IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I withdraw petition prior to interview?
[But once married, he can file for a waiver towards the I-485 on his own.]

I apologize for my typo. What I truly meant to write was that once DIVORCED, he could then file for the "bona fide" marriage waiver on his own, to be used towards the I-485 (adjustment of status form).
dmartmarMale02006-02-04 18:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I withdraw petition prior to interview?
[hi i dont really get what u're sayin? do u want to withdraw cos of financial issues or somethin' more than that]

Regardless of whether there is something more to it or not, you should still go ahead and withdraw everything anyway, b/c of the huge financial burden he could bring upon you for the next 10 years!

If you were to perhaps be on her shoes vickky, you'd probably think and act the same way.

[What petition are you talking about, I-130 or I-485 (labeled as an application, but sometimes referred to as a petition)?]

If the I-130 is withdrawn, all other forms including the I-864 or I-485 would follow, as they're all dependant on the I-130 being approved. But once married, he can file for a waiver towards the I-485 on his own.

Edited by dmartmar, 04 February 2006 - 06:25 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-04 18:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I withdraw petition prior to interview?
[If it's a CR1, she doesn't have to be there for the interview as it is not in the US.]

Oh yeah, you're right! I missed that part.

Then in that case, your only option is to write letters to both the embassy in his home country and the office here in the states processing your paperwork, requesting they withdraw everything on your behalf.

Follow MrsBruce's5 advice. She's right on target.

Edited by dmartmar, 04 February 2006 - 06:06 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-04 18:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I withdraw petition prior to interview?
Just don't show up at the interview, which would on your behalf then signal to the USCIS you have no interest whatsoever in further pursuing your SO's application/petition.

You can also write a letter to the office where the interview will take place or the one the original paperwork for processing was sent to, explaining why you've decided to request that his application/petition be withdrawn.

I do think that in order for your request to be successful, a very good and valid reason will have to be given by you to the USCIS, with plenty of supporting evidence backing up your claim. You can't write to the Agency and request they withdraw everything just for the sake of doing so, since they take requests such as these very seriously. Remember you're dealing with a Federal Gov't. Agency.

In my case, I claimed marriage fraud to the Agency regarding my immigrant ex-wife's ulterior motive when we married and using that as my main reason, I was able to actually have them acknowledge and withdraw my sponsorship and her application. I would assume and attribute my success to the fact I submitted plenty of credible evidence along with my claim/request letter.

But in your case, according to your original post, fraud is not the reason you want to withdraw your SO's application/sponsorship, which I assume could make it perhaps harder for you to give the Agency a valid reason for your request.

If you have a paper trail or timeline of events and/or situations that have until now finally made you reach this decision after all the hassles, submit them along with your request letter.
dmartmarMale02006-02-04 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Fraud

The same thing that happened to you, I lived with my now enstranged ex-wife. It worked for me and she ended having to leave the US voluntarily with NO GC in hand, nor nothing. Although she at first put me through hell by falsely accusing me of domestic violence, at the end I proved her wrong and she eventually had to drop all charges.

Make sure you consult an Immigration atty., then retain one that only specializes in Family Law. If you can find one that covers both fields, even better.

Follow scorpio232's advice. He's on the right track.
dmartmarMale02006-02-10 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmarriage in USA

Individuals are not permitted to adjust their status from a tourist non-immigrant status to a permanent resident status if their entry to the US was fraudulent. That is if the alien had the intent to marry a USC and remain in the US at the time of their entry. This question may come up during the adjudicaton of the I-485. If it does, it is the burden of the applicant to prove to the adjudicators satisfaction that the intent of the alien was as a non-immigrant at the time of entry. That is their intention was to return to their home country at the end of their visit.

So am I right in assuming that in order to prove non-immigrant intent, the non-USC had to have a return ticket to his home country prior to marry "spur of the moment?"

Say a a non-USC comes here to the US with a J1 visa valid for only 1 year and with the option of buying a return ticket at any time, 30 days after the expiration of the visa? For example, the J1 is valid only from Jan. '06 to Jan. '07, but an extra 30 days are given to stay here legally and then choose when to depart within those 30 days. Now, the non-USC marries before then and of course, never purchased, nor purchased ahead of time a one-way return ticket.

Could this be taken and/or seen as immigrant intent or not? How could anyone prove a "spur of the moment" marriage, when the return ticket purchase was an option, not an obligation?
dmartmarMale02006-02-23 01:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisit my spouse and apply for the visa in the US the return?

