Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslation of Divorce Decree
I just received by email the divorce decree, translation and certification. The translation was done in November 2002 by Chief of Civil Registry Office in Izhevsk with no signature. There is a line that shows:

Chief of Civil Registry Office Signature L.Z. Guzeva

and no actual signature.

She took this to a notary who on the bottom quarter of this document certified to it's accuracy and dated 8 November 2008.. But, like the translation above there is no signature, only the following after the certification:

Notary _______________________Signature of Garifullina A.Y.

Is this adequate or common in Russia? Or, does the notary have to sign, as I believe they do. At least according to the directions for certifications. It would be easy for her to obtain the notaries signature. It might be harder to obtain the Registry Office signature
bobbMaleRussia2008-11-13 00:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslation of Divorce Decree
QUOTE (Jen&James @ Nov 3 2008, 02:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Bobb! I think I can help you. You don't need to go to any kind of Registry Office to get a copies. You fiancee have to go to the Public Notary Office. But she has to choose one with translator. Not all Public Notary Offices has translator in Russia. I'm pretty sure she will be able to find one. Anyway, she have to bring with her original divorce certificate, birth certificate and her passport. At the Notary office they will make a copy and translation of the documents. It cost me around $25 per each document. But the price depends of the city and the Notary office. Believe me this is enough for sending with petition. We did the same and got the approval already without RFE. You see if she will go to the Registry Office they can give her the duplicate of the original document only if she got lost one. If your fiancee will need more help you can send me a message and I'll give you my russian cell phone number, so she can call. I'll help her if she need. smile.gif


Thanks Jen,

I'll find out tomorrow how things went today. She does have a girlfriend who is married to a Canadian, and is in the waiting state right now, who is helping her a bit. If I find she still needs some help I'll take you up on your offer of your cell phone. She did tell me that she had to surrender her marriage certificate when she was issued her divorce decree and wondered if it was really necessary. I did inform her that yes, I would need the marriage certificate, translated and with certification.
bobbMaleRussia2008-11-05 17:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslation of Divorce Decree
QUOTE (slim @ Oct 31 2008, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Keep in mind the "certification of translation" doesn't have to be done by anyone official. It can be done by anyone who knows English so long as they "certify" that they're translating it accurately.

Don't get that confused with the "certification" of the divorce decree. That still has to be certified by a govt. office but when it's translated over the only cert. it needs is from the translator.


She will be going on Wednesday to the one office which deals with this. Monday and Tuesday is a holiday in Izhevsk... wacko.gif
bobbMaleRussia2008-11-01 00:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslation of Divorce Decree
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Oct 30 2008, 06:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think that is common anywhere, but I wouldn't swear to it. I think official translations are paid deals made separately. There are offices that do this (not coincidentally) close to the embassies conducting interviews.

Thanks, but this is required for filing the I-129F and the interview is further down the road. I am suggesting, in an email I will send within an hour or two, other options for her to obtain the translation and certification, if the registry office doesn't do this.

1. She works at a University. She could contact someone in the language department to do the translation and certification if this can't be done at the registry office.

2. She should just email me the scanned documents and I have someone here who can translate and certify.

3. She should see if there is a marriage agency in town who could suggest how to have this done.

I thought I had read sometime ago a post in a thread that said the registry offices in Russia will do what I'm looking for. If I do find out from her the registry office will do this I will make a post back to this topic.
bobbMaleRussia2008-10-30 20:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslation of Divorce Decree
Is it common in Russia when a woman goes to the registry office and asks for a copy of her marriage certificate and/or divorce decree she can also ask for it to be translated into English and certified?
bobbMaleRussia2008-10-30 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInt'l Passport - New OVIR spelling of name
I believe in being prepared. I received an email from my SO today. She is waiting for her processing of the renewal of her International passport. She says they are changing how they treat certain Russian letters translation into English:

I have found out, that in OVIR there is a new standard fillings of the passport. And names are written now in view of the new standard. Where there are such letters " ?, ?, ? ".

