PhilippinesBooking plane ticket from Philippines

why dont you just send her the money and let her find some first time immigrant promo tickets? for one way they range from 550 to 750 depending on where is the destination ;)

Really ? They have fairs that low ? It may be worth looking at, and I have no problem at all just sending her the money.. I love her, trust her and I take good care of her. Thanks for the info.

I got 3 issues.

1. I really want her on the KAL flight that goes C-boo --Korea--ATL because it is the shortest flight by many hours and she would only have to change planes once in Korea. About 23 hours total travel time. It's a hard trip anyway and would hate for her to have to travel 30 hours and change planes twice. even if I have to pay extra.

2. I need to pay for with KAL Visa card becuse I get double sky miles.

3. I would also get sky miles if she uses KAl.

She is part of your FB group.. I Just asked her as she was on the way out the door to her Medical this morning at St. Lukes.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 16:05:00
PhilippinesBooking plane ticket from Philippines

the last time i bought a ticket for inernational *she was in JFK from poland*.. i did it online.. but i had to make sure the name on her passport was EXACTLY the same as the name i put on the ticket.. i am pretty sure that is still in effect

Yes it is not a problem with most countries. I think the Philippines is the only country in the world that has this rule, from what I can understand.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 11:05:00
PhilippinesBooking plane ticket from Philippines

I found the flight I wanted thru Kayak and booked directly with Continental Airlines.

Note: Many more flights out of Manila then Cebu.


Kayak let you book a flight for another person that originated in the Philippines ???
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 22:27:00
PhilippinesBooking plane ticket from Philippines

I used American Airlines frequent flyer miles but the tax and processing fee had to be paid in the Philippines.
I have been told that some airlines will let you pay for it here but she will need a (photo copy) of the credit card that was used when she get to the airport to check in.

My understanding is tthe Philipines are trying to reduce the human trafficking. If a person actually pays for the ticket it is more likely they understand where they are going and why. A Trafficker would not hand over cash or his credit card information to the person he was selling in to slavery to buy a ticket.

Well that makes sense. Thanks.

I used a U.S. travel agent for my wife and daughter, zero hassles for all of us!

That is what the KAL agent said. I think I will try that .. Thanks
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 19:57:00
PhilippinesBooking plane ticket from Philippines
I think this may have been discussed in another thread but..... It appears that the Philippines has an obscure requirement that you can only purchase a ticket departing the PI in the PI.

So how did many of you handle this. Yes I know I can just send the money, but I have a KAL frequent flyer account and KAL credit card that i Use to rack up Sky Miles. I called KAL and they suggested I go thru a travel agent and buy a pre-paid ticket that she can pick up at KAL in C-Boo ( it's Halloween :) ) Anyone ever done this ?

Also from what I can tell the absolute shortest flight out of C-Boo is Kal C-boo-- Korea---Atl. . I flew this back in may, and it took about 22 or so hours total. Wish they had direct flights into C-boo from USA.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 16:52:00
PhilippinesPlaces To Stay In Cebu

Hello everyone! Do you have any recommendations for a very good hotel in Cebu with free breakfast (buffet or not)? We are planning to stay there for a week with 3 adult children. It's nice if it's around downtown or uptown (not in Lapu-Lapu or Mandaue area coz it's too far). Thank you for your suggestions!

I stayed at the Radisson Blu back in May. really nice and right next to Sm mall. A little pricey but you can get the free breakfast with a certain room package. AND oh my what Breakfast. A buffet that has every food item in the world on it. Really .
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-31 21:36:00
PhilippinesStatus Report of my case

Well, things are not going real good now. As I have said before, my fiance' didn't have my original divorce papers on the 7th when she interviewed. I DHL'ed them ASAP and the embassy called her in a few days later.

At that time, all hell broke loose and they started accusing her of being someone else, asking about our sex life and intimidating her. According to them, someone with the same last name applied last year and was denied. The Filipino CO was convinced it was her and even said this other person was using my girl's passport photo. This was impossible! I think they even showed her a form with this other's name and my girl's picture that they had manufactured.