In my opinion, if you are honest and really don't have a plan in your mind of how you can cheat on them, they are fine.

I think if you don't take the risk, you will never know....

Huh? Am I reading this right?

Edited by dmartmar, 19 February 2006 - 06:43 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-19 06:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions on whether a lawyer can help with this

Although I may have set my mind on meeting the immigration officer in person (the infopass appointment), and am about 95% sure I will at least “meet” with a lawyer, I could still use and would still value anyone out there who could give some kind of “concrete” information that may be useful.

The only people that are 100% knowledgeable and can guarantee the "concrete" info. you so desperately seek, are Immigration attorneys and officers.
dmartmarMale02006-02-27 11:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions on whether a lawyer can help with this

I think my wife wife is worth all the effort I have put into this...and MUCH more so. The main thing, is to get some clear cut idea of how to proceed, and I believe the ONLY way I will be able to do that at this point is by my meeting with an immigration officer in March, and by consulting an attorney and hearing what they have to say.

I appreciate all the input I have recieved on this, but as with anything else I have heard regarding immigration issues, I take it all with a grain of salt until I find out for sure from the people who are directly involved with this, or by speaking and at least "consulting" with a lawyer.

By starting this thread, I hoped to hear from people who have had experience in dealing with laweyers, or know firsthand what they can do and what connections they may have.I would assume they have more knowledge than the paralegal who filed the papers for me , from Miami and was hoping for some input from those with experience.

I guess , instead we've gotten off topic a bit, and it's becoming a J-1 residency thread.

I have done enough research on my own, to know what is possible and what is not regarding this issue, and I know that what several are saying regarding the I-130 is wrong. I have discussed it many times with the embassy, and KNOW the I-130 can be at least processed and sent overseas much as the K-3 was, which was based on THAT application.
And the ONLY reason the I-130 has not been sent is because of the mix up with the application....not to mention the fact that the original packet was missing a few documents such as my passport copy etc...

Since you've already made your decision, we should all then consider this thread being done with and no longer worthy of any consideration, nor further input.

And yes, consulting an Immigration atty. is always the best option than consulting anyone here on these, or any other forums. Consulting an Immigration atty. was the best thing I ever did and totally worth the $60 I paid when I was having immigration questions and issues with my foreign ex-wife.

Edited by dmartmar, 27 February 2006 - 12:29 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-27 00:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions on whether a lawyer can help with this

I have asked and looked into this question many times, and when I visited my wife in her home country, I called the embassy there and discussed this matter with them. It is not a matter of USCIS not processing it as much as it is a matter of the visa not being granted until her 2 years have been served. HOWEVER, I can file ahead of time, and the embassy will just hold her application until her time has been served and we schedule an appointment.

I think the most important question now, and the first one I will ask the immigration officer when I speak in person in March will be......"should I withdraw everything and start over....or is there hope in continuing with the I-130 I have already applied for?"

Any I-130 application, whether old or new, will not be processed until she meets her 2 year residency requirement. Withdrawing the old one and resubmitting a new one will not do anything, nor speed up any process. Either way, both will be left aside and ignored until she meets her requirement.

Withdrawing the I-130 that has already been processed and put on hold in order to re-submit a new one could further delay everything, since you'd be basically starting from scratch all over again.

Edited by dmartmar, 26 February 2006 - 09:47 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-26 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions on whether a lawyer can help with this

One last word. Your wife should not have left the country, but instead file for a J1-waiver, if eligible to receive one.

Why not? How would leaving affect her? Are there any implications or bans for doing so, assuming she left without AP and during AOS processing? Just curious, as I have gotten very different and mixed answers to these questions before.

Edited by dmartmar, 26 February 2006 - 08:42 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-26 20:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions on whether a lawyer can help with this

If there is still a year or whatever on the 2 year home residency requirement, it is my understanding that NVC will not process until such time that the home residency requirement has been met as until that stage your wife wouldn't qualify for the visa.

Aussiewench is right. Until your wife completely meets and fulfills her 2 year J1 residency requirement, the Agency won't look at, much less process your paperwork. Withdrawing the current I-130 and submitting a new one won't do anything to speed up the process either.

HOWEVER, by starting the process before her time expires, I can ensure that the wait will be MUCH shorter.

