Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

Kod mene je sve ukupno trajalo 7 meseci , bilo bi i brze nego su navodno u NVC izgubili moje slike pa sam morala opet da saljem i dok su kao opet sve obradili itd ali sve ukupno se zavrsilo za 7 meseci :) zavisi od slucaja do slucaja , dok sam isla na intervju u ambasadi bila je devojka koja mi je rekla da joj je sve trajalo oko 1god i 2 meseca -- mada znaju i u ambasadi da malo zezaju . Na svu srecu mene nisu jer sam se tek porodila pa nisu mi trazili nikakva dodatna dokumenta itd . Cula sam da ljudi nose i slike, neke dopise sa skype . Ja sam u USA bila za 7 meseci i 2 nedelje . Meni je taj prvi proces trajao svega 2 ipo meseca i onda je isao NVC na koji sam cekala prvo 1 mesec da dobiju papire pa onda , sve polako traze da im se placa salje itd . Sretno i malo strpljenja :)

Hvala! Malo me ariel2010 demoralisala :)

Nama su za neke dve nedelje javili da su primili papire, i da se uplati taksa. Start je bio brz, a ako se po tome poznaje ono sto sledi, videcemo :)

Moj dragi poznaje jednu Amerikanku, koja je pravila papire za nekog naseh i dobili su sve za 3 meseca! Ali to je vec previse optimisticno.
KlaxiFemaleSerbia2011-12-21 17:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Pozdrav svima,

oko 20. oktobra su primili nasu dokumentaciju u Vermontu. I kada proveravam Case Status na pise da je trenutno Initial Review. Da li znate koliko taj proces traje? Tj, kada pise da je duzina trajanja za Vermont 5 meseci, da li to znaci da ce oni za to vreme samo obraditi podatke i odobriti i da nas onda ceka i zakazivanje intervjua i ostalo? Ili da je citav proces gotov za 5 meseci?

Jel ima neko skorija iskustva, koliko mu je trebalo od trenutka podnosenja prijave, do sletanja u USA?

Svaka pomoc i savet su dobrodosli :)
KlaxiFemaleSerbia2011-12-18 05:41:00
Asia: East and PacificAnnulment in Philippines

What's an annulment cost nowdays, about 30,000? Does it still take over a year?
Anyway, since the Police Clearances are so important it might be best to remain consistent. They will have to start at age 16 and be issued from every city she has lived in for "over 6 months" since that time. It is a good idea to simplify this information if possible. The G-325A will have only the cities lived in for the last 5 years. I believe the DS-230 goes back further. So, remaining consistent is very important. If she can get Police Clearances in her maiden name then all the better.
There are spaces on the forms where it asks "have you gone by any other name" - in that case she could put her (former) married name (ex-husband's family name). She could have a Passport issued in her maiden name and Barangay I.D. and Postal I.D. cards issued in her maiden name. And, of course, she will need the NSO Birth Certificate for all of that.

It is costing me 160,000 PH Pesos. But if she is able to get the annulment then I will be the happiest man on earth...and thanks so much for your reply....

Hi Everyone,
I'm new here. I'm so glad I found this site.
I hope someone can shed some light on something I'm a bit confused about. My sweetheart (Leticia) is filipina and lives in the Philippines. She has started the annulment process to end her relationship with her ex-husband. They were married for 15 years. She has two young daughters.

My question:
When the annulment becomes final in a year (hopefully), would it be best for her NOT to change her last name. After the annulment she wants to change her last name back to her maiden name and then change it to my last name when she comes to the US and we are married. She thought about doing this but I feel it might cause problems with the immigration process. I think she should just keep her ex-husbands name until she comes to the US and then we would change it to my last name after she and I are married. Any thoughts on this? Thanks...

anthillMalePhilippines2007-02-23 21:53:00
Asia: East and PacificAnnulment in Philippines

I don't think it would matter whether she change her last name back to her maiden name or not. What ever she prefers.

