IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Fee Bill
Does this bill need to be paid before I receive the IV documents? Also, can I pay the IV bill without having sent in the documents for the AOS? Will they accept the payment, or do I have to wait and send in the AOS package first?
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-05-29 19:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal Documents vs Copies
Wait, I was just reading through the LingChe says that in addition to sending in the original documents, you must also send in this true? Who's done this recently that knows?
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-05-29 20:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal Documents vs Copies I am gathering the info for the AOS package, as well as for the IV package. Am I going to need originals of anything else? I know I sent in my original marriage certificate with the petition in the beginning.
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-05-29 18:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescompleting I-864 EZ & need help...
Thanks for your responses! Looks like I'm over-prepared! wacko.gif
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-07-18 18:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescompleting I-864 EZ & need help...
I don't see where this form is asking for any bank statements. Included in package per the instruction sheet are:

AOS Document Cover Sheet
I-864 EZ form
Copy of W2's
Copy of 2008 Fed. tax return
Tax transcripts for last 3 years
Letter from Employer
Last 6 months of pay stubs

Is this good enough? Thanks!


Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-07-18 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Today in Kingston Jamaica
QUOTE (Jamaican JNR @ Jul 20 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
star_smile.gif My CR1 Visa interview was done today at 7am in Kingston, Jamaica.

I arrived approx half an hour before my 7am time line. There were about 20 of us on the family-based petition side gathered. Documents were checked and arranged for us, then we were sent inside (security checkpoint), then to the court yard waiting area; then we went inside the embassy building in single file.

I was the first to receive a number tag (immigrant visa section). I waited inside on the right hand side for no more than 15 minutes before the CO's and other staff members started the process. A lady who was sitting to my left was trying to make conversation and another lady to her left joined in. The one next to me indicated that she tried to get a visitors visa for 4 times and was denied all attempts; I tried to boost her confidence by telling her that she is now an applicant in a diff category (her daughter was filing for her). She was even more nervous when she thought about the medical results unknown to her, (lol)... I said to her if anything was in the result to affect her the doctor would inform her a.s.a.p.

My # was announced and I went up to counter 6. Was asked who was filing for me and and questioned about my employment status. I was then fingerprinted and told to have a seat and listen for name. 10 - 15 had passed when my # was announced at window 8. I went over that window and greeted the CO. She was a young, white and polite. I was asked to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth.

The questions were relatively straight forward, such as how I met my wife and where. Do we have kids together or any at all. The CO asked when last have I seen my wife and I replied "3 months ago", I was asked if she accompanied me to the visa interview and I told her no; The CO then indicated to me that she was going to cancel my 10 year visa and issue me CR1 Visa instead. I was given blue slip for DHL. The total time from start of procedures at embassy to finish was 35 minutes; bearing in mind I had to wait for the 15 to go to the first window.

I am now waiting on passport to be in hand, then POE. kicking.gif

Congratulations JNR! If you don't mind my asking, what documents were checked for? What did you take w/ u? What (if anything) add'l paperwork wise did the CO ask for?
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-07-22 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long for RFE to be processed?
QUOTE (mikey78 @ Jul 24 2009, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I was wondering if you have any idea how long it takes for NVC to process a RFE once they receive the requested docs.

My case would've been completed this week but NVC requested a copy of ds2019 a document that they do not even list as something that is supposed to be a part of DS230 packet. mad.gif Since I am not a mind reader there was no way I could've avoided this RFE...any ideas on how much longer it might take in a situation like this?


Never heard of this this specific only 2 your case? I ask because I'm coming up on this stage next...blush.gif
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-07-24 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSPS...Notice left?
QUOTE (Chris and Ani @ Jul 25 2009, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Anh map @ Jul 26 2009, 02:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As stated by terri, and asked/answered repeatedly in many threads here on VJ, the Saturday deliveries via USPS are shown as "notice left."

I was going to say that as well and also, on Monday NVC clerk will pick it up, don't worry. We've had already a package arrived on Sat and Mon morning has been picked up good.gif

This is what I needed to be reassured of...thanks! good.gif
Mrs. PalmerFemaleJamaica2009-07-25 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed
Geez! Does this sound like a case of fraud or what?
dmartmarMale02006-05-11 13:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

What people must realize is that some people would do anything to get into America. Her having a baby does not mean she came here with the intent of staying besides her husband for life. In the eyes of Immigration however, it's a sign that she did come to America with good intentions of making the marriage work. That's what I was told by a fraud investigation officer, so I believe it.

