Middle East and North AfricaVJ Timeline
Am I the only one who checks the date at the bottom of the VJ timeline for when my I-130 *MIGHT* be approved every 5 minutes?....I don't know why I do that, it's not like it changes anything.....please tell me I'm not alone.... blush.gif

Hope everyone is having a great Friday! cool.gif rose.gif

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-01-25 13:47:00
Middle East and North Africayayyyyyyyy interview date
kicking.gif Congrats! kicking.gif

Here's hoping everything goes smoothly!

~Angie, Abed & Malak luv.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-02-27 16:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaTravel with Baby
I am hoping someone can answer my question. I am a little confused about this, so please bare with me. I am planning to travel the end of March to visit my hubby in Lebanon....barring any situations arising there...and planning to stay 3 months or so. I had him do an affidavit so I could get our daughter's passport without him being present. The passport people sent back with her passport the arabic part of the affadavit, but not the english part....I called the Lebanese embassy in DC to make sure I won't have any issues getting her visa at the airport in Beirut, but I'm a little worried the airline might give me a hard time with taking her out of the country. Does anyone have experience with this that can maybe put my mind at ease? He is on her birth certificate, and our final destination will be the country he was maybe we won't have issues.

I could always try to get the affidavit translated to english I suppose, though I don't really want to shell out $75+ for it.

Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions. luv.gif


angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-02-29 11:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaBaby Malek was born 2/29/08
Congratulations on such a BIG boy! You go, mama! rose.gif Can't wait to see some pics!!

Angie, Abed and baby (girl) Malak! luv.gif

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-03-05 09:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaYIPPEE!! Approval Notice Sent!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif FINALLY! Our approval notice (NOA2) was sent yesterday! I am sooo happy! Malak & I are going the end of the month to see daddy for 3 months, wouldn't it be awesome if he could come home with us....wishful thinking, I know.... I still can't believe it! 7 1/2 months down.....hopefully not many more to go! Now on to the NVC....I feel like I can conquer the world! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-03-13 07:22:00
Middle East and North Africacount down
Good luck to you! I'll say a prayer for you! You CAN DO IT!!! good.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-03-13 07:41:00
kicking.gif Congratulations!! kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-03-13 07:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow much do you really know about your MENA man?

I am so sorry this has happened to you. Try to be strong, and may God be with you always in whatever decision you make. But please take care of yourself and your children first.

We have some of the red flags, the borrowing of money (both ways though, I from him, him from me), him sending me the papers late (because he is lazy and won't listen to what I say...), and sending money to his family (it's his job to help support his mom, his dad died when he 14).Abed knows if he tries to leave me & Malak I will kill him and I know if I try to leave him, he will kill me. We established this before we met in person. But, no one can see the future, even if the husband was American, no one can guarentee he will be a good man and treat you the way you should be, I have been burned by a couple of Americans....I'll keep my Abed...for now at least.
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-03-17 08:44:00
Middle East and North Africamore pic for prince Amir in Egypt sweet...I LOVE baby pics! luv.gif You must be soooo proud!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-02-25 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaHi from Lebanon!
Just an update...

So, we decided to go the K-3 route since NVC STILL has not received our CR1 and I'll be damned if I am paying $340 for them to resend the packet...#######! Seriously, it wasn't MY fault the package was lost and I have to pay a fee to send it again....who's to say it won't get "lost" again?? No, thank you, even if it costs more in the long run, at least he will be here to see his daughter grow up...(stepping down from my soapbox).

Malak and I are back in the US as of June 30th...missing daddy and especially tettah...poor poor tettah, she misses her Mallouka BIG time! We have our interview date...August 12th. I took over a HUGE notebook and tons o'pics when I went and sent a ton back to him (of this last trip) when I got them printed when we got home....I hope there is no doubt about our relationship, even though there is a 5 yr age difference and we did get married on the first trip (oops, wasn't thinking of red flags back then). 3 months there sweating and praying for electricity and enduring a war should show my devotion....right? Hopefully he can prove his devotion to us to the interviewer. Anyway, hope everyone is well and that your processes go quickly and smoothly. And may God grant us the strength to carry on even through tough and trying times.

