IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHad the interview, documents requested
Hi dear
The CO is asking for the Affidavit of support I-134 notorized you check the link for more information You can't norotize the I-864 or I-864 EZ because those are to autorize the USCIS OR NVC to check on your records. Definatly your husband should take the original of the I-134 notorized and the I-864EZ or whatever you sent to NVC before.
You need a passport entry stamps . Let me know if you have a ny questions
good luck with everything
hichoufyFemaleMorocco2008-11-23 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI'm having a hard time
thank to all of your support and I wish if I could drink but I don't drink and I don't smoke. It's very hard to wait and is killing me. I will keep parying to God for us and for all of you
hichoufyFemaleMorocco2008-11-23 20:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI'm having a hard time
I'm having a hard time waiting for a little bit more and I miss him si much and my family I have been crying over 45 minutes. I want him to be here with me and I can't believe I had been wating over 5 years. They say the end is the most painful and hard. crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
hichoufyFemaleMorocco2008-11-20 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGoing to see hubby after filing i130...don't know whether it's a good idea?
hi dear

Yous hould not leave the state until your are done with NVC. the reason I'm saying that because NVC will work very fast and smooth with you. I totally understand you want to be with your husband but don't complicate the case. The post office will not forwaded the mail to you in pakistan because when the nvc or USCIS send a mail and cannot deliver to the same address it will be returned back to them and it will be a delay on your case. Just stay patient and finish what you start and stay on the top of everything. The NVC will need a lot of paper from you and as well from your husband after you pay all AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT, the visa bill etc. If you go to pakistan it will delay the process. I have been waiting 5 years for my husband to get here and I did stay on the top of everything and he is coming soon God Willing.If you do change your address ou have to let NVC know about it. It happens to me before when I changed my address it was a delay on my case. Just hanging there and everything will be fine and you all the alst one who can make decisions. Good luck with everything just keep up with everything
hichoufyFemaleMorocco2008-12-28 10:00:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)

OK, so all bad on you.

Since she doesn't drive, that christmas tree not migrate from the store.


Yes I gave in to the whole plot


Sometimes it's not who  wears the pants, it's who takes them off

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-05 20:01:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)

Why you not bring out the boxes of Thanksgiving decorations from storage/attic?

C-Lator - you are bad, bad bad.


Because I have no thanksgiving decorations.Before she got her I had no Christmas decorations. Heck i had no plates. One of the first things we did was go buy plates.


I did have a sports car and a dog.

Edited by The conciliator, 05 November 2013 - 07:57 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-05 19:56:00
PhilippinesOn the Lighter side ( Is it Christmas Yet)

I always thought  it blasphemy  to put Christmas stuff out before St.Nick rode.down the Street in the Macy's parade.


And made my opinion known to stores that put Christmas stuff out in Nov.


Well guess who has a Christmas tree in His Her den as of today?


Sometimes you just got to let the  Pinoy flag fly and say what the heck..Right

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-05 19:35:00
PhilippinesPhysical Files at USEM

I got my Manila case number Oct. 24th and NVC told me they shipped my files to the USEM last Oct. 28th. I tried the DHL trick and only saw one file in there shipped Oct. 29th and just arrived in Manila yesterday, Nov. 4th (but of course, I have no idea if this was mine). I even used a safe margin of Oct. 24th to Oct. 31 and only found 1 result.


We scheduled my interview Nov. 14th. I thought this was more than enough time to ship a file from the States to the Philippines. I keep trying to call 301-2000 but my call gets dropped or it just rings until oblivion.


My questions are:

1. Is there another number I can call to find out if my physical files are at the USEM now?

2. Will emailing them work? How soon do they respond via email?

3. Should I move my interview date? If so, how many weeks should I extend it to?

4. If I still can't get in touch with anyone at USEM by my interview day (oh God), should I still just show up to my interview appointment without knowing if they have the physical files?


