K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE

He knows everything, LOL . I sent in the beneficiarys translated B C because I wanted to avoid an RFE. Now that looks like it does not matter what you send, how much you send, etc., the fact is USCIS probably does not read through our petitons. When I got my letter of denial last year, it was stated in their letter my fiance was from ' Russia ' . How the heck did they come up with that? I had a boat load of evidence and docs that said he lives in Egypt, blatently he never went to Russia, visited , lived there, or otherwise. DUH! :rolleyes:

OH NO!! Well what did you do!???? Did you go head hunting at the Service Center?? I'd be beating on the front door to ask for the idiot that made that weird assumption!!
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-17 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE

####### do they want with the birth certificate of the beneficiary?


Really...WHY WHY WHY!?? I sent in my guy's BC and his passport because I was feeling generous..not because I thought we had to. Where besides VJ are instructions on what to include in the 129F packet because I dont remember reading this anywhere on the 129F instructin sheet.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-17 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE

It is unbelieveable you waited all this time for the RFE ! I am sorry for this, indeed. I wish you a quick approval once you shove the ' evidence ' under their noses. You must have had the same smarmy slimeball who pilfered through our petition last year at the all - caring and compassionate CSC !
Hopefully, they will get you approved pronto !

Nagishkaw...Stop reminding me that God knows when I touch myself. Anyway - John (AKA YOHN) and Diana, you must have the bonehead adjudicator who does her work from home and was working on your case while watching Oprah. On a happy note you know for sure that they're working on your case so about a week or so after you send in the evidence AGAIN you will have your NOA2. I swear one day I'm going to apply for a job with a service center and show these people how its done. This is like the 5th time I've read of a couple having to send in the same evidence they sent in originally because it was overlooked. It pisses me off so I know it must piss you off even more.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-17 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt is in my hand!!!!!!!!

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

visa arrived today.... exactly a week after my interview!!!!

SO relived and thankful.... I fly home on friday to my boy and we get wed April 5th!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU sooooooo much everyone who has supported me and helped me through all this!! BIG BIG BIG thanks to Cheekychic.... we both know without u i would of been a wreck!!!!


Can you tell me if you planned your medical the day before your interview or it just happened that way? I am wanting to arrange the same kind of schedule for my man so he doesnt need two trips to London. Thanks.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-20 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????

There's not a visa option set up explicitly for your situation. But there are two basic ways you could do it.

You could enter as a visitor, using the visa waiver program (or a tourist visa). Then you could marry, and leave the US before your visiting time expired. There's nothing at all illegal or wrong with that. However, there's a possible hitch. You won't be allowed entry into the US if the inspecting officer believes you're going to marry and stay. And you have the burden of proving your intent, so if things are uncertain, you can be turned away. My guess is that, if they find out you're intending to get married, they'll assume you'll want to stay, and they'll turn you away unless you have the appropriate visa.

You could get a K-1 visa, enter using it, marry, and then leave, abandoning your status. There's also nothing at all illegal or wrong about that. And it has the advantage that your entry into the US is much more certain. The obvious disadvantage is the time required to get that K-1 visa.

It's tempting to say enter as a visitor and don't let the officer find out you're getting married. But that's not such a good idea, because it runs very close to encouraging you to either lie to the officer or to conceal a material fact from the officer. If you do either of those two things, you're in very serious trouble, and you get a lifetime ban from ever entering the US. There is no waiver available from such a ban, under any circumstances. The officer will ask the purpose of your visit. If you conceal the real purpose of your visit when you respond to that question, you will be subjecting yourself to that lifetime ban.

The safest, most conservative thing to do is get the K-1 visa. The other approach is probably workable, though you run some risk of being turned away at the port of entry.

I think you're making it much more complicating than it has to be but you have laid out all the options. I would just suggest the VWP - dont mention the marriage at the POE (notice how I didnt say LIE about it) marry then get on with your life.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????

Thank you both! That's made my day! Mwah!!!

One more might want to be careful at the point of entry. If you mention your purpose for visit is to get married you might have a difficult time entering. They will think you're staying unless you have a load of proof you intend on returning.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????

