US Embassy and Consulate Discussionemail addy for consulate in ECUADOR?
Does anyone have an email address for the US Consulate in Guayaquil Ecuador? All i can find is the phone number for their "visa information service" (VIS). I want to ask a few questions, like what kind of evidence do they need for the affadavit of support, and how many receipts from things we've done together do they expect to see.

Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2008-10-10 23:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionsee your case- Consulate in Ecuador
That's good, T-Bone, I hope you do that. I hope we won't be faced with the same.
Thanks for all your great input. Our medical appt is tomorrow - wish us luck! if he brings the results home with him, we can call the consulate (or VIS actually) and get an interview appointment!!! YAY!
T-Bone, do you bring the Affadavit of SUpport to the interview or mail it somewhere?
Thanks everyone!
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2008-10-12 21:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionsee your case- Consulate in Ecuador
I just found this page-


Notice that the title of the page refers to Immigrant visas, but includes information on non-immigrant visas. The title is misleading.

This page shows appointments and cases at the US Consulate in Guayaquil Ecuador. It's pretty helpful! I was able to find our case number on one page. On another page, there is a list of all the visa appointments by case number. I was able to deduce that interviews are held only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. When you get your appointment date, you should be able to double check it here.

Here is another page- it's confusing how they set up their website because they have K-1 visa info filed under immigrant visa pages, when K-1 is non immigrant and they have another section that deals with that. Check this out- they give more instructions here:

Edited by Chamy and Gatita, 10 October 2008 - 06:47 PM.

Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2008-10-10 18:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview monday, no packet 4
our interview is monday in guayaquil ecuador. we downloaded the forms off their website, but i just read that packet 4 includes a letter that you need to bring to the interview. well, we have not received packet 4 in the mail yet! can anyone who also dealt with guayaquil tell us about this letter? what happens if we show up with everything in order, but no packet 4 letter?

thanks in advance. also feel free to PM me with any guayaquil tips!!!

"Keep It Together! K-I-T! Keep It Together!" - Eddie Murphy
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2008-10-15 00:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEcuadorian consulate- new review posted
Just posted our review of the US Consulate in Guayaquil Ecuador. If you are applying here, check it out!
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2008-12-08 00:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
On the bright side--
I would like to add that, because of the assistance we received from our friends on Visa Journey, we knew ahead of time that we had to both be at the interview, regardless of what the officials told us when we made the appointment. We also tried our best to prepare the most thorough package of evidence as we could, and we relied on the advice of those who went before us and on the Nolo Press book on fiance visas. We successfully got our K-1 visa on one interview only, with no lawyer.

(Full disclosure: we also had no kids, no previous marriages, didn't meet online, no marriage broker, no criminal record, no sponsor, no financial difficulty, no overstays or previous visas of any kind, etc etc etc. I don't know if it would have mattered if we had had any of those.)

So, anyone who's reading this thread who's got an interview coming up in Ecuador, don't lose hope! Plan on being at the interview, do the best you can, and most of all, ask other VJers for help!
All the best--
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-08-14 13:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
QUOTE (DanKorn @ Jul 26 2009, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did any of you figure out why the VISA was denied because you weren't at the interview? Were they questioning the legitimacy of your intent to marry or something? This worries me as I am beginning the process for a K1 VISA and I know I won;t be able to be in Ecuador at the time of the interview. I don't think I will be able to be back in Ecuador until well after the initial interview would be set. I am trying to time everything so that we can be married here in the US late June 2010 or early July 2010.

Also, were your fiances tourist VISA's revoked during this period?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you will not get your visa if you are not there. Re-evaluate your schedule and go to Plan B. This forum is not about just one or two people, oddball cases, who got the shaft, it's a lot more than that. It's a track record. Sorry to sound harsh, I certainly don't mean to be, but if at this time you don't plan on showing up-- well, why drag yourself and your fiance through all that? You will not get the visa, period, and you will attract so much extra scrutiny to your case from that point on.
I just re-read the part you wrote about the timing. Look, if you time it so you dont show up you get nothing, no wedding in the US in June. So here is a thought. Dont worry about timing it. Whenever your fiance gets here, just get a courthouse marriage license and plan the real wedding for whenever. Dont worry about that 90 day window. Yes you have to marry within 90 days, no it doesnt have to be the big event. Just get the license so it's legal.
All the best, and keep us posted!
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-08-04 00:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Greg, I dont know what kind of evidence you have put together, but i can tell you what we did, which was successful. My husband got letters of "honor" from his mayor and "comisario". He got a letter from his boss, his mother, and various friends. The boss and politicians were on official letterhead, some wth official seals. they attested to our relationship and to his "honor."

