PhilippinesK-1 interview preparation

In the Philippines you schedule your own interview, the NVC does not do it (they do in some countries though).

Your case will now move to the NVC. It can stay there for a month or so, but often it's much less. After that, they will send your paperwork to the embassy in Manila. Your fiancé should then get a letter from the US Embassy explaining how to proceed.

Now that your case is approved, in a week or so, start calling the NVC and see if they have assigned your petition a case number. It will be something like MNL________

With that number, you can actually schedule the interview, get moving on your medical, etc. So even while you are waiting for the NVC to get your paperwork to Manila, you can be doing things.

You cannot take the medical without the letter from the US Embassy, but you can pre-register online, filling out some of the information.

The letter from the US Embassy will explain all the next round of paperwork you need, and will give you links to download the 'Packet 3' from the US Embassy website.

Basically if you want a headstart, here is the link to the paperwork the US Embassy is going to tell you to download:


To contact the NVC, see the following page:


So basically, in this order, here is what I did:

Call or contact the NVC starting soon and see if they have assigned you Case number.

Once you have it, start following the instructions in the Packet 3 paperwork. You will be able to go and pay your visa fee. You might not want to actually schedule the interview until you receive the letter from the US Embassy, but at least you'll be ready to do so.

Go to the St. Luke's Extension site and pre-register once you have your case number. This will save time when she goes for her medical. Their website is:

On the left column you'll see a place to register.

Then while you are waiting, being gathering and filing out all the forms the packet 3 lists. You will need to do the I-134 affidavit of support, and gather your own stuff here, so get started on that too.

But good luck and congrats!

You can absolutely take the Medical without the letter from the US Embassy. My wife has been here 6 months and we never saw the letter from the Embassy. Call and get your MNL number and get the ball rolling. You can usually be on a plane with in about a month or so of NVC issuing your MNL number if you wish.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-05 04:34:00
Philippinesmeet new friends

actually we live in Leesburg Georgia, it is just 8 miles north of albany, about 90 minute drive to columbus

So Phillip P is the biggest thing ever happened to Leesburg ? You on the bandwagon? I was in High School in a small town in GA when a certain Heisman Winner and probally the greatest player to ever play college ball was recruited by UGA. Funny how big things like that take on the life of a small town.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-02 09:45:00
Philippinesmeet new friends

just arrived here in fortson,georgia last may 26...anyone here near or at the same area??

Middle ga here. . Hit my wife up on FB she will Georgia your ears off LOL
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-01 18:34:00
PhilippinesDoes your wife know how to swim?
No and it surprised me with all the water they have. she said they were too busy working
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-04-07 08:03:00
PhilippinesFast Courier to Philippines?

First class is not much of a bargain if the docs never arrive or get held hostage for bribe money -- you were lucky. I say DHL for the reasons already mentioned, but FedEx is great also.

I agree. I would not dream of sending anything important by Mail to the Philippines. For sure don't use it to send important docs. I used Fedex with good results. Most of the stuff.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-05-27 03:04:00
PhilippinesManny gets the shaft

I watched the fight live and was shocked by the decision. I had at most three rounds to Bradley. Not that I'm an expert but I was a finalist in two different amateur state championships, so not exactly a #######. Lederman had one round to Bradley. So 115-113 Bradley on two cards was incredible to me.

But as always Manny was gracious, diplomatic, and humble. There's nobody like Manny Pacquiao.

Everyone was shocked. The ESPN commentator after the fight, just came out and called in blatant corruption in the sport. No honest judge thought Bradley won. It was overheard that Bradley told his crew, I did my best I just could not beat the guy
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-10 09:19:00
PhilippinesQuestion for the Board

Hey dog...These crusty old expats might be able to help you.

Might ask them or heck become one. We got the family looking. For sure it seems the route to go. If we could get one with a pool that would be sweet
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-11 04:23:00
PhilippinesQuestion for the Board
We are going back in Sept. Last time I stayed at the Radisson Blu. Long story short back then I was single living in a cheap paid for house with a tenant in the garage apt. Now I am married with a mortgage and lot less disposable income. Plus we are going to have a Wedding while there. Just a ceremony we are already married.

Anyhow the RB at 13 nights would be a min of about 1500.

I am being told that you can rent a nice apt in Cebu for 1 month for under 650.. Maybe a 2-3 bedroom and her brother can stay with us while he is over from Manila.