Hi, My fiance is an american and I am English. Due to the fact that I have children with an ex partner I can not consider leaving my country permanantly until they are considerably older and can make up their own minds should they wish to join me in moving eventually to america. I don't think it would be fair on anyone. Thus my fiance plans to move to the uk at the start of next year.
Myself and my fiance would like to marry in america for his family but then I would return home to england (literally within the week) where he would hopefully be able to join me after finishing a course of study and recieving his spousal visa approval (fingers crossed). I can't seem to find any information that doesnt assume that I would want to up sticks to america.
Is it even possible??? Can I just show up on a trip, marry him and then return to the uk without any repercussions in the long term? If so what should I be looking for? Would I be better to marry in england in terms of my fiance's planned immigration to the uk? Many thanks for any help.

You can do this on the Visa Waiver Program no problem.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...

Wow is it ever NOT rubbish. It's actually CHOCK FULL of the kind of data a lot of VJers moan about not getting their hands on - as well as that golden 2.9 month average that I still think we should all be using to pound the hell out of USCIS when a particular petition gets lapped in line by, say, Vermont.

And, as pointed out, the process for submitting a comment is very, very simple. Mail, online. And when in doubt, call your congressman/woman's office and register a comment with them and/or ask them how to make the public comment. They'll walk you through it.

As the proposal says, the increase is very large, no doubt. But one of the main reasons for it is to combat the public's impression that USCIS purposely drags its heels during the AOS process and requires a lot of stop-gap paperwork to keep people in status and able to travel, etc, etc. Along the way, people have to pay out for each additional service. So, since they need them all, include everything in one price and make the process more transparent and less seemingly patched-together.

All of this gets tied back to the USCIS's mandate to be self funding (ie: public thinks since they have to raise their own funds, they have to nickel and dime us to exist). Since they DO have to be self-funding, they need to be clear about how/when/why fees are collected.

And, if memory serves, part of the fee increase should increase efficiency and part of it should just keep levels up to what they are now - which is FAR BETTER than during the dark, huge backlog days. Extra, one-time funding helped erase most of the backlog, but that funding is gone. So they either adjust their fee schedule or watch the backlog grow again.

You cant "pound the hell" out of the USCIS when the 2002 mandate is 6 months.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...

Check the document. I can't recall.

Well thats the thing I was looking for as I really dont want to file a $600 waiver. All I could find was that the proposal is displayed for 60 days with request for public comment (where the hell do I comment - who do I comment to - does it even matter?) then the proposal goes into motion April 1st BUT that doesnt mean it goes into effect. (#######??) So does it not go into effect pending the "comments" ? Who the heck can understand this #######.

Here's the link to the 29 pages of rubbish - Agency - USCIS (very bottom of list) Document Type - Proposed Rules Keyword - Fee Increase

Fee Increase
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-20 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...

Before May 2006, the service centers in Nebraska, Texas, California, and Vermont processed K-visas geographically. With the implementation of IMBRA, workloads increased. Since K-visa are not the only visa out there, USCIS decided to re-arrange according to workload, not goegraphy.


Well their decision was stupid being that CSC has taken on most of the workload. It makes no sense with the rate of Vermont processing why Nebraska filers are sending their petitions to California....include Texas in the equation and Im pretty sure Vermont would still out do California but at least it would minimize our wait time by some degree. I found some funky fee chart about the proposed fee increase. It is publicly displayed February 1st for 60 days - then it goes into gear to become a rule April 1st. According to this chart with the fee increase the service centers did not anticipate ANY decrease in the amount of 129F petitions so the work load would not change even if a portion of those fees were to hire new adjudicators. Doesnt that bite?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-19 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...

We all talk about this a lot but has anyone done any research or even written the service centers or their congressman/woman about this? I would like to know the reson behind why there are people on the east sending their petitions out here to cali. slowing down our process when we could all be getting our NOA2s in just over a month if everything was evened out ya know?? Its all out of whack and someone needs to get their ###### together. I think I'll write a letter for us and find out what the damn deal is. This seems to be the longest waiting process for some of us and relationships suffer for it just because they cant get it right. After all....WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS.

