IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinaly!!!...
Wishing you a safe trip! Welcome to the USA in advanced!!!
Boggy1974Male02012-12-24 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat is the meaning of this, pls help
My hunch tells me it is an update of your address change status. The change of address has to be reflected in USCIS system, so I am sure you should be receiving a hard copy in the mail informing you that they have effected the change. But wait and see what others who have receievd this message in the past say.

Boggy1974Male02013-01-09 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan an immigrat visa be denied because beneficiary unpaid debts??

Ok. Ya, I think you're safe. I wouldn't worry about it. No one else is, and everyone has debt. Some have even declared bankruptcy before a move, I'm sure. I haven't but I'm sure others have. Just don't worry about it and let us know how the interview goes! :)

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Boggy1974Male02013-01-14 15:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan an immigrat visa be denied because beneficiary unpaid debts??
Here's a link below to old threads that discuss debt/bankrupcies etc. You can also search using key words as "debts", "bankrupcy", "outstanding tickets to help shed some light on your topic.


Boggy1974Male02013-01-14 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan an immigrat visa be denied because beneficiary unpaid debts??

Some advice from someone who has debts and got an approved interview?? Help!!

No. Bad debt/credit worthiness is not one of the factors considered in adjudicating petitions. USCIS will not search any database(s) relating to your credit worthiness.

However, if one is applying for citizenship and there are unpaid traffic tickets, outstanding warrants & even uncleared support payments, that could adversely impact the application. So, it is advisable that petitioners take care of all aspects of their lives be it financial obligations as well as social obligations.
Boggy1974Male02013-01-14 13:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescall log from petitioneer or beneficiary?

Does Immigration really request call logs? We do not have call logs since he does not have a cell phone and we only talk on Skype, mostly we just text chat. Also we spent 2 months together in the UK when we were married and almost 3 months here in the US when he visited, so we did not call each other at that time. If they ask for call logs, can I submit Skype chat logs instead with a letter of explanation?

Skype chat 'logs' will be acceptable as well. Lately, more and more people use this as part of their evidence. I did included them as part of secondary evidence showing ongoing relationship/communication.

Goodluck to you!
Boggy1974Male02013-01-22 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED TODAY

This morning while I was at work, I was static when I receive a text saying status change from USCIS. Mixed emotions of Happiness (finally some movement with my case) and their goes the nervousness (scared to see an RFE). Before I go in on the USCIS site, in silent I prayed wish for the Lord to grant us our petition. Then as I clicked Status checked, I was stunned to see this:


Your Case Status: Decision

On January 22, 2013, your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN was approved. You will be notified of the decision by mail. Please check our website at for further updates on your case, including when the approval notice is mailed. If you do not receive the approval notice within 30 days, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance.

:dance: Thank you Lord so much, now were up to the next level,new challenges and hope everything will go as for the other people whose still waiting for their NOA2,your's will be coming soon too. :)

NOW WHATS NEXT STEP? I still hasnt receive my tax transcript,but im working on it. Question about the choice of Agent,it just need to be emailed right? or I have to do regular mail? someone pls help :help:

ConGraTuLaTions! Goodluck rest of the way!
Boggy1974Male02013-01-22 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A for petitioner?

OP's wife and her sister (who would be a joint sponsor) both fill out the I-864.

Well noted. Thank you.
Boggy1974Male02013-01-26 19:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A for petitioner?

hi everyone!
I need advice,my wife is not working cos of her health bp and gallstones! but now her sister is the joint sponsoral! she fill I 864
and my wife fill i864A with her! would my wife be needing to fill out a separate i864 with zero income? please reply any one with
experience of this!

Hi 'me and t',
You always want to start your own new topic with a new thread. That way your question(s) will be much better highlighted, as you don't want to have your questions embedded in someone's ongoing thread.

Yes your wife will have to fill out I-864 even though she has zero income while her sister will fill out I-864A as a cosponsor. Check out the links below.

Edited by Boggy1974, 26 January 2013 - 07:46 AM.

Boggy1974Male02013-01-26 07:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLive together with my girl friend in USA before go back to my country to get married.

He says he was never married to the child's mother. Just that they lived together for 10 years. and 3 years ago they broke up. He is now married to his wife. That's where I get confused.....

What are you afraid that USCIS will find out about?!?!

Yes Kazulie, you're correct I got confused with his explanation.

