Middle East and North AfricaCongratulations to Mybackpages





lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-26 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!
Good morning all

Happy Thursday

Happy Thursday guys!

I hope everyone has a good day!

JP- how were your wings last night?

Bosco- you were right! :whistle:

MBP- feelin' pretty good huh? Congratulations!

Jenn- I miss you!

Peezey- I miss you too!

WOM- I love your pictures as usual... I don't know where you get them but they crack me up.


I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Outback! I had a blast! Went out for dinner, smoked argileh, and watch all the american idol rejects! Did you find a place?

MBP - Got a date set yet?

Peezey - I drove by that nail salon yesterday, it does look really nice!

Hope everyone has a good day!

lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-25 07:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND
:dance: :dance: :dance: Casa called Hani on Friday and told him to come to embassy today. He arrived today and he has

VISA IN HIS HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. He is trying to get a flight out for this Friday. God is good.
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-29 16:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA
I have a question for you guys, I thought that the visa is only good for 90 days. Hani told me that his visa is stamped for July 29, 2007. He told me that the visa is good for 6 months. Is this something new or are we going crazy
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-30 15:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSend your ME/NA MOJO to Chris4336 !!!
:thumbs: GOOD LUCK :thumbs:
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-30 15:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaBrillant News
:thumbs: CONGRATS :thumbs:
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-30 15:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview News!!!!
:thumbs: good news, keep your fingers crossed
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-31 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe most useless thread evvvvverrrrrr
:blink: hi all :blink:
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-27 22:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaHANI'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!
:dance: :dance: My Hani is home. We are so happy. He arrived at JFK airport on Saturday. His flight arrived from Casa at 4:00 and he walked out of the customs by 6:00. For the most part, he was tired and very hungry.
We rested at my mom's home and then we traveled yesterday to North Carolina. We arrived last night around 7pm and my home was packed with people that supported us. They had ballons and welcome home signs and streamers. It was truly a surprise and a great way to welcome him home.

Now we are so excited to begin the next step. Picking a wedding day. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks for all your support.
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-02-05 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe got THE Call!!!! I get my Valentine
:thumbs: :thumbs: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAGGIE :dance: :dance:
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-02-05 10:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious Saturday!
Maggie congrats on your arrival this comming week.

happy saturday!!!! i just got back an hour ago from seeing the messengers with my was scarweeeee lolol

My first thought was "whats so scary about yahoo messenger?" :lol:

I thought the same thing. Must be something in the west coast air! Where are the rest of the Calif girls? I beleive I'm the only one in WA (besides Fouad who doesn't hang out here much).

lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-02-10 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaI am needing some good advice before I go to Morocco
:thumbs: First I want to give you a thumbs up! :thumbs: You are an amazing woman, this is something you are going through and all you can think about is your in-laws and how they will accept the situation.

From reading other members advise, it seems everything will be ok. I dont think you should sare anything with them until you know for sure. If it comes down to you not being able to conceive, I would suspect that they should be more concerned about your well being first. Enjoy your trip
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-02-11 16:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HANDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!
:dance: CASA IS KICKING BUTT :thumbs: :thumbs: CONGATS :thumbs: :thumbs:
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-01-30 15:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaTips and Techniques for Handling "The Wait"
Nice topic, I basically did the same. We would meet online everyday for over a year. It was rough for him because of the difference in time. So he would be at the internet cafe until 2 or 3 am. Then I would buy calling cards by the dozen so that we can talk everyday before we went to bed. Extremely costly but all worth it now. I kept myself busy with church & moving and work. For the most part, now that I look back, it was hard but smooth.
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-02-10 08:56:00
Middle East and North Africait's monday
Good Morning All hope you have a good monday
lilofdevineFemaleMorocco2007-03-26 07:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaUSCIS-Calif Service center
Ok, first question.................what does it mean by being "touched" on here?
Second..................any news on CSC and their delays? Have they resolved it? I am still waiting as I know the rest are too for the NOA2. I am in my 93rd day (I think-need to check) Anyway, someone give some feedback on this and thanks. :help:
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-07-02 19:04:00
Middle East and North Africaoff topic Pic on here
This is an off topic. How do I post our pics on here? I have tried but it won't take. Says to contact board administrator. Maybe they are too big, I don't know. Please tell me how someone. Thanks
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-07-30 16:21:00
Middle East and North Africacalling all people with Morrocan fiances
First I want to say we got approved for NOA2. Now it has to be sent on its merry way :dance: to NVC and then to Casablanca :wacko: . So I need to know, he needs my help with visa cost, medical cost. He might have the money for transportation to and from there. He lives in Tangier.

