PhilippinesParty Time in Davao area

I will be in Pi for the next couple of weeks. If any one wants to hook up and go looking at eye candy and drink a few cold beers. Send me a PM here

I will be in Davao area mostly, may spend a couple days up in Cebu. I know Davao pretty well

Take care and I will check my PM.

Btw the weather has been great in Davao. Nice breeze, very low humidity, no rain. Good Times So Far.......

Just an observation but if your still wanting to go out partying and looking at "Eye Candy" do you think your ready for marriage ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-03-18 07:34:00
PhilippinesPinay Friend Locations

I have 2 suggestions,

1. Find a Filipino store near you. They will have all her foods (you won't be able to pronounce), weird looking vegetables and frozen fish. The stores are a great place to find Fil-Am organizations and meet other pinays. My wife went inside our local store one day and met a Filipina who knew of a job opening where she worked. My wife left the store with a name and phone number. 2 years later my wife is still working there and loving it. Her best friend works there as well.

2. As most Filipino's are Catholic, take her to church if she wants. She will find many friends there as well.

My wife is from Tandag, Mindanao. We reside in the Florida panhandle.

Best Wishes.

Great advice--- Also be warned the small dried fish smell really bad.

The Pinoy TV channels on Direct TV helped also.

Edited by scruffydog, 23 February 2012 - 06:48 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-02-23 18:47:00
Philippinesprint outs

If it makes you feel better hauling a thousand pages go for it. But no CO is going to go thru a thousand pages. Most people bring a sampling to show conversations over the months, maybe a page or two for each month. I gave my wife 20 pages and the CO only looked at one. In terms of "missing something" I doubt if it will be in chat logs, but in some other documentation. Just my opinion.

You are so right. Absolutely absurd to haul suitcases of chat logs to USEM. No officer is going to look at all that. In fact unless there is a red flag, chances are they will not look at anything. It seems that people always concretate on the wrong things. I have never heard of a case at USEM, being delayed because of lack of chat logs, cards, etc etc. It is almost always lack of sufficient income, no divorce decree, missing info on NBI etc etc.

I know someone is going to say, " What will it hurt to have all that in case, my answer is nothing. It will not hurt to memorize the pre amble to the constitution, the words to the star spangled banner or to memorize the state capitols, it's jsut that it's totaly a waste of time. Concentrate on the important things like making sure you have all your legal docs in order and you meet the basic requirements for income and have proof of that etc etc.
A few random selected pages of chat logs, a few cards, receipts where you sent money, 7 or 8 pictures are plenty. I hear people talk about thier 5+ lb packages they send for the interview and scratch my head.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-03-20 04:26:00
Philippinessending money

Hello everyone i was wondering which is better when sending money to the philippines should you send in USA dollars or should you send in peso ?
I have heard several things but was told recently that its better to send in usa money and not peso as they are taking a cut off of it on the other end.


It's got to be converted at some point. I am not sure that you can wire money to the PH in U.S. Dollars. I may be wrong
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-03-26 18:14:00
Philippineswhats next after arriving in US

Hi guys im confused what to do next after arriving in the US.. apply for SSN or apply for AOS? If someone could give me a steps that would be much appreciated.. thanks

It does not matter. Obviously you can't apply for the AOS until you are married, but you can apply for the SSN in any order, right away or technically never.

We waited until after the marriage to apply for the SSN, so we would not have to apply for a name change. That's just us. You can apply for it as soon as your paper work has had time to get in the system. If I remember right that is about 2 weeks. Someone correct me on that if I am wrong.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-03-15 04:23:00
PhilippinesAfter she came to USA.

You have way too much patients.

For Me I am the Man in the Relationship, the Alpha.

My gurl is told and understands, that it is my way or the highway.

I will punish or scold her if she try the old silent treatmeant, for me I deal punishment quickly and swiftly, This is what a Pinay gurl knows and appreciates.