My immigrant ex-wife wanted me to get her pregnant exactly a month after our marriage, which came to me as a big surprise, since during the year we dated before marrying, she never mentioned wanting to have a baby right afterwards in the first place.
dmartmarMale02006-06-09 00:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce


One must be 21 years old to petition for their parent.

In what way are you thinking that a baby can make its mother "legal"?



A baby can make a marriage look "bona fide" and nothing more, nothing less.
dmartmarMale02006-06-08 01:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

I will say, I can certainly emphathize with you to a certain extent. You are dealing with a "special" kind of logic, rationality, and reasoning ability with this one. It's called "Latina Logic", and there is no rhyme or reason to it.

Could you please elaborate on your "Latina Logic" philosophy? I'd like to find out more about it, since I was born and raised in a Latino country myself (Puerto Rico)!

But in the OP's case, I don't see how ANY logic could justify his wife's actions.
dmartmarMale02006-02-14 21:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
I don't see how this situation can be mended, nor worked on any longer, since she's already taken you to the extreme by making you go as far as to hire an atty. to begin custody proceedings.

And you still have "hope" this'll work out?

You already gave your atty. $1,500 to start working on things. You think that if all of a sudden you, or her, have a change of heart and/or mind again, your atty.'s just going to refund you your money?

She now realizes how serious you were when you 1st threatened her about hiring an atty. if she abandoned you with your daughter, which is why she's yet again had another change of mind/heart in trying to "work things out."

I know there is always a possibility that she can run again but I'm well prepared this time.

I wouldn't even put myself in the position of the "possibility."

But, you yourself wrote it: " well, dummy me..."

I feel for you man, I really do. I know you must be caught in-between a rock and a hard place (wife AND daughter).

Edited by dmartmar, 14 February 2006 - 06:08 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-14 18:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

Ah, dmartmar, "We meet again"! I don't know why I get drawn to your posts, perhaps it is because I enjoy the absurd.

I feel the same way towards yours. But, to each his/her own.

Opinions are like a**holes. Everyone has one!

Everyone is entitled to his/her own personal opinion(s), regardless of how absurd they may seem.

Edited by dmartmar, 06 February 2006 - 09:26 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-06 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

She does not want to put our money in the same account and does not want to help pay bills.

Then your Mexican wife and my Argentinian ex-wife must be sisters or related somehow, 'cause right after we married she refused doing the same above things and then right after we submitted her green card paperwoek, she abandoned me.

You seem to have very low self-esteem and apparently your wife is a hot Mexican diva and great lover in bed.


Edited by dmartmar, 06 February 2006 - 05:40 PM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-06 17:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
Does your family speak or understand Spanish? How 'bout you? And your wife and her family presently here in the states; do they speak or understand English? How did you two get along and understand each other during your dating days? Did you have many problems and disagreements back then? If so; are they still the same now or different than before? Did she pressure you into marriage? Were you truly ready for it? Once married; did she pressure you into doing the USCIS' paperwork for her asap?

According to your original post pittman, you recognize the very 1st red flag in your relationship and eventual marriage perhaps being sketchy from the very beginning, by acknowledging that as soon as your now wife asked you about "US citizenship" and "marriage" while you were still dating, her offering you $2,000 to marry her right afterwards did not only bothered you greatly, it also made you feel uneasy and apparently hurt you so much to the point of you breaking up with her for a month with no contact whatsover, in order to get your point accross. From what I gathered reading your post, marrying someone out of convenience and/or for money instead of for true love goes against your morals, values, beliefs and convictions. Even though you strongly opposed her proposal and didn't agree with it, you still went ahead and married her 8 mos. later anyway.

We as humans tend to block and neither want to see, nor in the grand scheme of things acknowledge and accept obvious things, when blindly in-love.

I highly doubt your parents will be able to either read your wife or her family. Of all the people in the world, I would consider your parents the last and least ones they would talk about, much less raise a possible red flag with in regards to any hidden agendas they "may" have. Making a good impression to try winning them over is what I think they'd try to accomplish instead. I'm pretty sure they by now know you've mentioned your wife's and her family's suspicions to your parents. If they do accomplish winning them over whether ulterior motives exist or not, they will get away with whatever it is they "may" have in mind.

I think that you getting everything off your chest by posting here, then re-reading and analyzing your posts over and over again has made you see things from a different perspective.

If that's the case, then you need to not only continue looking over your posts, but more than anything at her words and actions, instead of leaving it all up for your parents to figure out. Although they might see and/or perceive things differently than you (b/c in reality, parents always know and want what's best for you, since you will always be their baby son), at the end of each day, it is still you living and going to bed with your wife, not them. Before you got married; did they warn or advice you to possibly "be careful" of her motives all along, or did they just let you "do your own thing" w/o getting involved much? What kind of marriage was it? Court or church, with both families present?

