a whole set of new kitchen cupboard doors, and a storage box for dog toys. Why would you even answer the door if she turns up?
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-07 22:08:00
United KingdomSMS do they only deliver the visa AND passport?
and dont do what I did and open the envelope, to then turn it over and find a little sticker saying "only to be opened by immigration official". It took two weeks to get a new one!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 21:10:00
United KingdomSMS do they only deliver the visa AND passport?

Well Dave got a letter today saying that they tried to deliver to him and no one was in, which he has been in like all week long, either him or a family member, except for Monday which was a holiday anyways, right? Would they just deliver a notice of needing more infomation or just his passport? I was wanting to call the State Dept and see whats up, but he has told me to not be harrassing anyone and just wait until Tuesday, so I come here (harrassing you guys is different lol) I'm excited it could really be it, but the lady I spoke to didn't say anything has happened since March 28th. Would it not just say something like VISA has been sent out or something? Any ideas or opinions on this is GREATLY appreciated it, seeing how I'm gonna be wondering about it like crazy until Tuesday.

Im not sure I understand the issues surrounding this. Did he have his interview at the US embassy in London?
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 09:21:00
United KingdomUK police certificates
my letter said it would take the full 40 days but i received it after 21 days or so.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-29 21:23:00
United KingdomPret a Manger
Pret is ok but EAT is better. Did anyone ever try the pie and mash shop inside Selfridges? I think it was called Square Pie?? They did a beefsteak pie with mash and mushy peas that was just to die for. Saw so many celebs regularly there too. Of course Selfriges was (and always will be) the centre of my world. They also had a krispy kreme and a gorgeous deli.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 09:33:00
United KingdomMMR vaccination
i had to have everything going and it was all done together in five minutes. I've never heard of waiting 3 months between jabs and certainly that is not mentioned in any of the medical info sheets you are given. I think the person you spoke to is either new or doesnt have a clue. Incidentally I am needle phobic and thought I would pass out when the needles came out. The nurse I had was simply the most wonderful human being in the world. She completely got my attention off what was happening by talking about music and tv, and I honestly didnt feel either of the needles. I was waiting for pain and it never came, and it has really helped my phobia. When Im in London next Im gonna pop back as I have her name and give her flowers or something.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 09:25:00
United KingdomAttorneys
We used an attorney for both my K1 and AOS (I am the UKC). My attorney prepared all the paperwork online and I simply signed forms and returned them to his office. He did all the leg work and compiled all the documents required (we just had to help with photos etc). I had understood from a friend (and I do not know whether this is true or not), that USCIS tend to deal with attorney cases first as they do not want the legal system breathing down their neck if things are delayed. My K1 was issued within 12 weeks of application and my green card was received exactly 8 weeks after I filed for AOS. The K1 and AOS together cost around $1000. It was money very well spent as far as I am concerned, and although I agree that you could easily file your K1 and AOS yourself, it took the worry out of the process for me.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 20:25:00
United KingdomHome Sick
I still feel homesick sometimes and long to go home and see friends and family. I'm lucky that my parents and brother come out here regularly to see me, and my wonderful husband does not mind spending some of his vacations back in London. It really helps if you can meet people here in the US and form friendships, and have something to concentrate on before you start working - its makes it all a little easier. Whilst I was waiting for my green card / EAD, I studied and became a licensed real estate agents, and since being able to work, also work for a local home builder (working with two other Brits believe it or not!). I did do voluntary work with a local cat shelter to fill my time before the green card arrived. I made lots of friends and it gave me a sense of purpose to be actually doing something positive. I still do some voluntary work there and there is also a social scene with the other volunteers. My best friend here I met on my real estate license course and we see eachother every weekend. It does really help having good friendships and a social life with others here - it makes the missing home a bit easier.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 09:19:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
I was reasonably happy in the UK. I lived alone in a standard 3 bed semi in Essex, 2 cats, nice car and a job in the West End of London. I was also spending on average 16 hours a day away from home at work, with a commute of around 3 hours per day. My UKC husband was not prepared to live in the UK at that time (still isn't), and as he earned substantially more than I did and had a house virtually paid for, it made sense to move here. I still have a great social life here and live in a very nice home in northern VA which I would never have had in the UK. I would certainly live in the UK again but at the moment there is no incentive to return. I do miss family and friends terribly but Im lucky to be able to return to the UK three times a year and have family and friends visit regularly. Also, leaving the UK meant selling my home and profiting from the proceeds to enable me to pay off all my credit cards and mortgage. That was a great feeling.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-02 20:04:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
I think the programme with the two gay designer guys is "how not to decorate" and I absolutely love it. Its more an insight into their lives and the life of their assistant than anything else. Brilliant tv. I truly miss Eastenders, but a lot of the things we are now getting on BBC America so its not so bad. Loved Nighty Night and bought the series DVD here, The office (obviously), anything with Gordon Ramsay in it, Bad Girls, Footballers Wives, Wire in the Blood, Grange Hill (my childhood literally revolved around it), eviction night on Big Brother, Walking with Dinosaurs.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 07:07:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

