PhilippinesGift ideas

Hershey's cheap?? When I think of American chocolate I think of Hershey's. If I send or bring chocolate it will be Hershey's and Hershey's only. Hershey's is delicious.

Now excuse me while I check to see how my Hershey's stock is doing. ;) Seriously though, Hershey's only for chocolate.

He He, I love Hershey chocolate also, and it is fine to give to the kids. But if your going to give chocolate as gift to a adult family member and remember it not just Nanay and Tatay, it is all the Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents and anyone you visit while there. Don't want to insult anyone by not bringing a gift. When you arrive in Manila go to the duty free store and buy some Toblerone chocolate bars for the adults. You can get all the Hershey chocolate at any Robinsons grocery you want so no need to pack chocolate in your luggage. While Hershey chocolate is considered cheap in the Phills, it not so much, you buy any chocolate lately, he he. :lol:
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-11-01 12:27:00
PhilippinesGift ideas

I would bring chocolate, but she wanted me to mail some about a month ago so I shipped about $30 worth of chocolate bars. Not sure about giving toiletries...I'll prob stick with t-shirts, maybe sweatshirts/hoodies.

Should I stay away from anything too American (ie, American flags on them), or do you think they'd like that?

Well they can buy any of that stuff in the Philippines, standard gift and they love it is Toblerone Chocolate Bar, never give Hershey's candy or they think your cheap. Get some flowers for Nanay.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-11-01 00:14:00
PhilippinesWife Hair loss
Most likely it is stress causing hair to fall out. The visa process and leaving your home, family, friends and starting a new life can be very stressful to anyone. The medical term is "Telogen Effluvium". The hair loss will slow with time.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-12-21 14:42:00
PhilippinesDFA Passport Troubles

I found through searching a reference to NSO Certificate Republic Act 9048. Does anyone know if this middle name mix-up is covered under "clerical errors"?

Need start at the local civil registry office "where you got your marriage license" and ask them what is required to change the name on the marriage cert.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-01-21 04:24:00
PhilippinesWhy it takes 3 weeks to get married in the PI??
There is a 10 waiting period from the time the marriage license is applied for and the releasing of the license. Some registrars interrupt this 10 days as working days, week ends and holidays don't count.

All these internet guides are wrong about how to apply for a marriage license in the PI. Do you really think the local registrar office requires both Filipinos to appear in person to apply for the license if one lives far away? Travel is expensive in the PI for most people, if one person lives far away and travel would be a problem just to apply for the license then most of the time they will allow only the one of the parties getting married to apply for the license.

If time is a problem and the US citizen cannot be in the PI but a week, then the Fiancee should go to her local civil registrar office, explain the problem and ask if she can apply for the license herself. Most of the time they will allow this, and tell her what documents they need in advance, some registrar offices will not, but it don't hurt to ask.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-02-19 20:56:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

Gary's sarcasm. I agree with what you said.

You people have no sense of humor, I knew what Daven was saying, just I thought it funny he said that he was teaching his wife what to do if he abused her. My wife said they told her to contact the Philipine embassy, I did not say that was the right thing to do. Guess at CFO they don't know about 911. In the Philippines you abuse some women you may wake up dead. I think my wife is one of them. :o
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-08-11 01:29:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

Awesome!! Let me know how that works for you. Does she know where the embassy is? What the numbers are? Will a human actually answer the phone and her needs? Again, things I taught her, not CFO...

Yes she does, fortunately I have a smart wife. She would be very able to handle that. It is good you taught your wife what to do when you abuse her. :yes:
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-08-10 17:24:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

You have some valid points and concerns. But why do 40 year old males going to work abroad have to attend the same seminar?

No, different seminar for those leaving for work abroad.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-08-10 14:07:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

There you have it. That is the basis for wanting reform in the CFO process.

And I challenge those of you who think the CFO is helpful... Ask your Filipina (yourself, if it applies) what to do in the event of a domestic problem (abuse, neglect, abandonment, etc.). Whom to call? What phone number? I asked my wife if she thought the CFO was helpful at all, and at first, she said a little. Then when I started asking her how she would get home if I abused her, and really started digging, she realized she learned NOTHING from CFO that would actually help her. Turns out, I am the one who educated her on those matters.

