Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
rose.gif We are so sorry for your loss. May Allah wrap His arms around you and give you the strength you need to carry on. You and your family are in our prayers. rose.gif

Angie & Abed
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-07-27 20:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust thought I'd share...
QUOTE (Jenn! @ Jul 21 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, almost nine pounds at 37 weeks - good for her! Congratulations and all the best to your family - she is gorgeous. rose.gif

lol....hence the Thank GOD! first daughter was 6lbs, 7ozs at almost 40 weeks.

Thanks for all the comments, they are both sweeties!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-07-21 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust thought I'd share...
Samar Leigh was born on 13 Jul 2009 at 8:28pm. She was 8lbs, 13ozs and was 19.25 inches. She was a little early (Thank GOD!) at 37 weeks gestation, but very healthy and happy. We are so excited and happy to have finally met her! Big sis is such a helper and loves her baby very much, she calls her "baby 'bibi" (she says bibi instead of habibi). Here are a few pics....

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-07-19 22:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Tuesday in MENA
Good morning everyone, hope you all have a great Tuesday!

Amanda, I agree with Melly...I was only in Lebanon for 3 months (during the summer) and I was so freaking ready to come home at the end of the visit that I didn't care that I practically got strip searched in the terminal in Paris because I didn't know there was a lighter in the baby's diaper bag. Don't get me wrong, It was really nice being with him and his family, but being stuck in the house all day sucked. But then again I'm just a spoiled American woman...just think long and hard before you pack your bags, it isn't easy living in another country.

Ya Hayat sorry about your cousin, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

ihavequestions...It's your fault now, it was your fault yesterday and it'll be your fault matter if you were right to begin with and he didn't listen. blink.gif Men are stupid. (NO offense guys whistling.gif )

It is storming here, Samar is sleeping, Mallie is at daycare and hubby is at work...think I'm going to curl up in bed and try to sleep for 15 minutes! kicking.gif Take it easy and have a wonderful day! rose.gif

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-04 09:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday!
Congrats on all the visas! Praying it continues for the ones to follow!

Hope you all have a great Sunday. We should be moved into our new house by this time next weekend...woohoo!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-23 13:25:00
Middle East and North Africaat Thulatha - Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone! I woke up with the baby at 4:30 this morning and was thinking it was the weekend blink.gif Guess I am losing what little I had to begin with!

Tamara, so sorry to hear about your uncle, I sure hope your family gets some answers soon. You are in my prayers.

Anyone use the website Since I was laid off and we have the 2nd curtain climber now, I am trying to find some more ways to save some money (trying to save for my mother in law's plane ticket!, I am accepting donations if anyone wants to contribute...haha!) and if anyone already uses it, I would put you down as my referral and you get a free week or something like that....or if you are big into couponing and store sales...I'd really like some tips, I need all the help I can get!

Thanks and Have a great day!!!

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-25 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Happy Hump Day!

Congrats to the visas coming everyone! Great news!

((Betsy)) I am so sorry, I know how you feel, but hopefully he will receive his visa very soon. When Abed was placed in "AP" we didn't know it was happening, the embassy (in Beirut) told us they sometimes don't know if someone will be in AP until they put the person's name in to print the visa, he just so happened to have a common name and that may be the case with you too. Keep your chin up and keep the faith. God does things in His time, not in ours....that's what I tried to remember when I didn't think I could take it anymore. If you need someone to talk to, pm me, I have a couple good ears and shoulders and don't mind lending them out. rose.gif

Have a great day everyone! Today I will be packing...yippee...I hate moving. blink.gif

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-26 12:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
We agreed to teach our kids both religions, neither of us are very religious though, as long as they know God that is what's important to us. But, if asked, we do say they are Muslim.

Malak (our oldest daughter at 22 months), the little Muslim, Arab-American girl, loves to watch the local Christian channel where all the Southern Christian people get together and sing really badly and read her book "My Little Bible" she got at the Baptist hospital where her sister was born while wearing a blanket over her head like a hijab because that's how her favorite aunt looks....guess our kids are going to be very confused....

I dread when they get older and want to date....poor boys!