On your last post before the above one, you seemed pretty confident and sure things were going to finally work out between the two of you in erasing whatever bad intention(s) you think she has with you. It looked as if things had finally been settled, when you two reached the agreement of positively working on your marriage, going as far as attending marriage counseling sessions in order to succeed. The fact it was coming from her was more convincing, since all along it had been you instead wanting to salvage your marriage.

But, here you are, wary of and doubting your wife's intention(s) all over again, over a couple of disagreements and conversations you've both had in the last three days.

Apparently she's said and/or done things since then that have made you suspicious and not trust her again whatsoever. What have those disagreements been, just out of curiosity? What has she said and done lately that has you feeling like this all over again? Remember, actions always speak louder than words, although heeding and paying attention to them is never a bad thing.

If you can't seem to trust your wife any longer, believe you me, it will be very hard for you to overcome your suspicions and/or fears at this point and you will continue to be and stay on your guard. Seems to me like you're now trying to buy time in order to figure her out and really get to know her, when this should've been done for a while and way before marrying. On the other hand, she might also be doing the same thing, trying to buy time either to get to know you better, or get what she wants (i.e. the green card).

Now let's play devil's advocate for a moment instead. Maybe what she needs in order to feel good and assimilate to life here in the states, is have her family from Memphis visit her in LA every now and then and vice-versa. If this is the case, now that she's working she should be able to at least pay for her and/or her family's travel expenses as well back and forth, if necessary.

You will never find out the truth, but again, it is up to you to decide at this point if you want to continue living in doubt or not. If you want to see if the marriage is "bona fide" or not.

At least from you, I know it is.

I feel for you, since I've been in your shoes before (trust and real intention(s) issues). In my case, my Argentinian ex-wife DID marry me fraudulently. Thank God she's gone and didn't get a green card through me though.

Edited by dmartmar, 04 February 2006 - 03:29 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-04 03:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
You should get rid of her asap and request full custody of your child.
dmartmarMale02006-01-31 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
"I don't follow your thought."

That's great! 'Cause my post wasn't meant to be followed by you, nor anyone else on these forums for that matter.
dmartmarMale02006-01-31 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
"Now here is another example: On August 17th, 2005 my wife called me and said she was crossing the border illegal again because she had no money. In July i was there and gave her 500 plus bought enough diapers for the month. She wanted to cross the border and go to memphis for work. Well I'm in Louisiana, I asked her why not come to Louisiana. She said she had a job in Memphis and would come see me when she could. I was in a panic and sent her 710 dollars, she stayed in mexico. On September 10th I was back in mexico and she had no money. I asked what happened to the money I sent, she said she owed it to her mom. I find that strange that in a months time she spent 500 and then had to borrow another 710. She had no bills."

So "out of nowhere" she had $2,000 to bribe you with into agreeing marrying her for immigration benefits, but to cover the above expenses she never had any money for.
dmartmarMale02006-01-30 23:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
One more thing.

If you agree with her, let her go and take the papers with her anyway, she'll go to Memphis, who knows if to reunite with some long lost lover or even her then unknown-to-you husband from Mexico, eventually get a green card by filing the "bona fide" marriage waiver and using your baby as the main evidence, then afterwards sponsor her "illegal" familiy members there and her daughter back home, all thanks to your generosity.

If you don't agree, then speak to both a Family Law and Immigration atty. regarding your options, first and foremost. I would talk to the Immigration atty. more than anyone else at this point and don't EVER MENTION NONE OF THIS to her.

My ex-wife from Argentina tried to pull the same stunt on me, but luckily I came out on top and got her to leave the states. I reported she had married me fraudulently for immigration benefits to the USCIS and asked that they withdraw her application and my sponsorship. Having submitted so much evidence backing up my claim, about two months later they sent her a letter acknowledging they had withdrawn everything and giving her the option of leaving voluntarily or face deportation. Of course, she chose the former. Exactly a month after we married she also wanted to have a baby with me. Thank God it didn't happen!
dmartmarMale02006-01-30 17:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
"I wish she would at least try or tell me the truth that she married me for legal status."

Dude, the fact she not only asked you before marriage how to become a resident in the states, but that she also offered you $2,000 on top of that right after you told her "by marrying a US citizen" should VERY CLEARLY answer your own question!!!
dmartmarMale02006-01-30 17:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshi

Is there anything we can do to speed this up?

Nope. Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing you can do.
dmartmarMale02006-06-25 23:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon't Wait to Change Your Address!