The embassy requested a female exam to prove my girl hasn't given birth to verify her identity. Apparently, they believe that the other person actually has kids.

I feel like they are prosecuting her for some unknown reason. It was determined that there would be a three week wait for review. I don;t feel good about this because I think there will be another excuse and denial after the wait.



Knowing many that have gone thru the process and reading everything in the book about it, I just want to point out to keep an open mind. Something does not sound right. I find it hard to believe they talked to her like that . Of course I could be wrong. Just be careful buddy.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-25 20:22:00
Philippinesair travel

I used Continental airlines Manila-Hong Kong-New York one way and booked my wife's ticket on their company website. No issues at all.

I've heard the same issues about booking flights from PI and noticed on some non-US carriers that booking one way from PI was not permitted.

I then booked another round trip ticket for me, and knowing her flight number and seat number, I could make the reservation for my return trip so that we could sit together as well.

How long ago was that . ??/ I think law is fairly new.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-07 15:47:00
PhilippinesOk folks she is in the embassy

Congrats!Posted Image

When is she flying out???

as soo nas visa is in hand and we can find a flight
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-04 04:29:00
PhilippinesOk folks she is in the embassy

Good luck!

Went fine. She said they did not even look at the evidence of relationship.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-03 16:58:00
PhilippinesOk folks she is in the embassy
I feel like an expectant father. Her appointment is today ( Nov 3 ) her time. Just waiting on the phone call.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-02 18:19:00
PhilippinesXOOM money transfer


I just want to know how reliable XOOM for sending money in the Philippines. I need to send money immediately and XOOM seems to be faster since they got the bank where my aunt banking.

Appreciate the thoughts.

I just got done sending about 85,000 pesos.. Never had a problem
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-08 22:44:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

Doing good. Typical ups and downs of marriage life.

Feedback from friends: Hubby and I look happy
Feedback of hubby on our relationship: He is recommending to his single friends that if they want someone to really take care of them they should consider a filipina wife. [My response to this comment, they have to get a responsible filipina coz bad ones still exist. ]

BTW, I am not my hubby's slave... i have maids that clean our house. :whistle:

Thanks for all the postive responses. She will be here this weekend.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-10 16:49:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

Yet ... this is the Philippines specific forum so yes his question was aimed at others from the Phils.

I do understand you issues, especially with different foods :huh: , I found that an issue when I was in the Phils for the month. Language can be an issue just moving across the country here... :lol:

Tain't no way ant kinda English is any more better :dance: than another other kind. It all be thee same. Ain't dat right ?

Not sure why you do not block your EX-GF on FB...? Easy enough to do.

I do have her blocked. She made a fake Pinay profile and used it to send them messages. Used Google to send broken Tagalog messages to a person from Cebu.. way too much drama but I think that is all behind us.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-07 18:54:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

Been together four years and there are no problems in the relationship. We're both amazed at how difficult it seems to be for others to adjust. When I am in the Philippines for months at a time I do not need to see other Americans, eat American food, or watch American TV or whatever. Same with her. She just needs to communicate with her family.

She is very, very surprised at the police state we live in because the propaganda is all ####### about how free Americans are.

Police state ? Where do you live ? That is here in America ? I am taking she is she shocked by how much money the govt takes from all of us to give to those who did not earn it. However that is socialism not totalitarianism. .
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-07 05:29:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while
Thanks for the replies. All is well here. I should never sit around and read sites like in my spare time, which i did yesterday in my spare time between football games.:innocent:. My love really did none of the things they warned to be careful of. .

As for us. My soon to be, speaks perfect English and comes from a family that does not need help from me.. I have a good job, no kids. I have lots of Pinay/American couple friends already here.. She has already met one of my couple friends when they were visiting there, and her and the Pinay wife hit it off immediately. and have become good friends. I already eat supper once a week with three other Pinay/American couples. So she will already have at least two good friends here that she has been talking to for several months. We have big dances here at Christmas and Valentines sponsored by the Philippine/A,American society , some of which I have already been to and know many of the members. I am very open to her culture and it will be part of our lives.

