Philippinescan we make an appointment?

hi friends! we got our manila case number already and NVC said they forwarded our petition to USEM on November 4.. then we just called the USEM asking if they already received our packet already so we can book our appointment, the officer said that we should wait an EMAIL that will be send to the petitioner before we can be booked ...sigh! :wacko: ,,, do we still need to wait for that or i can pay the fee and book for an interview now??? please enlighten me about this!!

Thanks guys!

Pretty much everything everyone told you is wrong. Just as soon as you have you MNL case number from NVC you can schedule your interview. Even before the packet leaves NVC. Go right now and pay yourr fees. wait about a minimum of 4-6 hours and you should be able to schedule interview.

Our packet left NVC on Oct 12 but we already had interview scheduled. for Nov 3. Got Visa Nov 9 and she flies tomorrow. Like I said she leaves tomorrow and we still dont have the infamous package 3 etc etc.

Manila interview people. 5 days after you get NOA2 start calling NVC. As soon as they have it they will issue MNL and as soon as you have this you can make appointment.. It will cut week and weeks off your process... Our NOA1 was June 14th and we are flying Nov 11. 5 months is not bad.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-10 05:31:00

Hi guys just wondering how long it will probably take for my wife's visa to be delivered to her, she lives in Leyte, Tacloban City. Thanks

We had interview on the 3rd of Nov. The Visa was picked up at the 2go office Sm mall Cebu on 9 Nov.. I think that is about standard. Friday is a holiday for the embassy in the Philippines os that may have some effect. Who knows. Her interview was on a Thur and the Embassy shipped the next Tuesday.

Hope that helps.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-10 09:36:00
PhilippinesAirline Ticket Prices Are Crazy

I was booking my flight to The Philippines yesterday and was sort of shock at the prices nowadays. 6 years ago you could easily get a round trip ticket for $1000 or less to The Philippines (East Coast US States departures) now it could easily cost $1500+. So within 6 years cost of round trip ticket to The Philippines has gone up by more or less 50%. Crazy. Then they take away a lot of the things that was free and now charge exuberant prices for... which I understand, but I just hate the whole nickel and diming the customer after he's paid for his service.

The biggest scam is the one way ticket prices from The Philippines to the USA.... they almost cost just as much as round trip tickets! LOL crazy.

The even bigger scam is... how NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) charges for a terminal fee and now a security fee, yet it still looks looks like #######. I'm not knocking the place, but you can tell some corrupt official or officials have their hand in the cookie jar. Being Filipino myself, I just find it a bit embarrassing that this is the first place they see once they enter The Philippines. They need to just move everything to Clark Freeport (Diosdada Magpagal Airport i know i cant spell) in Angeles City and establish that area as the new international airport for The Philippines. I doubt it will happen though.

We just booked KAL from MNL-ICH-ATl for a little over 900.00. One way. Not to bad for last minute. No stops from Korea to ATl.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-11 13:38:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All

I lived for months at a time in a lot of different countries and left a number of beautiful girls from 18 to 28 years old after living with them in their family's house. Only once, loooong ago did I try meeting someone online, after I had already arranged a trip. She turned out to be a manipulative liar and my first instinct stepping off the plane was that I had made a mistake.

The OP isn't even remotely true for us. There were some things we had to work out, but we did that before she came. The first three months we lived together in the Philippines was a marathon, and although I was very enthusiastic I was really hoping she would stop getting me up at 3 am for more nookie.

I can't recommend strongly enough to go live with them first. I've never cared about money. But if you believe that you cannot afford a trip, then I am not sure how you can afford immigration and divorce.

Since you brought that up! I have often wondered, reference the numerous posts I see in different forums.concering people looking for co-sponsers or struggling to meet the poverty guidlines. Not judging anyone, but how in the world are you going to bring a spouse to this country, pay all the the costs associated with it, support another person for several months as a minimum, when you have to have a co-sponsor just to get to 125% of the poverty level. Once again not judging any one,,cause lord know I knew ramen noodles in my younger days, but it seems like you first order of business would be to fix your immediate problem, then think about taking on someone else as a responsibility.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-08 17:46:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All

It is true for us. Love does not conquer all.

