United KingdomCR1 Interview questions
Police certificate and a copy of it. Also your original birth certificate. Marriage certificate and copy. Money/Card for courier.

Edited by Holly2234, 30 September 2012 - 02:22 PM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-30 14:21:00
United KingdomCR1 Interview questions

thanks for the info.

Let us know how it goes :)
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-30 13:09:00
United KingdomCR1 Interview questions

Good luck to you too Holly.

Thanks Cathy :)
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 03:12:00
United KingdomCR1 Interview questions
I was going to say pretty much the same as Cathy has. Good luck for Tuesday! I have my interview the day after :D
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 15:54:00
United KingdomCR-1 Approved!!!!!!!!!!!

That reminds me, i must complain to National Express! :bonk:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-05 02:51:00
United KingdomInterview Date???????
Your dates are similar to mine (a month different though) and you can look at my timeline to see when i received my interview date.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 13:14:00
United KingdomWhen to Arrive at Embassy for Interview??
My appointment was at 8:30. I was inside and sat down by 7:40. Called up first time at 7:58, called up second time at 8:50. In the courier queue by 8:55. Out the door by 9:15. (The courier queue was the longest part!)

Also, my visa is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, 7 days after the interview! That might also help a little with your planning :)

Edited by Holly2234, 09 October 2012 - 03:01 PM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 14:57:00
United KingdomWhen to Arrive at Embassy for Interview??
I got there at 6:50am and theres was nobody around. I had no idea where to queue plus Goulds wasnt open for me to drop off my electricals either. They opened about 7:10 and i was back at the embassy for 7:15 and was 15th in the queue and the queue formed REALLY quickly right after i got there. I was still the first I visa but the person directly behind me was the second I number.

If he is first, just stand in the middle of the two security buildings next to the posts and people will start gathering around there. He can get there for 7am if he wants even though his appointment is 10am. If he arrives first he will be seen first. They were up to I-909 by the time i left (9 people) at 9:15 so it wont matter a huge amount when he gets there.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 14:49:00
United KingdomCR-1 IS IN MY HANDS
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-08 13:57:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!
Oh and congrats on getting your visa!

Edited by Holly2234, 10 October 2012 - 03:29 PM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 15:28:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!
I have no idea what mine arrived in! I saw a man walk past the front window and stare in and then come up the path and knock. I made my husband open the door because it didnt look like a courier! He must have parked quite far down the road even though there was space outside my house.

I compared my US one to the UK one my husband has in his passport and they are almost the same! Its quite strange really.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 15:17:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!
It just arrived! Exactly 8pm. The delivery man said that he has only been in the job 8 days and cant find places and i quote "I had to ask a Polish lady where your house was" and that he has another 10 to deliver tonight but he isnt going to bother with them!! :bonk:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 14:09:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!

hi! yes, they eventually turned up 2 hours after their 8am-6pm "slot", at around 8pm i think. when i called at 5.30pm the woman genuinely tried to contact the the driver but said she couldnt get hold of him, but insisted their shifts dont end til they've delivered all their packages. and this was after waiting 14 days for it to be issued... i was going insane! good luck, i bet it will turn up tonight!

Thanks! Im hoping they come tonight then :) I bet after 14 days you were climbing the walls waiting for them!!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 13:47:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!
Ive just tried calling them and i get an automated thing that cant understand my phone number or what i even want.. It just makes me keep repeating things and then tries to schedule my delivery for friday... The tracking says it is already out for delivery.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 13:41:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!
Yeah i remembered that post too. I was planning to go out and get milk after they came but not any more!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 13:08:00
United KingdomDX Secure is late!!
My visa was supposed to be delivered today between 8am and 6pm. Its nearly 7 now and no sign of it. £14.80 to wait in for the entire day and it doesnt even come!

Just a small vent :blush: Has anybody elses delivery been late? Or do they just bring it the next day?
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 12:54:00
United KingdomInterview date frustration!
Thats great! Congrats!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-13 04:21:00
United KingdomInterview date frustration!

Got my date through... Next Friday!! one weeks notice!

Good luck!!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-05 14:56:00
United Kingdommedical exam
If you want things to move quickly and get things done asap, then you can send the DS-2001 and other forms as soon as possible. It took them nearly a month to even log mine. They will match them up whenever you send them, it really doesnt matter.

You can make an appointment for the medical that far in advance now if you want to. It is probably best to do it asap so you can get your choice of time and date.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-13 04:25:00
United KingdomIf a father signs the birth certificate of a child in the UK, is he seen as the legal father?

This question probably doesnt belong anywhere on this forum but somebody may know!

My daughter was born on March 4th 2011. She was born in Nottingham England and her father and I were both on the birth certificate. Her father (USC)  and i (British Citizen) married on July 1st 2011. Her birth certificate was amended to show my married name. (I still have both copies).

We now live in the US and divorce proceedings began in November 2013. I chose to deviate on the child support rules which i am entitled to do. I do not want child support. But the judge doing the divorce decided to send it to court to double check i wasnt being mistreated (fair enough). When i got there yesterday, March 10th 2014, the judge (a different one from the divorce) said that paternity had not been established. Even though her father swore in the US embassy in London that he was to gain her citizenship, he did the same in the court house here in New York when the custody agreement was established and he said to the judge that he has no question about her being his child.

