IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Try Vipassana instead of Zen maybe?

rangersebMaleChina2013-10-30 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I'm moving to Canada :(

rangersebMaleChina2013-10-29 18:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Who is your congressman?

rangersebMaleChina2013-10-29 18:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I got the same info when I call the customer service number, but the paper notice said California Service Center. I have the same PD as you, March 8. 

rangersebMaleChina2013-10-29 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC





rangersebMaleChina2013-10-28 22:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I got my paper notice of transfer today. Email was sent out on the 25th. The case was sent to the California service center "in order to speed up processing". Also says to allow another 60 days for approval, or other notice of action before contacting customer service :(





rangersebMaleChina2013-10-28 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Yeah, I'm hopeful after looking at the stats here, they will start approving more of the March filers in the near future. It's good to know others are in the same boat, even if it sucks for everyone involved. Misery loves company I guess :) :) :)



rangersebMaleChina2013-10-28 16:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Thanks for the info! My PD is March 8, so I'm guessing mine is on its way to CSC as well (still waiting for the paper notice, when I called the automated info line, it said it was being transferred to Lee's Summit, MO!). Can we expect the timelines listed on to be accurate? Or does this "local" transfer have any hope in getting an approval before Feb of next year.


I can't believe they are still only processing LAST october's files. ranting33va.gif

rangersebMaleChina2013-10-28 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I got a transfer notice on the 25th. My "priority" date is 3/8/2013.


rangersebMaleChina2013-10-28 08:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC
No, this far into the process, I'm going to see it through. I think the end result of the cr1 will make things easier in the future.
rangersebMaleChina2013-10-27 22:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Hopefully this week's gonna be a good one. This is really getting frustrating.



Yes, I think we will finally see some action on these cases this week. ClockWatch2.gif cray5ol.gif

rangersebMaleChina2013-10-27 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSSN and Passport has different names

Did you list the SSN name in the other names used section?  If so, not a problem.  If not, it may be a problem or not--depends on the person looking at your application.  The SSN is suppose to be for tax purposes and getting your social security benefits.  Only recently has it become a pseudo national ID number.  As long as your documentation has the name as you put on the application it is usually not an issue.  Your SSC is not an official form of ID (at least that is what mine states very plainly across the top of it). 
Good luck,

Ok, great! I did list my maiden name.
Thank you so much for your input.

NorwegianNot TellingNorway2014-02-14 13:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSSN and Passport has different names

Whose going to see your SSC?  I have heard that now they expect the names to match, but in reality why should it matter until you go to claim your benefits?  My Mother went her entire married life with her documents as Middle Maiden Married name as she did not like her given first name and was never called that name even by her parents.  Her SSC was First Middle Married.  So when she retired she changed her DL and passport to match the SSC rather than change the SSC to match everything else.  Of course her will has her name a First Middle Married with an AKA of Middle Maiden Married.
Up to you as to whether you want to change it.  As you have all kinds of documentation of the name change it SHOULD be rather easy to do, but this is the SSA we are talking about and they train their employees by, oh wait I do not think they do train their employees.  Unless they actually check the names when they look up your SSN, it will never come up and you can just say you have not had the time to deal with the SSA to get the name changed from maiden to married.  Both names are your legal name.  Why do all the USCIS forms have the other names used section on them--it is to list all legal names associated with you.
Good luck,

My concern is that the application may be delayed in the event I should get a RFE because my SSN name and application name does not match.

NorwegianNot TellingNorway2014-02-14 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSSN and Passport has different names
We sent off our I-130 package yesterday and I just realized that my SSN still only has my maiden name but my passport and everything else has my married name. I still have my maiden name as a middle name.

Do you think that will pose a problem?

NorwegianNot TellingNorway2014-02-14 06:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny accurate numbers?

Well there's no such thing. Not even USCIS does that. The 5 months processing they are posting. Is from the time the transferred petitions that been already sitting elsewhere doing nothing for 10 months gets processed.
And since we really don't account for sitting around all petitions sit around until they are adjudicated and really no one knows if it is. There are some that it takes months because of background checks that get a hit and guess what up the chain of further investigation you go. But you don't know that and you never will be told that. So initial review is what we all stay in until either a RFE. Denial or Approval.