Bawwwa.. Yeah right.... Your obviously trying to be funny, but I bet you just stirred the pot LOL
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-03-19 04:32:00
My wife has been here since November and we still never received a letter. You should be fine
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-07 08:05:00
PhilippinesDo we need the visa before getting the CFO sticker?
You have to have the Visa to get the sticker, but you can take the course before the Visa is issued, then go back and pick up your sticker
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-11 21:17:00
PhilippinesPreparing Papers for Interview in Manila

I was planning on sending my USPS EXPRESS MAIL like I did for the I-129F .... They guarantee 3-5 Day delivery. I already talked to them. Is this not advisable?

don't use the Mail to send important papers. It is handed of the the Philippine post office. After that it's 50/50%
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-14 22:37:00
PhilippinesPreparing Papers for Interview in Manila

Hello everyone. I have a question. I wanted to know if it's ok to prepare my fiancee's package like I did the I-129F. I am a little bit crazy when it comes to organization and I two hole drilled, fastened and quick access tabbed my 129F. Since I have to send her my copy for reference and send originals to her I am going ahead and preparing the documents she needs as well. I was going to use the same format with dividers and easy access tabs. Will the embassy be okay with this? I am making 3 copies of the packet I'm sending her one for me, one for her and one for the embassy. Also sending a separate pack with all the originals together. Thanks for all your help.


I am attaching a photo of my I129F packet just to show what I'm doing.

On a more serious note. I doubt anyone here can say for sure so any answer will be a guess. My guess is that she would not get turned down for it, but I am guessing they scan or keep those forms, she would have to unbind them. Might be a little less cumbersome to send them in not fastened or two hole drilled or whatever that procedure is., I do admire super organized people of which I am not.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-14 16:45:00
PhilippinesPreparing Papers for Interview in Manila

Hello everyone. I have a question. I wanted to know if it's ok to prepare my fiancee's package like I did the I-129F. I am a little bit crazy when it comes to organization and I two hole drilled, fastened and quick access tabbed my 129F. Since I have to send her my copy for reference and send originals to her I am going ahead and preparing the documents she needs as well. I was going to use the same format with dividers and easy access tabs. Will the embassy be okay with this? I am making 3 copies of the packet I'm sending her one for me, one for her and one for the embassy. Also sending a separate pack with all the originals together. Thanks for all your help.


I am attaching a photo of my I129F packet just to show what I'm doing.

OMG I so need you to work for me LO L :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-14 16:40:00
My wife knows we are not equal. She knows she runs the show LOL :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-16 20:37:00
PhilippinesPropane Protocol in PI

If you are in PI and you run out of gas (like propane) for cooking and you have to walk about a third of a mile to refill the tank. Who should carry the tank?

the man or the woman. Does the answer change if the guy is in his 60's and she is in her 20's?

The woman. The man will stay home and STIR THE POT lol.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-18 20:01:00
Philippinesafter Medical in PH, is there another medical in US

You are not required to have another medical exam for your wife as long as it has not been over a year since the one at Saint Lukes. You will need a civil surgeon to sign off on the I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record. You will need to let them know that they are only signing for the immunization part of the I-693 as your wife's medical exam is still current if less than one year. They may try to tell you that they will not do it without a medical exan. In that case you call around until you find a civil surgeon who will sign the paperwork for the immunization portion of the I-693. You shouldn't have to pay more than $50.00 for the civil surgeon to certify the immunizations and they will sign and seal it in an envelope in accordance with the USCIS guidelines and then you will mail it with the rest of your AOS packet. Your wife will need to get the remaining immunizations that were not available at Saint Lukes. THe civil surgeon's office can verify which ones are needed if you fax them the DS-3025 that your wife should have received form Saint Lukes. Get the shots at your family doctor and they should be covered by your medical insurance. Below is a link to help you find approved civil surgeons. Shop around. Good luck.


He is right. However good luck finding one that will understand that and see you for 50.00. He is right it can be done, but we had no luck finding one that would. Finally gave up and paid the extra money.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-24 19:34:00
Philippinesk1 denied

Thank you all for your messages and support.

We have tried to figure out what could have been the red flags. Let me share with you the important issues that were asked in the interview. First of all the interview was here in Singapore and we chose to have it here because I am currently working here. I hope this enlightens everyone. Sorry, I wasn't able to reply soon and clarify the location of interview.