Again, nothing will be processed until AFTER her requirement is fully met.

Hiring a lawyer will be an unecessary waste of money, as he will tell you the same.

Edited by dmartmar, 26 February 2006 - 08:21 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-26 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce

Shon, I'm disappointed in you. I stood up for you in your first run in here (rightfully so) and have always shown myself to you to be fair and a non-flamer if you recall our past conversations. I provide sources for my information beyond my own experiences and I typically don't argue minutia. This is an important error you made and it's unfair of you to not take the correction or provide proof for your point beyond the fact that you made 2 errors in doing this before.

Wow, I'm amazed by the fact that:

1. Shon's posts are taken personal, which in turn
2. Calls for a need to confront her and in front of everyone, its justification being
3. An accusation of misleading info. given, quickly followed by
4. Demanding an explanation and ordering her to correct it.

dmartmarMale02006-04-03 00:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce

The problem here is that the regulations are not subject to personal interpretation. Meauxna was perfectly entitled and doing everyone a service to correct Shonjaved's post, otherwise, others could think mistakenly that when an alien removes conditions the sponsor's obligation is satisfied. That is not correct.

In the instant case, and I am speculating, because I don't know the details. If Shon's husband was deported, leaving the US permanently would relieve Shon of the sponsor obligation. Naturally, that would not occur until he left. On the other hand if the reason for his deportation order was related to fraud, reported by the USC spouse, and if status was either denied or subsequently rescinded due to such a finding and he did not take the matter further, once the window of opportunity to appeal a denial or rescission had elapsed and he was without status, I believe the sponsor is off the hook, whether the alien leaves the country or not.

Where in my post did I write that personal interpretation is taken into consideration when it comes to regulations? Please point it out.

I said that some people post on VJ to strictly ask specific questions concerning the legalities of immigration and how these could or would work both for and against his/her individual situation/case, other people strictly post here specifically looking either for emotional and/or mental support, as well as seeking other people's advice, opinion(s) and objective view(s) in regards to his/her individual situation/case.

Everyone here on VJ is guilty of writing a post based only on speculation, which you did as well in the above post. So just b/c different people interpret things differently doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect, question, make fun of, belittle and/or argue another one's point of view or opinion.
dmartmarMale02006-04-02 22:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce

gads, I get tired of your rants shon.

YOU wrote:
"sponsers still obligated til you remove condtions."

That is wrong. Period.
Now, off of digi's thread, and take it up with me in PM if you still have something to say about it.

Myself included; wouldn't it be great, less spiteful and offensive if everyone here on these forums discussed and/or resolved their own personal opinions and squabbles via PM, instead of taking it out in public for all to read? Is it really necessary to belittle, disprespect and talk down to people in replying posts, or worse yet, report people to the website's administrator so they can be banned permanently really necessary just b/c someone doesn't agree with another one's personal view(s), belief(s) or opinion(s) around a certain topic?

People here ask for advice concerning the legalities regarding immigration, as well as neutral and subjective opinion(s) regarding certain situations. Everyone's views on a certain topic have to be respected, not refuted or argued b/c that person might've interpreted a certain thing a certain way, as opposed to someone else's different view.

Remember we can only respond to what we read and perceive in our own, special way. Now, if we had the luck of looking at the person posting and judge his/her reactions and/or body language in person, it'd be a diferent story.

People see things differently, then formulate ideas and reach decisions based on both their personal experiences and self-interpretation of the facts. Nothing more, nothing less.

Edited by dmartmar, 02 April 2006 - 08:03 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-04-02 20:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce


Removing conditions from a married person's PR status does NOT kill the I-864. Neither does divorce.
Leaving the US permanently, becoming a citizen or dying does. Or earning enough quarters of work.

I already know all of this. Thanks for refreshing my memory anyway.

Her post states otherwise.

As stated before, I read her post differently. To me it says that b/c her husband was deported, she was let off the hook earlier.

Only Shon can clear this up for us.

Edited by dmartmar, 02 April 2006 - 03:54 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-04-02 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce
Shon wrote;

Sorry about this.

Sponsor's still obligated 'til you remove condtions. Divorce doesn't change that. I waited 2 years for my obligation to be lifted off my ex. Thank God his behind got deported (failed to remove the condtions).

meauxna replied;

The I-864 wasn't discharged because he didn't remove conditions, (if he'd stayed illegal in the US, that would've done it), but because he left the US permanently (deported).

meauxna, shon tried to say exactly what you pointed out, although it doesn't come across that way on her post at first glance. Basically, that if her husband hadn't been deported, she would've had to wait two years before being able to lift her obligation towards him.

