Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

scruffydog seems to have a bone to pick...

No not at all I just like posters to be sure what they are talking about when they give advice. In the link above what on the page specifically are you referring to.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-24 05:15:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

Lighten up! Jeez!

Just recently a CO at the interview requested a copy of his tax return (1040), she had a transcript of his returns and was required to get actual copies of the 1040. Its very recent you should have no issue finding it in a search. The instructions for the 134 also state copies of tax return (1040). I know others have used transcripts and been fine but all you need is a CO that goes by the letter of the instructions for the 134 and you will be getting a request for copies of the tax return (1040).

The instructions for the I-864 also say a 1040 is required, but the USICS website plainly says tax transcripts are perfectly acceptable. The only reason I am making an issue of this, is becuse the OP said they were going to delay thier interview if the transcript was not acceptable. he was told he could not use a transcript, by Tahoma which is just plain wrong. When we post something on here we have a lot of people who are new to the process and we should try to give accurate info. If we don't know for sure we should not guess, assume, or google up the first hit we see and psot an answer as if we know. After having gone thru the process, the amount of wrong info I see people post here sometimes astounds me.

He also continues to argue the point that you can not schedule your case until Manila revives your packet which is just flat wrong.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-23 20:49:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts
1, Like I said I know many people who used the Tax Transcripts which is even the USICS websit states is clearly acceptable.

2. You still have not produced the poster that said they were denied. You gonna produce a source that backs up your story. ? BTW arguing the term "denied" is symantics. As far as I am concerned if you did not leave there that day with a Visa Approval you were denied.

3. 100's if not 1000's of Manila filers know or have known that as soon as NVC issues your MNL case number you can schedule your appointment. You appear to be the only person that ever married a pinay that does not know that.

4. The only beef I have with you is that you post things that are not true, that I am afraid will cause delays or added stress to an already stressful process. I don't post anything unless I know it for a fact. Stop guessing about things. People here reley on this site for help and guidance.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-23 17:55:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

The USCIS does not issue K-1 visas...the Embassy does. When you read post #11, you will discover that the Embassy requires tax returns, and they mention nothing about transcripts. It would be absurd to ignore the Embassy requirements and risk a delayed visa.

I'll let you do your own homework because I have no problem following the Embassy's directions.

So you quote the USICS website in one place then say the USICS has nothing to do with VISA requirements in another. So can you offer any evidence that someone was denied. My lawyer said Tax Transcript was fine, I jsut happned to have the 1040.. I know lots of people that used them. Your wrong a lot dude you need to stop telling people needing help stuff if you don't actually know the right answer. Remember when you argued for three days that you could not schedule an interview unless your packet was actually in Manilla. ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-19 20:12:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

^^^ A VJ K-1er reported that they submitted only tax transcripts and the consular officer then required them to submit their income tax return. Where is the misinformation in that? That was their experience. Are you saying the consular officer was mistaken?

I submitted tax returns and transcripts because I wanted to build the best case possible...and it worked for us. I advocate building the best case possible, and I can't understand why anyone would recommend doing anything less when it comes to assuring that their fiancée is successful with her Embassy interview.

^^^ The only bad information here is your assumption that the consular officers at the Embassy are bound by what the USCIS says. They work for the Department of State, and they are given wide discretion in determining the public charge issue. The bottom line is...if the consular officer wants to see a tax return, you're not going to get a visa until they see that tax return.

Who is this mystical VJ member and where is the post. ??
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-18 18:53:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

How things change.. When we went through this a couple of years ago, it was my understanding that transcripts were preferred and that was all I sent. We didn't have any problems at all. I'm getting ready to send the I-751 packet in the next couple of months and was going to call for transcripts again. Guess I need to rethink that huh :blink:

Transcripts are preferred. One guy somewhere, who probably got misquoted said they did not accept them and all of a sudden it's fact. There is just so much mis-information out there. It just kind of seems wrong to lead people down a path, that are new to this, by making them think you need tax transcripts and your 1040, which both contain the exact same info.

P.S. you also don't need 400 pages of chat transcripts 50 pictures etc etc.