My wife said the CFO instructed them to report any abuse directly to the Philippine Embassy.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-08-10 13:09:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis
The CFO is still very necessary, and for the most part does a good job. Some that do not understand the ugly truth about the Philippines think this process is just a way for the government to make a few more pesos. The truth is every year thousands of Filipino women leave the PI seeking a better life by marrying someone from another country. A lot of the marriages are arraigned, or brokered by illegal matchmaking agencies. While mail order brides is illegal in the PI, it still goes on there, because in other countries it is legal. The reason the CFO asks all those questions, and wants all those other documents is because they are trying to find out if a third party introduced the Filipina to their husband, or future husband.

The arranged marriages is clearly a form of human trafficking. Lots of these women go to Korea and Japan, and some wind up being nothing but cooks, maids, babysitters, or even worse forced into the sex trade and prostitution. The CFO tries to find out if someone is coercing them to contract marriage with a foreigner, and if getting married is really what they want to do. A lot of women are 18 to 25 years old and they think they will be helping their family by marrying a foreigner. Even the women family in some cases is the very ones who is encouraging her to get married.

The CFO cannot look at someone and tell if they are a victim of human trafficking, so they try to find that out during the interview. If there are any red flags, the interview and the request for more documents can seem like a interrogation more than a interview. If the woman is 18-25 years old, there is a large age difference, or her husband or fiancee has divorced more than one time, and she can't answer simple questions about him can set off alarms.

Under Philippine law, Filipino women who are going overseas as fiancees and spouses of foreign nationals are required to attend the CFO's guidance and counseling program to help them make informed decisions regarding their marriage to foreign nationals and to prepare them for their adjustments in cross-cultural marriages. Attending the program is a per-requisite for the issuance of a passport.

I think the counseling program is about the only tool the Philippines has in identifying Filipino women who are mail-order brides, or women who are getting married for the wrong reasons. That why it is still necessary.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-08-10 01:09:00
PhilippinesPI Marriage License
The strictness of the policy of getting married in the Philippines is a big myth, you have people on the internet telling people they must do it this way, or you will break the law....the law and the process of getting a marriage license in the PI is whatever the local civil registrar says it is.

Both bride and groom need to be present when applying for the marriage license is the biggest myth. What if one of the parties is out of the country, or far away so travel would be costly just to sign the marriage application to start the process of getting a marriage license?

The correct way to start the process of getting married in the PI if both parties cannot be present when applying for the marriage license is for one of the parties to go the the local civil registrar and explain the situation and ask the local civil registrar what needs to be done in order to start the marriage application process.

The local civil registrar in various municipalities and cities may or may not make exceptions to the process of applying for the marriage license. Different local civil registrars in the PI may have different rules, and require various other documents.

The truth is each municipality has its own set of requirements when you apply for a marriage license. So the best and only correct advise on what is needed to get married in the PI, is to go in advance and ask the LCR where you intend on applying what are the requirements. Then do what they tell you.

The myth that you see posted on the internet is both parties must apply together in person to fill out the marriage application. That is not what the law says, but like I said before the law is what the LCR says it is. The law says that the parties contracting marriage sign a application for marriage and swear a oath separately before him or before any public official authorized to administer oaths, to an application in writing setting forth that such party has the necessary qualifications for contracting marriage.

It comes down to the LCR and how they interrupt the Civil code, so you need to ask first what are the requirements if both parties cannot apply together for the marriage license application.

Article 59. The local civil registrar shall issue the proper license if each of the contracting parties swears separately before him or before any public official authorized to administer oaths, to an application in writing setting forth that such party has the necessary qualifications for contracting marriage. The applicants, their parents or guardians shall not be required to exhibit their residence certificates in any formality in connection with the securing of the marriage license. Such application shall insofar as possible contain the following data:

Full name of the contracting party;
Place of birth;
Age, date of birth;
Civil status (single, widow or widower, or divorced);
If divorced, how and when the previous marriage was dissolved;
Present residence;
Degree of relationship of the contracting parties;
Full name of the father;
Residence of the father;
Full name of the mother;
Residence of the mother;
Full name and residence of the guardian or person having charge, in case the contracting party has neither father

nor mother and is under the age of twenty years, if a male, or eighteen years if a female.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-04-16 13:11:00
PhilippinesPI Marriage License
There is a 10 day waiting period from the time the marriage license application is filled out until a marriage license is issued. The application is posted on a bulletin board for 10 days to give notice of the planned marriage in case someone wants to object to the marriage.

