CanadaRoad to Avonlea
I have honestly never watched it....I guess when I moved from the small town I grew up in (no cable or anything but CBC)....I never or tried not to watch I know I probably missed out on lots. I do love Canadian TV though and so do my children. When we are at my fiances place they miss the "Treehouse" channel...they just don't get the same shows as we do.
I also remember Sesame Street as being English/ I only hear Spanish. But no matter a second language is always great.
I think some of my fav Cdn shows of recent are Robson Arms, Corner Gas and Jeff Etc (I think that is what it is called)...
Fortunately for me that the man I am marrying only lives 10 kms from the border and we do pick up a snowy CBC and I never ever thought I would admit to missing CBC so much. (sorry I still don't like
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-24 10:33:00
Good day!

I have not been able to get my immunization records either....apparently they throw them away after a certain period of time. So I just called Public Health here in Saskatchewan and I now have an appt to get my shots done for FREE!!! Now this is the ONE good thing that has happed lately. I'm still waiting on my passport........... :( so of course that is my biggest worry. I guess I just don't get why the Medical Doctor needs a passport...I'm still in Canada for goodness sakes.

have a good one!

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-30 14:49:00
CanadaTesting green card on Friday the 13th

Darcy and I will be testing his green card on Friday, April 13th. We are heading back to Winnipeg, MB to get his stuff out of storage. Finally!

We need to stock up on Timmy's and All Dressed chips before we leave! :P


mmmm...Friday the 13th...are you superstitious???

Have fun on your test drive!!!

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-30 15:37:00
Canadahas anyone had luck with upack?
Hi there...
Just wanted to get my 2 cents I really honestly feel that professional moving companies know more about crossing the border with household effects than a freight company eg. ABF/Yellow and oh so many more. I really didn't know they were even allowed to carry them. I drove a commercial transport truck for 3 years and we were only allowed to carry commercial personal goods...ever. As for a customs broker.....I was a Canadian customs broker for 15 years and we were not allowed to touch personal effects...that was up to the individual. I realize that the USA regulations are different. But I truly do believe in using a professional moving company to move personal effects.
I just hope everyone will check out everything 100% before trusting their personal goods to someone.
I honestly don't know everything about moving....or clearing goods through US Customs....
I'm lucky just because when moving day comes for me...we live on the border in the middle of nowhere. Heck we could probably use one of the grain trucks to move stuff..... :dance:
Good luck with your moves...everyone.... and I hope there are no problems for any of you!!!!! (F)
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-31 12:08:00
CanadaMedical Exam
OK...had my shots done today...but the MMR cost me $23 and the tetanus was free. There were no questions proof of anything required and they gave me a record of my immunization. :thumbs:
So...... lets hope that is a good sign of things to come!!!

Have a good one!
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-02 18:13:00
CanadaMedical Exam
[quote name='Knobby_Wheezer' date='Apr 1 2007, 10:49 PM' post='813703


BTW: is Nowhere, SK anywhere near East Elbow Junction, SK? One of my grade school teacher's used to kid us about being from there.

lmao....there is an Elbow, Eyebrow, Climax....just to name a few fun places in Sask. I really don't know if there is a Nowhere on the map...but from where I sit I can see the middle of Nowhere really well.
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-02 11:04:00
CanadaMedical Exam

my doctor gave me a 'script for the tetanus shot....but I could not get it filled here in Nowhere, I phoned public health and they are giving me all of the shots I need for my age group. It won't cost a thing and I will then have a record of it for the Doctor. Wow, I could not believe how they were willing to help me right away.

check with your local public health to see if you can get the shots and they you will have a record for the doctor and anyone else that requires it.

my panel dr appt is on the 12th april....
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-01 12:29:00
CanadaMedical Exam
Hi Lynamom
I have an appt this week and I will ask my DR. if she can give me the test...or just give me the shots.
Thanks much
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-25 14:04:00
CanadaMedical Exam

Wondering if we can find one of the doctor's that'll just watch so we can save some money!! :whistle:

lmao....i'm sure you could have someone watch.... :innocent:

I had my Titres test done. It was covered with Alberta health care and I didn't have to pay. If you are still on your Provincial plan, it should be covered for you.