It does not conquer two kids, work, bills, laziness of old age and years of the same person. We're down to once or twice a day now. It's like I hardly even know her anymore.

Once or twice a day .WOOOOHOO
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-02 20:38:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All

Based on the number of struggling Fil/Am relationships that air their laundry here, it appears that "love conquers all," is a lie. The romantic euphoria of believing that once you and your beloved are reunited, nothing will break the bond, quickly fades once the Filipina realizes she's left her entire existence behind, to be with a man she knows little about in comparison. In the context of her life, he's just a tiny blip on her timeline. This relationship was a huge gamble and when she sees her knight-in-shining-armor has some chinks, she starts to realize that she just bet the farm on a goose that doesn't actually lay golden eggs.

Meanwhile, the Kano stands his ground, feeling that his very core of existence is being questioned. Where are the sweet greetings that she once gave via the internet, that made your day? Why has that beautiful smile turned into a permanent scowl? You start to feel duped, cheated, the package didn't represent the content. Your nice-guy persona has been traded in for a spear and war paint.

So whaddya do? Send her back? Call immigration and report it as fraud? Or just maybe, you need to change yourself to make room for someone else. Changing doesn't mean you give up who you are, but you re-evaluate how you are, how you handle conflict, how you handle your emotions, how you communicate, how you deal with disappointment, because there's going to be a lot of disappointment in your marriage, no matter how perfect you imagined it would be.

Yes it happens, but remember the same thing happens in about 50% of American marriages also. Nothing is promised in life not even your next breath. If I sit here and do nothing then my chance of relationship failure is 100% . I will be glad to take a chance on love.

I have a lot of friends that are very happily married to Pinay and have wonderful loving relationships and have had for years. I also know a few that got burned. Such is life.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-02 18:15:00
PhilippinesPacquiao - Marquez Fight

He won but he didn't prove a point. He was supposed to be better than the previous 2 times he met Marquez in the ring. And he was supposed to remove all doubt about who is the winner.

He didn't knock him down or hurt him.

He just had a little more endurance and threw a few more punches. Just enough to squeeze by on a decision.

A win is a win. He is still the best boxer in the world in his weight class.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-13 18:35:00
PhilippinesWhat is Your Favorite Airlines To Fly To Philippines?

What is your Favorite Airline to Fly to Philippines and Why? Please list Airlines you have Flown from USA to Philippines and which was best value or most comfortable seats and most pleasant staff.

I personally have flown Delta, and Asiana.
Have to say Asiana blew Delta away. Seats where more comfortable, Food was much better, top shelf drinks and beer were free as well as much better and frequent meals. Very friendly helpful flight attendants. Only dislike was in JFK you have to get your bags and exit the airport then reenter and go though security again. But Asiana held the flight for us.

Would like to know others experiences and Airlines they like or dislike for flights form the USA to Philippines. Do you fly into Manila, Cebu or Clark?

I love KAL
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-13 18:37:00
Philippineswhat does she need upom arrival??

Ok vj'ers asawa is coming on Monday so i guess its time to prepare lol. During this whole experience u think u have plenty of time, and then all of a sudden its here. So the questions are, and this is for the banas and the asawas lol
1) what should i be getting to make her first days comfortable, personal items. Yes Yes i know rice, but being an potato guy what do i know about rice lol.
any other food you might think of?
2) any items that your asawa wanted to bring and forgot, or wished she had brought with her but didnt think of it
3) lol hat and gloves and coat might be good lol

Anyway any ideas, that you all might have would be great, looking forward to hear about your experience in this matter .

Kevin there is not much we have had to get. We went to Sams and got the required big bag of rice. I put some juices etc in the fridge. It appears Spam is real big over there. As far as clothes, I sent her shopping with with an Americanized pinay friend of mine. To be honest I am a little surprised at how quickly MJ has adapted and how little she has needed.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-17 05:21:00
PhilippinesQuestions from a K-1 Applicant (newbie)

Guys good news... Already have the Manila Case Number, it was sent on Sept. 27... So what next for me? What should I and my fiancee prepare (for)?

when is your interview. I would strongly strongly advise you not to buy any tickets until you have Visa in hand Things happen

Edited by scruffydog, 21 October 2011 - 12:23 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-21 12:21:00
PhilippinesSending Package - Fed Ex What a rip off !