Have your Fiancee ask the Local civil registrar if it would be possible for her alone to apply for the marriage license, since you are out of the country and would have a problem being in the PI for the time needed to complete this process. They allow this sometimes, and do it a lot with Filipinos getting married if one of them needs to travel a distance so both can fill out the application in person. Just have your Fiancee ask about this and what documents you will need to send in advance, and what documents you need when you arrive in the PI to get the marriage license.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-04-15 08:18:00
PhilippinesLooking for lawyers and annulment info in Metro Manila

I am a American citizen and she is a Filipino citizen.

If you get a divorce in the US and you are the one seeking the divorce (the plaintiff) then the Filipino citizen can have the foreign divorce recognized by the Philippine court. What you want to ask about is recognition of a foreign decree of divorce by the Philippine courts, she will need a lawyer for this. This is the easiest, quickest way and least costly.

As a American citizen, if you get a divorce in the US then you will be divorced, you do not need a annulment in the Philippines. The Filipino citizen is the one who would need to have the courts recognize that foreign divorce in the Philippines, before she would legally be divorced in the Philippines and free to remarry.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-02-04 02:04:00
PhilippinesLooking for lawyers and annulment info in Metro Manila

Hello!! It is unfortunate to say that my partner and I are going our seperate ways and I am currently looking for a lawyer for the annulment process. Does anyone have any lawyers in the Metro Manila area that you can recommend? I would also be happy if you could share some of your experiences as well Thank you in advance.

Are both of you citizens of the Philippines?
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-02-04 00:52:00
Philippinescfo requirement philippines

Hmmm, so if a K1 fiance were to pass the medical and the embassy interview, and get the visa, they could take a "trip" to Hongkong, then get a ticket to the states, since she has a visa?


Yeah you can, but if you go back to the Philippines and still a green card holder you may be in trouble, or if you want to change your passport and use your married name then the CFO certificate is a requirement to do this. The sticker inside the passport is proof your registered with CFO.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-02-03 11:18:00
Philippinessending electronics in balikbayan box.

Good morning to all!
This is my first time to send balikbayan box to the philippines. I'm planning to include a laptop and a tablet inside the box with those other goodies I'm sending to my parents and siblings.

Wondering if anybody tried it already and if your family recieved it?

Let me add this, over the years I've sent many at least 40 Balikbayan boxes from USA to the PH. All the boxes arrived in pretty good shape, and never lost any contents, never had any custom problems. Most boxes were just canned food and clothes. I have sent laptops, cell phones, and some banned things like medicine. I use a contractors trash bag as a liner, then tape up the outside of the box with duct tape, just about use a whole roll to make the box stronger. You must list what is in the box with the shipper, declare the value, your allowed up to $500.00 total value. So to ship like a laptop you must lie on value and declare no electronics.

If you pack it safe, and tape up the box to keep it from getting torn open, then I think you have a real good chance of getting it delivered ok. Don't just put things in the box and tape it a little, they load a container full of these boxes, the ones close to the bottom supports all the weight of the boxes above them and can burst open.

To answer your question, Yes! I have shipped a few laptops and cell phones in balikbayan boxes, and I did know that these are taxable items and I could lose them or be charged with duty fees. This is what you need to understand, that your taking a chance.

Edited by Mimi and Gary, 07 December 2012 - 01:40 AM.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-12-07 01:37:00
Philippinessending electronics in balikbayan box.

Good morning to all!
This is my first time to send balikbayan box to the philippines. I'm planning to include a laptop and a tablet inside the box with those other goodies I'm sending to my parents and siblings.

Wondering if anybody tried it already and if your family recieved it?

It is not legal to ship electronics in a balikbayan box, doing so can cause problems if detected during customs inspections. You take a big risk doing so, they may get it and they may not. Better to send money and let them buy in the Philippines.


Non-commercial goods or goods not in commercial quantity strictly for personal use only, such as: wearing apparel, clothing, foodstuffs/grocery items/canned goods; the value of which must not exceed US$500.00

Edited by Mimi and Gary, 06 December 2012 - 06:19 PM.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-12-06 18:18:00
PhilippinesCan my divorce be recognized in Philippines? Please help!!