I also think cultural differences are a heck of a lot worse than the religious differences. It seems that my liberal-like husband is becoming a little more conservative and "typical Arab" each day....oh joy!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-27 15:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaVJ's MENAweed thread
Here are a couple pics of my MENA gurlz... wub.gif

Princess #1

And Princess #2

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-25 13:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 filers
Hi Amanda!

So sorry to hear of the situation at work with your hubby, that really is shameful on the company. I used to work in Raleigh at the Dept of Labor for 8 1/2 years before I moved here to KY, and NC is an employment at will state, which basically means an employer can run the business however they want, as long as there is no discimmination, which is based (as most everyone knows) on age, race, gender, national origin, color, disablity or pregnancy. In NC, if you feel you were discrimminated against, you need to contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sadly, I have forgotten the number, but you can call 1-800-NC LABOR and the ladies (or one gentleman) will be able to give you the number. If the EEOC can't help you, and in all honesty, they probably won't, as all the burden of proof is on you, it would be best to consult an attorney.

Sadly, in today's times, people are very discimminatory and they can freakin' get away with it....even I was discrimminated against and I worked at DOL!! My manager (who is no longer there) was an #### and he had his faves that were always "telling" on me and my hispanic co-worker, such little children....what is it? 1st grade?

Anyway, I hope this helps a little, even though it isn't the greatest info, I always felt bad when I couldn't help someone I knew was getting kicked around....maybe it will be of some use to you.

Good luck with the new job hunt, hopefully you will get the other job. It sounds like this isn't a very nice place to work. Writing you up to protect other employees? Sounds like they are looking for an excuse to let you go.

God bless and you are in my thoughts and prayers!

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-07-27 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday 9/12/09
I don't get on here as much as I used, but, yep, apparently a lot of ####### hit the fan....
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-13 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday is Funday
From yesterday (or earlier today, can't remember blink.gif ):

QUOTE (doodlebugg @ Sep 12 2009, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Staashi @ Sep 12 2009, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melly 2 @ Sep 12 2009, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think they should hand out valium to you when you join VJ. lol

Maybe we should start a thread to keep track of who is having pms and when. tongue.gif laughing.gif

Honestly, I think people need to take things a little less personally. And if you find VJ is not the place for you because there are MEAN people here, then by all means, stop reading and posting in the MENA section and stick to the other boards if you need help with the visa stuff.
The people here can only hurt you if you let them. cool.gif
Also, taking a break never hurts. People do it often.

You know, Melly, MENA has actually become very tame compared to years past. I know that must seem crazy, but this place used to be off the chain when it came to some different topics. We had the Muslim Olympics (as Charles used to call it) at least once a week and people just knew how to tear you apart - it was scary. Now, it's all hug hug, kiss kiss.

Well I'm never giving advice anymore that's for sure. From now on I'm eatin' rainbows and poopin' butterflies like that cartoon movie. (i forget the name).
I watched Double Jeapordy today. Ashley Judd is such a good actress. I wish I had her figure!!!!!! Love it when she goes to buy the Armani dress and the shop owner guesses she's a size 4 and she gives her "the look" and says she's a size 2. I don't think I've ever utter the words, "I'm a size 2" in my flippin' life. blush.gif

The cartoon movie is "Horton Hears a Who" and Katie says it.....lord help me for knowing that, I've only seen it 500 gazillion times! Thank God we have moved on to some other movies, but it is always the same 3-4.

Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and Happy Grandparents Day to any grandmas/pas!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-13 08:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
Abed & I met online as well in a yahoo chat room. At first I thought he was just a young, stupid, drunk kid having fun (I am a whole 5 years and 4 days older than him). We met June 2006, right before the Lebanon/Israel war. I always rushed home from work to see if I had any messages from him to tell me he was OK, internet was sparse, needless to say. It finally dawned on me in August that I was already in love, he knew what I was thinking before I did and I worried about him horribly! It was a strong connection and still is. I talked to his sisters on the phone and promised I would come meet them in February 2007 and I did, stayed a month, got married and pregnant all in the same trip, but not in that particular order unfortunately. He finally arrived on US soil 10 days before our oldest daughter's first birthday. Life is challenging at times, he is a Leo, I am a Leo...he is Pali, I am of German descent...but he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, aside from my two babies of course heart.gif . And I wouldn't trade him for the world. People I used to work with said he was only using me, and talked viciously behind my back, but I am the happiest I have ever been, and they can kiss my lilly white rear end! whistling.gif tongue.gif Some people will never understand how you can fall in love over the internet, but believe me, it is possible, though your feelings aren't completely validated until you are in each others arms.