So he's free to marry right?

OP, can you explain further clearly? Hopefully you can get better feedback with that. Best of luck!
Boggy1974Male02013-01-27 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLive together with my girl friend in USA before go back to my country to get married.

Hello every one,

I have a question, if any body knows please give me some advise, thank you very much.

I have lived with my girl-friend before, anh we have a daughter together. On our daughter's Birth Certificate, it has my name as father; however we have never married to each other.
I live with her for about 10 years, anh our daughter is now 11 years old. we broke up 3 years ago, anh I went back to my country to get marrid with my wife right now.
I had no problems with the paper work, because legally I have never married. However, I afraid that the USCIS will find out about this, anh when it come to the interview,
my wife will has problems. Is there any body has the same situation like me, please let me know. Thank you very much.

Well, I haven't been in your situation before. And don't want to ever be in that situation of being married to two women at the same time whether legally or not. It is against the law in the US.

What do you mean by "anh I went back to my country to get marrid with my wife right now"? You don't "get" a wife but rather people "get married".

Are you suggesting you want to conceal your other marriage from USCIS? If so, you will run into a lot of trouble down the road my friend. You would want to disentangle yourself from one marriage before moving on to the next. You also don't want to conceal material fact from USCIS or doing anything that has the appearance of marriage fraud.
Boggy1974Male02013-01-27 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny I-130 denials for missing too much paperwork?

And here I thought I was the only one thinking this way! :star:
I am sure she is aware of what happens at the NVC stage as I told her. But I also told her how to do the I-130 correctly, so go figure. It's funny because she does keep saying "I don't know why they denied us the last time. What's wrong with us?"... when in fact she DOES know - it is because she filed the wrong form over a YEAR earlier. Yikes.

DZ is the country code for Algeria.. I have no idea why.
My husband tried to explain but frankly he makes no sense to me regarding this! :bonk:

Hmmmm this is my take: If she had filed the correct paperwork and done everything right, she would have stood the chance like everyone else to get an approval. Why? Because they would NOT be proving 'age difference' but rather the bonafides of the marital relationship. Granted that, in immigration, it would seem odd and smell fishy to have such a big gab in their age which would entail they(i.e. the couple) going above and beyond to prove that their marriage is genuine and not for immigration purposes only on the part of the beneficiary.

In general however, it is not too odd and unheard of to have married couples with a large age difference. For instance, a lot of celibrities and some hollywood stars come to mind. Some very wealthy and ultra rich people mostly fall in this category as well. Recently in the news in Spain I believe, there was this lady almost hundred years marrying someone 60years younger. I see a lot of couples who look 20 or 30, even 40years younger or older who seem perfectly happy together.

Coming back to the topic though, for immigration wise, proving the bonafides of the marriage to USCIS and/or a CO would be an uphill task! And it doesn't help also that she can't follow instructions and file the right forms with supporting documentation. Make you wonder...
Boggy1974Male02013-01-25 13:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage registration in beneficiary country?

dont think that is necessary. what matters is that the marriage is legal wherever it took place.

Yes I agree absolutely! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

OP, use the time and money to gather other relevant supporting documents instead. Good luck on your journey!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-06 19:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved but .help pls

i am married since 3 years now and i got denied first time we filled with uscis .. it is allowed to fill both and that what is happening they approved both forms in the same day and sent 2 letters toghter to my wife .. so i don't know what to do

I would go the IR1 route. Pay close attention to the excellent advice by post #4.

And study this link: http://www.visajourn..._live_in_the_US

Wishing you the very best of luck!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-08 20:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate Question

I sent in mine without being notarized and got approved just fine. If you wanted to take extra precaution you could notarize it, though. It definitely couldn't hurt! :P

Sorry I clicked on the wrong "reply" button.

Is a notarized copy required? Thanks for the help!

No. Not required.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-15 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate Question

I sent in mine without being notarized and got approved just fine. If you wanted to take extra precaution you could notarize it, though. It definitely couldn't hurt! :P

NO. Not required.

Just did it for my own sanity.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-15 08:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate Question

Hi All,

Im currently collecting all requirements that I might be needing for the I130 and the future.

I have an issue. Here is my situation: I was born to parents who were deployed in subic bay, PHilippines. They were stationed there back there was a US navy base. I am looking to file my I130. If I am correct, I do not need to submit my birth certificate, as my US passport will suffice? Is that correct?

