K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneeds more info;page=support
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneeds more info

hi sis and brod in here,
just a simple quiry about my friends probs how much the require income needed for our fiancee,so he is capable to support her in arriving in USA,he only have a permanent job for the last 2 years, 2005-2006 because year 2004 he is still studying,pls let me know the full details how much the required income so my friend can prepare all the requirements needed in the interview...i will give you the full income details in a year plus the property he own.

annual income : $35,000
money deposit : $ 9,000
personal property: $ 3,000
own real state value at : $145000
with mortgage(s) and
other incumbranch(s)
thereon amounting to : $ 116574

okay here is the full details, can you analize that it is worth enough to support her in coming to US? i am waiting for you reply and thanks for reading my post...god bless you all.


There are finacial guidelines for the poverty level but does your "friend" have any kids? Its the size of the family that matters.

Edited by MRS BILLY BONG, 02 March 2007 - 09:17 AM.

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits to U.S. after the I-129F is filed

I think it has more to do with the question on the visa application you need to fill in for the interview asking if you have ever been denied entry to the US.
If you got to the POE and they didn't let you into the US you'd have to report it in this form (in my case was one of the items on Q.38 on the DS-156 "Have you ever been refused admission to the U.S"). They may not say or ask anything about it, but you need to report it anyway.

BTW, I came several times to the US during the 8 months my K1 was pending and had no problems at POE.

Awesome..did they ever ask you if you had a K1 in process? Or did they just not say anything?

Nope, no questions at all. And one of those times my fiance was standing right next to me while the officer was processing my I-94 :) He just asked "what's the story with him?" and I just said it was a long one but that I'd tell it to him if he wanted to hear it, he just smiled and said no more. I had letters from work and pay checks with me just in case though.

So the K1 info isnt zapped to the border patrol. Good news! Thanks for your info..looks like my guy will be here for the birth of his baby :)
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits to U.S. after the I-129F is filed

I think it has more to do with the question on the visa application you need to fill in for the interview asking if you have ever been denied entry to the US.
If you got to the POE and they didn't let you into the US you'd have to report it in this form (in my case was one of the items on Q.38 on the DS-156 "Have you ever been refused admission to the U.S"). They may not say or ask anything about it, but you need to report it anyway.

BTW, I came several times to the US during the 8 months my K1 was pending and had no problems at POE.

Awesome..did they ever ask you if you had a K1 in process? Or did they just not say anything?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits to U.S. after the I-129F is filed

Postings about visiting the US after filing for K1 is very different on here.
Mostly it is said that it is not recommended, because the chances are there, that you will be send back at the POE which is not a big deal but it might causes problems during the interview where you have to explain the situation.
And also it is more difficult to get an tourist visa after filing K1. Nor sure if your fiance(e) needs a tourist visa or if she can travel without (VWP)

What situation is to be explained at the interview? I dont understand. If the visitor returns to their home country were any laws broken? I can understand if the POE guard gets suspicious but I dont understand why the interview would be affected. Im still trying to figure out if the guard comes right out and asks.."Do you have a pending K1 petition?" What if there was an instance where the visitor WASNT visiting the USC ...would they still have problems because of the K1? Sorry...the coffee just shot straight to my brain and its in hypermode. TIA peeps.

I was told that at the interview they might ask you why you travelled to the US though it is not allowed (I was planning on visiting my fiance but after all the postings I was so scared that I did not). Anyhow, I was told by a member (do not recall her/his name) that it is not allowed to visit the States.
Like I said, the postings referring to this issue is really different and unfortunately controvers. I guess it is up to everyone to make their own decision to try or not.
Sorry if I do not post something you are someone else would like to read but I just try to help by posting stuff that I have learned on here or somewhere else.

