Philippinesnot sure what to do next

Don't know how you can schedule another interview.. seriously that isn't happening.


Did you get the letter, did it give you options.  You need to call the embassy and see if you can ask that question to them - can I fly there and have a meetings on this..


Hank do you think it is possible there is another issue going on here,and all she took away from the interview was that she did not get a translator.


I am not daring to suggest anyone's loved one did anything wrong, but it would not be the first time what actually happened got confused with what really happened. When those language and cultural forces come into play, things can get twisted fast.


My wife and will soon celebrate 2 years of here being here, and  sometimes directions and understandings still get mangled and she speaks good English.


I still have never heard of a case being denied when  all the i's were dotted and t's docs in order,  plenty of proof of relationship,Cenomar etc in order. 


Just trying to think outside the box.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-31 20:57:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)

what activities do you have planned around Thanksgiving football ?


That's mostly pro


May watch Ole miss

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 20:03:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)

ah ! Bingo Suprise !

C-Lator - here's the trick - try it next year !

For Halloween, you two go to a dress up party as Pilgrims. Then she'll get interested in the Thanksgiving Holiday a few weeks later.

Be Visual !



we were fred and wilma

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 20:01:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)


Oh so funny. The Angel when in the window last weekend and the parol and tree went up yesterday at our house. I thought I did good to keep her waiting until November actually.

Pinoy flag flies high in our home Mabuhay!


Smart man.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 18:48:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)


Lol.. know what? The countdown for Christmas had started in the Philippines since September.. you must really love her to let the Pinoy flag fly...


well, for you to know.. Christmas for Pinoys is Thanksgiving Day as well...wink.png  


Anyway, I do admire you for letting her to do what she wants...



She thinks we are odd because we wait so long to celebrate Christmas, I have been in Cebu during Christmas...I mean Sept 


I know..I try to spoil her. Made her dried fish for Breakfast this AM

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-05 21:40:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)

thanksgiving plot much better. why not stand your ground ?
or purchase the decorations for T-Day without her, and ask her to put them all over the house ?

Stand Yer Ground™, C-Lator !

The Baby Jesus wants you to celebrate USA ThanksGiving firstly !


I pick my battles..Christmas tree in Nov ain't one of them


eating at China Buffet every meal is

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-05 20:16:00
PhilippinesList of US Banks affiliated to the Philippines is a similar sservice. Maybe cheaper too.

Yes I think I pay around 4 bucks for Xoom. I have found it to be the best of the mall.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-27 20:37:00
PhilippinesAC converter that will work in the Phils?

Usually lap tops, cell phones IPODS, MP3's will work from 110 to 220 which the Philippines uses. Do not plug in your electric shaver (if applicable), hair dryers or CPAP Machines... Instant poof, died, dead gone.... Well I was able to bring my CPAP back to life but the others not so. May they rest in peace lol.

I just used a normal cheap converter and it works no problem. Any will do just make sure it has step down 220/110 which all have I I believe.

You are right. When I went back in Sept I sent ahead and had the family buy a nice converter. Low and behold I found after I got there all my stuff was both 110 and 220. I do use a CPAP and I looked on the back. Sure enough my CPAP was 220.

We had both Iphones, Laptop and Ipad. All were dual use. So we never had to use the converter. I was really surprised how much stuff is dual voltage.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-31 05:21:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Curiosity killed the cat ~ :blush:

Just the same considerable age differences between a man and wife is nothing new nor something that is directly related to Filipinas either. There is an age old saying that a man should marry a woman half his age + seven years. Okay how many guys just grabbed a calculator? :rofl:

I did a quick google search and found this:


Some people seem to have issue with age differences and for them I have a saying I have always enjoyed - A closed mind is a terrible thing to waste. :thumbs:

I personally was not looking for a much younger wife when I decided to "get back out there", yet destiny had different ideas.

