US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (Ste&Velma @ Jun 30 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody!

I'm just back from Napoli... EXHAUSTED from two very full and busy days. But at the same time, HAPPY, HAPPY HAPPY!!! There's no real need to spend too many words in saying that everything was a piece of cake. Period. The only advice I would give to anybody is to enjoy the city and its culinary delights. I went with my brother, that kindly accompanied me, and we had such a great time by walking around, having fun and eating delicacies. wink.gif Forget the terror stories you read around the board; all the people down there are very cool, nice, and helpful. I finally have the K-1 printed in my passport... me and my love are now thinking of the date for my forthcoming comeback, while the marriage date is practically set and certain since a long time.

Hope everything is fine with you, and I wish you the best. You'll all be fine, don't worry! cool.gif

Talk to you later. Ciaaaaao!!!


Ciao Stefano,

Grazie infinite per aver condiviso la tua esperienza al consolato di Napoli. Come VR, sono contenta di sapere che a Napoli sono gentili e che tutto e' andato bene. Auguri a te e alla tua fidanzata!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-07-01 11:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (vespa rossa @ Jun 30 2009, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine is from Sicily, and this is the first time in 3 years I won't be able to go for the summer sad.gif

I'm sorry you can't go this summer! Sicily is soooooo beautiful. Unfortunately I've only been there once.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-30 10:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (strega @ Jun 28 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
si< pero il fine de Marzo, so not out of the woods yet!!what part of Italy is your SO, mine is in Venice. I want to go there, i am always there for Fiere d' agosto per 3 weeks, and im so sad i cant go crying.gif but, if everything goes ok, I can get over it knowing he will arrive soon and stay per sempre!!I am still seeing that Vermont, according to this site, is still moving slow, UUFFAAAAAAA, patienze!!

Il mio fidanzato is from Avellino, east of Naples. I've been to visit there a few times and he's coming to visit me (speriamo!) in August. Venice is beautiful! You're so lucky you get to spend time there with your fiance. I'm sad for you that you can't go this year sad.gif I'm going through the California filing center and they look like they're approving March filings this month, according to Igor's list.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-30 10:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (strega @ Jun 26 2009, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (grinchus @ Jun 26 2009, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another question re helping your non-English-speaking fiance fill out his/her portion of these docs. On the forms like the DS-156 and DS-230 there's a place where you check the box "did anyone assist you in filling out these forms?". Now, is that just for lawyers and such? Or will Oscar have to check the "yes" box because I - the "petitioner" - have been filling out all of these forms with him? What are you planning to do?

ciao, i put my name as the person who assisted, i dont think it has to be a lawyer. Im so felice that he is going to visit you........looks like Vermont is on end of Feburary right now, so the way I see it, they will be approving March in the next 2 weeks, so you have plenty of time

March? From your time line it looks like that's where you fall. In bocca al lupo!!!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-27 08:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Another question re helping your non-English-speaking fiance fill out his/her portion of these docs. On the forms like the DS-156 and DS-230 there's a place where you check the box "did anyone assist you in filling out these forms?". Now, is that just for lawyers and such? Or will Oscar have to check the "yes" box because I - the "petitioner" - have been filling out all of these forms with him? What are you planning to do?
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-26 14:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (strega @ Jun 25 2009, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (grinchus @ Jun 25 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Salve! Everyone in this thread - including the Italian "beneficiaries" seems to speak and write English most excellently. My fiance Oscar doesn't speak English yet (he's studying privately with a tutor now but he's really still a beginner) and I'm afraid he's going to get eaten alive by this whole bureaucratic process sad.gif We're still only at the NOA1 stage, and I as the petitioner filled out the I-129F forms (of course) and am going to be intimately involved in filling out all of the other forms moving forward, but I wanted to ask if others have had the experience going through this with a not-yet-English-speaking fiance. Do you just have to FedEx forms back and forth for signatures, with the US-based person filling everything out and the non-US fiance signing everything? It's very stressful! Oscar is there for me emotionally all the way, but the bureaucracy is falling squarely on my shoulders. Eeek!

