K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat happens at the NVC step?

On the website they ask for Priority Date, is that the date they received our petition?  


Also, my fiancee is convinced that she has to pay at a bank for the visa (the amount was over 2000 RMB I believe), but I told her that I can pay for it through this website (I think it is $265), am I correct in my assumption?  




JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-25 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat happens at the NVC step?

Thanks everyone for the wonderful information, it really helps.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-06 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat happens at the NVC step?

We received our NOA2 yesteday, just wondering what exactly happens when the NVC receives the package from the service center.  Do they just forward it on to the embassy?  Do they set up the interview date?  Just curious what goes on at this step.  




JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-05 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


Thanks JD&Coconut !! I hope your package reaches the NVC soon ! How long does it usually take ? Between 1 week - 1 month?


Seemed to be a little over two weeks for us.  Good luck!

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-24 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs



Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On June 20, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


This is a beautiful day, good luck to those who haven't received their NOA2 yet 


Yay!  Congrats to you both!  dancin5hr.gif  


Still waiting at the NVC step, called two days ago and they did not have me in the system yet.  Hopefully today.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-21 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


I will call them tomorrow to inquire about postponing the ticket, I've kinda hoped that maybe there is a chance that I may not have to change the reservation but as the days go by I am slowly losing hope. I'm glad to hear that you guys were able to schedule the medical quickly! I will tell my fiance to schedule it immediately after we get the NOA2. The civil docs are also a challenge, and they need to all be translated from Arabic hehe I will continue praying, and checking the USCIS case status every night !


Thanks for the support smile.png


Any news yet Ramsey?  Hope everything is going ok with you two.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-18 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


Woooooooooooooooow JD&Coconut !! CONGRATULATIONS kicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif So happy for you, buddy! You have waited long enough, and now you have the NOA2 and you can continue your journey smile.png This is awesome news, I hope you're reunited with your fiance soon. I also hope this is a good omen for me and that they give me the NOA2 already! hehe Cheeeeeers!


Hope you get your NOA2 soon Ramsey, keep us all up to date.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-05 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

We have been approved!!!


Talking to my fiance now, not sure who is crying more; so happy cannot control it.  :)

Post Decision Activity

On June 4, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-04 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


JD&Coconut, thanks for asking buddy smile.png So, after speaking with a Tier 2, apparently these is a "glitch in the system that many applicants are experiencing". He said that I should disregard that status update and to wait until I get my RFE reply. What I sent them was very simple, and straight-to-the-point. Basically 2 letters of intent, signed by my fiance & I. Hopefully the fact that they are that simple makes them process it faster. I'm just really bummed that I would get 2 RFE's....I think that's a very rare occurrence and should never happen if the CSC officers knew what they were doing.


Any updates on your RFE reply?!?


Still waiting, case status hasn't changed since 05/23.  :(

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-03 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Hey everyone,


So I just wanted to give you an update on my case. Unfortunately, the USCIS and CSC continue to be highly incompetent on my case. I received my 2nd RFE on Saturday, and just sent it out this morning (apparently this time they want a letter of intent). I don't understand why they wouldn't just say that in the first RFE and save me about a month of nerve-racking frustration. Anyways, they should be receiving my reply by noon tomorrow so that's not a problem. The problem is that I just received a text/e-mail saying that they updated my case status and when that happened, I went to check My Case Status on and this is what I found:


On June 3, 2013, the post office returned your document I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) as undeliverable. If you do not contact us at 1-800-375-5283 within 180 days from June 3, 2013, this document will be destroyed and you will need to file a new application with fee.


What on earth are they talking about? What could be the meaning of that? Is this just an error? or did they mistake me with someone else? I am on hold right now to speak with a Tier 2 ISO to clarify what happened but it just frustrates me so much how a branch of the US government could be this stupid.



Hey Ramsey, any news?  Hope they get it corrected.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-03 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Case status updated at 1 AM to RFE review, cross your fingers!  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-23 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Sent my RFE reply to the lawyer, overnight, FedEx tracking reported that they accepted it at 9 AM on Thursday.  I wrote them an Email asking them to let me know when the reply is sent in and get a tracking number; they send me an Email at 4:30 PM on Thursday saying they did not receive it yet.  Friday morning I sent them additional Emails with screen captures of the signature and the delivery date and time, get an Email later in the day saying they still had not seen it.  Monday will be three weeks since the RFE was mailed and the reply hasn't even been sent in yet.  


I'm done with them, sent them an Email telling them their services were no longer required.  I will get the package together (again) and submit it on Monday and also inform CSC and NVC that they are no longer representing me.  


Writing the state review board and filing with small claims court is also on the table at this point.  



JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-17 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


Hi Takeo!

do you know if many people reported this (which posts?) and if so, how was it resolved with the applicant if it was a system glitch?