Where are you planning to write to? To the USCIS in Cali? I think it's a great idea, and would like to do the same, I would think if more people wrote letter's maybe it could do something...OBVIOUSLY calling them won't tell us anything, since those people only know what they have written in front of them for the most part...I'd also like to know why people on the east have to send their petitions to Cali! They really do need to get their ##### together!

Yes I wrote a letter to the UCSIC in Cali. asking if they were planning on hiring before or after the proposed fee increase and why the heck all the petitions are shipped to Cali. instead of dispursed evenly between Cali. and Vermont. I also asked if at anytime they foresee Vermont forwarding petitions to Cali. as well. I also wondered why these petitions are forwarded instead of just the Cali. address given on the instruction forms. Its fricken ridiculous and makes no sense and I want some kind of answer.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-19 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...

Must have been the Holy Spirit convicting you. But trust me, He see's EVERYTHING. :innocent:

There goes my sex life forever. THANKS A LOT. :hehe:
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-18 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...

Sadly,we will never know the answers . One thing we do know for certain is that USCIS has a make-it-up-as-they-go-along approach to immigration. I remember back last April I called USCIS to inquire about the IMBRA law . The person who took my call was clueless. I ended up telling HIM the law, to which he replied, " Sorry, but we were not imformed of IMBRA , what exactly is it again? " They should have reimbursed me for educating their employee .

Oh you're kidding. How do people like that get to work for the government, huh? I want a job application damnit. I'm one of them squeaky wheels ya see, while I'm waiting for my petition to be approved - Im going to figure out the structure of "the system" and inform all you happy folks. You stay tuned...a letter's in the works. (Oh an Nagi, God saw me walk for 5 minutes, make a cup of coffee and a protein shake but He did NOT watch me touch myself. You took the fun out of my former morning routine. :unsure: )
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-18 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...
We all talk about this a lot but has anyone done any research or even written the service centers or their congressman/woman about this? I would like to know the reson behind why there are people on the east sending their petitions out here to cali. slowing down our process when we could all be getting our NOA2s in just over a month if everything was evened out ya know?? Its all out of whack and someone needs to get their ###### together. I think I'll write a letter for us and find out what the damn deal is. This seems to be the longest waiting process for some of us and relationships suffer for it just because they cant get it right. After all....WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-18 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion once I-129f if filed

Are they going to mail me any more paperwork because I will be out of the country in about a month? I can have it forwarded to me but it'll take some time. Or is everything going to my fiancé at that point?

Also, how do you package the I-129f and G-325a forms?

If they need more evidence you will be mailed a request but the next package goes to your beneficiary. What do you mean "how do you package" the forms? Put them in an envelope, seal it and mail it. I hope you have more than just the forms. You need proof of meeting.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long.....

I see in your timeline that you put a NOA1 date and then later you received the NOA1 by "snail mail" is there another way to get the NOA besides snail mail?


When they cash your check and if you have online banking you can see your case number, then look up in the USCIS tracker to see when your NOA1 was recieved.

is the case number the reference number? It doesnt look like the alpha numerica case numbers I've seen in the past.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-23 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long.....

A week tomorrow since I've sent my I-129f last March 15,2007. I did track the conformation and it was recieved that Saturday (03-17-07) and until now they have not cash my check. How long would it take for them( California Service Center) to open, cash the check and doing NOA1?

I sent mine on the 13....recieved on the 15th....check posted on the 20th.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-23 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help..still married but filed K1

You have to be legally able to marry WHEN YOU FILE the I 129f. You need to withdraw this petition and then file again when the annulment has gone through.

I see two options. The one above, which is the safest and correct. If you chose that option, you want to withdraw your current petition, preferrably before USCIS approves it. (Where's your timeline?)

