Philippinesfilipina wifes


Well of course you do, because then they're CABA chicks and exempt. Heck there even used to be a web site that warned you they were about to expire and gave you a selection of new ones. They even customized them for you, Hair color - select black or black, height - select short or short, breast size - select small or smaller. Very accommodating to the western male, wonder why they're no longer out there?



Don't pay Harpa and me any attention. She is a friend from another forum, who likes to give me a hard time on occasion

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-06 13:28:00
Philippinesfilipina wifes

Wowzers, so you think there might be... nice american women?   :wub:


Darn I forgot to exclude CABA chicks. :)


and P.S. what are you doing in the Philippines forum ?

Edited by The Nature Boy, 06 August 2014 - 12:12 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-06 12:10:00
Philippinesfilipina wifes

Here is a basic fact. people are people and women are women. Just because, you have a Filipina wife, is not going to change that,


There are going to be the good and the bad in all. I know lots and lots of Phil-Am couples, and Ex-Phil-AM couples. For every wonderful story I can give you one in which it did not work out and Vice-Versa.


I would sincerely urge anyone getting into a relationship with anyone, regardless of where they are from, to take of the rose colored glasses and really evaluate the situation.


I don't mean this to be negative or positive, but realistic. There are some really great Filipina women out there and some really selfish heartless manipulators. The same can be said of any group of humans from anywhere on the planet.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-06 08:02:00
PhilippinesReport of Marriage Cover Letter


Yes... errr.... maybe, you need to check the consulate website that represents your state.   For the LA consulate we did ROM and passport renewal at the same time.


We just mailed in the forms, and required docs to the embassy in DC, for the  ROM. It was really simple.


As for the Passport, we went to DC. made a little Vacation out of it.  Seems like we did the Passport about 1 year after the ROM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-28 22:41:00
PhilippinesWill be in Cebu Sept and OCT

Good to go as long as you have 913 days of physical presence in the USA


Thanks for the info. I did not know that. We are good then as soon as we get back . That is from the day she landed in country, correct?



Hank I will say it again. You are an invaluable resource for all the people still going thru the process. A lot of people, go thru it, like me, and tend to forget all the in's and outs. Without you this forum would not be the great tool it is.


I had a chance to have dinner last week with Kathryn41 the head moderator of VJ and DaveRoxy of this forum.  Your contributions and help, to so many were discussed and everyone at the table agreed how valuable your presence is, in this sub-forum. Please keep up the great work. You may not realize it, but a lot of people do know what you do.


Also a word to newer posters, this was discussed also.  Before you ask a question that has been answered 4000 times this year, use the search function or scroll thru a few pages. The veterans are glad to help, but sometimes answering the same question 8 times per week gets old


Also, if you don't know the answer to a question for a fact. Don't guess or as a minimum state you are not 100% sure. Peoples lives could be affected by wrong info. Often times I see a question asked and for whatever reason, people chime in with some answer they think should be correct, but is very wrong. We discussed that problem also.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 15:13:00
PhilippinesWill be in Cebu Sept and OCT


So ROC is done and the card arrived? cool!


Just a test run now?  Are you going to wait to complete naturalization before making the serious move? 


Yes. Wee will come back file for citizenship in the early Spring.  i got to have that option. if you stay gone too long the will revoke your LPR.


I am thinking the CarCar to Argao area

Why Cebu?  Lots of expats there, and a ton of guys from Australia


I have spent time in Bogo, CarCar and Cebu Proper, Will probably spend some time there when I arrive late October. 


LOL see my other post. No way I would live in the city



I will probaly end up in Car Car

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 09:23:00
PhilippinesWill be in Cebu Sept and OCT

My main goal is to see if i can live there and be happy . If so going pull up and move

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 00:35:00
Philippinesare these foods allowed


I had to join these groups to pull off being your wife's spy.


LOL Nothing escapes my wife..

I can handle the low sodium SPAM, the regular is way too salty for my tastes.  The Auntie we send the SPAM to has high blood pressure so the lower sodium won't hurt her either.


...pasalubong, that gets a laugh out of me.  Chocolate is number one on the list always to go in the box, then of course shampoo and over the counter meds.  This next trip will require an extra box as we will be sending stuff for ourselves as well.  Personally I would love to travel with a minimal of luggage.