Really it's no skin of my back if the OP delays their interview on this absurd advice, Just trying to help.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-18 18:39:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

I read that document but I saw no where on there where it says IRS Transcripts are acceptable. Maybe I am missing it but I see only that the 1040 is required. If you see where it says IRS Transcripts are acceptable, please someone point it out to me because I don't see that. Thanks.

The K-1 I-134 does not specifically require even a 1040 or transcript according to the USICS web site. If you dig a little further you will see that the I-864, very specifically states that a transcipt is fine and reconized by the USICS for immigration purposes. I have not been on VJ in a while, and we are pending AOS, but it amazes me people still sit here and guess what they think the requirements are and pass bad information. As somewhat of a vetran at this, a lot the of repsonses I see, espically in the K-1 forum are poor guesses.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-17 17:41:00
Philippines1040 vs IRS Transcripts

At their interview, a K-1er at the U.S. Embassy Manila recently submitted a tax transcript. The consular officer required the K-1er to submit an income tax return.

Tax transcripts are acceptable as long as you submit the income tax return with it.

That is just flat misinformation. Tax transcripts are perfectly fine.

"""Tax transcripts are acceptable as long as you submit the income tax return with it."""
Why in the world would you possibly want to submit a tax transcript if you have the return
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2012-01-17 17:31:00
PhilippinesAccompanying fiancée during interview




I had planned to be with her at the interview when we started this process. After reading the many posts on VJ I decided it wasn't needed. Though my fiance was a bit disappointed at first, we decided the time off work and money could be better spent when she gets here. Then it turned out I have to be in japan and will be there until Nov 7th; her sputum test results are Oct 23rd. Considering Nov 11th is a company holiday I told her if by chance you can set the interview Nov 8th, 11th or 12th I will be there. She emailed me the next day with an interview confirmation for Nov 12th. So for me, the stars were aligned that day. I only have to pay one way Tokyo -> Manila and only have to take 1 vacation day. 


Considering its been since June since I've seen her and that she is now SO happy I will be there, its a good idea for me regardless if it helps or not.


Now under these circumstances  why not..even if she was not having interview is a  great chance to see her on the cheap.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-09-29 20:20:00
PhilippinesAccompanying fiancée during interview

If everything is complete and in order, and she can answer all questions asked about you, and there are no red flags, then she should be fine.  Being there with her just makes the process go much smoother and quicker, allowing her to relax.  I went with my fiance, and we were only asked a few questions (about my previous visits and our engagement, one about my job, and that was it).  No pictures or proof was asked for and the whole thing lasted 2 minutes.  Nobody there even asked to see my passport. biggrin.png

Two mins is about standard regardless if you go our not

How was your trip ? Did your bag get there ok

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-09-28 20:31:00
PhilippinesAccompanying fiancée during interview

Aloha to all!
First I want to thank everyone who has contributed to VJ. The wealth of knowledge in information and experience has been very valuable to us. It has helped us get to this point in the process: the interview.

Question: due to my work and dad getting very sick. I am having a strong challenge making it to my fiancée's interview. In all of your experiences, if I can't make it to be with my honey for her interview, how much does this lower our chances for approval? Our petition is very complete, she has all the information (and then some) of contacting, conversations, tickets stubs, gags of pictures and a i129f built exactly to VJ specs. My finances are strong enough to not need a sponsor, etc.

I could really use insight in this.

Mahalo everyone! Aloha!


As someone who is about to file removal of conditions and who has been in the game 3 years +


Here is my honest opinion and it's just that, I don't mean to knock anyone who chooses to go. in fact my wife and I were talking about it yesterday


I think flying to the PI just to go to the interview is the single biggest waste of time and money ever.I do not know of one single case in which they  had a real relationship, had all the necessary paper work, Cenomar, Clearance etc and the petitioner made enough to support her, that has been denied EVER.


Unless you try to hide something, like a previous marriage or are trying some kind of scam and the petitioners finances are in order it will be approved. USEM does not just  decide, oh well they just did not convince me..You have to give them a reason.. Also carrying a suitcase full of chat records and 100 pictures is a waste of time.They don't have time to look at all that stuff. I think my wife spent about 2 mins in her interview.


As to going to the  interview.My wife said last night, as busy as it was, she was glad she did not have to  baby sit me also. LOL..Really it makes zero difference and you are going to be seeing her in a few weeks anyway. Save that money for when she gets here. 