JOIN THE CLUB!!! its so STRESSFUL!! omg, you are going to be the one filling out the forms, and then yes, you have to send them there, and count on him to have all the documents needed in hand, to go with them, you will be spending everynight on skype getting the information from him, so you can fill out the forms to send him, personally , i prefer to do them myself anyway so I know they are correct and just have him sign where needed. the time difference is really killing us!! trying to find the right time for both of you to be available is really hard. some people are getting thier SO's to visit so they can do them together, but there is always the risk of not being able to enter at the port of entry due to the fact that they might think he is not going back!!! I want to take that risk, BUT, first he has to finish getting all the info and documents needed and the way its going, dont think we will have enough time before the NOA2 arrives. we want to send the fax right away to get the appointment!! good luck , just remember this is the worst part, after the NOA2, they say it goes so fast...........ciao

Thanks, Strega! Oscar is actually coming to visit me in August. This site has been very helpful and reassuring that he can come visit me, as long as he brings documentation of proof he's intending to return, which he is and he has (letter from boss, apartment lease, car lease, copy of our NOA1 receipt, etc.). He's supposed to stay w/me for a month, but we decided that if anything comes in the mail while he's here, he'll jump on the next plane home so we can get through the next steps. You are right, though, that while he's here we can discuss face to face what docs he'll need to prepare. We also agreed that he would line up an English-speaking "amico/a di fiducia" at home in case he needs to get something done or understand something immediately while I'm asleep or at work due to the fuso orario. Che stress!

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-26 10:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Salve! Everyone in this thread - including the Italian "beneficiaries" seems to speak and write English most excellently. My fiance Oscar doesn't speak English yet (he's studying privately with a tutor now but he's really still a beginner) and I'm afraid he's going to get eaten alive by this whole bureaucratic process sad.gif We're still only at the NOA1 stage, and I as the petitioner filled out the I-129F forms (of course) and am going to be intimately involved in filling out all of the other forms moving forward, but I wanted to ask if others have had the experience going through this with a not-yet-English-speaking fiance. Do you just have to FedEx forms back and forth for signatures, with the US-based person filling everything out and the non-US fiance signing everything? It's very stressful! Oscar is there for me emotionally all the way, but the bureaucracy is falling squarely on my shoulders. Eeek!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-25 10:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (strega @ Jun 24 2009, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (grinchus @ Jun 24 2009, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ciao a tutti!

My fiance will be going through the Naples consulate so I just wanted to come on here and say hi! We've only gotten our NOA1 on May 11th and are awaiting NOA2 (or basically any communication at all from the black hole our applications seems to have gone into). BTW is the NOA2 when they notify you it's been sent to the NVC? And then you get notification that it's been transferred to Naples?

Anyhow, I need to find out what docs I can be getting ready in the meantime as the petitioner, and also what he can be getting together in Italy.

CIAO, Bevenuto........NOA2 is notice of action2, they send it when they approve the I-129f and then send it to NVC. then NVC sends it to Naples,,,,,,as for the forms and whats needed for Naples, go to top of page, PORTALS and go to Embassy website, there you can download a K1 visa file that has the information you want, (only dont use all the forms, they are outdated!!) it will give you an idea of what to get together, also the naples website has other info .

Grazie mille!!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-25 10:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Ciao a tutti!

My fiance will be going through the Naples consulate so I just wanted to come on here and say hi! We've only gotten our NOA1 on May 11th and are awaiting NOA2 (or basically any communication at all from the black hole our applications seems to have gone into). BTW is the NOA2 when they notify you it's been sent to the NVC? And then you get notification that it's been transferred to Naples?

Anyhow, I need to find out what docs I can be getting ready in the meantime as the petitioner, and also what he can be getting together in Italy.

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-24 11:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 ?
Until the current year only 67% of my wages came from salary. The rest came in a June and December bonus. In addition my base salary has been reduced twice (no further reductions will happen), but still above poverty line. There will be no bonus this year. When they see my 2008 income tax return showing wages of about 240% of my current annualized salary will this raise any questions in their minds?

