Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa from Russia to US
QUOTE (mjoy61 @ Nov 8 2007, 07:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Debating each other about a trip to Russia that I am not planning on taking is not helping me much.

If I'm completely off base here I offer my apologies in advance, but it seems to me you've never met this woman in person yet expect her to travel 5000 miles to meet you, a stranger, on your own turf?

Any self-respecting woman would insist that, at the very least, you meet in neutral territory for the initial meeting; most, if sincere, would insist you travel to her home city.

Complain all you want that I didn't address your initial question, but I've seen enough naive Western men groomed as mules for RW to recommend caution in situations like this.
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2007-11-10 11:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa from Russia to US
Some guys come here w/preconceived notions about stuff they desperately want to believe is true. I see it in poor saps who believe the marriage agency BS about long queues of "traditional" Russian girls who prefer guys twice their age and want nothing so much as to cook him dinner, wash his smelly socks, and please him sexually without a thought to her own needs.

This is pretty much the same situation. The guy who started this thread has been told repeatedly that no such agency exists in Russia, at least none that won't simply fleece him for as much as they can without producing tangible results, yet he continues to cling to false hopes blink.gif Best to let him throw away a few hundred $ and learn the hard way that Russia just ain't Kansas.
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2007-11-14 02:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusairline tickets for my wife
My wife returned to Moscow in Sept., her first trip home since arriving here a year ago. I arranged for her ticket using FF miles I had w/Lufthansa using her married name, as that is the name on her Green Card.

When we arrived to check in, the Lufthansa clerk told us the ticket needed to match her passport and she simply re-booked her and gave her new tix. The clerk also advised her that she should have a copy of her marriage license with her, just in case. Once she had her new tix she went Newark-Frankfurt-Moscow and back and had no problems and no one asked her for a copy of her marriage license.
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2007-12-04 10:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLet's get out of here before they change their minds.
From what I've read and what my wife told me in regards to her interview at the Moscow embassy a year ago, the front-line embassy employees who check to make sure you have your paperwork in order prior to the interview are young Russians who like to think they are in positions of power.

My wife had no problem with them but she said they were all a bunch of self-important blowhards. They hold absolutely no sway in the consular officer's decision on whether to issue a visa to an applicant, yet they enjoy putting nervous young applicants through the ringer when they arrive at the embassy. Sadly, this behavior is fairly common throughout the workforce heirarchy in Russia, at least for the present.
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2007-12-05 10:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAsking the [probably] Impossible...
QUOTE (mox @ Dec 19 2007, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In all seriousness, if having your child in Russia is important to her mom, then you can bet the farm that it's important to her. And if it's important to her, then your excuse that the medical facilities are sub-par is going to fly like a pregnant pole vaulter. She's first going to be angry that you are denying her this, and also that you're insulting her country's medical facilities. (It may be true, and she may even be critical of them herself, but as the foreigner you must tread much more lightly when it comes to these things.)

Unless she has a medical history that would make child birth complicated, you should really reconsider letting her have her child in Russia.

I'm not in agreement here, there are many reasons not to do this, chief among them insurance (does his family policy cover her medical expenses in Russia?) and the likelyhood that he may not be there for the birth of his child - and if he is there, how long can he stay? How long will his wife stay? I have no idea at what age infants can fly, but I would never put my wife and child through a 12-hour flight even months after our child is born.

My wife and I plan to have children and we'd love to have babushka with us at the time, but we belong together and our needs and the needs of our child are more important than hers. Heck, send her photos if she can't be present...
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2007-12-19 10:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice Report
Did your fiancee request the police report before receiving her interview prep package from the US embassy? Shortly after we received our NAO2 but before my wife received the instruction packet from the US embassy in Moscow, she went to her local militsya to request her police report in hopes of getting everything tied up as quickly as possible before her interview. She was told that she needed to show them the instruction letter from the US embassy in order to get the wheels turning. So we waited a few more weeks and when she had the letter she took it to the militsya and the processed everything in approx. three weeks.
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2008-03-11 08:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother Question
QUOTE (Neonred @ Mar 18 2008, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We did this, but as I recall there was only one DHL office where they will hold it. It was NOT the DHL office close to the embassy. In our case I think it was ready for pick up in two or three days.