Yes she was.  But not now.


So if she is not now a citizen of the Philippines it sort of a "who shives a git".


Unless she would like to be a dual citizen and spend the money to do the annulment process... no one cares.


I think she cares Hank! 

GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-08-16 14:14:00
PhilippinesCan my divorce be recognized in Philippines? Please help!!



Key word in all of that is WAS.    She was a Philippine citizen. 


The catholic church has way too much control regarding the laws.



 Philippine law still does not support divorce.  It does not afford Filipinos the right to file for a divorce, whether they are in the country or living abroad, if they are married to Filipinos or to foreigners, or if they celebrated their marriage in the Philippines or in another country.   The legal basis is Art. 15 of the New Civil Code, which reads:

Art. 15.  Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad.


Since she WAS a Filipino citizen at the time of her divorce she was still subject to the laws of the Philippines.  Becoming a naturalized US citizen after the divorce does not alter this.


The easiest way for the OP to get her divorce reconized in the PI is to re-file a new divorce petition now that she is a US citizen,or wait and hope divorce is made legal in the PI.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-08-16 13:48:00
PhilippinesCan my divorce be recognized in Philippines? Please help!!



Well not really.  She is a U.S. Citizen now, she does not need to take dual citizenship.   Not being a Philippine citizen means she doesn't need her divorce recognized.... as it does not apply being she is a U.S. citizen.


(She can still own property in the Philippines without dual citizenship)


Not at all,,,,since she was a Philipine citizen at the time she got a US divorce, she will always be married to her ex-husband in the PI even after getting her US citizenship. Being a US citizen just makes it worse, because she can't even file for anullment, only Philipine citizens can do that.


If she had got the divorce after she became a US citizen then what you think Hank would be true.


Yeah she can own land as a former Philipine citizen, but with limitations. I think its 1 hector in the city and 3 hectors in the rual area. I think also there are limitatations on the size of a house in sq meters.


Probably if she is going to live in the PI, she would want to get dual citizenship. 




It is a stupid law, but its the law....just read the family code.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-08-16 03:29:00
PhilippinesCan my divorce be recognized in Philippines? Please help!!



I hope someone can help me with my situation.  I got married in the Philippines to a US citizen.  He then brought me and my daughter with him to America.  After 5 years of marriage I filed for divorce when I found out he was abusing my daughter (not sexually but he would hit her and I found bruises on her inner thigh).  At the time I filed for divorce, I was this a Filipino citizen and I did not become a US citizen until 2 years later.


Now I am a US citizen and engaged to marry another US citizen.  My ex-husband has since then remarried and I have had no contact with him since 2008.  From what I read about Philippine law, my divorce will not be recognized in the Philippines because it was not the foreign national that petitioned the divorce and at that time I was still a Philippine citizen.  


I know I am getting married to another US citizen and maybe this is not an issue in the US but what about the Philippines.  Can I be accused of bigamy in the Philippines?  What if I go back to live in the Philippines, will my new marriage be recognized? Would this affect future property owned in the Philippines? I suppose I would be safe if I stay as a US citizen and not get dual citizenship and live in the Philippines as a foreign national.


What do you guys think??  Thank you in advance!


If you were a Philipine citizen at the time of your divorce, and you were the "complainant" or "petitioner" then you are still married to your former spouse in the Philippines, and you "cannot" have your divorce reconzied in the Phills courts. Your new marriage cannot be recorded in the Phills because your already married to someone else there. Yes someone could report you that your married to two people if you go back to the Phills, if they wanted too. Your only choice is to file for annulment of your Philipne marriage, that can take 3 years and $3000.00.  As for future property owned in the Phills, you would need to have your Philipine citizenship back, and being legally married to your ex-husband there would probably cause some problems.  It does not matter if your stay a US citizen or get dual citizenship and live in the Phills, you will be married to your ex-husband there until you get an annulment from him.


There are some cases where a couple have refiled the divorce, just a uncontested divorce where both parties sign, you can contact your ex-husband and see if he will agree to this. This way you can be the petitioner if your now a US citizen. You could then have this divorce reconzied in the Phills.


I am not a lawyer, .....You really need to talk to a lawyer in the Phills, if you can find one you can trust.


GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-08-15 22:11:00
PhilippinesGot married in the PI, got divorced in US, wanting to re-marry, now a USC

Because there is no divorce in the PI when this topic comes up people get so confused, even Filipinos don't understand the process of annullment, what the process is to end a marriage recorded in the PI, after a divorce in another country. The family code of the Philippines is not well written and does not address the OP situation. The OP really needs to seek the advise of a PI lawyer before she goes tries to get dual citizenship...


1. The family code of the Philippines is for Filipinos only.

2. The OP is a US citizen now, the family code no longer applies to her.

3. She was US citizen at time of her divorce, she is just as divorced in the PI, as in the USA now.

4. She is no longer a Filipino citizen, so she can't have her divorce judicially recognized, get annulment, as of now she is no longer married in the PI.

5. What happens if she gets her Filipino citizenship back?  Will she be married again to husband #1? If she get re-married will the marriage to husband #2 be null and void in the PI, because she still married to husband #1?  The family code does not address this.


She needs to talk to a lawyer in the PI before she gets dual citizenship, or she may end up in a catch 22 situation, I am sure there is a way to do this and be able to get her dual citizenship and have her divorce recognized, just I don't know exactly how, and no one here does either...no0pb.gif

GaryKOMalePhilippines2013-08-17 13:25:00
PhilippinesChange passport name from marriage to US citizen

Can she just get her postal ID and voters ID changed with marriage certificate only?

The postal ID in Married name and a NBI in both Maiden name, and Married name are the 2 easiest picture id's to get. The CFO will accept these, I don't know about a voters ID. If she don't get any hits on her name, the NBI clearance takes a hour to two. Around Manila there are several NBI offices, one is at Robinsons place mall. If she lives outside manila chances are one is still close to her.

The NBI clearance is something you will need anyway at the NVC stage, and you need to find out as soon as possible if you can get a clean report. If you get a hit, it could take a month or more to get a clearance, so you don't want to wait until the last minute to do this. Even if you need to go back and get a updated NBI report before the Embassy interview, it is better to know that you have a clean NBI now. Just be sure to tell her to have them check her maiden and married name on the NBI.

Edited by Mimi and Gary, 29 July 2012 - 10:26 PM.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-07-29 22:25:00
PhilippinesChange passport name from marriage to US citizen

Thanks Mimi & Gary;

She already has passport and drivers lic, she still need NBI clearance?
Thanks :)

If she has 2 picture ID's in Married name then no she don't need NBI now. ID's must be in married name!
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-07-29 19:10:00
PhilippinesChange passport name from marriage to US citizen

Thanks for your reply Mimi and Gary

You just had to have regular photocopies, not certified true copies when you attended?

You need an NBI clearance to attend the CFO seminar? How do you get that?
She can't change any ID's until she changes her passport first, correct?

Also she needs a guidance & counseling form duly completed?
Is that the CFO registration form that asks for visa number, she doesn't have one yet.
and I saw "Emigrant registration form". Shes doesn't have a visa or immigrating yet, just passport change.
Thanks :)

She need the NBI clearance to provide 2 forms of ID in order to attend the CFO counseling session. A postal ID and the NBI in maiden and married name. Go the NBI center nearest you. If no hits on name only takes a couple of hours to get.

Requirements for Attendance to Guidance and Counseling Program

Two (2) valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph;
Duly completed guidance and counseling form;
If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate (if married abroad)
Other documents as may be required by the counselors; and
Payment of P250.00 counseling fee.

And pay attention what "Other documents they may ask for above"...

Yeah copies will work on some documents, NBI and Marriage cert need to be certified true copy.

At this point she is going to CFO to get the guidance and counseling certificate, after she has her visa in hand she will go back to the CFO with the certificate to get the sticker added to her passport.

After she has the certificate from CFO she can then change her passport to married name.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-07-29 14:04:00
PhilippinesChange passport name from marriage to US citizen

Just got married in May this year, I'm a US citizen, my spouse's a filipina and her Philippine passport is good till Oct2015. In two years we will start the I-130, IR-1 Visa process and hopefully will get the visa to leave which would be before the passport expires.
But she will need a new passport with my last name as hers on it, before we can start the the petition/visa process.
All documents must match the passport which is the sole identification for immigration processing.

