Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN
You will need to read up on apostile. Fancy term for having things certified and paying a fee. get the Secretary of State of the state in which you are located certify the notary's stamp. If you are lucky the Vi?t Nam government will accept this level of certification. If not you need the DoS to certify the state seal. can do what I did and pay someone in Little Siagon here in OC to magically handle everything. For that matter there are folks in Siagon (big) who will similarly handle...for a fee.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-01-05 12:20:00
VietnamBringing 2 new iPads to Vietnam as gifts, plus an old personal one, would there be any problems?


Perhaps it is because you're Caucasian. Vietnamese customs officers are known to not give foreigners any troubles.



Yes, agree.  I'm careful to not push any limits but I understand the fact I am Caucasian makes a difference.


Interestingly they seem to make more notice of my visa waiver stamp and ask me if my wife is VN (yes) and do I understand VN (some).  I try to keep as low a profile as possible so anything beyond pleasantries from a person in uniform makes me very very cautious.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-01-27 01:54:00
VietnamBringing 2 new iPads to Vietnam as gifts, plus an old personal one, would there be any problems?
Perhaps I'm incredibly lucky but I've often gone through customs in Saigon with multiple phones, iPads and other electronic gear with no problems. I put things in different bags but that's all I do. For my last trip I took two new iPhone 5s still in the boxes and wrapped (one was actually in the bag from the apple store. This plus an iPad, a laptop, a nexus 7 and my personal phone. No problems.

I'd avoid putting currency in the passport as it seems a bit crass to me. That said if it worked before it may work again. I'm hardly an expert - just 7 or 8 trips as experience.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-01-26 08:21:00
VietnamBringing 2 new iPads to Vietnam as gifts, plus an old personal one, would there be any problems?

I've often brought in electronics (cameras, phones and iPads), some my own and others as gifts, and I have never had any problems.  That said I try to pack things in different bags.  I've noticed that customs seems to pick out Viet Khieu for special treatment - and I've had friends here in the US be asked for money when going thru customers in SGN.  Customs makes it sound official; in my experience it's a couple of overwhelmed x-ray machines with a very serious older woman at the front yelling at people to move quickly.  


They never bother me but it could be because I am a westerner, lucky, and not bringing in boxes and boxes of electronics.  Hard to say and of course nothing is written down (to my knowledge there is no customs declaration unless it's in Vietnamese and I just didn't notice.  I am always prepared to fork over some cash but so far haven't had the joy of doing so.


So...if your husband looks like me (unassuming accountant type from Ohio) have him carry the electronics.  If you are both Viet Khieu suggest you have cash available to pay any fees that might be requested.  


Good luck and perhaps I will see you in line.  My wife's interview is 28 January and I am staying through Tet.



JRFMaleVietnam2014-01-05 10:27:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

My trip to Vietnam gets closer and closer. It'll be my first time meeting my girlfriend face to face. But recently I have been reading up on the country and finding a lot of bad things. Scary things. I know everyone has their own experiences, good and bad. I told myself a hundred times that they're just stories. Stories about mafia girls or if you do not spend a lot of money, you will be treated badly. Am I just freaking myself out? Maybe I am just nervous because this is my overseas relationship? *sigh* I just needed a place to vent and this is the first place I thought of. Everyone seems so relaxed about travelling. Whereas I have no experience.


Relax and enjoy.  And a week's not too short a time.  I spent just over a week on my first trip.  Four trips later I got married.  You do what you can given your budget and work schedule.  Make the most of it and have fun.  

JRFMaleVietnam2013-12-02 22:43:00
VietnamGot "Pink Slip" today!
Congratulations - hope you can both make that flight together!
JRFMaleVietnam2013-01-31 18:14:00
VietnamCitibank in Vietnam?

I have all of my accounts with USAA, and have no intention of moving money into any other bank.  My wife has a USAA number and once she gets here she can get access to all of the accounts.  Until then I'll use Western Union (it's free if I do it online and wait three days).  I don't send money often and...VN rules or none...I don't trust my money outside of USAA.  