Her name in Russian has ?. With all translations provided with my K-1 application her name in English is Lju... If the ju changes when and with who will we need to make this change known, on the documents provided with the K-1? Would the divorce translation have to be done again? If she has had her birth certificate translated already, would this also need to be re-translated? Would a maiden name with the ?, as is the case with her, also need to be re-translated? Some of these weren't even necessary to include with the K-1. My first thought is to wait until my visit in January and see what her new passport looks like. After my return I would then call the U.S. Embassy in Moscow for answers to my questions then. I say this because of some comments made on other posts having to do with errors in spelling of names.

Anyone have any concrete thoughts to add to my analysis, based on experience and not speculation? Maybe that's a little too harsh. Re-phrasing my question - Anyone have any thoughts based on experience or 'sound/intelligent' speculation?
bobbMaleRussia2008-11-24 21:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBuying airfare for the summer trip
I would suggest you consider waiting until Feb before looking for a flight. With the way gas prices are plummeting, and still not at bottom, flight costs aren't going to go up between now and then.

I'm going to fly from SFO to Moscow and back in mid-May. The lowest prices I've seen so far are 1320 from Lufthansa. I'm not even going to consider buying the ticket until February.
bobbMaleRussia2008-12-05 22:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMscow embassy interview procedure
Here is a good link to a webpage at the U.S. embassy website in Moscow. This page can also be selected to be viewed in Russian. I am in Izhevsk right now and have been going over this with my SO.
Click here!
It is interesting when you view the Russian Version. The numbered items at the bottom of this page do not match 1 for 1. For instance, Item 6 on English page is Item 7 or 8 on the Russian translated page. But it is all there in Russian, which makes it much easier for my SO to fully understand what will be required to bring to the interview.

There are frames on the left where you can select many other options for looking at other Visa item information.

I disagree with slim's assessment your work is basically done at this point. If you SO is like mine, with a limited knowledge of English, she will need help completing the DS 230, DS 156, etc.. Heck, even with a good knowledge of English I think she would need help to decipher some of the questions. It has been invaluable for me to be here and go over the forms with her. Warning - It can try your patience when attempting to find out information from your SO to fill out any forms. You may have to ask the same question a different way until she fully understands what is being asked. It has to do more with different cultural backgrounds than anything else I feel.

We have been going over the forms and I have been asking her questions, and re-asking the same question in a slightly different manner. I've written the answers down. We were able to print the forms at a friend of hers home, but her son does not have a printer with his computer at her house. When back home I will complete the DS 230 and send to her. I will also print out a copy of the DS 156 and fill in the information to send to her, so she can then fill this out online as required.

You do not have long to wait now!
bobbMaleRussia2009-01-22 01:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 notary?
I know the new I-134 does not even have a place for notarizing on the new form. But, a notary can always add their form saying you signed this in front of them.

I ask because at the USEM website Here! Item 12, at the bottom, still shows the I-134 needs to be notarized. Yes, I know it only says not required but may be requested. Has anyone actually had their fiancee use the new I-134 with no notary and have no problems?

Edited by bobb, 08 March 2009 - 04:25 PM.

bobbMaleRussia2009-03-08 16:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel near embassy?
Try this hotel. It has very reasonable rates.
Click Here!
bobbMaleRussia2009-03-11 00:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-156
QUOTE (chili74 @ Mar 15 2009, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If I understood your question correctly, on the DS-156, you would put her international passport number.

Item 14 asks for National Identification Number. I have always assumed this is a Russians domestic passport number. Well, unless someone who has specifically filled this out decides to answer I will just use all the numbers for each that I've been provided.
bobbMaleRussia2009-03-15 23:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-156
Domestic passport number looks like this: NN NN NNNNNN

Int'l passport: NN NNNNNNN

So, for the DS-156 are all 8 numbers applicable for domestic and all 9 for International?

bobbMaleRussia2009-03-14 20:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-156 and no middle name in English on passport
QUOTE (mox @ Mar 31 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You need to put her middle name on the DS-156k. She will have her birth certificate there to show that she does have a middle name.

I will assume you meant to say DS-156 - yes?
bobbMaleRussia2009-03-31 19:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-156 and no middle name in English on passport
My fiance received her new international passport in Nov 2008. It shows her Russian first and middle names in Russian on one line and directly below this it only shows her first name in English. The middle name is not shown in English.