So she went to the Dept Veteran Affairs with a filled out passport application form, with NSO marriage certif, BC and they told her she has to wait til the old passport expires, OR get a CFO certificate from Manila & a Affidavit of early renewal.

I thought CFO was just for leaving the country, no mention of getting a visa was mentioned or leaving the country. Why does she need this for a passport name change since the seminar deals with living overseas?
And doesn't this CFO also require a NBI clearance, which she didn't need for the passport the first time, nor was this mentioned at the DVA.

Any help appreciated :)

The process is a little different if your married, and married to a foreigner. If NVA says you need a CFO certificate, then you will not change the passport name without this. Been there and done that!

Here is what other documents can be, they may ask for this, at Cebu they probably will ask for this: Yeah they are required, if you can't provide them when asked then no certificate until you do provide them.

1. Original and Photocopy of Birth Certificate (From NSO or CTC from Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated by NSO).
2. Photocopy of Birth Certificate of Husband/Fiancee.
3. Photocopy of Passport of Husband/Fiancee.
4. Photocopy of a Divorce Decree of husband, if he is divorced.
5. Photocopy of Proof of Singleness of Fiancee {CENOMAR).
6. Photocopy or copy of picture together (you and your husband/fiancee.
7. If under 23 years of age a notarized/certified letter from parents giving permission to leave the Philippines, even if married in the Philippines.
8. If a fiancee is 18 to 21 a parental consent affidavit and letter from parents giving permission to leave the Philippines.
9. If a fiancee is 22 to 25 a parental advise affidavit and if under 23 a letter from parents giving permission to leave the Philippines.

Also you need to know about your husband/fiancee complete name, birthday, address, mother's family name, how many times he/she got married/divorced (reason of divorced), how many children he had (if there is any), kind of work/job/salary, address of workplace, husband/fiance's educational attainment, course, when, where and how did you met, etc. Be sure to be able to text husband/fiancee for other information they may ask.

The NBI clearance that shows maiden and married name, may be needed to provide 2 forms of ID in married name. A postal ID in married name and the NBI will work.

Edited by Mimi and Gary, 20 July 2012 - 06:04 PM.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-07-20 17:55:00
PhilippinesMedical in 1-3 days, then Interview on the 4th day!
They send medical results to embassy the next day after the doctor signs them, at least this is what they told my wife. My wife did medical on Mon and vaccinations on Tues, her interview was on Thur.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-10-05 16:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswrong citizenship

hi vjers.pls enlighten me about this.The citizenship of my father in law and mother in law in our marriage certificate is both FILIPINO but they are a USC(but they are both naturally born filipino).When I attended my CR1 visa interview last jan.06,the CO didnot question it.but Im afraid they will question it if they review it again since my visa is on hold because they need another document which is the CRBA of our child.The CO might ask me how my husband became a USC?I wud answer through his father. The Co might ask again,how come HIS fathers citizenship in our marriage certificate is filipino?heeeeelp.what should we do.thanks

I do not think this will be a problem because in the Philippines you can have dual citizenship.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-01-26 05:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow to change my maiden name to married name

hi to all,
my status is CR1 but in my passport im still using my maiden name and the consul told me that my visa will be name under my
maiden name as well. my worry is that i want to us my married name once i arrived uS I like my married name be on my (green card and SSN). is there any way i can do that... i have read an article that i can change it at POE at CBP while filling my I94 i should inform the personnel that i want to use my married name... is that true? and if not is there any other way to solve my problem? thank so much and have a great day

The only way to change your passport to your married name as I understand it, is to attend the CFO Guidance and Counseling Program and get your certificate. Then with the certificate go to passport office and edit your passport to married name. You need 2 ID's in married name to attend the CFO, postal and NBI will work, along with other required documents.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-02-10 00:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Inquiry
Use this forum as a guide, the advice given is sometimes what people think they know, or their opinion. The problem being what the rules are and how officials interpret the laws in Manila may differ it other parts of the Phills. Do some reading, ask questions. and find out what is required where you live.

I can assure you because we just changed my wife's passport to her married name in Tacloban, they required the CFO counseling certificate before DFA would issue a new passport in married name.

In my opinion the first thing you need to do after you have your CEMAR is to get a NBI clearance in your maiden and married name. If you get a hit on either name, it can take a month to 3 months to resolve. Get a postal ID in your married name. Go to the DFA office and tell them you need to change your passport to your married name, then do what ever they require to change it.