Option two is to pursue the annulment but keep your mouth shut about any former marriage unless it is mentioned at the interview. At that point, explain and show documents and hope for the best. If it isn't mentioned you lose no time. The risk with option two is that you start over at square one. The value judgment is yours. You made an honest innocent mistake. You haven't broken any laws. Just make sure you don't compound the problem by getting married before the annulment is completed.

I'm not making a recommendation. It's your call.

The Philippine embassy requires a CENOMAR certificate, which is basically a search through records of recorded marriages in the Philippines since 1949 or so, I think, and this is usually obtained by the embassy through the Philippine NSO, though the fiancée can also obtain a copy for herself. Jacki got one before we filed because we wanted to get everything we could, because we didn't know at first how much stuff we would have to send. I've got an original copy and she has two copies, I think. She's been doing a lot of reading on here, and she found that the embassy usually obtains the CENOMAR during their process. Regarding your paperwork, if you knew she was married before you submitted paperwork and didn't mention it on your I-129F or the G-325A forms, and you don't cancel your petition request upon finding out she was married before and is not legally able to marry (despite the situation you mentioned about her still being married to someone else before you), and the US Govt. is informed by the embassy that she was indeed married before, you could potentially be hit with a perjury charge and/or fines for "lying" on an official government form. I'd play it safe and re-file after her previous marriage is annuled and in the NSO records as being terminated.

Spooky situation - but - if a person had an annullment would that be considered as married? divorced?? or what? I agree if it is considered a marriage its best to refile before its approved as then they are dealing with IMBRA to refile. On the other hand...if there was an anullment and the embassy deals with this...wont there be enough time for the embassy to obtain the CENOMAR cert. because she technically was never "married" nor was she "divorced". She would have been single as she put on the petition.

The I-129F/K1 process is clear that both parties must be "legally free to marry" at the date of filing. While CENOMAR could potentially show the annulment, it could also show dates that indicate she was not free to marry upon submission of the K1 application. According to Jacki, there is little to no divorce in the Phils due to the widespread Catholic traditions of the country. There is only annulment. Governments go by paperwork, not by I think things would lean toward this gentleman having to cancel his current application and resubmit.

Yep. You're right.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help..still married but filed K1

You have to be legally able to marry WHEN YOU FILE the I 129f. You need to withdraw this petition and then file again when the annulment has gone through.

I see two options. The one above, which is the safest and correct. If you chose that option, you want to withdraw your current petition, preferrably before USCIS approves it. (Where's your timeline?)

Option two is to pursue the annulment but keep your mouth shut about any former marriage unless it is mentioned at the interview. At that point, explain and show documents and hope for the best. If it isn't mentioned you lose no time. The risk with option two is that you start over at square one. The value judgment is yours. You made an honest innocent mistake. You haven't broken any laws. Just make sure you don't compound the problem by getting married before the annulment is completed.

I'm not making a recommendation. It's your call.

The Philippine embassy requires a CENOMAR certificate, which is basically a search through records of recorded marriages in the Philippines since 1949 or so, I think, and this is usually obtained by the embassy through the Philippine NSO, though the fiancée can also obtain a copy for herself. Jacki got one before we filed because we wanted to get everything we could, because we didn't know at first how much stuff we would have to send. I've got an original copy and she has two copies, I think. She's been doing a lot of reading on here, and she found that the embassy usually obtains the CENOMAR during their process. Regarding your paperwork, if you knew she was married before you submitted paperwork and didn't mention it on your I-129F or the G-325A forms, and you don't cancel your petition request upon finding out she was married before and is not legally able to marry (despite the situation you mentioned about her still being married to someone else before you), and the US Govt. is informed by the embassy that she was indeed married before, you could potentially be hit with a perjury charge and/or fines for "lying" on an official government form. I'd play it safe and re-file after her previous marriage is annuled and in the NSO records as being terminated.

Spooky situation - but - if a person had an annullment would that be considered as married? divorced?? or what? I agree if it is considered a marriage its best to refile before its approved as then they are dealing with IMBRA to refile. On the other hand...if there was an anullment and the embassy deals with this...wont there be enough time for the embassy to obtain the CENOMAR cert. because she technically was never "married" nor was she "divorced". She would have been single as she put on the petition.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help..still married but filed K1

You have to be legally able to marry WHEN YOU FILE the I 129f. You need to withdraw this petition and then file again when the annulment has gone through.