Now I know she wants and expects to have a middle name when she comes here. Should her middle name in English be shown on the DS-156, even with it not shown in English in her passport, or should this information be pointed out at the time of interview.
bobbMaleRussia2009-03-31 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa for Cousin for Wedding Celebration
Thanks Slim!

As always very good advice.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-15 14:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa for Cousin for Wedding Celebration

In a couple of weeks I expect to know my SO's interview date in Moscow. Should be late June. At the moment, I'm planning on going back in mid-August to bring her back here. We will marry, probably, on 9/01 in a civil ceremony. She would like her cousin to come to our wedding and/or our wedding celebration party which will be 9/19. I have read in another post that tourist visa's are processed very quickly.

Looking on the USEM website non-immigrant (B2) visa application pages puts several questions in my mind.

  1. When should we have him apply for the tourist visa? After she has her visa in hand? Before?
  2. What would you suggest I can do other than send him an email or letter asking him to attend our wedding celebration? He would add this as part of his documentation, to go with the customary: job, own property, married, children, etc.
  3. How long should this take, if Question 2 is in order with his documents he needs to provide, for him to receive his Visa once he has applied?

I know there could be other issues, but for this discussion let's assume he has no problem obtaining the Visa.

He'll have to fill out a DS-156 online and a DS-157 if he is between 16-45. I don't know yet but I am assuming he is over 45 and most likely in his 50's, like Luba. Luba has made a request - In her words:

Still I wanted to ask you... If certainly it is possible. It would be desirable for me very much, that the cousin has arrived on our wedding. If it is possible, as we can invite him? He can pay for road and to live in hotel. He lives in Czechia, but very much often here (her home city). He can be the translator because he knows English language well.

I have to ask her if she wants him here for our wedding or just wedding celebration. But, that is only a small matter. I already responded he would stay with us and I would help with travel costs.

I would like to respond to her after I have received some input here. At the moment I will point him to the website page at the USEM for non-immigrant visa's and let him work his way forward from there. Each page can be show in Russian, which makes it very convenient for a Russian.

Edited by bobb, 14 April 2009 - 07:57 PM.

bobbMaleRussia2009-04-14 19:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE entry
My POE will be Chicago also. Did you go in the same line as your fiancee at customs?
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-16 20:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow many speak their significant others Language?
It's interesting to see certain traits are worldwide.

On the site I mention earlier, in lesson 6 personal pronoun I, they show you how to say I'm ready (to go out) for both a male and female. Yet, they only show how to say I'm almost ready for a female! ClockWatch2.gif
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-13 20:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow many speak their significant others Language?
I started learning beginning between 2004 and 2005. Dropped out of pursuing meeting a FSU woman and last fall begin studying from several sources again.

At a different forum I came across the following website:

Click here!

I have found this an excellent site to visit as I progress. I feel one of the good features is combination of seeing written russian, transliteration, and audio. It is geared for beginners as it mentions on this link. My only complaint is for their sound of ?. Instead of the actual sound the audio is: ee krAtkayeh.

I would make one suggestion if you do visit this site and wish to explore. Especially if you have any basic understanding. At the bottom of the home page there is a button - Let's Begin. This will take you to the Lesson Menu Page. If you just stay with the available options from the Table of Contents you will be missing out on some other valuable options. From this page click on the Site Map button, below TOC, and bookmark This page! Or you may have trouble remembering how to return there.

If you scroll down you can have the next best thing to a live tutor: Huliganov

An example: Click here! There is something for everyone in his videos. Here is a description of his series of videos:

The next installment of Viktor Huliganov's acclaimed Russian alphabet course. After this lesson your knowledge of Russian letters increases from 17 of the 33 to 22 of them. With these it is now possible to write and read just about every other word in Cyrillic.

As ever, there is a joke and a song after the lesson. You don't get that at University.

All lessons are from 10 to 20 minutes long.

I discovered Huliganov Here!. This is an excellent 'beginning' Russian topic at this forum.

bobbMaleRussia2009-04-11 17:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAverages
It is good to remember an average is only that. Some will wait longer, some will wait shorter.