I learned the hard way like many others, sent a cell phone to the Philippines and paid more in customs and tax than the cell phone cost after that never again. one way around it is just visit more and fill up ur bags with all u want to bring her and no tax no custom charges

The way to do it is put it in the Balikbayan Box. Only about 80 bucks and you can cram it full of stuff. I sent a cell phone in my last one and an X-box. Of course it takes about1.5 -2 months. I use LBC and have never had a problem.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-19 01:02:00
PhilippinesSending Package - Fed Ex What a rip off !

I sent a 3 lb pacakge and I knew it would be a lot so I agreed to pay $ 122.00 to ship it to the Phiilippines, priority mail. It was a birthday gift, a pair of nice sandles/slippers she called them and I valued the package at $ 85.00 which is what they cost with tax. The package arrived in the Philippines within 3 days but once it got there, customs pulled it aside and kept it for a week. After 10 days or more they sent sent it out to the apartment she lived in and she had to pay $ 66.00 tax on the goods !!! Is that nuts ? A $ 85.00 ( 3,570 peso) value but a $ 66.00 ( 2,700 peso) tax ?

I guess they need the money.. I hope it goes to good use but I will never send anything again that is valued more than $ 5.00.

You can expect a priority package to take about 2 weeks to arrive based on my experience if you are using Fed Ex because of customs. :wow:

Translate it to Cebuano.. Shoes roughly translates to "DOCUMENTS"... :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-18 14:47:00
PhilippinesFriends reactions

You may not care but it can get through you. If you hear it often enough, you will tend to believe it..and sometimes they can be right. Either they see things objectively or they are just clouded with prejudice. So just think it really well.

Just let it go cause you can't win this time. It will just ruin your day. They already got their opinion. It will however change once you are together and show them they are wrong. Remember that these people's opinion was defined by stories and personal experiences. It's your job to defend her and it is the fiancees job to prove them that the impression about Filipino women in general is wrong.

She has to show something that isn't available in a local market: maybe extra level of intelligence, fun and loyalty, why someone like you bothered to spend a lot of money, wait long and go through the immigration ordeal.

Just think that your last name is Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia and you will make those Americans believe you are not a terrorist.

Good Post. It's just that one of my best friends wife told me he is really upset. I told her then he has a decision to make. Be part of our lives or not becuse I am not going to change anything for him.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-19 07:47:00
PhilippinesFriends reactions

I went to a family funeral today and found out that word spread quick between family and they now all know about my relationship. They were all asking about it. They teased me, some were very interested and asked questions, and most all seem to be fine with it. I had been quiet about it so far. I know there will be those of my friends and my neighbors that will think I have lost my mind. I will not get in a conversation with them because they are uninformed about our relationship or even who she is. It would be like discussing Christianity with a Muslim. It's just a loose/loose conversation. It's best not to discuss it with them, even if they attempt to drag you into it.

You are confident in your choice. Don't let them test you. Just smile and change the subject because as long as you are the subject, you are going to be on the defensive. It's best to be so happy with your fiancee and future wife that they evenutally get it and move onto annoy someone else.

If these people effect your relationship then they have won. Politely ignore them and forgive them for their ignorance.

Ohhh Dale you are out of the closet now ??? How much longer to Noa2 buddy. I just have had a few friends tha have acted less than understanding
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-19 01:05:00
PhilippinesFriends reactions
I really don't care what people think and I will do what I want to regardless. However I would like to hear from some of you. When you first brought your fiancee over and announced plans to marry right away did people think you had lost your mind.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-18 23:41:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee Passed Her Interview Today

Hey guys! Great news!!!!

My fiancee passed her interview today!

I accompanied her to her interview and I have to say the feeling of hearing "you're approved!" was one of the greatest feelings. It's like all the burden from all these months preparing for it were just lifted from our shoulders.

I'll write a very detailed review later of our experience because our experience was sort of unique and I hope our experience can help others that are experiencing the same thing. Anyway, we are at the hotel now and my fiancee is knocked out in the bed sleeping her eyes out. We are going to celebrate later.

