PhilippinesNumber one question asked here ?
Folks what are the top questions. Having been here going on 2 years it seems like the same questions over and over as new people find this board. What do all of you think are the top questions.

How long will it take my Visa to arrive via 2go ?

How many pictures/Chat Transcripts/Etc do I need to send

Do I need to go to interview with spouse /

How do I buy the Airplane Ticket online/One Way Ticket

NVC sent Packet why have I not gotten letter/how long before I can make appointment ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-07 19:29:00
PhilippinesZero American Pride!!!!

That's interesting, you avoid NAIA/Manila all together? I didn't realize that was an option. We'd still need to fly or ferry from Cebu to CDO or Iligan on our next trip but it's something to think about.

Oh without a doubt. Kal has a flight that leaves Seoul 7or 8 every night Direct to Cebu. I think they have more than that one it's just the one we always fly. Also a flight leaves Cebu every night . I think it's about 1:00 AM

Going thru Manila to get to Cebu is a waste. Not sure what part of the US you live but the ATL-Korea-Cebu total time is about 23 hours. start to finish

Edited by Run Herschel Run, 17 November 2012 - 09:19 AM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-17 09:17:00
PhilippinesZero American Pride!!!!

Every time i have went to the philippines i have always flown Korean Air. This time around i choose to go with United Airlines to save a few dimes. That was the biggest mistake of my whole visajourney so far. I am going to venture to say that all American owned Airlines are like this one. I cannot stand these Union Card holding B!tch employee's. They are the nastiest rudiest people i have ever had the displeasure of being served by. Each way there and back i had four legs of flights and on ever flight me and Monreal were disrepected by an employee from United Airlines. I have never had this kind of experience on Korean Air. Who the Hell am i going to call to make some serious complaints, oh what a second. If i call United Airlines i get to talk to someone from the philippines at a call center. How the hell can you chew out a philipina? You just cant. I really hate the fact that when someone holds a union card, they can be a B!tch to you and get away with it because they are protected. I will never fly any American owned airline again.

Welcome home...I flew KAL again back in Sept. They rock. No way I get on another plane. Plus they are direct ATL-Korea-Cebu
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-17 00:39:00
PhilippinesIs this impossible? Tourist visa to the USA for my wife

This guy only seems to come around to flame and stir the waters... :huh:

I was wondering ? I don't stray back in here much. He was off the chain. Of course anyone who has just been thru the K-1 in the past year knows there is no suc thing as the INS, but of course we all say green card and that is not exactly correct either.

Anyway keep your good work. I do see your posts from time to time and you do help a lot of people in here. You must have the patience of Job.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-18 12:15:00
PhilippinesIs this impossible? Tourist visa to the USA for my wife

The illegal Mexicans need to be dealt with as well. You can go anywhere you choose,and who accepts you. Or you can vote to legislate different laws, if you like.

I personally prefer the USA to err on the side of caution, rather than let dangerous people in.

US$10,000? lol That's it? Thank GOD we do not allow that.

INS is not the generic term for USCIS. I think what you meant was ICE. Which INS is still not a generic term for. INS does not exist. Has not for years? Was I in the Army? Or should I say I was in the Army Air Forces?

Kleenex is not generic for tissue either. Kleenex is a specific brand ;)

Thank you! At lest someone here is intelligent and knows there is no such thing as the DREAM Act!

You were in the Army Air Forces.. Wow that would make you well over 70 years old. You have held up well to be that age.

Saying there is no Dream Act is like saying there was no ERA.. What your trying to say and can't quite verbalize is that it did not pass congress.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-18 11:24:00
PhilippinesIs this impossible? Tourist visa to the USA for my wife

And how can you back up the fact that there is a such thing as a dream act? You made the claim. You are the one burdened with providing proof to your silly claim.

I suppose you can join Catholics in their belief in magical ghosts in the sky that demand you to count beads while you pray to them?

I'll go out on a limb here and help you:

You linked to an article whose title is DREAM ACT, that talks about the Dream act for many paragraphs, then say there is no such thing ?? Hmmm Odd

Now if you are trying to say that Congress did not pass the dream act and Obama signed an executive order giving person eligible under the dream act deferred status you are correct. However Obama called it his dream act as did every media outlet in the country.