I know it's a mans natural instinct to want to prove his devotion but it's just so not needed..


Having said that when i was going thru  it of course i thought it was much more of a big deal than i do know..Think of it as more of an Admin action in which they will check all your paper work than an interview, because   that is what it really is

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-09-28 08:59:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)




The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-03 12:03:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)


There is close to family and there is too close to family... wink.png      


I think it is very doable to live in the Phils for $2,000/mo and if you live in the province you can do it for less.  Just depends on what you enjoy, I don't like cities or city night life, not big on eating at restaurants either.  And what you are welling to live without.


I am way past the night life stage of my  life.. I like the province  just fine


As for family


I am in one of  those unique  situations or maybe I should say not the norm



My family are  all professionals. They shuttle me around and even pay when we go out to  eat. Would never accept a penny for gas.


Still close enough to go see the kids 3-5 times a week, but  not close enough to walk over  every meal is about right for me

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-03 11:44:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)


Biggest thing with living in the Phils is "where", if you want a condo/house in the cities then it will be spendy.   Manila/Makati is as expensive living as being in the USA; housing and food for sure are right up there, and I hate the traffic... laughing.gif


We are looking at wintering in the Phils at some point, but if we get real serious we will have to find a place that is a little more relaxed without being out in the provinces.   My wife is from Taguig and she owns land there, which is just outside of Makati and even that is way too busy for me.


I know a few couples that have lived there, both just came back to the states recently.  One was working in the Phils so making it on $2000 was not what he was doing, he had a big house, housekeeper ++, the other is retired but wanted to come back to the states.


You are Korrect


I have been  looking in  the Cebu area. Rental prices are high


Someone  sent me the below ling to the Damuaguete area .


Looks like rental prices are less than half of the Cebu/Talisay area.


Only problem is we want to be close to the family




Biggest thing with living in the Phils is "where", if you want a condo/house in the cities then it will be spendy.   Manila/Makati is as expensive living as being in the USA; housing and food for sure are right up there, and I hate the traffic... laughing.gif


We are looking at wintering in the Phils at some point, but if we get real serious we will have to find a place that is a little more relaxed without being out in the provinces.   My wife is from Taguig and she owns land there, which is just outside of Makati and even that is way too busy for me.


I know a few couples that have lived there, both just came back to the states recently.  One was working in the Phils so making it on $2000 was not what he was doing, he had a big house, housekeeper ++, the other is retired but wanted to come back to the states.


So your bottom line  opinion on making on 2k per month


Doable in the Province ?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-03 11:28:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)

Hey if the site works for you, I found it a very limited reference for living in the Phils, and have heard some things about Paul that make a guy wonder.


No not saying you are wrong..I was just curious your  reasons


I had seen that question discussed many times on that site, and the general idea was that you could live on 2K a month but not the same kind of lifestyle you live here


I have heard many  ex-pats that live there say you can live on a good bit  less  if you live very frugal


I.E No Air Con, Lots of dried Fish and rice.. No luxuries


Honestly I have no clue, but am looking into  moving there

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-03 10:56:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)


Not sure I would use Paul's site as the best reference for living in the Phils...  just saying.



talk to me ?? I just kind of go off what a lot of the members who post on there say.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-03 10:38:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)

Wouldn't 0% be NO disability?  


I will probably end up with 75-ish, so no worries.


No zero is you have been declared by the VA, you just dont get money for it

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-02 22:34:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)

I wouldn't say useless... some things are good.  Like braces. Amazing to me how cheap dental services are here, and also how many people have terrible or very few teeth in their head.  I can use the VA hospital in MNL if needed, but I can't see that as a HUGE bonus, just a handy stop-off to maybe replace a visit to the US.


But I hear ya on the beach thing.  Boracay & Bohol are nice, haven't been to Palawan yet, but want to visit.


You can get world class Lasik dirt cheap in cebu

0%?  As in retired?  If so, yes, I knew that.



You have to have a service connected disability in order for Manila to see you


Not just retired.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-02 21:54:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)

I wouldn't say useless... some things are good.  Like braces. Amazing to me how cheap dental services are here, and also how many people have terrible or very few teeth in their head.  I can use the VA hospital in MNL if needed, but I can't see that as a HUGE bonus, just a handy stop-off to maybe replace a visit to the US.