Hopefully this made sense, I keep running back and forth between the living room and the computer room!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-09 17:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
Oh, I also have a question....I put this in another section, but maybe I can get an answer here as well....Here's the post:

My MIL has her B2 visa, it is good for 3 years, she will be coming for a visit in October and isn't sure how long she wants to stay. Between 4-6 months we are guessing. She will have an open ended ticket to return, but I am guessing she will need to have a return date on her ticket for the POE. In general, what is the expiration date for B2's I-94s? When the return ticket is booked for or the expiration of the visa? Hope that makes sense! Any help is appreciated!

Anyone know?

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-22 13:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
Afternoon everyone. Hope you are all having a great week! Ever get that feeling that you wanna go home and then realize dag gone it! you ARE home!!? I feel that way today. blink.gif

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-22 13:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Happy Thursday everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful afternoon/evening! We are buying my MIL's ticket today...wish it was cheaper, we could really use the money for other stuff! BTW, thanks Nawal for your answer to my question the other day!

Take it easy!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-24 12:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
I don't have but a minute, but I would like to say I am not outraged by anything. And I never said I was on "her side", I just think maybe she has been through enough without fellow women being nasty. Maybe I am, as my husband always tells me, too sensitive to others. I am old, fat and ugly and my hubby is Pali....but do I take offense to her posts, nope. Do I take offense to yours, nuh-uh, sure don't. I'm sorry I even said anything now. Anyhoo...I wanted to write something more profound, however I can't concentrate with a crying toddler and 2 month old.

God bless.

BTW....Astarte, you weren't really the person I had in mind when
I wrote my post, just so you know. Take care!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-24 15:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
I agree with both of you guys about newer folks needing to understand that Kat is not an expert and perhaps her remarks are racist against Arabs, I honestly never thought of it that way, but I can see it now. I just think there are better ways to say some things then the way (off the top of my head) two particular people are saying them. Kat has been through a lot, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, and every time I see a post from her I say a prayer that one day God will heal her heart. I guess having a new baby, my hormones are a little outta whack and it really rubbed me the wrong way. But, quite frankly, Kat isn't the first person of late that they, in particular, have ganged up on and rallied against.

Anyway, thanks for not reaming me a new one, I just wish everyone could be happy and get along with one another! Amen!

BTW...Nawal, your twins are too adorable, I thank God everyday I didn't have twins. I don't know how you guys do it!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-24 13:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
I know this is going to put me on a sh!t list, and I'm not intending to be a b!tch, but I don't really care right now. Why don't we just leave Kat be...there's no reason to be nasty to her as some of you ladies have been in this post. If you don't want to read her posts, there are ignore buttons you can use....I know I do.

To the OP....sounds like you already made up your mind about this situation, so good luck to you!

Have a great day everyone!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-09-24 12:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday Monday
It's another Manic Monday....wish it were a Sunday, cuz that's my fun day. Cheesy? It's how I feel today though... biggrin.gif

My MIL will be here in 22 days (WOOHOO!!!) I can't wait, I have missed her terribly!

And I have two little ones that aren't feeling good, it breaks my heart when they look at me with those little eyes and it's like they are asking me "please fix it mommy". *sigh* can't give anything to a 2 1/2 month old though except love and attention. I can drug up the 2 yo though (j/k, kinda innocent.gif ).

Good luck on your exam Amy!

....hope everyone has a great day! rose.gif

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-05 06:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Morning everyone....hope it's a great Wednesday for you all!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-07 09:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Wednesday!
Brni...I'm with you today on the rain rain go away! (and the coldness can go too)

Betsy...congrats! I am soooooo happy for you, I remember that feeling like yesterday. I had this alert thing set up on my phone so I knew when his flights departed and arrived, it was nice knowing where he was. I can't believe it's been almost a year since he took his first step on American, time flies. star_smile.gif

Hope everyone has a Happy Hump Day!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-14 07:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaSending money to ME/NA
We've sent money to his family on a few occasions. His family is dependent on him and a younger sister working in Dubai for house payments and emergencies (which there have been a couple major ones). He is the eldest son and his father passed away many years ago. I love them dearly and would rather go without than them, of course I always make sure all our bills and the kids needs are taken care of first...there's just not a lot of padding in the ole savings account, in fact, I think it's mostly cobwebs in there right now and perhaps a couple dust bunnies.....
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-14 06:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorning Everyone
Afternoon everyone!