I've always seen mentioned here as long as you are above poverty levels you only need to state your income on the I-134, provide the letter from your employer, and a copy of most recent tax return. I would rather add extra information than have them question my income. Maybe it would only take additional information from my boss in his letter stating the above.

I have thought of including the information I owe nothing on my home, but then I would have to put a value on it and I've read I would need an appraisal. Even if I low-balled it. It's a big hassle to get letters with my various online savings accounts, etc. I have no problems with financial issues, but why go to a lot of extra work if it's not necessary.

Maybe I'm just being overly cautious.

Thanks for any constructive suggestions.
bobbMaleRussia2009-04-11 18:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions re: Manila CFO Guidance Counseling
Hi Arnold and Joan! My fiancee went there on the 18th and all went pretty smooth. She was only ask for her BIRTH CERTIFICATE, NBI CLEARANCE, COPY OF HER PASSPORT (Since her passport is with St. Luke's enroute to USE for her interview next week), VALID FORMS OF ID AND PAYMENT FOR THE SEMINAR. The forms need to be filled out there when the applicant arrives. She was never ask for PARENT'S CONSENT FORM TO MARRY. I think she is old enough (23 years old) to decide for marriage. The only thing also you need to bring if available and if applicable to your case if one of you was married before...bring the divorce decree or annullment of marriage document. Hope this helps.

Coco Puff
Coco PuffNot TellingPhilippines2007-04-21 18:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPiles and piles of paperwork... again...
Hello again Everyone,

Getting ready to file the N-400 application (based on the 3-year rule) and have been wondering about evidence to send...
(Just waiting for the IRS transcripts to arrive in the mail, and will be all set to file).
Considering that all evidence referring to the marriage has been sent before, and will take it all again to the interview
(lease, bank accounts, insurance paperwork, bills, etc.), wanted to poll everyone to see, if it should all be filed, also...

According to USCIS:
"Documents referring to you and your spouse:
• Tax returns, bank accounts, leases, mortgages, or birth certificates of children, or
• Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-certified copies of the income tax forms that you both filed for the past three years, or
• An IRS tax return transcript for the last three years."

They clearly state we have to send either OR... so, not wanting to overwhelm them (and having been "scolded" by them before, for sending/ taking too much -by the IO at our initial interview couple of years ago), but still wanting to be on the safe side... Please let me know what You think.

Good luck to all!
And thanks for all VJers support and sharing of experiences along this long journey :)
Emma DeeFemale02010-02-17 17:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion about arrest record when I don't have one
And what was the rest of Your interview experience like?
Glad this was resolved easily.

Just to update. I did go to DMV to ask for a printout of the ticket. Also I had a copy of the check to pay for the fine. I did not bother with the parking ticket.

Today during my interview, the IO just confirmed that there was no arrest and I just had to mail in an administrative fine to pay for the ticket and that was the end of it. He did not ask to see any proofs.

Emma DeeFemale02010-04-13 16:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionComplicated Situation

Hey everyone, my name is Eric and I'm currently a college student in New York City.

I applied to citizenship in November, and I'm scheduled for an interview in early May. I was originally planning to get my citizenship before the summer and spend the summer in Taiwan and study abroad in Shanghai for the fall semester. However, a mailing situation came up in February and I missed my interview (hence it is now rescheduled to early May). Because of this mailing situation, I'm not going to finish my citizenship process before the summer. So I thought I could interview in May, go back to Taiwan on 6/1 for 2 months, and then do the oath when I come back. This case I would have to give up studying abroad next semester.

However, next semester is really the only semester which I can study abroad, and I was thinking if this could logistically work.

Interview in May
Fly back to Taiwan on 6/1 with my Taiwanese passport
Fly to Shanghai for study abroad on 9/1 with my Taiwanese documents
(hopefully schedule my oath around October-ish or anytime in the Fall) My address is with my cousin so there will be no mailing issues
Fly back to New York, do the oath, expedited passport service, and my physical presence will still be satisfied.
Fly back to Shanghai with new American passport.