Congrats. So happy for you
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-23 22:13:00
PhilippinesWhy a Girl from the Philippines

Sometimes I think their is some misperception as to how girls from the philippines are, I can only relate my own story. First I have always thought that girls from this part of the world are beautiful both inside and out. I was fortunate to have been to the Philippines when I was serving in the USMC and have been to diffrent parts of Asia for business since then.

To me a girl is a girl is a girl meaning yes there will be cultural influence and yes maybe certain attributes that are local to that community or area but beyond that is a woman, a woman who just happens to live in another country who sometimes eats diffrent foods, speaks other languages and lives in a diffrent climate. What woman anywhere in the world does not want to be loved and cared for, and to feel secure, and I answer most all women do. once in love geography goes right out the window.

Of course there is an attraction to a better life, but thats just an attraction, the real thing is the same old things that have drawn couples together and kept them together for centuries, Love, Committment, chemistry, similair beleifs and attitudes, being able to make one another laugh and just that over all feeling of being meant to be. I think there are a lot of misperceptions both on behalf of westerners as well as east, I think though if people search their heart they will find that it all comes down to love, no matter where you may be from.

For me, I know I met a girl who just happens to live in another country and for me she is the girl I love, not a girl from the philippines, but just a beautiful woman inside and out. I think most of the people here on VJ know this and are lucky, so that being said cheers to us all, God Bless us and our realionships today,tommorow and the next.

I wish VJ had a like button :dance:
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-18 22:40:00
Philippineshow many days the visa is usually delivered after the interview?

got interviewed and approved last Nov. 17, 2011 but still negative on 2go's end. it has been a week now. is this normal?

We had the interview in Nov Took about 6-7 days including a weekend. Seems like she Interviewed on Nov 3 and 2 GO had it in Cebu on the 9th. Your not outside the norm at all at this point. You should have it in the next few days. Good luck.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-25 09:20:00
PhilippinesShipping to Provinces in Phil

I'm going to ship my documents for the interview, which weighs 5.4 lbs (two 1.5 inch binders filled...hehe) in the USPS Large Box 12"x12"x5.5"

Johnny air in Queens NY ( stated it is $8.50 per lb plus $3 fee, so I'm looking at $50.60 to ship and it will be 5-8 days via air cargo.

That sure does sound like a good rate, but curious if anyone knows of anything cheaper or if you have any feedback on their service? These are extremely important documents and I just need some kind of assurance things should go smoothly... Never used them before. Curious if they notify me & her also when it arrives in the providence pick-up location.


Two quick thoughts.. I can't imagine that 5.4 lbs of documents would be needed, but a lot of people like to have volumes of paperwork just in case in evey case I have ever heard of it was never really examined. . Everyone I have talked to that has gone thru the process, said they looked at required docs (tax returns, Affidaviant of support etc) glanced at a few pictures and approved. A few pages of chat transcripts should be wholly suffcient and can be printed there to save charges. We just got done with the approval process and she is here. I think my Fedex package to Cebu was a little over 1lb and it took 3 days. Was about 60 dollars if I remember right.

As for USPS. I would not dream of sending anytingto the Philippines that needed to get here without fail thru USPS. Go ahead and pony up the few extra dollars for fedex. Something this important is well worth it.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-12-02 23:35:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?
and one more quick thought. You said we have hard times and a lot of fighting .. In two weeks ???? If I had that much turmoil after two weeks and she wanted to go,, I think I would encourage her.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-26 17:16:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?

My fiance has been here in the US for almost 2 wks and is saying that she read that the Consulate will send her back home to the Philippines, cause she cannot adjust here and is thinking about giving up and contacting them and having them send her back. Is there conditions she has to meet for the Consulate to do that or how exactly does that work?

Is there a website that anyone knows that I can learn more about this process? Everyone has told her 2 wks is NOT long enough, but she seems like she doesn't want to try to adjust anymore. PLEASE HELP!!! :'-(

Why would the consulate have to send her home. If she wants to go back, can't she just go ... Mine will be here in a few weeks. God forbid she wanted out that quickly I would do the honorable thing and send her.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-26 17:08:00
PhilippinesSilly question

I don't use VJ much unless I have a question about immigration. I don't use it for my social life like the majority of you guys do. There is one question I like to ask. It is kind of silly, funny, and cute at the same time. It depends how you guys interpret things. Here it goes:

I joke with barbie (my wife) about it all the time. She came from Phil in the summer. Like some of you, she doesn't have many filipino friends. Now here is the funny thing. We have been in few events where the majority of the people are from the Philippines. In Three occasions, some filipinas approach barbie, smile at her, and the FIRST FIRST FIRST thing they ask my wife is either her cellphone number or FB account.