Old fashioned I suppose!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-02-24 23:34:00
VietnamCitibank in Vietnam?
Are you sure you can open the account if you do not work (with a permit)? I tried to open an account at a global bank in Vietnam and was told I'd need to be working there to open the account.

Perhaps I just don't get it but to me it's very difficult to move money in or out of Vietnam, with the exception of western union. I admit there is a lot I don't know but - I looked into it and came away with the impression as a non-resident foreigner it was not possible.

I'd check a bit more - having an account with citi in Vietnam is not the same as a US account.

OP - why can't you pay the fees using your account in the US?

JRFMaleVietnam2014-02-23 23:31:00
Vietnam344 days....
JRFMaleVietnam2014-02-26 23:51:00
VietnamRequirement for Marriage Certificate
The VN embassy website in the US has a good list of what you will need. One of the key things you need to remember is that you will need to have signatures authenticated - I am in California and I had to have the CA Secretary of State authenticate the local notary who witnessed my signature. The State Secty of State also authenticates other stamps and signatures (for example if you have a divorce decree). Then you will need a VN government representative here in the US authenticate the work of the state secty of state. Naturally all along the way you pay fees - fees to get certified copies, fees to authenticate, etc.

As mentioned above your VN spouse will have their own set of documentation requirements. Being VN the rules can be a little confusing - and malleable.

PM me if you want more details on what to expect. I went thru this last fall in HCMC.
JRFMaleVietnam2013-02-26 14:01:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

it's had been 8 days since I left my passport there and ceac site update daily with READY status. There were never offer me an extra fees $6 as you mention above. I'm a bit worried since your wife received her visa in 6 days from the days she left her passport there.



Suggest you try to use the tracking number with EMS, or call.  It seems if expedited is a week, not expedited is two weeks, but I really don't have a clue, sorry.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-13 20:01:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

that's wonderful news ! I'm so happy for you two !


Thanks @Darnell.  I've learned a lot from your posts...most importantly, pay attention to the guides and the details, and always use a PC to view the site.  :)

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-10 20:20:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

First, I want to congratulation to JRF for your wife  visa approved. I would like to ask if your wife have receive her passport back  from the consulate because I have submitted my passport after i receive an approved letter from HMC consulate same time as your wife submitted her passport  but I haven't heard anything from the EMS and It show no status on ustraveldoc web. I'm looking forward to hear from you. Thanks 


My wife received her visa 6 calendar days from the time she left it at the consulate (they promised a week).  She paid an extra fee for the quicker turnaround (still was only $6 total).  She did not have a tracking number, but since the visa arrived in the time allotted we didn't make calls (I was ready to call the next day, but she talked me down).


Best of luck!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-10 17:41:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

Congrats, JRF!


Thank you!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-03 22:16:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

Anytime. Very nice. They are saying they need more documents to finish and that document is the passport they will need to attach the visa in it. Many congrats again. Where's the party?



Good news - the visa was approved. She went to the consulate, waited for an hour, and was pulled into a group of two other applicants.  All were told their visas were approved.  My wife decided to spend the $6 or so to get rush mailing of the passport.   We were told she'll receive her passport with the visa in a week.  Therefore, she'll be in LA by the end of June. 


Best of luck to all on their process/journey. 

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-03 12:53:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

@luckytxn...thanks for the help.  Attaching file did the trick.  Yikes.

Attached Files

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-02 20:14:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

She's headed to the consulate just after noon local time, so we'll know more soon enough.  Certainly, sooner than it will take me to figure out how to successfully upload a picture.


I was expecting a letter that said "Your visa is approved.  Drop off the passport so we can give it to you."  Seems simple enough.  What we got was a bit confusing and completely underwhelming.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-02 19:59:00
VietnamSeems visa approved...letter not clear

My wife received the attached (edited) letter from the consulate.  It begins by saying the visa cannot  be issued, if we do not respond to an RFE.  The request is for her to bring her passport to the consulate.  First time this has been requested, after over four months in AP.