I do have a dr appt on weds with my regular I might just ask her if she can get it handled for me....hopefully (fingers crossed) it will be covered by my Sask Healthcare...tks
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-24 10:27:00
CanadaMedical Exam
thanks for all the info.....
i'll keep my fingers crossed for the passport...and I still have to get my photos.

Flames...hope the guy did a good job on the

Happy weekend!!!!!!!!!!

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-23 17:44:00
CanadaMedical Exam
everyone is wanting $$$
I guess my main worry right now is getting my passport. I talked to the passport office the other day and ended up talking to this woman with the personality of a badger. She says "you should have applied earlier" "you should have taken it to a drop off location instead of mailing it" .... well shoulda woulda coulda...but I didn't. I live in the middle of nowhere...mailing was easier. I guess applying in November...then having it reject cause my pic was too shiny...and so on...I guess I figured it would have been here by now. I got my girls about 1 month ago...thank goodness they weren't so shiny.
Now that extra needle isn't looking too bad!!!!
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-23 16:27:00
CanadaMedical Exam

I'm 34, and sk stil had them ,lol. Ya if u dont have any imminization records, then one has to get a titre doem to see what shots u have had. More needles, enjoy!!

I will see if I can get my Dr. to do this next week....maybe speed things up. Needles...urgh!!!! (just look the other way and take a deep breath)........
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-23 15:04:00
CanadaMedical Exam

I think some people are talking about the titre test. I had one when I started a new job. It's not necessary for you to have. I'm only bringing a copy because I can . All you need is your up to date immunization records. Your family doctor should have them, and if not, could just give you your boosters to make sure.

I don't know what to tell you about the passport. I've been fighting since Nov 7 for my birth certificate.

Hi Tinker
I hope that is all. I don't have any of my immunization records. I talked with Public Health here in Sask. and due to my age (ahem..I'm only 39) they no longer have any records. So when I talked to the receptionist at the Dr. office she said that would just mean my blood test would cost more (sure..why not). So needless to say by the time my girls and I are done with the medical costs...its gonna be about 500.00 or more. they think I'm made of $$$....I just want to get married to my Prince!
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-23 13:41:00
CanadaMedical Exam

Where did you hear you need a blood test ahead of time? I never heard that. Just want to know for my own sake!

Hi melytha

It was a post I read earlier today...I think the topic was "Medical Exam Scheduled Today" and it was by Carlos at Tessa.
I wanna know too!!!! I had thought I had a handle on this.......... :o
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-23 13:13:00
CanadaMedical Exam
Hi everyone
I have my medical scheduled next month. Now the problem is I still do not have my passport back from the passport office. Of course they won't let me rush it through and when I made my exam appt they told me I needed my passport. So......I am wondering if anyone knows why they need a passport for a medical??? I wonder if they will let me have my medical without it?????
I figured things were moving smoothly along and then this>>>>>>>>>so very frustrating.
I had read a previous post about the medical and was wondering why when I made my appt they did not tell me that I needed to get a blood test ahead of time???? They told me to bring in my immunization records (of which I do not have), but I do have my twin daughters records. So what do they do then? Why does everything have to be clear as mud with this whole process? Do I need to go see my family physician? I have my regularly scheduled appt there next week anyways...
Thanks in advance for your answers that will solve ALL my problems. (fingers
Have a super day!
V :help:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-03-23 13:02:00
Canadamephys's big day!!
Congrats....I wish you the best of luck!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-04 13:10:00
CanadaThey mailed my visa yesterday at 16h38
Congrats to you!!! and the rest of your family!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-05 10:07:00
Canadarandom question about weddings in Canada
Yeah...pretty much any wedding I have been to has the gift opening the next day!!! (yup, I'm Canadian) Honestly, I think its an excuse to get together the next day to start drinking again .... you know "hair of the dog". Oh and all the older relates like to oohh and aahh over all the gifts.
Its just a fun way to get together the next day (after having no sleep) to celebrate with your family and close friends. Of course a drink or two is required as well as eating too much!!
Have fun!
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-04 13:16:00
CanadaProblems with former employer

My oh so lovely former employer still owes me my last paycheque. I've been danced around by my former manager, and 2 HR people so far. They've been given the new address 4 times to date, and somehow my cheque still doesnt make it into the mail. Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas on what I can do to get my paycheque?