We received an RFE just now. I'm so furious as we spent thousands of dollars on a lawyer and we're over the 6 month mark now. Wedding and travel plans are now in jeopardy. The lawyer has been completely useless throughout the process - hadn't a clue what was going on at CSC, never heard of Visa Journey website, no realistic idea of processing times on the Dublin side, no advice, no support. If our RFE today was a system glitch, the lawyer was still useless! Arrrgggghhhhh!

wow - I needed to rant - fuming!


In the same boat as you, also made the mistake of hiring a lawyer, never found this site until long after we submitted our application.  The RFE was sent to the lawyer which caused a delay as they had moved their office and the mail had to be forwarded.  I sent them the RFE response the very next day overnight, now waiting, once again, for the lawyer to forward it on to CSC.  If we had done everything ourselves the response would have been sent out two weeks ago.  


Wish I could say something positive but cannot.  :(

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-16 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

So sad and so angry today sad.pngranting33va.gif  the USCIS are a bunch of retarded pricks!!!!!!!! I hate them so much right now ranting33va.gif


I got another RFE...
On May 15, 2013, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)


How does that even happen? Why wouldn't they submit all requests for evidence at the same time? I bet they need a different kind of evidence now. Arrgghhh, what a horrible day I'm having sad.png  now it's going be another 3 days till they mail it, another 9 days until it gets to me, another 2 days until they get it and another 7 days until they respond (3+9+2+7=21 days) 3 weeks of my time, completely wasted .... so a big thanks to the dueche bags at the CSC for being, once again, incompetent idiots.


Sorry for the rant guys wacko.png I needed to get it out of my system...



Wow, that does suck Ramsey, hope it is something easy and quick.  I agree with you, they should send all RFE material to you one time but apparently, they just do whatever they want and there are no consequences.  ranting33va.gif

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-15 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

I posted a thread on how to add time stamp using the embedded info on a digital picture but the mod moved my thread saying it wasn't K1 Process and Procedure related headbonk.gif .  So, anyway, here is how it's done, its quite easy and it really is official because you are using the pictures info, not making up any date like other methods.  http://www.visajourn...e-stamp-photos/


Awesome!  This information should be included in the guides.  Thanks again Takeo!  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-15 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

lol, I did print every page of my passport including the cover, they also want that again (some how those 40 pages just vanished).  I also put the month and year on the back of the photos (this time i will include the exact date) and who was in them.  Not sure about photo editing the pictures, would hate for them to see something odd and reject our application for falsification.  Will just stick to writing the exact date on the back.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-14 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Just checked the Case Status, got my NOA2 today!!! About 15 minutes later, when I was chatting with my fiancee in Japan, got the text message and email!!! Whew, that was a long one! She's not planning to move till September, so we have some time to work on the next steps but I'm sure glad this long wait is over! Funny thing today is I dropped a penny in the toilet by accident! Wishing approvals for all you who are waiting.  I updated my timeline, seems like I'm the only one today so far. 


Grats Takeo!  


Well, finally found out what happened with my hard copy; it went to the lawyer.  They finally called me today that they received it and apparently CSC "lost" (remember that water problem they had?) part of our packet which contained the evidence and they are asking for us to send them pictures (including in packet), boarding passes (including in packet), receipts (included and translated in packet), credit card statements (not included first time, will this time), etc... all over again.  Luckily I have everything but will include additional photos of us together (we have over 100) along with credit card transactions I made in China.  The lawyer also mentioned that it is best if the photos have the date stamped on them, well, none taken with my camera did, nor did any of those taken at the studio (wouldn't expect these to) which leaves us with a lousy four photos which were taken by family members that did have the date printed on the front.  Is that ridiculous or what?  Grrrr!!!  ranting33va.gif

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-14 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Yes, I've seen people getting their interview in about 6 weeks from NOA2 and others much longer, but 2 months seems around average.  Guess I should not have said minimum. 


JD, praying that your RFE arrives soon.


Still no hard copy, day 11, I'm betting that they did not even send one.  Guess we'll be making a call on Wednesday.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-10 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Yes, I've seen people getting their interview in about 6 weeks from NOA2 and others much longer, but 2 months seems around average.  Guess I should not have said minimum. 


JD, praying that your RFE arrives soon.


Day 10, no hard copy.  I told my fiancee last night to just prepare ourselves to wait the 15 days and have to call them.  If it arrives before then, great, if not, well, guess we can't be disappointed any more than we already have been.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-09 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Takeo, is it really 2 months minimum between NOA2 & visa?!?! I thought that it takes anywhere between 1-2 months depending on your embassy?


I read anywhere from 1 to 4 months for ours.  I'm guessing that two is probably the average but does depend on the embassy.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-09 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Copies of your ATM or credit card transactions in her country, proves you were there.