I am assuming that she would not be asked for her passport unless they issue the visa.  Has anyone seen this letter before?  Am I simply being over-critical of a poorly worded form letter? Both the police check and medical have another 5 weeks left before they if we move fast we can avoid having to pay the fees and wait...wait...wait more. 


18 months since NOA1, 13 since NOA2, and 4 in AP.  Yeah, I am ready for this part of the journey to end so we can get on...


I am not sure if the jpeg uploaded.  If not, it's a form letter in English and VN.  After some typical legalise (threatening of course) it instructs my wife to take her passport to the consulate.  Signed by a consular officer. 



Edited by JRF, 02 June 2014 - 07:26 PM.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-02 19:24:00
VietnamPOE at LAX - No Problems

No signature necessary...EMS delivers. Good luck with your wife's interview!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-30 19:52:00
VietnamPOE at LAX - No Problems

My wife arrived at LAX last night - no problems.  Just over an hour to get from her seat on the plane and outside of customs.  She thought everyone was polite and professional (at least, until we got out into traffic).  


Anyways, now that the visa journey is largely over (removing conditions and citizenship should not be that difficult) we can focus on the long-term and critical work of a healthy marriage together, under the same roof.  Having been married once before, I know it isn't easy but done right it's a wonderful thing.  I didn't think our visa journey would be 18 months but I always knew that was the easy part.  Relieved it's over and ready to move on.


Best of luck to all who follow.  


Jim & Nhu

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-29 11:28:00
VietnamTrying To Bring MY Wife And Step Daughter From VN

 A consular officer is surely going to question why neither you or your spouse have close relations with your families - as I am sure you know this is very uncommon in Vietnam.  The absence of a formal wedding and photos, while not a show-stopper, is nevertheless unusual.  By a court wedding I am assuming you meant you simply signed paperwork at the Justice Department.


Have your wife and step-child ever been to the US?

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-16 21:36:00
VietnamPost office? Sending packages to VN

Vietlink in Orange County (and HoustonI believe) is great...low cost, fast, and dependable.  Ship direct to residence - great service.  Anyone else, sketchy service and expensive.  

JRFMaleVietnam2014-07-03 22:18:00
Vietnambringing cell phones to vietnam


i had 2 ipads & 2 cell phones + laptop = all unboxed divided in my backpack & carry-on roller = no problems.

i did not put any electronics in any of my 2 check-in luggage bags


be careful of placing any electronics in "check-in luggage bags" = hands will be going thru those bags for certain.

so suggest not to do that.


good luck!

have a great & safe trip!


Great advice....always carry on anything of value.  Anything in the checked luggage is subject to being "re-directed".

JRFMaleVietnam2014-07-03 22:27:00
Vietnambringing cell phones to vietnam

I see them giving Viet Khieu hassles...they never bother me.  I make it a point to play the ignorant, impatient American.  They never expect me to know Vietnamese or the system there, and in this case that works to my advantage.  I do keep a little money separate from my main stash just in case, but so far I've not been bothered.  




Edited by JRF, 30 June 2014 - 07:58 PM.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-06-30 19:57:00
VietnamK1 VISA Interview - Is an Engagement Ceremony absolutely needed before the interview?

I was bummed when I found out there is no other chance for me to wear my Ao Dai.  Despite practicing ahead of time I didn't button it correctly - every time I look at our wedding photos I cringe.  I had one shot at greatness, and blew it.


We were never asked much about our wedding ceremony by USCIS, or the CO, or anyone having to do with immigration.  That said - we were not getting married without a well engineered ceremony, including bride and groom portions.  My father in law had the entire ceremony engineered to the minute (my father is a retired engineer and between them even I got nervous when things ran behind).  To say it was important to my wife's family is an epic understatement...

JRFMaleVietnam2014-07-07 14:26:00
VietnamAny old timers still around?

Yeah, I'm one of those guys who just stopped posting here. You new guys probably think us old timers stop posting when our marriages go sour. Not in my case. Still happily married to Phuong! Just not dealing with immigration much these days, now that Phuong and the kids have their unconditional green cards. I still come back occasionally when I get a PM notice, and lurk a little bit.