How about other forms? will there ever be a step in the whole petition process that will require me ( the petitioner ) to submit a copy of my birth certificate? The only copy i do have, is a certified copy given by the National Statistics Office in the Philippines. Will that work?

Yes a copy of the biographic page of your US passport can be used to proved US citizenship.

What i did was make a clean color copy of the bio page, brought my passport & the copy to my bank and had it notarized before sending it along with the I-130 form and other evidentiary documents. Best of luck to you!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-15 08:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG325 photo dilemma

alright so i had a hard time making my husband get the perfect photo at our country . because the city he lives in is small and they wouldnt understand anything. he got his pic taken so many times to have it perfect. Now i was assembling the package to have it sent by tomorrow.

I just noticed the image isn't glossy like mine which was taken here in US. now i don't know what to do . anyone ever had this problem . if i ask my husband to send me new pictures it's gonna take week and a half more for it to come in and i don't want to delay it.

Ask him to email you the file(soft copy). Then go to Wal-mart or Walgreens or CVS and have the passport photo printed for you.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-15 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe lovely i-130 and evidence of a bona fide marriage


I am new to this forum. My husband and I were married on Christmas in Cairo, Egypt. I've been getting over some illnesses and am finally getting around to the i-130. I'm trying to figure out what evidence of a bona fide marriage I should actually include with the i-130. A lawyer I spoke to told me to only send our marriage certificate, the passport photos, and my birth certificate. He said all they are looking for is proof a marriage took place and that I should keep all my other evidence to give to my husband in a packet when he will eventually have his interview. But, then another lawyer told me to send other evidence. It seems like there is no clear information on what to include, so what did you all include?

Evidence I have considered:
- photos of us (and his family) in Egypt together
- Visa page of my passport with entry and departure stamp for Egypt
- plane ticket to Egypt
- MoneyGram receipt from when he sent me $500
- screenshots of us Skyping together
- our Facebook conversations (I have over 900 pages of conversation between us)
- a Christmas card my friend sent me that mentions Ahmed and I and my trip to Egypt
- affidavits from my family (although with such a recent marriage I don't know how much weight these would have, I've thought about sending those with him to the interview)

Unfortunately we don't have actual Skype records because we use Skype through Facebook and that doesn't leave a record.

Any help is appreciated :)

I included our daughter's CRBA (birth certificate)
- Our daughter's school k-school admission letter bearing both of our name
- Power of attorney letter I gave her to take our daughter to hospital & for some tests
- Postal receipts and address labels bearing my wife's name & mine of packages I mailed her
- Emails of conversations about plans for our daughter
- Statement of a bank account bearing both of our names she obtained in her country, where I wire her money
- Western union receipts of money transfer I made to her over the years
- DNA results of our daughter the embassy had asked for before approving our daughter's CRBA
- Pictures of us with her family and mine
- Receipts of used boarding passes
- Stamps in my passport of departures & arrival to her home country when I visited
- Receipts of engagement & wedding rings
- Receipt of a piece of property (land) bearing our names she acquired
- Skype chat logs
- Phone calls logs of my bills etc etc

Good luck!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-11 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-130 denied due to improper marriage certificate how long for appeal

They typically try to resolve appeals with in 6 months of receipt. You may not win the appeal because they sent you an RFE and you didnt respond it to properly.

If the underlying application or petition was denied due to abandonment or failure to respond timely to a request for evidence or a notice of intent to deny a motion to reopen may be filed if it can be shown that:

The requested evidence was not material,
The required initial evidence was submitted with the application or petition,
The request for appearance or additional evidence was complied with during the allotted period, or
The request for evidence or appearance was not sent to the address of record.

You dont really fall into any of the underlined. You didnt send the marriage certificate, and you responded to the RFE in the allotted period, but you did so incorrectly. The only way you could get the appeal granted is to insist you sent the marriage certificate in the initial packet. That would be fraud and you should not under any means say you sent it unless you really did. You didnt say in your initial post if you did or not and if the RFE was for it again because they seemed to have misplaced it? I really dont know. Your initial post seems like you already filed the appeal so depending on what you wrote on it you can evaluate for yourself what you think your chances for approval are. The above are just my opinions on it.