You will be fine.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-05 19:30:00
PhilippinesInterview on the 14th, november


Nah, its just the American Citizen Services specifically that is closed. Immigrant Visa Department is business as usual.



Thanks for clarifying..sorry for the bad info..Good luck

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-13 08:31:00
PhilippinesInterview on the 14th, november

Wish us luck... This is it.... Flying to manila tomorrow for my interview....please pray for me......thank you!

I think the embasy will be closed the rest of the week to provide relief services. Good lick

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-13 05:48:00
PhilippinesPhone companies announce free calling to the PI

No doubt, many will abuse this.

However, we use Skype to Skype, which is free anyways.


I bet the phones in Cebu,Davo, Manila will be blowing up. Just human nature

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-13 20:17:00
PhilippinesPhone companies announce free calling to the PI

As many as you know, several phone companies have given unlimited calling to the PI for Nov.No charge.


I know their heart is in the right place but, with so much infrastructure knocked out you know what is about to happen.


Perhaps a 30 min  allowance. I bet the circuits get melted.



The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-13 19:59:00
PhilippinesWe are the world Pinoy style

If  this does not move you seek help


The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-14 22:42:00
PhilippinesSuper typhoon Haiyan-our payers are with you all

I apologize to all I offended. My "intentions" were not to offend anyone. Yes, I used a poor choice of words and wrote a sentence which I should not have wrote. My error!


Man I understood you.The Pinoy way is to smile and be happy even when you are not sure what you may eat tomorrow. It's the nature of the  people I Love.


You have no choice but to laugh, because crying  does no good. I understand.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-13 23:03:00
PhilippinesSuper typhoon Haiyan-our payers are with you all

Google People finder  for the Storm

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-12 11:59:00
PhilippinesSuper typhoon Haiyan-our payers are with you all

Sagkahan area of Tacloban, where up until 2 months ago, my wife and kids lived











Unreal it looks like the Tsanumi pictures

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-11 18:17:00
PhilippinesSuper typhoon Haiyan-our payers are with you all

Yes, Hank having fun, fun, and more fun. Nothing else to do but laugh and enjoy all that has gone on since I left the good ole USA. Concerned about Filipina doctors here.....been battling a cold for 10 days now....regular cold like I get in Ohio. We went to the hospital and got examined, xray'd, etc... They would NOT give me any antibiotics?? Worried that they do not know how to diagnose and treat a simple common cold?! As far as our visa petition goes.....Embassy replied with an email that said "We referred your communication to our processing team for appropriate action." We received that on November 5th. Gina and I went to the U.S. Consulate at the Waterfront Hotel in Cebu. He said nothing he could do, and has no contact with Embassy as they don't communicate with him (strange?). He said go ahead and go up there and proceed with the interview and interview date - November 25th as if Gina as the applicant. So we are going to St. Luke's next week - 13. 14 & 15. We'll see what happens?? We preregistered on line as Gina as the patient/applicant. God bless us all.



You don't need a prescription to buy Antibiotics in the Philippines


If you have a common Viral cold antibiotics won't help. Folks take them way too much 

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-10 12:57:00
PhilippinesIs Shipping USPS to Phils Safe via Registered Mail?


USPS may insure within the USA but I bet that insurance doesn't work once PhilPost has it.


You right. I was in the P.O. yesterday and asked

Most of the items I've sent USPS never made it to my wife's parents address in Samar. The things we've sent to Iligan City did make it. I'm not going to pay Fedex $100 for a few ounces when I can send 100 lbs. for the same price.


We send everything by balakbayan now. If we're in a big hurry we just send money with Xoom.


and that my friend is what most of us that have been in the game for a bit do

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-26 10:55:00
PhilippinesIs Shipping USPS to Phils Safe via Registered Mail?


I never heard of LBC, but I just looked them up.  Their two nearest locations are both an hour away.  Also, their cost calculator on their homepage is only for Phils to Phils, not international.