I wanted to go and support him when he goes for interview. Not sure when THAT will be, but I need to help him out on this other money matter. How much should I send for visa and medical. Will he really need to spend the night as he as a night job in Asilah (misspelled I am sure). It took us 5 hours by train to get to Tangier and about that long on bus to get to Casa when I was there.

I know I will have to help too with airline ticket as his salary is not much working 12 hour shifts every day.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-04 13:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA2
OK :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: We got the NOA2 in the mail today. Just received the approval on July 27th in an email from USCIS. Things moving fast, you think? Now on with the process. I just hope being 22 years older will not be a problem with CASA. Age is just a number and love knows no age.

So I finally found my true love at last and respects me more than anyone I ever had over here. Not saying American guys are bad where I am from but I have seen my share of them. So true love at last.

It is never too late to find that one and only.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-04 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many interviewers are there in Casa?

I was just wondering how many people are there conducting interviews in Casa? I have heard of three: an African-American youngish woman, a blonde Caucasian woman, and a man of unknown identity (just trying to be politically correct, which is BS, but what the heck????) :whistle:

If I am reading correctly, seems the blonde one is the hardest to deal with????? Let's just hope they don't read these posts!!! lol

Any advice on dealing with any one of these folks? I am signing this "Anonymous" hee hee.....(like that is gonna help) :wacko:

And as for the post about jealousy, I met and passed by lots of different women in Morocco. Many passing by women seem to be giving me the "I loathe you" look. I am a very friendly person, just smiled at them. And there were lots of others who smiled back. My SO was taken aback by my openly friendliness, especially to the men, whom he advised me would look at me as a "hooker" if I was sooo friendly. He said, and I quote, "I have seen lots of American women, but not as friendly as you." Which he didn't see as a GOOD I think on my first visit, I was the only white woman in Casa as this was during off tourist season, so I got lots of looks, yeah from men, smiles, whistles, air kisses, winks, etc. And in his small hometown, I must have been the town oddity. It seems we were always passing by the high schools when they let out and they would follow us--boys and girls. The girls were curious, the guys were giving me the once or twice over. And the little kids would follow along behind us. I smiled at them, they smiled back. I bought some of the kids around where he lived chalk and stuff--felt sorry for them cuz they had nothing to play with. Can't help that teacher in me coming out.

So I will throw out another stereotype, the friendly southerner, which I swear to God is true. I keep trying to explain this to my SO, but he just doesn't understand that women can be so open and friendly as to hug and kiss guys, other women, and sometimes strangers. But if you have ever been in the south, you will know this is true.

Anyway, his family was wonderful to me, so open and accepting (and not looking for money and help, thank you very much). When I approached the age thing with one of his sisters, she just kept saying, "No problem, no problem. We are happy for him." So I am going to believe my SO when he tells me that his family only wants him to be happy with whomever he falls in love with." And I am the lucky one!!!

AND, just for the record, my SO was never deceptive about the fact that he is poor, but wanted to find a life mate. AND when I tried to give him the business about being lots older, he says, "What is the problem? I like you, you like me and you don't look that old" His former gf was lots older than him too, so I am thinking he just likes older women. Also, his friends were super friendly to me, a little overly friendly, if you know what I mean. Several tried to email me "to talk." I think they were jealous as to the fact that they wanted a fiance/gf too, not necessarily from America or whatever. They were all looking for future wives cuz they all think marriage is the greatest thing in the world. Anyway, enough about all of this....just a few thoughts. AND also wanted to say, none of his friends and/orfamily think age and weight are defining factors about somebody's love.... :whistle:

As I was reading all of this, I have been to Casa and Tangier and the men definitely look at you. They looked at me knowing I was an American. My hair color was brown streaked with henna and blonde. It looked good and the men would turn and look at me and I told my SO if someone looks at me again, I swear I will kiss you right here on the street. You know open affection is not allowed. I found that out when I got off the plane and kissed him in the cab.
The cab driver was furious. Oh well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO WHAT? Everywhere we went, men and women would stare. His friends were glad we were together and I am 23 years older than him. His mother did ask him why did I want someone much older, well love has no age on it. But after they met me, they were wonderful to me. Good food at his home, good hospitality there and now they are excited for us. They even took to me as do the ritual of public bath house, where you are washed by girl family members and put henna on my hands before I returned to USA. I feel so good
about having them as my family now. AND I miss them all as I have not returned back yet. Too expensive right now.
We are now waiting for packet 3. So let everyone talk about our age, I know I don't care.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-07 19:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm 49, he's 30, Im USA, he's MAROC...been in AProcessing for 5 months - Is this why???