My wife and I had the same experience back in Moscow in Dec. of '07. She requested the DHL office hold it and we had to take the metro + a marshrutka to reach the DHL office.
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2008-03-18 13:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI want my oligarch!
The Exile did a funny piece on such women awhile back:

In THE STERVA, you play a young female who arrives in Moscow from the provinces, vulnerable, poor, and lonely, but full of sex appeal and ambition.

Love the rendering of the baby crying for sushi rolls smile.gif
groovlstkNot TellingRussia2008-03-20 14:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing
Hello VJ members I have a problem with the Lagos Embassy. My husband had an interview
December 31, 2009 and the officer said he was approved and to pick up his visa within
one week. My husband went the next week and was told to come back on January 28, 2010,
the visa will be ready by then. My husband went to the Embassy on Feburary 1, 2010
and was given a letter saying that they will call him in either 3 or 6 months. I emailed
them and they told me that my husband is under administrative processing and that they
call him when the process is over. I would like to know VJ members has anyone ever had
experience and what are the chances of my husband obtaining his visa? Will they
interview him again because he was already interviewed. Will they ask him the same
questions that they asked him on December 31 or will the questions change. Please let
me know this is very important for us. I want to know if we should practice the same
questions or should we study a new set of questions? Please help us with this one.
Thank you so much........

HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-04-01 22:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ap for female in islamabad embassy
I hope you get out of AP as soon as possible. They are just doing background and security checks so don't worry. Good luck.......
HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-09-18 22:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Questions Again...
I am sorry that you are going through AP. I know it is not easy because I have been through the same process and every day seems like
forever. Remember a delay is not a denial......................

HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-09-17 22:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Will my husband get interviewed again?
Hi, yes my husband was approved in June and he received his visa on June 30,2010. We are now in the adjustment of status phase. He was in AP for almost six months. I hope you are no longer in AP.
HadizaFemaleNigeria2011-02-01 13:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Will my husband get interviewed again?
Hello visajourney members:

I have a quick question. I emailed this to the embassy:

Hello Embasssy:

Re: Umar****-***

I would like to know if my husband will have a question and and answer session with a consulate
officer again similar to the one he had on December 31, 2009,when he gets an appointment again?
Please let me know, thanks a lot.

Umar's wife
** **

This is what they replied to me:

Thank you for your inquiry.

Mr. ** next interview will be determined by the outcome of the results from the administrative processing on his case.

Correspondence Unit

What does this mean because they did not answer my question. Please help me on this one because I am really
confused and worried. I really want my husband to come be with me ASAP. We got married on August 9, 2010
and we have been apart for over seven months now. Thanks a lot, people.


Edited by Captain Ewok, 22 April 2010 - 01:10 AM.

HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-04-21 09:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interview Experience and end result of AP
Hello. I am sorry about your AP but I can tell you from personal experience

that it is a background check. My husband was in AP for four months and

later recieved his visa sucessfully. I would suggest you call the Department

of State and check the status of your case. You can call them everyday if

you like, their number is 202-663-1225. I believe you press 1 and then O for

a visa specialist. Remember an AP is not a denial. I wish you all the luck

and I am sure you will be fine. ALL THE BEST:)

HadizaFemaleNigeria2011-02-18 21:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(G) Letter

Yah they wanted a signed statment from me and after i sent if i got the letter, Its been 14 days since i have been in AP. i hope i will just be the longest 45 days like you and not longer.

My wife had her interview on Thursday (June 17) and she was told "We will get back to you." It seems we are also in AP. What happened with your case? Did you get more information?
SongerMaleIsrael2010-06-19 08:59:00
United KingdomHave I missed anything?
QUOTE (Jakey-Matey @ Jan 16 2008, 03:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all.