She asked,how did you meet your fiance? I met him online.Which website? I gave the website and she asked me to repeat. She asked how long we have been talking. By the way, my fiance is an american and I am a filipina, I'm sorry to say but we thought this could have made her suspicious. She was saying you cannot fall in love to someone you haven't really met. Then she read some of the emails and said that you plan to have children with someone you haven't even met?? So I said we were planning our life together and I love kids and we were romantic in the email.

She asked where he stays and what he does right now and asked about his income. So I gave her the evidences for his income. I explained how he gets paid and his privileges as an ex-army.

She asked if I ever applied for a visa before. Yes,I did for a tourist visa and was denied. It was last yr. She asked me what happened. I told her I was going to visit my best friend in college who had given birth that time and she wanted me to come. She was looking at the screen and reading something. I think it was the record of my interview last year. And then she said that I was going to meet my fiance. I said yes it was also part of the plan. I think she didn't like that part.

She asked about our when and where and how long and why did he leave soon. I explained about his classes that were going to start soon. She also asked why he didn't come again. I said that we are hoping I can get to the US and it will save us money with the ticket and other expenses.

Then she started to ask for more evidences... gave her the pics, some more emails, cards, letters,chat logs, phone bills and credit card receipts.... then she asked again for more evidence to prove our ongoing relationship...and that's all I have... I even asked if it's money remittance? She said NO, not money. I told her we talk and chat everyday. That's how we keep our relationship going right now.

Then she told me the result.She said that I'm not eligible for the visa because I was not able to demonstrate our ongoing relationship. Gave me back my papers and walked away with the other papers and then I said I asked if we can we appeal? She said NO APPEAL...other option is you get married.

That's all. I hope those who are applying for k1 can get something from this experience.

Thank you guys!

In the above you said she said """ She was saying you cannot fall in love to someone you haven't really met. Then she read some of the emails and said that you plan to have children with someone you haven't even met?? So I said we were planning our life together and I love kids and we were romantic in the email."""""""

She is clearly saying that she does not think you two have met in person. Do you not have copies of his passport stamps and documentation and evidence of you two having met in the past two years. ??
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-14 05:56:00
Philippinesk1 denied

I had my interview today and it was really devastating. The application was denied due to no evidence of ongoing relationship. I have showed the CO phone bills, itinerary, letters, emails,chat logs and pictures. She kept on asking me, "Anything else you can show me to prove your ongoing relationship?". She didn't even want to take the chat summary. I just told her that's all I have. She gave me back the original documents and kept the photocopies. I asked if we can appeal, she said "No appeal, other option is you get married." Just like that. :(

We don't know what else can we do. My fiance was writing an email to the embassy here but I stopped him from doing so. I thought maybe you guys can give us an idea what will be our next step.

THANK you!

There has to be more to it than this. There has to be some big red flag, that made the CO ask those questions. I know many including myself that only visited once and only had a short courtship. Of the hundreds I have talked to almost all said the CO barely looked at the evidence. Not to be cynical but in almost all these cases in the Philippines, that got a turn down, there turned out to be more to the story.

Is it possible you had a form not filled out, or were lacking some officially required documentation. Did your sponsor meet the income guidelines?. If you had bills, chat logs, pictures etc that should have been more than sufficient.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-11 21:15:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker
Interesting local story. A Pinay woman was attacked by two thugs. Under fire she pulls one of her many Pistols and drills one in the chest. Two bad she missed the other. Also noted she says she shot her ex years ago when she found him cheating..
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-27 04:34:00
PhilippinesMarried to a Filipina

I just find it funny reading posts and comments here sometimes. The American husbands talk like they are an expert on Filipino cultures especially when it comes to family, money, marriage and education.

The only thing all this has taught me is that all women have some basic hard coded characteristics no matter what culture or country they come from. P.S.

I love my wife from the Philippines and the above statement was not a show of dissatisfaction
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-24 19:38:00
PhilippinesPinoy Planning

What I get a kick out of, the planning can often start a week in advance and still end up that way. And its not only different places, but different times and different days. Over the course of a week, its been yep we're going, nope we can make that, ok but don't like the food there, ok we're going and at the last minutes suddenly its at our house. :rofl:

Exactly it. Glad it's just not me
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-27 22:05:00
PhilippinesPinoy Planning

:rofl: I experience something like that almost daily. My fiancee will come in the room and tell me suddenly we are going to her home for lunch or to visit an aunt & uncle... I was lounging two seconds before didn't have a clue that plans had been made. I feel sort of like a fireman waiting for a call....