To me it sounds like you're saying that from NOA1 to NOA2 one should expect a 15 month wait.
Am I understanding you correctly?

Well there's no such thing. Not even USCIS does that. The 5 months processing they are posting. Is from the time the transferred petitions that been already sitting elsewhere doing nothing for 10 months gets processed.
And since we really don't account for sitting around all petitions sit around until they are adjudicated and really no one knows if it is. There are some that it takes months because of background checks that get a hit and guess what up the chain of further investigation you go. But you don't know that and you never will be told that. So initial review is what we all stay in until either a RFE. Denial or Approval.

To me it sounds like you're saying that from NOA1 to NOA2 one should expect a 15 month wait.
Am I understanding you correctly?

NorwegianNot TellingNorway2014-04-13 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny accurate numbers?
I'm finding myself so consumed with processing times, I may drive myself insane lol

I have done a lot of searching here and I can't seem to find a resource where There are some numbers or trends.
From what I understand the numbers under the "Processing Times" here in VJ are not representative at all and they do not show the actual time it takes ( a member told me that the number do not account for the months the applications have been laying around)..... What's a girl to do???

Can any one of you link a thread or topic where correct numbers are posted?


NorwegianNot TellingNorway2014-04-10 13:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers
My husband sent off our I-130 package yesterday.... Now the long wait ensues, well until we get our NOA1

Edited by Norwegian, 14 February 2014 - 05:36 AM.

NorwegianNot TellingNorway2014-02-14 05:32:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Awww thanks for checking up on me :D your so sweet miss chloe! <3
How did your move go?!?! did you fly yet?!?! I forgot when you said you were going now :/
I did write the wedding date on the cover list when i sent in the packet I included a copy of the receipt of payment to the wedding officiant before my interview, and i think he asked at the interview can't remember now :/ But yeah this not knowing really is extremely painful, really wanted to be able to spend time with my fiance before we had to get married but thats not going to happen now, and now just petrified I am going to have to cancel it totally :(
I have tried calling that 202-663-1225 number form here in the UK but it just gives me the engaged tone, so my man woke up (he works nights) and tried to call, got through to them and they said their system is down........

Bloody computers!! I'd be like "yeah you're telling me they're down!!" Deary me.....!!
You've still got like three weeks, don't be too hasty.

I'm not going until Wednesday. Can't come soon enough. Stay strong!!

Edited by Chloezilla, 22 August 2013 - 12:16 PM.

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:15:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

now they all say 22nd :(..... why oh why can't they just be issued :'( I don't want to cancel my wedding the invites already went out!!!!.... sorry having a melt down moment.....normal service shall resume shortly! lol

I just came on to see how you're doing and this isn't what I wanted to read!! So sorry you still haven't got em - has DOS given anymore info? This really effing sucks a big one!!! :(
It could be any day but the not knowing must be so horrible - much love to you and your fam, lady x?x
Also, have you told dos/embassy when your wedding is???

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:00:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

does the status change from "issued" to shipped to courier?

I got mine yesterday and it still says issued ??

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 13:58:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I haven't seen it say 'issued' at all and some times i check it 4 times in a minute lol... little obsessive i know :/
just been ready the whole time, but theguy on the phone said it wasn't 'ready' but that ceac wasn't accurate and it was infact in AP and had been since 5th so not really sure whats going on now :/

Don't suppose they could put a timeframe on it either?? I would be the same, checking constantly. Limbo sucks. Good luck for tomorrow ?? You'll be there soon!! ?

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 15:17:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
Well everyone, IT HAS ARRIVED!!!

7 business days since my interview and the lovely DX man brought it to my door this morning!! Soooo happy.

Good luck everyone. Hope you get yours soon! ???

thanks chloe, mine updated on the 15th, but still said ready but kids didnt update till 16th... then still said ready... hoping this is a good thing and monday will be my day! Still petrified something is wrong tho!! xXx

Thinking of you today lady! Hope you get some good news ????