I agree. when my friends started wanting to introduce me to Piany women, I said I will not consider more than a 8 year age gap. Well fate intervened and I ended up with a wife 14 years 11 months younger than me. A bit of a difference but a lot less than many I know.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-01-18 12:42:00
PhilippinesHow long did you wait for your MNL #?

Did you do the medical without the MNL#, just using the NOA2?

SLEC needs the MNL# to "attach" the medical file to the pending visa application at the embassy, so just curious how they handled that with just an NOA2.

I was going to comment on that, but it's been a while since I went thru it.. I am also pretty sure you have to have MNL for physical.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-02-16 10:19:00
PhilippinesHow long did you wait for your MNL #?

Hello everyone! Our I-129F petition was approved on February 4th and we got the NOA2 hardcopy on Feb. 8. I just called NVC and was advised that they haven't received our case yet from USCIS and that it will take 15 business days. In most timelines i've seen, NVC received their case from USCIS in less than 10 days. I'm just curious... is it common to wait that long? How long did it take NVC to assign you a MNL #? And will the petitioner receive further updates about the case via mail/ email? Thanks!

Seems like it was about 8-10 days. After about 7 call them everyday in the evening. Once you get that MNL number you are set to start the process. Pay your fee make your appointment etc.

A word of caution. Don't wait on E-mail's etc because sometime they happen and sometimes the do not happen.

As for the letter your fiancee may get from the Embassy after her package is processed. Forget that I don't know anyone that has ever gotten one. Get your MNL number and proceed.

Go ahead and have all your forms etc ready. Things can move pretty fast now.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-02-16 08:56:00
PhilippinesLiving in Manila

I live in Makati right now as well. Rent is as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be depending on how you're willing to live, but a middle class lifestyle will be expensive. When I first moved here I lived at the Radisson for P30,000 a month in a studio unit. You would need a much bigger place than that for 5 people. Since then I've moved to the west side of Makati where I rent a one bedroom apartment for P7,500 and an extra P500 a month for my parking spot in the garage. It's not a nice neighborhood by western standards but I've grown to love it, and I'm about a ten minute drive from Ayala Center (if I'm driving at 3am lol). It's just my wife and I, but we rarely spend more than $1,000 USD a month. We do live a simple Filipino lifestyle though. The sky's the limit in Makati, but from what you describe I'd make sure I have at least $2,000 USD a month coming in. The wording of your post suggests that you have never been to Makati before. If that is the case be sure to check it out before you agree to live there. The traffic is horrendous. Good luck :)

- Bron (Makati/Utah)

So if I had a steady income of 2600 dollars a month, I could live comfortably in the PI and not work ? Not in Manila but say in Cebu outside the city ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-02-17 09:42:00
PhilippinesCrazy story if you didn't see it.

I brought the ball this far, howbout you give a description?

Really... I was about to say also...
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-02-24 06:42:00
PhilippinesCrazy story if you didn't see it.

I happen to watch this on Youtube and thought some over at this forum might not have seen it.

I saw that on TV it was from locked up abroad
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-02-23 23:00:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis


Because I just demonstrated in the OP that it is not required by any Philippine law. So congratulations for an impressive lack in reading skill.

dave01 by your own standard you continue to cry along with Nature Boy - crying about people who express their opinion when there is nothing you can do about it. So following his advice, it certainly isn't enough for the two of you to get your panties in such a tight wad about. You two complain more about this thread than others do about the CFO requirement.

John and Sol - what ludicrous reasoning. Extrajudicial killings are not an immigration matter. But 100% of us have this CFO requirement. That's why it is a topic here, and I am also the only one who has actually started any threads on the Maguindanao Massacre or the MILF and Philippine government war on Mindanao. Have you ever lifted a finger on those issues you claim to be so much more important? Of course not.

What all of you can congratulate yourselves for though is taking the time to speak out against others who take the time to learn about law or discuss it.