Today I have sent off the following to the US Embassy to resume the K1 process:

DS-156 (2x) (and not signed, did I do both of those right?)
DS-230 Part I (page 1 and 2 are filled out, page 3 and 4 are blank, did I do that right?) (This was the only form that I did sign, did I do that right?)

And the Checklist back saying we are ready for our interview.

I assume I did not need to send anything else out for this part of the stage?

Thanks for any replies/advice/help smile.gif

Hey Jakey Matey,
Sounds perfect, I sent the same in on the 17th of January. Doesn't it feel good to get it off & away. I was happy to see it go =)
I used recorded delivery to be thorough & now I wish I had used UPS because when I try tracking it online on www.royal mail, it doesn't recognise my ref. number.
SO annoying because it is the correct 13 digit number, it's driving me nuts... I am going to try calling the embassy tomorrow to check they received it.
How did you send yours? I did my forms just the same as you did...
Also, may I ask, when did you request your police certificate? Did you go into a police station in person? As I was in NY for pup's (my fiance) b'day & Christmas, I sent mine in the mail. As I couldn't do registered mail from the states, I now can't check to see whether they've received it or not =( It's making me really worried....
Just trying to figure out how long it took to come, seeing as we're on the same time scale. I haven't sent in my four pages requesting the interview yet. Want to get the MPS receipt & will send then. Only thing is I wish to travel at the end of Feb & so need it asap...
On a brighter note though. I had my medical today & all went well. Sorry, it's not on the timeline everyone, my fiance's in charge of that & he can't see the gap for it...
It was a fast & pain free process, well, minus the needles I guess... If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I was done in less than an hour. Only needed one vaccination so that was good & fingers crossed the Embassy will have the results by Friday =) Yippeee... Bring on the interview... I'm on a roll now...
If anyone has any tips on how to speed up the process for getting a date please share as I'm going around the bend here on my own, missing my puppy
Good Luck everyone...
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-21 18:20:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Thank you Lisa & Marty,
They gave me the red stamp (on the back of my !-94) no problem =) It lasts for 3 months...
Actually, the whole experience at customs was very pleasant, which was good because I was prepared for the worst.
B x

QUOTE (lisalu100 @ Feb 20 2008, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@ LOSTPUP. I have been keeping my eye out for any info regarding EAD at POE New York. I haven't heard of anyone on here being refused it if they asked. Some reviews don't mention it, some have had there passports stamped with a red ssmudge(!), some have had to ask for it, and received it. I'm pretty sure someone went last week, and got a 3 moth EAD. Check out the POE reviews at the top of your page. Good luck!

lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-04 11:07:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations everyone on all the recent progress... We're on a roll, woo hoo! good.gif

I received my visa on Monday and ANOTHER brown envelope (more like a sack of stuff) to carry as hand baggage, the same as my X-rays which were given to me after my interview! I have one week until I fly and am very excited as we're getting married on March 3rd which is already a special date for D & I...

I am hoping I get the work authorization stamp at JFK. What has people's experience been with this? helpsmilie.gif Is it a stamp in my passport or a card (I have had an EAD card before). What do I say if I don't receive it? I'm a freelance journalist & will cry if I can't cover the election coverage, it's like Christmas come early for me =)

Thanks in advance for the info =)
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-20 18:03:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hey guys, firstly thank you for all the luck & support, we couldn't have got this far along without VJ...

Second, can I get an "A", can I get a "P', all in red please.... Yes, we're also approved... kicking.gif

In & out in 2 hours. Everyone was really nice, my actual interview was like a friendly chat with a friend!

She asked how long we've been dating? 5 and a half, almost 6 years

She asked, where I met D? at a party in NYC

What was I doing in NY? Student

When did he propose? In November

Just gone, 2007? Yes, the official proposal with the ring....... & then I went into the long winded story that I won't bore you all with! She loved it and was laughing!

Then she told me I had been approved!! Yippeee....