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 05:39:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

thanks chick! Gonna give that a try on monday run out of time now tonight really, <3

Just checked my CEAC status again out of curiosity and it still says issued but now has yesterday's date (which is obviously phone call day). Probably doesn't mean anything but thought I'd let you know.

I really reeaally hope you hear something on Monday. Have a good weekend. Might be your last one here! ??

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 03:47:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
It came up as 'blocked' on my phone. I'm sure they'll ring you back soon :)
ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 10:41:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

yeah I'm trying not to panic, just in tears now. spent today finally packing for me and the kids now wondering why I bothered... sorry guys not coping too well with this last wait but I am truly happy for you all <3 I think I'm just concerned coz my thing still says ready, not issued and like you say it can't be AP coz they would have said or it would have changed to that. Think imma call them again today see if they can tell me any different. Thanks for listening to me moan on! <3

Aw don't get upset :( I can't imagine the stress of going through this whole thing with 3 kiddos, you're allowed to cry from time to time. I know the not knowing/limbo feeling sucks (we had it at nvc stage).

I would defo keep on calling... Hope you get some answers ??

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 10:06:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

ok now im really panicking, no call still :( and ceac still saying 'ready' Why can't I just speak to someone that can tell me whats going on :(
Really happy for you guys tho, good to see they are doing something over there to get things moving!! <3
did both of yours change to issued today or yesterday or are they still saying 'ready'??

Ohh thought you'd have good news too :( have you tried calling the embassy at all and DOS again?

Mine said 'ISSUED' since the afternoon of my interview day (which I think may be unusual).

I'm sure if you were under AP they would have to let you know?

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 09:55:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

YEP! Got the call earlier this afternoon! Woohoo!!! 

Yay!! Better get packing now! It's really happening!! ??????

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 09:26:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
JUST GOT MY PHONE CALL!!!! My visa will be delivered between 8am and 6pm on Monday. Wheeeee!! ??????????

Hope you guys got the call too :)

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 09:13:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Aww haha I know! It is weird, everything into 2 suitcases... I had my wedding dress packed into a travel box the other day, that's going to come on the flight with me and isn't going to leave my sight! I'm actually living with my parents still, so a lot of my things can stay here. They will be coming out for the big "wedding day" in May next year so they might bring some stuff with them. 
We're going to live in Longmont, CO! Well, possibly moving from Longmont later this year, but not too far away due to work and such. How about you? 
Ugghh... I keep getting really weepy and emotional lately! I can't believe it's all actually happening now. Who would've guessed this part of the wait would be the most frustrating though lol. Still no phone call! I'm hoping they are actually going to call.... my number was confirmed twice at the interview, once by the first lady and again by the interviewer.. so I'm assuming that's because they're going to give my number to the courier? Then the courier will call to confirm delivery? I arranged to have it delivered to the Warrington depot. (Uh oh... my post descended into a slight worry lol)

Yeah I got married in the US two years ago and got my dress sent to my mother in law's house a few weeks before by DHL but brought it home in a dress bag thingy.

We're gonna live in Suffolk, Virginia - Bobby moved into our apartment (which I picked during a visit in march) a couple of weeks ago. Cannot wait to get there!

Oh so you've paid the courier already then? I didn't know you could do that so I'm waiting for a call from them to pay and confirm delivery. They will prob ring you to confirm though I would think.
How much did you pay??

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 10:02:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
Forgot to quote....

Ah the guy told me 10 working days but I'd heard people usually get them back before then. I've a flight booked for the 27th... eep! I thought that would be plenty of time. I just hope they have actually given it to the courier by now. I'm not going to let myself worry for now though... only if I haven't heard anything by say the middle of next week! For now I'm just keeping busy with packing and whatnot. Oh and stocking up on Nandos sauces for Bob haha. 

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 05:51:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
Yeah he said 10 days but 'probably' end of next (this) week. I'm not too worried either atm but come next week I'll start to be haha. 27th/28th...we have plenty of time!