So I am hoping it will help that she will already have other Pinay here that she knows and talks to and can get advice from. These are good women who have been married 8-10 years and have kids by their American husband.

Of course there is so much to do. She will not work, but I am guessing she will get bored with that quickly. I have told her she can go back to school some, work part-time, volunteer, or stay home, whatever she likes .

And of course I have to teach her to drive. That should be fun. I have a truck and a souped up 08 Mustang GT pulling over 400 HP. Guess which on she wants to learn to drive in. She does not know it but I am looking at a Prius for her . LOL

Anyway thanks for all the positive replies, I needed that. I guess like any marriage you never know but in my heart I think I am making the right choice.

Oh and as far as what people think. I never really cared about that. Some people think I have gone nuts. I have had a few comments like "so your getting a wife/Slave" blah blah blah. I just generally laugh it off, and can usally look at them and say,, You have been married how many times " ? or didn't you just tell me last week how mean your wife was. My sister told me I had lost my mind then 1 month later filed for divorce from a husband she has not loved in 20 years... so there you go. It's right for us and that is all that matters.

I do have a crazy ex-GF that has vowed that I will not do this, and has sent my fiancee and her brother messages on FB. She still rides by and texts but I really think once she is here that will stop. That is the only problem we have had.

Like any relationship it takes work and I pray this one will be a good one. Thanks
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-06 08:25:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

I disagree. I think in many ways it's easier on non-english speakers because it's ALL different. Here things are similar to Aus but different enough that it's very frustrating. I don't expect to be misunderstood. I hate being told I'm wrong because the word I've used for something for 28 years is different here.

I also read about "Pinay support groups" in many areas. Pinay TV channels, food etc. I have to ship stuff, there's no store nearby. Any food similar to home isn't the same and it's usually not a good difference. There are NO other Aussie's in my area. No support group. No Aussie channels. Vonage has cheap deal for the Philippines, Australia not so much because it's not as common so I would be paying quite a lot a month just to talk to my family on a regular basis.

It's also better living conditions in many way for Filipino's. Not as good for Aussie's. Worse healthcare here compared to Aus.

Just because I speak English doesn't mean this has been easy. I've been here 2 years and it's still often a daily struggle.

Just for the record my Fiance speaks pefect English and has better grammar than I do. Ain't that a hoot.. LOL. A large majority of Philippines speak at least basic English and many many are fluent. All most all business and signs are in English.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-06 07:49:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

LOL Dog. Thats a weird question that I don't know the answer for.
Since Mav aint here.
I can tell you I think every relationship is up to the parties involved. Not everyone is the same and things are different for everybody. Personality, Attitude, AND SO ON. I guess it's what you make of it. Takes 2 to make it work, not just one. Children being involed is a blessing but may be dismay if the relationship is shacky and doubts about WHY?
The Majority are happy. but, I see as yourself not a good choice for some. So, Be Happy. And make her happy. Thats the best start when they arrive to an odd surrounding.
Just a guess. Your post is a Good One!

Nothing is wrong, I am not having second thoughts and I have a wonderful classy lady that is soon to be my wife. It's just that the only ones that tend to post are the ones that have horror stories to tell. I guess we are about a week or so out from flying. I just wanted to hear some positive stories from some of you.

Guess i just got a bit of the nerves. :star: My single years have been a blast. but I am glad to give them up for this special lady.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-05 20:10:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

I think ops question was more toward the couples from Philippines since Philippines has it's own world, and pin ays adapt a little bit harder to the American life style

Yes it was, since we are in the PI forum but I welcome the input from all.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-05 20:01:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while
I am interested to hear from any couples in here, that already have their mate here in the US or have been married for a while. How is it working out ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-05 18:41:00
Philippinescan we make an appointment?

After the case has arrived at USEM you can pay the visa fee at BPI, then schedule your interview.
You can also save some time on the morning of your medical at SLMCEC by filling out the online registration.