I got a similar collection from my employer, friends and family. I wear a badge, and you betcha I played that card. (it sounds like this may be a possiblilty for you too.) I included pictures of me in uniform with co-workers. (When went to the interview i brought my badge along and showed them it and my work ID.) I got letters from HR and each of 2 ranks above mine. My letters attested to knowing of my relationship, my visits, and my intention to marry, as well as my character. As much as possible, I stapled a picture of me with the person who wrote the letter, and had those letters put on letterhead. From my uncle, who is a minister, I got a letter on letterhead stating his blessing and intention to perform the ceremony. (We were engaged at that time). Do you get the picture? Overboard, way way overboard. We had about 20 letters total, and i put them in a plastic sleeved packet. Since you have been living together, this would be easier for you. You could ask people in the apt building who see you together, your child's pediatrician, the priest, the people who own the stores where you shop, etc. Get creative and think overkill. I drafted the letters for people and all they had to do was sign it.

regarding the congressmember, I agree with VivaBanos, you really need to place a call not just an email, especially if a delay will killl you. She is exactly right, they need you to sign a form authorizing release of information to them. If you go on your members website, you can download that form. I would "pre-attack" and fax or pfd email the signed form AND all your documents without waiting to talk to the person, especially based on your work environment. VivaBanos is also correct in that if the stafer senses that you are all complaints but no real action (one paper letter or email but no actual phone calls), they WILL NOT put you on the front burner. I have worked extensively with politicians and their staffers in another job and can attest to this fact of life. If you go back thru VJ you will find that various members have been really really screwed by this consulate, adding up to a year to their wait. You must consider this in your decisions, and realize that you should not be passive in ANY WAY. we were lucky, because some very heads-up VJ members pre-alerted us before the interview, and we avoided their sorrows and delays.

One helpful thing we found out in advance was the professional history of the head of the consulate, which reveals his bias, which is obviously reflected in the bias of the staff. He is deeply interested and involved in issues concerning human trafficking. In other words, he wants to bust people who are paying someone to fake a relationship in order to get a visa. Wants to bust...maybe i should say, apparently he's got a hard-on. That's why you need to go overboard on the evidence and to be present for the interview.

As far as your ship schedule being unpredictable and limiting, you may need to take the bull by the horns and plan an interview when you are untouchable on leave in some way. I did not wait for them to call my husband for an appt, I MADE THE APPT myself, based on knowing that I could leave work fast at that time. I called and they offered the following week. I already knew what i would pay for plane tx so there was no hesitation. they will tell you you cant attend, just let that whopper fly, dont argue. its wrong. you may want to ask around on VJ and get other people's opinions, but personally, I would NOT risk scheduling a second interview unless I could definitely be there. If that means you wait 2 mo or whatever your tour is, then so be it. That's what i would do, anyways, but i dont know your whole situation.


Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-02-20 23:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
QUOTE (gregd @ Feb 20 2009, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see others have had problems with the consulate in Guayaquil. Here is ours.
My Ecuadorian wife and I were married 3 years ago and been together nearly 5 years. I live in Quito with my wife and kids when I am not in the States working, of which amounts to about 4 months throughout the year in Quito. I just returned to the US 2 days before my wife and kids had their interview, therefore I couldn't attend.
We have 2 kids from her previous marriage and one 2 month old baby between us. Anyway....The interview was scheduled on Feb 18 and my wife and kids attended as scheduled. She was interviewed by an Ecuatoriana, who was polite and asked a few questions about our relationship. My wife had every conceivable piece of documentation needed including pages and pages of photos of our family life together over the past nearly 5 years. Reciepts, bank statements,
insurance statements, emails, phone bills....everything possible to tie us together. She had birth certificates from the civil registry, our marriage certificate with the official document from the State of Idaho secretary of State deeming it official. EVERYTHING! The first interviewer finished and then she had to sit in front of a gringo woman, who hardly spoke, never answered one question my wife asked, barely thumbed through our documents and handed a letter to my wife stating she didn't belive our 15 year old son was my wifes biological child. The birth certificate was not enough evidence and a DNA test was needed. A DNA TEST? It took a minute for my wife to realize what this lady was asking.
My wife tried to question this and all the woman would reply was read the form! Completely impolite and unhelpful. Next please. We are then left to figure this out. She called me upset and explained the situation. I was and am still livid over this. No where does it mention this rule or requirement in the immigration website from the State Dept. What
really upset me was the statement was made infron of our 15 year old son....who of course felt awful. Also the fact that they thought my wife was dishonest! So we started making calls. I found a company in Seattle to do the testing and was able to take care of everything at a price of $700. The document from the embassy calls for a blood test. The DNA blood test is old school, with all of them being a saliva test now. It seems the Embassy should update their requests. My wife had to call the Embassy to find out if the saliva test is acceptable. The DNA process is now underway, as the copmany is sending out the test kit to Guayaquil early nest week. We have no idea how long it will take. The Dr. at the Embassy in Guayaquil is the only one who can administer the test samples and must send them back to the States for testing. The turn around for the test with the company is relatively short, but we have no idea how long before we hear back from the Embassy. We have waited over 1 year to this point, and don't know if there will be another interview, if visas will be issued upon results of what??? The Embassy is unwilling to give any information. My wife and 3 kids have to make another trip back fot the test. Why didn't they ask for both Ecuadorian kids? They may have to make a trip back for interview 2. WHen does it all end? They also seized my wife and kids tourist visas at the time of the interview, which they have had for many years. The guards at the embassy were very rude individuals as well. The whole interview process for my wife was absolutely awful. She has never felt so humiliated by someone as she did by a few employees of our US government! And I am ashamed of the representation,
disgusted and mad!

What a horrible experience. You need to contact your US Representative's office immediately. If your US Rep is not a good one (mine isn't) you can contact your US Senator's office. Tell them that you have applied for a visa for your wife and kids and you are having problems with the US consulate, although your application has been approved by the USCIS. They should assign you to a staffer (if they dont, then request it.) You will need to fax them copies of certain things, like your NOA2, etc. It will take them approx 1-2 wks to review your case, unless you can convince them it is a total emergency. After they review your stuff, they will contact the consulate and turn the screws on them.

As far as when is your next interview, you might be able to take that in your own hands. I would wait until your US rep's office contacts the consulate, and then call that paid-call make-an-appointment phone number and schedule it yourself. It might work.

It sounds like you didnt know how crucial it is for YOU to be present at your wife's interview. If you haven't already, take a look around on VJ and read about what happened to everyone else who's SO wasnt with them at the Guayaquil Consulate- they all are getting some kind of run around BS. Now you know, and make sure YOU are present for the next interview. If you have to get a new credit card or borrow money for the ticket and tell work the Pope needs you in Rome, DO IT. YOU MUST BE THERE.

I would also contact TBoneTX and get his advice. Again, I understand what you are going through. It sucks. Don't give up and don't let anger get in the way of creating a solution. Best of luck. Keep us updated, and keep the questions coming. We will all do our best to assist you.
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-02-20 13:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual citizenship?
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jun 12 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
GOOGLE is your friend.


Moving to citizenship forum.

Thanks, Dan. Good info.
Any Ecuadorians out there know what kind of rights the American spouse gets in Ecuador?
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-06-12 21:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual citizenship?
Hi, does anyone know if my Ecuadorian husband can obtain dual citizenship, Ecuador -US?

And he wants to know if I can get dual citizenship also, or some other kind of recognition from Ecuador?

Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-06-12 20:42:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwill misdemeanor affect status?
We are thinking we may need to get a lawyer. The county sheriffs denied a written request for a copy of his arrest record. Unfortunately we need that as part of the citizenship process which we start in one year. We don't know what to do, or even what type of lawyer (immigration, criminal, personal injury?) to call. Basically my husband should never have been arrested and now he has this record that says" drugs" on it. We need the arrest record so we can prove that he breathalyzed legal and they NEVER did a drug test. Advice please, especially if you have any idea about how USCIS will look at his application- ie how bad is this in the grand scheme of things. Thanks !