Whoa there...I'm not condemning your answer I'm just searching for some concrete proof of this. Im waiting for someone with a link or something to show up. I've scoured the USCIS and DHS sites and cant find the answer.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits to U.S. after the I-129F is filed

Postings about visiting the US after filing for K1 is very different on here.
Mostly it is said that it is not recommended, because the chances are there, that you will be send back at the POE which is not a big deal but it might causes problems during the interview where you have to explain the situation.
And also it is more difficult to get an tourist visa after filing K1. Nor sure if your fiance(e) needs a tourist visa or if she can travel without (VWP)

What situation is to be explained at the interview? I dont understand. If the visitor returns to their home country were any laws broken? I can understand if the POE guard gets suspicious but I dont understand why the interview would be affected. Im still trying to figure out if the guard comes right out and asks.."Do you have a pending K1 petition?" What if there was an instance where the visitor WASNT visiting the USC ...would they still have problems because of the K1? Sorry...the coffee just shot straight to my brain and its in hypermode. TIA peeps.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits to U.S. after the I-129F is filed
I too am interested in this question. When the foreign fiance's passport is the K1 info zapped to the guard and they automatically know a k1 is filed?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy is USCIS status login saying I have wrong password?
I think I remember this problem from my first petition a couple years ago. I had to reset it a couple times for no apparant reason.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-04 08:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Coming to US before K1 is Approved on Tourist Visa

If they've filed for a K-1, they've already declared intent to marry in the US.

Yes intent to marry in the US AFTER aquiring a K1 visa to enter the US. There's a member of this forum (ChristinaM) who had a K1 petition underway...the beneficiary visited and they decided to marry and file adjustment of status. It was legal in every way. The K1 was revoked and the beneficiary didnt have to leave his new spouse. The K1 intent is not the intent they will hold against you...its the coming over with 10 pieces of luggage on a visa waiver then marrying on the 3rd day in the US that sends up red flags.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Coming to US before K1 is Approved on Tourist Visa

We submitted our K1 Visa application back in January. My Fiance currently has a valid multiple entry tourist Visa for the US. Can she travel into the US before the K1 is approved? What would happen if I married her while she came on the tourist Visa with the K1 application still pending?

Thanks- appreciate all the responses!


If you married your fiance on a tourist visa (being that it was not planned...more of a "spur of the moment" deal) then she would stay in the US and you would file Adjustment of Status within the US. Keep in mind she would have to stay in the US unless she applied for travel while the AOS is pending.

I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud :o , but if someone is telling you, they plan to fraud the system. Maybe you should not perpetuate the dishonesty :devil: (being that it was not planned...more of a "spur of the moment" deal) . How could it be a spur of the moment deal if it's planned :wacko: .

Hey don't get me wrong, all situations have alot of ( that's possible ), and yes, they might get over and have success in deception :devil: . However, to advise and encourage :D such a plan makes it harder on everyone else trying to do the right thing :angry: .

We as humans are entitled to our opinions :thumbs: . However, destrucitve opiions should be utilized by the person with the opinion :lol:.

How do you know his intent? Its a question he had thats answered. Even people with knowledge of the system take this route and we here on VJ or even the people processing the AOS applications will never fully know the INTENT of the couple who married. They only go by a 30/60 day rule. If you marry after 60 days of being in the country its ASSUMED there was no intent to marry when the foreign fiance entered. I think this is ridiculous but whatever floats their boat. I would love to go this route but however much of a ###### I am...Im not a liar........and I wouldnt put my fiance in this situation. He'll even miss the birth of our child because we're doing this the "right" way. Contrary to belief...there ARE faster ways to be together than the K visas.

Let us stop pretending Mre Bill Bong, or billybob1010, or Geraldine or Spammer, it's obvious your home on maternity leave ( hopefully ) or unemployeed, and you are depressed, bored and lonely. Why must we be subjected to your multiple personalities, they continually ask the same questions, take your medication and join them together. Or better yet have them stick posted pads to your computer screen, so, when they pop in and out your head, they can just search for questions the previous personalities asked. =Your Solution


LOL huh? You're bizarre. I cant stop laughing!

