United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Woohoo! :dance: So happy for you!

Thanks for the advice, i will take a few things for just incase when we get to it. Do you pay for the visa (The $230 i think it was) at the embassy? Any idea when the big move is going to be?
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 09:23:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks :)

I have a few things hanging around from our visits and obviously photos and things so shouldnt be a problem if they do want it. We've got joint bills and bank accounts here so its quite obvious our relationship is real. We also have a little girl together.

Again, good luck tomorrow!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 15:03:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Just curious, did they ever ask you for proof your relationship is real? Ive just been looking at a checklist you posted for the DS-2001 and it doesnt mention anything there either. So just wondering if its not required or if they just dont put it there. :wacko:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 12:27:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks :) Yeah i hope the Olympics doesnt cause too much of a delay, but im glad our timing works out so that we dont have to go to London in the middle of it.

From reading the reviews, it seems like the wait is actually the worst part of it! Give us an update with your good news if you can find time :D
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 11:48:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks for the advice :) Im working on getting the rest of the forms sorted out now. Ive had to get a few extras for the appointment to get my daughters US passport too (she was born a dual citizen anyway). So we're well on the way :D

It went very fast for you! I'll be happy with that kind of time frame too if we're lucky :dance: Good luck for your interview tomorrow and i hope the move goes smoothly. Have you read any of the reviews of the embassy? It seems to be pretty straight forward from what ive read.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 11:06:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?

Hi Holly,

We are nearly partners in crime! :D I'm slightly ahead of you at the mo. Good luck!

Its good to meet somebody doing the same thing! :D Good luck for the rest of your journey, i will have to stalk your posts to see what comes next :lol:

Edited by Holly2234, 14 May 2012 - 11:44 AM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-14 11:44:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks Nich-Nick, things are only just just beginning to become clear to me now! A lot of abbreviations didnt/dont make sense but theres sooo much to learn and different countries have different processes which can be quite confusing.

I didnt remember about that thread so i will go over there now and check it out (again!)

Thanks for your help :)
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 13:35:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks thats a great help :)

The process is a lot easier than i imagined it would be. Just a bit time consuming!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 11:33:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks for the replies :)

Wow cheekyerica, that process went quite quick! I was expecting it to take longer than that. Did you get the I-864 ready before you got the NOA2? My father in law will be filling one in and i expect it will take a couple of weeks to get done so i was thinking to do it once i know theyre processing ones received about now (sent it yesterday and it arrived this morning).

Also, can anybody please enlighten me as to what DCF means? :bonk:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 05:29:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
We are doing the IR-1/CR-1. It can be filed in London if the USC has lived in the UK for the past 6 months.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 16:56:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks ive read loads :) Everybody seems to start out using a US service centre. Ive not found anybody who originally filed from the UK yet!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 15:53:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Thanks for your reply. Yeah ive heard the waiting is the worst part there. Theyre currently processing petitions filed on February 10th. Its a waiting game for everybody in the world though!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 14:43:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
So has anybody filed for visas at the Embassy in London?

How smooth was the process or where are you in your journey?

I would be good to talk with people who have done in through an Embassy :)

I sent my I-130 to them today!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 13:14:00
United KingdomMMR vaccination
I only just found out when the MMR's are too because my daughter just had her first one last week. Its 13 months and 3.5 years when theyre due, but obviously some people have them a bit later whenever they get chance or whatever. A doctor or nurse at your GP's or even the receptionist can bring up your vaccination records so it wont be difficult to find out :) Heres to hoping you've had both! :thumbs:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 05:24:00
United KingdomMMR vaccination
Like everyone else said with the waivers, that is the way to go if you are unable to have the jab. Did you have the first MMR at 13 months old? And then the second one at 4? If you had both, you will be fine. Thats all thats required for MMR. If you had all of the other routine vaccinations as a child you will be fine. The only thing that you may need to have again is the Tdap. Tetanus and Diphtheria. That has to be done every 10 years. Also the flu jab if your medical and interview is during the months of October to March (I think its those months, somebody correct me if im wrong)

Edited by Holly2234, 21 May 2012 - 04:15 PM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 16:14:00
United KingdomDone and Dusted.

according to WIki they supposedly sell it at Wegmans and Stop & Shop..