Contact the Labor Relations Board for the province you previously lived in. Your employer can not legally hold your paycheck. Talk to the Labor Board....they can give you a form to fill out to basically then have your previous employer investigated. (something like that anyways) Then call your former employer...advice them that you have taken these actions. Hopefully that will put a fire under their butts.
Good luck and keep us posted.
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-10 17:07:00
CanadaAdvance Parole????
Good day everyone!!!

I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Advance Parole?? I live on the border and have been offered an awesome job in Canada of course. I'm not yet married...our intentions are for July 7. Right now I have my checklist ready to fax back to that is where we are in the process.
But right now I have a job I hate and this new job of course is in Canada as well. The commute from my home /my fiance's home is the same. I just want to know if it would be worth it to switch jobs and maybe get an idea from anyone about the whole Advance Parole deal???

Thanks again in advance.

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-17 12:46:00
CanadaA Case of 50, Please

:goofy: :goofy:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-21 12:22:00
CanadaThere is no god!!!!
I stopped at Tim's a med and won today I was looking forward to having a "large" canadian size and well it came in the plain ole cup...roll up must be done here in SE Sask....damn. I didn't win a thing. Not even a coffee....

My first Tims experience was in 1986 (gosh that is dating me) in Kentville, NS...I was a participant in the Katimavik program and we were out for a walk and one of the other participants was elated "LOOK A TIMS" being from rural Sask is thinking ####### is wrong with this person. Then we went inside.....the smells...the sights.....and omg I think I just gained 10 pounds looking. It seemed to take forever for a Tims to open in Smalltown, I'm glad I spent about 15 years in Calgary....there was a Tims on my way to work near the airport. Lovin' Tims.

OK, I must admit I'm lucky because when my ppwk goes through....well I will only be 1 hr from a Cdn Tims. (not rubbing it in or anything)

Have a great day!!!

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-22 12:48:00
CanadaFlames' mom sent pics from last visit
lmao ..............that is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-23 19:30:00
Canadaa new question.....I think anyways

Emergency AP is available with an InfoPass appointment (I did it when my Mom was in the hospital), but it has to be an emergency. Going to Vegas to get married, is unfortunately, not an emergency.

You will not be able to send your daughter's to Canada in order to go to Vegas to get married. You cannot file for AOS or AP until after marriage.

Can your parents come to the U.S. to look after your daughter's while you go to Vegas?

Good luck for a successful resolution.

Thanks....I talked to my parents today about it and they both will be coming to the USA to look after my girls. Only stipulation was "make sure you show us how to work the TV/satellite". I'm sure I can handle that.

I don't know why I wasn't thinking in the first place. Happens I guess. Oh I'm in love and my brain is swimming

My girls would love to go to Vegas (yeah, 5 1/2 y.o. twins) watch mommy marry....they want to be the flower girls, which would really only last about 2 seconds and then they would be bored.

This little issue is resolved. I think of another!!!

Thanks everyone for your opinions as always...
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-01 14:57:00
Canadaa new question.....I think anyways

In retrospect, I wish we had applied for AP when we filed AOS. I would encourage anyone to do that if they think there is a chance of having to go back to Canada.

At the time of filing, my husband had no plans to return to Canada in the near future. Everyone in his family was healthy and were coming to see us in April for our wedding. Also, money was tight (we paid for AOS and EAD, plus knew our formal wedding was coming up), so he chose not to pay the additional money to file for AP.

Well, our wedding was April 21 in CT. My husband's family traveled with us up to New Hampshire a couple days later to spend more time with us and see our house. My MIL became very ill and was hospitalized for 5 days (long story, but suffice it to say this last week was the week from HELL). Anyway, she has been stabilized enough to travel back to Canada to receive services from her regular doctor that will be fully covered insurance wise. My husband had wanted to travel back to BC with his parents to offer support and assistance as they traveled, but couldn't because he did not have AP. So, I drove them to Montreal yesterday, let my husband out at a small town on the Vermont - Canada border where he killed 5 hours waiting for me to get back from dropping my in-laws at the airport.