I think if you can, it is much better to have all your documents in your married name before you get to the NVC stage, just makes life easier in the Phills, and will in the USA for the ID's to all match. If you start now you have plenty of time.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-19 12:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Inquiry

Hi thanks for info may i just know wats CFO? :) My another problem is because i got married just 2 months ago my NSO certified marriage certificate is not yet available. They wont accept the original marriage certificate they need the NSO certified.

Your certified marriage certificate should be available at NSO now. CFO is Commission on Filipinos Overseas. As Filipinos going abroad as fiancé(e)s, spouses or other partners of foreign nationals, you are required to attend the CFO's guidance and counseling session in order to secure the Guidance and Counseling Certificate (GCC) and the CFO sticker. You can't leave the Phills without this.

When you get your NSO certified marriage certificate you can try changing your passport to your married name at the DFA office, but they may tell you that you need the CFO guidance and counseling certificate before you can change it.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-18 23:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Inquiry
You have plenty of time to get a new passport. Your passport with maiden name is ok as long as you understand that your visa, and also your green card will be in your maiden name.

To get a new passport in married name......

1. Get 2 ID's in married name, Postal and NBI is easiest.
2. Go to the CFO, and get your counseling certificate, you need this anyway.
3. Take CFO certificate to DFA office and change your passport to married name, takes about month to get passport back.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-18 20:47:00
My wife when to Cebu to get the CFO certificate last month she when on a Wednesday and it was one day, morning and afternoon.

Just be prepared and take all your documents that they may ask for.

Requirements for Attendance to Guidance and Counseling Program what the website says they require:

1. Two (2) valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph; NBI, passport, postal ID.
2. Duly completed guidance and counseling form;
3. If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate (if married abroad)
4. Other documents as may be required by the counselors; and
5. Payment of P250.00 counseling fee.

Here is what number 4 can be other documents:

1. Original and Photocopy of Birth Certificate (From NSO or CTC from Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated by NSO).
2. Photocopy of Birth Certificate of Husband/Fiancee.
3. Photocopy of Passport of Husband/Fiancee, photocopy of drivers license.
4. Photocopy of all Divorce Decrees, if he is divorced.
5. Photocopy of Proof of Singleness of Fiancee {CENOMAR).
6. Photocopy or copy of picture together (you and your husband/fiancee.
7. If under 23 years of age a notarized/certified letter from parents giving permission to marry and to leave the Philippines.

Also she needs to know her husband/fiancee complete name, birthday, address, mother's family name, how many times he/she got married/divorced (reason of divorced), how many children he had (if there is any), kind of work/job/salary, address of workplace, husband/fiance's educational attainment, course, when, where and how did you met, etc. Be sure to be able to text husband/fiancee for other information they may ask.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-21 12:20:00
PhilippinesWhat are the best ways for an old Kano to keep a young Pinay from getting bored on her day off?
Bored on her day off, you really give her a day off?
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-21 12:23:00
PhilippinesGuam POE
Guam is quick and easy, she may get here visa activated there if she changes planes, should not take over 10 mins, she will go through Customs and Immigrations in the US.

Edited by Mimi and Gary, 14 April 2012 - 12:24 PM.

GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-14 12:23:00
PhilippinesReceived our IR-1 Visa
Congratulation :thumbs:
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-04-18 09:45:00
PhilippinesNeed filipina Advice
How long has she been here? You must ask yourself how would you feel if you moved 7000 miles, leave your family, your friends, your way of life, all of the things that make you happy? Would you behave normal? Could you adjust in a month, or 3 months and be happy everyday? Her reaction seems pretty normal to me. People think you can move someone out of the poor conditions in the Philippines and they will just be so happy when they are in the land of milk and honey, he he. There is a adjustment period, like it or not she is missing her life in the Philippines. You just need to spend as much time with her as possible, let her know that you love her. Don't try to force your ways on her, force your family on her, don't argue with her or she will tampo on you "not talk to you". Make sure she has the food she likes to eat, go to Asian Philippine store and buy her some Philippine groceries. For the time you have left try your best to prove to her that she can be happy sharing your life.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-03-09 23:17:00
Philippinesthis so bs this so so bad! ao upset what is going on

Where does it say this??? The closest I found was the Philippine-Korean embassy site under Consular Services Section IX. Im actually the petitioner and I'm waiting to go back to Cebu once the visa is in hand. LOL. And yes, my fiance lives in Cebu. She has to go back to cebu to wait for her passport to be mailed back with the K1 inside.

