Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)when status is issued on CEAC, how many days it takes to get a call from american express to pickup the visa

mines was issued on the 12th. they never called my wife to pick up visa yet. but i myself called the courier office and they said have it ready for pick up. so monday morning inshAllah we will pick it up.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-14 09:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

Man I'm planning to wait until the end of next month if I don't hear anything then ima drop my 2 weeks. I'm planing to go there for atleast 4 months. Man I had only spent 3 weeks with my wife! That's crazy. InshaAllah we might hear good news before our flight :-)


Yup I feel like going even earler lol


we'll see what happens.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-17 18:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

Usman bhai when are you flying to Pakistan?



Not sure but I will decide on the 12th of next month. if idont hear anything by then i wil give my job a 2 weeks notice so prolly by the end of sept. 



why wassup?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-17 10:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

Yea ima wait it has been exactly 2 months since the interview. Which will be the 12th of next month.


We cannot wait any longer, And this is the decision that Allah swt has put in my heart so I will roll with it.


It wasn't an easy decision though. But nothing is promised so we will do what we can while we can.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 19:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

It does no good to quit your job and go live in Pakistan unless you have a co-sponcer. AP can last a few weeks, months or years. If it lasts for a year or more they
may ask for a new affidavit of support.

Be prepared to wait for your AP to end. Islamabad seems to be working on cases very slowly right now. I hope they will work faster in the fall.



I do have a co sponsor. I am blessed then since ppl who do not have sponsers cannot leave their job.


Its just crazy because me and my wife have been married over 15 months and we only lived together for about 2 months.


It sucks.


Any advice? I was going to wait a month before making my final decision to go back to her.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 15:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

Hello There,


Fast forward:

Husband was interviewed on July 17th 2013 and (most likely) like everyone, he was placed in AP and still is.

It has been almost a month now; his case was sent to the DOS on July 17th

--------------------------------------------------------------------> Updated on August 5th

--------------------------------------------------------------------> Updated on August 13th then


I emailed them around the beginning of August, got a response on August 5th which was also when the case was updated.

The first e-mail said the following:


Dear Sir/Madam,


Our record indicates that the subject immigrant visa case is still pending under administrative processing. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to predict as to how long it still may take. However as soon as this process has completed, we will contact the applicant using the contact information he/she has provided on his/her form DS-230. Please rest assured that this case has neither been forgotten, nor slipped through the cracks.


If he/she has not heard from our office after six months, please have her contact our office using the web based email form available on the website of the American Embassy.


Yours truly,

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section,American Embassy



I emailed the second time around about August 12th and the case was updated on the 13th of August, BUT look at how they got annoyed...

I know I was annoying for constantly emailing but check this out:


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please refer to our email of August 5, 2013. This email clearly indicates the admin processing situation in your case. Our office would like to clarify that unless this situation has changed, there does not exist a reason for us to contact or review your case again. May we also remind that an immigrant visa application cannot be processed any further while the admin processing is pending.


Yours truly,

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section,American Embassy




Any updates on those who have been interviewed in July????

Has anyone else been told as well that the AP will take only about a month????


They updated her case on her interview day but her status never changed even today it says ready. 

And then when I emailed time for the first time from there email inquiry system on there isl u.s embassy website they never replied, but the day of my last updated status changed to that day. 


Then again I emailed them on august 1st and this time they replied and i put the subject of the email as "other" so they might reply.


Dear Sir/Madam,


Our record indicates that the subject immigrant visa case is still pending under administrative processing.  Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to predict as to how long it still may take.  However as soon as this process has completed, we will contact the applicant using the contact information he/she has provided on his/her form DS-230.  Please rest assured that this case has neither been forgotten, nor slipped through the cracks.


If he/she has not heard from our office after six months, please have her contact our office using the web based email form available on the website of the American Embassy. 


Yours truly,

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular SectionAmerican Embassy






^^^ This is what they said.


Then I emailed them again pleading my case on how much I miss my wife. then they sent me this email.



Dear Sir/Madam,


Please refer to our email of August 1, 2013.  This email clearly indicates the admin processing situation in your case.  Our office would like to clarify that unless this situation has changed, there does not exist a reason for us to contact or review your case again.  May we also remind that an immigrant visa application cannot be processed any further while the admin processing is pending. 


Yours truly,

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular SectionAmerican Embassy





And they also updated my status on the day i sent the email which was the Aug. 12th and they also updated it when they sent the reply. But I don't know if they updated it on Aug 12th because I sent the email or they did it because it was exactly a month after the interview.