Saying there is/was no dream act is incorrect.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-18 11:14:00
PhilippinesIs this impossible? Tourist visa to the USA for my wife

Please elaborate on how there is no such thing as the dream act, specifically considering how Maryland just passed such a measure. Perhaps you can back up Mahmoud Ahmedinejad's claim that there was no holocaust, too.

I don't think the OP pays attention to current events of the last several years.. "No such thing as the dream act"?

On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that his administration would stop deporting young undocumented immigrants who match certain criteria previously proposed under the DREAM ACT.[45] However, this change in policy does not cover most individuals who arrived in the U.S. legally (see the "Criticism" section below).

On August 15, 2012, the same day that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications under the Obama administration’s new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer issued an executive order preventing the state of Arizona from issuing driver’s licenses and public benefits to young undocumented immigrants who receive deferred status and work authorization under the new program. In addition to driving privileges, Governor Brewer’s order bars undocumented immigrants who qualify for deferred action from receiving state-subsidized child care, health insurance, unemployment benefits, business and professional licenses, and government contracts.[46] Thousands of individuals submitted applications for the new program.[47][48] In late August 2012, ten federal immigration agents sued Janet Napolitano, saying the directive forces them to break the law and ignore their duties.[49][50]

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-18 11:08:00
PhilippinesIs this impossible? Tourist visa to the USA for my wife

Because the risk is too great. To economic stability and national security. America needs to be assured that we know who is here, where they are, and that our nation is secure. Paying a small bond to give free passage to a citizen from a nation known for crime, fraud, and terrorism is NOT a good trade off.

These laws are here to protect America. Don't like it? Then leave.

FYI- In case you didn't know, INS was disbanded over a decade ago...

Geez Louise... I am a born and raised citizen , been here 51 years . Served 13 years as an Officer in our Army.e. So you think because I suggest that putting the responsibility on the Sponsor with a Bond, in some friendly conversation on a message board. that I should pack up and leave ? Sweet. Where do you suggest I go ?

As for the national security of this Country, somehow I think the many million illegal Hispanics in this country might be a bigger threat to national security than my 74 year old Mother in law overstaying a tourist visa. No where did I say small bond of free passage. I meant a nice size bond that would pay the cost of deporting the person. Say 10K..

As for no more INS, yes I know my wife just immigrated last year. I know it is DHS./USICS but I am pretty sure everyone here knows what I meant. Kinda like Kleenex and being used for generic tissue, however if flaming me for saying that improved your self esteem then I am ok with it.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-18 11:01:00
PhilippinesIs this impossible? Tourist visa to the USA for my wife

Thats true, but i just assumed since the USA has no problem with illegal immigrants crossing in and staying or kids being brought over as illegal and growing up in the states that the legal path would be a lot more accepted.


Immigrant crosses the border, has no visa brings a child not born in the usa, that kid gets to stay under the dream act

Me, married my wife and have a son. My wife can't even visit for a short time after following all legal channels.

For me, yes i do see a difference in those.

If the wife of a usa citizen and mother of a usa citizen has no right, then illegals should also have no right. But instead it seems they have more rights than those of us that follow the laws and steps and wait our time (years)

Life ain't fair. If the Pinay vote ever gets big enough, to make a difference in an election you can look for them to be given something like the dream act. Until then we just have to accept the fact that for most of us, the family visiting is not going to happen . I don't know why they couldn't doing something like this.

Say give my Mother in Law a 2 month tourist visa. Make me post a bond. Much like bailing someone out of jail. Make it me as the sponsor who is responsible for her not overstaying her visa. If she does a forfeit my bond, and they use the money to pay for the INS to deport her.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-18 09:06:00
PhilippinesPhilippine Catholic Religion. Is it a sin to change Beliefs

DUH ! Thats what I said to her. That was'nt the question...