Betsy...congrats! May he have a safe and easy journey to your arms! Hope you feel better soon!

Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the day!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-13 14:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaAttention Facebook Users
Hi! I'm kinda new on FB...I will try to do some requests tonight (or sometime soon), or you can add me if you want!

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-08-25 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaTRICK OR TREAT
QUOTE (Ash * Habibati @ Oct 14 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (angie & abed @ Oct 13 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Samar (the baby) is going to be a flower and Malak (the 2 year old) will either be 1. A Witch, 2. A Devil, or 3. A Belly Dancer....can't make up my mind!

Any opinions?

Ash, that would be cute with your belly. Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet? I don't really keep up very well...sorry in advance!

Yes we found out sometime ago (though I don't know if I ever shared here or not ) that it's another stinky boy mad.gif LOL Maybe we'll get our girl next time!

Awww...well, I know you are excited even if it is another stinky boy! wink.gif We have two girls crying.gif and hopefully we will have a boy the next time! star_smile.gif

Oh, and Annie, that is a super cute idea! My friend used to go all out for Halloween, the whole family dressed as a theme. She always made really cute costumes.

There are going to be some real cuties out there with all the MENAweeds in their costumes! Can't wait to see all the pics!!

Edited by angie & abed, 19 October 2009 - 02:24 PM.

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-19 14:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaTRICK OR TREAT
Samar (the baby) is going to be a flower and Malak (the 2 year old) will either be 1. A Witch, 2. A Devil, or 3. A Belly Dancer....can't make up my mind!

Any opinions?

Ash, that would be cute with your belly. Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet? I don't really keep up very well...sorry in advance!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-13 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Hope you are all having a great day! 8 more days and my mother in law will be my house clean? NOPE, in fact, it's like when I went through my nesting phase with the pregnancy...just keeps getting least I have 7 days to finish!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-19 14:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Tuesday
Afternoon everyone....hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday. One more week til MIL's arrival (and my daughter's 2nd birthday!! I can't believe she is almost 2 years old....though she thinks she is 22...) wacko.gif

Tamara, I'll be watching WoF (if I can steal away the remote!), that's one of my fave shows since I was real little. I liked it better back in the day when they actually "shopped" for their prizes.

OK...I've got some dishes and a big pile of dirty clothes calling my name.... crying.gif

Be excellent to each another! (Bill, from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure) Hey, I think I'll put that on FB too! star_smile.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-20 12:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Happy Hump Day! are right, I can't wait for my MIL to get here...she can keep the kids occupied! I intend to treat her the same way she treated me while I was in her a queen (except I want her to tell me how to cook things, I'll never cook like his mommy, but maybe I can get close. He used to tell me he didn't like her cooking, now he misses it horribly, go figure! blink.gif ) I love her! luv.gif

It's going to be a beautiful day today, I can't wait to open the windows and let some fresh air in and get this mess finished already. Better get started while Princess II is taking her morning nap!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! cool.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-21 08:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe First Year...
On Friday, Abed will have been here for a year. Amazing how fast it has gone by. I agree with what everyone else is saying, it has its ups and downs. We had (and still do sometimes) have communication problems, I misunderstand what he is saying and vice versa. In fact, the second week he was here, right after our daughter's 1st birthday, I told him I wanted to do his adjustment of status to get his 10 yr green card and then I wanted a divorce. I won't go into why, as that's private, but we worked through that and a few other "big ones" and I think we are stronger for it. Even though I have never been married before, I think all in all, our marriage isn't that different than any other marriage out there, except for some cultural differences. I have to remind him all the time I am his WIFE, not his mommy...apparently I am supposed to be superwoman like she was, thank God she will be here in 2 weeks (!!!) to set him straight. Seems lately most our differences involve how we are raising the girls. His fave argument is that they aren't American. I don't even want to get started on that one... wacko.gif But, through all of it, I am crazy in love with him luv.gif and I know he is crazy in love with me ...we wouldn't have put up with each other otherwise!