Good point!  I never even thought to send them that information and I used my credit card pretty much everywhere we went.  If they need more evidence will definitely dig that stuff up because the receipts were in Chinese and my name probably was not on them.  Thanks for the advice.  smile.png


Oh and day 9, no RFE hard copy.  :(

Edited by JD & Coconut, 08 May 2013 - 03:43 PM.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-08 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


I copied my fiancee's entire passport.  It was a pain, but I wanted to be thorough.  Make sure the copies are clear enough so they can read the stamps especially with you going there or her coming here.  You may even want to put post-its if there are other country stamps and just highlight the ones they need to see. 



I have a bank account with my fiancee also.  She had to be here in Hawaii to sign and open a joint account.  I will use it for the embassy packet to show on-going relationship. 



People say the photos must be date stamped, but in todays age, lots of photos are taken without date stamps.  I didn't plan on getting engaged and married, so many of our photos do not have the date stamp.  The pics I submitted, I printed out at Wallgreens, and then wrote on the back who is in the picture, city and state of where we were, and date.  It's more work, but felt it was worth it...after all, you've waited this long. 



Lastly, don't forget to make two copies of everything.  One copy you will eventually send to your fiancee, the other copy you will hold on to, just in case you need to refer to your packet. 




I still can't fathom why I received an RFE, hired a lawyer who seemed to be pretty thorough, submitted things such as:  


-10 photos, names of those in the photos, where the photos were taken and the month and year (not the exact date which may be the cause?  Lawyers instructions told us to put this on the back of the photos)

-Copies of boarding passes for the flights

-Copies of all hotel, train and attraction receipts (translated if in Chinese)

-Copies of our passports, every page, which included the stamps from the country visited

-About 60 pages of Emails and chat messages


From what I read it may have been better to just taken screen captures of the Emails and chats showing how many pages there were?  We use QQ on a daily basis to communicate and we have over 3,000 pages of chat history.  The audio/video call logs are a bit more difficult to capture, haven't found a good way to extract that info from the program.  


Hope I get the hard copy soon, driving me crazy trying to think of what we may have missed.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-08 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

I was wondering if anyone knows how long an RFE typically takes from the time you get the second notice until you receive the hard copy in the mail? I received my second notice on April 29 (8 days ago) and I still haven't received anything in the mail. Furthermore, I am in California, probably less than 100 miles from the CSC. Should I be worried? Is there any way they can e-mail or fax me the information?


Wow, you are in California and still have not received it?  I was worried (received second notification on Apr. 30th) that I had not received mine yet either, called them and they told me the could not do anything until it has been 15 days.  This is killing my fiancee and I, all of this waiting, feel like we are at the DMV from Hell.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-07 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

First notice RFE 4/23

Second notice RFE 4/26

Hard copy 5/2


As suspected, I missed section C question #2.

Will mail out reply 5/3. 


First RFE notice 04/25

Second (and third) RFE notice on 04/30


No hard copy yet!  Just checked the mail today.  


This is causing my fiancee some serious stress.  First the long delays with CSC, then the RFE, and now this.  Dreading having to tell her that it did not come in the mail again.  

Edited by JD & Coconut, 06 May 2013 - 09:39 AM.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-06 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


Good to hear that!  Is your RFE an easy fix?


Sorry, meant NOA1, was answering question.  I got second text message so I guess it is in the mail now, will see maybe Friday if we are lucky.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-30 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs


I'd assume they will mail to your address, which is why they request that if you move, you submit a change of address.  Did you or your lawyer get the hard copy of NOA1?


I received a copy, not sure if lawyer did.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-30 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

Anyone know if the lawyer gets the RFE or will I (or both of us)?  


I thought the lawyer would save us from this step, guess I was wrong, what a waste, wish I would have found this site last year.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-30 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril RFEs

I received an RFE notice on 4/23/12. I checked Igor's list today and see that there have been many RFEs in the past week, is this normal? I'm starting this thread so that those who have RFEs can chime in and share when you recieve your hard copy letter what the RFE was for, and then how fast it is to get resolved and NOA2. Seems everyday there are 20-30 people posting about getting their NOA2 and I'm very happy for them, but it's hard to find other information for those who are going through the RFE process. Please share about your RFEs, current or past. Aloha!

We just received a RFE, 04/25. I'm so upset right now I feel like calling them up and telling them to shove our application where the sun doesn't shine and moving to China (which is what my fiance has always wanted me to do). This entire situation from the delays to the RFE just has me so completely angry right now I can't even think about anything else. I guess this is what you get for serving your country in a war, a big boot in the behind. I need some time to cool off before sending any FU letters to everyone in government I can think of to write to.

Edited by JD & Coconut, 25 April 2013 - 04:14 PM.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-25 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStupidest RFE in immigration history!