Probably should take this to the politics/religion forum. I am sure you can get some great help with this question there :blush:
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-22 13:48:00
PhilippinesProblems with Family....need advice

Hello Everyone,

I need some advice....I have been with my fiancee for two years and God Willing, she should be here by Christmas. Her embassy interview is next week. However, most of my family is not too keen on meeting her or wanting anything to her..some of it my own fault which I have been trying to fix.

After my first trip to meet my girl in January 2011...I came home and showed pictures of my trip to my brother, his wife and his three daughters...but, unknown to the parents, I asked the girls not to tell anyone that I was engaged.....the parents found out and they were livid!! They teach thier kids not to have secrets..and I had them talk to my girl on the phone....they were even more upset about that...they made it seem I was introducing them to a seriel killer! But never being a parent, I guess I did not know better...I have apologized and I thought they got over it....I don't think they have gotten over it..I have not mentioned her to anyone until now. What makes this even my family is dying out and there aren't many of us left...It is just my two older sisters, three younger brothers, a few cousins and three nieces...My mother and sisters and cousins are cool wit my engagement, but the rest are a matter of fact, my brother in law said he felt pity for me....I was never so mad in my life! Anyway, it has been almost a year since I mentioned my fiancee to anyone, and everything seemed okay...last night I told the family she was coming next month, and to at least meet her before making any judgements, and for the most part the responded by saying don't expect us to meet her anytime soon...:(

I am at a loss....are family is dying out as it is and I am trying to hold things together, My fiancee will be isolated enough with just leaving her family to be with me....she is aware of the situation and still wants be with me no matter what...."us against the world". But I know it going to be tough....I will feel comfortable, being able to vist most of the family but being able to bring her or the family not visiting me because of my fiancee..most of the family not coming to t
the wedding or any family functions for that matter....I do not know what do...I do not want to force them to meet her, but I do want them to meet her sooner than later...

On the bright side of this, my financee has a sister and family in San Francisco(I am in Michigan) so It looks like I will spend the holiday there so she will be feel welcome...she will be in here hopefully December 22, so the plan is to meet her there with her with her family there and bring her to Michigan after the Holidays to begin our new life together.

As anyone else been in this situtuation? And if so, how did you deal with it?

Thanks in advance!


Nothing you can do. Just let it play out and if they don't come around then there loss. Just make sure you are ready to be committed to your wife 1st and all others second. If you are not ready to do that now is the time.

However I suspect in time when they all see how happy you are they will come around.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-11-23 21:53:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage - Return postage amount?

If we did weeding here in the desert there would be nothing growing as weeds are the only thing that is tough enough to survive in our yard. :lol:

LOL Of course I was BS'ing about the weeding ceremony.

I spent a few months in the high desert near Barstow. It was nice for some odd reason. Very cool in the winter but in the summer time, it was unbearable.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-15 14:59:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage - Return postage amount?

I usual weed in the spring... :rofl: (sorry man, had to do it! :rofl: )

The weeding is part of the custom with her people in the Cebu province. It involves taking the weeds from flowers to signify a perfect Union.. We also had a wedding.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-15 10:41:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage - Return postage amount?

Thank you so much, HarveyAndTheresa, for your help! I was married in Kentucky, which does fall under the Washington DC jurisdiction, so I will send it to that address. And I will include my mother's maiden name as part of my name (I am the husband), as weird as that seems. :) I just wanted to double check to see if that's what other husbands had really put.
Thanks again - I appreciate your helpful response!

When I sent mine in last April I forgot to send the check. The lady at the Embassy actually called me on my Cell Phone. Told me to send the check to ehr attetion and she would hold it on her desk until she got it. How is that for service !

We went back to the Philippines in Sept and had our formal ceremonial l weeding. They already had a copy of our marriage registered in Cebu , so it happened quickly.

Edited by Run Herschel Run, 14 December 2012 - 09:45 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-14 21:44:00
PhilippinesPictures of ex-wife

Welcome to TAMPO. I haven't had the pleasure to encounter an episode from my wife as yet :devil:

Just wait. I hate those things. I would rather her just get mad and fuss at me. My wife is a gem and has very few, but sometimes they last 24 hours. She just pouts and does not talk to me when she has them. Drives me nuts.