Can someone please go over this and see if this is possible?

Thank you SO much


I may be misunderstanding this... would you not want to have your US citizenship BEFORE you leave? If all goes well, you may be able to have an oath ceremony pretty quickly (possibly even on the same day), apply for a passport (expedited should take around 2 weeks) and then be free to go and not worry about physical presence requirements, mailing address, etc.
(EXCEPT, if you would intentionally NOT want to have the US citizenship while studying abroad due to higher tuition...?)
Make sure you ask about your Oath Date at the interview, and maybe even discuss your situation and the urgency, if the IO is open to helping.

Good luck on your journey!
Emma DeeFemale02010-04-19 16:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTime to get back on the merry-go-round

First question - what is a tax transcript and how do I get my hands on one? We've filed our taxes ourselves for the last three years (for the greencard we used H&R Block's printout...)

I'm sure there are more questions coming.

See the following link:
I recommend You call IRS and request a transcript (You would have to pay for a copy, whereas a transcript is free).
Received mine (for the past 3 years) within 10 days of requesting over the phone.
Good luck!
Emma DeeFemale02010-04-19 15:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSame day oath!

Hi Folks,

Can anyone tell if the San Francisco office offers same-day oath service? I am asking because I live 7-hrs drive from this local office and it would be a burden if I had go back on a later date for my oath ceremeony after my interview date. I would wish it is done same after interview and am successful. Your inputs are always welcome. :dance:

Hello Fellow San Francisco applicant... seems that we are very few on this forum...
I posted this a while ago and got no response... :(

I just received my Interview letter and am scheduled for May 12th.
(Can't wait!)
Wanted to find out, if anyone has N-400 interview experience in this office, would love to hear about it!
Also, I looked online, and it seems that all Oath ceremonies are now held in Oakland.
(The dates at the Paramount Theatre pose some issues for me, as I will have to travel at the end of May...)
If You had an interview in SF, were You offered a choice as far as Oath Ceremony dates?

Thank You for all/ any feedback and good luck to all!
Off to study now

Here is the schedule of ceremonies (IF it is true that this is where all the SF Bay Area's are held)
From the Paramount Theatre's website:

U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization Ceremonies at the Paramount Theater
IMPORTANT: Please arrive no later than 9:30 AM. Ceremonies begin promptly at 10:00 AM.

Wednesday, April 14
Wednesday, May 5
Wednesday, May 26
Thursday, June 17
Thursday, July 8
Thursday, July 29
Thursday, August 19

For further information, contact USCIS at the Customer Service Line: 1-800-375-5283

Please add Your time-line. Thanks! :)
Emma DeeFemale02010-04-21 14:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny MAY Interview experiences?

Just had my interview today with the following questions:

Who wrote the declaration of independence ?
Who is the commander in chief ?
What is the party of the current president ?
What are the two major political parties in the US?
Name three out of thirteen original states.
Name one states that borders Mexico.


Thank You so much for posting! Sounds pretty easy... :)
The day after tomorrow is the big day for me...

CONGRATS to you!
Emma DeeFemale02010-05-10 12:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny MAY Interview experiences?
No worries guys, it's great that you tried to help... now I am just hoping someone will post an actual interview experience from this month...
Best to All,

Emma DeeFemale02010-05-05 23:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny MAY Interview experiences?

The link to May Interview thread!

This link is for CR1 Visa applicants... and the interviews I am asking about (the forum this topic/post is on) is for Citizenship/ N-400 applications...

Thanks again
Emma DeeFemale02010-05-05 14:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny MAY Interview experiences?

Emma, I think you should join the May 2010 Interview thread. I'm sure they would have alot to share on preparation and experiences.

I may be mistaken, but haven't seen a thread for May Interviews, only for May applicants, which does not apply in my case...