PS just to reiterate, this was a detention only, and no charges were pressed, no court date, detention only. But we still have to disclose it come citizenship time.

Edited by Chamy and Gatita, 11 August 2009 - 08:04 PM.

Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-08-11 20:02:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwill misdemeanor affect status?
thanks everyone!

Well, here is what happened: He was leaving the bar at the same time as the police were arriving to invesetigate a fight. He was on foot, walking home. The police called after him and asked him to stop. He was not drunk, or disorderly, but underestimated the amount of respect necessary in dealing with the police in the US. He is accustomed to a high level of harrassment in his country, and there you need to push back a bit to avoid getting abused. Anyhow, he told the cops he wasn't doing anything but was evasive in his answers, and I think he was a little lippy about it too, which pissed them off. He was not carrying his permanent resident card, but had a copy in his car which was fairly close. close enough for the cops to drive him there and check it out if he weren't being a jerk. but he was being a jerk (his admission- and now he understands he can't act like that here), so they arrested him. I also explained to him that his somewhat hostile and evasive behavior was probably suspicious to them, and that cops here are very wary of getting shot at. (i know this from dealing with a lot of law enforcement in my line of work.) additionally, the cops in that area have a reputation for going out of their way to harrass those with brown skin. so they arrested him. when he was released, his paperwork says he was arrested for "disorderly:UI/drug" -- maybe they put "drug" because they breathalyzed him but I'm sure he was way below drunk, with only one drink on board. but the release says it was a detention only, not an arrest, for intoxication only, with no further proceedings.

So it's a learning experience! Now he accepts that he has to be very respectful with the cops and that he needs to always carry the green card.

My only question at this point is, can we get this removed from his record, or I don't know, somehow officially contest his "detention"? the reason being, the whole thing was a mistake and he was not drunk, disorderly or on drugs. Is this still a matter for a lawyer?

oh- one more thing- his booking paper has the wrong address for us on it- should i notify the cops?
thanks again.
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-07-20 14:09:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwill misdemeanor affect status?
Sorry, not sure which forum to put this in--

My husband went to jail last night and was booked for drunk in public. Without having any further information-- he is still there so i dont know the whole story-- my understanding is that drunk in public is a misdemeanor and he will have to go to court. if he gets convicted, will this affect his legal status, or his future citizenship? He currently has a green card, ie permanent resident (conditional). We will be filing for citizenship in about 15 months or so.

One more thing- although he understands the law requires that he carry his permanent resident card with him, he doesn't-- he says he is afraid of losing it or it being stolen. I'm not sure what happened last night, but the first thing the jail asked was, is he legal? and, do you have papers to prove it? So I don't know if not carrying the card tipped the balance for the deputies who picked him up. Anyone want to comment on if they do or don't alway carry their card, and why?

Thanks for your input.
Chamy and GatitaNot TellingEcuador2009-07-18 10:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs it better for me to be present at my fiance's interview?
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jun 24 2009, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (grinchus @ Jun 24 2009, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're still waiting for the second NOA (notice date for NOA1 = May 1st) but I want to think ahead. I've seen some people here going through the interview with the US-based fiance(e) and some without. Once he has his appointment date, should I do everything I can to jump on a plane and be there with him? Does it make our case stronger one way or another? I'd love to go see him anyway, so if I can swing it financially it certainly would be a double bonus if it really would help!

I say YES. If for no other reason (and this is really the BEST reason) to comfort your fiancee. I went and was glad I did. We had no questions asked (though I know many people in Kiev have no questions asked even without their fiance present) but it felt really good to be there. In my opinion this is something we decided to do TOGETHER and we did all parts of the process TOGETHER, collecting documents, etc. I just think, for us, it was the way to go. I think Alla was very appreciative that I did this and was there with her, though the interview was anticlimatic, I think she would have passed out from fear walking to the consulate. laughing.gif

Thanks, I will plan on doing this (if I can get the time off work). It will be meaningful for us to do this together. It will give his mom an excuse to throw a party for us too! She unfortunately won't be coming to our wedding in the US as she has a crippling fear of flying - so if I go there for the interview to support my fiance, we can turn it into a celebration (keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well!).
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-24 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs it better for me to be present at my fiance's interview?
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Jun 24 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Read interview reviews for your specific consulate. Select the embassy where you are interviewing, and happy reading!