Basically, in the end after a lot of ####### talk from a judge who had no idea what he was doing since i appear to be the first foreign person he has seen in his small town joke of a court room, he asked me to provide a copy of a British law stating that a father signing the birth certificate is admitting that he is the parent.

And all of this basically equals out to "Please prove that he is the father so that you can deny child support from him". Sensible right?!

Anyway, my question is, does anybody have any links that could show this or explain it further to a judge who has no clue about anything other than what is under his nose in "normal" cases?

I have also looked into the DNA test route but New York has some awkward rules about it and it has to be ordered by the judge, which it was not, or a physician, which it will not be.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-11 21:27:00
United KingdomNich-Nick is Missing in Action

This is really sad news, wish her all the best if she does not/is not able to return.

I do understand why members move on from this site, i find that i can no longer relate to a lot of members. I did DCF in London which was a rarity then and i have since left my husband and going through a divorce, ill be doing ROC alone and i havent seen many that do. I always post of my experiences along the way to help others but i dont get responses because people arent on the same page as me.

Nich-Nick, thanks for always being there through my journey :) 

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-30 18:32:00
United KingdomPets from Heathrow to Houston

Came across that. There are more links in the thread something might be useful. That one related to cats particularly but there are more experiences over there. It seems BA requires the use of a pet agent.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-16 12:27:00
United KingdomPets from Heathrow to Houston
Im not sure because ive never done it, but Delta seems to have some info on their site Half way down the page. I dont know how relevent any of it is, but it might be worth calling them for some answers.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-16 06:33:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

Hi, ladies

Good news! (knock on wood, fingers crossed, kenahora, etc.) I just got a text from my sister that they saw a heartbeat!

Thats great news! :dance:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-31 15:25:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

me too! No kids yet though :blush:

We'll be waiting for me to finish up graduate school in 2014. Until then, I'll have to live vicariously through this thread. I take care of sick babies for a living (I'm a RN in a NICU) and I love nearly everything about them and can't wait to have my own. But then when I occasionally float to the other pediatric floors and have whiny three year olds (who are also enormous!), I start to reconsider :bonk: Hearing David talk about his rowdy high school students only makes it worse...

I'm told that when it's your own kid, it's much better. I can only hope!

Me three! :blush: I already have an 18 month old and we're cautiously considering number 2. We always wanted two but we were waiting for more money and a bigger house and all of that. We'll see what happens when i finally get my visa :D I dont dare get on a plane with two so im glad we waited!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-31 15:20:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I had the breast exam and the genital one. But i never saw the vaccination nurse. They just marked that i had had chicken pox without even asking me!

Needless to say, it all went fine so dont worry. There are probably only little differences in everybodies experiences.

I had the breast exam and the genital one. But i never saw the vaccination nurse. They just marked that i had had chicken pox without even asking me!

Needless to say, it all went fine so dont worry. There are probably only little differences in everybodies experiences.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-31 14:35:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Since you had it in 1990 it should be ok if you have just had the Td recently. When was the last time you had one of those?
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-29 05:58:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Also if it turns out that you do need the Pertussis shot, schedule an appointment with the nurse at your doctors (if you can in time) rather than going through the receptionist and telling her what you need because they often charge you when the nurses wont.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 16:29:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Have you got your police certificate, passport photo, medical questionnaire, passport and vaccination records? Personally, i would get the flu jab before going. Ive looked at their website and they charge £24. I got mine for free from my doctors on tuesday. I dont even fit the category for getting one but they couldnt care less. If your doctor wont do it then Tesco does them where they have a pharmacy. Boots probably does too. Just ask them to give you some documents to say youve had it.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 16:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I have never come across somebody who has had the same doctor i did yet. She was called Alex and was British. I was lucky that she was nice!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 14:33:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Wow did you both have the same doctor?! She sounds horrible!

Benuk, what a pathetic excuse that doctor gave, they should always take it more than once if its not ok. For a start, asking somebody to strip in front of a stranger is bound to make anybodies blood pressure go up!

Davidwatsoncov, I agree with you on complaining, if that had happened to me they would have heard more from me after all of that money. Jade was very helpful to me over the phone too, i didnt have many dealings with her once i got there but she seems to be getting more famous online!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 07:34:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
No theres no post tomorrow. I only just realised too because she said if i dont have a call by monday. Then i thought surely she wont be at work on monday to call anyway!

I sent my DS-2001 on the 15th and it arrived on the 16th but i put my medical date as the 30th but then i got a cancellation and it was the 23rd instead. I havent bothered correcting it because i figured they would get the medical results before any letter i send to them. Still no interview letter! Im hoping i get that next week sometime after they get my results.

Ive still got a massive bruise from the blood test!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-26 12:11:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Sounds like a good afternoon! I got the 5:10am train out of Nottingham and got to the station at 4:45am and thought i was going to get murdered! :unsure: There was shouting coming from one of the toilets and nobody was about to go in to investigate...

