CanadaI miss Shreddies
Oh Brother.


They are similar but different. A Milky Way in the US is the same as a Milky Way in Canada.

A Mars Bar, is smaller in length, thicker and is more dense. The taste is in the same family but it is not as light and fluffy.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-09-05 11:00:00
CanadaHaving Fiance at Interview
I went with my wife to her CR1 Interview. I went into the room with her and was asked no questions. Neither was she come to think of it. The dude says everything looks good and he just needed to take her fingerprints.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-08 20:38:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
The DOT Sticker will state that the vehicle meets or exceeds NHTSA Standards. It may be on the same sticker or a seperate sticker.

In any case, The 1997 Civic was recalled in the US for defective passenger side airbags lol.. thats kind of ironic don't you think?
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-15 20:21:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
Insurance was a ###### for me too. State Farm was the only company that would look at my Canadian record. I was paying 900 / cdn. I was being quoted 2600 - 3500 US for what amounted to about 1/3rd the coverage I had. State farm was 1200 and I took it. After 2 years it has dropped to 1100. I plan on driving my car till it drops. It was only worth 6K when I imported it and is worth about 2800 now.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-15 11:03:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
This might make you happy :-)

I would print that out and fax it, along with the DOT sticker, to Honda and ask for the freaking letter. If they do not want to give it to you then you might have a problem.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-15 01:25:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
The DOT one means it does comply with the US requirements which means Honda is confused. The EPA one on my car was under the hood.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-15 00:55:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
The DOT sticker could be anywhere. Check where the tire pressure sticker is located. The location should be noted in the owners manual. The EPA sticker would probably be in the engine compartment. You may have to clean them off to read them. Then again, they might not even be there.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-14 14:43:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
As far as I know, Dual airbags was made mandatory in the US in 1998. In any case, if Honda will not give you a letter you are probably screwed. Is their a DOT sticker on the car somewhere? What about an EPA sticker? If you have both of those, you do not need a letter I don't think.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-14 02:17:00
CanadaHyatt Regency Hotel in Montreal?
I stayed at the Ritz Carlton. It was very nice. Its one of the older Grand hotels. I prefer those to the newer luxury hotels with the furniture all bolted down etc. The cab ride was about 5 minutes and the doorman hailed it for you so its not like the outside temperature was an issue. Room service was 24 hour as well. The coffee was teriffic 3 / 4 times we ordered it.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-15 00:44:00
CanadaTitre for Medical
It depends on your doctors office. Some of them have lots of whacky charges. My wife used to pay 50.00 / year so she had no extra charges for things like this.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-17 21:47:00
CanadaWhat foods are the Same in the US
I like altering my blood chemistry. Just not with Mustard and Catsup.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-17 11:53:00
CanadaTravel Insurance
I got insurance through my work but have yet to use it :-) My Wife used it. She had a cold and they gave her 4 prescriptions. Not one of them was for a generic drug either. In Canada she probably would have gotten 1 prescription. I dont remember muscle relaxants and sleeping pills on the list of drugs that Canadian doctors prescribe for a cold.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-15 11:06:00
CanadaCanadian Revenue
Yikes :-())

I dont want to know...

I put 5K in the bank every year to cover what will happen one day.. These tax guys don't know nuttin.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-05 03:12:00
CanadaGetting a Canadian Citizenship card
Well, I got my receipt. It says 5 - 7 months on it.

I bet I get an RFE for it or sumthin too.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-14 20:33:00
CanadaGetting a Canadian Citizenship card
This year on 9/11 I took the day off work and headed downtown to the Canadian Consulate in NYC to submit a citizenship card application. I discovered that they don't take walk-ins and I needed to make an apointment or mail it in. It wasnt a wasted trip though because there was a camera joint nearby that took these weird pictures required for this. We spent the day at the Museum of Modern art. The next day I mailed it in. About 6 weeks later I got my birth certificate back in the mail. Now, Today Nova Scotia dinged my Visa card for the 75.00 admin fee. (2 months) and I guess I am finally in-line.

Anyone have any idea how long itt akes to get one of these? The consulate said 8 or 9 months but Citizenship Canada site says 3 months.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-11 09:59:00
CanadaHow long after approval did you move?
Almost immediately. About 24 hours. If Air Canada didnt want to charge us 400.00 to change our tickets we would have left that day.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-17 03:52:00
CanadaWatching Canadian TV in USA
We get Sarah Richardson... Mmmmmmmmm Yummay!
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-20 20:34:00
CanadaMy Canadian Car registered in US
We pay an anual tax to the City in Connecticut, For my Car, a 98 Maxima with 138,000 miles on it, which they think is worth about 6K (and that is more likely worth 2) I pay 150 bucks. On top of the 70 or so for registration. If you are driving a new Beamer your looking at 1100 bucks a year in tax! lol.. make the rich pay, I love it.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-20 19:53:00
CanadaMy Canadian Car registered in US
Yes, In America, they use American dollars.. You dont put down on forms xxx canadian and expect them to look at it. Most of us dont even know where Canada is.. That cold place up north.. EH!

Hah Hah Hah...

What about the kilometers.. did you convert it to miles?

I gave up doing that. My car has 127,000 miles on it now :-)
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-07-27 08:56:00
CanadaJersey meets Montreal.

Another Canookie in the Tri State Area.