BTW to the OP - Marrying in the US while processing a K1 visa is NOT illegal. You would revoke the K1 and repetition for a K3 unless you filed for Adjustment of Status which is also NOT illegal unless the INTENT to marry was there when you arrived at the POE.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Coming to US before K1 is Approved on Tourist Visa

We submitted our K1 Visa application back in January. My Fiance currently has a valid multiple entry tourist Visa for the US. Can she travel into the US before the K1 is approved? What would happen if I married her while she came on the tourist Visa with the K1 application still pending?

Thanks- appreciate all the responses!


If you married your fiance on a tourist visa (being that it was not planned...more of a "spur of the moment" deal) then she would stay in the US and you would file Adjustment of Status within the US. Keep in mind she would have to stay in the US unless she applied for travel while the AOS is pending.

I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud :o , but if someone is telling you, they plan to fraud the system. Maybe you should not perpetuate the dishonesty :devil: (being that it was not planned...more of a "spur of the moment" deal) . How could it be a spur of the moment deal if it's planned :wacko: .

Hey don't get me wrong, all situations have alot of ( that's possible ), and yes, they might get over and have success in deception :devil: . However, to advise and encourage :D such a plan makes it harder on everyone else trying to do the right thing :angry: .

We as humans are entitled to our opinions :thumbs: . However, destrucitve opiions should be utilized by the person with the opinion :lol:.

How do you know his intent? Its a question he had thats answered. Even people with knowledge of the system take this route and we here on VJ or even the people processing the AOS applications will never fully know the INTENT of the couple who married. They only go by a 30/60 day rule. If you marry after 60 days of being in the country its ASSUMED there was no intent to marry when the foreign fiance entered. I think this is ridiculous but whatever floats their boat. I would love to go this route but however much of a ###### I am...Im not a liar........and I wouldnt put my fiance in this situation. He'll even miss the birth of our child because we're doing this the "right" way. Contrary to belief...there ARE faster ways to be together than the K visas.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Coming to US before K1 is Approved on Tourist Visa

We submitted our K1 Visa application back in January. My Fiance currently has a valid multiple entry tourist Visa for the US. Can she travel into the US before the K1 is approved? What would happen if I married her while she came on the tourist Visa with the K1 application still pending?

Thanks- appreciate all the responses!


If you married your fiance on a tourist visa (being that it was not planned...more of a "spur of the moment" deal) then she would stay in the US and you would file Adjustment of Status within the US. Keep in mind she would have to stay in the US unless she applied for travel while the AOS is pending.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Question
What review does the NVC do? I thought they were just the ones the dispursed the petitions to all the different embassies.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

You'd be cruxifying him if he had bought her a ticket home. I can just hear it "If he really loved her he wouldn't let her go".

HELLO!!??? MCFLY!!!???? HE SHOULD BUY HER A TICKET HOME!!! I dont condone ANY situation in ANY thread that supports holding someone against their will NOR do I condemn someone if they want to leave a relationship! Get a grip ma'am. Unlike you, Im not here to judge whether she is in "love" with him...whether she had true intent when she came into the relationship and decided to come to america and I sure as hell could care less if she's a gold digger...the point is that the OP stated he wont help her get back home. When you quit ADDING pertinent information to the original post maybe you'll read what's already there! And for the record - you dont know me so dont assume what I WOULD be saying if he did the honourable thing and bought her a ticket home. I dont CRUCIFY people who do the right thing.

I forgot. You don't judge people, you must "pegged them as kidnappers"

Hey Don, I said I wasnt here to judge whether they are in love or not. You should read before your fingers get busy on the keyboard. And I pegged the USC in the original post a kidnapper...not people in general. Why dont you give your vietnam hunny a call and quit taking your strange aggressions out on me.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-06 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Oh, me too..

what's, not whats
judgmental, not judgemental
beneficiary, not benificiary
I'm, not Im

Are the personal attacks really necessary? :blink:

"I CONCOUR, Mrs Billy Silly seems to be an over opinionated brat . "

Guess they are.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Edited by MRS BILLY BONG, 05 March 2007 - 11:55 AM.