Those ladies act same way as when guys are picking up chicks (Excuse my language). I think it is funny cute. Then they become friends, in fb, text mate, and go to the malls ... and so on(all are married).

My wife never approaches any filipinas because she thinks the majority of filipinas here are kind of arrogant. But any one who smiles at her she returns the same friendly smile. (I like that about her)

I am happy for her she already found few friends. Now she looks very happy and feel energized again.

I like to hear if some of the ladies here are experiencing the same.

I was already friends with several Pinay here that were dating good friends of mine (now married) before i meet my wife. So my social circle already included many local Filipino people. I think our first social event was a Thanksgiving party with about 75 Pinoy people. As for the mentality. I guess they are just like Americans. Some nice some not. Some your going to like and some not. My wife has already made 4 very close Pinay friends, but they tend to be the more traditional
minded set.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-12-21 20:21:00
PhilippinesAppointment for CFO

Hello all,

My fiance's interview and medical is next week. Once this is completed and she receives the visa. How long does it take to get an appointment at the CFO? I'm just trying to get a time frame when we should start looking at tickets back to manila and how long she would need to stay in Manila before leaving for the United States.



You don't have to wait for interview to do CFO, Knock it out know then go back and get sticker after you get your visa.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-10 21:38:00
PhilippinesDivorce court is just evil
We fought only once about this. My wife tried to put on my socks and shoes before washing my feet and rubbing them with scented oil. I was really fumed for a few days but I forgave her.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-11 20:32:00
PhilippinesAfter Interview in Manila

Thats cool. We were able to track the visa with the MNL case number on 2go website, however when we figured this out, it wasn't in the system yet so it said invalid. A buddy of mine's fiance received her visa all the while it said invalid while it was in transit. So i am thinking it may be a toss up whether somebody will be able to track it or not. But hopefully they can see it on there with it. :)

The tracking thing by MNL did not work for us or anyone we know. Seems like it took about 5-7 working days. She called the 2Go office and went into Cebu to pick it up. Little bit easier for her as she lived in Talisay. As for how long it takes. From knowing many that have gone thru it I would say 4-15 days is average. :) it can sure vary. You can call the 2go office and they can tell you..

Oh and good luck.. Your almost there.

Edited by scruffydog, 17 January 2012 - 05:32 AM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-17 05:32:00
PhilippinesCompetent attorney

I just got engaged to a lady in Manila and am ready to start the K-1 process. Does anyone know of a GOOD U.S. attorney they can recommend, one that is detailed, returns phone calls and ideally has some connections in Manila in case there are any problems?

Just got finished. My love is here and we have filed AOS. I used an attorney and it was a complete waste of money. Ask questions and do it yourself. You can do it.

P>s.-- No such thing as a competent attorney that returns phone calls. It's like the myth of the unicorn.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-14 03:44:00
PhilippinesInventory of what I'm sending fiancee for interview - please check over

Having received the MNL # today by email, I'm also almost ready to FedEx a big packet of stuff to the Philippines so that my fiancee can bring these to the interview. Please comment if I am missing anything or did anything wrong.

First, my strategy here is I'm sending one big packet of non-relationship documents first... so, everything except proof of relationship and having met. There's too much to send all at once, and I want to minimize the risk of it all getting lost in the mail on the first try (especially the unrecoverable original ticket stubs, etc). So, this inventory is just for the non-relationship stuff that I'm sending first. Also, I have already sent a copy of most of the I-129F paperwork to her long ago.

What I am doing with each document is:
- Usually sending 2 of everything (either 1 or 2 of them are original if applicable).
- Keeping a 3rd copy here for a backup.
- Everything is also scanned and saved on my HD.
- All the scans are kept in our shared dropbox folder. The idea here is to help deal with any last minute corrections, etc. that may happen as she's traveling, and this is the fastest way to do it.