What say the gang ?? I know the RB is out I just stayed there last time because it was my first trip.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-10 14:33:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

Hmmm... I'll pass. I can almost spit at the Mexican border from here, Mexican joints on every corner it seems and I don't care much for Mexican food. Rice, refried beans and you know its breakfast and not lunch if they toss an egg in there.

And that diet tends to lead to a lot of overweight Hispanic people. This is a huge stereotype two fold, and I am going to go ahead and :bonk: pound myself but.....It seems like with my Hispanic friends the women get to be about 30 and explode and age.

Pinay Women sem to never age. At least they seem to look younger longer than a lot of other races. May be the diet.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-05 04:28:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

Huevos Rancheros con Chorizo.

Now that my man is some good eating. Funny how much Spanish is in Cebuano. I was sitting in a restaurant in Cebu and two genderly challgned gents walked by and I made a comment. My wife called me chismoso and was shocked I knew what it meant.

There is a little dive of a BBQ joint in Cebu called Larsian. It would get health score of negative 50 here. Best Chorizo and wings I have ever eaten. I must say the chicken skin on a stick was not bad either.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 19:28:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

Yes, and it behooves us to remember that the North won the Civil War. Some do cling to archaic losing breakfasts but history is on the side of eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

The north won what.. You forgot some of us ain't surrendered yet. :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 19:17:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

Y'all be sissies on the east side of the Rockies.

Bawaa ha ha yall got California. and Seattle. It cancels out all the Manliness of Arizona, Nevada, and Wyoming.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 18:42:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

My point being that ain't no true sutherner I ever met refereed to anything close to grits or anything we eat as Hominy. I ain't never seen Hominy on the Menu at the Waffle House, we ain't never had a dove and hominy supper, and Grandma did not cook Cheese Hominy for Breakfast. I have lived in Middle GA all my life and travled all over the south and have never been served Hominy.

I was shocked one night, when I stopped at an all night diner somewhere south of the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area and they did not serve grits. When my wife got here I talked about grits and finally introduced them to her. Her first comment was " This is what people who can not afford rice in the Pi eat>"
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 18:39:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

I agree Hominy is not "northern" food I have ever heard of... always relate that to southern food.

My point being that ain't no true sutherner I ever met refereed to anything close to grits or anything we eat as Hominy. I ain't never seen Hominy on the Menu at the Waffle House, we ain't never had a dove and hominy supper, and Grandma did not cook Cheese Hominy for Breakfast. I have lived in Middle GA all my life and travled all over the south and have never been served Hominy.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 16:57:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

I'm wondering how far south your description of North is from me? Around here, hominy is thought of as a southern food.

Typical here is bacon, eggs, and either hash browns or american fries. Pancakes and french toast are pretty common to.
Since the wife got here though, rice is a staple at many meals. I actually like a breakfast of pork tosino, eggs and rice for breakfast. Dried fish and rice is popular for breakfast to, although I'll need some eggs to go with that. At first would we eat either a Filipino breakfast, which could be anything, or an American breakfast. But I notice slowly its starting to get mixed up. Bacon, eggs and rice, or maybe dried squid, eggs and hash browns. Often the wife will be cooking up something in the kitchen and will ask me to cook up dried fish to go with it. Dried fish only gets cooked outside, so I'm usually the one cooking it. I'm waiting for the day my neighbors are outside and down wind of me cooking it though :rofl:

North is anything north of I-285 in Atlanta and anything South of a line from Jacksonville-Gainesville-Talhalasse Fla. Also anything west of Louisiana with the exception of parts of Texas.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 16:51:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

Breakfast for Americans depends on Location.

Mostly common is eggs, bacon, toast, pancake, waffle, hashbrowns

In the South of the USA, its also Grits , Biscuits , or biscuits and gravy

In the North they eat Hominy, maybe bagel etc

If he is in the philippines get him some smoked fish from the market and fix it with rice as a small side and let him try it. I like it

I think in years gone by Grits were almost as much of a staple here in the south as rice is in the Philippines. Not so much anymore. I went to the store the other day and could not even buy real grits, only that Satan inspired communistic ####### called "Quick Grits" which is an affront to my heritage. . I also noticed there was no cane syrup and all the syrup was High fructose corn syrup, flavoring etc. No real maple syrup even.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 04:33:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

in the south they have grits and fried fish in the morning

Hmm in the South of the Philippines or the USA. I have had my share of Grits in the AM and love them , but never fried fish.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-04 04:28:00
PhilippinesHow Long are you Visiting Earth ?