Does all that chest thumping and insulting somehow make you feel better about your own life.. Always found News Group bullies odd birds.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-06 22:46:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

Since it was my post that you quoted, I'll respond by saying, that a lot of what I read on this thread seems to be a lot of bitching and complaining about the process that a person has to go thru in order to bring someone from here to another country as a permanent resident. Some are even wondering about leaving to another country as a tourist and then flying to another country. Does the word fraud mean anything to you? What will they do when they get there and their passport needs to be renewed and they have no sticker in it? I'm not crying about anything, I just pointed out that there seems to be a lot of it going on. My point in all of this is simple, the whole visa process takes time and there are a number of steps that you have to complete before you are allowed a visa. The CFO is a step you need to take before you travel. It was put in place in 1980 for a very good reason, to try and inform and protect Filipino's that were leaving the country to live or work in another country. The best advice always during the visa process is to be honest and to do those things required to get you where you want to go. Don't use fixers, fraudulent documents or try and circumvent the systems of either of the countries involved and as for being pissed off, I doubt you could piss me off, maybe shake my head in wonder.

Well said. I mean would someone really go to the expense, trouble and time to fly to another country to avoid a course that takes a few hours and cost a minimal amount.. That would be totally illogical.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-05 22:30:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

Thanks, Captain Obvious - and I don't need your permission to post.

Who was quoting the Philippine laws you know nothing about? Me, not you. So isn't that hilarious, with you pretending to inform me. :D

Since we are immigrating Filipinos those laws affect us. Duh. Are you really this infantile with reasoning?

Better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. But hey, by all means keep embarassing yourself.

I was just pointing out that it's part of Philippine law and us not liking, means squat. It's really not that big a deal few hours course, and not nearly the most difficult part of the journey. certianley not worth you getting your panties in a wad over. Anyway.. Peace..

Sorry to interrupt your rant, please continue sir.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-05 22:28:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

1362509585[/url]' post='6023577']

As for the swinger thing that HAS nothing to do with anything she can not be forced to do anything she does not want to and if she is forced then she can leave call the cops and file for divorce or take legal action that is part of the laws here.

That is why they need CFO Please tell me you are joking
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-05 17:18:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

1362516992[/url]' post='6023852']
My name is not Don, you can't spell "tilting" correctly, and providing information is hardly "tilting at windmills". The information is not for you. It is for people with minds. There are people on this forum that have them.

You think yourself superior for criticizing people who share information with others on the laws that affect them? I'm not going to stop doing so just because some lazy, ignorant, blindly obedient sheep criticizes me for it. You have no power over me.

Ok then have at it champ. You do realize the CFO sticker has nothing to do with Us law or requirement right ? It is strictly a Philippine requirement
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-05 17:14:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

For those who have already been through, or who are about to pay for the revolting CFO seminar, it appears to me that it has no legal basis, and was invented without authority by the Department of Foreign Affairs. You're still going to have to do it because there are armed guards with guns who have been told by their superiors to enforce this phony requirement, but I think we need to spread the word this is a Department that has imposed a tax and restriction upon travel without legal basis and should be abolished. I think it can, certainly much more easily than reversing an Act.

The requirement pretends to be an "implementing regulation" of the Philippines Passport Act of 1996, which can be read in full here:

Philippines Passport Act 1996

Look through that Act and observe there is not ONE WORD about requiring counseling for Philippinos marrying foreigners. The way law works in the Philippines, the legislature can pass an act, like the Passport Act, and direct the Department of Foreign Affairs to come up with "implementing regulations", in this case within 60 days of the Act. But the Department of Foreign Affairs cannot invent some new requirement beyond what the Act allowed. Otherwise any rogue department can simply make up whatever regulations it wants, regardless of what an Act says, and charge whatever fees they feel like charging - making themselves dictators, without any semblance of democracy.