I understand you have a priority date, most people facing the decision to refile or appeal tend to do both. Its costly but it has advantages if you can afford it. Its like having 2 horses in the race. If horse 1 (the appeal) wins, horse 2 (the refile) bows out. You dont get your money back, they just shoot him in the leg and take him out of the race. If the appeal is denied, then horse 2 is already half way down the track running.

Very well thought out response! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Refile will be in order. But just like Capri said, if you have the means, you can refile while pursuing the appeal.

Edited by Boggy1974, 15 February 2013 - 10:30 PM.

Boggy1974Male02013-02-15 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Question #16 HELP!!

Okay so my wife got deported in another country in denmark.

I asked rapidvisa my visa checkers

and the quesiton for 16 is: have you every had any immigration problems.

Rapidvisa told me thats only for the USA if she ever got any immigration problems here in the USA. So i put No is this correct?? Since she was only deported only in denmark for overstay not in the usa.

I hope that is correct.. And if its not what can i do i already filed it 2weeks in.

Question is asking about USA only. Good luck!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-17 08:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresName Issue


Im about to file for my wifes I130.

I have a little situation. My middle name is DE GUZMAN.

On my birth certificate and passport it is written as DEGUZMAN.

On my social security card, it is written as DE GUZMAN.

WHich one should i follow? Which one should i use? Will there be any issues? Please help. Thanks guys.

I would go with what's on the BC and passport.

The discrepancy might slow down your background checks. Have you tried fixing these issues?

Maybe another member can suggest ways you can go fix this issue to enable you present consistent documentation.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-19 05:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG325a question form

I read on a forum here after researching and found some people are sending the G325a form scanned, at least the form from the applicant. My wife is in Brazil so it will take time for her to deliver her G325A form signed. I also registered to and asked the same question and the lawyer said is fine, meaning my wife can just print out the form scan it and send it to me via email. Just double checking thanks

Well, we did the same thing and so far have not received any RFE yet. I filled the form out with much of my wife's info. Emailed it to her, got on the phone to walk her through filling the rest. She printed it out, signed and SCANNED and emailed it back to me to include with the rent of the documentation.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-20 06:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMistake with !-130

Sounds like good advice to me. I hope this does not turn into a nightmare. Is the misspelling of my mothers name really a big deal? I am leaving in the morning to visit my wife and was hoping to take care of this today but it does not look like it is going to happen. This is my 3rd trip in 6 weeks and have another scheduled in 17 days after I come back after this trip. This is one thing about this process that I am thankful for.

When you do, don't forget to add a note telling uscis that you made an error in misspelling your mom's name and you would appreciate it if they kindly fix it in their system. Wish you the very best!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-21 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMistake with !-130

National Benefits Center has our I-130 and I received an email that gave me our case #. So I just realized that I misspelled my mothers name. :bonk: Yea stupid mistake. So I called USCIS and talked with them and they transferred me to tier 2. But the recording told me that if I called in the morning I would get through to them quicker so I hung up. THEN I called this morning and this lady told me I do not know why they transferred you to tier 2 because I have to wait 30 days to make any change. They received our I-130 on Valentines Day Feb. 14th last thursday. What do ya'll think??

I would wait 30days as the tier2 ISO said.

When you receive the NOA1 (hard copy) in the mail and you're able to track the status online, then I will send the correct spelling or correct document with the correct spelling together with a copy of my NOA1 on top. Then I will mail it all to the address on bottonm left corner of NOA1. This is all of course you HOPING that someone will get it and enter the CORRECT NAME into uscis' system.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-21 16:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO USA!!!

Congratulations and welcome to the USA!

Well, next steps is plentiful:
- Going to SS administration to apply for a SS card
- Waiting on your GC to arrive in the mail
- Going to DMV to apply for state ID or lerner's permit (and later driver's license)
- Finding a job (and importantly paying your share of taxes)
- Leading a life of good moral character (and making sure no brushes with law enforcement negatively)
- Waiting 3 to 5yrs and applying for US citizenship
- Getting some good education (if you don't already have it)
- Fulfilling your duties & responsibilities as LPR
- And most important of all being a good wife or husband (while raising & taking care of your family/kids)

There must be lots and lots I missed. Others can add more to the list...Good luck!

Forgot to add that, avoid credit card & student loan debts (currently the #1 stressers in our nation)
Boggy1974Male02013-02-22 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO USA!!!