I wil ladd she has never had one that I did not cause or that was not justified.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-14 21:56:00
PhilippinesPictures of ex-wife

Hello, I'll do my best to keep this short. My wife (who's from the Philippines) and I have been married for about 1 year and a half. Her CR-1 Visa was finished back in September of this year and she arrived here in the U.S. a week later. We've been living together since then. Today she looked through two old shoe boxes that were full of pictures...mostly from my childhood but also in there were pictures from my previous marriage (it's been 18 years since they were taken). I didn't try to hide these pictures, the boxes were sitting on the bookshelf and have been for months. To me, I don't really care to keep them but I thought my children (from that previous marriage) might want them when they get older (they're teens now). She was very mad that I still have pictures of my ex-wife, even though I didn't mind that she still has a few pictures of her and her ex-boyfriend from a few years ago. I told her "It's your past and it's ok to keep some pics".

My question is... was I wrong to keep them? Who, if either of us, is in the wrong here?

Thanks and I appreciate any response.

Neither is in the wrong or the right. It's just one of those marriage adjustment things. Just tell her, you really had not thought about them and offer to get rid of them if it offends her. It should blow over quickly.

My wife found a thumb drive, I had forgot about with pictures of one of my ex- dates. They were pictures that were not for public consumption.. She was really mad and hurt for a bit, but I explained it was before we meet, and she eventually forgave. i had to buy new bedroom furniture because of it. She refused to ever sleep in that bed again.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-14 21:53:00
PhilippinesPOE Chicago O'Hare

After a loooong flight from Beijing,China to Chicago finally i am on the line for the Border Customs and Protection in Chicago O'Hare there were a lot of people there because everyone has to go through it, i didnt even realized it was already the immigration until i get to the window handed the lady my passport, I-94 and Declaration form and then she was like "oh,K1 visa" then she gave me a smile and then she told me you're from a very long flight and i was like Yea, then she asked for the packet then i handed it to her and she enjoyed looking at our pictures then she asked me when are we planning to get married then i answered next month and she also asked if my parents are coming i was like no they cant she then just told me that you might just have a celebration in the Philippines or a gathering to celebrate your wedding then i was like we were actually planning to do that by the time we can go home together in the Philippines then she said ok, after that she just checked everything went through the papers and stuff then she finally told me "congratulations! You're good to go, Best Wishes" with a very warmth smile on her face then i picked up my luggage then went to the gate for my flight to Kansas :) i am very glad that Chicago was my POE because people there are really great people :)


Atlanta use to be the pits, but they just opened a new international terminal.. Nice now
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-14 21:47:00
PhilippinesHow did you filipina wife change after you married her and took her to your home country?

Haha...I think she's trying to follow my instructions, she just has zero natural driving ability. She has problems keeping the car going striaght, it's from one side of the lane to the other and repeat over and over...and each time I feel I need to tell her "move over to the center of the lane, you're getting too close to that side"....then 10 seconds later she's on the other side! The concept of constant minor adjustments still isn't learned.

Also, when going around a tight corner, applying the brake in a calm even manner doesn't happen, it's either she hits the brake to soon and hard before the turn or she barely pushes the brake and she flys around the corner (that's when I just about ###### myself!).

And all this was in an area with almost no traffic, I can't even imagine her in traffic!

Yeah, I think she's going to need some in-depth professional lessons when she gets here.

The roaming all over the highway thing happens to me also. A friend explained it was becuse they are always driving around Pedi-cabs, people, rice, pigs etc in the PI. I also get the does not stop when i say stop thing. Finally I am screaming stop, then she gets mad ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-20 10:54:00
PhilippinesHow did you filipina wife change after you married her and took her to your home country?

^^^ Chinook wouldn't rest until she had one of those Pinoy-style short brooms and a long-handled dustpan. :)

Chinook isn't interested in getting any Pinoy tv channels. Her favorite shows are "I Love Lucy," "Frasier," "Ally McBeal," and "Greys Anatomy." She even bought the complete dvd box set of "I Love Lucy." She loves it whenever Lucy makes fun of Ricky's accent, but Lord help me if I make fun of Chinook's accent! :lol:

My best advice to the OP: hire a driving school to teach her how to drive... :whistle:

I think I am going to hire a driving school. Thing is, she just really does not care about driving. Yes the short broom was a must have .. I can't figure that out
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-19 19:17:00
PhilippinesHow did you filipina wife change after you married her and took her to your home country?