My gut feeling is that in Italy, it is not necessary and won't make a difference either way. In many VWP countries, the USC presence at the interview is mostly in the office of hand holding and reassurance (not to be discounted if needed, but no affect on the technical immigration part).

have you seen this thread?


No, I didn't know there was a Naples consulate thread. Thanks Nik+Heather! You rock.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-24 11:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs it better for me to be present at my fiance's interview?
We're still waiting for the second NOA (notice date for NOA1 = May 1st) but I want to think ahead. I've seen some people here going through the interview with the US-based fiance(e) and some without. Once he has his appointment date, should I do everything I can to jump on a plane and be there with him? Does it make our case stronger one way or another? I'd love to go see him anyway, so if I can swing it financially it certainly would be a double bonus if it really would help!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-06-24 10:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions re I-134 tax return info
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 9 2009, 08:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (grinchus @ Sep 9 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ummmmm sorry for being dense, but I don't hear a choice in the prompts that matches that I want a transcript. What am I missing (or misunderstanding)? Thanks!!!

Press 2 - 2 - Social Security Number - 1 - 1 - 3

I think you can take it from there. good.gif

Done. Thank you!!!!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-09 11:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions re I-134 tax return info
QUOTE (grinchus @ Sep 9 2009, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 9 2009, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You don't need transcripts for the I-134. The benefit of having them, however, is that they prove that you filed and the IRS accepted your return. Anyone can fill out a 1040; a copy of the return does not prove that it was filed.

Did you request your transcripts by mail? They generally arrive within a week if you request by phone.

Oh and BTW my taxes were done by a tax accountant so I have the preparer's signature at the bottom, plus a signed paper by me giving her permission to file on my behalf. If I end up sending copies of my 1040 perhaps that will give them more credibility that they were actually filed.

QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 9 2009, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When you request by phone, you shouldn't have to talk to anyone. It's all done via an automated response system. Call 1-800-829-1040 and follow the prompts.

I also faxed a 4506T, and after several weeks with no response, I called in a request via the automated system. I had my transcripts within a week.,00.html

Will do right away. Thanks!

Ummmmm sorry for being dense, but I don't hear a choice in the prompts that matches that I want a transcript. What am I missing (or misunderstanding)? Thanks!!!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-09 10:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions re I-134 tax return info
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 9 2009, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You don't need transcripts for the I-134. The benefit of having them, however, is that they prove that you filed and the IRS accepted your return. Anyone can fill out a 1040; a copy of the return does not prove that it was filed.

Did you request your transcripts by mail? They generally arrive within a week if you request by phone.

Oh and BTW my taxes were done by a tax accountant so I have the preparer's signature at the bottom, plus a signed paper by me giving her permission to file on my behalf. If I end up sending copies of my 1040 perhaps that will give them more credibility that they were actually filed.

QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 9 2009, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When you request by phone, you shouldn't have to talk to anyone. It's all done via an automated response system. Call 1-800-829-1040 and follow the prompts.

I also faxed a 4506T, and after several weeks with no response, I called in a request via the automated system. I had my transcripts within a week.,00.html

Will do right away. Thanks!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-09 10:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions re I-134 tax return info
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 9 2009, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You don't need transcripts for the I-134. The benefit of having them, however, is that they prove that you filed and the IRS accepted your return. Anyone can fill out a 1040; a copy of the return does not prove that it was filed.

Did you request your transcripts by mail? They generally arrive within a week if you request by phone.

I requested them by fax per the instructions on the request form. I tried requesting them by phone and the lady on the phone said that my "request" was simply a request to have the request form sent to me by mail, which seemed stupid since I already had the request form in hand. Can I call back and check the status of my request? If it's better to have it, I'm willing to wait.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-09 10:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions re I-134 tax return info
Hi all,

Do I *need* the 4506T (transcripts) version of my tax returns, or can I just photocopy my returns for the past 3 years? This is the last piece of documentation we need for packet 3 and I don't want to wait any longer for the transcripts to come in the mail (I sent off for them 2 wks ago).