Anyway, best advice I can give, COMMUNICATION is key, talk talk talk with each other! Oh, and like Astarte said, the sex life is pretty important too! blush.gif whistling.gif devil.gif

God bless all your marriages and may He keep them strong and happy! rose.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-13 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Hi everyone, Happy Monday! Wow, last week was a very busy week. Malak's 2nd birthday was on last Tuesday, my mother-in-law arrived that night. We had Mallie's family party Thursday night, went to little fall fest thingie on Friday night, Saturday was trick-or-treating...I get tired all over again typing it! Today we are finally getting into a sort of routine, and then Malak pops a rubber band in her eye (one of those from a punch ball) and had to take her to the eye dr just to be sure her eye was OK. (just a scratch thank God!). Anywho....enjoying my mother in law being here, not as much as the kids and hubby though!

I decided not to post a pic of Mallie in her belly dancing costume on here since it is so public, but if you want to see it, it's on my facebook page.

Have a great week everyone!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-11-02 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA baby arrival!
Congratulations! He is so cute! Hope you are getting at least a little sleep.
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-10-19 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Happy....ummm...Tuesday, yeah, that's it, Tuesday. Everyday is starting to run together...

Make it a good one peeps!!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-11-10 14:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a great day.

I need to find some fun stuff to do with my mother in law that 1.) Doesn't cost much money, 2.) Isn't outside (she gets cold easily) and 3.) Is toddler/baby friendly.

I think she is getting bored of going to retail stores/malls/Chuck E Cheese....but I surely am too! I know no one lives in my area, but do you maybe have any ideas?

One thing she is looking forward to is a trip to FL, but that's going to be after Christmas...poor my MIL.

Take care all and Happy Hump Day!

Amanda, congrats to your hubby, I know he is very proud to have found a job!

Edited by angie & abed, 18 November 2009 - 12:26 PM.

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-11-18 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaPassport for an infant
Hi Sarah,

I got Malak's done at a Wal-Mart photo studio (she was 3 months old at the time and we traveled at 5 months old). Most places don't like to do baby passport photos because they are more difficult, the US Post Office where we applied for her passport even had a notice up if the kid wasn't 3 and over, they wouldn't do the pics...strange to me, but whatever. I would go with Patrick's suggestion, and try them yourself, or get real friendly with a cheap photo studio. The lady that did ours was super sweet! Too bad you aren't in Raleigh, NC, I'd tell you to go see her!

Good luck honey and congrats on your little one! luv.gif I'm sure the whole family is so excited to meet her!

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-12-13 08:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Morning everyone. Hope you all have a great hump day!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-12-16 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Jordan?
I agree with UmmSqueakster...

Better to expect the worst and hope for the best. 9 times out of 10 there is some form of additional processing after the interview. Maybe you will be one of the 1 out of 10...good luck honey and just make sure you dot all your i's and cross all your t's and know you did all you could and leave it in God's hands.
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-12-17 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!!!
Morning everyone!!

Sandra, Hope your son feels better soon!

Does anyone else's little ones obsess over Nancy? If I have to hear "Chater Chater" one more time, I'll pull my hair out! blink.gif (Hubby prefers Haifa...wonder why!?) whistling.gif

Anyway, hope you all have a great day! Santa will be here soon...I hope I've been good this year. innocent.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-12-17 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaTanya and Mohamed no more!

I am so sorry this happened to you. I don't have any other advice to offer, I just wanted to extend my condolences for your situation. May you find love and guidance in God and your family & friends. There is good and evil not just in every ethnic group, but in each of us as's just a matter of how you are raised and sometimes even the situation you find yourself in as to which one actually shows itself. rose.gif Kat, I am so proud of your thoughtful words. I just wanted you to know I still think of you and it looks like maybe you are getting your life back, I am so happy for you. Please continue to take care of yourself and remember there are still people praying for you.

Jenn! I must agree, Adam is sooo adorable! Congrats!

Edited by angie & abed, 18 November 2009 - 12:19 PM.

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2009-11-18 12:18:00