Today I talked with NVC, or at least the call center for NVC. The time between NOA2 and interview date will vary depending upon when your approved application goes in the 'box' to Moscow. Yes, they send the application electronically, but they do not start processing until they receive the 'hard' copy. At least this is what I was told.

My application was received at NVC on 4/09, approved and sent on 4/13 (sent electronically). Moscow, as of today, had not received the application. I know because I sent them an email because I had a question and some information I wanted to inform them of. It appears it is not recognized as received until the 'hard' copy arrives. The full application is not sent electronically. They do not begin processing until then. This is where averages can be very misleading. If NVC finishes processing the application and it is one of the first in the 'box' you will wait up to several weeks until it arrives in Moscow. If you are very lucky the 'box' becomes full in a matter of days. Lucky you.

At least this is what I perceive after the explanation from NVC call number. I also seem to remember reading this indeed the process somewhere else, some time ago.

It is not going to really affect us as I won't be returning until mid-August.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-23 23:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 4 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right now it's running about 11 weeks from NOA2 to interview. Last week in June sounds about right. Mark it on your pencil. smile.gif

We'll make our final decision after she receives her interview date. I mentioned to her I thought it might be a good idea for me to come in the middle of August since her birthday is on the 15th and her son's is on the 21st.

I know the value of writing things in pencil as my profession only uses ink for signing things! good.gif
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-04 19:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 4 2009, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...And did she take the news? Hope you turned the mic down low. biggrin.gif

She was extremely happy. kicking.gif And as she said in an email after we spoke on Skype,

I am glad to see such good news. So it is wonderful to know, that already soon we shall together. When you know real date... Then always it is easier to wait.

At the moment the real date is based only on average processing times from now to interview. As soon as I find out her interview date then we will know the 'real' date. But why quibble. Back when I first sent my application the average processing times from NOA1 to NOA2 was right around where my actual occurred - 135 days.

So after I finish sending everything off to her in early May I will then direct my attention to what will be necessary for AOS, EAD, AP, and the I-864. Briefly looking at the forms last night there is nothing that seems to present any problem there. I'm sure I'll have a few questions.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-04 13:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
QUOTE (julianna @ Apr 3 2009, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... I moved on to greater requests, such as James Bond...

Ahh...'From Russia With Love' my first James Bond movie at the tender age of 15 back in 1963. Daniela Bianchi (as Tatiana Romanova). Maybe this Western propaganda film planted into my subconscious the desire to meet a Russian woman and only activated a few years ago.

I'm sure glad I did not know until today, although if I had really thought about it her stage name was a giveaway, the following:

Miss Rome of 1960 and runner-up to Miss World 1960

Her voice was dubbed in From Russia with Love (1963); she spoke almost no English and spoke her lines phonetically. Her heavy Italian accent made much of her dialogue difficult to understand, so an English-speaking Italian actress whose accent wasn't so pronounced was hired to re-record her lines. (From IMDB)

bobbMaleRussia2009-04-04 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
WOOT!! Congratulations!!! You've got to be through the roof over that! I'm just so happy I could make that happen for you.

I have been wondering how I will fall asleep tonight. helpsmilie.gif

In about 10 minutes I will see and talk with Luba with Skype. I can't wait to see her reaction.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-03 23:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
I was really surprised not to receive an RFE. It doesn't matter how much you look at the application before you send it in. I reviewed it three times and still had two minor mistakes on her G325a.

Her middle name is Viktorovna which I spelled Viktrovna.
I had inserted the date of my previous marriage for her date of previous marriage. This is the item I really thought I would receive an RFE about, as this date was well past her date of divorce. It would have been simple to respond to and I figure would have delayed it about 5 days or less.

bobbMaleRussia2009-04-03 20:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 3 2009, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bobb, you should be seeing your NOA2 *ANY* time now. good.gif

So mox, are you prescient?

I arrived home from work moments ago and here is what was in an email:

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On April 3, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

Yahoo!!! So, if everything follows what seems to be the length of time from this point onward I am guessing her interview will be in Moscow in mid June and I will go get her in mid July. As soon as I find out the interview date for sure I will then make my airline reservations.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-03 19:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay, dammit...
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 1 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...tell us where you are in the process, and make with the yakkity-yak!!