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-09 10:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionabout I-134
QUOTE (sperry81 @ Sep 17 2009, 04:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am wondering if what I have will be enough evidence for the I-134 affidavit of support, I have included the last 3 years of tax info and i was going to get a bank statement or 2 for extra support, is this enough?
I have the 1040's from my records which are copies from the time I filed, will this be ok?

Transcripts are better than copies of tax returns, and copies of your bank statements aren't as good as a letter from a representative of your bank that states the date you opened your account, your current balance, average balance (either over the past year over the life of the account), and so forth. I called my bank and explained what I needed, and they transferred me to a very helpful woman who then sent me a letter (two letters - I asked for 2 copies of everything!) that basically said "BLANK has been a valuable customer of our bank since DATE, has XX number of accounts with us and an average balance of $XX."

I also had a letter from my employer that stated my start date, salary, and such, but if you are self-employed you could write a letter saying that, and stating your nature of work, that you've been in business since whenever, your average annual income, and some such. The IRS transcripts would be proof of that income, and also that you've filed your taxes properly and on time.

I agree that the more info, the better.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-18 08:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo tax returns need to be notarized?
QUOTE (Leo&Farah @ Jul 19 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jul 19 2009, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With tax transcripts there is no question...they DO NOT need to be notarized and in general tax returns do not need to be either. But since the Kiev consulate uses an old OF-167 which states that copies of tax returns DO need to be notarized I simply printed another copy of mine from the computer and took it to my bank and signed it and they notarized it for free. Probably not necessary but I wasn't going to chance that the consulate clerk collecting the documents hold something up for lack of an unnecessary (but not difficult to obtain) notarization.

In this process, it is my belief there is no such thing as "too much gun".

You have got to be smarter than the average government clerk.

And old form does make sense. Oh well, tax transcripts is the way to go. Too bad ours hasn't arrived yet and its been over a month. At this point I think it got lost in the mail. Gonna have to order it again I suppose.

OMG - Hi! My tax transcripts were taking FOREVER as well (I had faxed the request), and was about to send the I-134 off with just a copy of the return I had filed. I posted here to ask if that was OK or if transcripts were necessary and a couple on this site advised me to get the transcripts because it's proof that you actually filed, not that (as someone said here above) that you just filled out a 1040. They also said I should order them directly by phone again and not wait form my faxed request to be processed. Indeed, I called and they were there in a few days! I would encourage you to do the same. Call the number and follow the prompts. Good luck!

Press 2 - 2 - Social Security Number - 1 - 1 - 3
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-18 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOCTOBER INTERVIEWS
Yes indeed! October 14th!!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-10-07 19:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa approved! Now, question re travel to U.S.: one way or RT ticket?
Hi everyone,

My fiance's visa was approved at the Naples consulate this past Wednesday!! kicking.gif

Now I have a question and I'm not sure where to post it. We are in the process of booking my flight to visit him for Xmas and then our flight together to the U.S. Here's the rub:

Our flight to the U.S. will be my return flight, but for him it's his flight TO the U.S. One way flights cost twice as much as round trip, so the economically most advantageous option is to book a round trip ticket and then not use the return portion of it. So essentially that makes it a "fake" return for the purposes of getting the cheaper rate. I would hate to spend the money on a one-way only flight if it's unnecessary, but will booking a RT ticket cause him problems when he gets to the US with his K-1 visa?

I have to book this flight soon, so your responses will be very helpful!!

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-10-16 11:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSmall tear on the side of sealed visa envelope - HELP!
QUOTE (grinchus @ Dec 2 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

... But - if it's a TEAR or a RIP, and IF you have any concern - you can go back to the consulate, they can RE-SEAL it for you... It's a PITA to do this, so examine the packet again...

see if CUT or RIP.

I can't check it as I am in the U.S. and the envelope is in Italy. I will ask my fiance' if it is a cut or a tear. From the way he described it, it sounds like a cut made by the clerk. Thanks.

Hi all. Darnell, thanks for making me freak out again. JOOOOOOOOOOOKING!!! I appreciate your help, and it's good to check everything and make doubly, triply, sure.

My fiance' said that it is not a tear. It is clear that it was not made by someone's hand or fingers, but that it's a little cut. So it seems that all is well.