Mail is unreliable


If you try to send that stuff Fedex or DHL, good chance customs is going to cost you $$$$$


Put together a balikbayan  Box. About 75-95 bucks door to door  depending on where you are.


Fill it up with cool stuff. You don't have  to spend a  fortune. Go to Sams and get big boxes of Candy etc.


Are there any Asian stores near you? More than likely the sell the Boxes or can tell you who to call. I bet there is an LBC guy in your  area . I live in Mid-Ga, and all the Phil-Am couples just know who the guy is. I think he takes them to Jacksonville.


Your experience is truly unique with using the mail.  I read of many, many more that have a much less successful venture.


It is only Priority Registered Mail until it leaves the USA, then it is whatever when it arrives in the hands of PhilPost.  girlwerewolf2xn.gif


Yes what Hank and Patriot said..The Pinoy post office is famous for American mail disappearing.

Edited by The conciliator, 23 November 2013 - 05:16 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-23 17:17:00
PhilippinesProblem with ex


Parental authority and custody is exercised jointly unless husband and wife are separated (judicially or de facto) and are decreed custody over children by the court.  The Court shall take into account all relevant considerations, especially the choice of the child over seven years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit.    



Divorce is not recognized as a means of legally dissolving marriages between Filipino nationals even one legally recognized abroad.  As far as the Philippine jurisdiction is concerned, you are still legally married.  Unless, divorce is acquired after the Filipino spouse is naturalized, hence, no longer Filipino.  


If you yourself are filing to petition your children to come to the US and they are subsequently approved and granted visas, and if it is by your children's own choice to come and live here with you-- your husband cannot stop them from coming here.  There does not seem to be an item in the forms relevant to acquiring the other parent's consent when filing for petitions so you should be ok.


Sorry about your ex, you can't shake off that mentality over there that people living int he US are swimming in money.  Good luck and keep us posted.



There is a story on locked up abroad . Dealing with the Ex.



Edited by The conciliator, 31 October 2013 - 05:37 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-10-31 17:30:00
PhilippinesDo I really have to wait 7 days after medical to go to the interview

Thank you everyone!!!



The 7 days has always been a rule of thumb,so that if something is wrong you can fix it in time.I have heard of many having 2-3 days after

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-11-12 03:56:00
PhilippinesIs a scam or legit site?


Ya I tend to agree, especially about the first one.  Second one is iffy.  Third one has me curious about the "support" for the interview. 


Everything I have ever heard is that if someone boasts a 100%success rate, claims it can speed up your claim or can intercede with embassy for you, then you need to not walk but run.


Nobody should ever indicate 100% sucessrate and no one can bump your process to the headof the line. Also claiming they can assist with the Medical..BS.


Bottom line is this... If you fill out your paper work correclty, meet the min income guidlines, don't haveany suprises like a criminal recordand she gets her NBI clearance and CENOMAR with no problem, then youare in.


I have never heard of anyone being turned down, with good justfication. We all were like this during the K-1 phases. Heck I hired a 1700.00 dollar lawyer who did not do jack and that I never heard from after NOA2. After NOA2 we did it all ourselves it's really not that complicated.



Heck I am retired, maybe I will start doing k-1's for people.. 300.00 bucks should be plenty


Hank can i put you on retainer.?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-06-25 19:17:00
PhilippinesIs a scam or legit site?

I'm planing to used this agency to help me with my fiancée and all the paperwork.
Right now I have two jobs and will need alittle help with the process. So is this agency legit?


Below are some things I would consider "Red Flags" for this site..



"We have a proven track record in dealing with the U.S. Embassy in Manila. We have built a strong, professional relationship with the U.S. Embassy staff, this allows us to get your visa issued quickly and bypass the red tape. - 


We take away the risk of having your K1 visa denied by making a mistake. - S


Full Embassy Interview Preparation & Support. With our 100% Success Rate -


"Announcing a Fast, Easy Way
To Get Your Fiancee Visa."