Hello VJ Family,

I finally was reunited with the love of my life, there is the best feeling to be with the one you love :)
POE was at Denver, I have updated it in the POE Review section.

Thank you everybody for the advice and support, I would not be here without you!

Now that I am here on IR-1, what should be my next step? Kindly help as you always have.


Congratulations and welcome to the USA!

Well, next steps is plentiful:
- Going to SS administration to apply for a SS card
- Waiting on your GC to arrive in the mail
- Going to DMV to apply for state ID or lerner's permit (and later driver's license)
- Finding a job (and importantly paying your share of taxes)
- Leading a life of good moral character (and making sure no brushes with law enforcement negatively)
- Waiting 3 to 5yrs and applying for US citizenship
- Getting some good education (if you don't already have it)
- Fulfilling your duties & responsibilities as LPR
- And most important of all being a good wife or husband (while raising & taking care of your family/kids)

There must be lots and lots I missed. Others can add more to the list...Good luck!

Edited by Boggy1974, 22 February 2013 - 09:29 AM.

Boggy1974Male02013-02-22 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to this - where do I start?

I'm sure answers to all my questions lie within these forums, but I'm just so confused by all of it. I am a Canadian citizen and am planning to marry my US citizen girlfriend, then move to Ohio to live with her. I've been searching the web for about a month just trying to find a couple basic things regarding the process; First, a step by step of all the forms and procedures in chronological order from step zero to green card in hand, and being a permanent US Resident with no more immigration processes to go through. There are so many forms on all the websites and they are all mixed in with various other applications and forms for all types of visas. It makes for a very confusing read. I just want to know, step by step, which forms and applications need to be filed and when. Also, and this probably goes hand in hand with the step by step, we'd like to know all the associated fees for the forms we're filing. Most every form and application pertaining to this process seems to have a price tag on it, but most seem to just say 'there is a fee' and direct you to a table of fees that doesn't always tell you what costs what. We're just trying to save up to do this, but we have no idea what its going to cost beyond the initial $420 to file the I-130. I'm sure if things we explained in plainer english I would get this much more easily, but researching is just frying my brain and making me more confused, and lawyers around here are charging $200/hr just to ask a few questions... Please help...

You mentioned GC so I assume you'll want to file form I-130. If you've been married less than 2yrs, it's CR1 (2yrs conditional GC when your spouse arrives in the US and have to do RoC later on). If you've been married more or greater than 2yrs, it's IR1 (10yrs permanent GC).

Below are the links to the guides and forms on uscis website. Read thoroughly, if you have any specific question(s), then you can ask. Your fees it's about $1100 total, my rough estimate. Best of luck to you!

Edited by Boggy1974, 25 February 2013 - 10:59 PM.

Boggy1974Male02013-02-25 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMom and Wife
Please read the "NVC GUIDES" at the top of the page. There is very important information for you there! There are also a couple good guides - like Ling Che guide you want to read.

Sorry typing on my cell phone so I'm unable to pull the links for you. Good luck.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-27 08:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please, NVC says they need a third marriage certificate

Here is the issue I am facing.

We sent in our IV form and all required documents. I received a checklist via email saying we need to provide our marriage certificate. The problem is we included the original marriage certificate (nikahnama) which was in Urdu plus an attested English translation. I called up NVC and the lady on the other line thoroughly confused me. She said the note on our account says NVC received the original Urdu marriage certificate and English translation but they need the nikahnama. What we sent is the nikahnama and marriage certificate -- they are one in the same. I explained this to the lady but she insists nikahnama and marriage certificate are two different things and if I sent the nikahnama then I still need to send the marriage certificate.

The issue is I have no bloody idea what she is talking about. The nikahnama is the marriage certificate for Muslims who get married in Pakistan.

What is going on? Anyone else face this same issue?


Sorry no answers from me, but you might want to post this or have it moved to the regional forum to get specific answers and others who've experienced this before. Good luck!
Boggy1974Male02013-02-26 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHaving US Citizen baby can effect processing time ???

Having US Citizen baby can effect the processing time somehow or no, I couldn't find the answer for that question anywhere :(
any respond will be appreciated,

"Having US Citizen baby can affect the processing time" of what?

Before you even answer, I don't think having a baby affects anything. In fact, having a baby is a good thing & a blessing!

Edited by Boggy1974, 28 February 2013 - 12:17 PM.