Emma DeeFemale02010-05-05 13:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny MAY Interview experiences?
Dear VJers,

Since a trend could be seen in the same questions being chosen across the country, thought I should ask if someone has had an interview so far in May... and what the questions were...
Though I am pretty confident on all 100 of them, it'd be great to know and see if the "rule" really applies..
My interview is in exactly one week... wish me luck,
and happy/ smooth journey to All! :)

Emma DeeFemale02010-05-05 12:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience in San Francisco today

Thank you for sharing. You apparently got a tough one . . .


Thanks for all the responses, and congrats... hope they are in order... will have to wait and find out... (will update you as soon as I hear anything/ a letter arrives... so far, my case status online says that it cannot show anything, if the case is at a local office... which it is.. but it's still strange, as it was showing the interview phase before... now it just dropped off the map...)

and "saywhat", very special thanks to you for making me laugh on a pretty tough day :) your little story was awesome (btw. the what do we pay the government question was my English reading test, and writing down the answer was the written test... but I'm sure everyone knows that...)
To answer a couple questions that came up: I was just a few days past my GC anniversary date, so eligible for approval, and my appointment time was 12:45, though I don't see how relevant that could be... maybe some people were just cranky, if they didn't have a nice lunch, or wished to take a nap, if they did - instead of bothering with yet another legal alien :)
Good luck to all of You whose interviews are coming up!

Emma DeeFemale02010-05-13 13:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience in San Francisco today
Dear VJers,

Thought this little story of my interview may help You, too... so, I am quickly making some notes, before putting this whole experience behind me. (Note for those going to this location: if You drive up Sansome for a good block there is an outside garage there, they charge $7.50/ hour. I ended up paying $10, so it was OK).

So, I arrived at the USCIS office in SF exactly a half an hour early. The security people at the door downstairs were neither nice, nor attentive, nor friendly, but that's neither here or there.
Upstairs, on the 2nd floor the receptionist lady had a smile on, and greeted people like she was actually enjoying being there :) (nice change)
I sat down in the almost empty waiting room (3 people altogether...) - in the next 20 minutes another 3-4 people showed up... very quiet and slow. BTW. I could have taken my phone in, but wanted to be safe, rather then having to turn around, so left it in the car, but others were playing with theirs in the waiting room....
5 minutes to my appointment time, a lady came out and called my name (miss-pronouncing it, but who cares... :D)
After entering her office (where the door was left open the whole time), she made me raise my right hand and swore me in. Never looked at me during this time. We sat down (no niceness such as have a seat, please, or anything like that... all strictly business.. not rude, maybe slightly on the grumpy side....) and she opened my huge file, mentioning how thick it is. I tried to make some human contact, smiled and said yes, it has been a few years and these are all of the documents that I sent in... She then checked my green card, ID, old and new passport, and based on the initial visa I had, she wanted to see a waiver from 2003... so, looked in the big old folder and found it in there. Huh :)

Soo, she started going through the N400 form by asking name, DOB, address and how long that has been my residence, plus where I work and what my company does; and then went through all of the questions at the end of the application, with all of the info on ever being convicted, being a criminal, a comunist, a terrorist, a smuggler, a prostitute, a gambler, etc... when we were done with these, I signed the 2 passport photos submitted, and the end of the form, according to her instructions.

We moved on to taking the test.
The questions were:
- What is freedom of religion? (she noted my response: "The right to practice any religion, or not practice a religion")
- When was the Constitution written? ("1787", she asked me to repeat, and I did)
- When do men have to register for selective service? ("between the ages of 18-26")
- Name one state that borders Canada (chose "Michigan")
- How many US senators are there? (100)
- What ocean is on the East coast of the US? (Atlantic)

She marked them all correct.
I was asked to read: What do we have to pay to the government?
I said taxes of course. (no smile, no looking up)
I had to write: We have to pay taxes.