I figure if we get enough of em we might be able to clean the place up a bit!
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-24 18:14:00
Canadacrossing border with vehicle
You stop at the US border. They have the forms there. Just make sure you have the compliance letter from the manufacturer. After you get the compliance letter make sure that they didnt put the wrong VIN number down or something. The real fun comes at the DMV when you go to get plates. They take you Canadian registration away and give you a US one.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-12-02 23:40:00
CanadaEstablishing Credit in US
If you want to buy a house that fast Id get letters of credit from all of the people you deal with in Canada like your bank, Utility companies, credit card companies etc. These letters of credit can be used to establish credit for a mortgage. Many mortgage brokers are used to International clients and dealing with foreign credit. You just have to find the right people. A real estate firm can be a great help.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-09-22 13:12:00
CanadaWho's going home to Canada for Christmas this year?
Yes, I imagine it is cheaper in Toronto. Hotels are crazy nuts here.

I live about 2 hours from downtown (60 miles) and a room around here is still 200 bucks.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-27 23:01:00
CanadaWho's going home to Canada for Christmas this year?
Ohhh WIcked, thats a fun one, my wife liked it a lot!

Its just Wicked!

Of course, I saw it on Broadway after dinner at Mortons on the company tab :-P
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-26 21:24:00
CanadaWho's going home to Canada for Christmas this year?
Im headed up for 4 days. Airfair + car will be 1300.00 Yikes. The Pumpkin pie better be good.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-25 23:58:00
CanadaI 864 petioners form????
Your husband got a letter?


The K3 Visa involves first the I-130 CR/IR-1 Immigrant Visa petition that requires the I-864. That is a seperate and paralell process to the K-3 Visa.

Its possible your I-130 CR/IR-1 Visa petition has been approved and is being processed at the NVC.

In this case, your not talking K3 anymore.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-12-08 20:40:00
CanadaPOE Dorval-Trudeau airport
Forgot to answer the question. Yes, Visa will be activated in Montreal. You just need to activate your Taser when you get to Newark :-)
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-12-10 22:04:00
CanadaPOE Dorval-Trudeau airport
My wife and I cleared through there. Very quick and painless. Gave them the old Brown envelope and the Passport with the Visa and woosh.. we were off. I think it took 20 minutes max. Then we sat there. No place to smoke and very few entertainment options.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-12-10 21:45:00
Canadaweird topic but: bringing christmas gifts to canada
I order all the ####### I need online and ship it to my Moms house. She wraps it up for me. Thatway I just have to bring my mom's gift which is normally a 30 year old bottle of Scotch :)
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-12-10 23:19:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
What the local rag tag not cutting it for you? lol.. We have things here called Super Stop and shops.. they are a joke compared to a Loblaws.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-12-10 21:48:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Greek inspired?

Shhhhh.... The price of Pork tenderloin will go through the roof iffun the locals learn how to cook it right.

I make the most excellent souvlaki <sp>..

And it costs like diddly. Its the best deal in meat.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-27 22:59:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada



This, to many, is a subjective topic. No need to be all insulting and what not. Timmys is a unique flavourful blend and when comparing it to say Country Style or Dunkin, well.. there isn't any.

There are a couple of components that Timmys has little control over, one being the water used to make it and the other being the idjut behind the counter.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-11-19 00:59:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Its hard to make it the same.

1: You need to use a lot of it, like 1 1/2 tbsp per cup
2: Water can not be boiling. 180 - 190 deg max
3: Make it strong drip is ok but pour water slowly.
4: Use 18% cream.

I have made it sort of close but not exactly the same. I think to make it exact you need to get an old lady in a brown dress to make it.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-19 19:38:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Candy Floss = Cotton Candy Plumb Sauce = Duck Sauce.. Prawcess insteasd of Process ... that wears on you after a bit. They have no idea what an eavestrough is or a chesterfield or a baseboard.. the list goes on and on. I mis cute Canadian girls who say neato eh?

However, In Vermont "Thats Wicked Cool" is also quite sexy :-)

Oops Im married.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-18 18:42:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Nothing? I guess it depends on how your life was going in Canada vs how it is going in the USA. It also depends probably on your political persuasion somewhat.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-08 22:04:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
I hear you :-)

One thing I do keep around here is a bottle of Crown Royal for special ocasions. Like Saturday Nights.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-08 20:36:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
I don't miss all those crappy canuck beers any more. Ex, Canadian, Blue, 50, OV etc. Sam Adams, Grolsh, Heiniken for me. Sure the Canadian Beers are generally better than Budweiser or Pabst but they are not all that great. Of course, there are independent brewries everywhere. The ones in Canada are no better than there US counterparts.

What I miss is the Bread and Cheese. I have to go to NYC to get decent stuff. Here we have only 1 or 2 brands that are edible. I miss peameal bacon, Mr Submarine, Timbo's, healthcare, relatively uncomplicated tax law, RRSP's, Gun control, and News that doesn't consider Neo Conservatism as a legitimate ideology.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-10-08 13:26:00
Yeah, they can make fake cheese curds with pasturized milk. The law is the same in Canada.. I think Quebec was the last holdout. Still, there are places to buy a little old world cheese here and there. Illegal yes.. Tasty too.

And here is a link to get 5 pounds of them in the mail. USA made..


You need to head out to Dairy country!

Edited by cmartyn, 19 February 2006 - 12:48 PM.

cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-02-19 12:46:00
Ya know.. Donairs are an East Cost thing mostly. We used to be able to get them in Toronto but not any more. They were replaced with Gyro's with that garlic sauce. Now that I have a recipie for Donair sauce, Im going to make it for the Comapany Xmas party this year.. Should be good.
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-02-05 13:44:00
I would love the Donaire sauce recipie too.. I like it on Falafals!
cmartynNot TellingCanada2006-02-04 19:06:00