Yes, coupons were discovered, but only for certain things... go figure.  I have never bothered with coupons.


Mine is into the surveys. makes as much as 700 bucks some months. I think the Pinay mafia has the market cornered

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 14:50:00
Philippinesare these foods allowed

:lol:   Not that foul here!! :lol:


 I am not crazy about corned-beef but my Asawa is, but she is happy with the stuff here.  Heck she ships SPAM (ham that couldn't pass the physical) to the Phils, and I believe I saw her stuff corned-beef in the box too.


Few more months and we be packing for a trip across the pond too.  Only we will have UMAC ship two balikbayan boxes early. ;)




We ship spam to the PI also. I have developed a taste for it.


Guess what Hank! We also shipped 2 LBC boxes for our Pasalubong.They have been there about 1 month, which means gone from here 3-4. Slowly but surely, we picked up this or that. My wife does coupons, so we got lots of shampoo etc. A little more chocolate and just like that...2 more suitcases full of pasalubong. That backfired on me.


Does the mrs do the coupons and survey groups



The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 09:47:00
Philippinesare these foods allowed


Well, only reason I can think of as to why they try to bring corned beef (usually purefoods brand) or things like likas papaya, eskinol astringent, etc is the peso vs dollar cost... you can buy a sixpack of corned beef at puregold in the philippines for the price of one at seafood city in carson, ca I heard >.<


I don't try to understand it. It's  from home and they all share it here in the US. I leave Monday for Cebu and we are packed to the gills with Pasalubong. One of our dear Pinay Friends gave us a bag of OTC medcine to give to her family in Bohol. (aspirin, antacids , Vitamins  Advil etc etc). I asked, why not just by it there, Reply-They want it from America,, SMH


We had a friend flew to Vegas past weekend. She brought back a whole carry on of Jollibbe


It would be funny if country of origin for the corned beef was the USA.  Not much reason to bring corned beef, it is EVERYWHERE here.


They dont make corndbeef that foul here

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 00:30:00
Philippinesare these foods allowed

You cannot bring any meat to the US.


I will make sure when we load up to come home next month I tell my wife Harpa said she can't bring that nasty corned beef and that 1/2 suit case of dried fish  LOL



Can't bring meat she said


Wrong answer

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 00:20:00
Philippinesare these foods allowed

my children are picky eaters so im planning to bring a few local foods in the US . and of course a few for pasalubong and others are " padala " . i don't want to be questioned worse issue a fine...  all of these will be in check in baggage


canned goods

 - corned beef

 - century tuna spanish style bangus

 -luncheon meat

pancit canton

lemon square cupcake

goldilocks pulvoron




beauty soap



powdered milk for my 4yr old


1 tempra  syrup





We come back with all kind of Pinoy prime foods. Yes you should be fine

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-06 00:17:00
PhilippinesAdmission of drug use at st lukes, is my visa automatically denied


Shouldn't do it now, the visa will be in his current passport, if he renews his passport the old one will be invalidated... ouch!  Special delivery to the embassy, requesting they reissue the visa..... no way I would suggest that one.   ;)


Well the man has spoken.. There you go...

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-13 23:13:00
PhilippinesAdmission of drug use at st lukes, is my visa automatically denied


6 months is the number not a year.


Hank is there a rule, that someone can't travel with less than 6 months left on ones passport ?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-13 21:50:00
PhilippinesAdmission of drug use at st lukes, is my visa automatically denied

Marley, I am a dude brah! Hahaha! Anyway, my concern is not the change of name but if the airport will not allow me to travel because the life of my passport is less than 1year already at the time of intended travel on january 2015


Well in that case I think it would probably be a lot less hassle to do it there, unless you are going to live very near DC or will wait on a consular  outreach, which still may be far away.



Marley ?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-13 21:31:00
PhilippinesAdmission of drug use at st lukes, is my visa automatically denied

Thanks everyone. By the way, does anyone know about the validity of passports? My philippine passport will expire on July 26, 2015. We plan to go to the US first week of January 2015. Should i renew my passport now to be sure?


Since you will probably be changing your name and want to get it redone anyway, I would not.


That's my opinion. That and a dollar will get you tea at Mickey D's :)

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-08-13 21:23:00
PhilippinesAdmission of drug use at st lukes, is my visa automatically denied

You have to tell the truth.