My Fiance has a strange preference for food. For example, at Breakfast He only

wants to eat Pancakes, or French Toast, etc. I ask him before if he wants fish

and He told me ... " No, Fish is not for breakfast " ...

Is this normal of an American Guy ? Why he dont want Fish for breakfast ?

What planet is he from ?

Most guys I know here prefer Chitllins for breakfast. I must say the first time I had chow with the Inlaws they served Dinugan. I felt it was a test of sorts and ate it with a smile. Although the blood taste was a little strong. Kind of a Iron taste.

Edited by scruffydog, 03 June 2012 - 04:27 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-03 16:21:00
PhilippinesManila too dangerous for my fiancee to stay there...

No it's a comparative analysis. I am saying Manila is to Mindanao as Branson is to Chicago.

Odd in one post you say you meant Bronson MI your hometown and in this one you actually spelled Branson correctly.. :rofl:

Me thinks you typed Bronson the first time and then googled " Oh god please let there be a Bronson in some state that starts with M" No biggie we all do it from time to time. ( Well most of us anyway)

welcome aboard
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-10 14:27:00
PhilippinesFront Loading on a K-1 Application

The evidence we submitted for meeting within the last two years was 5 pictures, some ATM receipts, my passport stamp, and one boarding pass (I lost the other).

We saved all the evidence of a relationship for the interview, where it was ignored. :blush:

We had zero problems, except for the long wait.

Again well said. collecting 100's of pages on either end is a complete waste. If you have a real relationship and meet the guidelines, they are barely going to glance and the proof of relationship. If it makes you feel better to print 100's of chat transcripts, send 30 or 40 pictures, journal etc, then go for it, but it's a complete waste other than making you feel better.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-08 20:36:00
PhilippinesFront Loading on a K-1 Application

My entire application was 24 pages. I got an RFE because 12 of those pages were my Divorce Journal, not a one page Divorce Decree. So 13 pages would have done it. I met Emely through here sister who lives near me. I proposed on my first visit. Visited again before the RFE was received. And have proof of that trip. I'm leaving a week from tomorrow for the K1 Interview. you don't need to have a lot of documentation. Give them what they ask for. don't over load them. But have a real relationship. DON"T lie about anything. if you do you're hosed. So from my experience, you don't need tons of papers to prove your relationship. Just have a real one, and I suspect things will work out fine.

Well said. Agree 100%
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-08 20:33:00
Philippinestwo weeks in the philippines

I am a contractor in Afghanistan and I am able to stay for a long period of time. I stayed 29 days in September and loved every minute of it. Yes I overstayed my visa, but all I had to do was pay 3100peso at the airport before I was able to leave. Don't worry about getting extension bc you will just pay the same. But be sure to schedule a appointment for the "Legal Capicity of Marriage" at the US embassy.

I am already married and she is here so it is not an issue. I think I need a job change. Anyone ever looked at their life and thought ? I could make a lot less money and be a lot happier ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-03 08:36:00
Philippinestwo weeks in the philippines
I always wondered what occupation people have that allow them to stay that long ? Teacher, Retired, Wealthy, Service Member, ? I am thinking it's a two edged sword. You have to be somewhat ok funds wise to travel and stay, but it's hard to go for long periods when you work.

At least that was my problem.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-03 07:51:00
Philippineswhy are we being over looked?

Hi VJ,

Everyone is getting approved that filed before us and after. Why are we being overlooked?

Hang in there your not being overlooked. 5 Months is not outside the AVG, and you should be getting yours any day know it appears that VSC is kicking out people in your NOA1 timeline now. It is very normal for some that filled a few weeks after you to come in before you. I know it's hard to wait but you are real close.

P.S. 7 months is not normal. If you have not heard from them by Jul 10 start making official inquires.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-14 16:16:00
PhilippinesDid you bring your photo album during the interview?

I totally agree. My wife dragged so much information with her just to be sure she had everything. It made her feel better about going knowing no matter what they wanted she would have it. Sum total of what they asked for was zero, they didn't even look at the photos. I did everything I could to help my wife feel confident going to the interview. It didn't matter to me that it took two packages sent Fedex at $100 a pop for her to be satisfied she had enough. If it made her less worried, thats what mattered to me. Now being that prepared for the CFO, that is what I'd recommend. You never know what kind of obscure document they're going to ask to see. But some even breeze through that. Seems strange the outfit that is just supposed to counsel them is now creating interviews that are tougher than the embassy.

But made caveat was.. If it makes you feel better. It made her feel better so maybe it was worth it. But your right on, no way they have time to go thru 2 pages of chat transcripts much less 200
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-16 08:59:00
PhilippinesDid you bring your photo album during the interview?