I see two options. The one above, which is the safest and correct. If you chose that option, you want to withdraw your current petition, preferrably before USCIS approves it. (Where's your timeline?)

Option two is to pursue the annulment but keep your mouth shut about any former marriage unless it is mentioned at the interview. At that point, explain and show documents and hope for the best. If it isn't mentioned you lose no time. The risk with option two is that you start over at square one. The value judgment is yours. You made an honest innocent mistake. You haven't broken any laws. Just make sure you don't compound the problem by getting married before the annulment is completed.

I'm not making a recommendation. It's your call.

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help..still married but filed K1

I dont know if you'll get an RFE because the USCIS finds this out or not.

How could they find out? But the embassy in Manila might. I would hate to have my visa denied at this stage. I would refile after the annulment. And I would think about talking to a lawyer as well...

I dont know. Im not an adjudicator. At some stage in the visa process dont you think they check to see if either petitioner or beneficiary is married?

What a situation to end up in. It's too bad that the both of you didn't have proof of the annulment before you filed. What date did you list on the I-129F as when she was divorced? If she gets the annulment, the dates won't correspond with what was put on the I-129F. Maybe they won't see it. Maybe they will. Best of luck to you and keep your fingers crossed!

They listed her as single...not divorced as she was informed the marriage was never valid. This is a tough one. Sounds like they migt have to refile..or...send in the annulment after its final? I dont know if you'll get an RFE because the USCIS finds this out or not.

it shows single with her family name but had child with is last name { not coming with her since he is in collage }
but his birth last name is different and birth shows married ...will they look at his birth ?????
what we figure is all paperwork shows valid to marry we still are finishing up in a month for the annulment since it is begums
should we be honest during interview and say we really didn't know till now and show annulment is complete

buy the way she live in HONG KONG and interview will be there but she from Philippines

I thought philippines had to show certificate of not married.

Edited by MRS BILLY BONG, 22 March 2007 - 08:37 PM.

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help..still married but filed K1

What a situation to end up in. It's too bad that the both of you didn't have proof of the annulment before you filed. What date did you list on the I-129F as when she was divorced? If she gets the annulment, the dates won't correspond with what was put on the I-129F. Maybe they won't see it. Maybe they will. Best of luck to you and keep your fingers crossed!

They listed her as single...not divorced as she was informed the marriage was never valid. This is a tough one. Sounds like they migt have to refile..or...send in the annulment after its final? I dont know if you'll get an RFE because the USCIS finds this out or not.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-22 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTracyTN prayer thread

Thanks, patiently_waiting. :) I surely do appreciate the prayers.

From what HuskerKiev said in his thread, it'd be way to early for me to consider calling my representative. He suggested 30 days past VJ processing times (which would mean the end of March). And I agree - would likely just be told that I'm within processing times.

Sorry to add something to the thread that might irk ya but does anyone remember when Husk said that some of the adjucators bring bins of petitions home with them to work? And I remember a few timelines that were touched on a Saturday....well..they DO get praised for how fast they are at piecework but doesnt it leave the thought of some fat lady in curlers eating cheetos stepping over your petition to grab the tv remote?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTracyTN prayer thread

I'll try to remember that! But when you consider your NOA2 was three weeks ago, and yet here I sit - its hard to actually 'believe' its going to come.

Looks like you're on CSC time. Anything unusual about your petition that would delay it? IMBRA or maybe an RFE? I think we should start a prayer thread for EVERYONE going through the California Service Center!
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-02 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill age difference matter?

i should be filling the I-129f next week after i get the g-325a signature and letter of intent from my gf in Mexico. Everything is ready to go on my behalf but now that I think about it, will they be suspicious when they know that she's 31 and I'm 25? (L)

She doesnt look that age. Actually I look older but in reality shes 6 yrs older than me. Will this be a factor down the road?

