K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

congrats on your approval. Just a little concern about my self and others who filed before you. Its hard to imagine you filed end of Jan and worst even got an RFE but yet, approve before half of us here. Dont mistake me, im happy to know there is some activity but its hard to believe. Even CSC filers getting better treatment than us. I sense some form of injustice here.........we all wanna be with our significant others without having to worry about leaving them not knowing when next

congrats :thumbs:

Thanks, i know it hard to see others approved when they applied after you, and i know you are happy for me, but i do get your frustration it is understandable. The whole system is very strange, sabi said ages ago and i think she may have hit on something...that there are different groups i.e people where either party have never been married, divorced couples and then ones with kids. I fit into the divorced with kids pile so maybe that is why ours got looked at before earlier applications. Really there is no way to know how they do it. My RFE was a mistake on their part not ours so maybe that also had something to do with it. And it is hard not knowing, but it will happen for you guys...keep the faith and keep saying " if it worth having it is worth waiting for!".....Posted Image
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-07-03 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Thanks Guys....

i am really happy that is part is out of the way, Tommy and I have been together 5 yrs and the wait for this NOA2 was the hardest part of the whole relationship, it just consumed our conversations, trying to make plans that were impossible, it is such a relief. Having this forum to come to every day helped so much you all are a awesome bunch. I have everything crossed for those waiting that VSC will give you good news this week, everyone deserves the feeling of relief and happiness.

Yeah sabi it will be interesting to see how quick it moves from VSC to NVC and then to Dublin, maybe we will both be at interview together, that would be cool. I will keep you posted on the progress.

So come on VSC make all the Jan filers smile this week...they so deserve it!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-07-02 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Ok Guys i have news......We just got APPROVED (YIpeeeeeee!!), at 16.30 US time....151 days since NOA1 and 48 days since RFE Response. I am still in shock, i had thought it would not happen til end of July or Aug, but we are thrilled. To all still waiting .....Hang in there it is coming when you least expect it!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-07-02 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
OMG!!!!....Our VJ timeline has just moved out to July 27th to Aug 6th.......any chance of my daughter being able to start school on time just gets further away by they day...this really sucks!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-26 04:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
36 days since RFE response email.....................
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-20 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

I am literally on the phone with my Fiancée now. Jesus. 161 days. It finally happened. It finally finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!

Way to go!!! Thrilled for news, congratsPosted Image

NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-14 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
29 days since RFE response email from VSC and not another peep!!!.......(just in case anyone thought maybe we got news) it sucks for all of us this waiting, our timeline has now run into July, God Grant Me Strength!!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-13 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

To be honest, I don't think I do either. Being out of processing has just made me feel awful about the whole thing. I'd much rather just sit and enjoy the community that we have here and wait. I've done all I can for my petition, but I sincerely hope that every single person that's overdue does what I did. Maybe it'll kick em up the backside

Hang in there Photomile, it is coming, this week (still 2days left) i believe! And it will be sweet when it happens....keep the faith!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-07 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Please God, I was JOKING!!! Woohoo, 1 week before 5 month!!

Post Decision Activity
On June 5, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


Hell Yeah! you got it done!!!...the Best News......CongratsPosted Image
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-05 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Has ANYONE on here been approved or RFE'd?????? :(

We were RFE'd on May 7th....responded and still waiting, 3wks today!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-05 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
[quote name='photomile' timestamp='1338808515' post='5416595']
As I've said time and time again, the number of RFE's I've seen while going through these numbers is utterly astounding. Now granted the USCIS loose stuff and everyone makes minor mistakes some of which I'm sure the adjudicators are just being pedantic over, but if you think about it, an RFE takes twice or even three times as long to get off someones desk. It has to be reviewed, flagged, the response reviewed, then the entire petition gets reviewed again as a whole...

I would say that near enough a third of petitions that get sent require further action and evidence based on the numbers I've gone through. Couple that with the fact that there will be a random number of petitions that are re-reviewed for quality control and it's easy to see why a few petitions take much longer.

I'm also sure petitions are 'scored' in terms of eligibility. If a petition hits a certain threshold I'd imagine it's also pulled to be re-reviewed. Not all petitions are alike and I'm sure some will fall very close to the passing mark which will further increase the workflow.