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-06-25 14:46:00
Philippinesplease help. BiG problem ahead

I wouldn't tell them "jack"...  they will figure it out wink.png


I am with you. Why tell them anything. Board your plane and forget them

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-01 15:52:00
Philippinesplease help. BiG problem ahead

If you're leaving the country, why care? They can sue you all they want, if you've left the Philippines for the US then it's not going to get them anywhere. Tell them to go pound sand.



The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2013-12-31 15:51:00
PhilippinesCan a LPR ( Green Card) holder travel to Canada


You'd do better off crossing over into Alabama, and foregoing that whole Canadian adventure.



We done been to Alabamer. I was asking for a friend LOL. Yall boys got yall some Lane Kiffin now...Might be  biggest D bag ever  lived.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-14 21:49:00
PhilippinesCan a LPR ( Green Card) holder travel to Canada

Everything I read says yes a green card holder can travel to Canada without a visa, as my wife and I have plans to travel to Canada to visit friends and family.


Thanks Hank...

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-14 11:16:00
PhilippinesCan a LPR ( Green Card) holder travel to Canada

Can a Conditional  Green Card holder with a Philippine passport  travel to Canada without a Visa?


I looked around and got some conflicting answers. Anyone know for sure?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-14 10:10:00
Philippinesdocuments needed for upcoming interview


That is a big oops8rh.gif being you are K-1.  Yes he will have to send you the I-134 with copies of his most recent tax return and W-2 (2012 at the moment will do)


On Dec 3 they said the interview was the next week? Wonder what happened?

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 09:24:00
PhilippinesCivil vs Church Marriage in the Philippines


I didn't know there was a difference between a legal annulment and church annulment. When applying for a marriage license I believe you have to present any annulment papers, and that license is what you give the pastor for a church I thought they were the same thing. Our lawyer over there said we could get married as long as the legal paperwork is done and registered at the NSO, but maybe he just meant civil wedding?



I originally wasn't going to hire a lawyer, but due to the annulment, I just wanted to make sure I got everything correct -- a very expensive person to double check my work. And yeah he's doing the same with me, truckload of evidence, he's been requesting all sorts of info not even required by any of the K1 or I-130 forms! He's also been difficult to deal with, hard to get a hold of when I have questions or uncertainties, and when he responds to my questions it's usually a very short 1 line answer. If I didn't already downpay half of our contract, I'd end our agreement.


Since you guys went through the K-1, how was the interview like? Were you able to attend the interview with your fiance or are beneficiaries required to be alone? My fiance can't speak English, maybe just a little bit, I don't know if that'd be a factor against us. I guess that was another reason why I wanted to go the Spousal route, so I could be at the interview and answer everything. We basically decided to go Spousal because we're afraid of the K1 interview, even though we have no red flags or anything to hide/cover. We have a son too, who we've already obtained his US citizenship at the US embassy in Manila... I thought that'd even be further proof that we're a legit couple, but I wasn't sure if he'd be able to attend on a K1 interview..



I did not go to the interview, i did not have time and she would be here shortly after.


Several in here did go, it's just a personal choice.


It is my understanding that they can do the interview in Tagalog.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 13:33:00
PhilippinesCivil vs Church Marriage in the Philippines


But she's doing the legal annulment? That is not the same as a Catholic church annulment.

You're not really getting married legally when you return. It would probably better be called a delayed church wedding ceremony.


Very few people actually get denied a K-1 and even fewer get denied a CR-1 visa in the Philippines. Usually the denial comes about because of a rather serious issue, like the immigrant is already married to someone else, or the petitioner doesn't make enough income to qualify. Being afraid to answer the questions, or not knowing their fiancee or spouse well at all, can also be an issue that leads to denial. But it sounds like you and your fiancee know each other pretty well.


Good post. Most newbies think it is hard  to get  a K-1. As you said unless there is  a big red flag and it's usually someone not legally divorced, bad NBI check and I think number  one is the petitioner not meeting income requirements, it's basically an admin procedure.