When I opened this thread I thought you were doing to say you were 70 and she was 20. No of course that doesnt look like a problem.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-23 03:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfusing Case - need advice

wow - I dont know the legalities but maybe someone can sort me out if Im wrong - At first I wondered if they could just marry then file AOS...a lawyer (man I really dont like lawyers) once told me that if a marriage takes place in the US and AOS is filed then all the problems that could keep the nonUSC out of the US could be handled within the US much easier. Then I read elsewhere that they would be deported. I also dont think you can marry without identification and have it be legal.

Its sad to say but I think he may have to go back to Mexico...apply for a K1...then a waiver of ineligibility based on his 2 month overstay. I think if his overstay is UNDER 180 days that also makes a difference but time is ticking. If they want to be legit they need to do it the legal way which means they wont be able to avoid the waiting game we're all going through on here. Good luck to them.

They can marry and he can adjust from his tourist/work visa. It's completely untrue that if the marriage takes place in the US and the AOS if filed then all the problems are easier or that he cannot be deported - spouses of USCs are deported everyday. What kind of identification he needs to marry depends on what state he marries in. If he chooses to return to Mexico, he will not need a waiver if the overstay is less than 180 days.

But again, I question the whole story. If he had a valid visa, he can get it replaced. Why wouldn't he start by doing that?

Are there states where you dont need ID to marry? Sounded like he didnt have any at all.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-26 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfusing Case - need advice
wow - I dont know the legalities but maybe someone can sort me out if Im wrong - At first I wondered if they could just marry then file AOS...a lawyer (man I really dont like lawyers) once told me that if a marriage takes place in the US and AOS is filed then all the problems that could keep the nonUSC out of the US could be handled within the US much easier. Then I read elsewhere that they would be deported. I also dont think you can marry without identification and have it be legal.

Its sad to say but I think he may have to go back to Mexico...apply for a K1...then a waiver of ineligibility based on his 2 month overstay. I think if his overstay is UNDER 180 days that also makes a difference but time is ticking. If they want to be legit they need to do it the legal way which means they wont be able to avoid the waiting game we're all going through on here. Good luck to them.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-26 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy friend prob needs help

I beleive it's standard practice to do both, the arm test and the x-ray for the beneficiary, along with a blood test for STD's etc., but not the dependent if they are a minor under 14. Even when we had the supplemental exam done, we had to re-do it all again, inclusive of the blood test, and bring my wife's vaccinations up to snuff. The daughters vaccinations were done prior to the AOS exam, in accordnace with the requirements for school.

Ok sorry to badger you on this subject but if they administer a TB test for the Visa they require you to return for the TB test spot check? (Ususally checked after a few days) I dont remember my ex having to do this in London.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy friend prob needs help
So the visa medical does not give a TB arm test? Do other medical practitioners offer the TB test? Im wondering if there's so many false positive why they even offer that test over there.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy friend prob needs help

Also take into consideration that many Europeans have a false positive when they get the TB test on their arm. My mother, wife & daughter all had false positives, but the chest x-ray cleared them.

Didnt know that...but how else do they dertimine TB over there? Just by the Xray alone?
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy friend prob needs help

hello to all my friends in VJ,
I would like to share to you my friends probs as of regards with the result of her pre X-RAY as of yesterday,just to make sure in the medical nothing will goes wrong but instead what is found in the result of the x-ray bother her a lot,my friend dont know wat she will do this time,as what she let me see to the film it is okay but she told me that after the x-ray there is a certain doctor assign to read the result she said as if there's something wrong with her lung as the doctor read the film,then my friend ask what does it mean to be, the doctor said as if her lung have many dirt,so the doctor even give her prescription to take for 10 days as she told the doctor that she is having her medical soon,as what ive see from my friend the doctor prescribe to let her take antibiotic, i dont think if she is specialist in PTB,so my friend was in trouble if she need to have a sputum test to make sure that she have no probs with the medical,and if ever she have that sickenss maybe she can have a medications in advance,my question to you my dear friend from here,goes like this does my friend need to have and advance sputum to make sure?her medical is closer already so i know she needs some good advice so she will be relief from being worried about the probs she may have this time,i am very much happy if anybody here could give me some good idea what to do with my friend, before she will be having her medical,as she know it is one of the main reasons for denials,,,,thanks for all in advance for reading my post i am waiting and expecting your good advice...thanks again....

god bless you...