That's what the DFA did here. Despite not one word in the Act requiring any kind of seminar/counseling for fiances or spouses of foreigners, the DFA just wrote it into their implementing regulations without authority. It is contained within D.O. 11-97, the implementing regulations, saying this:

The other important illegal aspect of this requirement is that it represents a tax on certain Philippino citizens without legislative authority: they not only force this "counseling" upon you, but you have to pay them for it. Yet, to date there has been no legislative authority for this tax. The CFO is just doing it because they are getting away with it. They have been pretending that the Philippines Passport Act gave them the power to restrict the rights of immigration for those who are marrying abroad, and impose a tax on them without basis in law.

In short, they invented a regulation to line their pockets with gold from foreign marriages.

I certainly invite someone with a good legal background to steer us to contrary information. I would happily stand corrected. But there is no question the Act they claim to be implementing says nothing about the little baby Filipino citizens being so stupid they need mommy government to counsel them on their marriage to a foreigner.

One very important advice: explaining this to the bureaucrat at the seminar violates the premises of Slavery. A slave never questions authority. A slave never shows he knows more than his master. A Slave cheerfully accepts all orders, thanking the Master for his infinite wisdom and kindness. This is the kind of information, if divulged, guarantees you flunk the seminar. The person in front of you is making their living from this illegal minor oppression. They take a five minute Jeepney trip to work from home. You traveled hundreds of miles by ship, have to stay in a hotel, and eat more expensive food, etc. - spend thousands of pesos in addition to days of your time just to put a few hundred pesos in their pockets. Like a 10:1 ratio of your actual expenses over the wages they extort from you. But that's part of the power trip for them - knowing how much they put you through before arriving at their feet, on your knees for their precious stamp.

I am not familiar enough with Filipino law to understand how regulations in violation of the laws they supposedly implement are reversed. It is obvious that immigrants would rather pay this extortion than mount a court challenge to it and spend a couple of years doing that instead of immigrating and marrying. A class action suit abolishing the regulation and getting our money back plus an apology - I'm down for that. But I would prefer we could send the people that wrote it to a re-education camp run by North Korea.

Your titling at Windmills Don...
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-08-11 08:14:00

While chatting with my fiancé on yahoo this morning I get a text saying our status has changed! I go look on uscis website and we are "APPROVED"!!!!!!!!
Praise God! I have to admit the flood of emotions had me crying like a baby . So loooong waiting and so many fears of what if....
We received notice of receipt for the I-129f on Sept 9th and Aproved this morning on March 6th at 7:13 am.
Prayers for all of you still waiting.

Yeah man. Seems like just yesterday.... I cried like a baby also
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-06 22:43:00
Philippineswire money

Anyone use anything other than western union to wire money? I've sent 5 times with them and now all of a sudden they tell me I need to go to a location to send the wire. I prefer doing it online.

Xoom all the time. Never lets me down
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-06 22:44:00
Philippinescalling PHILIPPINES FROM USA... what to use

do you guys have some info that you might want to share, i need a service or plan or whatever you call it to use to call back to philippines and show's record and number of who you call.. thanks..

We always used Skype, Yahoo and FB. I think I called once or twice if for some reason she was not near a computer. They are all free and you can cut and paste a few lines of chat every week or so wich is way more than enough for evidence purpsoes.

Now if you both don't have internet that is a whole different story.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-06-09 08:29:00
PhilippinesBanana Ketchup

Anyone here ever make their own banana ketchup? My wife got a whole lot of free bananas and in trying to use them up I thought I would try a simple recipe I found online. But first wanted to see if anyone here makes it and knows of a good recipe to use. My wife is excited about trying my homemade banana ketchup.

Incidentally, it was first introduced during WW2 when there was a shortage of regular ketchup, and it was used as a substitute at that time, and became the favorite since.

Anything that is not Heinz is not Ketchup. Turn back.. Non Heinz is evil.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-13 20:43:00
PhilippinesHow long till the interview process is finished

My wife has her interview appointment at 6:15 am.. How late can she expect to be in the embassy? I ask this because I am buying a plane ticket to return to the USA later that day.