I like to use the word "knickers". I just can't say pants/panties etc. Will always be knickers to me.

Plus I use "knickers" instead of "oh cr*p/sh*t etc lol, and the "knickers in a twist"

haha!! Ive found a like minded person. I simply coil in horror when people use the word "panties" when they are discussing "knickers" (not that I engage with a variety of people to discuss knickers but you get my drift).

Someone mentioned "it is what it is" as being an american term. I have to admit to liking that one and hear it all the time here in VA. One thing I will never relent on and that is "washing". Americans might call it laundry but when I use the washing machine. I am "puttin on a wash".
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 21:18:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I too am an Essex Girl (Collier Row, Romford) and my US husband laughs at some of my favourite little sayings below (with translations!):

"awright?" (hello)
"is he aving a giraffe?" (is that gentleman trying to be funny with that outrageous thing he is doing)
"you can stick that up yer bum" (I really am not happy with that suggestion)
"bow locks to that" (no im sorry i will not do that)
"it was proper nice" (it was really really lovely)
"muppet" (idiot)
"face like a bag o' spanners" (he/she was not aesthetically pleasing in my opinion)
"donut" (idiot but likeable)

and my daily one....

"wot babe?" (sorry darling could you repeat that please)
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-16 23:11:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

I loved it when the press got hold of the story that he was sleeping with "Jordan", aka Katie Price, aka complete twit. She was so proud that he lost his virginity to her (her mum must be so proud). Now of course she is married to that moron Peter Andre who gave us "oh oh oh oh oh oh mysterious girl blah blah...", and that is another one I would like to add to my list of hates. Did anyone watch the Katie and Peter wedding fly on the wall documentary? She looked a right state on her wedding day with a three foot pink tiara and a dress that would make "princess barbie" wince.

Is that who is going to be on VH1? There is some new Newleywed series with a couple that nobody has ever heard of here in the US. Someone named Katie and Peter from the UK. Why they decided to air it here is beyond me b/c NOBODY knows who they are here.

Anyway.... I loved (and still love) Duran Duran. I was able to see them about two years ago in concert here in Orlando where the Orlando Philharmonic played with them... you should have HEARD the version of A View to a Kill and The Chauffeur! AMAZING! They said that was the first time they ever had an orchestra back them for a full concert. I also love Robert Palmer and have learned to appreciate some of the Pink Floyd stuff and Coldplay.

However, I run screaming when I hear Phil Collins, Genesis or a Phil Collins duet (anything with Phil Collins) and I really dislike Simple Minds.


I had no idea that Katie and Pete were being inflicted on the US. I think they must be trying to compete with Posh and Becks (arch enemies apparently). It will be worth watching just so you can be glad that you are not married to that creep Peter.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 21:19:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Have to admit to being a devoted "Duranie" in my younger years. I really thought that I would never get over John Taylor getting married, and then having to watch him in "The Reflex" video looking soooo gorgeous was just too much. I went to a Duran Duran concert a few years ago at Wembley with two of my girlfriends, and I have to say that they were bloody good. We were adjacent to Yasmin Le Bon, who despite kids and being married to Simon, looks so fantastic it would make any girl cry. She really was stunning and NO MAKE UP !!! Simon is very very lucky....

Other Brit music I like : Paul Weller, The Jam, The Police, Madness, Bananarama (they were way cooler than the Spice Girls), Stereophonics, Hard-Fi, The Cult, The Specials, Kaiser Chiefs, Enya (technically Irish but on the right side of the pond), Faithless, and Dido

Music I hate: Captain Sensible, any thrash or death metal, S Club 7 including those annoying little S Club Junior freaks, Five, Gareth Gates, ...... it really would be a very long list...

Yasmin Le Bon is not a human anyway. Alien. Only explanation for looking that good.