Then, she asked if I brought evidence of the marital relationship... I said yes and that I also had submitted the basics,
so, she started going through these: tax returns for '06, '07 and '08, and I also took an account transcript from IRS showing just the filing status as the taxes for '09 have not been processed yet (she never asked for an actual copy of the return, though I had it with me) - she marked the two names on all documents (& going forward on everything else, also...)
then, she checked the lease paper and asked, if we have had the same residence all along (she asked the same question later on twice more.. in different contexts and in so many words...) said yes. Checked our renter's insurance, car insurances - asked how many cars we have, marked our names on the policy and on actual bills; looked at utility bills, said she needed to see at least 3 months' worth... there was much more than that submitted, so those were sufficient - I offered to show the latest ones, but she said the ones she is seeing will do, then looked at PG&E, AAA, and Comcast bills, and then bank statements and marked our names on everything).

She said "you were well prepared for today" and that I had passed the test and she will have to go through my file once again to make sure everything is OK, and if it is, I should expect a letter in the mail with information about the oath ceremony.
Mentioned I will be traveling within a month and would be a bit afraid not to miss the ceremony, she said it should be OK, and if I couldn't make it on the date in the letter, I can let them know and they will re-schedule me (I'd much prefer to make it on the next one, on June 17th, so hopefully that will be it...) - the whole interview/ test took about 45 minutes.

I was quite happy to be done with it, and only got a bit discouraged at home, when looking at the letter she gave me, that does NOT have the phrase: "You have been recommended for approval and should expect an oath letter" marked, but the following: " congratulations, you passed the english and civics test" and "USCIS will inform you of a decision in the mail".
Hopefully it will be a positive one and hopefully it will be soon.

Good luck to all!
Emma DeeFemale02010-05-12 18:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionJourney Almost Over
Fingers crossed that You receive the oath letter very quickly.
Congrats on the approval! Sounds terrible that You had to wait and not know for months... Hopefully it is all over now and you will be assured of that as soon as you take that oath...
Emma DeeFemale02010-05-13 14:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSan Francisco - Interview and Oath Ceremony questions
Congratulations Chazzie!!! must feel great to be done with this :)
Thank You for the details of Your experience, it really helps that You listed everything from parking garage to the manner in which the interview was conducted.
Was Your application based on 5 year GC?
Hope Your oath ceremony will be soon (next is on May 26th, and then June 17th - I hope to be in the later :)

Can't wait to change the CD in my car, also (had the same one since my Biometrics...) ;)
Enjoy soon becoming a USC and waving good bye to USCIS.

Emma DeeFemale02010-04-23 13:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSan Francisco - Interview and Oath Ceremony questions
I just received my Interview letter and am scheduled for May 12th.
(Can't wait! :)
Wanted to find out, if anyone has N-400 interview experience in this office, would love to hear about it!
Also, I looked online, and it seems that all Oath ceremonies are now held in Oakland.
(The dates at the Paramount Theatre pose some issues for me, as I will have to travel at the end of May...)
If You had an interview in SF, were You offered a choice as far as Oath Ceremony dates?

Thank You for all/ any feedback and good luck to all!
Off to study now :reading:

Edited by Emma Dee, 13 April 2010 - 04:11 PM.

Emma DeeFemale02010-04-13 16:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHome visit during I 751 process?
Thank You for the responses.
It just seemed to be the only topic the forum has not touched on.
It would definitely be great to avoid having RFEs and make this whole process faster, but I know, it is HIGHLY unlikely that they could ever afford to do this.

Emma DeeFemale02009-04-21 11:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHome visit during I 751 process?
Just curious...

THANK YOU for ALL the great posts. Very informative forum.
Good luck to all!
Emma DeeFemale02009-04-17 22:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCheck clearing timeline...
Thank You, thank You!
The check cleared last night. Yayyy! good.gif
I hope the other centers will be more efficient, too...
Here's to speedy approvals! smile.gif

Emma DeeFemale02009-04-21 11:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCheck clearing timeline...
Hello again,

Getting impatient already...
I sent my paperwork to CSC on April 8th, even though it was overnight, the return receipt showed the 13th... and the check has not cleared, yet...
I have been checking the timeframes on others' signature and had not seen such a long wait for this...
Anyone else?