I only briefly glanced at the I-129F instruction sheet. All of my guidance was from this website. What's surprising is just how much of it is covered in the USCIS I-129F instruction sheet. It says about pretty much everything and now that I've sent it off, the I-129F is a fairly simple form if you think about it. There are four government forms to fill out. The I-129F, two Biographic infos, and an electronic notification form which is optional. The "evidence of having met" in theory should be nothing more than a couple of photographs and plane tickets. Passport photos and a birth certificate? That folder should be thin. No thicker than your standard sales brochure.

Then there's me. I front loaded the petition. Mine is a nice, 150 page long folder because I did everything in a rush and forgot that I didn't need to include evidence of an ongoing relationship. Oops! From what I understand, it's not going to hurt anything, but it could be the reason that mine is going through so slowly. Still, better safe than sorry. There is such a thing as giving too much evidence, but there's nothing in there that I need to worry about.

I'm slightly OCD in the way I process things. I have an electronic copy of everything. I mean everything!

The entire I-129F petition is on my hard drive. Scanned, in PDF format and with multiple scans from commercial OCR software I can scan every single letter in that file. Including a lot of the handwritten ones! Every other form I've ever received, my police checks... everything. So I can at least be confident in the forms I've sent! Plus, thanks to dropbox, if the other half gets an RFE for anything like my passport, it's there in colour and can be printed within 30 seconds. I even has passport photos set up in such a way that either one of us can go to any photo store with an SD card or USB stick and print a 4x6 with all the passport photos on. UK and US size too. So I can at least be confident that if we get an RFE we are in a position to respond same day unless we need originals which are currently in the UK. It'll cost me £50 but those can be sent to the US and be with her within three days.

I wonder how many people who get an RFE take weeks, months even to get a response in? Some things, sure you have to request them. I'm still seeing RFE's that were sent in November that haven't been responded to!

On the RFE letter it gives a date that the response must reach USCIS on or before, on ours it was August 2nd, We sent it back within 3 days, by express mail and it was signed for on the 12th but our emai response from VSCl says they received it on the 15th, go figure! In the RFE letter it states the minimum time for it to be dealt with is 14 days and the maximum is 60days, i will be happy just to fall somewhere in between at this point which would bring us up to 2nd week in July. Ours was easy to respond to as it was not a mistake on our part, they just thought we only sent the translated docs. We also got a 2nd email (more personal) saying it was being matched to our file and given to the person who requested the RFE, this email was signed by an actual person and only sent to my fiance.

It is so hard to figure out how or what way they work regarding any of our petitions, nothing makes any sense! It is ironic that they put so much emphasis on us proving we have a relationship and then they spend so long allowing us to be together, and having us continue to prove the relationship, this process is definitely not for the faint hearted or for those who are not truly in LOVE, many relationships have broken down under less stress. Come on VSC, we know you can do it, cut us some slack here and make us Jan filers happy campers!!

NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-04 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

I believe that applicants who had RFE are consuming VSC time to go over these RFEs to give a decision on such applications. It makes them a little behind, that's why some days you see many approvals, while other days, such as last Friday, had no approvals. I wish If they increased the fees for faster and better services.

Posted Image....i hope it was not us!!!Posted Image that would be just awfulPosted Image and it was not even our fault....Posted Image

NeetzFemaleIreland2012-06-04 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

your timeline is updated according to others' approvals... no approvals = longer waiting time for NOA2

Okay that would make a difference, now the sad thing is i should have figured that out all by myself, lol, just shows my brain cells are fried with stress, thanks sabi, one of us needs to stay sane!!! And i see you had medical today and you got a discount on price, i had to pay full price even though i had all my vaccines up to date also, doc even commented on the fact it was unusual to be that well vaccinated, lol. I guess he didnt tell the cashier......
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-30 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Can anyone tell me why VJ keeps changing my dates on my timeline, i have not updated it myself since RFE? When i did update it May 15th they gave a timeline of 21 days extra for NOA2 now it gone to 27days, what is the story, any clues??