Angie, Abed & Malak
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-07-15 23:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHi from Lebanon!
Hi everyone! My daughter & I are in Lebanon visiting her daddy and family. We received the NOA2 notice 2 weeks before we left (March 12th) and my mom got the case number from NVC for the K3 about a month later (we were already here in Lebanon). Abed got his packet from the embassy (the K3) on May 7th or 8th (can't remember the exact date). As of this past Friday, May 16th, the NVC still has not received the I-130 in there system. Now, we really perfer to go the CR/IV1 route, however, if it is going to take much longer, we are going ahead with the K3. I am sure there are folks out there with insight for me as to whether this is a good idea or not. I remember reading that some K3s were cancelled for one reason or another. Can some of you share your experiences with me and let me know if we should wait or go ahead with the K3? I appreciate it in advance!

By the way, we are doing fine, Malak went through her first "war", or as my husband calls them "fireworks" unscathed. May God keep the peace here!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-05-19 06:56:00
Middle East and North Africanew pictures of joshua
Adorable...simply adorable! luv.gif Good job mommy & daddy!! Hope you guys are staying cool there...The power outages are something I do NOT miss about Lebanon! Hope you guys are together very soon.

angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-07-21 22:20:00
Middle East and North Africabring on the dancing men
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations to you both!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-07-22 10:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!!
kicking.gif Congratulations to you both! kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-07-28 22:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother Visa In Hand Finally!!!!!!
kicking.gif Congratulations! I know you are both very happy he'll be here for the birth! kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-07-28 22:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoNgRaTuLaTiOnS NUTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kicking.gif Congratulations! kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-09 21:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Hi everyone!

Yes, I am super excited and super nervous too! Thank you all for thinking of me, I am seriously a ball of nerves. And Malak has been especially whiney crying.gif She keeps saying "dada".

I am back from Lebanon, we came back the 30th of June....thank's hot there. I did move from NC to KY to be closer to my family and since I quit my job to go to Lebanon, I kinda needed a place to live. Being a stay at home mom isn't as fun as I thought it would be....where does the day go?? But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Hope to see you guys tonight, I might be late, but I will be there. Have to wait to the princess is sleeping, or else she will want to chat too....

Take care!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-11 14:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!!!
Morning everyone! We have our interview tomorrow....please keep us in your prayers!

~Angie, Abed & Princess Malak
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-11 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaWould you live in MENA if you had to?
Three months in Lebanon during the beginning of summer was good enough for me. It put out any fire that was burning in me to want to live the rest of my life there. If I were independently wealthy, and there was no political unrest, perhaps I would consider it, it is truely a beautiful country. But as for raising my child and perhaps future children there, no. The quote "It's a nice place to visit, but I sure wouldn't want to live there" comes to mind.

If, God forbid, we have a denial, we have a back-up plan, but it doesn't include living in Lebanon.
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-10 20:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in hand
kicking.gif Congratulations! kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-06 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdulillah! Marriage is great!
Congrats on your new marriage!! Aside from the obvious paperwork you have to file....The toast my mother in law gave us when we were married:

"Now we wait the babies!!"
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-13 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHey Peeps! Start sending out positive vibes....
Good Luck!! Praying it is a smooth interview and we hear good news in the morning!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-13 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaNews about our petitions
kicking.gif Congratulations!!! kicking.gif

Now get to work on getting those papers together ASAP!!!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-12 09:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaA little birdie told me....
OMG.....I wish Malak had those sweet chubby cheeks! Such a cutie pie!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-15 08:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa News
kicking.gif Abed got his visa!!! Well, not in his hand, he'll get that Thursday, but he WAS APPROVED!!!! kicking.gif

Thanks to everyone for keeping me company last night, you kept my mind occupied for a little while! rose.gif I'll have details later, I just got his text message and wanted to share the good to try to get an hour of sleep before the princess awakens.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-12 04:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaWelcome to the world little one!
angie & abedFemaleLebanon2008-08-18 22:03:00