It didn't help that my fiance' described the envelope in question as "tutto sfasciato" when he first told me about it, which means "completely ripped to shreds." He is a very colorful Neapolitan who tends towards hyperbole and histrionics, which is mostly extremely endearing and wonderful, but in this case since we're dealing with US immigration bureaucracy, I would have preferred that he describe it as "a teeny, tiny little cut." smile.gif

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-12-02 16:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSmall tear on the side of sealed visa envelope - HELP!
QUOTE (Darnell @ Dec 2 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
have another look .

if it seems a CUT, then this is normal - clerks made this CUT, is used to 'view' without 'opening' , sometimes at the POE with CBP.

But - if it's a TEAR or a RIP, and IF you have any concern - you can go back to the consulate, they can RE-SEAL it for you... It's a PITA to do this, so

examine the packet again...

see if CUT or RIP.

I can't check it as I am in the U.S. and the envelope is in Italy. I will ask my fiance' if it is a cut or a tear. From the way he described it, it sounds like a cut made by the clerk. Thanks.

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-12-02 14:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSmall tear on the side of sealed visa envelope - HELP!
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Dec 2 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This happened to us. I contacted a POE officer at our local airport and he said a small tear is fine as long as it isn't big enough to get a few fingers or hand in. Needless to say, when my husband arrived with his torn envelope in hand it was accepted without any questions. 2cm shouldn't be a big deal.

Thanks, Nagishkaw and New Beginnings! That's a relief! Yes, he said that there's no way that fingers could get in there, and that it's a clean cut. So I'm glad there's no need to freak. I've been freaking out enough during this process - and I'm tired!!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-12-02 14:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSmall tear on the side of sealed visa envelope - HELP!
Ugh, I am so aggravated!

My fiance's visa was approved on October 14th at the Naples consulate. He couldn't wait around to receive his passport back and the sealed envelope with the visa so he had it couriered to him at his home. All well and good, the package arrived, everything was fine.

In the meantime we have booked him a ticket here, made plans, gotten excited, everything. I'm going there for X-mas and we're flying back together. Hooray!

He had just left everything in the *courier* envelope so he had never actually seen the brown, sealed envelope w/ the visa, but today he had to fish his passport out for other reasons (and he would have had to get his passport out anyway in order to check in to our flight to the U.S.). So, what happens? He opens the courier envelope, gets his passport, and then sees that the sealed, super-duper secret, not-to-open-under-any-circumstances, brown visa envelope has a little, 2 cm tear on the side that probably got there when the courier was putting all of the materials in the courier envelope, or when the consulate handed the passport and envelope over to the courier.

Now my fiance' says it is clear from the nature of the little tear that it does not look like someone was trying to open the envelope, it is just a flaw in the integrity of the paper of the envelope itself. we freak out? I have emailed the consulate and asked if this is a problem, but who knows when they'll get back to me, and we're now heading into holiday season in Italy so...

Any ideas? Advice?
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-12-02 13:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (Piccolacarina @ Dec 2 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Grazie mille tutti! Aguri for your fiancee receiving his visa grinchus!!! I just came back from Italy for a short vacation. I'm going to return for New Years!!!! Can't wait!

I'm leaving in 2 weeks from today and staying for 3 weeks. We're flying back together on January 5th!! Where does your fiance' live? Mine lives in Campania, about an hour from Naples. Very excited about spending Xmas and NY in Italia!!

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-12-02 23:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (Piccolacarina @ Dec 2 2009, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

This Italian forum has been so informative on the Naples consulate process. I just received my NOA2 and they have sent the case to NVC! I'm preparing paperwork as we speak!!!

Ciao Tutti!

In bocca al lupo!!! They are very nice at the Naples consulate, according to my fiance'.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-12-02 15:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Quick check, for the translations, does it need to be notarized or sworn in tribunale?

We got the visa today!! My fiance' said that everyone at the consulate was very nice and the whole thing is very efficient and pleasant. You should read over the instructions again. I'm pretty sure it says that you only need translations for things that aren't in English or Italian. I don't think we prepared translations of any of the documents.

good luck!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-10-14 23:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (steabba @ Sep 30 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone, I'm rather new to this and I finally found a thread in this site of those who had to go through the process in Italy.
I am the Italian beneficiary, we recently sent our I129F and got the NOA1 a week ago or so, therefore we still have a LOOOONG way to go until Naples ClockWatch2.gif
Anyway, while we are waiting for the NOA2 (no RFEs, pls) I wanted to start gathering all the documents that I will need for the interview at the consulate.
I have a few doubts about what documents are really needed as for:
- Military: Congedo illimitato? Foglio Matricolare? Both? or what else?
- Police: Casellario Giudiziale? Carichi pendenti? Both?
Thank you for your replies.