Emma DeeFemale02009-04-20 17:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWaiting for NOA
Don't worry, yet.
I just received the NOA today, and it has been 14 days for me, at the CSC, which is considered the speediest center, so hang in there.
Fingers crossed!
Emma DeeFemale02009-04-23 01:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRelocating to California and removal of conditions
QUOTE (Rosie74 @ May 13 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,
I'm already gathering all documents and evidence of our marriage for my removal of conditions, even if I just received my conditional card 2 months ago innocent.gif
Anyway.. I have just relocated to San Diego from Chicago, and when I set up the utilities I was told that in California you can't show 2 names on the bills (mine and my husband's). Is this true? I wanted to have both names on our utilities as extra evidence for my paperwork..
Any advice?
Thank you!

You should be able to have both names on the utility bills here in CA. We had them set up under one, and a couple months later called and had them add the spouse, so we have had two names shown on most bills for years. So, it should be doable without any problems...
Emma DeeFemale02009-05-13 14:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBiometrics Notice - anyone waited for longer than 1 month for it?
QUOTE (goofi @ May 13 2009, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dancin5hr.gif Finally....................received Biometric letter today, it on June 5th. anybody know that I can do biomaetric by before my date in houston area. Please let me know. kicking.gif

Ahhhhh good.gif
Happy for You!
(Sorry, don't know about Houston area, but have read from all over the country that if the wait times are low, they will take walk-ins...)
Good luck with the rest of the process... at least You know, it started moving! smile.gif
Emma DeeFemale02009-05-13 18:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Jun 12 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to see that you guys are in AP.

As Talyss says, it appears to be random. I had my interview today (and was approved) and at no point was the additional processing even brought up.

Hang in there. Between 30 - 50 days is the average time. I know after such a long wait, that this is scant comfort, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

We have all been there and out the other side. In the meantime, feel free to come here and have a really does help when an injustice like this occurs.


Congrats Ellie !! kicking.gif good.gif

spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-06-13 17:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Matt & Bing @ May 28 2009, 04:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (spikeyflip @ May 27 2009, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Matt & Bing @ May 21 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes odd - almost a week with no new posts.

On another note ... So I was released on the 12th. Every time I called the NVC (about 15 times over 50 days) they confirmed my phone number and email address and assured me that they would contact me when my case was sent on.

Of course I have received no official notice. The NVC (and USCIS) work in mysterious ways ...

Congrats !! I see you got the interview already set up good.gif

My lady haven't gotten the embassy letter yet sleep.gif (it'll be close to 3 weeks now) so I'll be emailing them tomorrow to make sure they haven't lost the paperwork or so =/

Don't wait for the letter - Call the embassy to see if youa are eligible to schedule your interview and if you are, phone the call center to schedule. I was able to schedule 2 weeks after the NVC sent my case on to Manila.

Yo yo ^^

I called them at the end of that week and she is good to go on the interview.

Right now, she finished her medical last week and her interview is on the 18th.

spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-06-07 19:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Matt & Bing @ May 21 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes odd - almost a week with no new posts.

On another note ... So I was released on the 12th. Every time I called the NVC (about 15 times over 50 days) they confirmed my phone number and email address and assured me that they would contact me when my case was sent on.

Of course I have received no official notice. The NVC (and USCIS) work in mysterious ways ...

Congrats !! I see you got the interview already set up good.gif

My lady haven't gotten the embassy letter yet sleep.gif (it'll be close to 3 weeks now) so I'll be emailing them tomorrow to make sure they haven't lost the paperwork or so =/

spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-05-27 21:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
Congrats !! good.gif
spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-05-12 13:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
Just called during lunch and got the good news !! our case is forwarded to the US embassy this week. Weird thing though is that the guy can't give me the specific date when it was sent huh.gif

Thanks for this thread and the info good.gif I'll be checking in to cheer you guys still stuck in AP !!
spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-05-08 18:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (toddandhien @ Apr 17 2009, 05:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We FINALLY received Packet 4 yesterday and now have an interview date...May 27!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congrats !! dancin5hr.gif
spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-04-17 12:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
blah...signing in to the thread ^^;; just called during lunch and I got the AP response BS mad.gif
spikeyflipMalePhilippines2009-04-16 16:02:00