BTW, not a peep from USCIS as yet, so much for quick response after RFE! I should not be bitching as you guys were filed b4 me but like you all it just getting so stressful now!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-30 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Posted Image
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-27 02:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Not to keep your hopes up but that might as well mean that they know they've done a mistake and will speed things up for you :) I'd say you hear from them within a few days :)

Oh God Sabi i hope you are correct!, i like your thinking, we will go with that!!!Posted Image
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-24 04:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Hi Guys,

Just to let you know we had a 2nd email yesterday(May 23) from VSC telling us they received our response to the RFE and it was being matched to our file and returned to the officer who made the request and we would be notified as soon as a decision was made! Not sure if this is standard have not seen anyone post about it before?, is that weird to get 2nd email, wording was all different to the one we got last week........ Now on original RFE they say to expect a decision in a minimum of 14 days to a maximum of 60 days.......14 days is next Tuesday May 29, but now i am thinking is could be longer with Memorial day on Monday, just as long as it does not run to 60 days, I could not cope!!!.

May God grant us all extra patience.......
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-24 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Perhaps when it said the Bloody divorce was final, they thought maybe a crime had taken place??

LOL.... i have noticed that anything is possible in this process!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-21 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Jeesh, I'm from Wales. I wonder if they would want the welsh translations of everything I have

Here is the thing, if Welsh is used as the official spoken language and legal documents are in both Welsh and English, it is possible they might! However i think it depends on the knowledge of the person reviewing the file.....just be prepared for the possibility, i was not i figured everyone knew English was the official spoken language in Ireland
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-21 01:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Thank you ! What was your RFE about?!

Irish Divorce......they thought we sent translated version(English) and not the original.....which of course we did not, Irish Court Documents are written in English not Irish, so we got a statement from the Court stating as such and sent it back to Vermont.
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-20 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Hey guys!! Checked USCIS website this morning and found out they sent an RFE on May 16!! My fiancee just left back to Florida from visiting me... now i have to wait for him to get home to check his mailbox!!


We got an RFE on May 7th and an email to say they received the response on May 15th, like you we filed end of Jan. Looking at other people who got RFE's and had a quick response to USCIS, they got their NOA2 after 7 days. so in my case that should be May 22nd, so fingers crossed, watch this space i will keep you all in the loop.........
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-20 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

First of all :thumbs: :thumbs: to all of Jan filer who got their NOA2s...Now...let's play numbers again...105 filers from January is tracking here...9 approved-about 8.6% also about 70% of December's are assuming the ratio of approvals will go significantly higher for Jan filer now I'd say if we can get to 25 approved by the end of the week, 50 by next Friday...then we have 1 in 2 chance to be approved in the next 2 weeks :wow: ...HA!!!
Can I get Halleluiah and Hell Yeah on this one?

Hell Yeah! Halleluiah and Amen!!...Getter done!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-16 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Hey Guys

Update...received an email 2hrs ago telling me USCIS had received our response to the RFE and they were processing it and that they update our status on the USCIS site, so it shows blue on Request for Evidence Response Review and dated today. Fingers crossed an email saying NOA2 will be in our inbox by Friday.

And in yours too!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-15 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
[quote name='dodo&rooma' timestamp='1337099216' post='5378269']
So, When they recieve your RFE, do they post on USCIS website an update that RFE has been received?


Yes they do, they also send a text and email if you have checked box to received either

NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-15 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Which RFE did they ask you to submit?

They thought my Irish Divorce Papers were a translation into English and not the original so they asked for the original which they already had as Ireland is an English speaking country and all legal documents are in English not Irish! Needed a signed statement from the court here saying it was not a translation. Just received a email saying they received the evidence and are processing. Hoping for NOA2 by end of the week. please God.
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-15 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

We were approved!! :D

Way to go!!!Posted Image, excellent news, Congrats!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-15 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
I should be saying TGIF but all i can think is roll on Monday!!....... til NOA2 weekends suck, looking forward to enjoying weekends againPosted Image......Jan filers next week is THE WEEK!!Posted Image
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-11 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

we need some good news asap as my fiance is very sad today...He texted me last night that there was a break in into his mom's house in Miami and the robber stole his mom's jewellery , including an engagement ring his mom wanted to give us. The ring was pretty meaningful as it was his grandmother's and she has passed away years back... so he is pretty down today and an approval would simply put a smile back on his face! but here's wishful thinking...

OMG!! that is just terrible. i feel for you guys, To lose something is one thing bit to have it taken is another, stay positive NOA2 is coming your way to brighten your days.

NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-10 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Yes the waiting was way easier in the early stage... Now knowing people are approved and we hear nothing is pretty frustrating even though I shouldn't be expecting any news earlier than in June... But still I'm getting obsessed with all this ...

Neetz haha someone out there thinks Irish is an official language here :P ?!

Hey Sibi,

Yeah it seems so, it is the 1st language but not the official spoken one, i guess they can be forgiven for not being up to date!!! LOL

NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-10 06:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

YAY! exciting!

p.s neetz, out of curiosity, have you checked cases around yours - are you the only to have heard or was there a little run of case numbers that had action taken?


I had a check either side and we seem to be the only ones that have heard anything, all others 20 either way are still in initial review. Had to know how they do it, but i am not complaining for us, and i am hoping all you guys are just a day or 2 away......Posted Image
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-10 05:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Update for RFE, hard copy received 9th May, i-129f was received by USCIS on Jan 31st! It seems that whoever is processing our file did not realise or understand that Irish Courts use the English language for documents and they thought we just sent the translated version of my Irish Divorce, so the RFE was for the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE DOCUMENTS, which of course they already have!!! We just had to certify that it was not a translation, which they should receive tomorrow. So fingers crossed NOA2 on its way in next 2 wks (Maybe sooner!!!) Will keep you all posted.....
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-10 01:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

Sorry to hear this, but keep up your momentum and get them what they want... you will have that NOA2 in no time! They seem to come pretty fast after you give them the info they are looking for. Good luck!

Thanks! i have everything crossed......the annoying part is not knowing what they want, why they could not tell you in the text/email i can't understand have to wait for hardcopy, but it all part of the journey! Good luck to you too!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-07 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

i'm sure it's something easily fixable, and you'll be approved as soon as you reply - it's definitely progress, good luck!

Cheers!!...Keeping the Faith, at least they are looking at the file and as ours was very end of Jan it follow that other filers in Jan should be hearing something this week! Best of Luck to you ......
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-07 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers

you'll be fine :) they just probably lost something and asked to to send it again :) keep us posted :)

What time did your fiance get a text at?

Yeah, or want further info on Irish Law as i am divorced! He got the text at just b4 1pm EST and i got an email at 5pm Irish time. I hope to be able to give them what they want by return post so they should have it by friday. Had a quick look at others who had RFE's and once USCIS received info back most got NOA2 in a week so maybe we will get lucky and have it by end May, that would be so awesome...keeping the faith and positive now is the most important thing........
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-07 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Cheers for the encouragement, i sure hope it is just a simple thing,(i thought we sent everything but a DNA sample, lol) we wont know that for a day or so, but yeah it seems once you send it back asap they are quick with an NOA2, fingers crossed..........
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-07 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Heads up Jan filers......VSC received our 129f on 31 Jan, today we got a text for an RFEPosted Image, so they ARE working on Jan. I was not expecting an RFE to be honest but there you go! Not sure what it is for as yet have to wait for hardcopy, but i guess the good news is they are working on Jan filers, so keep watching.......
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-07 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary I-129F filers
Me too, another Jan filer, bring it on!!!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-04-27 01:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRe-apply for ESTA in the process of CR-1
On a K1 application you can apply for ESTA and enter while in process, i did! Not sure if same for CR1, best to check on USCIS site or your US embassy site. ...... Lol just thinking that was not really much help at all! maybe some CR1 filers will know.

Cheers and good luck!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-13 07:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Question advice

On the DS-230 form questions 19-25 it asks for the father's and mother names etc. Do they require the details of the petitioners parents or the beneficiaries parents?



DS-230 form is all about the beneficiaries info for the embassy where they will be interview, as is the DS-157, DS-156 and DS-156k, there is a Part 11 to the DS-230 which some embassies require not sure about the UK. All forms need to be in duplicate, Hope this helps and best of luck on rest of your journey!
NeetzFemaleIreland2012-08-06 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSo our initial petition got accepted, what next?

Hello! I'm new to this. My fiance and I just got our notice to say that our I-129F was received and now we are wondering whats next?

Welcome fellow Irish filer, the best advice is too try and summon up as much patience as you can, trust me it will be needed and tried!! Like Sibi said feel free to give me a shout at anytime. I am a end of Jan filer and will be going through Dublin too, real soon i hope!!


NeetzFemaleIreland2012-05-16 17:19:00