An AR-11 change of address form is ONLY for an alien once they are in the US, which must be filed within 10 days of moving.

What I meant to say is that, whether in the US already or out, the AR-11 IS an official change of address form, unlike a phone call or personal letter.
dmartmarMale02006-08-14 00:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon't Wait to Change Your Address!
You were supposed to specifically file and submit form AR-11, change of address form, not a letter, nor made phone calls.
dmartmarMale02006-08-12 16:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE failed to stamp visa!

I have a strange and frustrating issue! My husband and I filed DCF in Casablanca, Morocco. He came over here a few weeks ago through JFK POE. He tells me they were very busy and he ended up translating for other immigrants. They asked him a few questions and then said "welcome" and sent him on his way.

Nobody stamped his passport!

Now, after waiting for 2 weeks for a SS card and the permanent resident card, we get a f**cked-up letter in the mail from the USCIS service center in Texas stating that the POE failed to stamp the passport (duh) and in order to receive a green card we must send proof of a POE stamp. Did you read that? They are asking us for proof of something that they failed to provide. The letter literally contradicts itself within one paragraph.

I don't know who's worse. The agent who "failed" to stamp your husband's passport or your husband who "failed" to get it stamped.

Edited by dmartmar, 16 November 2006 - 05:47 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-11-16 05:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVISA DENIED IN PERU HELP ME!! CONFUSED

Show me where she states she did not tell the Conof that there was an overstay. All she states was that he made no mention to her about needing the waiver for the overstay.

And do you actually believe and expect for the Counsel to mention to her that a waiver was/is needed for the overstay, when he just finished denying her a visa?

I can't imagine him telling her: "well, I have to deny you your visa, but if you do this or that (waiver), you can appeal and override my decision."

Highly unlikely.
dmartmarMale02006-02-16 06:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVISA DENIED IN PERU HELP ME!! CONFUSED

I guess that would depend on how one interprets the comment. The Conof may have been told of that by the OP, she doesnt appear to hide the fact that she was aware she would need a waiver........ but because of descrepencies he found in their answers he denied the visa on those grounds. By saying no to the need for a 601 would be correct in this instance as until an appeal is successful and it is routed back to the Embassy, the option of a waiver wouldnt be there.

I disagree. Again and whether interviewed together or separately, it still was the OP's full responsibility to mention her overstay to the Counsel, instead of her hubby's.

I am almost 100% positive the visa was denied based on the above ground and not on any contradictory answers both might've given to the Counsel's questions, such as; "when did you first kiss" or "how did you meet?," etc.

I also find it truly absurd that some of you posters who have so far commented on the OP's concern, would've expected the Counsel to advice and tell the OP how to appeal his recently made visa denial decision, by suggesting she use a waiver to do so. The least thing I would assume he'd do is advice the OP how to circumvent US Immigration Laws through a waiver. And she apparently knew she needed a waiver anyway before even attending the interview, according to your (aussiewench) quoted comment above.

So if she indeed knew she needed a waiver before the interview, why did she go anyway? I mean, looks to me like she tried to attempt getting away with murder w/o the use of the waiver.
dmartmarMale02006-02-16 04:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVISA DENIED IN PERU HELP ME!! CONFUSED

PD: I was overstay in USA 4 years and the consul never told me about that only DIFFERENTS ANSWERS, NOT NEED WAIVER 601. why????

Has anyone analyzed what the above could imply?

Regardless of whom was interviewed separately or together, by reading the above statement it'd seem to me as if the OP lied to the Consul regarding her overstay. It wasn't, nor isn't the Consul's responsibility to mention the overstay to the OP! Instead, it should've been the OP's responsibility to tell the Consul of her overstay!

Which would (I assume) justify her denial, which would in turn "perhaps" show "immigrant" intent on her behalf this time around, by trying to circumvent our US Immigration Laws!

Did anyone miss that or could I be wrong?

If this is the case, an appeal would seem highly unlikely to be successful.

Edited by dmartmar, 15 February 2006 - 01:25 AM.

dmartmarMale02006-02-15 01:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo Affadavits hold their weight with USCIS
Beth you will be fine,

I do believe the evidence you submitted will satisfy the adjudicators. In a perfect world we would all have sacks of evidence that we are that picture perfect image of a married couple. In your own particular situation they just wanted to clarify the consummation of your marriage for which I believe you have adequately done. I have every faith in the evidence you submitted and although they do ask that you may submit affidavits to support your I-130 application it is not mandatory. Also there is no requirement for them to be notarized.

Beth you WILL have your approval and it would not surprise me if it wasn't by the end of this week. The community is all here for you Beth you are very much in our prayers.