You do not have to wait for the package to get to Manila, As soon as NVC tells you the MNK number you can schedule the interview. Forget calling them. Just get your MNL number ans schedule. They will have your package by the interview date.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-11-10 05:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a Employment Question

I was a student from 1999-2004. I also worked about 5 different jobs and internships off and on in the meantime. Would it be understood that in the gaps I was studying if I put 1999-2004 in the first box for employment history, or would I have to put that in every single time?

i think you have to put every single one separately...sad but true...
I dont know what u should do if you worked 2 jobs at the same time though since they should not overlap...
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-03-11 13:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavid of support - student
Thanks everybody for the answers,
u r so nice guys - always ready to help...
I would like to ask something else anout the affidavid - how is the household size determined?
If for example the joint sponsor lives w the sponser his dad and his sister( they are above 21)are they considered towards the household size?thanks
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-03-02 01:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavid of support - student
Thank you flutter:)
that was great relief...Thanks:)
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-02-28 12:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavid of support - student
Thank you guys for the answers:)
But i think i did not make myself clear - im not worried about whether he will get financial aid after we get married - im worried whether the fact that this is a government funding would affect our application....
I think may be not but wanted to check with u just to make sure...
Another thing i wanna ask you - I have been in the states on a student exchange program for the last 2 summers, but i have not filed my taxes yet...Do u think this could affect our application too?I know i might sound paranoic but i want everything to be ok so we do not get RFE(that was the abbreviation right?)
Thank you so much for ur help guys,really:)
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-02-27 11:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavid of support - student
Hello everybody!
My finace and I are pretty confused on our case with the Affidavid of Support
and we need you help guys!
We noticed that to be a sponsor you need to have a particular
amount of income because they do not want me to recive any form
goverment aid while in America. He is a student and he is currently
receiving finacial aid under the his parents name. Since he cannot meet
requirements for minimum income we need a joint sponsor. If his mom is our
joint sponsor for the affidavit of support, would it affect our
appilcation(since his financial aid is under his parents name)?
Thank you very much guys,
I really would appreciate any suggestions
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-02-27 00:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavid of support - joint sponsor


It doesn't make any difference that they file a joint tax return. Present the financial information for the one who will be sponsoring you.


My finace doen't meet the poverty level so we'll need his mom to be a joint sponsor.
But his mom and dad file their taxes joinly so my question is:

How should we handle this? - should we submit his dads supporting docs or maybe he has to fill the form himself too or sth else?

Thanks in advance for the help

Thanks Yodrak for the answer but I was wondering about the following thing - in the required supporting papers for the affidavid it says that you should submit tax returns - but how are they gonna know her tax return if they filed joinly?
and the other thing is what about property - it is obviously on both his mom's and dad's names - so should she just divide the property value by 2?

Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-08 02:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavid of support - joint sponsor
My finace doen't meet the poverty level so we'll need his mom to be a joint sponsor.
But his mom and dad file their taxes joinly so my question is:

How should we handle this? - should we submit his dads supporting docs or maybe he has to fill the form himself too or sth else?

Thanks in advance for the help
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-07 16:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview papers
did I do sth wrong? or I just posted complete nonsense that no one even answered :unsure:
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-18 16:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview papers

I have some questions regarding the DHL tracking and the letter from the bank.

1)for the Affidavid of support I found out that our Embassy requires letter from the bank-is this the same as a bank statement?
2)since our packege is supposed to arrive soon in BG we went on the DHL website to track it as i read we should do here in the forum, but then it didn't show any shipments to Bulgaria on 16.04 or later or earlier(they told us it from NVC that it was shipped on Monday 16.04)

Could somebody help please?
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-18 11:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo I have to return anything to the consulate?

I just got my package 3 in the mail:)))
But I am a ltl confused because it just says "when you have all necessary documents ready call #..... to schedule an interview appointment".
I was with the impression that I have to send some of the papers back to the consulate, but it does not say so....
I am confused what should I do?

Each consulate is different... Some want you to submit a checklist, some want the DS230, some say just call and make an appointment when you are ready... for you it sounds like the latter.....