Your post caught my eye, as we are in Admin. Processing now for 5 months since the 1st interview. We meet the criteria you described in your post. I am 49, and my male fiance is 30, and we met online, and I am not religious, and he is not a practicing Muslim, and, we are very much in love. But, we are losing our minds with this AP, because it has been since the end of February that he had the 1st interview, whereupon he was told that when he returned some paper, he would get his visa, and that was early March. What do you think? Also, I moved from my permanent address of 15 years to a temporary one in another state. I plan on returning to California with my fiance. Do I need to give them this temporary address? Anything of value you can contribute is greatly appreciated.



Hi , My fiance is 34 and I am 55 and we just got approved for the NOA2. So there is hope. He is in Tangier Morocco so don't give up. Now time for the interview once Casa gets papers. So we will see what happens there.
Maybe there is something else going on and not age. It wouldn't hurt to give the new address.

Good luck
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-07-30 05:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference

Casa has issues with age differences. Several have been returned due to age. However, from what was said, I have to agree with what others have said. It all comes down to how the questions are answered. My SO and I have 7 yrs between us. Not much. But there was no hesitation on his part and his questions were over rather quickly. The posts that I read that were rejected, there had been things said that honestly, would have caused me to question the relationship. Be prepared and be confident in your love and you will be fine. Good luck!

I have to disagree. In teh one year of following petitions through Casa, I have not seen one returned because of an age difference. Yes sometimes an age difference is there, but those petition returned when there i an age difference also had other issues. There have been on VJ more petitions approved with an age difference than denied.

The most common characteristic that returned petitions have appears to be in the length of the engagement/time before getting married after meeting. This, curcumstanially, seems to be the most serious red flag.

Thanks for your input. We have known each other since Nov 2006, went there Jan got engaged and then talked about filing to bring him here. I was going to get married there but too much paperwork that I did not have. Even went to Casa for affadavit of nationality and marriage and received that paper to have. But after finding out what was involved and did not have all, we thought best to try K1.

So now that we have we are waiting for interview time. So I guess he should not tell how much he loves me but just to answer any questions that might reflect our age with something other than that.
What he will say will make it or break it. Any more ideas please respond. Thanks
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-05 08:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference

So now that we have the NOA2 notice and then waiting for the rest. Interview, etc. I just want to know from anyone out here why age would make a difference to the embassy in Casa. Love knows no age and if two people are in love and it just so happens the woman is much older, so what? :blink: I am 55 and my fiance is 34. We are very much in love, he is so kind and caring and NO he is NOT using me to get to the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We know all we need to about each other, we have seen the questionaire they might use in order to know if he does know about me. SO what is the you know what problem?????????????????? :angry: :angry: :angry:

So why can't a person who has fallen in love with someone be such a big deal at Casa? I bet if the truth is known there are some people who work there who might have a SO younger than they are.

Any input on this? It is not wrong to be older than your man. I am young at heart, his family accepts it and so did
USCIS..................why would they approve it if age made a difference? I want to know as I am planning my wedding and hopefully it will be in the next couple of months.

salam ,, h.. i read your post and i would like for you to hear about 2 very good friends of mine i met in khemisset morocco. a woman from england , 65 and a man from khemisset,he is 30 , they married 3 years ago , and she resides mosttly in khemisset in a home they share there. i have never in my life seen 2 people more in love than they r. age is of no importance dear. they are the best friends that i met while being there for 3 mos.they married legally there , with documents , . they had no intenttion of tryying for the k-3 visa in the beginning. its been 3 years now for them , and they r now workking on his k-3 visa to england. only to possibly give him a chance to see what its like to be in england with his bride.they are a wonderful couple , and , anyone can see the love they share between them. most people i know , dont show open affecttion there. but ,, they did . it was so awesome.i told my fiance to watch and learn ,,,lol .. just kidding .. we are all planning to 1 day visit egypt. insha allah.plz dont worry of the difference in your ages , age is a # only. its how you feel about your relattionship with your fiance and how he feels about you.they can not look down on you for any age sure the love that both of you have for 1 another is a very unique so happy for you both ,, my salams to him and his family as well. good luck sis ,, try to stay calm and things will work out for u , im sure.let us know plz the outcome of the interview , ill be watchhing ,, take care , your sister from morocco....masalama,, kimberlyanne