If I remember correct I think most are out by noonish

Edited by The Nature Boy, 13 March 2013 - 08:46 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-13 20:46:00
PhilippinesHow to ensure you have a clear lungs?

Raw garlic benefits health by facilitating the treatment of conditions like atherosclerosis, arthritis, tuberculosis , bronchitis, pneumonia, insomnia, hypoglycemia, intestinal worms, digestive disorders, bladder stones, allergies, and various other diseases.

Read more http://www.speedyrem...c-benefits.html

Garlic is a great remedy to prevent tuberculosis. You can have raw garlic three times a day or have garlic capsule.


Here is a partial list of ailments that have been successfully treated by raw garlic or garlic extracts: high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, hypoglycemia, bronchitis, asthma, whooping, pneumonia, common cold, allergies, intestinal worms, intestinal putrefaction and gas, parasitic diarrhea, dysentery and insomnia.


what concerns them is that it is communicable that's why it needs to be treated before a patient travels elsewhere. :)

Posted Image
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-16 12:10:00
PhilippinesHow to ensure you have a clear lungs?

I'm afraid you're all wrong. TB and any other disease the US checks for can be easily cured with clorox bleach. Just one cup full cleans the system right up, nothing will show up on any xrays...

Just in case there is anyone out there who does not understand he is joking... HE is.. That will kill you dead.

I know folks but there is always one out there.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-16 12:06:00
PhilippinesHow to ensure you have a clear lungs?

I've been reading posts about their case has been delayed because St Luke's found something on the results of their chest x-ray. So I would like to ask how to have a clear lungs? I don't smoke and I always take vitamins. I drink occasionally. Just really want to make sure they won't find anything.

Goto the doctor and have a checkup first. at least you will know if you are dealing with something that could possibly be dealt with
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-14 19:18:00
PhilippinesAverage Cost for Vacation in the Philippines
Maybe over 6K

Airfare- 2900.00
Apartment for two weeks-- 500.00
Feed family 2 weeks - 400.00
Plantation Bay 2 days- 700.00
Pasalubong for every Pinay in U.S. on way out -- 250.00
Cabs etc- 100.00
Laundry Sari Sari store----75.00
Constant Jolibee reinforcement-- 100.000
Pasalubongs for Family on trip in --500.00
Several Sm and Gaisano Mall trips-400.00

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-23 09:39:00
PhilippinesAverage Cost for Vacation in the Philippines

Hello guys!

For those who went back in the Philippines for vacation, I want to seek for information for average cost of your vacation. What do you think the average cost for 2 adults and a one-year old kid travelling to Philippines for 2 weeks?

I am trying to save for our 2-weeks vacation. I don't want to overly budget neither under budget. I'm figuring out on how much pocket money I should bring as I don't want to use credit card if possible.

Appreciate any suggestions, tips and info.

For two Adults II think we spent around 5K
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-23 09:22:00
PhilippinesBetter late than never

I like how I get responses in a regional discussion from people doing visa in other countries... I could have found a wife from any country in the world, there is a reason I picked Philippines. Because they are traditional and although not all a great majority of the women prefer to be house wives. I have obviously asked her what she wants to do with her life, she has no idea I'm trying to help get her a hobby/money making side gig. Darnell had a great idea actually that is something along the lines I am thinking. I do realize she needs a work permit for a real job, but I would prefer her not have a real job. Now if she can make as much as me and wants to work, then she can and I'll stay home and be a house husband... I definitely could keep myself occupied. I didn't think I'd get a feminist assault from the post that is for sure. I'm sure there's plenty of people in the same boat I'm in. My fiance has told me she doesn't want to get a drivers license, that pretty much eliminates work possibilities. Some things might change, right now she's saying she doesn't want a license, having kids would eliminate that quick. Having kids is what she wants most but I want to have fun for a year and enjoy life, plus if the health system crashes then maybe a year from now it will be cheaper to have a kid, it certainly can't go up in price.