But her status never changed.


Please explain everything to me about your case as well!



Its been 35 days today. I cant take it no  more ethier i might just quit my job and leave school to go to my wife.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 08:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS AP ISLAMABAD Question / USEFUL info for ppl in AP

Usman bhai yaar kyun itna parashaan ho rahay ho dost. InshaAllah Eid ka baad embassy speed pakar la gi. I think embassy is bombarded with lots of stuff these days therefore it's working slow. Aap itna mut socho yaar. You know that possibilities are limitless so don't get caught in these.

Lol man it's hard. I'm fine one day and then the next day I just feel like going back to her but I have to work and go to school. Idk inshAllah it will happen and you are right anything is possible.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-07 23:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS AP ISLAMABAD Question / USEFUL info for ppl in AP

Every time I call DOS to ask for the status of my wife's case they always tell me that its just in AP.


BUT they also always tell me that its pending at the embassy and the consular officer is waiting to make a final decision on the case.



So does this mean that the AP for my wife might be shorter and doesn't have to be sent back to USCIS like some other peoples case I saw?


Or go for security checks?


But I guess they must be waiting for something since its in AP right?


Please anyone from any where answer or tell me anything, if you have any type of info on AP. ANY! Let me know!


or share your own story!

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-07 18:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)47 days days since my Wife is in Ap

Just wondering how often your case are getting updated? Has your date changed since interview?

it only updated evrytime I emailed them which was 3 times/ other then that no other updates.


how about you??

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-29 13:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)47 days days since my Wife is in Ap

57 days, although my wife was told she was approved on the day of her interview

her status never changed, it always said ready



did they give her a green 221g sheet?


And did they keep her passport ?


and return all the other documents?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-28 20:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)47 days days since my Wife is in Ap

Its been 47 days since my wife has been in AP.


they kept the passport.


her status never changed it still says ready since day one.


Pray for us

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-28 10:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Alhumduillah. after exactly 2 months my wifes visa is issued!

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-12 10:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

MashAllah bro, then it seems like they are very active on her case. And yes inshAllah I will pray and do dua. you do the same.


and no nothing at all all they say is that its in AP and contact them if it has been past 6 months since the interview.



AND I emailed them because i jsut couldnt wait . its hard

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-03 15:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker


WOW! Why did you email them four times? Did they provide you any additional information?


No we have not contacted them. We are just waiting and checking the website every day.


Inshallah Her visa will be issued soon. Please pray for us as well.

MashAllah bro, then it seems like they are very active on her case. And yes inshAllah I will pray and do dua. you do the same.


and no nothing at all all they say is that its in AP and contact them if it has been past 6 months since the interview.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-03 15:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Our date changed 4 times, should i be worried?



Without you emailing them?


if so then Dont worry at all. it seems like they are about to issue it soon for you then.


my wifes interview was on july 12th 2013.


they kept her passport and gave her  a 221ggreen sheet. how about you guys?


And our status on ceac still says reeady and it was only updated when i emailed them which was 4 times lol

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-03 14:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker


AP is pretty much standard for all males from Pakistan. Sometimes it goes very quickly like a few weeks or months and sometimes it can last for a year or more. There is nothing you can do but wait. Try not to be scared. Pray your AP goes fast. In the meantime continue to keep proof of ongoing relationship. Phone records, emails, chat logs, etc. If you are in a long AP they may want proof that you are still together and communicating.

I went on the embassy website and got the name of the Ambassador. I wrote a letter with his name on it and the address of the embassy. I made sure to put my case
number and address and phone number in the letter. I emailed it to my husband and he sent it SpeedEx to the embassy. It took about a month or 2 before his office
wrote back to me.



Hey did they keep the passport?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-23 09:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I sent a letter to the Ambassador of the embassy and yesterday I got a letter back in the mail from the embassy. The letter said all the fresh paperwork and medical
we sent is good but the case will remain in AP until they are finished and then they will contact my husband.

We are at 14 months in AP now. No new status updates on the ceac website. Some days I feel very discouraged and other days I am filled with hope. I just wish this
nightmare would end and they would issue his visa.


How did you send a letter to the ambassador. what address or what email address. please inform me thanks

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-22 13:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)37 days in AP - Kuwait


I suppose it's good. So everyime you email them it gets updated?