If you have been convicted of something or admitted to it in some official manner - tell the truth.


If there is no record like that, tell the truth:  you never did any illegal substances.   Because that's the truth.


Got it?  Now, I'm looking for a brownie recipe.   Not sure how much sweetner to put in there. 



I agree. The OP is correct, this info can't help her now and I wish her the best of luck, but for anyone about to go thru the process. Don't ever admit to anything you did behind closed doors, if there is no public record of it .  So you tried weed 10 years or 10 weeks ago. Nothing to be gained by admitting it .


When i signed up for the Army, they asked all of us, if we had ever used drugs. Of course i said no. Heck the recruiters even told us, don't dare get in there and admit to drug use. This was about 83 and I am pretty sure the vast vast majority of us had used some drug or another .


Don't burn your brownies, and your butter has a very brown tint to it !

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-07-31 20:14:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?



Very rare to see an "Americano" in my wife's province.  Turned out he was Canadian.    He said it was the first time anyone had taken her back to the province.   Let's see how close you can come to guessing how much he paid her for a month of "companionship".  


5000 P ?


I have been here for two weeks. Already thinking in P


Just took four people out to eat at a nice restaurant overlooking the city. Set me back 22.00 US  Amazing

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-09-22 09:32:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


or look on the internet


Me either. I have not been on the internet in months

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-07-15 10:47:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


We saw a working girl at the beach with one son's name on her breast and the other just above her crotch.  How charming.  She had not seen them for months.


Oh well.  It's going to be interesting watching this unfold.  


The best way to track this kind of affair is in call girl equivalents.   For example, $2K on the ticket and going away party is 20 (legal) Nevada call girl equivalents.   If you know how to bargain, anyway. 


Just curious. How did you garner so much info on that working girl ? :)

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-07-10 14:58:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


She may or may not be nearly that 'poor.'


14,000 pesos for a birthday party?  She's totally using him!  LMFAO!  ~$350?  Seriously? 



I asked my wife to stop working about 3 months before she got here, so we could chat at night and she could get ready to come here etc. I totally supported her for 3 months and it was not 14,000 pesos a month. That is absurd.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-07-01 19:26:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?



He said she's poor.   The above data shows the poorest decile families in the Philippines earn 6,000 pesos a month.


So 14,000 pesos for a birthday party is enough to support a poor family of five for ten weeks.  Or one person for a whole year.  


14,000 for a Birthday party.  Good lord ..

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-07-01 18:19:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Poor guy, he is becoming an internet legend.

Poor guy, he is becoming an internet legend.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-06-28 02:34:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

I wonder if she will even make it to being married. This is the US. We deport no one. She certainly doesn't have to make it through AOS to stay. I think for her, being here illegally is still better than being home with no money and no job.


I should take a pole on how long people think she will stay here before running to California to live with her aunt.


She has an Aunt in California ? She will be gone within 3 weeks.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-06-27 22:13:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Well, first let's say this: Anyone who calls their fiancée his "future ex-wife", gets what he deserves. I didn't make up that name for her, he did. He knows how I feel about marrying someone that you call talk like that about. I've warned him. He's read most of the comments here. However, I think now he's choosing to no longer read here because the blinders make it easier to continue moving forward.


My friend is 30 years old, or is it 31 now? She's his only girl. He's been waiting for years for this, and over a year just for her. He's in a hole he can't get out of because he simply doesn't want to wait again. He wants to see this through, regardless of the results.


Sure, he can get another Filipino, but then he has to wait a whole year again, and he has to spend the cost to go see her. Remember, he has very low income. The only reason he went to the Philippines in the first place is because I bought his ticket.


He plans on waiting until almost the third month to marry her, and then wait on the AOS. She probably thinks that she is free and clear after marriage, and then he'll see how she behaves.


She wants kids right away. He doesn't, in fear of what will happen. He bought a Cosco size box of condoms for her arrival. I told him to lock those up in the safe and to keep no pins in the house.


Once she is here all bets are off.  I know of a couple of Pinay that have left there Husband after a few months and managed to stay


The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-06-27 21:40:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Well, since everyone is asking, here's an update:


She says she did not have the CeNOM because she says the consulate put it in the sealed envelope. This is why the CFO is asking her to get another for them to see. She said they are also asking for my friend to give proof that he is not married.