Thanks :) The nearest Wegmans is 50 miles away though and Stop and Stop doesnt have ANY stores near me! We're going to be near Plattsburgh NY so i think the only place that might have it is Hannafords.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-25 06:00:00
United KingdomDone and Dusted.
Ill have to give it a try :D
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 13:56:00
United KingdomDone and Dusted.
There isnt one of those in New York at all. Ill have to start eating ketchup in my sandwiches instead of salad cream :lol:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 12:30:00
United KingdomDone and Dusted.

They sell Salad Cream in Walmart too! ;)

I never found it at the one near us! Hopefully its a recent thing and not something they just dont stock in ours.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 11:09:00
United KingdomDone and Dusted.
Thanks :)

Thanks for the tip (no pun intended!) Ill be happy once i find salad cream! I hear Hannafords is the place to go for that :devil:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-20 15:50:00
United KingdomDone and Dusted.
Congrats thats great news and VERY quick! :thumbs:

My husband lives in the UK with me at the moment (applied for the IR-1/CR-1 too recently) and i am right with you on the affordability. We just cant make it work here. We have tried for over a year and have also found there is nothing for us. If anything, all that has happened has reinforced the reasons we had to go!

Wise move and i hope things work out well for you both across the pond :D
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-20 13:26:00
United KingdomMedical Exam for CR-1 visa
Everyone else has answered the schedule thing! But for his vaccination records (in case you both dont already know) he just needs an appointment with the nurse at his normal GP surgery. She will check he has all the ones he needs and give any that he doesnt have and can print off the record there and then. Theres no point seeing the GP for it because they only send you to the nurse for any injections needed anyway. (thats what i did). Alternatively, if he already knows he is up to date and doesnt need more, the receptionist can even print it off for him. Sorry if you already know this!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-29 17:19:00
United KingdomMedical Exam Location
Sadly just the one the previous poster linked you to. Not very convenient for those of us who dont live in London but it is the only option :thumbs:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-30 03:35:00
United KingdomThe dreaded Administrative Processing
I hope they get it forwarded soon for you!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-01 09:25:00
United KingdomCR-1 interview
Wow thats great to find somebody so close to what we're doing! We should get approved right around the same time :)

I filled in my police certificate forms the other day, Im just waiting for a dentist that i know to get in contact about signing the last part for me. She only got back from her holiday this week so got to be patient :bonk:

I printed all of the I-864 forms too and going to send the ones that my father in law needs to do after ive had chance to talk to him on skype so he knows whats coming :)

Yeah last i checked they were doing ones from March 1st :dance:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-03 06:22:00
United KingdomCR-1 interview
Good luck to you! We also recently filed the I-130 and doing a DCF. Im about to start on the next lot of forms we need in the next couple of weeks too. When did you get your NOA1?

Edited by Holly2234, 31 May 2012 - 03:03 PM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-31 15:03:00
United KingdomMedical in Manchester, UK?
Hopefully they will! They have something at the moment with a one way trip for £5.

Ive been looking at the cheapest way down there because i need to go 3 times really because my daughter needs to get her US passport but its so expensive to travel that its cheaper to book a hotel and stay 2 days and do her passport and the medical at once.

I had to get back from heathrow once too. I have to say after waiting 4 hours for the national express, i would have happily paid any amount they requested just to get on the train! :lol:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-07 14:26:00
United KingdomMedical in Manchester, UK?
Unfortunately London like everyone else said. But National Express are often reasonably priced or Mega Bus. The train is very expensive though.

I was hoping to avoid going to London too many times from Nottingham but looks like im going to have to go twice whatever i do.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-07 13:20:00
United KingdomFinger prints with police certificate?
Well, i go my dads girlfriend to do it :dance: They came over today and i asked if she could ask her daughter for me (the dentist!) and she was reading through the list of occupations and turns out she could do it herself :thumbs: So its in an envelope ready to go recorded delivery monday morning. Thats one less thing to do.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-09 11:05:00