God is bigger than our problems and can make a way where it seems impossible. This I know. I have seen God work amazing things in my life and those around me.

I will definately lift you up in prayer. Jesus never fails my friend.


Yes it does.


And thank you. I pray for the best.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 08:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)37 days in AP - Kuwait

Seems like they are working on your case. they only updated my wifes status when i emailed them.


And still it says ready, pray for us. and have hope. if you didnt contact them and they still updated it then things are lookin ggood.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 08:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)37 days in AP - Kuwait


No it says "Administrative Processing" ...



did it say that from day one after your interview.


Mines says ready and it never changed but they did give my wife the green sheet and the embassy emailed me backs tating that she is in admin processing.


What was the pattern on your status updates?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 08:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)37 days in AP - Kuwait

what does your ceac status say? ready?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-16 08:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

Just a note...  My fiancee's visa was issued according to the state dept's website on August 27, 2013.  The passport was received in hand today, September 4, 2013.  It had showed AP for exactly two months from the interview date.  I believe this was mostly due to an additional document that was requested from us. 


I hope everyone hanging in limbo can survive the process.



WOw awesome. which document if you dont mind me asking. and how long did you turn it in in? 


and did they give her a 221g green sheet and keep her passport?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-04 22:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

You guyss, checked today and it updated to ISSUED. I called nvc to confirm this wasnt some mistake. They confirmed it was true and that my hubby will get hus visa in the mail. Alhumdullilah! smile.png I cant believe its finally over. Lots of prayers for you guys inshaAllah you all hear good news as well.




MashAllah! do dua ours happens as well.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-28 20:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

Hi, you guys my husband just had his interview on the 22nd of this month, so like last Thursday

and he got a green slip that said AP (Administrative Processing)

so I've been checking the status on this website

and its been saying AP and then a paragraph about what AP is and how long it will take.

However, when I checked the status today it changed to this just recently:

U.S. Department of State

Immigrant Visa Case Number: ISL------------- 01 ISL

Case Creation Date: 21-Mar-2013

Status Updated Date: 26-Aug-2013


Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at:http://travel.state..../info_3731.html

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV

Can someone please tell me what this means? It changed from AP to this READY message. He already had his interview so why is it saying he needs to take it again? I'm confused.
I thought I would ask here since you guys are always so super helpful
Please reply back soon. Thank you so much!






Anything new happen?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-27 22:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

I have the READY sing on my fiancee status for 22 days,and it hasn't change to ISSUED,so tha does not mean they will issued in 2 weeks



Maybe or maybe not. My wife had her interview on july 12th 2013 and it still says ready it never ever changed.


its been about 47 days!!!!


Still waiting and our status updates only when we inquire about our case.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-27 11:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

Did you ask why it says ready instead of Ap? Lol



Yea they always says its a glitch or its not right. on there screen they say my case is in AP.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-26 23:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

Usman did you ever call Dos? Did they give you any information?



Lol I call them almost everyday. Most of the times they Don't tell me anything except for her case is in AP and when its done they will contact her and there is no time limit.


And I asked one time why isn't there a time limit and the DOS guy said that if they did put a time limit on it and they weren't finished with the case within that time limit then they would have to deny the visa.


So that's why for "our" own benefit there is no time limit.


Idk inshAllah we get our visas.

my wife had her interview on the 12th and was told the same thing as others that she will get her visa in one or two weeks.  Its been longer than that and it still says it is in AP.  I have called the Embassy but no answer and same thing for the email as well?  any suggestions or help please?



Please fill out your timeline


And post your interview date and case type and if they kept the passport or not.


so we can try to help you out.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-26 21:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

Thank you for the number smile.png

Yes, just the gave the green slip and kept his passport.

 oh ok yea they did the same exact thiing for my wifes case but her status never ever said AP it still says ready. I wonder why.


Pray for us


she had her interview july12th!

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-26 17:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status after interview went from AP to READY?

Do you guys know the number for DOS? 




1-202-663-1225 call them and wait and hear the machine then press 1 and then press 0 to talk to someone.


Let them know first it said AP now it changed to ready.



They didnt ask you guys for any additional documents right? just gave you the green slip and did they keep your passport? 