Needless to say, arrival in London was better :lol:

Just had a thought as well, they said if i dont hear anything by Monday, it's all good. Well, Monday is a bank holiday and they surely wont be open :wacko:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-26 10:10:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Yeah it was quite intrusive! But the doctor i had said "If you dont mind" after everything. We both knew it wasnt negotiable but it made me feel better :lol:

I got there an hour early so i went for a bit of a walk and came across their other doctors thats pictured on the first page! It is actually a lot closer than i thought.

Edited by Holly2234, 26 August 2012 - 04:07 AM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-26 04:06:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I had my medical today at Bentinck Mansions. It was pretty painless in all. I got there quite early around 8:05am for a 9:10am appointment. I tried the buzzer just in case they were already open but they werent. I found a bench nearby and sat and read the Metro until 8:55 then i tried again and got let in. Once you get inside, the door to Knightsbridge Doctors is on the right. When i got to the desk, the lady (who i believe is called Jade) was friendly and took my passport, photo, police certificate and vaccination records and questionnaire. She kept my passport and other documents right up until i left. They were in a folder that the doctor had. The police certificate was photocopied and i was given the original back straight away.

I was given another questionnaire which was almost the same as the first, just a few more details. I gave that back at reception and they said i will be called in a few minutes. About 2 minutes later, a friendly older woman called me and we went to the furthest room on the right for the X-Ray. She told me to take off everything on the top half including my necklace and put on this blue robe/dressing gown thing. Then i had to get into an awkward position and the X-Ray was done. Then i went to sit in a small separate waiting room still wearing it.

After about 15 minutes, i was called into another room by the doctor. She was called Alex and seemed to be British. She was very friendly and made me feel at ease. She managed to get a normal blood pressure reading so she must have done something right! :lol: She went through the questions with me again and asked about my hospital admission and wrote a few notes. She then weighed me and measured me. Then she asked me to cover one eye at a time and read a line from the eye chart. Then looked in my eyes, ears and throat. She then told me to take off my trousers and get on the bed. After that, she felt my stomach and did a breast exam. Then checked i was female. Happy to confirm i was right all along :rofl: and then asked me to push against her arms with my legs and then my arms and moved my legs to check my hips. Finally she did the blood test which didnt hurt at all. This all took 20ish minutes.

I got dressed and she told me that she will send my vaccination records to the nurse to check over so i went back to the main waiting room. I never saw her. I was just called up to pay and told everything was complete. I notice they have marked down that i have had chicken pox without even asking me! (I have had it, but they werent to know).

So in all, it took 45 minutes and was completely painless. They could do with re-filling the soap in the toilet though... For £227 for 45 minutes, i expect soap! :yes:
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-23 13:32:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Try calling them instead 020 7486 7822 :)

Found here

Edited by Holly2234, 01 August 2012 - 03:22 PM.

Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 15:20:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US



Thats brilliant! All very true and gives a reality check to those who might require it!
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-10 13:51:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US

That sounds like a good start. You can get some official references and work history so you can apply for other jobs. That is the hardest part I found with finding employment here.

Yeah definitely! My husband was lucky enough to get his old job back so we're set even if i dont find work. But i want to work just to meet people etc.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-25 12:28:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US


That's crazy! That sounds like something that would happen here. :whistle: I hope college was a better experience for you and that you have better luck here in the US!

Our state is an at-will employment state, so some places will just fire you for another reason if you're pregnant. Even if you've been employed for a year before the pregnancy, which qualifies you for the 6 weeks without pay, it's impossible to prove so you just have to go with it.

I guess i can just be thankful for being able to spend time with my daughter while learning something new at college too. Im glad i went. Im hoping employment is better for me there. My husbands aunt has two businesses which they said they can find me a few hours work in so if that works out that'll be great :)
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-25 09:32:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US


I haven't been to the job centre in years, I'm sorry you have to do that! Unfortunately there are a lot of people who don't have the desire to work, they don't know how lucky they are to have that option! Maybe we should subject them to American welfare rules, see how they like that. ;)

One of my friends back home made an innocent comment that he was upset with the government, he's annoyed that they want to change maternity leave to only 4 months. In his defense, that is a big deal if you are used to 6 months. I told him women here get 6 weeks off work, and they are lucky if their partners can get a week off! He didn't know what to say to that. I would have said the same if I hadn't have moved to America, I'm so glad I did it.

Only 4 months... I went back to work after 3 weeks. I wasnt entitled to any maternity pay because i didnt go into that job until i was already a few weeks pregnant so i had to return. 6 weeks would have been nice! My boss was one of the less desirable types though and was giving all of the shifts to other people and telling me there werent any when i came back after the birth, yet the work places were telling me they were understaffed and why wasnt i there! There wasnt a lot i could do in the way of proving it because it was an agency. He took £50 from my wages one week to pay for a CRB without my permission and all hell broke loose and he point blank refused to give me shifts because i told him he broke the law :lol: End of my job right there. Unfortunately its hard to get a job at the moment as it is, without a reference its worse! I went to college instead so i didnt switch off completely :lol:

So many women take a year off for maternity leave, take all of the pay and then quit their jobs because they think a year isnt enough.
Holly2234FemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-25 04:58:00