But I hear ya on the beach thing.  Boracay & Bohol are nice, haven't been to Palawan yet, but want to visit.


Just a tidbit...You have to be service connected at least 0% to be seen in Manila


You probably already knew that

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-02 21:45:00
PhilippinesTop 10 places to retire on $2000 a month (Cebu one of them)

You will not lead a western lifestyle on 2K per month


You want some real advice from the grunts living it  everyday


They will tell you it ain't for  everyone


Go over here if  you want to talk to some real ex-pats


Be nice and follow rules -they don't put up with crazy over there







The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-02 21:39:00
Philippines63 year old Filipina with Tourist Visa and valid documents deported. POE: SeaTac

I did but it was days ago and didn't want to read it again. But even if a 10 year visitor visa, she's still legal to enter, unless she was muling something.



As said before, if this went down exactly as reported then we have a problem and people should be held accountable


Based on my 52 years of life experience  I smell some "something ain't exactly right here"


when the truth comes out I almost guarantee you there is more to this story

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-10 09:13:00
Philippines63 year old Filipina with Tourist Visa and valid documents deported. POE: SeaTac

Wow. Just wow. Well this was reported by ABS-CBN on their website. Read on.




I find that just a tad hard to believe


That it went down just like that

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-08 20:01:00
Philippinessent mail to US postal..worried :(


USPS is only good here in the USA... once the package reaches the Philippines your package falls in the abyss of PhilPost ... somethings are lost forever!  


UPS, DHL and FedEx (before they had issues in the Phils, not sure if they got that fixed yet)


Luckily most everything you provide for the interview can be send in an email as attachments, only the I-134 with signature needs to be an original. 


What he said X2


Don't ever send anything via USPS

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-14 21:05:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers


lol. marrying him soon. now his next question, is what kind of rice would i like to eat? He is Korean so he prefers Korean rice but I don't like them since they are sticky.





rice differences already


You better get that worked out quick


My wife and I have had two big arguments in our wonderful marriage


Both involved me doing something southern american to the  rice


I rarely Eat rice so it is not an issue


She Bought Wild rice the other day. So I make Wild rice and Chicken


Come to find out that is glutenous rice and used for  Deserts only


Boy was I the laughing stock of the  Pinay lunch circuit LOL

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-13 10:43:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers

Oh, it's a face thing, to be certain.  Saves embarrassment(sp?) when having a cooking party with her homies.


Usually, her peeps would tell her which one to get, to save some face.


Might not be an issue, with yer lass, if'n she not have her peeps come over or they don't participate in the 'face' game.


This is cultural, as well, for some chinese, MOST Koreans, all Japanese, but I am uncertain if'n these high dolla cookers are even sold in the PI, so it's possible yer lass not know of the multi-function, programmable, computer controlled cookers.  It's also possible her peeps not know of it, either, so that's a plus - no peer pressure to buy something ya not need. (IMO)



No we are cool with the 38 dollar Wal-Mart model

Rice remains serious stuff at my house

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-12 16:03:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers

Okay, I'll admit it...I paid about $100 for my rice cooker.  Most of the more expensive models are computer controlled with tempature sensors vs. the less expensive ones that basiclly use a weight controlled switch at the bottom that shuts off when the water is mostly gone.  It's got delayed start timers, so can get everything ready in the morning to start just before you get home in the evening, or the otherway around, or you can let the rice soak for 1/2 hour before cooking which makes for a fluffier rice.  It also has settings for brown rice, sprouted rice, white rice, and for making rice porrage (i.e. jook/congee). I've used it to make jambalaya and japanese donburi, and  I can also make bread in it, actually comes out pretty good!


Well an extra 50 or 60 bucks for all that might be worth it. 100 does not seem out of the ball park


But 400?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-11 13:40:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers



It's like buying a Lexus LX for 81k or buying the Toyota Highlander for 36K . LOL Both does the same thing.


I bought my rice cooker for $14.99. It has only two option cook and warm. Put water salt and rice in it and it cooks itself and then turns off itself.