As the usual newbie I  hired a lawyer (who was worthless) Tried to maintain a truckload of evidence. Both were absurd on my part.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 10:00:00
PhilippinesCivil vs Church Marriage in the Philippines

Lol sorry, i meant to say that when it comes to getting her to the US, k1 is the better option. Sure, our wedding planning and i-130 submission went well but it's the whole waiting game that sucks. Imagine being separated from your spouse for a year or even more.


I have been told that the I-130 takes a lot longer to process than the K-1.I have no facts to  back that up? Maybe some of our more learned member scan  chime in


I do know my K-1 took almost exactly 4 months from the day I filed until she touched down. Was easy.


As long as  you meet  the requirements, income, Cenomar,criminal etc and have your paperwork in order, it is basically an  admin process. If all else is good they are not going to spend more than a few mins looking at relationship proof if that.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 08:55:00
PhilippinesCivil vs Church Marriage in the Philippines

We're both catholic and I'm single with a clean record smile.png We're going to wait until her annulment case is completely finished before we get married.


That's one of my fears, that we get married in the Pi, register everything legally...but then somehow get denied at her interview! Hopefully my lawyer can handle this..

Isn't K-1 more difficult than Spousal visa? Because they want to make sure that you are a legitimate couple. I figured if we were married over there, then the Spousal interview might not be as bad, and they may even grant us a Green card on the spot...

Oh, I didn't know you could do that.. K-1, get married in US, then get married again in the Philippines. Hmm I'll have to take that into consideration..


I think several here have done just that. I promised her  family I would marry her  as  soon as she got here, because they did not like the idea of  her shacking up. I did.


We just had the  legal wedding here and the ceremony there. No hassle at all. Having a wedding in Cebu if you are already married is no issue at all. You need Zero paper work, it's basically just celebration.



We used a venue in Talisay that was really nice and had it catered.The Pastor  came to the venue and did it.Really really ceremony with birds etc. The whole Pinoy 9 yards. Set me back about 2K for everything.including dress rentals etc. There is a store  in Cebu that will rent all the dresses   etc.



As for the K-1..Fairly easy and quick. About 4 months from application to her arrival here.


From what i read it's less hassle than the other route.



Edited by The Nature Boy, 16 January 2014 - 08:42 PM.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-16 20:40:00
PhilippinesCivil vs Church Marriage in the Philippines

Hi, I'm a US citizen and my fiance and I plan on getting married in the Philippines as soon as her Annulment case is done. We chose to do this (vs a fiance visa) because she wants a church wedding where her family can attend before I bring her and our son to the US. I have a couple questions about what to do:


1) As a non-filipino citizen, it is required that I get a "Affidavit In Lieu of Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry" before applying for a marriage license. My question is how long is that affidavit valid for?

I ask this because I don't think we'll be able to get married until late 2014, and since I'm going on vacation there next month, I thought that I could get my affidavit ready so that I don't have to worry about it when I go there to get married. It's hard to take long vacations off work so time is important.


2) What is better: Church wedding OR Civil wedding followed up by a church wedding?

I will only be in the Philippines for 3-4 weeks. But when I return to the US, I want to start her Spouse Visa process so I NEED to bring back a legal marriage certificate.

I worry about how long a church wedding takes because it requires additional stuff like canonical interview, pre-wedding seminars, and some wait times... I figure if Civil is the faster way to get our marriage certificate then we can just follow-up a church wedding hopefully before I leave (that way I have wedding photos as additional evidence for the visa). However, if it takes the same time to get a marriage certificate then we'll just do the Church and not worry about Civil.



I kinda had the same issue. There is a 10 day wait after you file, then the marriage certificate is issued and good for only 120 days. Yes it is required.