That's funny drving stories. My wife can't even pass the permit test, failed 3 times haha. Maybe it's a sign. We were up at the cabin a couple months ago and had her pull the car up the driveway for the first time and she ended up in the woods. I thought #######, but I guess never growing up around a car... I just assumed she knew straight. So I told her absolutely No driving without a permit as we will probably have an accident or two...

At 1 year we have a learners permit but she just flat has no interest in driving.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-18 20:56:00
PhilippinesHow did you filipina wife change after you married her and took her to your home country?

Honestly trolling or baiting is not my intention, I found this site from another Philippine related forum. I figured this would be a good place to ask compared to the other forum because this forum is more marriage orientated.

I am a new member to this board however I didn't think it was a sensitive question and felt that it would give me and others insight as if I should consider getting married or not. I am just being a bit proactive and trying to judge from others experiences who have been down the road before me. I have always found you can learn alot this way and avoid many potential problems simply by asking the right questions.

Been married a year. There was almost no adjustment period. She is the same as the day I married her. The only differnace is she get's my jokes a little better. Sometimes at first she did not understand and might have a slight tampo. I had lot's of Philippine friends before she got here, so she had a support group from day one

Still the best decision of my life and I would do it again in a heart beat.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-18 20:16:00
Philippines2go Cebu main office?

My fiancee got a text yesterday from 2go saying documents ready for pickup well we scheduled for home delivery but I guess because she lives in middle of no where she needs to go to cebu to pick it up

This is frustrating because I will not book a flight until she has that visa in hand and cfo sticker

I am able to track it but when we call the number the lady says call the embassy and i tell my fiancee embassy will not help us as 2go has the package


We have no idea where the main office is and we are stressed and freaking out about it so I figured I will try here to see if anyone has any idea what the cebu main office is or the best way of finding out

Depends on where she lives ? What part of Cebu. My wife lived in Talisay and picked up at SM
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-20 19:21:00
Philippines2go Cebu main office?

My fiancee got a text yesterday from 2go saying documents ready for pickup well we scheduled for home delivery but I guess because she lives in middle of no where she needs to go to cebu to pick it up

This is frustrating because I will not book a flight until she has that visa in hand and cfo sticker

I am able to track it but when we call the number the lady says call the embassy and i tell my fiancee embassy will not help us as 2go has the package


We have no idea where the main office is and we are stressed and freaking out about it so I figured I will try here to see if anyone has any idea what the cebu main office is or the best way of finding out

Depends on where she lives ? What part of Cebu. My wife lived in Talisay and picked up at SM
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-20 18:29:00
PhilippinesWhy ?

I love my wife very,very,very much but sometimes she is sooooo strange.

We just finished eating our dinner. Salad, and potato .

Then while I was starting to clean some of the dishes I turned to
Notice my wife pouring maple syrup onto a cold piece of left over
French toast from this morning.

She then folded it like a taco, and ate it over the sink.

Why ?

Sounds like that rabbit food did not satisfy her and she wanted something sweet. Good choice

P.S. do you know how hard it is to find real maple syrup nowadays and not that food color added HFCS junk.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-28 21:06:00
PhilippinesUSPS Express mail international missing?

I paid $135 to have the USPS deliver with Tracking a 16"-16"-15" box filled with Christams presents to my Fiance in Zamboanga City Philippines. It was last scanned and stated:

Arrival at Pick-Up PHILIPPINES 12/06/12 6:36am

My Fiance has called the Zamboanga City, Philippines Post office, and the Airport post office as that seems more likely where this last scan came from. But they state that No package has arrived from the USA even though this box was scanned to show it is there. I contacted the USPS to perform an investigation and I really thought something would be done as boxes of this size and fact that is was scanned shows it is located somewhere at delivery point!!!