Hello. Is it ok to just print 6 pics of my fiance and I together resized and fit it on 1 legal sized paper?

Do we put the dates when it was taken? cant remember exact dates. Did you bring your photo album during the interview? did the consul ever asked you to show more pics? Pls give tips, what you did... thank you very much.

I think a lot of people way overdo the relationship evidence. Several good pictures, several pages of transcripts of chat, money transfer receipts, receipt for ring and of course the required stuff that is spelled out. Here is my opinion. If everything is in order you will sail thru and they will hardly look at anything. I have never heard of anyone being turned down for lack of enough chat transcripts or pictures. Most of the time when someone is turned down, if you dig into the problem it was something else. I am not saying don't take evidence, I am saying the 5lb package you hear talked about hear is absurd, unless it just makes you feel better, then by all means. .

In my time here I would say the biggest reasons I hear is lack of proof of income-That is number 1., NBI cert problems, medical problems, CENOMAR problems, criminal history problems. prior marriage problems, Prior K-1 problems. I would be interested to hear what others say.

Basically boils down to this -if you make enough and don't lie about anything and your relationship is legit it will be a quick quick interview. They don't have time to grill you for very long.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-14 16:57:00
Philippinesyahoo messenger archive decoder
Is the software compatible with NT 4.0 ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-20 18:51:00
Philippinesyahoo messenger archive decoder

I found this program for those interested, to decode all your yahoo conversations to text. took me less than a minute to decode over 600 chat logs. go to:
you can purchase the license code for $16.95. I happen to find a crack for it , so got it for free,, hehehe, you can pm me for more info.

And more then anything else you don't need 100's of pages of chat transcripts, just a few screen shoots here and there. .
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-20 04:27:00
PhilippinesHelping her to adjust to life here

Even though I am laughing at these, I can understand.. We're still months away, but I won't to be prepared for her here. My biggest concern is the weather. Her reord lw is warmer than our normal high. I'll bring her coats when I get he, but am concerned about daylight. She told me two things. Don't worry about the house she will clean it and that I had to get a new bed because she would not sleep in the one my ex slept in.

My wife who I love dearly, found an old thumb drive I had forgotten about with some very incriminating pictures of one of my old Girlfriends posed on our bed. She got a whole new boardroom suite.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-21 04:34:00
PhilippinesHelping her to adjust to life here
[quote name='spikedog' timestamp='1317727148' post='4934065']
This might be optimistic, but I want to ask now anyway. Our interview is Friday and I have a normal case, so I feel that it is pretty sure that we will be seeing each other by the end of this month. My question(s) are: Besides cleaning my house like crazy, corralling my dogs, and being a loving and understanding fiance', What are some things I can do to make her transition easier?

I am asking some of the couples that have been through this successfully.


Rice man.. Lot's of rice.... Go to Sams and get a huge bag. Jasmine rice.. 1 nice rice cooker
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-21 04:31:00
PhilippinesHelping her to adjust to life here

Darren you make it sound like piney women still live in 14th century. Plus when a woman knows,she knows what to expect and what not to expect.I bet ops young bride will not even care about the lack of rice

I have never met a piany yet that rice was not a big part of her adjusting to the US
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-24 04:24:00
PhilippinesHelping her to adjust to life here
Love readng all your comments. My asawa will be here next month hopefully. The house cleaning thing has me really stressed out. I am not nasty but I am challenged in that area. I see most of you saying don't worry about she is going to redo everything anyway. Makes me feel better.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-08 11:22:00
PhilippinesGood Video On Immigration Fraud
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-21 19:32:00
PhilippinesI'm getting squashed

:secret: I dont think B1Bob is ever coming back.

B1bob met his maker. Evidently one of the Mods did not appreciate his sense of Humor and obvious overt attempt at levity and sent him to his reward.

I understand he was showed much respect at his funeral.

I will pass on your concerns to the next of kin, :whistle::whistle:
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-21 19:25:00
PhilippinesI'm getting squashed

I went back and looked thru some of your old posts, just because I am like a reporter and like facts.

Let the record show that after investigating the past posts of Crash. his statement passes the truth o meter. he has never refereed to his wife that way, and in many posts was condemning this kind of stereotyping as misogynistic.

I am on the Job to keep the truth alive and protect the innocent and I demand respect.