Hank that is it exactly. It's like your in the car on the way to the grocery store and the dinner plan with a group slowly unviels and you end up there instead of the store. Then 3 other couples show up at 1 restaurant only to find out the organizer is at another. I call it the "PPC" Pinoy planning committee. lOL.. I would not have it any other way. She asked me if it made me mad. I said of course not it's irritating and funny at the same time. I am sure they put up with worse from us.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-27 04:30:00
PhilippinesPinoy Planning
Before everyone gets all worked about stupid american Men thinking they know Pinoy Culture. I agree People are people except for this.

I call it the Pinoy Planning committee- It's the most Bizarre phenom I have ever seen. One Pinay has an idea to all meet somewhere. It's passed on to the others who then further the plans without consulting the original planner. Often times you end up with groups of people at the wrong place at the wrong time, and no one quite knowing where to meet. .
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-26 21:16:00
PhilippinesGetting SSN for K1 before or after married?


I went thru the we need your SSN for insurance thing, or so HR said. I maid them call the insurance company. It is against the law to refuse to provide insurance coverage to an otherwise covered employee becuse of a lack of SSN. We added her no problem after I explained that.

As for you can't get married without a SSN in some places. They may ask for but they can not require it by law. If you explain you do not have one they may ask you to sign an affidavit saying you don't have one. You don't even need one to file a joint income tax return.
If asked any agency public or private is required by law to furnish you in writing if it is a requirement or a request.

Once gain no problem getting it right away It's a personal preference. I just did not want to make two trips to the SSO.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-06 09:19:00
PhilippinesGetting SSN for K1 before or after married?

Hi Guys,

To all who got their SSN in Utah state did you guys married first before getting your SSN without any issues or get SSN first before getting married? Im going to get married June 9 and my I-194 expires on July. I wanted to get SSN after getting married but i dunno if that will have an issue or something. I need advice to those who got their SSN in Utah state.

THanks Guys

We got married a month after arrival. We waited until after marriage so we don't have to go back for name change. She can't work until after she files for AOS get's either the green card or early work permit, so I don't understand the big rush. We have the early work permit and should get Green Card any day.. Of course if you want to get it right away that's ok also.

I know early work permit and green card are not official names, just saying before you Johny googles get started.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-05 16:03:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

My advice is once she has the baby, get a paternity test DO NOT sign the birth certificate without one. Her actions make it seem as if she has something going on behind your back. Taking the car out, not coming home, being mad at you while "on the phone" Play it safe make sure the child is yours , if it is then support your child and divorce her if thats what she wants put her out of the house.

Agree. Your being played. You need to man up.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-07 08:12:00
PhilippinesFed Ex to the Philippines

I sent the final documents to my fiancée for her interview in Manila.

I heard about Johnny Air but elected to use Fed Ex because of their reliability. I sent the document package 13 days prior to her interview. The package arrived in Manila 2 days after being sent. After 5 days we started to get worried that the documents would not be released prior to the interview. I called Fed Ex several times to see if the documents could be released. My Fiancée also call the manager in Manila. The manager would not return her call even though employees at Fed Ex said she would. She was always on a coffee break or at lunch. After a couple of days I complained to Fed Ex. The Fed Ex manager finely returned the call. She was very rude to my Fiancée. Two days prior to the interview we threatened Fed Ex with canceling our $100,000 + per year account with them. The very next day the package was delivered.

The documents were in disarray and some of the Constance was stolen from the Fed Ex document package.

Warning: if you use Fed Ex to Manila, please go to your doctor "first" and get high blood perssure pills :rofl:

The good news is that she passed her interview and will be on her way to the USA this month! WOW!