Instead I recieve this email from USPS:
Date: 12/13/2012


In response to your request dated 11/29/2012, we regret to inform you that we were unable to
locate any delivery information in our records regarding your item number XXXX xxxx 806U

If you require additional assistance, please take this receipt to your local Post Office or postal


United States Postal Service
I feel sick knowing all my Christmas gifts for the kids and her is going to someone who stole them. I pray that it just may take a bit more time to show up but am so disgouraged by USPS to have paid $135 to have someone steal my presents and hold no one in the Pilippine postal service accountable.

This box was scanned so there is a trail but no one cares to follow.

Any suggestions, Is it possible that it will take more time or should I try to replace all my gifts and never use USPS again? I really hope its's just going to show up and my Girl is devasted that the toys for the kids are now gone.

I thought paying $135 with USPS Express mail and tracking was as safe as I could go?

I'm so sad right now...


The problem is that it gets handed of to the Philippines Post office and USPS has no control over that. I would be shocked if you mailed Christmas presents to the PI and they actually got there. Use Fedex, DHL or plan ahead and use a Balikbayan box. Those are about your only 3 options, and to be honest with customs being what it is .. Balikbayan is your only real option for gifts unless you are super wealthy .

I have very good news!

My box of Christamas gifts to the Boys and their Mama was received the day after Christmas... But not just because of luck.

I had contacted USPS on 3 occasions and discussed the investigation of why this box that supposedly was scanned at the destination could be denied received by the destination city of Zamboanga. Since bar codes and scanner don't lie, someone physicly touched that box and scanned it. It took 3 calls to get this fact through to the USPS and they did contact Philpost for answers but I think it was my insitance with my communication with Philpost asking the same questions, But in a polite manner,somehow shook the box free. My love was contacted dec 26, 2012 even though the box had been scanned as received at Zamboanga Post on Dec 6, 2012 at 6:36 Am. Another nice note is that my love was previously told by Zamboanga Post that the box will cost her the 40 php PLUS at minimum 20% and possibly much more. But She paid only 40 php and walked out with all of the gifts with a decalred value of $200 which was underestimated by me purposely.

I think after all my writting and calling both USPS and Philpost that someone thought, We need to shake this box loose or we will never hear the end of it. Either that or it was pure prayers that made it happen :) I was so sad on Christamas day when I talked to the Boys and they asked where their presents were, all I could say was I'm trying so hard and will not let them down. Thank God for Christamas miracles.

PS. I won't be using USPS Express International with tracking as the name implies it's safe but in fact once it reaches Philpost it's all a gamble. I will use the replied posts here and I thank you so much for your caring, support, and recommendation for the future.

Happy new year.


You got real lucky on several fronts. Congrats
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-12-30 03:37:00
PhilippinesMarriage not working out

Our marriage is not and will not work out. She has been here less than 2 years. She wants to return to the Phillippines, what are my obligations?


If she can file for removal of conditions and is successful, which she probably will be if she has been here close to two years, you signed a affidavit of support. You may be on the hook for some amount to make sure she is not a burden to the tax payers. As for alimony I doubt a judge would give her anything after only two years.

If she wants a ticket to the PI give her one and pray she goes.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-01 01:37:00
PhilippinesChristian wedding in the Philippines???

"Mexican" churches in the Philippines? :no:

Stiffing the church out of a customary donation? That deserves it's own chapter in The Ugly American. :yes:

I think he was trying to say Historic churches from the Spanish colonization era.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-10 19:21:00
PhilippinesChristian wedding in the Philippines???

Even if there are many Catholic churches in the Philippines, they still have the same requirements (re: Baptismal & Confirmation certificates). Now, if they can comply with this, no problem.

Now, if you're referring to churches of ANOTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP (aside from Roman Catholic), then that's another story. You will have to be at least a member of a religious group before they can perform any ceremony for you, subject to their own rules too.

You are mistaken on that.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-10 19:12:00
PhilippinesChristian wedding in the Philippines???

You are already married in the US, so you will not be getting married in the Philippines. You will just be having ceremony to renew your vows. You can get anyone you like except a catholic priest, they are rules for renewing vows also, similar to getting married in a catholic church. So you can get a pastor of another church like Baptist church, or you can have a mayor, or anyone else you like to perform the ceremony since it will not be a official wedding, and no marriage license required.