Good luck to our Valentine Day interviewees tomorrow & here's wishing you all a lovely Valentines Day heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif rose.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-13 17:38:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations!!! I'm gonna check through my paperwork for the first time now. Wondering what they'll ask me tomorrow. I'm so ####### with dates unsure.gif
Will ask D to update you all asap... Please keep fingers crossed for me...
B x

QUOTE (kdancer04 @ Feb 8 2008, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone!!! Good News!! My husband is APPROVED!!!!!! I woke up at 5 am waiting for the call and he finally called at 7 am.. He was there from 9am-12 PM (UK time). So all in all it took 3 hours for the interview process. They asked for some documents at the first window. Then he waited for a few hours. Then they asked him questions about where I live and if he's going to work when he gets here and if he swears that all the documents are true. Then he was approved and the visa should come in the post on Thursday. Then he leaves his job next Sunday and visits his family before he flys here on the 21st!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone on here for being so great!

Kristi and Owen

lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-12 05:41:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (lostpup @ Feb 5 2008, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WELL DONE DEBZ!! I KNEW YOU'D DO IT... SO PROUD OF YOU good.gif good.gif good.gif

I can't wait to hear ALL the details, please don't leave anything out. I was thinking of you all day today & actually walked by the Embassy at the end of my day. I wanted to see if it was still the same entrance as when I was last there a few years ago. Good to know what direction to run in in case my tube journey is disrupted or something... I must say, I've already started going through all the things that might go wrong & feel a tad nervous myself now...

Please could those who interviewed on the 1st of Feb also post testimonies with every single little detail please? It really helps. I got my packet 4 today.
It says no large bags, I'm wondering whether it's okay to put my large scrap book & all my large envelopes & folders of paperwork onto a tote type of bag or should I just use a large shopping bag in case I have to trash it? Of course I'm taking extra stuff that they're not even asking for. Better safe than sorry.. blush.gif

Thanks guys... I'm assuming Tinkerbelle has been approved & they are off busy celebrating!!

lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-05 20:38:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
WELL DONE DEBZ!! I KNEW YOU'D DO IT... SO PROUD OF YOU good.gif good.gif good.gif

I can't wait to hear ALL the details, please don't leave anything out. I was thinking of you all day today & actually walked by the Embassy at the end of my day. I wanted to see if it was still the same entrance as when I was last there a few years ago. Good to know what direction to run in in case my tube journey is disrupted or something... I must say, I've already started going through all the things that might go wrong & feel a tad nervous myself now...

Please could those who interviewed on the 2nd of Feb also post testimonies with every single little detail please? It really helps. I got my packet 4 today.
It says no large bags, I'm wondering whether it's okay to put my large scrap book & all my large envelopes & folders of paperwork onto a tote type of bag or should I just use a large shopping bag in case I have to trash it? Of course I'm taking extra stuff that they're not even asking for. Better safe than sorry.. blush.gif

Thanks guys... I'm assuming Tinkerbelle has been approved & they are off busy celebrating!!
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-05 20:28:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good Luck to Debz, I will have everything crossed for her. I almost wish I could go wait for her outside the Embassy poor lass, to make sure she's okay after!
Thanks for adding us to the list, feels good to see our names up there, but it just dawned on me today, ####, my interview is next week... Arrgghhhhh.... helpsmilie.gif

Brits in NY is a cool idea, I'll join up a a West Villager... Go on, go for it...

QUOTE (bunsk2007 @ Feb 4 2008, 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I add my dates?! (I love this forum...)

My medical is scheduled for Wednesday -02/06/08 at 10.30am Betnick Square.

My interview is scheduled for the following Monday- 02/11/08 at 9.30am.[/color]


and [color="#800080"]GOOD LUCK Debz!! Sending you happy, positive vibes!!