Waiting for NOA2 patiently, and more recently sometimes a little perturbed to see more people receiving NOA2 that received their NOA1 1-3 months after I received my NOA1. When looking on Igor's list it seems 17 out of 20 show in Dec 08 - Feb 08 being approved. This has consistently been the case for the past several weeks. It doesn't seem normal, but I can't really say as I wasn't tracking the list regularly in the past.

Nothing can be done about it so I must just remain patient and treat it like a headache - when it is no longer there I can't remember what it felt like.

At least we use Skype on weekends so I get to 'see' her. Her English is constantly improving and my Russian is improving.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-03 14:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDual citizen travel to Russia
In addition, they stamped the exit stamp on my Russian Visa both times. Won't they be looking for a Russian Visa in a U.S. passport?
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-13 20:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDual citizen travel to Russia
QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 12 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, take a deep breath. smile.gif
They don't care about how she got into Russia; she's past customs and is leaving. It's all legal; they don't want to waste time with pestering questions like US Customs people.

First, I am not any kind of knowledgeable person for this question. I do have a question for the above post. When you leave Russia with a U.S. passport you don't have to show them you were registered? I honestly can't remember from my two trips.

I have read here and on another forum that buying the tickets in your married name and carrying a copy of your marriage certificate is a very common method.

bobbMaleRussia2009-04-13 19:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for the interview date.....
Good point Mox about email. good.gif

I've sent two emails to the USEM and repies have been sent within 2 or 3 days.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-11 18:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for the interview date.....
I remember when I had your questions.

When you call the NVC number you must talk to a human. The automated system is not functioning for K-1 and K-3 visas. This is how I found out my case had been approved and the e-copy had been sent.

I then checked out the USEM webpage HERE! on Fridays and Mondays and found when the interview was scheduled. To use the search function on your browser it is available from the Edit menu (at least in Firefox).

See my timeline info below for actual dates to help you as a guide. And remember the definition for 'average'.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-11 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFailing relationships
QUOTE (mox @ May 22 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bobb, you've got your head screwed on waaaaaaaay to straight to be an inmate in this asylum. biggrin.gif

I'm just here on a day pass.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-22 20:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFailing relationships
QUOTE (eekee @ May 22 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Differing perceptions of how one in supposed to act in a relationship. And the way one acts is ingrained so deeply in each side that the people in the relationship may not express thier discomfort, because they might not even realize that it's a cultural difference and they think that the other person just doesn't care about them and is being an @$$hole. Then there's the question of which relationship model you eventually follow: is it a case of "when in rome..."? The more dominant partner decides and the other goes along with it? Or did you choose a foreigner precisely because you preferred that model of relationship?

I would hope two people contemplating marriage talk about what is mentioned above before marriage. Much more so than when two people from the same culture are marrying. I think it is the AM's obligation to learn about the Russian culture and more specifically what his fiancee believes and expects based on her past life experiences. Just another aspect of my firm belief in the utmost importance of open and honest communication at all times. If there is one thing I've seen in my 60 years with successful relationships it is good communication and each person living with their 'best friend' and lover.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-22 13:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFailing relationships
It seems according to Mox that no one has been turned down when they do an act of chivalry.

I disagree with your conclusion. It's just my opinion.

I feel a more important distinction in this discussion is why should a man let it bother 'him' if a woman is less than thankful for a polite gesture. I don't base my actions on the 'fear' of someone not accepting a polite act from me. If they wish to be that way it's their issue, not mine. I won't change how I lead my life just because I might get a negative reaction such as discussed here.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-15 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFailing relationships
...I learned that it was at these times that I needed to shut my mouth and open my ears...

A very wise insight. One of the biggest problems in any form of communication is 'hearing' what the other person said. Actually hearing and responding. Not thinking ahead to emphasize your previous thoughts and not really 'listening' when the other is talking. What is needed is a flowing conversation.

Men and women can have the same experience and the descriptions will be totally different. Men and women think differently. It is important to understand this to promote better communication.