Wow thanks,I thought i had missed sth :)
thanks for the help and good luck to ur interview, I see it's coming:)
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-24 12:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo I have to return anything to the consulate?
I just got my package 3 in the mail:)))
But I am a ltl confused because it just says "when you have all necessary documents ready call #..... to schedule an interview appointment".
I was with the impression that I have to send some of the papers back to the consulate, but it does not say so....
I am confused what should I do?
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-24 11:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotarization in I-134
We were reading very contadicting info here on VJ about what exactly should be notarized in the I-134 from.

Just to make it clear -

What should be notarized - just the form?

or all supporting documents also?-we mean tax returned, W2s, bank letter?, house ownership?

Thanks for the help

Andrew and Iva
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-27 04:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about I-134
Hi everyone, I have a question about the I-134 form. I am being joint sponsored by mother and we are getting ready to fill out the form. On question 11 on the form it states how you will support the beneficiary, how it will be issued, etc. I looked at the example form and saw that it said I should put N/A, but I was curious if this is the same for my mother or does she have to put how she will help support us and for how long. By the way, the I-134 form expired on the USCIS website and was curious if we can still use it.

Thanks for the help

Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-05-06 15:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Questions and Advice
thanks that list was great :)

In addition to that I have read somewhere in the forum about kind of abusive questions they sometimes ask (but I think it was for the green card interview...) but anyway, the questions were about ur sexual life and all similar staff...
I hope they do not ask those but still it is better to be prepared than not.

Good luck to everybody :thumbs:
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-05-01 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support/ co-sponsor


Use the must current supporting documents available. Things like tax returns are updated only once a year, but other things like pay statements are updated weekly, bi-weekly, perhaps monthly.


I was reading through here and I see now that we can use the same joint sponsor for the AOS process. But my question is - can we use the same supporting evidence if the timeframe is several months(from April to say, September)? I mean the same letter from employer, bank letter, tax returns, W2?
I am asking because this is quite a lot of papers we should get ready if we have to do it again after several months.

Thanks Yodrak,

yea I guess it is better to have everything with the most recent date. But what about for example the evaluation of the house? His mom is getting that to prove how much the house costs - do you think that we can still use the same statement? And do you think it is crucial if we have the letter from employer from April but present the pay stubs for the time elapsed till September?I am asking because she is very busy and I do not wanna make her do paperwork we can go without.

Thanks again
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-19 13:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support/ co-sponsor
I was reading through here and I see now that we can use the same joint sponsor for the AOS process. But my question is - can we use the same supporting evidence if the timeframe is several months(from April to say, September)? I mean the same letter from employer, bank letter, tax returns, W2?
I am asking because this is quite a lot of papers we should get ready if we have to do it again after several months.
Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2007-04-19 13:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2014 Filers
Updated fpring appt and in line fields.


USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|In Line..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....| FieldOffice
ShieS2010...........|02/05/14.|02/12/14.|--/--/--.|03/06/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Dallas, TX

Juvia...............|02/05/14.|02/13/14.|02/12/14.|03/13/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Orlando, Fl

youngwanderer.......|02/07/14.|02/14/14.|02/13/14.|03/12/14.|03/10/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY (Early bio: 3/7)
Medtav......... ....|02/11/14.|02/19/14.|02/14/14.|03/18/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ

JSully..............|02/21/14.|02/27/14.|02/26/14.|04/01/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Oakland Park, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|In Line..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....| FieldOffice
BD..................|02/10/14.|--/--/--.|02/18/14.|03/06/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Kansas City, MO

YY..................|02/10/14.|--/--/--.|02/18/14.|03/06/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Kansas City, MO


USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|In Line..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....| FieldOffice
CookiesnCream.......|02/10/14.|FEEWAIVED|02/19/14.|02/21/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Saint Paul, MN

Mr&Mrs D............|02/20/14.|03/04/14.|03/04/14.|03/24/14.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tucson, AZ

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Quote" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [12].
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2014-03-19 08:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2014 Filers

Fingerprints appointment for 3/14

Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2014-02-28 14:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2014 Filers

How quickly after the online status update (fingerprints letter sent) did you receive your appointment letter?

Mine changed on Monday, I am wondering when I should expect the letter in the mail...

Ivelina_AndrewMaleBulgaria2014-02-27 12:15:00