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-26 17:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases


Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-09-13 06:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

I had my interview at Islamabad consulate on 30th of July, my passport was retained and I was given a green slip known as 221g


it's not stated the reason as to why my case had been placed under AP (I'm female) it reads who's ineligible for US visa and that they MIGHT need further documents and I should be quick responding them

my fiance is an American I live in Pakistan legally but I ain't Pakistani I'm from another T country so ...


my interview took like 10 minutes and like all other cases the CO told me everything seems just fine, got my passport and birth certificate and stated the process takes 60 to 90 days


one month's passed but I wonder what do I do after 3 months? who's this congressman and where I can find him as I ain't very positive about the result...




Are you a male or a female?


be positive theres nothing really else you can do.


just wait, it will happen when the time is right.


my wifes been waiting since july 12th and they told her the same thing. and gave her the green 221g sheet.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-30 16:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

Embassy have my stepson passport....but i was trying to find it online and web show me that is no information for the passport number i wrote ????? Sombody knows why if is in the embassy it should show me right



Because your prolly typing it in for the courier website and that's only when it is issued and is being deliverd , that's the only time somthin will come up. but if its still in process nothing will come up.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-25 13:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases


No, my passport is with me



hmm okay. I have heard that it doesn't matter if they keep it or not. when there done they should ask for it. we'll hope for the best!

Interview date : May 29, 2013
Ceac status: Administrative Processing
Last update : July 8th



They keep the passport?

Interview date : july 24
Ceac status: administrative processing
Last update : August 2



They keep the passport?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-25 09:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

The last 2 email came from fpu department ,did not know what fpu means until last night see some vj members talking about it , they got my stepson in AP 2 months ago ,I don't know if fpu department took his case because my stepson got 2 turism visa refused sad about this case my wife and my stepson has 5 years without seem each other


Man that's crazy. InshAllah they will reunite soon

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-25 00:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

Fraud prevention unit ....


How did you find out. and how they tell you and is that suppose to mean it will take longer for you, I know of someone who waited I think at keast 5 months before they can adopt a child and the investogators even came to the childs residence to make sure.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-24 09:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

My fiancee interviewed on June 27, 2013 in Islamabad. They did keep her passport and requested another document which we submitted approximately five days later.  The status was updated when they received the document.  After that it showed that our case was in AP for about the past two months.  Today, however, the status now shows READY.  


I was wondering if anyone can offer any insight as to the status change online and what does it mean.







from what I have been reading they should issue her visa in a couple of days now. since it changed to ready. Call DOS on Tuesday to confirm/ and pray for us.did they give him/her a green 221g slip at the interview as well?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-23 09:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

-Interview Date: 10 July 2013

  -Consulate: Kuwait


-Result: Administrative Processing

  -11 July 2013: case "last updated" date changed.

  -18 July 2013: case "last updated" date changed


-19 August 2013 Contacted US Senator John Cornyn of Texas to ask his assistance with the case (all US Senators can check on the progress to make sure the case is being handled properly after the expected time for AP has passed They refer to it as assistance with gov. agency and "casework")


-20 August 2013: Letter from Sen. Cornyn's office stating they have contacted DOS and will inform me when they have a response.


-21 August 2013: case "last updated" date changed. (someone looked at the case. we will see what happens)



Will update further




Yes please keep us posted since I was holding off getting help from a senator.


If the senator replies back to you please inform us right away. thanks

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-22 11:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases

Yes Usman Bhai, my husbands passport has been kept by the CO



Oh ok. Hopefully things will get better for all of us. INshAllah

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-21 15:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases


Yup, I did the following:


March 2013 - Talked to Department of State on the phone, no additional information was given and I was told that we just need to wait it out (no end to AP)

March 2013 - Went to my Congressman's office and asked for help. His office contacted the embassy and the embassy told them we just have to wait and keep checking the status online.

May 2013 - Contacted my Senator. Her office contacted the embassy and was told the same thing including a new statement about how our personal inconvience is minor compared to ensuring that visa issuance strengthens and not weakens US national security (parapharasing the statement).

June 2013 - Contacted the Embassy by phone (as recommended by a lawyer) and was told that the Consular section does not accept phone calls anymore per new process rules.

June 2013 - Emailed the embassy (as instructed on their website) to inform them that we reached the 6 month waiting mark and received the same response (wait and keep checking online).


Not sure there is anything else to do...


That's crazy. I hope you get it soon.

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-21 12:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved AP Cases


Yes, they kept his passport and he had paid the DHL fees before the interview.



Wow that's a long wait. did you ever try to contact them or ask anything?

Khan.usmanNot TellingPakistan2013-08-21 11:18:00