Hmmm. I believe there is no such thing as a CeNOM in the US, and I don't remember them ever asking my wife for something like that about me. I told him to have her just show his tax transcripts which say he filed single. Who knows if that will work or not?


As for the CeNOM, apparently she wasn't able to get one this week, so she missed her CFO appointment on Friday to bring it in. She says she tried to get one, but she can't get it until Tuesday. After that, I think she'll have to make another appointment with the CFO. This has added at least another week now, and maybe more.


Hmmm. This is funny. Every Filipino I've talked to says its very easy to get a CeNOM, and you only have to wait in line to get it that same day. For her, it takes a week.


BTW: My friend doesn't not plan on sending her money for the plane ticket. He will buy it himself. He says if she misses the plane, he will exchange the ticket for another and go on vacation.


Yesterday, my friend came over to visit. He said he hadn't talked to his future ex-wife for over two days. She just hasn't been online and hasn't answered his messages. Including his message to her about their 1-year anniversary. Yep. 1 year now. And she was no where to be found.


While my friend was with us, she finally called, but we were in the car. She immediate asked who he was with, because she heard my wife in the car. No big deal that she'd been off the map for two days. When he talked to her at my house later, she was too busy playing cards with her friends, that she didn't even talk to him.


A friend of my wife's came over tonight. I heard them talking ( in Tagalog)  and heard something about VJ, so I inquired. Neither one of them is on VJ, but they were talking about this story. It appears it has grown legs it is making the round of Facebook Pinay groups with links back, and is becoming a tale of folklore.  It seems the vast majority think he is without a doubt being scammed and they don't approve.


What I don't understand is, i know a good many good decent Pinay women that I have met in person, that don't sleep around, use people and have good morals, that would love to meet a good decent man. Why is he putting up with this person. Tell him to withdraw his petition and move on.  At this rate he is going to be a discovery channel special .



There are a lot of good decent women in the Philippines, I hate when a few like this get so much attention.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-06-27 20:50:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


The Philippines, the only country in the world where they make $150 a month yet run around with $600 cell phones.  :rofl:


I use to manage a Factory here in the U.S, I had several workers who had no automobile, and on occasion scrambled to find somewhere to live, but had 2 of the latest phones.It's not just the Philippines.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-06-09 16:31:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

No electronic devices at home for the first month??????????  




Darnell is suggesting   Pinoy Hell Hank 

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-06-09 12:06:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?



I know he's a friend and all but this is entertaining.  Like I said before, there is nothing more you can do man.  Just be ready to help him pick up what's left of him after it goes bust.  Some guys need to learn the hard way.


:pop:  :pop:  :pop:


or get him an account and let him meet a good decent pinay.


My rule of thumb was, if they even hinted at money before I went there they were gone. Did most of us send money. Yes


I sent money after we were enganged so she could stop  her job, and we could chat at night. It was  my idea, and she never asked for  more than i sent .

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-05-21 09:57:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

I assure you this is real. Yes, $20k is not much. He currently lives with his dad and has been working to save money and to get a better job so he can move out. His bills are very small and I paid for his trip to the Philippines since he was my best man for a second wedding. He is very money wise, except when it comes to this girl, and has always been able to save. Usually he has a few $k in the bank. He's been trying to save as much as possible for when his fiancée gets here, but she's doing a pretty good job at draining his account. He no longer has money to do the things he used to, like hunting and playing with his outdoor toys. When, and if his fiancée gets here, she will certainly make him broke.


Does 20K even meet the required income to bring her here ? Been a while I forgot 


If he is lonely etc. There are lots of good women there. Move on to another

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-05-20 20:34:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

The funny thing is, he just sent her a balikbayan box that she just received two weeks ago. It was huge, full of food and gifts. She still has lots of the canned foods left, along with many other things. She's not starving.


My friend was at my house, talking to his fiancée while visiting with me for the weekend. While he talked to her, I could see her eating at her house that was full of people. Everyone was eating. They were not without food. She didn't even tell my friend she wanted money for food. She only said she needed money to go to the doctor for a checkup. He only told her to wait it out and he would send money in a couple days for her rent, food, and bills. They weren't even fighting and he had no idea what she had said about him publicly on facebook.