Before you assume its TB...MAKE SURE. Have your friend take a TB test. (Here its given in the arm) The X-ray normally supports a positive test. Hopefully the infection clears with the antibiotics and is not TB, however, if it is - its not the end of the world. Its curable and only means it will delay the visa as the cure takes time.

"Treatment of tuberculosis (TB) takes six to nine months and sometimes longer. TB can be cured in almost all cases by taking the medications as prescribed by your doctor for the full course of treatment (at least six months).

Like all medications, your anti-tuberculosis tablets can cause side effects. Your doctor will monitor your progress during treatment to make sure the medication is working. This will usually involve blood, sputum or urine tests and chest x-rays."

Good Luck.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone Records

I did not.

I showed proof of relationship/seeing eachother.

It worked.

Its kind of like bringing all the originals to the interview when they rarely look at them. The proof of the ongoing relationship is sent to the beneficiary for the interview. If they ask for it ya better have it lol.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone Records

You only need proof of relationship that you MET, like photos and such of that time.
Evidence since filing - No.

Wrong. You need to show evidence of an ongoing relationship since the initial filing of the petition.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone Records

Does anyone here have Optimum Voice through Cablevision? I use their World Call service to call my fiance and I've just been told that I cannot get detailed bills that show the (many)hours that we have spent on the phone since July. They say that it has to be subpoenaed and then it costs $125. :angry: :angry: :angry: It only occurred to me recently that since I switched from regular phone service to their phone service in July that I have not gotten a phone bill, it's just a line item on my Cablevision bill.

I don't know what to do because it's the only way that I can show contact between us since I filed. I have used a phone card a couple of times since then, but there's not way of getting a record to show where phone cards called. We don't speak via internet, we haven't exchanged any letters since June.

Has anyone had this experience with a phone company?

:help: :help: :help:

I have unlimited calls to the UK and it also shows as a generic line item on my bill. I sent a copy of a bill but I dont think it will prove a thing. Is it too late to write love letters?
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I say??

Did you travel here on a one-way ticket? I'm so confused :blink:

Hehe.. I was confused at first too but then I think I figured it out!! I think she's saying she came to the States [she DID come on a round trip ticket] but decided to stay longer, but she booked a flight from the States to England and BACK, so she's asking how she should answer if they ask about her ticket at the airport in customs. And the reason she got the return flight is because it's much cheaper to get a round trip then to get a one way to England and then a one way back to the States if she's approved for her visa and gets it in March. ;)

Hope that helps!

I own a house in China and have computers, clothes, banks, everything in both places. As such, I show up at the airport with zero luggage and a ticket that has a return booked 2 months later.

The zero luggage bothers them a LOT.

"What's the purpose of your trip?"
"I'm hungry, I thought I'd run out for a little Chinese."

"I am serious."

"You're just going to China to eat?"

"You expect us to believe that?"
"It would be nice. Haven't you ever just had an urge to look in the refrigerator to see what's in there?"

"You have a refrigerator in China?"
"Two of them."

"Where's your luggage?"
"I'm wearing it."

"You are going to China for 2 months without clothes?"
"I haven't seen my wife in 4 weeks, I figured I'd just be naked most of the time."

I invariably get questioned for long periods of time and always undergo the extra screening checks. It uses up otherwise useless waiting time since I arrive early. It also seems to give them some purpose in life.

On the way back in, I do nearly the same thing to the customs and immigration people.

"Purpose of your trip?"
"I ran out for a little Chinese. Want to see her picture?"

"Did you buy any goods while you were overseas?"
"Two, maybe three ocean containers worth."

"So you were travelling on business?"
"No, but you know, stuff is just so darn cheap there, you get kind of carried away. Before you know it, you've spent 2 or 300,000 dollars."