Anybody else who was around when there was no such thing as an "I-821D"? Anybody else around who remembers eating at "The Big Grill" in Saigon? Does DQ still troll this forum? C'mon! What's the gossip? tongue.png



Hi Jim


I refer back to your old postings for information on a regular basis.  Glad to hear you are well, and thank you for sharing all you learned.



JRFMaleVietnam2014-02-22 10:00:00
VietnamInterview tomorrow at 8:30. How early should we be there?

I only went through this clearly my experience is limited...but we showed up at 6:45 and were processed as fast as everyone else.  In and out in about 2 hours.  Take some money for the vending machines inside, and dress comfortably.  I was there in January so it was cool, but this time of year it's bound to be uncomfortably warm.


Good luck!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-08-06 11:59:00
VietnamIR1 Visa Approved! but barely :P

Lets skip to the ending.  My wife got her visa but it was pretty intense.  I'll describe in detail what happen.



We got there at 7:15 and the line wasn't too bad.  They shuffled us through fairly quickly before making my wife wait in another line to get her fingerprints read.  Afterwards they called us up to check our documents (medical reports, updated police report, etc.).  What shocked me was they ask for my housing registration book and my wife's Vietnamese ID.  None of those items were listed in the interview letter but that didn't seem to affect our interview.


I think we finished before 8 which didn't really matter because they didn't start interviewing people till after 9AM.  Getting there really early didn't seem to matter much because the numbers aren't really called in order.   There were roughly 5 case officers giving interviews with a translator next to them.  I think in general it took 10-15 minutes to interview each person and they did it behind a glass. Feels like you're talking to a bank teller. Also, they gave out a ton of blue slips.  It seemed most people forgot something or had errors on their application. 


At around 10:30 they called my wife and I.  The person interviewing us was a black lady.  She asked me when did I arrived.  When I told her I had been living and working here for 6 years, she was quite shocked.  She started bombarding me with questions such as: Why did you stay here? Where do you work? When does your contract expire?  These weren't bad but then she started hitting me with questions to verify my domicile.  What have I done to establish domicile back in the U.S.?  Do I have bank accounts, investments, property, etc.  This was quite bazaar since I already submitted my evidence for domicile a long time ago.  I submitted bank statements, brokerage account statements, voters registration card, copy of driver license and bills a long time ago.  Good thing I brought extra copies to the interview.  Even with all these paperwork, she still question my intent to go back to the U.S.  She asked me,' what can you say right now to convince me that you will go back to the U.S. when your wife gets her visa?' I was thrown back at this.  I told her my contract has expired, most my money is in the U.S., including my investments, and my wife is coming with me; Why would I stay?  I couldn't believe she would question me like that. 


Afterwards she sent me away while they interview my wife alone which they seemed to do with most people.  She then ask my wife about how we met, how long have we been dating, etc. and asked to see our photos.  When she finished, she gave my wife a blue slip saying that they didn't have our co-sponsors business license and 2013 tax forms/transcript.  Apparently they lost the business license I sent them in May/June.  I was able to show her the 2013 transcripts but had to leave.  I called my sister and had her email me a copy of the business license then printed it out.  I wasn't sure they would accept this at first but didn't want to wait 2-3 weeks to have her mail it to us.  I made sure she scanned it in high resolution before I printed it out.  We headed back there at 12:30, waited till 1 before they started taking people in again.  We submitted a copy of the business license and was given a number.  They told us to wait at window 18 and it seems like that was the only windowed open so the wait was intense.  It wasn't until about 3PM before we got called up and again, all the numbers are pretty random.  The guy just said remember to register to mail address online to have your visa delivered and that's all.  I was amazed they accepted a printed copy and grateful.


Sorry for the long post, but thought I should include as much detail as possible.  The lady that interviewed us didn't seem like a bad or mean person, but I felt her questions were unnecessary.  Make sure you have backup copies of everything. 


Congratulations!  We had the same CO.  Not nearly as intense an interview, though.  She didn't ask me many questions and didn't pay any attention to our pictures, etc. 