I've packed one suitcase so far but keep getting things out debating whether its worth the precious space haha. Such a weird thing packing your life into suitcases.

Aw, I married a Bob too! Where abouts you gonna live?

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 05:08:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

lol chloe, I know the feeling..... I should be happy but I am in a terrible mood have been for 4 days now, just can't shake it :( haven't even started packing just feels like its never gonna happen, this is by far the most painful wait throughout this whole process, at least when waiting for the NOA2 we knew it would take forever! this bit is meant to be quick and painless! todays's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life......for us.......AND WE'RE FEELING GOOD!!!! .... Maybe that will help for some positive news for at least one of us today :) xXx

Defo! Staying positive during this process is so difficult at times but it does help to look at the bigger picture. I keep thinking of Xmas time weirdly, thinking how then we'll all be settled in and this will be a distant memory!!

Where abouts are you guys moving to?

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 03:55:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

we havent booked flights yet, hoping for the 21st though, been watching flight prices like hawks praying they don't sky rocket like they did for the 19th (our original leaving day) I can't risk buying 4 flights then not getting the visa's back!
fingers crossed we all hear

Oh yeah, I don't think I'd risk it with 4 tickets either! I originally wanted to book the 21st as well but the particular flight I wanted went up so I thought "well what's another week when I'm gonna be there forever".

Well today's another day of 'phone on full blast' and getting narky when anyone else rings me haha.

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 03:21:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Hi guys,
I had my interview last Thursday too and my CEAC status says "issued" since the 13th... Hopefully some good news for us all by the end of the week! <3

Welcome to the final waiting party!
Guy who interviewed me said I'd prob have my visa by the end if this week! Grr. Guess as soon as they give it to the couriers it's outta their hands though.

You got a flight booked catie?

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 03:12:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Me neither. Tick, tock.. I'm so excited to get my passport back now and get on a plane, these last few days of waiting are driving me a bit crazy :) Also hoping by the end of the week.. Fingers crossed..

Do you have a flight booked?
I'm flying on the 28th - I'm sure two weeks will be plenty of time for them! Fingers (and toes) crossed.

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 12:56:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
Nope. Haven't heard a thing. My CEAC does say issued on 8th so it's probably just sitting in the couriers office which is v. annoying.

Hope we hear before the end of the week!

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 11:41:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I also had my interview on Thursday, and am yet to hear anything yet.. However, my CEAC status has changed to 'issued', so I expect to hear something this week. I'll also keep you posted! Let me know if you hear anything, also. :) I'm sure everything is fine, especially if your case is straight forward..

Awesome. I really wanted a waiting buddy! ??????

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 11:12:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

thanks chloe, managed to find that number after circling websites for a while lol, they sure don't make it easy for us even though we paying thousands for this stuff!! (me and 3 kids so 4 times the amount most paying)
All they told us is to keep checking ceac :( This is so frustrating, after being so excited to be approved now its pure fear something is wrong! trying to keep a level head as I know everything is in the air with systems changing and its not been the 10 days they quote but when you see people that interviewed after you already having their visa/passport back in the post it makes you wonder whats wrong with your own case!

Ohh no probs. Yeah I'm sure they can't change their minds after the interview! Don't worry too much. Maybe it's taking longer for you with it being a bunch of you :)

I'm sure nothing's wrong and they're just being SLOWWW. We're defo not paying them to work quickly that's for sure. Haha.

I'm gonna start worrying after the 7-10 days (probably 6 haha).

I'll keep you posted, hope you do the same :)

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 07:44:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

how do i call them?? xxxx

202-663-1225 - it's a US number, like nvc but quicker at answering. As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) they have an overview of your visa journey from start to finish.

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 07:34:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??
I know it's region specific, wasn't sure how to just post in UK portal. Thread showed up there though - I am waiting for uk ppl to reply.

And yes, it says "issued". Was just curious if anyone else who got interviewed in LONDON have heard back yet.
Oh and last update date was 8th, my interview day.

ChloezillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 21:50:00