BTW, I saw there is a 'Brits in Calif' on Facebook- is there a Brits in NY on Facebook?

lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-04 18:28:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Thank you Gillian... I don't have to call though! I have good news & a date to add to the interview list.
I am SO happy... I just got home & D called to say that the DOS line told him we have our interview & the letter was mailed out to me today.
Did I mention I'm feeling on top of the world at the moment?!?! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Please add B&D, (yes we are actually called B&D) to the list please. The interview has been scheduled for the 13th of Feb at 9am...
13 is a lucky number for me, so I'm feeling very positive, despite the fact that Sunday the 17th is 40 days wrt police report for us. I hope I get it before the 13th!!!
If I don't, can I send it in after?
Can't wait to hear how people did today... Bring on the red approvals...
B x

QUOTE (lostpup @ Feb 1 2008, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Jan 31 2008, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lostpup @ Jan 31 2008, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to everyone tomorrow, I'm sure you'll all get approved... I can't believe our lil theory came true & all the interview dates are rolling in =)
Congratulations to all those with the new interview dates kicking.gif
My pup & I are still waiting for our interview date however =( Found out from DOS line yesterday that the embassy finally received our packet 3, even though it got there special delivery on the 17th!! Will call the extortion line & see if I can have requested date in FEB. Any advice appreciated btw... I couldn't wait like Derek, (safe journey btw mate), I have a flight booked for the end of the month. Already tried emailing the consular, but got no reply. What is this code fellow VJers have mentioned? Should I ask for it or will they assign me one wehn I call? I'm assuming it's different from the LDN number I already have...

B x

ps Debz, I'm sure you'll be fine... biggrin.gif stay strong... it's nearly over...

Just call the extortion line and tell them that you need to email the Embassy about your interview date and they'll give you the code to put in the subject line. Good luck. good.gif


lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-01 15:45:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Jan 31 2008, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lostpup @ Jan 31 2008, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to everyone tomorrow, I'm sure you'll all get approved... I can't believe our lil theory came true & all the interview dates are rolling in =)
Congratulations to all those with the new interview dates kicking.gif
My pup & I are still waiting for our interview date however =( Found out from DOS line yesterday that the embassy finally received our packet 3, even though it got there special delivery on the 17th!! Will call the extortion line & see if I can have requested date in FEB. Any advice appreciated btw... I couldn't wait like Derek, (safe journey btw mate), I have a flight booked for the end of the month. Already tried emailing the consular, but got no reply. What is this code fellow VJers have mentioned? Should I ask for it or will they assign me one wehn I call? I'm assuming it's different from the LDN number I already have...

B x

ps Debz, I'm sure you'll be fine... biggrin.gif stay strong... it's nearly over...

Just call the extortion line and tell them that you need to email the Embassy about your interview date and they'll give you the code to put in the subject line. Good luck. good.gif


lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-01 15:36:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Jan 31 2008, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lostpup @ Jan 31 2008, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to everyone tomorrow, I'm sure you'll all get approved... I can't believe our lil theory came true & all the interview dates are rolling in =)
Congratulations to all those with the new interview dates kicking.gif
My pup & I are still waiting for our interview date however =( Found out from DOS line yesterday that the embassy finally received our packet 3, even though it got there special delivery on the 17th!! Will call the extortion line & see if I can have requested date in FEB. Any advice appreciated btw... I couldn't wait like Derek, (safe journey btw mate), I have a flight booked for the end of the month. Already tried emailing the consular, but got no reply. What is this code fellow VJers have mentioned? Should I ask for it or will they assign me one wehn I call? I'm assuming it's different from the LDN number I already have...

B x

ps Debz, I'm sure you'll be fine... biggrin.gif stay strong... it's nearly over...

Just call the extortion line and tell them that you need to email the Embassy about your interview date and they'll give you the code to put in the subject line. Good luck. good.gif


lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-01 15:33:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck to everyone tomorrow, I'm sure you'll all get approved... I can't believe our lil theory came true & all the interview dates are rolling in =)
Congratulations to all those with the new interview dates kicking.gif
My pup & I are still waiting for our interview date however =( Found out from DOS line yesterday that the embassy finally received our packet 3, even though it got there special delivery on the 17th!! Will call the extortion line & see if I can have requested date in FEB. Any advice appreciated btw... I couldn't wait like Derek, (safe journey btw mate), I have a flight booked for the end of the month. Already tried emailing the consular, but got no reply. What is this code fellow VJers have mentioned? Should I ask for it or will they assign me one wehn I call? I'm assuming it's different from the LDN number I already have...