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Well maybe one day all of us can achieve the loving relationship you have with your partner. Where are your statistics that too many people see the fiance process as a means for dating? Relationships fail even between two people from the same country. Is this your first relationship? Probably not. Why did your others fail? Did you want to leave? Im sure if you gave this forum a few sentences of your past relationships we'd have your ex's accused and hung based on your biased post. You have no clue whether or not they were in love! You assume.

This thread just goes on and on for you doesn't it? It seems that noone can post to it without you adding your two cents. Considering your judgemental attitude and inability to look at the situation from both sides without knowing more about the specifics of it I am going to ASSUME that you have much experience with FAILED RELATIONSHIPS and are currently working on your next one.

I CONCOUR, Mrs Billy Silly seems to be an over opinionated brat :P .

IMO her obviously costumed picture appears to be a true representaion of her appititude to lifes situations ( a cartoon character performing in a one woman (girl) slap-stick comedy of a clown ), compulsively statng her overly judgemental views :whistle:, in every thread like a spammer. She's full of opinions, and when she blindly attempts to answer questions, she usually guesses the wrong answer.

Magna Cum Laude you are not :lol: , There are probally millions of post that you can study from to gain knowledge about immigration subject matter, the answers are in front of your face like multiple test questions ( with a cheat sheet) , and you always seem to pick (guess) the wrong answer. :whistle: Like Country Boy said " you have much experience with FAILED RELATIONSHIPS and are currently working on your next one" :crying:. For your sake I hope you are not applying your vast pool of immigration wisdom to your own petition. If you are, your in for long ride and alot of lonely months :yes: . if you have any scence, and are not applying and utilizing your immigration knowledge to your case, then you are a sabateur :devil: .

Listen lil Missy, if you don't learn how to keep quite and play nice, :unsure: your going to get a time-out, and a letter will be sent home to your parents :blush: :thumbs: .

True widom comes from knowing when to speak and knowing when to keep quite.

Its QUIET...not quite. Sense...not scence. Sticks and stones? You have to revert to childish behavior just because you dont like what you read? Not to mention - attempting to mask your immaturity with bad grammar makes you appear foolish. My need to be accepted does not outweigh my honest OPINION on a subject. I dont have a burning desire to fit in with a click of posters who find it necessary to overanalyze the personal love lives of persons who inquire on this forum.

Meanwhile, there's a girl sitting somewhere in America who wants to return home to the Phillipines...hey, shame on her....she made her bed so lie in it? She should've known better? She's rotten because she never loved him? Why dont you get off my leg and contribute an actual opinion to this thread.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Well maybe one day all of us can achieve the loving relationship you have with your partner. Where are your statistics that too many people see the fiance process as a means for dating? Relationships fail even between two people from the same country. Is this your first relationship? Probably not. Why did your others fail? Did you want to leave? Im sure if you gave this forum a few sentences of your past relationships we'd have your ex's accused and hung based on your biased post. You have no clue whether or not they were in love! You assume.

This thread just goes on and on for you doesn't it? It seems that noone can post to it without you adding your two cents. Considering your judgemental attitude and inability to look at the situation from both sides without knowing more about the specifics of it I am going to ASSUME that you have much experience with FAILED RELATIONSHIPS and are currently working on your next one.

Until the OP confirms that the beneficiary is NOT being held in America against her will I can only go by whats written. You say look at the situation from both sides but how can you? Do you know the USC in this OP? As far as being judgemental - I was told I would crucify the benificiary if the USC bought her a ticket home which is absurd considering Im the one that gets sweet comments such as yours for going against the grain in a thread. This is a post something, I put my two cents in. You post something directed toward me I'll definately respond. Seems like you're the one who wants me here. xxx
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

I couldn't agree more. If you truley love someone and accept them as your life partner then you should be able to attempt to work things out. If she decided to return home because life in America didn't meet her expectations within the two weeks, then shame on her.