I used them on several occasion and the service was spectacular and went from my door step to hers in about 3-4 days. Is there something your not telling us ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-07 06:37:00
PhilippinesGot Green Card

We are just starting the journey so I get really optimistic when I hear good things happening to others!! Good Luck

Brent unfortunately it's like bad service at a restaurant, you generally only hear about the bad ones. If you meet the income eligibility requirements, don't have some criminal past, she has all her paperwork on her end and you fill out your paper work correctly you should have no problem. A lot of times people will post in here that they are denied for this or that minor thing, but if you dig we find out there is usually a bit more to it. Having recenly gone thru it and having many friends stateside that have, it's a fairly straightforward process if everything is in order. I will also advise you since you are just starting, some will advise you to keep and forward these 6lb chat logs and 100's of pictures, The truth is they don't have time to look at all that, and chances are they will not look at anyting unless there is a problem. A few random selected pages over the months, 8-10 pictures showing you together and preferably with her family, receipts, cards and of course the legally required stuff.

Also nothing other than the some of the forms has to be original paper work. common myth. The Notarized myth is very prevalent also.

Good luck -- and P.S. Most of the men I know that brought Pinay women over have been very happy for a long time. The ones that were not usually married someone wayyyyy to young for them. 25-30 year age gap or they married some hoochie mamma, because she was the one that would cyber on the first contact and had proactive pictures all over her profile. If she is a hooch in the Philippines she is going to be a hooch here.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-12 06:29:00
PhilippinesGot Green Card

Good luck with that date for the green card. We've been waiting since our November filing. Those transfered to California are not getting them very fast, regardless of what the letter they send says.

OP congrats on getting the card. The one thing getting the green card will change in our house, is the worry of an RFE will go away. My wife did all that paperwork, and I just kind of glanced over it, so now she worries.

Yes that and we now have the ability to travel a bit more freely. For whatever reason I don't think we filed for Ap. Moot point now.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-11 20:01:00
PhilippinesGot Green Card
We got our Green Card issued Yesterday. Almost exactly 11 months from K-1 filing to her here and receiving Green card. When you follow the process and meet the guidelines it is a fairly painless process..

I wonder if the rest of you noticed this phenomenon. NOA1 made me excited and I followed VJ closely. By the time the NOA2 came I was ecstatic and that period of time between NOA2 and interview almost drove me crazy. The day she traveled I don't think I slept a wink and tracked her flight every 10 mins. It seems that between the Marriage and the time you waitng on the Green card, though you settle into your married routine and the green card seems like a small milestone, instead of the huge life changing experience. It really does not change a whole lot except she is legal now.

I will add this also. For those of you still new in the process wondering if it is all worth it. The answer is a Big YES. Hang in there. Don't read those internet horror stories about Men that get taken advantage of. I have figured out that when that happens, it is usually because they made poor choices. It is as good as you imagined..
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-11 04:36:00
PhilippinesTime from K-1 to Green Card
11 months from the day we got NOA1 until Green Card in hand. Somehow I feel we breezed thru the process but others say that is about typical. What say you ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-13 10:58:00
PhilippinesBest Way to Ship Magic Jacks to Philippines
To address the shipping question. If time is not critical use the box. It's cheaper in the long run, and if you sue Fedex etc, there is a good chance you are going to have to pay huge customs fee for electronic goods.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-12 12:37:00
PhilippinesNOA2... Paid the Interview fee. Now what.

Now that you have your MNL case number. You can follow my Visa Application walk-through as a guide or reference. If you have any questions, please do ask.

NVC Contact Information
Tel: (603) 334-0700
Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Eastern Time)

Once you get your MNL#. You can start on the Visa Application process for the beneficiary.

You can look at my K-1 Visa Application process for Manila as a guide or reference.

At this point you should start preparing your fiancé's Packet 3.


And that should a be all we have to say about that to quote Mr. Gump... Well done
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-17 04:25:00
Philippinescountry music

Glad you brought this up.

Neither my Pinay nor her son have ever seen the Star Wars saga. However, I am not going to tell them anything about any of the characters or the storyline development. I had been wondering the best order in which to show them the complete set, so did some research online.

And the answer is... Episodes IV, V, II, III, VI.

Leave Episode I out completely and save it for some other time. This preserves the surprise of "who's your daddy" and gives a satisfying end at the final conclusion. I'm gonna go that route. Doing them in this order makes the story about Luke, not Anakin. Yet, there is some backstory about Anakin and the whole Empire vs. the Rebellion thing to provide filler.

A good friend of mine has a big box full of Star Wars toys and will be giving them to my soon-to-be stepson, who will be turning 6 next month. Awesome.