Either way, there will be a record of her marriage when she applies for the K1 Visa.

Thanks for your reply....
anthillMalePhilippines2007-02-23 21:48:00
Asia: East and PacificAnnulment in Philippines
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here. I'm so glad I found this site.
I hope someone can shed some light on something I'm a bit confused about. My sweetheart (Leticia) is filipina and lives in the Philippines. She has started the annulment process to end her relationship with her ex-husband. They were married for 15 years. She has two young daughters.

My question:
When the annulment becomes final in a year (hopefully), would it be best for her NOT to change her last name. After the annulment she wants to change her last name back to her maiden name and then change it to my last name when she comes to the US and we are married. She thought about doing this but I feel it might cause problems with the immigration process. I think she should just keep her ex-husbands name until she comes to the US and then we would change it to my last name after she and I are married. Any thoughts on this? Thanks...
anthillMalePhilippines2007-02-23 20:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to do about the Medical test?
You do not have to wait for the embassy to email you the packet. Download the packet at


The embassy only accepts the medical results of the Kamorass clinic.

HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-07-30 13:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhere to buy EgyptAir ticket in Kano Nigeria
Hello VJers:

I would like to know where in Kano, Nigeria do I buy a ticket to New York City? My husband wants to buy
ticket from Egypt Air because I did research that it was the cheapest from Kano to New York, much
cheaper than KLM. Does anyone know where in Kano to purchase a ticket? Thanks a lot.......
HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-08-21 00:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCase Re affirmed
Congragulations on your case being re affirmed. I hope you and your hubby reunite ASAP..... All the best! :)
HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-09-01 02:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos IR-1 Visa granted after 3.5 years!!
I am so HAPPY for you in this journey!!!!! Congratulations to you and all the BEST!!!!!!

HadizaFemaleNigeria2010-09-07 00:44:00
Asia: East and PacificSydney Consulate: packet 3 documents ready, how long before interview
QUOTE (kaffy @ Oct 22 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Depends how heavy their workload is.. can take anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks

Thanks. Would anyone know the answer to the first question?
SmizzyMaleAustralia2009-10-22 20:55:00
Asia: East and PacificSydney Consulate: packet 3 documents ready, how long before interview
Hello Aussie friends,

Our I-129F petition just left the NVC on October 21 and is currently en-route to Sydney. Thanks to VJ, we've been able to prepare all of our Packet 3 stuff in advance:

- I mailed the I-134, a copy of the NOA2, and a copy of our original petition to my fiancee in Oz
- My fiance just completed the medical two days ago (before we even had a NVC case #)
- My fiance already has the police check document
- Packet 3 documents are all filled out and ready for mailing

We can basically respond to the Packet 3 on the same day that Sydney sends out the email. So I have a couple of questions around this:

- can we send back part I of DS-230 along with the rest of the documents at the same time? Or does the DS-230 need to be sent prior to everything else?

- how long does it typically take the consulate to schedule the interview after they've received all of the required documents?

We're hoping to get this all done before December since I'm traveling down to Melbourne in mid-November and it would be just fantastic if we could come back to New York together with K-1 in hand.
SmizzyMaleAustralia2009-10-22 19:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana interview process question
Hello all, this is my first time posting so be gentle. I have a few quick question. In Ghana are the packets mailed directly to the beneficiary, or can arrangements be made to pick up the packets? Also how can you track the movement of the case once it reaches the embassy (as far as when the packets are ready, when the interview dates are set), and when/how is the interview date given.