I hope things have worked out and she is doing well. You just never know.
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-30 12:14:00
Canadaa new question.....I think anyways
yup...thats is what I figured...

It is really hard considering my family lives about 1 block into Canada and I'm gonna be 7 miles on the USA side. It is one of those things we are just "used" to doing...going back and forth sometimes 10 times a day (little exageration here!)....

This is gonna suck!

How long does the AOS usually take??
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-30 12:07:00
Canadaa new question.....I think anyways
After we (my girls and I) cross the border with our K1 visa's are my girls able to return to Canada prior to my getting married???

See, my girls spend a lot of time with my parents in Canada. They are planning on watching them when me and my man take off for our wedding in Vegas. Now last nite as I'm trying to fall asleep I had this question in my head....what if they can't go back to Canada?? Then what....???

We live on the border (as you may/may not already know) so it all works out so good. Now, I'm just concerned.

anyone??? :unsure:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-30 10:42:00
CanadaDr Weiner Ottawa

Heh, I didn't give a sample either. All Dr. Seiden's office did was:

- blood for HIV & syphilis
- chest x-ray
- verbal questions
- minor physical exam which consisted of a breast exam and looking at my feet (why, I don't know)

That's it. They didn't even weigh me. They asked ME to tell them my weight and height.

Now I feel ripped off!

Dr. had a feet fetish????

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-21 16:07:00
CanadaDr Weiner Ottawa
The S'toon doc made me read a chart with my glasses on. Not sure why they didn't want me to look at it without them....????

You know when you go in and have to leave a urine sample they usually give something about the size of a test tube to pee in?? Well anyways the doc in S'toon gave me something similar to a cereal bowl. I didn't quite know what to do. I had to keep my laugh to myself. I asked "so do I just leave it in the bathroom?" she (nurse) shook her head and a I had to carry my cereal bowl full of pee back to her. OK that might be TMI.....but I just had to share....cause it was the funniest thing that happened to me...that day!!!!

In all honesty I found the medical exam was a breeze and I didn't even study. ;)
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-21 11:51:00
CanadaDr Weiner Ottawa

I'm going for my medical this week in Toronto at Dr. Seidens ... does anyone know if they will take blood from my 8 year old?? ... I'm assuming so ... he just likes to be prepared for these kind of things. Thanks for the info on the eyeglasses .. I use a pair for night driving so I don't readily think about them. I'll bring them just in case.

Hi lynamom
My twin 5 1/2 y.o. girls just had their medical done along with me....the Dr. just did a once over with them. No blood was drawn or chest x-rays. Heck, they didn't even have to pee for him. The only thing is that I have to get them Hep B shots. They are given in Gr. 6 here (Saskatchewan) for free, but since I'm requesting the shots I have to pay. There is a series of 3 shots. 1 now, 1 month from then and then 6 mos. Each shot is $ of course more money that I just seem to be running out of....where is that tree anyways?
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-21 11:46:00
CanadaInterview & Medical
congrats and good luck!!!!! :D :D
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-02 10:06:00
CanadaWhat foods can I bring across the border?

Well it all has to do with parasites and such. Hey you can't even bring oranges or apples into California from Arizona or Nevada. Since California has the agricultural check points near their borders. It's generally to protect their crops from foreign disease and pests.

We had to go through a check point once in Mexico too for agriculture, got through that only to end up loosing our banana they didn't see to the US border guards. They're very picky. Now with mad cow disease in Canada, I'm surprised if they'd let any beef product in from there now...

I do know they let beef on the hoof come across the border, but only between certain ages. I remember growing up and my uncle a USC always coming up around Christmas time eating ALL of our Japanese oranges....they never got them where they lived and apparently he liked them
I did drive an 18 wheeler for a short time and yes I do remember the agriculture checks at Cal state line...gosh, I had almost forgot about that. I guess with age...memory fades!!!
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-02 10:16:00
CanadaWhat foods can I bring across the border?

I get the beef, but not the citrus fruits. Aren't the oranges available in Canada grown in the U.S. anyway? (Oh, the citrus groves of Whitehorse...)