Too many people see the fiance process as a means of dating, unfortunatley it's not. It's an application to legally spend the rest of your life with some you love, for better or worse.....

Well maybe one day all of us can achieve the loving relationship you have with your partner. Where are your statistics that too many people see the fiance process as a means for dating? Relationships fail even between two people from the same country. Is this your first relationship? Probably not. Why did your others fail? Did you want to leave? Im sure if you gave this forum a few sentences of your past relationships we'd have your ex's accused and hung based on your biased post. You have no clue whether or not they were in love! You assume.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

You'd be cruxifying him if he had bought her a ticket home. I can just hear it "If he really loved her he wouldn't let her go".

HELLO!!??? MCFLY!!!???? HE SHOULD BUY HER A TICKET HOME!!! I dont condone ANY situation in ANY thread that supports holding someone against their will NOR do I condemn someone if they want to leave a relationship! Get a grip ma'am. Unlike you, Im not here to judge whether she is in "love" with him...whether she had true intent when she came into the relationship and decided to come to america and I sure as hell could care less if she's a gold digger...the point is that the OP stated he wont help her get back home. When you quit ADDING pertinent information to the original post maybe you'll read what's already there! And for the record - you dont know me so dont assume what I WOULD be saying if he did the honourable thing and bought her a ticket home. I dont CRUCIFY people who do the right thing.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

I think geraldin needs to clear up the OP; This is how gossip/rumors gets started, partial and biased story. In a perfect world, we would hear both sides of the story, but with one post like the OP, there is too much information left out.

You know..too many times in other threads this has been the case. We all leach on to a 10 sentence post and have it all figured out. I personally have this guy pegged to be a kidnapper but you're right, we dont have a clue about him being that the poster is neither the USC nor the beneficiary.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-04 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home
You can dissect it to death all you want but the poster said:

"she told her man that she wants to go home but her man wont let her, anyone there can give an idea how can my cousin go back to Philippines? Her man will not buy her a ticket to go back?"

Yeah - he doesnt WANT her to go back therefore WONT LET her go back. What part of holding someone against their will dont you understand? I stand firm, call the cops.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-03 18:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

I have to say that I have read differing opinions on this post, thus I will give mine.

When considering all of the questions and requirements that were asked of both parties when filing for a K-1 visa, the answers that were given (as well as the papers that were submitted in conjunction with the petition and visa processes) assured the individuals determining eligibility for the K-1 Visa that this Filipina and her American fiancée knew each other well enough to justify it.

Why was this person given a visa in the first place?

The requirements set forth to prove a petitioner and beneficiary’s intent seem excessive to myself because I truly love my fiancée and have no doubt that I will spend the rest of my life with her, (shoot, just ask me .. I’ll put my hand on the bible, which would be enough in my case) but when I read of a case like this I can understand why these requirements were established.

This truly is sad as dav ehssa said, for both parties involved, but I do not agree that after 2 weeks it is her fiancée’s obligation to buy her a ticket, before the 90 days yes, but not after 2 weeks. I also feel that if she is deported for not meeting the marriage requirement that he should be responsible for her return ticket… no free ticket there, no taxpayer liability.

As far as the “red flags”, “kind of person that he is”, and “controlling” statement goes, it seems to me that he isn’t the one breaking the contract; maybe it is like Jim&Gemz said she is just immature and/or homesick and she’ll get over it, once again this brings me back justifying his not buying the ticket after 2 weeks.

As you can probably tell, without more information .. I am not compelled to consider the petitioner a “bad guy”.