Good plan, I anticipated for a long time the day she would arrive, and the first night so I could explain Star Wars.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-21 18:15:00
Philippinescountry music

how did you explain country music??? Nashville??? How do you explain this type of music???? How did you explain bluegrass?? I am tlaking the fiddle, the banjo, the steel guitar, the "twang", and the other things..... what is a rodeo? ("I thought that was somewhere you shopped???")

Tell her it is Badoy Music. That did the trick for me.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-20 08:36:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do

I tell every newbie that asks "what's next?" to pre-register. As for scheduling the interview at the embassy as soon as you have the MNL # I totally agree with you... there is no need to wait "for the packet to arrive", I scheduled my fiancee's interview as soon as I had the number. We did the whole journey in a sneeze over 5 months from petition to visa, only we hung out in the Phils for two months so we just got home.


For the NVC:

Give them 7 - 10 days before calling. Call after 4:45 PM eastern time for shorter wait times

K1's are not tracked through the AVR, ever. They are processed like an immigrant visa, but they are NOT immigrant visas, so they fall into a completely different class of their own. Therefore you need an operator. To get there:

1-603-334-0700 Operator assistance is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 12:00 AM (Eastern Time)

Press 1 for English
Press 5 for an operator





You are required to provide the following security information with each inquiry to receive a case specific response:

* NVC Case Number or USCIS Receipt Number (Place in the subject line of the e-mail).
* Petitioner's name and date of birth.
( NOTE: If the visa petition is employment-based, include the employer's company/organization name instead of the petitioner's name and date of birth. )
* Principal Applicant's name and date of birth.
* If you are an attorney, include your name and the name and address of your law office.

After NOA2 AND YOU HAVE YOUR MNL # (no mention of waiting... you got the number... its Rock 'n' Roll time!!!)

(open all of these links then save them to your bookmarks so you have them for easy access)



The DS-156 can be difficult to complete sometimes, if you have issues try a different web browser. I had problems getting it to print with IE8, Chrome, Firefox, finally got it to print using Safari.

When scheduling online with the embassy you need to include the "XX" at the beginning of the passport number.

Make sure to print two copies of the interview confirmation page as you will need one for St. Luke's and the other for the embassy.

St. Luke's:

Have copies of passport bio page, confirmation page from scheduling interview online at embassy, and of course the 2X2 photos.


Required documents & "OTHER DOCUMENTS" they ask for at CFO: copies of; CENOMAR, certified birth certificate, bio page of passport, visa page from passport, pictures together, from USC - bio page of passport, birth certificate, divorce decree (if been married before) are the most common. The "other documents" clause can be ANYTHING with those nit-wits at CFO.

** From the Family Code of the Philippines: it's 21-25 for advice and 18-21 for consent.

Art. 14. In case either or both of the contracting parties, not having been emancipated by a previous marriage, are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, they shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding articles, exhibit to the local civil registrar, the consent to their marriage of their father, mother, surviving parent or guardian, or persons having legal charge of them, in the order mentioned. Such consent shall be manifested in writing by the interested party, who personally appears before the proper local civil registrar, or in the form of an affidavit made in the presence of two witnesses and attested before any official authorized by law to administer oaths. The personal manifestation shall be recorded in both applications for marriage license, and the affidavit, if one is executed instead, shall be attached to said applications. (61a)

Art. 15. Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application therefor.A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought,together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement.

Good info
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-23 20:59:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do

Ya I know, he does it quite often though.. and its not helping anyone. He is like a dog with a bone it seems.... until he sees a reflection in the pond. :lol:

And telling people they do "walk in only" and not even mentioning that you can preregister is helping people.. OK posters I stand corrected it is a "Registration Printout, Form, Letter," whatever you want to call it is fine by me. The fact remains that if you just walk in , as the Odd couple suggests it is going to cause you a lot more time and trouble.

Please go to the website and printout the " from the is generated after you fill it out and hit print" Give "that" piece of paper to the guard, that allowed you to pre register, ( making sure not to call it making an appointment at St. Lukes" like the other gazillion people that have gone thru this, and it will save you a lot of time.

BTW way Tahoma per our 6 month running disagreement on, can you schedule an appointment for an interview as soon as you get your MNL from the NVC. You still maintain that is not possible. I eagerly await you and Hanky Poo's response to whatever I address to you.