It don't say this- it just says. "Other documents as may be required by the counselors", Because my wife just went to the CFO in Cebu last month, I telling you what other documents are, and what the counselors may ask for. We had all the other documents except a letter from her parents giving their permission for her to leave the Philippines she is 21 years old and we are married. Not having that letter caused a trip back to Leyte to get the letter, then back to Cebu to deliver to the CFO and then pick up the certificate. You know it's a 3 hour bus ride to the boat, then a 4 hour boat ride from Leyte to Cebu and back again. You know something else? The CO's at the CFO don't care, they want their "other documents"!

Just trying to help you avoid some of the trouble we had at the CFO in Cebu. I'm sure others will tell you the same thing... watch out for "other documents as may be required by the counselors"!
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-05-10 23:44:00
Philippinesthis so bs this so so bad! ao upset what is going on

That is strange. The Website for the CFO where it explains about the seminar and whether or not to use PRISM for Manila or SMEF-COW for Manila or Cebu, there was nothing listed about needing any consent. I looked through all the laws section.

Requirements for Registration

1.Original and photocopy of Passport;
2.Original and photocopy of visa;
3.Original and photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary for US bound/ Confirmation of Permanent Residence for Canada bound/ Certification of Eligibility (for Japan-bound);
4.Original CFO guidance and counseling certificate;
5.Duly completed emigrant registration form; and
6.Payment of the authorized registration fee.

Requirements for Attendance to Guidance and Counseling Program

1.Two (2) valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph;
2.Duly completed guidance and counseling form;
3.If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate (if married abroad)
4.Other documents as may be required by the counselors; and
5.Payment of P250.00 counseling fee.

If the other documents 'as may be required', is the category this affidavit falls under, YTF doesn't it say this is needed? Seriously, is it just a thing where word of mouth makes it official but no where does it say its required?

Here is what other documents can be, they may ask for this, at Cebu they probably will ask for this: Yeah they are required, if you can't provide them when asked then no certificate until you do provide them.

1. Original and Photocopy of Birth Certificate (From NSO or CTC from Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated by NSO).
2. Photocopy of Birth Certificate of Husband/Fiancee.
3. Photocopy of Passport of Husband/Fiancee.
4. Photocopy of a Divorce Decree of husband, if he is divorced.
5. Photocopy of Proof of Singleness of Fiancee {CENOMAR).
6. Photocopy or copy of picture together (you and your husband/fiancee.
7. If under 23 years of age a notarized/certified letter from parents giving permission to leave the Philippines, even if married in the Philippines.
8. If a fiancee is 18 to 21 a parental consent affidavit and letter from parents giving permission to leave the Philippines.
9. If a fiancee is 22 to 25 a parental advise affidavit and if under 23 a letter from parents giving permission to leave the Philippines.

Also you need to know about your husband/fiancee complete name, birthday, address, mother's family name, how many times he/she got married/divorced (reason of divorced), how many children he had (if there is any), kind of work/job/salary, address of workplace, husband/fiance's educational attainment, course, when, where and how did you met, etc. Be sure to be able to text husband/fiancee for other information they may ask.

If at all possible I would avoid going to the CFO in Cebu, the only way I would go to Cebu if my wife/fiancee lived in Cebu.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-05-10 21:56:00
Philippinesthis so bs this so so bad! ao upset what is going on

What exactly did they need to be signed by your parents? You are over 18, right? So I dont understand why your parents need to be signing anything. Let me know because at some point when they finally f'in approve my petition, my fiance will need to go to the CFO in Cebu.

Cebu is the strictest, if she is 18 to 21 she will need parental consent, 21 to 25 she will need parental advice, just have a lawyer make a affidavit, also include permission to travel abroad and leave the Philippines on the same affidavit. Both parents must sign, and have 2 witnesses. Just did this in Cebu last month, because she did not have a affidavit, caused another trip to Cebu. When the CFO had the affidavit, then they issued the CFO cert.
GaryKOMalePhilippines2012-05-10 14:26:00