Just thoughts in passing while reading posts and wondering why it takes so DARN long to get a Visa approved. Thank you OP for helping to ease my mind; there are in fact legitimate reasons for the requirements set forth to obtain a K-1 Visa.

These are assumptions are made based on the OPs "He wont LET her leave" line. Thats kinda freaky if you stick yourself in that situation. I imagine myself in the Phillipines (of all places because I'd move to Scotland in a second) and not knowing one person and the language is difficult (Im assuming) and my guy is not catering my inability to adjust...yep, send me home I have to get outta here! I would think the initial time spent in the US is the happy loving moment then the fire fades a little and its time to adjust to your new surroundings...then thats when the homesickness sets in...not the other ay around. Sounds like she wasnt happy the minute she got there.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask an idea about my cousin's case. She came here as k1 visa and been here already for 2 weeks, she realized that she is not happy with her man and wants to go back to Philippines, she told her man that she wants to go home but her man wont let her, anyone there can give an idea how can my cousin go back to Philippines? Her man will not buy her a ticket to go back? Do you think its his obligation? Help... :help:

It is sad to see something like this happen and it makes you wonder if it's him that she isn't happy with or she's just very homesick. Her maturity probably has a lot to do with this also. Is she very young? Besides all that, if she wants to go home it's his obligation to provide the means for her to do so. It's in the petition he filled out that he guarantees she will not become a public charge or dependent on charity.

Hey you made a REALLY good point! Whoever filed the affidavit of support has the responsibility of seeing that she gets home. (Probably HIM) Thats like not feeding her or housing her..its support even if that means sending her back where she wants to be.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Hi Geraldine,

Good luck on your immigraiton journey. Frankly, in answer to your post about your cousin, if she is not happy here in the USA before she is married, then why would she be happy here after she is married? Remember, marriage is forever....

She doesnt want to get married...she wants to go home.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask an idea about my cousin's case. She came here as k1 visa and been here already for 2 weeks, she realized that she is not happy with her man and wants to go back to Philippines, she told her man that she wants to go home but her man wont let her, anyone there can give an idea how can my cousin go back to Philippines? Her man will not buy her a ticket to go back? Do you think its his obligation? Help... :help:

Call the cops! He cant hold her against her will and being that she cant work to earn her own ticket money maybe they can assist her. Where's her nearest embassy here in the states?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA P P R OVED!!!!
That is wonderful! According to your timeline it was estimated that your petition would be adjudicated on April 2nd so this is MUCH earlier than you expected. Congrats to you and your love!
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-06 03:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
Hey - just MAYBE this is a sign that the CSC is getting off their a$$es?? Anymore miracles happening for February filers?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-06 04:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

I received my NOA1 in the mail on the 3rd and at the bottom it says "If any of the above information is incorrect, call customer service immediately." Our names and address are all fine, just that the "received date" is a day before I even mailed it out. It say the 16th of February and I mailed everything on the 17th of February. Do I really need to call customer service and tell them about this, or am I just worrying too much? Thanks.

Thats kind of weird. Makes you wonder if they have the right petition. Normally the dates wouldnt matter but they have a reciept date for a petition that wasnt even there yet! Its probably nothing big but I personally would call to make sure they approved YOUR petition.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMust you change your name?
I dont want to lose my last name because I share it with my children. Whats the difference if it hyphenated opposed to two last names no hyphen? Any legal aspects to doing this?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMust you change your name?

I'm planning on keeping my own name, at least for now. My name has a funny meaning in Italian and I'd miss not having it anymore. Besides, the first 3 letters of my fiance's last name are a-s-s! "How do you spell your name miss?" "A-s-s..." No thanks! We thought of hyphenating, but MyName-HisName has the same rhythim as Snuffulufugus, and HisName-MyName still starts with a-s-s! We thought of combining our last names, but going back to point one, I'd miss the funny meaning of my first and last name together. :blush: We joke about this all the time, it's one of our funny things at the moment. He hasn't offered to take my last name yet, I think it'd be a blow to his ego, and his family wouldn't exactly be happy. Like someone else said though, I like the sound of Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so. We've decided to keep our own last names and figure it out when kids come into the mix!