Edited by dmartmar, 02 April 2006 - 01:42 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-04-02 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWierd question: 1-864 and 2005 tax vs filling status

This makes me wounder about my taxes and if they were done right. I went to H & R Block and I honestly couldnt believe how no one knew anything at all in there.

They are tax experts, not immigration experts.

Talk to an Immigration atty., he will tell you what and how to file under.

Then go back to H & R Block.

Edited by dmartmar, 12 February 2006 - 04:52 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-12 04:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorcing a conditional resident alien

I realize that if I terminate our marriage via divorce, she can apply for a waiver to gain permanent resident status, but I'm not sure she will. She has told me that she wants to go back to her native country (Argentina), but she will take my son.

She's lying. No, she won't go back to Argentina and yes, she will remove conditions on her own, either by claiming domestic violence before divorce or bona fide marriage after.

To make sure she doesn't have to do any of the above, and that you make things easier for her, she's using your son as a bargaining tool.

Be careful with this snake.
dmartmarMale02006-04-14 05:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorcing a conditional resident alien
I went through the exact same thing with my Argentinian ex-spouse, although I was able to get her kicked out of the US W/O anything! I managed to have her abandon her AOS.

PM if anything.
dmartmarMale02006-04-14 01:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent Help Pleaseeeeee

It's been a long time since I last posted here. You may see my name is Happy Man, but I am no longer happy.

To make long story short, I've been married to a USC since January of '04. My wife applied for my CR-1 Visa and just last week I got it from Casablanca.

If you've been married for over two years now; why would you get the CR-1 Visa just last week?
dmartmarMale02006-04-16 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed
If you would only make a search on Google.
dmartmarMale02006-05-27 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed


Have a consultation with that "Immigration Family Law Attorney" you mentioned a few posts back, although I'm a bit confused as to what an Immigration Family Law Attorney is, since they are two areas of the law quite different from each other. I doubt there are many who do both and are good at it.


I totally agree with Yodrak on this one NJ. I also retained an Immigration Family Law atty. when going through your same situation with my immigrant ex-wife.
dmartmarMale02006-05-20 16:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed

Is it really that obvious?

We are getting just the USC's side of the story.

He barely knew this girl when he married her. She has been here in the USA just over a month. They have been married for less than 6 months.

She's then also to blame for marrying him so quickly w/o really knowing each other.

Its not so obvious that this is a case of marriage fraud--unless NevadaJ is also a co-conspirator. He doesn't seem to be stupid enough to fall for a trap like that.

Which is why he's posting in the first place.

I think its obvious that any newly married couple that hadn't had that much of a foundation before hand added with the stress of one spouse moving to a foreign land where she does not work, have friends or family, speak the language, is kept like a trophy wife under a roof that is not even hers, that she is more than a bit unhappy.

In this case, none of this seems to apply.

I know that some people are just impatient and can't stick it out in a marriage--and they want to throw in the towel at even the hint of a problem. But you must remember that a marriage is a partnership--and the point-of-view of the other party must be considered and compromises made.

The one not wanting to compromise and with no problems for divorcing is his wife and not him.

Did he promise to sponsor her brother before she immigrated to the USA? Did he promise her a house of her own? I am sure she is very insecure right now--and so she wants to see all his financial statements and what not to be assured he can afford her and what he may have promised.

Did she marry him out of interest or did she marry him out of love?

I just think its very premature to seek a divorce at this point. I would move out from under his mommy's roof and get his own place with his wife, and get her learning english, a job, etc. And seek family conseling first and then if that does not work out seek a divorce--but it is not obvious to me that his wife is using him for a green card etc.

Did she not know all of this before marrying? Why would the OP go through all the hassle to get her here by using false pretenses? Shouldn't she have asked for all of his info. before marrying?
dmartmarMale02006-05-14 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed

I would try and see a marriage counselor before you rush off to the divorce lawyer. Also I would suggest moving out of your Mom's and get your wife a job or other hobby.

Also what type of visa were you going to apply for to sponsor her brother? As far as I have read only a parent can sponsor a child and/or a child can sponsor a parent--but siblings cannot sponsor siblings. I have never heard of such a visa--unless I am missing something. Of course could be a work visa or student visa.