B x

ps Debz, I'm sure you'll be fine... biggrin.gif stay strong... it's nearly over...
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-31 15:49:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (mustang-sally @ Jan 22 2008, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does London know our thread keeper Julez is on vacation?
Maybe they are waiting for her to get back before they release more dates!!!!! laughing.gif

In that case maybe we had better call Julez & request they come back jest.gif
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-22 17:23:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jan 22 2008, 05:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No more updates yet? What happened to the roll London was on?!?!

Hi Guys,
Congratulations to everyone who has been approved & good luck to those off to their interviews...
This is Bea, lostpup's fiance in London... I love this thread, it's so positive and encouraging! I've been hooked and read it all over the past couple of days biggrin.gif
I'm not with pup at the moment so I have the time in the evenings! Ha ha...
Thank you for all the posts & support. This group is great, I've been procrastinating about an interview date, but haven't got one yet. Very anxious to add our names to the list, let alone get the big red APPROVED letters... Reading through has helped me though
I've had my medical and requested an interview for February last week (by letter, they should have received on Thursday). When do you think I'll hear from them? Just sent the consular an email & lost pup is calling the DOS line later. I wonder why there haven't been new interview dates to add? Strange....
If I do hear anything, I'll let you all know...
B x
lostpupMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-22 10:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(g) "not clearly eligible"
Does anyone have any experience with having their K-1 returned by the embassy to DHS/USCIS for vague reasons like "not clearly eligible" under 221(g)? We showed up for what were told would be an interview with the consul (following our interview last month, after which we were told 'administrative processing' was required), but instead of an interview, we were given a piece of paper saying our case was being sent back under 221(g). They do NOT want any documents; I think they just want to deny our application. (During the interview last month, the vice consul remarked "I've seen lots of older men with younger women but I've never seen an older woman with a younger man". I am three years and 1 month older than my fiance. Also she refused to literally accept our evidence of ongoing relationship; we had photos from multiple visits, letters, emails, chat transcripts, phone bills.) If I understand correctly, our application could die a slow death waiting to be processed, in which case we'll never have a chance to present evidence to a rational human. I tried emailing the consul to ask her to take a look at our file before the diplomatic pouch is picked up but she only responds that I should contact DHS/USCIS. Some friends say I need a lawyer to fight this, others say a lawyer can't help, all we can do is wait. For possibly 2 years. Please, if you have any experience with this, please give an idea of what I should be doing. unsure.gif unsure.gif unsure.gif
NatashaWFemaleGeorgia2009-03-19 12:24:00
United KingdomTime between Packet 3 and 4

I had not received an interview date up until last week, I spoke with the embassy who gave me an email address (not the usual one, and not one you need a code for) to let them know I was available for a cancellation appointment or last minute interview appointment. I sent the email on Thursday evening around 10pm, by lunch time on Friday they had replied and assigned me a date for the following Friday (tomorrow). It may be worth calling to try to bring it forward.

We wrote a letter to the embassy explaining the situation and attaching the flight info for the family members attending the wedding. Luckily they moved the interview up by 3 weeks! Although it still mystifies me why our interview was originally scheduled so far in the future...
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-19 12:21:00
United KingdomTime between Packet 3 and 4

Agree, keep calling the DOS line and checking in. Note, though, that Monday, October 8, is a holiday for the federal government.

When you sent in your forms and DS-2001, did your cover letter include any wedding date information on it?