Ciao Stefano,

I found this review of the Naples consulate really helpful: http://www.visajourn...e...&cty=Naples

The person who reviewed it also gave the Italian names of the necessary documents, enumerated next to "Other Forms (if any)?" The police certificate is the CERTIFICATO GENERALE DEL CASELLARIO GIUDIZIALE, and don't forget that the "estratto di nascita" is the long form, with all of your parents' info too. I don't know about the military records as my fiance' didn't serve.

In bocca al lupo!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-10-11 19:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Who else is going out of the gate now at the Naples consulate? My fiance has his medical this Tuesday and his interview on Wednesday. Nerve-wracking and exciting.

Anyone else have anything to report?
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-10-11 18:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Everything is at the Naples Consulate now and we're gathering the montagna of paperwork. I'm confused by the instructions because it says FIRST fax the D-230 Part I right away, but then later it says to fax it with a statement swearing that you have all of your documents in hand. So if we're still in the "hunter/gatherer" stage does he fax it or not? It's ready to go.

The other confusing thing is that all of the forms they emailed me in the famoso "Packet 3" are out of date. I went online and got the new ones per non sbagliare, but I'm a bit perplexed why an official Consulate would send out-of-date materials to you which, if you filled them in, wouldn't be valid.

grinchusFemaleItaly2009-09-03 16:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (strega @ Aug 18 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,,got my noa2 finally and it has left NVC in route to napoli!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif i was wondering, does the consulate when receiving it , email my SO the packet or snail mail it?? im looking at the 129F petition and dont see anywhere a place for his email...just mine..does he have to call first before they send it or do they automatic send it out?? i need them to email it because he will be coming to visit me here in the US friday for 2 weeks.........helpppppppp

I got my NOA2 last week as well, though I haven't heard anything about it being on route to the NVC or Napoli. How did you find that part out? And what other paperwork have you prepared in the meantime? The I-134? I'm not sure what else to do before the packed arrives at my fiance's.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-08-24 10:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (naima&negrito @ Aug 13 2009, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just got Packet 3 via email yesterday!

When the form asks "how long do you intend to stay in the US" would "permanent" be a good response?

Also, my friend's dad said he would give my fiance a job, but I think he would be paid under the table, should I list on the form that my fiance will be working for him? Or should I say that he wont be working at all?

Hi N&N,

These seem like important questions that I would post on the main forum board. The traffic on this particular thread doesn't seem that active and I would hate for you not to get answers for your questions. They are not Italy-specific, so putting them to a wider audience would be helpful for you, I think.
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-08-13 11:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
Just got the NOA2 today, 92 days after the NOA1. Fingers crossed for the rest of this visa journey!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-08-12 17:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (Ste&Velma @ Jun 30 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody!

I'm just back from Napoli... EXHAUSTED from two very full and busy days. But at the same time, HAPPY, HAPPY HAPPY!!! There's no real need to spend too many words in saying that everything was a piece of cake. Period. The only advice I would give to anybody is to enjoy the city and its culinary delights. I went with my brother, that kindly accompanied me, and we had such a great time by walking around, having fun and eating delicacies. wink.gif Forget the terror stories you read around the board; all the people down there are very cool, nice, and helpful. I finally have the K-1 printed in my passport... me and my love are now thinking of the date for my forthcoming comeback, while the marriage date is practically set and certain since a long time.

Hope everything is fine with you, and I wish you the best. You'll all be fine, don't worry! cool.gif

Talk to you later. Ciaaaaao!!!


Ciao Stefano,

Grazie infinite per aver condiviso la tua esperienza al consolato di Napoli. Come VR, sono contenta di sapere che a Napoli sono gentili e che tutto e' andato bene. Auguri a te e alla tua fidanzata!
grinchusFemaleItaly2009-07-01 11:42:00