Thank you in advance for all of your help.
Fifi30FemaleGhana2010-03-24 13:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRecieved our NOA2
Fifi30FemaleGhana2010-05-25 15:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCase Re affirmed
Good luck. I truly hope everything works out. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Fifi30FemaleGhana2010-08-25 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
QUOTE (lillers @ Apr 10 2008, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SraCastillo @ Apr 8 2008, 07:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sinceramente la k3 yo no la veo como una buena opcion si uno tiene meses de casado al poner la peticion I-130 por que al arreglar el status me imagino que aun le toca tomar la residencia condicional y luego remover esa condicion tambien cuesta. ese dinerito mejor lo ahorro para el depa o algun otro gasto cuando estemos juntos. aunque despues de todo no tiene precio el poder estar junto a su amorcito lo mas rapido posible.

Si... la verdad que las cosas economicas no van tan bien, pero Dios ha provisto hasta ahora, y tambien creo que vale la pena por que el estar juntos hace la relacion mas fuerte. Seguramente Dios nos proveera 'sustento y con que cubrirnos' (una tortillita para mi que soy mexicana, y su platanito para mi esposo) good.gif JaJAJA...
Si, se me ha olvidado actualizar la informacion de mi perfil. Lo hare ahora. Otra pregunta: ya que no hay lista de espera, alguien sabe, una vez que la NVC recibe la aprobacion, como cuanto tiempo se tardara la cita en la embajada de Santo Domingo?

jajaja me encanto tu tortillita y el su platano! jaja bueno pues si tienes razon todo es con el fin de estar juntos! espero que tus papeles se den rapido! good.gif
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-13 18:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
sinceramente la k3 yo no la veo como una buena opcion si uno tiene meses de casado al poner la peticion I-130 por que al arreglar el status me imagino que aun le toca tomar la residencia condicional y luego remover esa condicion tambien cuesta. ese dinerito mejor lo ahorro para el depa o algun otro gasto cuando estemos juntos. aunque despues de todo no tiene precio el poder estar junto a su amorcito lo mas rapido posible.
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-08 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
Espero correr con la misma suerte 8 meses serian fantastico para nosotros. pero na toca esperar rezar y ser optimista de todos modos ya me faltan 31 dias para ver a mi esposo! aunque solo sea para estar con el 4 dias sad.gif
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-07 15:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
De esa famosa lista de espera era que yo temia! y no entendi a que se referia cuando en la pagina de la embajada decia que los casos ahora eran trabajados en NVC y que las citas las mandaban ellos ahora si entiendo!!! ojala que sigan las cosas bien y que pronto podamos estar junto con nuestros amores!!

solo para compartirles un chin de mi historia yo soy de padres Ecuatorianos asi que no tenia nada que ver ni buscar en RD pero asi son las cosas de la vida me enamore no solo del pais si no de un Mocanito precioso!!

una pregunta acerca de la k3 saben cuales son los costos para ajustar el estatus luego de haber ingresado al pais?
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-07 15:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
tienes razon mi abuela decia que no habia nada mejor que el sabor de la victoria luego de una batalla sacrificada! asi que espero que todos saboreemos nuestra victoria un dia de estos...
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-06 14:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
QUOTE (lillers @ Apr 4 2008, 05:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola, Sra. Castillo. yo estoy en la misma situacion que usted. Envie la solicitud en Marzo, y como en tres semanas me llego el NOA1. Seguire leyendo aqui para informarme. Yo tambien le pido a Dios que no se tarde tanto. Y si hay algo que se pueda hacer para acelerar el proceso, pues nos mantendremos informadas good.gif good.gif

jamas me imagine estar en esta situacion es tan dificil. por eso dicen que uno no debe de decir de esta agua no he de beber por que uno nunca sabe! yo que era alergica a las relaciones a distancia y me tuve que enamorar de una persona de otro pais y ahora estar en esto! claro esta que no me arrepiento de amarlo y de necesitarlo por que el es mi felicidad pero esta situacion de estar asi lejos mata!! lo bueno es que los vuelos nada mas son 3 horitas!! y que mi trabajo me permite viajar constantemente! en los dos anios que llevabamos de novios viaje cada dos meses a verlo y ahora de esposos en este 2008 ya llevo 2 viajes y voy ahora en mayo para su cumple.
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-05 08:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
Asi parece aunque he escuchado de casos que solo 9 meses pero otros que han durado DOS AÑOS!!! y te juro que si el mio demora tanto me tiro del Brooklyn Bridge!
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-02 15:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion para Esposo(a) de la Republica Dominicana
Hola soy nueva por aca y pues me interesa mucho saber de las historias de los peticionarios de ciudadanos dominicanos.