Best wishes
your friends
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe are all wondering, I'm sure...
As every case is different so how it is handled can vary too. I believe the factors involved can be quite complex depending on individual circumstances. I of course do not know how the system works and I am really just guessing but I am fairly sure there is a filtering system whereby cases that require additional processing can indeed take longer. For example as both petitioner and beneficiary have to have background checks performed on them then some individuals backgrounds can be easy to determine whilst others may take longer to obtain results. When you factor in that just about every country in the world is involved then so can the processing difficulty factor vary.

Also when you consider the number of petitions that have to be adjudicated there is also times when the petitions workload is extreme. You also have a situation where you have to try and have a reasonable flow of interviews through a countries embassy. If for example all petitions were approved in a month then could the individual embassies cope with the workload? There is also to take into account how would US public opinion react if there was a constant stream of immigrants arriving in the country irrespective of the fact they were spouses of US citizens? As much as I don't like it (being separated) I do understand why there has to be a certain amount of restraint on immigration. Illegal immigration is indeed difficult to control and perhaps if there was less illegal immigration then there would indeed be "more space" for want of a better word for legal immigrants.

I personally do not have any bad feelings to illegal immigrants for they are but people like you and I, who perhaps did not have the same chances in life as we have had.

Best wishes to all
Arthur and Roberta

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 15:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
Takes out Crystal Ball, peers into Beth's RFE. Prediction coming...yes we see you receiving your RFE very fact I believe you will receive it on Monday and it will be for what you thought it was! good.gif

Yes Beth approval is coming your way and before the end of the month for sure.

Best wishes Beth we are all here for you.
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-10 08:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
Just think Beth all your fans are here for you both.

We all want you through this process and back together and you are most certainly not far off the fast lane now. You will have the RFE paperwork signed sealed and away in no time and your approval will follow shortly. I believe you are correct with what they are looking for and like you say easily fixed. We look forward to hearing your news and better still the approval.

Best wishes Beth
Arthur and Roberta

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-08 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
Oh Beth, well my prediction was so close. But you know what, when you get the paperwork to them you will be approved!!! kicking.gif
We are so sorry it wasn't the approval Beth and really it is a simple mistake and please do not beat yourself up about it. They are going to approve you very shortly and you will be on the road to NVC.

Best wishes
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-08 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
Thank you for your congratulations and my thoughts immediately go to those still waiting. We hope you get approved soon as this process can be so stressful. We have been very fortunate and give our best wishes and prayers to those who are still waiting.

Best Wishes

Arthur and Roberta

Gogo we cannot believe how stressed this must have been for you and do hope that this can be resolved for you as soon as possible.
You have been waiting for far too long.

Best Wishes

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
Well I promised to keep you informed and to our wonderful surprise we were notified that we were approved yesterday the 8th June. This has come completely out of the blue and we are over the moon.

We are so pleased that I did not have to attend an interview in London to have the I-130 approved and then have to travel back there again for the visa interview. Thank you Durham and USCIS for adjudicating and approving the petition and saving us from being even longer apart.

Best Wishes to all

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
Thank you all for your kind words. I shall keep you all informed of what happens and quite frankly I am looking forward to it. We just want to get the show on the road so to speak. Like everyone we just want to be together and this seems to be another step in the process. I just hope that the interview is scheduled soon in order that we can at least have some vision of an ending to the process.

Best wishes

Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-04 05:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
It will be a beneficiary interview and we were informed by USCIS. I guess London will get to know me a little earlier than anticipated, at least I hope so. I personally view it as a good thing except of course elongating the process.

Best wishes to all
Arthur and Roberta

Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
I am sure it will, just the having to go to London a couple of times is the hassle. I personally do not envisage any problems but I am sure thousands have said the same only to be held back even longer. We hope that the interview is scheduled soon in order that we can get this process moving. At least it is being processed and not sat waiting to be looked at.

Best wishes to all
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
We were advised by USCIS , it is kind of interesting yet as I mentioned previously a little unusual and will prolong what has already been a long wait.

It will be interesting to hear if this has happened to anyone else.

Best Wishes
Arthur and Roberta
Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 09:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 interview for CR-1
I have been informed that I will have an I-130 interview (beneficiary interview) as yet to be scheduled. Can anyone shed any light as to why this may be the case as this just prolongs what has already been a long process. We have a NOA 1 date of 20th Oct 2008 and from what I can gather should the interview be successful then the I-130 would be forwarded to NVC for continuation of processing.

If there is anyone who could shed light on this I would be grateful.


Arthur RobertaMaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 07:10:00