That is pretty lame, we too got a RFE, I'm still at a complete loss as to why but if it is for the same thing some heads will roll.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-27 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers

After 225 days, we were approved today!  


Post Decision Activity

On June 4, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.



JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-06-04 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers

im seeing alot of filers from csc getting approved lately...from july,aug,sept,nov, dec??? none for october??????????? :(

There are still a lot of people from August and September who are not approved (July is pretty much done) so once they get more of those complete, we will hopefully be next (Oct. 22nd here). :)
JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-19 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers

Ack, it's getting to that annoying stage where you're hoping and hoping every day that you'll hear something soon. Going crazy is pretty standard!

I keep checking, once or twice a day, hoping to see at least a touch but nothing has been done since Oct. 25th. :(

Here's to hoping we all hear some good news soon!
JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-03-12 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers
October filer here, just found this site a few days ago, still going through all the posts.
JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-02-28 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP before the interview?

We are in AP at the embassy, no interview scheduled yet, P3 packet received and replied to.  I think this is just a holding state until the interview from other posts I've read on the same subject.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-07-22 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSCAM WARNING! Please read!

My fiancee and I use QQ to communicate on a daily basis so thanks for this info.  Luckily, she never has nor ever will ask me for money as her and her family are well off.  

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-29 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone ever get RFE for wrong size passport pics?

If the foreign fiancé's passport pics are a tad bit smaller than the 2" x 2" USA norm, would that generate an RFE?

Has anyone ever sent in smaller than 2"x2" (by very little) pics and APPROVED?

My fiance sent me her passport pictures but the Chinese standard for passport photos is a different size and dimensions and I could not manipulate it to fit the US requirements (basically, a square) so she had to go to a photography studio with the requirements printed out to get them taken again. You can get the photos electronically and print them at any place that does passport photos, that is what we did. Good luck, sounds like you are almost done!
JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-03-27 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for more Evidence??? Help!!! K1

the hard copy usually takes about 7days. but it depend if your closer to the service center. i got my RFE hard copy after 3 days. because i leave closer to the service center (CA). now, on my husband AOS i got a RFE's takes about a wk to get the hard copy (RFE copy come from the other state).


Sigh, 9 days and no hard copy yet.  :(

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-05-08 15:39:00

Just saw on USGIS site under alerts that CSC is closed due to plumbing issues. They may be closed tomorrow also.

You mean they've been open the last six months? Could have fooled me.

Next we'll be hearing in the papers about all of these I129F's showing up in the local sewage drains, haha.

It may just be about time to contact the media on the issues the CSC is having lately.

Edited by JD & Coconut, 26 March 2013 - 11:04 AM.

JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-03-26 11:01:00
USCIS Service CentersNew info regarding CSC

Hello all. I thought I would share an excerpt of an email I received yesterday from a staff member of one of my US Senators. I hope this sheds some light on whats going on and I also hope it gives hope to those of us caught up in the backlog of cases pending.

"Able to speak with CSC today about a different type of case and discussed the frustrations again about I-129F delays. CSC reported they have more field officers trained in adjudicating I-129F petitions and will be moving on the backlog.
Sounds like your petition since it was received and assigned September 4, 2012 priority date will be among the petitions that will be worked on immediately. Would you like for me to follow up on status in a couple of weeks or on Friday 4/19?
Let me know your preference.
Thank you for the visa forum discussion page. Also alerted CSC of the visa forum and White House notice of I-129F delays. They were interested and alert to move on the petitions."

Of course we'll see what happens. Seems that CSC is beginning to feel the pressure and there does seem to be movement lately based on some of the recent NOA-2's being issued. Let's all hang in there!! :-)

I think there are 3 posts so far this week for CSC July and August (maybe a September) petitions being approved so this sounds like great news to all of us who were dreading that our petitions got washed away in the plumbing accident (DACA more like it!).
JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-16 18:50:00
USCIS Service CentersWhy CSC doesnt keep doing Dec with august to nov?

Maybe I'm a bit selfish but 1 week ago my NOA2 should come in June 15th and yesterday it jumped to July 11th :\

I want also people of August to December get their NOA2 but CSC could keep doing them and ours too. People of Jan already is completing 4 months so if people of Dec got their NOA2 within 4 months its fair Jan filers get their too.

I'm Feb filer and just want my time comes.

I'm sure CSC can make august and dec this month, next month sept and october and in june nov and jan. I've seen the graphics and august with 30% and dec with 40% of approvals, and july with 60%.


Just to think I'll have to wait more 3 months it makes me crazy...It has been 1 year I don't see my fiance :'(

Good lucky to everyone.

My fiancee and I are Oct. 22nd filers, do you think its fair that we wait behind Nov. and Dec. filers? How would you feel if Jan. and Feb. filers were being approved before you? Think about that.
JD & CoconutMaleChina2013-04-19 07:57:00