Thanks for this message. I am not really concerned too much. I told him last night if they ask about our age difference, just tell them why you chose me to marry. That our love has stood this test of time of being apart and that we are in love with each other even more. We have strong strong love and being apart as we have, shows it . He is the most wonderful man I have ever met and not like some over here. Where they need a cute little girl and blonde and you know what I mean. He loves me for me and we have such a good time when we talk on phone. I can't wait until this is finally over.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-05 05:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference
So now that we have the NOA2 notice and then waiting for the rest. Interview, etc. I just want to know from anyone out here why age would make a difference to the embassy in Casa. Love knows no age and if two people are in love and it just so happens the woman is much older, so what? :blink: I am 55 and my fiance is 34. We are very much in love, he is so kind and caring and NO he is NOT using me to get to the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We know all we need to about each other, we have seen the questionaire they might use in order to know if he does know about me. SO what is the you know what problem?????????????????? :angry: :angry: :angry:

So why can't a person who has fallen in love with someone be such a big deal at Casa? I bet if the truth is known there are some people who work there who might have a SO younger than they are.

Any input on this? It is not wrong to be older than your man. I am young at heart, his family accepts it and so did
USCIS..................why would they approve it if age made a difference? I want to know as I am planning my wedding and hopefully it will be in the next couple of months.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-04 21:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaLowest price phone card to Morocco cells?

I've done some quick research on all listed above and the one that seems best is -- no weekly fee and free minutes for one thing, also low per minute rate 26 to cell phone casa. Also has a cool access feature where if you cannot connect one way you just hit a couple buttons to try other access, also two key speed dialing. Billed in one minute increments, not 3 or more. No hidden charges, they say. Pin free dialing. Check it out.

Go to Alosmart...........they have phone cards and are rated which is the best to use for all countries. They have increments anywhere from $5.00 on up on some cards. I have use Anytime and Absolute World. Alosmart is good to use.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-16 19:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview details casa 6/28/07
QUOTE (Hpskid @ Jun 29 2007, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I have never posted before but I figured I’d log my husbands K3 interview experience incase it can help anybody else. I have really been a lurker but thank you to all who do post it has helped me and my husband a lot! My husband had his interview on 6/28/07 in Casa at 8:00 AM (Morocco time). All interviewees waited in a room and went up to verify all the information they had and then were told to sit back down. He was there at the same time as Malory’s husband who went immediately after him and he said Mr. Malory looked very nice clean cut and well dressed (handsome man! good.gif ).

He was interviewed by the young blond who he said was very nice. She asked him:
Who is the petitioner
How old is she
how old are you
Does her age bother you (17 years difference *RED FLAG blush.gif )
How many times has she visited Morocco and for how long each
What does your wife do for a living
What does your wife do for fun

Then she looked over the photos that I sent in the application on a Photoshop spreadsheet of sorts and he saw a big red APPROVED on those sheets. She didn’t ask for any of his proof of relationship. She handed him his passport back and the white paper (that she took off of a printer) with the 221g box checked which said:


she said “you did well on your interview and we need more processing time, we will be calling you next week to come get your visa” She confirmed his phone number and he left! That was it! Short simple and to the point!

It was overall an easygoing experience although he was terribly stressed after the fact because he didn’t know what the 221g meant and he sorta freaked doh! It’s so ambiguous! Oh well, based upon what she told him, it’s all working out so far so good!

What a relief! I hope this can help someone else in some way!

Take care and I’ll post when we get the visa incha allah next week! And damn I missed those cheap fares last week! I wanted to take the gamble it was like $175 for one way to JFK! I’m such a dork! Oh well! Sounds like it’ll be a Mastercard moment: Visa process thousands of dollars *ultimately, one way airfare to JFK 600 – 800 dollars, having your habibi with you finally! PRICELESS! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO kicking.gif
Take care,
HPSKID (Patti)

Did you get your visa yet?
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-22 06:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmail from Casa -come get your packet
Today I received an email from Casa, because they will not give out information on phone. It says have your fiance come to the Embassy to pick up packet and attached is 3 doctors names to make an appointment for medical.