I saved $435 smile.png


But when you have ton of money and you don't know what to do, you go and spend on things like these. smile.png Just guessing LOL



I am  just trying to figure out who is buying these and why

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-11 10:37:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers

I was in the Intl food store in the ATL yesterday


I may have asked this  before.


What can you do to a rice cooker to make it cost as much as 450.00


The stores were loaded with them. One of the ladies with  us said she got hers in Japan for, 135.00 a great deal


I told her I got mine at Walmart  for around 35.00. She said, well mine you just put the rice/water in and it cuts off when done.


I said yeah mine to.


Seriously..I will pay for nice stuff but can  anyone  tell me what a 400 dollar rice cooker will do a 40 dollar one will not


I am always perplexed by this.





The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-11 10:00:00
Philippinesearthquake in bohol


Slide Show of damage


Bell Tower on  St. Nino fell off

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-14 22:15:00
PhilippinesHonolulu Civil Surgeon


Nope you don't need another physical if you file within a year of the initial physical, but I have read of too many issues when the I-693 is not sent.


I have read (and recently) of couples getting an RFE because the I-693 from the civil surgeon was not submitted.  I know what it states on the USCIS forms and website, but I also know RFE's has been sent because of only sending the 3025.   It may depend on the Adjudicator reviewing the file, but it happens fairly often.


Has your green card been approved yet?




I know of 2 that tried it. Both got RFE's


The poster above said it worked for him..


Who knows >

^^^. That's a great idea!!! Send them the instructions!!!

I remember that Chinook had to call at least six to eight civil surgeons here in Seattle before she found one who knew the drill.



and maybe finding the right cs is the key

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-16 10:32:00
PhilippinesBuying property in Philippines

I have a couple questions in regards to buying property in Philippines.


1.  Do I have to have dual citizenship to be on the deed for purchasing property?  If my wife bought it would it be solely in her name or joint because of marriage?


2.  Are places online priced higher for tourists?  The prices I have been seeing are almost double what I would be able to purchase a similar place in Florida for which seems odd.  I'm looking for places in the country I realize Makati is high priced I'm looking for something further away from population.


3.  Are their realtors/real estate transactions regulated like the us, or is it just buyer beware work with whoever you want?


4.  Is negotiating more normal there for a house.  Could a house sell for half the price it is listed for?  


Thanks for any help.


As Hank said you can't really own property. Doubt you can ever become a citizen.. My brother in law who is an architect and deals in property explained the deed process for a foreigner. It was complicated. It does mention you on he deed but you don't own.


As for property it is my understanding  having clear title can be problematic


Yes the prices on the web are way over inflated. Usually.


You can figure average 32 per sq ft for Medium grade finish.. That is the general rule of thumb. Of course it can vary depending on factors.


So a decent home for under 50K is doable


I can recommend a good agent in the Cebu/Talisay area and a jam up honest architect


You will need a good honest lawyer...Sorry don't know one but can find you a unicorn


General rule of thumb  is living like an American in the PI can mean spending like an American

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-25 21:32:00
PhilippinesMy Pinay in the USA na, Social Security report

Well CJ, you are absolutely correct.  What you said  got me looking, because USAA refused to add Roxy as a joint account holder without the SSN or ITIN #######.  They added her as a dependent, same as my kids, but they refused to make her a joint member.


So I did some research, and found this:



BLUF: You do not need a SSN nor an ITIN to open an account at any bank in the US, and if they refuse, they are in violation of federal law.  Interesting...


You would think USAA would know better

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-26 21:50:00
PhilippinesMy Pinay in the USA na, Social Security report


your spot on,,I knew the bank mgr was throwing me a line of BS,,I told him we had just come from the SS office,,(why didnt they give me a printout with her number?)

and he said "just wait until you get her number and come back",,to make things "easier"

what a crock

I tried the joint account thing with my other bank,,my credit union,,they wanted her to fill out a 8 page government form  (forgot the number)

so they could tax any income derived from the account (my money) at a 30% rate!  because she is a foreign person


Yes he was full of it, but may not have known it


My HR manager tried to tell me my wife had to have a  SSN to sign up for Insurance. BCBS backed her up. I quoted the law and dropped a hint at discrimination.They came around quickly

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-26 20:24:00

Hi Greenbaum, i hope yours will come soon. Good luck and thanks..

thanks for posting this! I found her on fb and she's nice and will help me find cheaper flights today

thanks a lot smile.png


Yup she helped us out and saved us a good bit when my wife came

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-03 22:35:00

Hello Everyone here, we just got approved @ USembassy Manila last oct.29 and waiting for visa.