Poor B1b went on to his reward. :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-18 19:22:00
PhilippinesI'm getting squashed

:huh: :blink: :wacko:

I have never referred to Asawa Ko as "My Filipina". Never done it. Never will. I find it odd and (when considering context & usage ...your original post...for example) repulsive when others do.

Yes i agree does not sound good. However I am proud to be married to a Pinay. You all know the deal how some people thought you had lsot your mind when you first did it. I am very proud of her culture. I bought her a Philippines car tag border for her car.

No the last wife...(white American) I usually referred to her as "That ______" use your imagination.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-16 09:05:00
PhilippinesI'm getting squashed
Same here.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-13 16:18:00
PhilippinesCalled NVC, we have a case number :)

Hi all. First and foremost, we thank our heavenly father that our visa app is moving along quickly :) God is good and he's answered our prayers :) I called NVC yesterday and the rep told me that they just received our document packet and we now have an NVC case number :) Thanks to everyone on VJ :) I hope things will start to pick up some more for the next parts of our visa journey.

From this point, after we submit all the required docs and paid all the fees, how long would it take to get a medical exam and interview date?

It depends. Go pay your fee then jump online and see the earliest appointment. You should be able to be done from today's date in under 45 days easy. Scroll back there are several walk thru in the forum. On edit scroll down about 4 or 5 threads. Hank has a nice walk thru.


Edited by scruffydog, 20 June 2012 - 08:30 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-20 20:27:00
PhilippinesFlights From Philippines

Do you mean that even if a person has already been in the US for several times and even stayed there for 6 months, he/she still need to undergo the CFO seminar? What else he/she can learn from the seminar if he/she has been in the US several times?

It's mandated by the Government of the Philippines. You got to do it...
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-22 04:15:00
PhilippinesJust Got MNL#

Yup go pay the visa fee at BPI !!

After NOA2 AND YOU HAVE YOUR MNL # (don't need to wait for the letter from the embassy )

(open all of these links then save them to your bookmarks so you have them for easy access)



The DS-156 can be difficult to complete sometimes, if you have issues try a different web browser. I had problems getting it to print with IE8, Chrome, Firefox, finally got it to print using Safari.

When scheduling online with the embassy you need to include the "XX" at the beginning of the passport number, your passport number IS your receipt number.

Priorty Date; this is the date the NOA 2 was approved.

Make sure to print two copies of the interview confirmation page as you will need one for St. Luke's and the other for the embassy.

Contact Info for USEM:

Embassy (Manila) Phone Number (and email)

(632) 301-2000, extension 5184 or 5185

** (214) 571-1600 or (646) 254-3546 (these are USA numbers)

local number: USEM 3012000 loc 5184/5185 call them around 3-4:30pm

For general inquiries:

To enable us to electronically sort the messages and provide better, more timely responses, you should follow the instructions below.

The subject line of your email should indicate the visa applicant's last name, first and middle name (ex. DOE, John James), case number/USCIS receipt number, visa category and priority date.
Messages should be limited to 500 characters or less.
The mail size should not be more than 15 KB.
Do not submit documentation or attachments with your message as our system is unable to receive inquiries with attachments.
Do not send your inquiry more than once as duplicate inquiries will congest our system and delay our response time.

St. Luke's:

Have copies of passport bio page, confirmation page from scheduling interview online at embassy, and of course the 2X2 photos. (copy of annulment is asked for at times)

Preregister at St. Luke's, it saves time when you arrive.


ALL exiting required to attend.

Required documents & "OTHER DOCUMENTS" they ask for at CFO: copies of; CENOMAR, certified birth certificate, bio page of passport, visa page from passport, pictures together, from USC - bio page of passport, birth certificate, divorce decree (if been married before) are the most common. The "other documents" clause can be ANYTHING with those nit-wits at CFO.

** From the Family Code of the Philippines: it's 21-25 years old for advice and 18-21 years old for consent.

Art. 14. In case either or both of the contracting parties, not having been emancipated by a previous marriage, are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, they shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding articles, exhibit to the local civil registrar, the consent to their marriage of their father, mother, surviving parent or guardian, or persons having legal charge of them, in the order mentioned. Such consent shall be manifested in writing by the interested party, who personally appears before the proper local civil registrar, or in the form of an affidavit made in the presence of two witnesses and attested before any official authorized by law to administer oaths. The personal manifestation shall be recorded in both applications for marriage license, and the affidavit, if one is executed instead, shall be attached to said applications. (61a)

Art. 15. Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application therefor.A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought,together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement.

They should Push pin this. it seems like it is asked many times a week.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-21 19:28:00