Now, he lives in Tangier which is about 5 hours ??? I think by train or bus. He has to be there between 1 and 3 Monday through Friday.....His interview is September 13th...................mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Now he works 12 hours at night. So should he wait to see if packet comes before he tempts to go to Casa or just take off from work and go. They mailed the packet on August 16th............And he has to have medical too. So that means another trip to Casa?????????????

What is going on with them? Do they think people have money to go back and forth for stuff like this when they need the money for visa, medical and trip for interview there?

Washington says they didn't see anything for his medical and to wait a week before interview?????????? I just don't get it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

Time is drawing near........................ what to do? And his passport has not come yet either.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-08-28 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED
that is good news. Ours is next week. Can y ou possibly tell me what my fiance can expect at the interview. What do they ask, etc. I would like to prepare him for this.

Thanks and Congrats.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-09-06 13:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe got our visa!
That is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are happy happy. My fiance's interview is next week. We only hope for the same result. Any advice ? Sure would be helpful. I have only visited him the one time before filing petition for him to come here. I hope that won't disappoint the CO. But my job won't allow me to take time off anymore like that.

Please respond as we need all the advice we can get.
love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-09-07 09:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaInfopass
I need some advice. My fiance had his interview September 13th, mad.gif was given 221G and it is now going back to USCIS -Calif. Now the Washington Visa place says it is in AP wacko.gif Casa emails me after I emailed them giving the pouch number and wrote it is being returned to USCIS.........Now
USCIS tells me I can make an Infopass appointment because he was misunderstood at his interview.
They tried to confuse him about where i work and worked before. I am a retired State Gov't employee
and worked in my home town, then moved to another city where I now work for a Temp agency.

And she did not believe that was his handwriting blink.gif on the forms.........made him write something to prove it.

So do I make the Infopass appt. or wait it out to see what USCIS does? They could still approve it
I think.

love my NourFemaleMorocco2007-09-30 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Status CEAC. Help me understand. Please.

It's very good. You will be ISSUED soon so hang in there! It won't be long. Congratulations!!

Mike&JansselNot TellingPhilippines2014-07-14 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports221g requesting NBI clearance for name corrections

HI there my fiancee just went through her interview. The interview went fine but she was unable to find out if shes approve or not base on a document they needed..she  was issue a 221g for nbi clearance for aka on her birth certificate name correction. They kepty her that a good sign? .Anyhow we  sent the nbi clearance in and it was promptly recieve by the immigrattion unit in Manila us embassy through 2 go courier..I wonder if anyone have the same issue or was in the same situation? and how long does it take for them to process her visa? do i have anything to worry about?  thank you


Hi there. I'm wondering what is the wrong information your fiancee in her birthcertificate or NBI clearance?


Right now, I'm having problem also but my birth certificate and NBI clearance has the same information. The conflict is that my surname has ñ.


If the embassy kept the passport of your fiancee that's a good sign. For the 221g applicants that I know of they had this 2 -3 weeks of waiting but well we dont know how long they will approve it but just wait and keep track of your visa.

Mike&JansselNot TellingPhilippines2013-07-17 04:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly Filers!!!!
i am july filer too.... Good luck to everyone....especially to those under the Vermont Service, Vermont is really VERY slow compared to other service center.... Better make ourselves busy amd not to focus about waiting.... :star:
zsa zsa shingFemalePhilippines2012-09-23 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaUS embassy in egypt, and packet 3
Walaikum Asalaam.

I have a pending K-1 Visa at the US Embassy in Cairo. The Visa process is a nightmare, so I understand your frustration. I have sent numerous e-mails to no avail (they tend not to respond or just respond that "case is still processing"). As for phone calls, it definitely helps to speak to a live person. I have been able to talk with Cairo about the status of my case, however my case (after 7 months) is still pending. Recently, I sent out letters to the Consul General and the Ambassador at the US Embassy in Cairo.(I hope to get a response). If they do not respond, then I will contact my Congressman to seek assistance with my case.