Did I suggest anything like that?! If you read again, you may see that I merely tryed to point out that there could be differences in how one percives financial aspects (or any other) of "married life". And husband and wife should be able to talk about it without getting defensive.

Good luck

C'mon people, wake up and smell the coffee! You all know what's really happening here and what this marriage is all about. I mean, it's so obvious.

Edited by dmartmar, 12 May 2006 - 03:24 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-05-12 03:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed

She might get smart enough and find out she doesn't even have to wait 2 years to remove conditions, but she will need evidence of having a bona fide marriage with you. Be glad if none of that is available to her.


meauxna told you she could remove conditions on her own if she proves your marriage to be bona fide, yet although she hinted at it, she forgot to tell you that the other way she could remove conditions was by falsely accusing you of domestic violence.

First consult an Immigration Law atty., then a Family Law atty.
dmartmarMale02006-05-11 23:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed

And *you*! I really expected to see you in this thread:


No comments? Sincerely, I think you could add a lot to that discussion!


Thanks for the lead/referral. Never would've expected this from you. Although I always like to stay out of trouble, if you insist...

Stay tuned!

Edited by dmartmar, 11 May 2006 - 09:46 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-05-11 21:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed

nevadaJoe, sorry to hear about the problems you are having. What would you like to do?

Did you try to talk to her? How's her english (you say she'll take classes)? It could be a communication problem ( she uses words that she knows, maybe not always being fully aware of the meaning) as well as cultural diferences (maybe in Croatia, shareing financial information is a sign of trust).

And many people around the world think it is simple to get visa if USC "sponsors" you.

Good luck. I hope it is not the worst case scenario.

Geez! Let's see; I am from Puerto Rico and my immigrant ex-wife was from Argentina. We both spoke Spanish and yet, the same behaviour, attitudes, actions and claims Nevada Joe's wife displays are exactly the same as my ex-wife's right after I submitted her AOS paperwork. A week later, once we rcv'd her NOA1, she abandoned our household for no reason whatsoever, other than her telling me: "I don't need to live with you any longer now that the paperwork's in." And it was HER who came here to the US on her own accord using a J1, not the other way around where I actually sent for her. Worse yet, we dated for a year BEFORE we even got married.

This has fraud written all over it.

Report her to the 'CIS, sending in as much evidence as possible to back up your marriage fraud claim. BTW, let her be the one to start divorce proceedings against you. If you do it, you'll be playing right along into her hands/game. When she does, counterclaim her action with a marriage fraud annulment for immigration benefits and sue her ###. She'll either have to withdraw her motion or settle with you. In other words, you'll come out on top all around!

Edited by dmartmar, 11 May 2006 - 05:00 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-05-11 16:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVermont I 130 processing Times
QUOTE (USAMEXIRL @ Feb 23 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Arthur Roberta @ Feb 23 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looking at today's visajourney processing times for I 130 Vermont V California we are approaching 100 days difference in their respective processing times. unsure.gif Does anyone think another batch of case transfers to California is in the offing. It would be interesting to know the REAL reason behind the discrepancy in processing times. I don't think for one moment that California is any more productive than Vermont. Perhaps their is a policy change about to occur whereas one center adjudicates only certain immigration processes.

Well whatever we shall wait and see what transpires over the following months tongue.gif

Best wishes to all

Arthur and Roberta

I know someone who just got approved in 40 days through Vermont. I've been in California for 48 days. Are you in the I-130 process or have you completed it?

Yes we are currently waiting for our NOA 2 our I 130 NOA 1 date being 2oth Oct 2008.
Yes I have also noticed that Vermont appears to be approving petitions not in order of receipt with some people waiting an inordinate amount of time for approval and some flying through.

I am certainly of the belief that petitions should be adjudicated on a first come first served basis and cannot understand how couples with NOA 1's way before us are still waiting for approval and yet there are those who have NOA 1's past us who have been approved. There appears to be no logic to this headbonk.gif

I would like to think that there is a very valid reason for this but I would most certainly take a lot of convincing rofl.gif

Perhaps it is all the sunshine in California that brings out the smiles in the adjudicators and they just fly through the petitions tongue_ss.gif It is so easy when on the outside to criticize, I for one hate filling in the paperwork and as for dealing with it on a daily basis YUK.