Like I said all I want is for people to understand the easiest quickest most painless way to get thru this. I did it in a bit under 5 months from NOA1 to touchdown in this country, I must have done something right?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-22 18:32:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do

^^^ If you had been paying attention, you would have known that St. Lukes has turned away some people who showed up with their MNL case number simply written down on a piece of paper or who just gave it verbally. However, I guess that's asking too much.

More "scruffy wisdom"...

...wait...there's more...

...and yet more...

:lol: You should try listening to yourself sometime!

Newbies whatever you may take from all this, please please go to this link and pre-register before your future wife goes to St. Luke's please. Like I said earlier my main goal is to help Newbies get through this as painless and quickly as possible by giving you good accurate info and sometimes Tahoma and I bump heads about what that is . Despite what he said doing this is preferable to just walking in.

Pre-register online and have her print out this letter. This is the appointment letter she needs to present at SLMEC.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-22 04:41:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do
[quote name='Hank_Amy' timestamp='1337645060' post='5392626']
And I think first come first served and walk-in are about the same.... arrive and get in line.

my response was to your comment to Tahoma about informing St. Luke's.... :bonk:

Ok I admit I was jabbing Tahoma with the proverbial pin, but reading the 4 pages of goggled cut and pastes of definitions is so much fun.. Seriously Hank.. First come first served and walk in only are vastly different, by registering online you are telling them I will be there that day.

When you get to St. Lukes all patients fall in line this is true. Once inside you are asked if you are registered. If you are, then you give them your appointment letter etc and are sent to a waiting area to start the process. if not you are sent to another room and given a number. When they call your number you are given the registration paper work. After that is filled out you fall in behind the people who registered We can split hairs about what to call it but here is the bottom line. My wife was done before some of the people in line with her had even had a chance to fill out the reregistration paperwork, that had not registered online.

The reason I split hairs with Tahoma is this , A lot of people read this stuff that, unsure about the process, much like all of us where at one time. To post that St. Lukes takes "Walk in Only" and to not even mention or post a link to the pre registration form is irresponsible and totally misleading.. Us Veterans are here to make it easier for the newbies. Yes Technically it is not an appointment, in that you are not given a precise time, but if you show up at the same time as someone who did not register you will be priority over them. That is pretty close to an appointment.

Bottom line is that if you'r loved one is going for a physical at St. Lukes please have them preregister, make an appointment, or whatever you wish to call it. I am not here to argue about the meaning of what is is . However I do want all K-1 people on this journey to know every advantage they can use.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-21 20:10:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do

You do NOT make an appointment for the medical.

Yes pre-registering online saves time when arriving for the medical. But that is far from making an appointment, and their website even mentions it is first come first served.

I am well aware it is first come first serve. First come first serve and "walk in only" are two very very different things. I said technically it is not making an appointment, but that it will save you boat loads of time. I stress, I would highly reccomend regstering online for the day of your "Visit"

Your fiancé will need to prepare for her Medical at St. Luke's Medical Center Extension Clinic (SLEC)
Required Documents:

Pre-register online and have her print out this letter. This is the appointment letter she needs to present at SLMEC.

Medical fees are: 15 years and older USD 213.35 / PhP 9,387.50. This is paid at SLMEC.

1177 J. Bocobo St. Ermita, Manila 1000 PHILIPPINES

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-21 18:59:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do

First of all, St. Lukes does not make appointments. They operate on a walk-in basis only.

Secondly, a NOA2 is not needed at St. Lukes. Instead, she needs her MNL case number.

I will be glad to inform St Lukes that Tahoma has decided they no longer make appointments .Technically it is not a time appointment but I would highly recommended registering online before going .

Edited by scruffydog, 21 May 2012 - 06:45 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-21 18:38:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do

Many people report that they've used their MNL case number from the NVC even when it's simply written down on a piece of paper.

Or, she can use her MNL case number which is on any communication from the NVC. She can also take along the NOA2 from the USCIS as additional proof.

Better yet, schedule an interview appointment and she can take that printout to show St. Lukes. That would be the best thing to do.

Many people report... Wow you almost admitted it works...
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-21 18:21:00