Boggy1974Male02013-02-28 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help with few sections of I-130 / G325A

I will be using USPS, but what you mean by courier address instead of the PO Box address? sorry I didn't read mail part yet as I'm at work

Also isn't priority mail not certified? or am I mixing things up

You can send by usps priority mail WITH delivery confirmation.

Please spend the time and read the INSTRUCTIONS for yourself. It is clearly stated there.
Boggy1974Male02013-02-28 18:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Relationship - How many affidavits needed?
We submitted two - one from a close friend of ours who have known us a long time, and one from her dad.

Edited by Boggy1974, 03 March 2013 - 08:56 PM.

Boggy1974Male02013-03-03 20:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAcceptance then dropped off the map
Refresh the webpage and start over. Sometimes it's just the website acting up. If it doesn't work, then it's time to call uscis tomorrow.

Edited by Boggy1974, 04 March 2013 - 09:55 PM.

Boggy1974Male02013-03-04 21:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 at National benefits center??

Did anyone read the link?

Some I-130s are being transferred to the the "National Benefits Center" which used to be the "Missouri Service Center." MSC= NBC. The processing times will be 5-6 months, like normal. The aim here is to reduce processing times. The system is not set up to show processing times for I-130s at NBC, but on the other hand, that is mostly useless information and they are doing this to help you.

It can take a while for cases to show up on the website, and sometimes they never show up there. it doesn't matter, because the online process checker is also mostly useless and not updated properly. You will get letters in the mail. There is nothing to show besides approval, either, and you will know when you are approved by a letter or a text if you sign up for them.

The people you talk to on the phone are not USCIS employees, they are subcontracted workers who read from a screen. They give out so much bad info they are called the "misinformation line." The link above shows why these cases are being sent to NBC.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

The OP just said it, but I must add this: Harpa Timsah is one of the few senior folks on here whose opinions/advice I always delight very much in reading.

She says it as it is but very reasonable, respectful and professional in her presentation and advice. Her experience clearly shows in her writing and opinions. Thanks for being a delight to read!

And just as an aside to us newbies, it helps to read the links, search your topic or similar topics to read before posting so you don't come across as asking to be spoon fed. It is always helpful at the minimum to do your own research.
Boggy1974Male02013-03-06 06:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProcedureshELP! dONT KNOW WHAT TO DO

Wait a few more months to prove your income is solid and stable.

Boggy, a joint-sponsor is a HUGE commitment.
I would laugh in someone's face if a "friend of a friend" asked me to be one.

Hi KDH, You're very correct and I understand clearly. A joint-sponsor is a huge commitment.

So OP have two options - wait unitl she makes enough on her own as you advice, or find a family member or someone close enough who will be willing & feel comfortable to shoulder that huge commitment with her. But I completely agree with you about the burden/responsibility of being a joint sponsor.
Boggy1974Male02013-03-14 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProcedureshELP! dONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
I get you say you don't know anyone. But how about a friend of a friend? Someone at your church you can ask to be a joint-sponsor? A former co-worker? A current colleague?

If the the CO will only accept a joint sponsor, why not find one to get your husband's visa approved? I think the back and forth is causing you unnecessary delays. I will go every length to find a joint sponsor.
Boggy1974Male02013-03-14 07:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

I am just curious? How did she manage before you? The only reason I ask, is I was in the same position with my husband and boy you should have seen the comments I got regarding this same plea here on VJ.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: I see you're onto something very enlightening.
Boggy1974Male02013-03-12 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.
OP, explain exactly why you and your girlfriend, or soon-to-be-wife sitting on a couch crying? Because you two have to be separated for a bit while for her petition process to play out for her to obtain an immigrant visa?

And the reason why you can't live without her just for 6months or so? How was your girlfriend surviving before you met her?
Boggy1974Male02013-03-12 22:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFilling taxes for 2012 while abroad
1. You can file taxes with zero (0) income. Many years ago in college I filed taxes with 0 income (1040EZ form).

2. Deadline for filing 2012 taxes is April 15th 2013 UNLESS one gets an EXTENSION. So technically, one will not have a tax transcript until after that date. But you can bring a copy of your parent's personal returns that they filed with you to the interview.

Edited by Boggy1974, 14 March 2013 - 07:08 AM.

Boggy1974Male02013-03-14 07:05:00