The ceremony can be just like a wedding, down to every detail, just you can't be officially married again.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-10 19:09:00
PhilippinesChristian wedding in the Philippines???

Hi, Me and my wife already married in the U.S by civil ceremony would like to have a church or garden wedding in the Philippines. We are both catholic but catholic wedding has been ruled out because according to our church deacon I the husband was never confirmed and they can not confirm me because i married my wife civilly within 90 days. Anyways we want to go in the Philippines and find someone that can marry us or should i say renew our vows in a larger propper ceremony weather its outside or in a church it doesnt matter. Do they have pastors that do this?

Thanks for your help!

Yes I did exactly that. You are right Catholic is out. If you have already reproted your marriage, you can get you Marriage certficate in the Philippines in about 60 days from day of report +/-.. Not sure what location, but if you are in teh Cebu area I can give you the info a of a nice Methodist minister, that will hook you up.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-10 19:07:00
PhilippinesFilipinos in Georgia

My fiancée is not here yet, but when she is there will be!

All of my family lives in Cumming and Dawsonville. I live an hour south in Atlanta. I'll eventually move to Cumming when we have children, because the schools are better there and it would be nice to have the family near by to help. But, for the foreseeable future we will be staying close to Atlanta (more to do and where I work).

I know there are a lot of Asian Americans near Cumming in the Johns Creek/Duluth/Norcross area, but I'm not sure how many are Filipinos (I've only met Koreans in the area). Near Atlanta there is a road called Buford Hwy that has a large number of immigrants and lots of immigrant run restaurants, including a Filipino cafe and a grocery store. Atlanta has a growing Asian population, but honestly I'm not sure how Filipinos factor into that. It's a great place to live, but the traffic sucks (not as bad as Manila though).

Here are web sites I've found during my research in preparing for my fiancée.

Asian grocery store in metro Atlanta:
Also, the Buford Highway Farmers Market is considered a international store, but I haven't been.

Atlanta is a true melting pot, so you will find a little of everything. The metro area(including Cumming) is large with a population of 4 million.

Pinoy are everywhere. We go to Atl for functions from time to time. Large group here in Middle Ga. We get together often. The big annual gathering is in Feb. expect over 100 Fil-Am couples in Mid Ga.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-14 21:24:00
PhilippinesFilipinos in Georgia

Hello! :)

I havent moved yet but just wanted to know if there are anyone from the area mentioned above.
My fiance lives in Cumming and it would be great to know anyone from around the place.


I live about 75 miles south but I know some Pinay and Husbands up there, all good people and they get together a lot. I will hook you up.

Check your in box

Edited by Run Herschel Run, 14 January 2013 - 04:45 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-14 16:39:00
PhilippinesPlanning to send a BALIKBAYAN BOX,..? Read on,...


Be wary people,...

Good thing my choice of shipper is not on the list,...

Thanks.. I can recommend LBC. Never had an issue. Big company in the PI.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-10-17 17:56:00
PhilippinesQuestion about MNL #

In case anyone else wonders, they don't email to notify when it's sent to the embassy. At least they didn't for me.

and they might not. If you have your MNL your good. Move forward. Go ahead and pay and get your appontment. I doubt you will get sooner than a couple of weeks anyway.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-23 05:38:00
PhilippinesMarriage Ceremony in The Phils after Civil Marriage in the US

The OP got the answers he needed and moved on, didn't care about having a canon or its laws and moved on.

Me - I am just adjusting the tension on the reel.... :whistle:

Yes the guy was clear. we went thru the same thing. we anted to renew in the Catholic church, but our big thing was a prior marriage for me. Me being non-catholic was not an issue.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-13 17:32:00
PhilippinesMarriage Ceremony in The Phils after Civil Marriage in the US

Why would I want to revise my understanding of the canon law? Because some Roman Emperor commissioned a book to be wrote hundreds of centuries ago ? ..... NOT.