To those of us married to Pinay women, your questions made perfect sense, and showed your concern for your wife.

As for driving. We are at 1.5 years and she still has zero interest in driving.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-26 17:30:00
PhilippinesBetter late than never

So maybe I should have thought about this sooner but what do your fiancées do all day? Like I realize some work but what about the ones that don't? I've always dated girls with jobs but don't want that for a wife. So I'm trying to figure out how my fiancé won't be bored out of her mind when I'm out working. The house can only be so clean... I do have some stuff she can make money on the Internet with but other than that I can't figure it out. I realize house wives somehow stay busy but with what? I can clean the house in a couple hours so even if that is done everyday there is still a lot of time. I feel like my credit card is going to get hit with shopping like every other girl in my family. Maybe like sewing or somethin?

Facebook, SwagBucks, Housework, Swagbucks, Pinoy Soap Opera, Chismoso with friends, more swagbucks, etc etc.

You should probably talk to her about it. Is she ok with the idea of staying home and not working? That is her decision to make. I feel that cooking, cleaning and other chores have to be shared. You both live together, you are a team. Let her figure out what she wants, but be supportive, don't tell her what to do. Also, ask her what she likes to do, if she has any hobby do some research about fun activities in your area so she has something to do while adjusting to her new life.

I wish you the best of luck!

Just curious.. If working is not shared why should household chores. My wife is very happy staying home. However I am not coming home after 9-10 days and helping do the housework.

Wow. This is a person that you're talking about, a thinking, feeling human being, an adult, your equal. You seem to have confused her for a pet? Is this a real post or a troll?!?

Sounds to me like he loves his wife, and is asking people who are in similar situations things they do to ease the transition. Far from a troll in my book.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-26 16:53:00
Philippinessending money to the family back in the phils

Hank, and The Nature Boy,

I didn't realize I was posting against such an old post. I'm very confident in my choices and know I live me life knowing it's a good choice. I was curious as to why US folks family seems to be left out of this conversation of needing support too.

Don't feel bad I did not either.. However this is one of the most common subjects newbies face. Most deal with the issue at some point
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-27 21:21:00
Philippinessending money to the family back in the phils

Posting is almost 2 years old.... not sure why you are replying.

Even us that are 60 don't run around looking for 18 y.o. Pinays to marry, and truly I don't know of any with that large of an age gap, + not sure what that has to do with anything, being 60 doesn't mean a person is floating in $$.

I read your original post, answer is quite simple, you can't send what you don't have...

Darn I relied again even though I did almost two years ago. LOL A lot has changed in two years
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-27 18:18:00
Philippinessending money to the family back in the phils

Ok, here is our problem. One that I'm sure is all too common! My wife has been in the USA for over three years and thankfully all is well with us here. Our problem is trying to help out the family back in the Philippines. My wife has three sisters and her two parents living back in Cebu. The Mom and Dad left their property in the province years ago over some family fights. They only had a nipa roofed house anyways. They then moved to the city with the oldest sister who had met a foreigner. The Mom, Dad and sisters stayed with the older sister and foreigner for a few years until recently more infighting and bickering led to her parents finding their own apartment in the city (with our financial support of course). Now it's become obvious to us that we can't afford to pay rent for them and help with all their living expenses. Some of them work, but they make next to nothing. Once we told them that we're having problems sending more money there is more arguing and fighting and we're being called cheap and selfish!!! This really hurts, especially when some of our hard earned money is going over there and there seems to be no appreciation. Of course they all think we're rich, and I wish we were. They have no idea the cost of living in the USA.
We are currently sending about 300 USD a month. This seems like a lot to us but it's not enough for them. Please give me some advice. Is this a fair amount, too much, too little?? :wacko:

I say send whatever you are comfortable sending. Totally up to you. I love my Pinay family dearly. I sent my Brother in law 42,000 pesos the other day to help start a small business he has been working on for some time..I know what the business is, he is telling the truth and I trust him, he is honest, I was not made to do or I was just asked if it was possible and if it was not, that is ok. I had the money and it did not impact my budget in any way.