The other day when my friend was visiting, he told me he was about 50% convinced his fiancée could be scamming him. He said he would wait at least 2.5 months to marry her when she gets here, just to be sure she is real. I've tried so many times now to explain to him how his odds are more like 95% scammer. There is no way his $20k a year will be enough to sustain her. She will leave him the moment she finds someone else with more money, better looks, and friends that still trust her. He doesn't believe me. He thinks it's too late to turn back now. What's another $1k or $2k to get her here and just find out for sure?


Not to be too blunt, but are you sure this story is real ? I don't see how anyone can be that slow or desperate. 20K a year?  No way he is sending her that kind of money and going over there on 20K per year, unless he has big savings.


On the off chance all this is true, which I have doubts. Lots of good women in the PI. In fact I know several that are good as gold. Why is he doing this . 

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-05-20 08:34:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

You know I can't think of the name right off the top of my head, but there is a service that will go check out a girl for you. I think it's talked about on another board I am a member of. 

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-04-08 13:34:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People

Don't you just hate when other people judge the person you love especially when they have not even met the person yet. They tell you "oh your making a mistake by petitioning him/her. he/she is just going to use you for the papers and leave you once he/she gets what he/she needs". How do most of you feel when your love one is being judge by family or friends?



My life turned around and got so much happier when I stopped worrying about what others thought or let it affect me.


People are people, and they are going to find someone to make gossip about, because it makes them feel better about their own miserable lives. Not just this issue but any issue.


The only person that can stop others from affecting your happiness is you

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-16 08:12:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA


Home Depot carries them for about $20 cheaper.



Get out  ! thanks I  will put one on the other one

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-20 12:00:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

We found a red shallow plastic bowl the wife has been using for the last 6 years. I even installed a detachable shower head, but she still uses the tabo.

ETA: Look on the toy section or the camping section of Walmart or Target or similar. You may be able to find a suitable tabo there.



Oh yes..Get  her a gun and some classes..


Sorry just messing with Patriot forget i said that  


Peace :)

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-20 11:40:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

Aside from rice, do filipino stores also sell tabo? Or also known as dipper. You know. We Pinoy don't really use tissue. I was thinking of buying one but my luggage is already too bulky where will I out that lol



I just put  one of this  on my wifes john..She loves it..No tools required.. Even  a 4 thumbed jack of no trades like me could install it

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-20 10:49:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

Things to do before she arrives:

1. Get rid of the "hehehe" laugh because it's how Filipinas laugh. It's not a guy-thing.

2. Don't switch your laugh to "jijiji" because that's how a Filipina jejemon laughs.



and don't say HUN all the time  it's a hard habit to break

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-19 13:27:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

First day I brought the wife to the filipina store, bought her a 40 pound bag of rice at the asian store and a rice cooker. Just so that wasn't on her mind... Since she was a big fish and rice eater. Hell, now she eats everything..



You rookies don't think we are joking about the rice


I surprised her and made southern style rice about the second week--Rice and  salt...It got ugly at my house.


Then the day i introduced her to  GRITS...She replied..Yes we have that..Poor people eat that in the philippines.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-18 22:42:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA


4. Find a Filipino grocery (if you are lucky) or a asian store. She will need a good rice. Buying rice in those plastic bags at wally mart or your local grocery is a BAD idea. Trust me, you will hear about it.



Gary speaks  the truth..Don't welcome her to the home with Americanized rice. Dead serious , the rice is serious stuff


If you have a Sams go get this-Patriot is right.  you better have rice  when she hits the fact I would suggest having some KFC and rice  stashed for the  ride home..She is going to be hungry..




Edited by The conciliator, 18 August 2013 - 09:50 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-18 21:48:00
Philippineskeeping love alive in trying times

I am finding that it can be very difficult for me to get through tough times in a long distance relationship. I love my doe dearly but when we argue I get fearful that it will be the last straw. What are some ways you have managed through hard times with your long distance love?


This may  sound crazy, but I already had  Pinay friends here in the  U.S. One in particular helped both of  us during  the long distance relationship, when it hit bumps. most  of the time  it was due to  cultural differences . Having a friend here in the US that had been married 8 years helped  a lot.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-08-22 21:14:00