I know what you mean. But that is one of the questions they always ask. I think (guessing) that it might be due to the fact that the USA is thee place for citrus growers and that my oranges at home were grown I do know my future in-laws (USC) bought oranges in Canada and brought them across with no they looked at me funny when I told them I could not bring them down for them. :blink:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-01 20:13:00
CanadaWhat foods can I bring across the border?

I had to drive my in-laws to the airport in Montreal yesterday, so on the way back home, I stopped at an IGA to pick up yummy Canadian food for my husband (and me to steal from him!!!!). I was pretty careful in what I chose, just buying chips, candy bars, canned soup, beer and Kraft dinner. I figured that packaged foods would be safe to bring across the border and I wouldn't get in trouble at the crossing. So, I avoided all the yummy looking cheeses, freshly made sauces and frozen foods that I have never seen before and was curious to try.

So, at the border, the very nice guard asked what I was bringing back and we chatted for a bit about Canadian junk foods. Then she asked if I had any beef or citrus fruits. That's it! So, does that mean I can bring other foods across as long as they are not beef or citrus fruits? I am not sure where I got the idea that it would be difficult to bring more foods across the border.

By the way, I am eating ketchup chips as I type and have a Kraft dinner taste testing planned for tonight :) My hubby swears it tastes different from American Kraft macaroni and cheese. Maybe I will blindfold him for the true taste testing experience :lol:

I cross the border all the time with can't bring across any citrus fruits, beef and beef products. I did have avocados once and they said OK that time, but not next time. I don't know exactly what the deal was with that....but I don't buy them in Canada anymore. Keep in mind though I live in a small area and cross the border about 4 times/week...they know me and I have never ever had a problem.
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-01 15:01:00
CanadaGot my interview for Vancouver.....
thanks everyone... .. i have been organizing and reorganizing for sometime now. It should all be in order.

But being a worrier....i will worry!!!!!!!!! lol
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-04 20:07:00
CanadaGot my interview for Vancouver.....

my god what if they do not like ur shoes? Should you wear the brown conservative shoes? or the power red shoes!! Soo many decisions, and yes the color all depends on a successful interview!!

:mellow: Don't worry it will go well!! Ur not goin gto get denied over photos (or shoes,lol) Best of luck


how did you know that was my next question???

crackin' :lol: :lol: :lol:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-04 18:56:00
CanadaGot my interview for Vancouver.....
So I have my K1 interview in Vancouver for May I am freakin' nervous as all get out. Not sure why. What if? What if?? What if????
I read in here that some people have had to get their photos redone...well I'm worried about that cause its just me going to the interview....I wasn't gonna take my girls and now of course what if they don't like the photos I have..done by Walmart of course!
Also, should I book a flight back home that day? I have no real reason to stay in VCR and I need to get back to work....I'm booking a flight in the day before and I plan on staying at one of the hotels nearby.
Now about carrying a bloody huge X-ray with me on the plane...good grief what will I do with that?
I haven't been able to talk to my fiance since I have received my letter....I need his calming attitude to calm me down about my ever worrying mind. I wish he could come with me.

so anyone??? lol

:blink: :wacko: :blink: :wacko: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-04 18:41:00
CanadaBehaviors, manners and overall attitude
Personally, I don't think it matters where you came from is how you were raised. Manners or no manners.

....or maybe your birth sign.....

who knows

vnoeFemaleCanada2007-04-30 10:38:00
Canadaone more question....please

thanx kitkat....i check into that!!!

caladan...i might call them, but it says on the sheet only communicate via email/fax...i've already sent them and email.

I will post any info on here that I get.

You're going through Vancouver, right? I had a hard time getting them to respond to e-mails, so I called (using the number listed under "Embassy Info", extension 234) and they were very friendly.

I will try and give them a call tomorrow if I don't get an email by late afternoon.

I was told above 14 they had to attend, and under 14, they could attend if I wished it, it wasn't required for children under 14. I attended the interview without them and it wasn't a problem.

I've got my fingers crossed I don't need to bring them....I know they would hate the whole fast trip thing!!! not to mention how tired they would be............
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-06 10:59:00
Canadaone more question....please
thanx kitkat....i check into that!!!

caladan...i might call them, but it says on the sheet only communicate via email/fax...i've already sent them and email.

I will post any info on here that I get.
vnoeFemaleCanada2007-05-05 23:28:00