"What's your occupation?"

"You bought 2 or 3 containers and you have no occupation?"
"You have to have an occupation to spend money?"

"You have to pay duty on goods brought into the country."
"I've heard that. The broker sends me a bill for it."

"Please wait on the yellow line, you need to speak to customs."

Then I wait 5 minutes for the customs guys to come.

"Hello Mr. Powell. Do you have any luggage?"

"Where did you just arrive from?"
"Hong Kong"

"How long were you gone?"
"Two months"

"You were gone for two months and you don't have any luggage?"
"Nah, the hotels are pretty quick with laundry. Its kind of a pride thing in China."

"What did you wear while they did your laundry?"
"A small Chinese girl."

At this point they usually give up, check me for warrants in the computer and let me go.

DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I say??

Hey Guys,

I am in america at the moment.... I travel home on March 6th for my interview March 13th.

I have been here under 90 days so thats not a problem... but to save money I have booked a return flight... so basically It is from orlando to Manchester and then manchester to orlando.....

Before I check in, in the past people are questioned... did u pack your own bag... any liquids etc etc... they also check your tickets..... DO i tell them the truth that I HOPEFULLY will be approved for my visa, or say it was cheaper to get a return ticket then a single?

Thanks guys!

The people at the checkin counter dont care why you have a round trip ticket. I dont understand why you're asking this. When you come back through...the people at the POE will see your visa and wont ask when you plan on leaving.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDec filer NOA2 email notice

I filed on 12/14 and received Email notice
Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On February 27, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this
I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the
notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

What to do what to do. Nervous is me.
134 stuff get it together
Wait for the notice
and what else ?

How much longer does the process usually take from here on out ?

Now you just wait and watch as it goes to the NVC them to the embassy...start gathering evidence of ongoing relationship...affidavit of support info...and read up on similar cases with regard to the Chinese Embassy. Congrats by the way...the first part is over! Your other half will now be waiting for packet 3 with instructions on the medical. Have they applied to the police reports yet? Thats always something that can be done now as well. Good Luck
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrushing

see 2 of his friends just got their visas and he is getting nervous about some things that were done on the visa like the fact on my g325a i didput an a# and i dont have one for his i didnt put my name or anything no the g325a but he is also anxius about the fact of seeing his friends again in america its hard but he doesnt get the fact that its giong to take time for this he is worried about that fact as i am not as much bc he does enough worrying for the both of us plus if i worry thats another min out of every day i cant afford how sad is that?

You are a USC correct? You DID complete a G325a for yourself correct? You need one for him and yourself in the petition. Can you try to use a period to break up your sentences...I think he's rushed you so much you cant breathe between sentences!
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-27 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrushing

ok i have a burning question from my fiance he has got ants in his pants from me sending he visa he has been nothing but a pain in the you know where and i dont know what to do to calm him down everyday i call the vermont center to see if anything is new but still nothing he thinks the more i call the faster it happens. right now he is on my case about when they are going to approve it i said there is no way telling and they said that as well pretty much is there any way bc we have been touched only 1 time on the 21st of this month and nothing else has showed up now we are both going insane but can i help him from making me more insane? :help: :help: :help: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Yeah tell him to take a number! He needs to understand this takes some MANY months of WAITING PATIENTLY!! Hey tell him at least you're going through Vermont where it appears things are MUCH faster than California. I would tell him to get off your back...the watched pot never boils.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-27 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED!!

:dance: My fiance's interview this morning went well! They took the I-134 even though they ask for the I-864 in packet 3. They didn't look at one shred of evidence - photos, chat logs, phone bills, nothing. They asked him 3 questions: what's her name, what kind of job does she have, and what do you plan on doing once you move. He got the last vaccination he needed and went back to the doctor, when he asked for the vaccination supplement she told him that she was going to give it to him without him asking. Sheesh, talk about easy! Hopefully it'll be that easy for me to find an apartment so he can move here ASAP! :D :dance: Thanks for all the help and patience everyone! :D

3 months start to finish. Some people have all the luck. Congrats.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-28 18:13:00