JRFMaleVietnam2014-08-07 15:21:00
VietnamWife's visa is approved


JRFMaleVietnam2014-08-19 20:13:00


JRFMaleVietnam2014-08-28 21:30:00
VietnamFinally get to tell her "Welcome to America!"

Best of luck!  Narita is a big airport and at times a little confusing.  Hopefully she has plenty of time to change planes.


Again, best of luck!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-09-14 22:58:00
VietnamFood supply suggestions needed.

Sau rieng...


From experience, best to let her pick things out.  Someone suggested a good rice cooker - very good advice.  Aside from that, she's going to want fresh everything so you are largely limited to what you can purchase locally.  


Best of luck!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-09-18 21:38:00
Vietnamvietnam k1 visa just sent it any input is appreciated

Like Rich said chances are 100%. I am 51 and Linh is 37 and she has been here for 5 months now. No red flags and in my "older age" we are trying at children! Good luck in the process don't fret about any RFE's they happen and cause delays... don't be bashful to ask questions all will be fine!


Hey, isn't 50 the new 40?  I feel like I've earned my AARP discount!

JRFMaleVietnam2014-09-23 11:03:00
VietnamInterview in Ho Chi Minh City

You will be permitted inside the consulate but unless the interviewer has a need to speak with you (i.e., some sort of red flag) it's unlikely you'll be of much help.  At best (assuming no red flags) you might make a favorable impression but at the cost of a round trip ticket and time off work.  My advice is to save your money if it's a straight-forward case.  You'll need that money once she arrives, to (among other things) adjust status.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-09-06 12:08:00
VietnamTimeline Needed

The timeline is not technically required.  We submitted a timeline and were ultimately approved, but I doubt this was even an indirect result of submitting a timeline.  I am not aware of anyone who was denied a visa solely are largely as a result of a lack of a timeline.


IMHO, the value of the timeline comes from it's creation.  Creating (and reviewing) the timeline is a good way for your wife to prepare crisp and organized answers for her interview.  People will say being able to answer interview questions should not require rehearsal if interviewee is a bonafide candidate.  I think this is rubbish, particularly given the stress of the situation.  People almost always benefit from practice - why should this interview be any different?


Back to timelines - if you've created the timeline, why not submit it for the interview?  No cost (it's already created) and it may help the interviewer quickly size up your situation.  But necessary, I think not.


Good luck.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-10-13 07:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Our case has entered AP - my consulate review offers more detail. They seemed convinced of our bona fides (that's what the CO said). I won't bother asking how long we have to wait because I doubt anyone knows. That said I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's been through party membership issues in Vietnam. Our case seems benign (and we disclosed everything, along with supporting third-party documentation). I would though really like to talk with someone with direct experience with this situation in Vietnam.
JRFMaleVietnam2014-01-26 08:47:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports13 months still waiting .......

The Atlanta office is known for being slow.  You need to take control over your application.  Save yourself $300 and conduct the info pass appointment yourself.  Spend some time reading on VJ and educate yourself.  I don't have anything against lawyers (I used one because of a special circumstance) but I would ask you to consider what your lawyer has done for you, if they waited until month 13 to suggest an info pass appointment.

JRFMaleVietnam2014-03-07 21:59:00
USCIS Service CentersDo we have to wait until the end of 2013? NBC is killing me!!!

Suggest you follow @Stevie b's advice and expect everything to take a while.  From experience setting expectations this is easy and quick are more than not likely to lead to disappointment.  The good news is cases that are sound are almost always approved.  The reality is that some move fast and some move slow - often for seemingly no reason.  Fortunately you have a community of knowledgeable people here who have been through everything and can help with both procedures as well as the emotions.


Best of luck!

JRFMaleVietnam2013-09-14 09:58:00
USCIS Service CentersAre Local Offices Still Taking I-130's?

Overland Park Kansas.  Not Arkansas.



JRFMaleVietnam2013-10-07 12:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Devastated!!!!

Does your 2013 run-rate income meet the guidelines?  

JRFMaleVietnam2013-10-07 20:59:00