I will give you a few phone numbers that I have used:

Operator (they can transfer you to a live person in the Consular section)- 202-2797-3300
Inger Tangborn (Consular Affairs Officer)-202-2797-2098
Inger's secretary-202-797-2306
Richard Hermann (Consul General)-202-2797-2256
Stuart Jones (Deputy Chief of Mission)-202-2797-2307
Francis Ricciardone (Ambassador)-2797-2302
Consular's Section (main line)- 202-2797-2200 (get recordings and put on hold, only open to check status on Sun- Thurs. 1pm-4pm; during Ramadan closes at 3pm).
Consular's Section Secretary- 202-2797-2504 or 202-2795-7373

Just keep trying because persistance pays off. May Allah SWT bless you and your wife. Salaam.
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-08 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHey! Listen UP!
QUOTE (tammy sue kay @ Oct 9 2007, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would like to proudly announce that my HUSBAND GOT HIS PASSPORT BACK WITH THE VISA ATTATCHED TO IT TODAY!!!!!!!!
I thought this day would never come. I know our wait was no where close to what some others have gone thru and continue to go thru, but, it felt like an eternity.
Maybe now that our case is out of the way, it will make some time for them to get busy on others cases and get them approved sooner. Inshallah!
We are planning on an arrival date of November 15th, anyone know of where I can purchase a halal turkey for Thanksgiving in Michigan?
To everyone still waiting, I hope you get some good news soon. I know the wait is hard, but in the end, the wait is worth it!

Wonderful news!!!! May Allah bless your marriage and bring you happiness always. Salaam.
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-10 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday my mother left for Heaven
May the sweet memories of your loving mother soothe your spirit.

Our Heartfelt Condolences. rose.gif
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-17 21:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand!
Congrats! Your case is very impressive. I am in the process of getting a K-1 Visa for my fiance. The US Embassy in Cairo received our file in April 2007 also, but we are still in AP.

Did your fiancee receive her 3.5 packet at her Sudan residence? (We had problems with the mail)

Which doctor did the packet 3.5 assign her to? (We had problems with scheduling our doctor because he required additional papers that the US Embassy did not inform us of.)

I am glad that you were able to attend the Interview with your fiancee. How long did it take you to get your Visa stamp for Egypt interview?

Thanks for listening.
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-18 20:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions?
What was the outcome for you and your fiancee? Have you filed a K1, K3, or DCF? I am in the process of getting a K1 Visa for my fiance in Sudan. The process is long and frustrating.
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-18 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is everyone in AP doing? How's your SO handling it? how long have you been in AP ? How many "flags"
Hello All,

Our Visa (I-129F) petition was approved by USCIS and sent to the US Embassy in Cairo (in April 2007). My fiance was interviewed for a K-1 Visa at the US Embassy in Cairo. We were told that my fiance (from Sudan) had to have a background clearance. We have waited patiently for 5 months (after the Interview), but keep being told that the case is still pending administrative processing.

The Visa process is a nightmare, so I understand your frustration. I have sent numerous e-mails to no avail (they tend not to respond or just respond that "case is pending administrative processing"). As for phone calls, it definitely helps to speak to a live person. I have been able to talk with Cairo about the status of my case, however my case is still pending. Recently, I sent out letters to the US Department of State, the Consul General and the Ambassador at the US Embassy in Cairo. (I hope to get a decent response). If they do not respond, then I will contact my Congressman to seek assistance with my case.

I will give you a few phone numbers that I have used for Cairo:

Operator (they can transfer you to a live person in the Consular section)- 202-2797-3300
Inger Tangborn (Consular Affairs Officer)-202-2797-2098
Inger's secretary-202-797-2306
Richard Hermann (Consul General)-202-2797-2256
Stuart Jones (Deputy Chief of Mission)-202-2797-2307
Francis Ricciardone (Ambassador)-2797-2302
Consular's Section (main line)- 202-2797-2200 (get recordings and put on hold, only open to check status on Sun- Thurs. 1pm-4pm; during Ramadan closes at 3pm).
Consular's Section Secretary- 202-2797-2504 or 202-2795-7373

Please keep trying because persistance pays off. Thanks for listening. Salaam.
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-09 12:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca interview refusal worksheet
I agree with Wahrania. Always follow your heart. Let God take care of the rest. Sorry to hear of your problems, but don't give up.

Best wishes,
Robin and Mohamed
Robin E.Not TellingSudan2007-10-31 07:07:00