In the past we have sent 100 here and 200 there, but never any pressure to do so. I can't imagine how much easier a few hundred here and there make life in the Philippines and how much happiness it must bring. I am blessed with more than I could ever need, so why not spread a little happiness.

Now having said all that, if my budget ever did not allow or people acted like it was my duty or tried to shame me into doing it, then it would stop. If they ever called me cheap or selfish, then I would have a hard time helping them much in the future.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-27 18:16:00
Philippinessending money to the family back in the phils
So after reading this whole thread several times... Hmm. Couple of questions

So 300.00 dollars a month is what a professional would make in the Philippines in a place like Cebu.

Any chance a person working in an office, doing credit collections would make that much every month?

I will say this. I am not yet married, but I surely would not mind helping if there is a need, but I will not be bullied into anything nor will I be the sole means of support. My fiancee lives with her extened family and they are architects. They have 2 cars and fairly nice home etc, but to be honest I have no clue about the culture and what constitutes comfortable vs needy. I have several close Piany friends here and they told me that if someone has two automobiles in the Philippines they are doing ok ?.

I will say this. They were lovely sweet very hospitable people , who treated me like I had been part of the family for 20 years..
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-07 19:05:00


I always find the phrase "My Filpina" odd. Makes her sound like a pet, which I find odd. Of course a lot of us do it.. Just saying

As for budgeting.. I got my wife her own checking account. I put money in there. When she wants to buy splurge items, I always go, "well it's your money you can do what you want with it". She almost always then passes. She is so ingrained into saving her money, she gets very frugal.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-27 18:25:00
PhilippinesWhat do you miss most from the Philippines?

Ok, here is a question focused mostly at those who have been recipients of a K-1/K-3/etc. visa.

What do you miss most from the Philippines? What was your biggest adjustments to life in the United States? What did your spouse do or could have done to make the transition the most comfortable?

Here is why I ask. I had lived in the Philippines for a short while. I know that for myself there was some irritating adjustments. Some foods and comforts were not available while I was there.

I love my Ann dearly and want to save her some of the discomfort I had felt.

I have sought out Filipino foods and snacks. I have made sure it possible for her to watch any Filipino TV programs or movies, and listen to local radio programming. I know all the best Filipino restaurants here, the Filipino community center, even found where a mass is performed in Tagalog. We have plans for howto keep her in easy contact with family and friends.

While I am forced to wait for our NOA2 and watch as CSC gets slower and slower, preparing things for her acts as a exercise in keeping my sanity without her.

The food .. Get them the food. Don't assume you think you know what they will want because you will probably be wrong. Then seek out some local pinay. It's really easy. If you meet one somewhere tell her your fiancee is coming. Lot's of times they want to help and meet her right away. That makes it easy. I already had many Pinoy friends when my wife got here.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-30 20:14:00
PhilippinesBest Way to Send Shoes

I'd like to send three to five pairs of men's sneakers to my family in Bukidnon or in Cebu. Placing footwear in a balikbayan box for $65 is one idea but delivery takes 40-50 days. Does anybody know an alternative? It would be good for the shoes to arrive 1-3 weeks from the shipping date but I don't want to spend more than $100 just to do that. I live in the Greater LA area.

Suggestions please.

Send the LBC box. It's way cheaper and almost anything else is "maybe" going to give you customs problems with possible huge fees. Five pairs of shoes will go in the LBC box with lots and lots of room to spare. I may suggest going to Sams and buying lots of Bulk chocolates, Stuff like the Mega size jars of Shampoo are always a big hit. Soaps etc... You can find awesome box stuff at yard sales. Nutella and Spam are big hits also

I agree sending money to buy it there is not the same, but the OP is right. In the long run it may be cheaper. I try to send a box every 1/4. My family in the Philippines is not poor, but always enjoy getting the Items that are hard to find there or that are way too expesive.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-03-14 19:58:00
PhilippinesArguments About Sending Money Back Home?