The List:

I-134: Two originally signed printouts of the I-134, each one stapled together. They are NOT notarized. In section #7, I ONLY list my income, since it is sufficient. I do have other stuff, including house, but I didn't list any of them.

Last 3 year's tax transcripts (up to 2010), "originals". My fiancee will make copies and bring one copy as well as these originals.

1040 PDF printout of tax year 2010. I filed electronically, so this is just a reprint of the PDF. I'm not sure if I should sign it or how.

Last 3 months of bank statements, just the relevant pages. This is to prove I have income direct deposited, not to show assets.

Original/certified copy of my birth certificate, plus one copy.

2 copies of my passport data page.

2 copies, originally signed, for my updated letter of intent.

2 printouts of email from NVCResearch saying the MNL #.

2 copies of NOA1.

2 copies of NOA2.

2 copies of last 3 months of printed out pay stubs (there's no such thing as "original" here).

2 copies of last paystub for year 2010 and 2009, to show more year-end totals.

2 originally signed letters from my bank, stating when opened, balance, and total deposits over last year.

2 copies each of last 4 years W-2 forms (2008-2011).

1 original/certified of divorce certificate, divorce nisi and divorce agreement. Also, one copy of all this.

2 printouts from for employment verification. Unfortunately, I cannot get a signed letter -- they just won't do it. The printout I got claims it is for "immigration purposes" but I don't really believe them.

How is this?

I would say your on top of it. Don't worry about the PDF of your 1040. If you have the transcripts your fine. My only comment would be that a lot of this stuff can be sent electronically and printed there, saving you a lof of $$$ in Fedex bill.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-25 21:52:00
PhilippinesGot Case # but Letter from USEM not received

My Fiancee received the NVC Letter saying that I-129F has been approved and a case number is assigned already. This NVC letter was received Jan 4,2012. However up to now, the letter from US Em Phil to the applicant has not been received yet after 3 weeks. Is this normal? How important is that letter? Is that letter the same as the Packet 3 which will have the instructions? Can I go ahead and go for medical and schedule the interview even though this letter I have not received?

I emailed the US Embassy and no reply yet for a week now. Anyone have experience same as this?

Thanks for your replies..

The letter from the embassy is worthless. Go pay your Visa fee at BPI. Wait approx 6-8 hours then schedule your interview on-line . All you need is your MNL number and passport. downlad the forms for your interview. I am fairly certian the Manila embassy no longer sends a packet, just the letter. My wife never got a letter and has been here almost 3 months.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-25 21:47:00
PhilippinesGot response from NVCResearch w.r.t. MNL #
[quote name='Wally Greene' timestamp='1327576329' post='5121295']
Both methods are correct. You say set appointment as soon as you get MNL# and pay Visa application fee. Which you can do :thumbs: .

I say wait until you have all document, forms and ID's before setting appointment and start medical exam. Either way works :thumbs: .

Agree 100%. If you have doubts on when you will have your papers together of course wait until you are sure. However most of us have had at least 5 months to prepare by the time the NOA2 gets here so be ready when that NOA2 comes in.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-26 18:39:00
PhilippinesGot response from NVCResearch w.r.t. MNL #

Thank you for reading my walkthrough. It took sometime to post this previously on another VJ'er post. This is based on getting ahead of some steps by preparing if there is delays. Of course if all goes well each step can move along quickly."Better to be safe then sorry".

I stated in the post to start preparing the packet 3. While their petition is being shipped to USEM. USEM needs time to enter the petition into their system. USEM will receive an electronic copy of the I-129F petition first. If you call and try and set an appointment. USEM will tell you they need to receive the hard copy first before scheduling the appointment.

That's why I posted to start preparing the Packet 3 and all forms and documents needed for the interview and medical.

The presumption is if the beneficiary my not have all documents, ID's for there medical and to check what required documents you have. If you have all ID's and documents. The beneficiary is good to go and can pre-register there form on-line and print it out for SLMEC. The beneficiary can go ahead take there medical as it is a walk-in appointment. First come first served.

As the beneficiary is in process with their Medical. The beneficiary can now pay for their petition fee and set there appointment with USEM. As enough time has elapsed for USEM to receive the hard copy I-129F package from NVC and enter it into there system.