As for your first question... again you really need to read better, maybe try moving your lips as you read, or read out loud. Here is what he said, I will make in larger for you:

Didn't say anything about catholic.... :whistle:

The OP acknowledges that they can NOT have a catholic church wedding further in the post... yet you keep nagging about owning a canon and there are laws and his marriage isn't really until he follows those laws.

Me thinks you got a troll dude...
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-13 13:16:00
PhilippinesMarriage Ceremony in The Phils after Civil Marriage in the US

Neither of those documents are required by the Catholic Church for marriage. They want Baptism and Confirmation. Not MC and ROMA.

FYI-The Consular reports are sent to the DFA quarterly. From the DFA, they are sent to the CRG. Then to the NSO. A process that takes at least six months ;)

Wouldn't that defeat the whole Holy Sacrament/Married in the Catholic Church thingie?


The Minister that did our vow renewal second wedding in Philippines or whatever you wish to call it was a she.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-12 22:18:00
PhilippinesMarriage Ceremony in The Phils after Civil Marriage in the US

One thing to remember, if you were married in a Catholic Church and divorced without a Catholic annulment of marriage, you may not be able to have a ceremony in the church.

My fiancee and I are having a ceremony out in the Philippines before I bring her back to the US for the offical marriage. Her Catholic church won't perform it due to my divorce without a annulment of marriage.

You are so right. Forget the Catholic it is not happening. Hanks is right, but if the family is dead set on it, find another non-catholic pastor. I used a Methodist pastor in Cebu. If you are in Cebu I can give you the info. She will marry you no problem.

Edited by Run Herschel Run, 10 January 2013 - 07:29 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-10 19:27:00
PhilippinesFor those who got married already.. I need your advice

1359082506[/url]' post='5940726']
Just wondering how did most of you guys got married after your POE to US? Was is it a simple one (civil) or a grand wedding? I just need some input as my fiance's family wished a "real wedding" and somehow, already started planning even though the the K1 hasn't been approved yet.

Since they wanted a "real wedding" of course my parents has to be in the US as well to take part in it, but it's not really practical for us because the flight ticket costs too much. But his family is very traditional want it for their son.

So for those got married as "real wedding" how do you guys go about it? Was one or two of your family members able to fly to US to attend it? If not, how did you go about?

Thank so much in advance!

We had a small simple wedding in the u.s. then went back to the PI later to have a nice. Service for the family. I
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-25 21:14:00
PhilippinesK-1 interview preparation

In the Philippines you schedule your own interview, the NVC does not do it (they do in some countries though).

Your case will now move to the NVC. It can stay there for a month or so, but often it's much less. After that, they will send your paperwork to the embassy in Manila. Your fiancé should then get a letter from the US Embassy explaining how to proceed.

Now that your case is approved, in a week or so, start calling the NVC and see if they have assigned your petition a case number. It will be something like MNL________

With that number, you can actually schedule the interview, get moving on your medical, etc. So even while you are waiting for the NVC to get your paperwork to Manila, you can be doing things.

You cannot take the medical without the letter from the US Embassy, but you can pre-register online, filling out some of the information.

The letter from the US Embassy will explain all the next round of paperwork you need, and will give you links to download the 'Packet 3' from the US Embassy website.

Basically if you want a headstart, here is the link to the paperwork the US Embassy is going to tell you to download:


To contact the NVC, see the following page:


So basically, in this order, here is what I did:

Call or contact the NVC starting soon and see if they have assigned you Case number.

Once you have it, start following the instructions in the Packet 3 paperwork. You will be able to go and pay your visa fee. You might not want to actually schedule the interview until you receive the letter from the US Embassy, but at least you'll be ready to do so.

Go to the St. Luke's Extension site and pre-register once you have your case number. This will save time when she goes for her medical. Their website is:

On the left column you'll see a place to register.

Then while you are waiting, being gathering and filing out all the forms the packet 3 lists. You will need to do the I-134 affidavit of support, and gather your own stuff here, so get started on that too.

But good luck and congrats!

You can absolutely take the Medical without the letter from the US Embassy. My wife has been here 6 months and we never saw the letter from the Embassy. Call and get your MNL number and get the ball rolling. You can usually be on a plane with in about a month or so of NVC issuing your MNL number if you wish.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-05 04:34:00