So yeah, I, too, am glad that it's not considered a red flag. :thumbs:

Oh my God thats hilarious! (Pissin myself laughing @ Snuffulufugus) AHAHAHA
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you VSC!
That does it...Im moving to the East coast!!! Congrats!
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-05 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC----No Record of receiving

We got the NOA-2 2/15/07 and I called the number at the NVC to check the status and the recording said that there was no record of them receiving anything. Should I be concern or what? It was sent from CSC.....

I sent you a message as to what you can do... Hope it will work! :thumbs:

what WHAT!! Please share. :unsure:
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-06 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhats the point?
I've not heard of this before. Whats the reason for the wait after the interview? I thought thats what the interview was for - because processing was completed. With the exception to a waiver of ineligibility - what would be the reason for two more months of waiting??
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-06 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYES!!! VISA in hand!!!

:dance: Thank you GOD! :dance:
I just got the phone call I was waiting for!!!! My fiancee got her VISA (L) :thumbs: few minutes ago!!!! :dance:
:thumbs: We wish everyone to have a quick turnaround like ours :dance: I'm sooooo HAPPY!!!! :dance: I'm not sure if you guys can see how happy I am ... Oh, you sure do .... I'm dancing!!!
:yes: Good luck everyone and may your timeline be as compressed as possble!!!! :yes:
GOD help us all!!!!! :yes:
:yes: Vik :yes:

Im so happy and jealous! Congrats to your new life together. :)
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 interview tomorrow - fingers crossed!
Someone please tell me why they cant ship the overload of CSC petitions to VERMONT!!! ARGH - Filed in November and interview date in February...I want to cry.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-27 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help

Did you all read her post?

"I dont want to be with him and as much as i want to go to the US "

Its only after people tell her that she should file a waiver & that she thinks its a better idea to wait for Michigan boyfriend.... otherwise she was excited as heck to get the cash for a flight & to be in the US. That is fraud. You are only allowed to come here if you are going to get married in 90 days! She does not deserve an apology, if I was the immigration officer, I think it was a scam.

Chill out Nanusia...Read her second post. If you just read the first it looks like she's considering running off the the US riding on Perry's petition. If you read the second you'll see that she only wanted to know what to do about the interview and medical from packet three as she DOESNT want to screw up future plans with her new guy in Michigan. Easily misconstrued but no reason to offend the poor gal. GAWD SOMETIMES PEOPLE GET TOO WOUND UP!
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-07 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help
My apologies to Betty..I didnt see her second post.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-07 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help

Are you asking for advice on your love life or your not in love life or are you asking for help in committing visa fraud? Regardless of his feelings you are continuing for the sole reason of obtaining a visa under false pretenses. I find it strange that others here who have painfully sat through a difficult process designed to try to prevent this so kindly offer their advice to you. Bottom line, cancel your interview and tell this idiot you don't love him.

I agree but I think the OP is ignorant of the process and the fraud involved in proceeding. I cant think of any other reason why she would post: "He said that if i want to continue we can and i can go home and will send me money for the tickets.... (sheesh!)

I mean HELLO! I dont want to be with him and as much as i want to go to the US i dont want to be it like that. So help me pls... what do i do next?"

What do you suppose she means when she says "and I can go home"? Is she referring to the US? I am lost somewhere between shock and confusion with this post.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-07 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!! must feel great to have that done and out of the way. Wishing you a speedy journey :thumbs:

.....and congrats on your bun in the oven Sav....Im 2 weeks behind ya'! (We need an "Expectant Mothers Freaking Out During The K1 / AOS Process" thread lol)

Edited by MRS BILLY BONG, 07 March 2007 - 09:17 PM.

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-07 21:16:00