The presumption is that if the medical does not go well. They have time to prepare themselves for whatever make be the issue. Example: Annulment (2 week delay), Suicide Scars (1-2 week delay), extreme tattoos(1-2 week delay), Positive Sputum test (30 - 90 day delay depending) these are just estimates. If the beneficiary passes the Medical exam with flying colors. Then its a 3 day process. On to the next process...

This all presumes that all documents are in order and correct, passed medical and no issues at USEM. ie if a key document is missing, errors on documents, does not meet the minimum income requirements and does not receive a 221G form. Then all is perfect. But if they receive a 221G form. They can be delay for a few days or a weeks even months depending.

I like to hope for the best but plan for the worst..

Actually you can schedule your appointment as soon as NVC assigns a MNL case number. Just pay the fee at BPI and schedule on line as soon as the payment posts. Usually about 8 hours
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-26 05:20:00
PhilippinesGot response from NVCResearch w.r.t. MNL #

I have only heard people say two days also. Physical day one, complete things and get shots on day two.

We just completed process back in November. Physical was 2 days for us.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-26 05:05:00
PhilippinesGot response from NVCResearch w.r.t. MNL #

So, she can get on a plane and head straight for the medical now, right? I'm thinking it makes sense to get that done first, then she goes home and waits for the interview. That way, less stress during interview time.

We don't have every other document in her hands yet, and I'm not sure how far in advance the interviews are scheduled. I need enough time to get rest of docs (having trouble proving I have a job) and send them to her.

Yes. Go ahead and pay fee and schedule the interview. Let her go on to medical.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-25 21:55:00
Philippines221G - Tax Return

with that I agree, but probably deserves....Posted Image

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-28 21:14:00
Philippines221G - Tax Return

Sorry, correct me if I'm wrong but were you there at the interview?

They didn't even look at the income, I stated that is my concern yes, but they didn't even look at it - the particular CO we had DID NOT ACCEPT THE TAX TRANSCRIPT OR MY W2. I provided 2007 to 2010 W2s and Tax Transcripts. Did I make a mistake? Yes, I should have included the Form 1040's, but actually I think my case was a special blessing in disguise.

IF they denied based on income, then my 221g WOULD HAVE SAID SO. PERIOD. But it doesn't, it says 2010 W2 (which she had with her) and 2010 Income Tax Return needed. Why would they ask for the stuff if they know it wasn't sufficient?

Point of the story:

TAKE W2, FORM 1040, and IF you have them, IRS Tax Transcripts as backup, because maybe the CO doesn't pay taxes and therefore has no idea what a Tax Transcript really is!

You gotta ask yourself the Dirty Harry:

I know what you're thinking. "Did he take six documents or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is the Manila Embassy, the most stringent Embassy in the world, and would blow your case clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

And learn from the mistakes (or hidden blessings) of others so you don't have to go through what we did.

AND ABOVE ALL - GIVE GLORY TO GOD no matter what the outcome!

=) Because He sure does know best, and I praise Him for this process because it truly is, a blessing to not have to get a sponsor and go through Administrative Review. Submitting extra documents is much better.

I tell you what you do. Submit your 2010 1040 in which you do not meet eligibility requirements, and do not submit any new evidance such as your new 2011 return, and I bet you will get another special blessing in disguise.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-27 18:45:00
Philippines221G - Tax Return

Yes I gave my fiance the IRS Tax Transcript (which was mailed to me from the IRS) and my W2. And they still request the W2 and now Tax Return.

Im concerned because I did not make enough in 2010, but I did in 2011. I just submitted my 2011 taxes and gave her both 2010 and 2011 Tax Return and W2s. Praying they will accept this now...

You were turned down for not meeting the basic eligibility income requirements in 2010, not because you were using a Tax Transcript, which a majority of people use for the I-134. I just wanted to clarify that point in case, some novice VJ users took this to mean tax transcipts are not acceptable for the I-134.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-25 21:01:00

I Only use LBC for my Shipments.they are very good and the Box get there in 30 days. BUT......I am on the West Coast so closer to the Philippines.its the only way i will ship, and thats to Cebu!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

Mine go to cebu also, but leave out of Jacksonville , Fl. I guess that is why the longer ship time.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-29 21:38:00