But we would like to go ahead and check some possible cheaper flights from Cebu Philippines- Denver, Colorado maybe around November- second week of December around those times.

I hope some of you could give me some links, ideas, tips, advice about purchasing an airfare for travel tax cause some says its included and some says it is not i have teo K2 who is going to travel with me.

thanks a lot.



Virgnia Beach Travel  Info

Posted 22 August 2013 - 09:31 PM
This lady is Manila and saved us a ton back in 2011

know it sounds crazy that  it is Virginia Beach travel and it's in Manila, but this lady really hooked us up and saved us 100's..

Virginia Beach Travel


Albie Sullano


The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-02 09:45:00
Philippinesnot sure what to do next

I hear you in every relationship I've been with the thought crosses my mind but the cenomar was the only thing that i didn't check on and was done after I left. If that was the case wouldn't the letter say so? What is the cenomar anyway?


Certificate of no  marriage.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 10:52:00
Philippinesnot sure what to do next

The folder we put together has everything they asked for like: chikka conversation, pictures of us together, ticket stubs you name it we got it there. I just hope there's another way to prove it's a bonifide relationship.


That's just it...If you had all the pictures, chat logs, proof of  visit, etc etc and nothing else was wrong I don't see them turning you down. 90% of people prepare way too much evidence.


Do you guys normally talk, during your relationship?


Sometimes things turn up like a problem with the  Cenomar . I have heard of cases like this and the beneficiary does not want to tell the truth. 


This may sound harsh and please i don't mean it this way, We all think we have found the  one that is not like any other, and the horror stories we here about frequently could only happen to the other guys. You might need to be open to the fact that she may be less than forthcoming with you.Not saying she is, just let that be an option in your mind. Do you have a Tagalog speaking friend that can talk to her?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 10:43:00
Philippinesnot sure what to do next


Well if you can't talk to someone of a supervisor level in Manila and get this handled you will have to wait until your file gets back to USCIS and complain LOUDLY about your fiancee being denied a translator.  Have you tried to contact your congressman?


There you go ..Congressman time.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 10:35:00
Philippinesnot sure what to do next

This is what i got in my email today. It didnt say anything about not having a Tagalog translator present. Is it possible to have a appeal?

Dear Mr.


This is in reply to your inquiry regarding the fiancée visa case of Sorio.


As you are aware, Ms. Sorio was interviewed by a consular officer on October 24, 2013. Based on the applicants interview and all information available in this case, the adjudicating consular officer did not find sufficient evidence to establish that the applicant has a bonafide relationship with you.


We are returning the visa petition to the approving U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office through our National Visa Center (NVC), for appropriate disposition. When the USCIS is in receipt of the petition, you may contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) toll-free at 1-800-375-5283 regarding this matter.




Correspondence Team/gcp  |  Immigrant Visa Branch  |  Embassy of the United States of America  |  Manila, Philippines  | +(632) 301- 2000  |



Something else is going on.Has to be, and she is scared to tell you..Just my gut feeling from having been around it 4 years. I have never heard of a case being turned down, just because ?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-06 10:10:00
Philippinesnot sure what to do next

Don't know how you can schedule another interview.. seriously that isn't happening.


Did you get the letter, did it give you options.  You need to call the embassy and see if you can ask that question to them - can I fly there and have a meetings on this..


Hank do you think it is possible there is another issue going on here,and all she took away from the interview was that she did not get a translator.


I am not daring to suggest anyone's loved one did anything wrong, but it would not be the first time what actually happened got confused with what really happened. When those language and cultural forces come into play, things can get twisted fast.


My wife and will soon celebrate 2 years of here being here, and  sometimes directions and understandings still get mangled and she speaks good English.


I still have never heard of a case being denied when  all the i's were dotted and t's docs in order,  plenty of proof of relationship,Cenomar etc in order. 


Just trying to think outside the box.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-31 20:57:00