Finally heard back for our interview date, but I was extremely suprised to find that it was scheduled for November 15th considering we submitted packet 3 in late August. We had already planned a wedding for November 23 and family have bought plane tickets assuming that this process would be long over by then. We never thought that the interview could be scheduled almost 3 months after we submitted the last of our materials to the embassy considering what others have experienced on this website. Does anyone have any experience/success moving up their interview date? Thanks!
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 14:12:00
United KingdomTime between Packet 3 and 4
I have been checking in occasionally on the visa line and still have not been assigned an interview date. We sent our Packet 3 including the DS-2001 to the London Embassy delivered August 24th, so at this point I am a bit worried it is taking so long. Is there anything I can do to speed along the process or make sure things are progressing? Thanks!
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 13:52:00
United KingdomTime between Packet 3 and 4
We sent our Packet 3 including the DS-2001 to the London Embassy delivered August 24th. Calling the DOS, they told me that the Embassy has received the medical information, but has not reviewed out Packet 3. I was just wondering what other applicants were experiencing in terms of the time between when they sent out their packet 3 and when they received their interview date. Thanks!
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 14:15:00
United KingdomInterview Checklist
Thanks for your help guys :) Maybe I might see you on Thurs Julz, good luck :D

The affidavit and supporting docs are to be filled out by your US fiancée, hope this helps
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-23 17:36:00
United KingdomInterview Checklist


I'm at the stage of waiting for confirmed interview date, packet three all sent just waiting
Quick question the Affidavit of Support with supporting documentation, is this me completing or my fiancée who is in the US? Little confused by this.



UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-23 17:34:00
United KingdomInterview Checklist
Hi everyone,

My interview is scheduled for 25th Oct, just wanted to check I have all the required documentation:

Invite Letter
Passport - expiry date 22.08-13
Birth Certificate - Long and Short Versions
Police Certificate
Photographs for the visa
Photographs of us as a couple
Affidavit of Support with supporting documentation

All documentation has been copied.

I am just about to pay the fee and print off the receipt to take with me.

Anything missing?
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-23 04:35:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

It sounds like they are giving a transition period for the new fees, so I interpret it that she can use the old form, especially since the first day of transition was yesterday. I think it's your call if the expedited processing is worth the money to you. How antsy are you? 35-42 pounds worth? Have you read the first post in this thread to see what else needs to be done ASAP? Does she have her immunizations? Will that take longer to sort than getting the police certificate regular processing? She can call and make the visa medical appointment now if she wants to as long as you allow time to get the police certificate and immunization documentation in hand before she goes. They usually have appointments open without a long this week if she had already prepared.

Thanks for the reply. Just to follow up, my fiance called the medical office this morning and they told her they have lots of openings and you can make an appointment as soon as the next day. So we decided to expedite the police certificate and schedule the medical as soon as she has it in hand. Luckily I told her to get her immunzations last month. I guess I didn't expect the case to get an NVC number so soon after the NOA2 since it seems many people are delayed on that step recently.
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 10:28:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
So I just received my LND number by calling the NVC and my fiancé plans to call to book the medical appointment tomorrow, but I have a few questions about the police certificate:

1) According to the police certificate website, they have now posted a new form and pricing scheme which increases the price by 10 pounds http://www.acro.poli...rtificates.aspx
The website also says that the old forms will still be accepted until August 31st. My fiancé has already filled out the old form and is planning on mailing it tomorrow. Does my previous information mean that she can still pay the lower price (before increase)?
2)We are a bit antsy about her moving to the US in October and want to speed things along. Does it make sense to pay for an expedited police certificate (2 days instead of 10 days processing time) to have it ready if she can book the medical appointment sometime in the next few weeks?

Thank you all for your help!
UKtoUS3476MaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 22:21:00
United KingdomInterview Scheduling at the London Embassy

Thank you all for this information. 


My status has just been updated again, so I assume that it won't be long now until I receive an appointment date from the US Embassy.


Could you tell me how long you had to wait between getting your appointment and waiting to attend, just so that I get an idea. Is it true that the embassy notifies you a month before the date itself or has it been different in your experience?



JoshYates13Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 04:56:00