I just want to hear from people's experience concerning this topic...

I'm actually Fil-Am, so my experience is a little different coming from my perspective compared to an American marrying their fiancee and realizing later that you did not just marry her, but she also came with a family that needs support. My experience started with my parents sending money back home. My siblings and I grew up rather quickly and realized at an early age that if we wanted something in life that we had to work hard for it. I just find it perplexing that my parents instilled this in us, but at the same time would willingly send money to their siblings in The Philippines. I would understand if they were sending them to college to better themselves, but 30 years later they are still sending money to not only support their siblings, but now their siblings' kids and even grand kids.

I even find it hard to understand why my parents would send money to their siblings who made bad decisions in their lives, but would not send money to their few siblings who actually made something out of themselves. It's like there's a reward for failure. I wouldn't mind all this, if it wasn't affecting our home life growing up. My siblings had to sacrifice a lot. It may sound petty, but we learn Santa didn't exist at an early age, when you make a list for Christmas and never get anything on it. Mom had to send money to all her siblings for Christmas, so they can have "something to eat." While their kids didn't care anymore for Christmas, because what's the point of hoping, when you're not going to get anything besides towels and socks. My parents sacrifice a lot for their family in The Philippines, but it does affect your kids if there's no balance. You don't pressure your kids to get scholarships because you didn't bother to save for their college education or send them on a guilt trip and ask them to sacrifice on Christmas because we have a better life than our cousins in The Philippines. My siblings and I don't expect or ask anything from our parents, everything we got, we earned it on our own and we're actually proud of that fact.

I just refused to continue this tradition and I do not want my future kids to experience this growing up. My fiancee has family and siblings she plans to support until they graduate from college. Which I do not mind at all because she actually put a time limit on her support. We've talked about it and I already told her that once we have kids this will have to stop. If it doesn't stop, I do not want kids. I don't mean stop helping them, but the constant help. I don't mind helping if there's an emergency or when it comes to education purposes or to help them move up, but I will not put up with supporting anyone who can't get their act together. I'm not paying for other people's mistakes and bad choices. My fiancee knows that I will do anything to make her happy, but I draw the line on certain things, this is one of them.

Wow sorry if this was long.

That was an awesome post on your right on the Money. My fiancee will be here tonight and we have already had this discussion. She has never asked me for one penny, although without being asked I have been very considerate. We had not planned for her to work, unless she wanted to. She has an elderly mother who may need a little help from time to time. This is fine and i told her I would be more than willing to help her as small needs arose. Actually I will enjoy doing this as she is part of my family now. However as you said, I made it clear we were not going to be helping those that could do for themselves. If I have it extra and someone needs some help to go to college, or something that will help them better themselves I may consider it.

What you are saying leads into what has become a problem in this country. Those of us who work and made the right choices, are increasingly being burdened by those that choose not to better themselves and expect a ever increasing government to supply their needs. I don't think anybody minds helping those who for whatever reason need a hand up or who through no fault of their own can not provide for themselves. I am sorry but poor should mean poor, and it should motivate a person to better themselves. All too often we hear tales of Non working Mothers who spit out baby after Baby, being provided Nice HUD homes, they have direct TV, government provided Cell phones, drive nice cars etc etc. That has go to stop. Ok sorry I kind of got off track.

Look at the number of posters on VJ who continually bemoan that they are on public assistance and do not make above the poverty level, but are trying to get a sponsor to bring a loved one over. That always makes my Blood Pressure go up a tad.

Anyway great post. You are very level headed.

Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.
John D. Rockefeller

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-12 09:08:00