Best wishes to all

Arthur and Roberta star_smile.gif

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 09:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVermont I 130 processing Times
Looking at today's visajourney processing times for I 130 Vermont V California we are approaching 100 days difference in their respective processing times. unsure.gif Does anyone think another batch of case transfers to California is in the offing. It would be interesting to know the REAL reason behind the discrepancy in processing times. I don't think for one moment that California is any more productive than Vermont. Perhaps their is a policy change about to occur whereas one center adjudicates only certain immigration processes.

Well whatever we shall wait and see what transpires over the following months tongue.gif

Best wishes to all

Arthur and Roberta

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-23 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Processing Times Improve for I 130
I googled this entry and it would appear this front page news on visajourney was according to the ombudsman for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Michael Dougherty. Well this is indeed excellent news for the visa community as it certainly shows an effort to reduce the backlog of what has been totally unacceptable processing times for a vast amount of USC's and their spouses.

Whatever has lit the fire under this process may the flames continue to burn for perhaps we now have an administration in place who are actually doing things.

I applaud those responsible for bringing this about and may they continue to make progress. Well done have a cup of tea and a pat on the back. good.gif

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-25 11:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC has been turbo charged?!
QUOTE (childress_london @ Feb 25 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll believe it when I see it. If I get my approval after 6 months (which will be April), I'll let you know. tongue.gif

We have the same I 130 NOA 1 date the 20th of Oct 2008 we shall see if this holds up. I think there has been a definate push on the I 130's., lets hope the momentum continues.

Best of luck in your process yes.gif

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-25 22:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRecent Speed Up of I 130's
There seems to have been a real speed up of I 130 adjudication and quite frankly I am at a loss to what has been the driving factor.

1/. Is it a policy change by USCIS
2/. Senators/Congressmen pressure on the service centres
3/. More staff
4/. Relentless enquiries by USC's
5/. New President and administration

Whatever the cause it has indeed been most welcome.

I do wish though that those who have been waiting the longest (there are many) can be adjudicated first. Lets drag out those files that have been lingering the longest and get them resolved first so we have an element of fairness please.

Many thanks to the service centers for the speed up and we hope that you (the staff) have not been penalized in order to produce what is a most welcome improvement. good.gif

If anyone has a true insight into the speed up please let the community know.

Bets wishes

Arthur Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-27 11:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresapproved in 41 days!!!!!!
Good for you, very pleased you are approved and moving forward in this process.

Best wishes
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 12:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1/IR1 filers from the UK
We are here with you good.gif

Best wishes

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-09 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplauding VSC CSC
Whether it be a change in policy or the amount of complaints and inquiry's regarding processing times the service centers have most certainly improved. I notice that cases have been adjudicated in but a couple of months and this is fantastic news as it is but one piece of the jigsaw (though an important one) in being re-united with ones family.

I would however like to see the older petitions that seem to have been passed over approved in order that we can get back to more of a first come first served scenario. For whatever reason they have been passed by may that be rectified soon.

So well done service centers good.gif you have most certainly been working hard, I thank you yes.gif

Best wishes to all involved in this process

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-14 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJULY 2008 Filers!
we are really pleased for you. Your wait was too long and at last you shall be able to start the next process and move along the line to finally being with your husband.

Super news

Best wishes

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-05 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments Required for CR1 Interview
Many thanks for your assistance, I absolutely hate paperwork Ha!

Just waiting on the NOA 2 now and hopefully all will go well there good.gif

Best wishes

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-24 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments Required for CR1 Interview
I would be grateful if we could be advised as to exactly what original documents are required for the CR 1 interview?

As we shall send the original birth marriage divorce etc certificates and copies to NVC on approval of our I 130, do we need the same original documents to accompany the beneficiary at the interview? and if so what documents?

There just seems such a plethora of documents to produce and we would like to compile them in plenty of time. By the way an NOA 2 would be kind of useful as well Ha!

Best wishes everyone good.gif

Arthur and Roberta

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-23 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILED 1-130 in OCT
We have yet to hear anything yet as well (NOA 1 Oct 20th). I guess we are in the slow lane. When you see petitions approved in a couple of months it is rather disconcerting. The first come first served looks to be nonsense, which is our biggest gripe. I hope you get your approval soon and you can start to move forward in your lives.

Best Wishes
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-24 21:52:00