Anyhoo, Gareth Gates??? I'd managed to put the pain and suffering caused by his existence behind me...and then you reminded me of him! :bonk:

I loved it when the press got hold of the story that he was sleeping with "Jordan", aka Katie Price, aka complete twit. She was so proud that he lost his virginity to her (her mum must be so proud). Now of course she is married to that moron Peter Andre who gave us "oh oh oh oh oh oh mysterious girl blah blah...", and that is another one I would like to add to my list of hates. Did anyone watch the Katie and Peter wedding fly on the wall documentary? She looked a right state on her wedding day with a three foot pink tiara and a dress that would make "princess barbie" wince.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 09:17:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Music I hate: Captain Sensible, any thrash or death metal, S Club 7 including those annoying little S Club Junior freaks, Five, Gareth Gates, ...... it really would be a very long list...

Don't forget Steps. And Hear'Say. And Liberty X. :whistle:

haha Hear'Say - what a complete bunch of "merchant bankers"!! That doesnt mean to say that Steps or Liberty X are any better but Hear'Say really were #######

Do you remember that Halifax ad where they were singing that Liberty X song talking about how we'd find their interest rates 'sex-yyyyyyyyyyyyy'? I nearly peed myself laughing the first time I saw that! :lol: :lol:

thats right ! and they also ripped off a load of other songs. They had that one guy doing all the ads for a while for the Halifax. He was actually supposed to be an employee I believe, but he was tone deaf and danced like my dad after a few shandys.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 14:17:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Music I hate: Captain Sensible, any thrash or death metal, S Club 7 including those annoying little S Club Junior freaks, Five, Gareth Gates, ...... it really would be a very long list...

Don't forget Steps. And Hear'Say. And Liberty X. :whistle:

haha Hear'Say - what a complete bunch of "merchant bankers"!! That doesnt mean to say that Steps or Liberty X are any better but Hear'Say really were #######
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 07:09:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?
Have to admit to being a devoted "Duranie" in my younger years. I really thought that I would never get over John Taylor getting married, and then having to watch him in "The Reflex" video looking soooo gorgeous was just too much. I went to a Duran Duran concert a few years ago at Wembley with two of my girlfriends, and I have to say that they were bloody good. We were adjacent to Yasmin Le Bon, who despite kids and being married to Simon, looks so fantastic it would make any girl cry. She really was stunning and NO MAKE UP !!! Simon is very very lucky....

Other Brit music I like : Paul Weller, The Jam, The Police, Madness, Bananarama (they were way cooler than the Spice Girls), Stereophonics, Hard-Fi, The Cult, The Specials, Kaiser Chiefs, Enya (technically Irish but on the right side of the pond), Faithless, and Dido

Music I hate: Captain Sensible, any thrash or death metal, S Club 7 including those annoying little S Club Junior freaks, Five, Gareth Gates, ...... it really would be a very long list...
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 06:52:00
United KingdomOur new addition
my cats are buffalina and alfonse. Im a true believer in ridiculous names for Pets. Its considered cruel these days to give children ridiculous names, so the next best thing is calling your cat something cringeworthy.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-13 20:33:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

How could air travel get any more 'no frills' than it already is?

Tight uncomfy seats, lumpy pillows, microscopic bags of snacks, atrocious meals - all while being herded like cattle by abrupt and unfriendly personnel.

I guess maybe someone decided to charge us less for being treated like #######?

You have obviously never flown Ryan Air !!!!!!!! No frills means no seat allocation (first boarded first grabbed) no meals, snacks nada nada ! Personally it always amazes the level of service on planes ......... all I want is a seat and to get from A to B as cheaply as possible. It amuses me that with train travel one accepts no personal service and standing for hours but somehow in a plane we want all the things put right Rebecca lists above - not I cheap cheap cheap please more money for duty free :dance:

oh how right you are !! Luckily I only ever flown from with Ryanair from London to Dublin so I could take the cattle herding, no drinks, squashed in seats for the 50 min short flight. God help those poor souls who venture further afield on Ryanair. Actually my husband and I are going to London to see my family in August and taking a short trip to Ireland to seem some relatives. I booked with Ryanair for 0.02 pence per return flight - what a bargain! However, there is an additional 20 pound for each flight in taxes, and they actually charge you extra for carrying luggage. We didnt want to check in bags so taking a small cabin bag and they are charging us an additional 5 pounds each for that luxury !!! Then they add an additional 5 pound booking fee so basically we could have flown BA and not been any worse off !!