We had a box picked up from our house on Nov 7, 2011 and thankfully we heard it was delivered Sat Jan 28th, 2012. I do have tp tell you that it was very stressful dealing with FOREX and we were sure it was never going to be delivered. We have heard every excuse in the book. Trouble with shipping department, hold up with customs in Manila, then days of the "computer system" is down. We were then told that they have no say or sway with the RP workers, meaning once it hits the RP, good luck. On top of that, everyone we spoke to was NASTY. Yelling at us, giving us promises they would call back with updates (Never once received any returned call backs). Once a women named precious told my wife that the box was loaded on the truck and would be delivered. When we called two days later when the box never showed, they told me to my face that my wife must be lying. I am making it a point to let everyone know to find any other service besides FOREX. There are plenty of other services you can use. You do not want to deal with the horrible company unless you like aggravation.

I used LBC a couple of times. It took 6-8 weeks also. They are one of the biggest in the Philippines. I think that is about the normal transit time for Balikbayan box.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-28 21:11:00
PhilippinesDocuments for Manila Interview

Hello, everyone, and THANK YOU for your help. It is very much appreciated!
We are now compiling documents to send to her, for her interview in Manila, and I have several questions, please. Some of the problems arise because of apparent discrepancies between the State Dept. documents (both downloaded the same day, from their web-site):

1. Is the visa fee $330, or $350? One document says one, one say the other.

2. We are applying also for a K-3 for her daughter (and a K-9 for her dog-- just kidding!). Do we pay the full visa fee amount for her daughter, too? (that is, $330 x 2?-- or $350 x 2?)

3. Do we pay the Immigrant Visa Security Surcharge ($74)? And if yes, do we pay it also for her daughter? (that is, $74 x 2?)

4. Is the visa fee payable only in pesos, and only at/through a Philippines institution? Again, one document says one thing, the other says something different.

5. Are there any other fees, aside from visa fee, the Security Surcharge, and the fees for the two medical exams?

6. About the medical exam: My fiancée lives in Mindanao (Philippines), and if possible we'd like her to have to make just the one trip to Manila. The documents say that the medical exam results are delivered directly to the Embassy-- is this done that same day, or the next day, or does it take longer? In other words, if her interview has been scheduled for a Wednesday, can she go to St. Luke's early on Tuesday and trust that the results will have been delivered when she goes for her interview the very next day?

7. This question is a bit from frustration: why are there discrepancies between the two State Dept. forms?

I will admit that this is the step that most intimidates me. As I've been telling friends and co-workers, we're now at the state where we need to provide a small mountain of documents, and a slightly larger mountain of money. I guess it's a good thing I am independently wealthy! Posted Image
(And my fear can result in a kind of paralysis, which does NO ONE any good at all!)

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your help.


K-9 for dog :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-29 21:34:00
PhilippinesApplication has received from NVC

Good morning everyone. I have some concern regardless of my Case Number for K-1 Petition. I sent an email to and I asked for the Case number and 2 days later they came back with an email saying that they already received the application. The email I sent clearly stated that "Kindly provide the Case Number" once the application is received. Please see below email response. Any suggestion? Please I need your help on this...

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

The NVC recently received this petition. The appropriate agent (applicant, petitioner, or attorney) will receive instructions for the further processing of this petition within 6 to 8 weeks.

No Case number provided????????

Start calling them every afternoon from now until you get your MNL #. You can't use the automated system for a K-1. Don't pay any attetion to that 15 business days bull. give it 5-6 days after Noa2 and hound them to death. Soon as you get your mNL schedule medical and interview.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-30 21:16:00
PhilippinesWaiting for a Case Number from NVC

Hello everyone. I Called NVC and I asked for my Case Number and I spoke to a gentlemen and said that it would take another 20 days for them to receive my Package and they should have my Case Number Available by then. Since, we don't have the MNL# yet? Do we need to wait for the appointment letter to start on my fiancee's medical appointment? Right now she's working on getting her Cenomar and NBI Clearance. Don't know if she can start her Medical Appointment right away? Any suggestion please and advice will be greatly appreciated.

1) NOA2 hard Copy sent. Approved on 1/23/12
2) Called NVC and still waiting on the Case Number.
3) Can she start on her Medical??? What's next???

Bull they all say that . Keep calling with out fail.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-30 21:20:00