...Natasha gave up everything when she moved here - her close-knit family (especially her sister), her job, ease of communication, her entire way of life...

Many men lose sight of this very important point after the woman arrives.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-08 14:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFailing relationships
Maybe the single most important attribute to a successful marriage is communication, no...COMMUNICATION. When one or both parties stop talking, and/or the other party stops answering, or does not answer truthfully, troubles are not far behind.

In many of these marriages the man was able to see the woman in her everyday life, but the woman is usually not able to see the man in everyday activities until she arrived in the U.S. Then when the woman arrived some men can felt like the hard work is over and he can just go back to how his life was before, with a slight difference. Some do not fully understand this is when the real work begins.

Or some went overboard when wooing. By this I mean they went so far over and above what they would do after, it was not really a truthful presentation of who they were.

Kotenochek - I hope things improve.

Edited by bobb, 07 May 2009 - 08:50 PM.

bobbMaleRussia2009-05-07 20:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruswaiting for noa2 sucks
She knows all about my love of Hockey. I subscribe to NHL Center Ice so I can watch every game of the Red Wings. I always DVR the game and watch it in an hour or less - no commercials, no commentary, etc. If it's a blowout or they are down by a couple I just skip forward. Some games I can watch in 20 minutes! I don't watch any of the popular sports with the exception of a few golf tournaments. Again, those are recorded and watched at a much faster pace. Every day when we talk she asks me if I will see any hockey today. She also says after she arrives we can watch hockey when friends visit. That's OK with me. I'll ditch Center Ice and just DVR NHL on the Fly and catch the highlights of each Red Wing game. I'll pick up the full game whenever they are on Vs. or NHL network. But next playoff season will have to be negotiated.

Edited by bobb, 29 May 2009 - 02:22 PM.

bobbMaleRussia2009-05-29 14:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustravel to russia
Be forewarned, St Petersburg is a very expensive city for visitors and locals alike.

As with everywhere you can reduce your costs with a little common sense and research before going. Rent an apartment in St Petersburg. Then you will have a kitchen and you can buy food at much lower prices than eating out ALL the time. St Petersburg is very easy to walk around and the metro and buses will get you anywhere else you need to go at next to nothing. When I went in October 2008 me and Luba spent less than $400 on food for 10 days. We ate out at least once each day.

Edited by bobb, 02 June 2009 - 08:59 PM.

bobbMaleRussia2009-06-02 20:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustravel to russia
QUOTE (eekee @ May 14 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What about if you prefer to go to the consulate yourself and do the express processing? I don't have a driver's license or a state id, so I don't like to sacrfice my only form of government ID and the only thing that has my birthday on it. I rarely use tourist visas (I get student or work ones most of the time), but just in case...

Go to their site - and find their phone number and give them a call. If you get the answering machine leave your number and they WILL return you call. I don't know if they do student or work visas.

Have you ever thought of making a photocopy of the biographical pages of your passport in case you lost it? Or, wanted to send it to obtain a visa for Russia? Make a copy of your application so you could show someone why you don't have your original.

When I travel abroad I always make color copies of my passport biographical page and the visa (if needed where I'm going) in case my passport is lost or stolen. I put one in each piece of luggage and another in my carry-on. Although I'm extremely careful with my passport.

Edited by bobb, 15 May 2009 - 12:03 AM.

bobbMaleRussia2009-05-15 00:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustravel to russia
Oh...I'll be using them again when I apply for my August trip. I'm just waiting now for my invitation from Luba. If anyone is considering using them send me a PM and I'll send you the referral code for the $15 off which you can use. Never expires. I'll have another coupon sometime in July for someone then.

You can also save some money by sending a return mailer with your address by UPS Ground or FedEx Ground when you send the application in. Your passport will be returned in this. They send you an email when it is received and when they intend to ship back to you. I sent my application and passport by UPS ground because it only takes 2 days from where I live. Your mileage distance from them will increase or decrease the time. Just call UPS or FedEx or search their sites for guaranteed ground shipment times from your location to where you're sending something. Or you can pay their higher fees to have it shipped to you.
bobbMaleRussia2009-05-14 23:47:00