You can with  some degree of certainty forget a Catholic church wedding


I did the K-1 route (lot less hassle) . Then about 10 months later we flew back and had  a nice wedding for friends and family.Since we filed the married abroad with the Philippine embassy, they had a record of our Marriage. we found a local Methodist pastor to do the wedding. No paperwork required. It was so easy.


Although very remote chance, what if you got married in the Pi and she got denied for some obscure reason.


Just my 2cents, K-1 is the best way to go, for many reasons

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-16 17:20:00
PhilippinesFilipina in the U.S. needs help!

rights on the house isn't any federal thing,

it's actually state laws.


was she ever listed in a deed or rental agreement? if so, she has instant rights to be in the house.


was there a will?  if she's listed as one of the beneficiaries, then her 'rights' are not engaged until the will is probated through a court, unless there's something else, another legal document, in place allowing for temporary tenancy until the will is probated.  


IMO, if she has a deed to the house with her name on it, the police can help her get it back, but she must talk with the desk sargeant at the police station to get the right human.


At some point, she might need a lawyer to enforce her rights.  There may be other 'immediate' rights available to her, covering tenancy and assets, as a widow in that state (you not mention the state) so more research is needed, based on the state.


as to her current status of her green card, death of the primary sponser is a main reason to file the removal of conditions case.




Darnell is right..I did not realize she was already out of the house..She should have never moved.Of course if it was a month to month apartment no big deal. If the house is still not occupied I suggest she move back in ASAP

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-18 10:02:00
PhilippinesFilipina in the U.S. needs help!

Thank you for the advice.  I'm not sure if she was renting, making mortgage payments, or if it was paid off.  I copy/pasted the advice to her.... thanks again smile.png



She needs to get a lawyer NOW!.As the wife she is the first Lineal Hier. Her rights come  before the kids in rights of Lineal Succession. They can not kick her out, that is her house unless a a probate court says otherwise or it's in their names, even then the one year support thing will stop everything.


She needs to immediately file for  one years support from the estate.and once again get a PROBATE lawyer.


The immigration thing is no big deal.She needs to concentrate on administering his estate. Does he have a will? Who is the executor.? Find the will.


The first thing i did after marrying was make a legal will, to ensure my wife was taken care of, and I appointed a local business man that I trust, who is also married to a Pinay to be the executor.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-18 09:59:00
PhilippinesMarriage Judge in QC

Help pls... Until now we dont have a judge or anyone to marry me and my fiance. Our wedding is next week.


where you at 

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-18 09:51:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview

Our letter of intent was also simple.  We used the same ones we used for the K1 package with different dates and addresses.  Her interview was this week and she was approved.



The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 11:37:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview

Chinook and I submitted very simple updated letters of intent. Basically, the letters said that we were still single and free to marry, and that we intended to marry within 90 days of when Chinook entered the U.S.


and from what I was told those points are the Key. The intent to marry in 90 days and free to marry.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 10:58:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview



Like said most do a new Letter of Intent for the interview at the embassy, so your attorney is correct. 



http://photos.state....tober 2013_.pdf


h. EVIDENCE OF A GENUINE ENGAGEMENT. You must be prepared to prove to the consular officer 
that you have a genuine relationship with your petitioner and a clear intention to marry within 90 days of 
admission into the U.S. In the past, successful applicants have submitted photographs, letters, e-mails, 
phone records, bank records, and remittance records as evidence supporting their relationships and intent to 
As for ROC we have a little over 6 months before filing.  Then the big count down starts as my wife will get her citizenship as soon as allowed so we can kiss this immigration stuff goodbye. wink.png




Darn we  do ROC in about 3  weeks. I was hoping you were first, and  I could graze off your advice.


As for citizenship. i understand you can file as soon as 1 year after ROC?  Not 100% sure. We are going to be back and forth to the PI a lot. I hate to stay more than a month or 2 until she gets  citizenship here, then it's all over. We also plan to file Dual for her, since we may end up living there

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2014-01-17 09:55:00