I hate economy travelling transatlantic though. Its just a horrible experience. Luckily my job in London required me to travel extensively and my husband travels all the time so we have enough air miles to get us upper class points flights when we travel with Virgin. I pray we never run out of air miles. Its money though isnt it - I certainly wouldnt pay the business class fares from my own money so when the miles do eventually run out I will have to just grin and bear it.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 09:13:00
United KingdomWhere to get your US Passport Photos

Snappy Snaps in Shepherds Market, Mayfair makes you check you are happy with the photos before accepting payment. If there is anything you don't like, they simply re-do them with no fuss.

The Chemist between Oxford Street and Grosvenor Square shows you the back of the camera before printing them out, and will retake them if you don't like them.

Completely unrelated but god I miss the Asian fusion restaurant in Shepherds Market, and the cafe next to the newsagent that does a very good fry-up.

There is also a chemist on Audley Street that does really good photos too (just 1 min from the embassy).
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-22 11:02:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?
I decided to have a look at a lot of the furniture stores in Old Town Alexandria yesterday, and found a lovely deep chair that would have been perfect. Alas the price was $3,000 !!!!!!! so not an option at all really....... anyway a friend recommended a huge furniture store called Belfort out near Dulles Airport in VA (if anyone is local then its really worth a visit). I managed to find quite a few items that I either like or really like, and that are affordable. For the price of a chair in Old Town, I could get a sofa, large rug, artwork, and a leather chaise !!! Oh happy days..... DerekkJ - if you have time to visit Belfort then Im sure you will find some nice things and for a fraction of the cost of something from one of those pretentious stores on King Street !! Well made too.
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-21 08:41:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?

Try to look in your local stores, I can't emphasise that enough. I had a real problem here with sofas and finding one that was of my liking. There just doesn't seem to be very many of those huge, sink in and disappear sofas like you get in the UK.

Most of our furniture is local. This way we keep the community going and don't have to go far. We tend to buy handmade, wooden, specially crafted stuff that you can stain yourself. We live in a really old house, so Ikea's furniture would just look stupid and rather naff.

Our fridge, freezer and washer and dryer came from the little electrical appliance shop 3 minutes from here. Because we are so local they deliver for free. The same for our sofa, end tables and coffee table - came from the furniture warehouse up the street. Again, delivery is free. Price wise we haven't paid over the odds. Because they wish to stay competitive and in business, they are reasonable in price. I'd rather pay $30 more than an online price if it means a local gets a commission (rather than some unseen superstore). We live in a small town and keeping people in business here is important to me.

Anyway, the point of this post (if I can remember it) is that you should look locally, don't be put off. You may be pleasantly surprised at the odd bargain and gorgeous piece of furniture.

Yup, looking locally seems to have worked for us - I'm in love with half the things in the shop NEXT DOOR, I'd buy half the shop if I could afford it. It's an absolutely massive place on all four (or is it five, I forget?) floors of a huge downtown building - I hadn't realised initially that they were using more than the ground floor (full of uber-modern weird-looking sofas and things that didn't appeal that much at all) and C. had warned me that it was 'really expensive', so I'd not even bothered going in... then I wandered in one afternoon, found the chest of drawers of my dreams (mysteriously reduced to a price below those of the crappy flimsy ones in Target) and... yeah, I'd like EVERYTHING there, please. They now have me on their mailing list and sent me a postcard about some special discounts this week... hurrah!

As for what you said about the 'huge, sink in and disappear' sofas..... mmmmm, that is what I'm after! Finally I'm living in a place with enough space to fit in the perfect sofa, and I can't find one! C. fancies one of those sectional, modern things, but... noooooo, I want the kind of sofa you can live on, damn it!!! :lol:

I also agree completely about being more than willing to pay extra for something from a local business rather than some giant online place (I would never buy furniture online without seeing it unless it was really, really, really cheap, anyway - you never know what it's really going to be like 'til you've seen it!), but... not double the price, which seems to be what we'd have to pay in some of the places round here. :(

I agree wholeheartedly with you both, however I live in Old Town Alexandria in VA, where the small furniture shops here want anything from $3,000 to $5,000 just for a chest of drawers. The pieces are lovely and one or two would be great, but with needing so much, I need to spend less. I will ask if they are due for any sales though as that might work!
brittyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-20 07:29:00