recientemente me case con un Dominicano y empeze el tramite para pedirlo. la I-130 la envie el 26 de Febrero del 2008 y me llego el primer NOA el 10 de Marzo con fecha de haber sido recibido el 5 de Marzo.

porfavor si estas en la misma situacion o ya la pasaste cuentame tu experiencia para al menos compartir datos y asi dar esperanzas a los que estamos viviendo este dilema.
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-02 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
hola que tal buenas tardes soy nueva por estos lados y na solo queria saludar good.gif
SraCastilloFemaleDominican Republic2008-04-02 13:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ja ich hab es gerade gelesen .... war zu faul um erst alle posts zu lesen ... my bad!

ich hab halt und es scheint ganz gut zu funktionieren wink.gif
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-09-21 19:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
thea falls du deutsch staatsbuergerschaft behalten willst musst zuerst beibehaltung beantragen ... kannst ja beide haben wink.gif
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-09-21 19:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
congrats again chnst ... zu welchem arzt bis du hin wenn man fragen darf?

und an alle die in NY area leben dieses wochenende wir das empire state building die deutschen farben tragen ... ich seh es von meinem balkon aber leider denk ich photos wuerden nicht so gut rauskommen werd trotzdem versuchen!!!

grund fur die "faerbung"
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-09-14 18:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@ chnst: oh mann sorry dass du da so viel durchmachen musstest! also ich hab gehoert das die NYU ne dentistry school hat die so ziemlich gut ist ... und ich glaub die nehmen viele versicherungen!!! kannst ja mal online schauen "nyu school of dentisty" googln!!! ich hab auch gute erfahrung gemacht mit vital dent .... die sind all over manhattan ... falls du mehr info willst pm me ;)

zum versicherungs chaos hier schaut euch alle mal michael moore "sicko" an ... hab es vor paar tagen gesehen und muss schon mal sage es stimmt was die sagen!!!
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-07-28 13:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ja sehr schoen die bilder ... und wenn die schnell machen kannst du dann mal auch ein july filer sein wie wir .... mehr deutsch dringend gebraucht :)
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-07-17 16:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ja wuensch dir alles gut fuer samstag diana ... und bei mir geht es jetzt auch wieder mal vorwaerts ... hab endlich mein NOA1 fur meine papiere ... jetzt werd ich nun mal besser schlafen koennen da ich weiss die haben meine papiere!
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-07-11 09:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
hallo die damen ...
war schon auch laenger nicht hier am posten aber mit dem sommer in ny sind wir halt viel unterwegs ;) hab ja meine AOS endlich weggeschickt und warte dass die endlich mal die checks annehmen ...
ich werd noch verrueckt hier!!!
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-07-07 14:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
chnst: wo in der bx warst du den um deine DL zu beantragen .... und wo upstate ... will auch hin :D
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-06-07 21:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ja ich hab mich auch gewundert da manche arzte hier mehr wollten ... und dazu hatte ich meine impf unterlagen auch nicht ... also hatte ich mal sehr viel gluck!!!
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-06-06 17:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
wenn ich mich richtig erinnere hat hier mal nach nem guten arzt in new york fur medical gefragt .... ich hab gerade mein gehabt heute und es ging schnell und nur $185 ... muss am freitag wieder hin um tb test abzulesen und dann kann ich mein AOS wegschicken!!! :dancing:
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-06-06 17:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@butterfly: also ich hab da was auf central park north gesehen ... neubau condos! aber erst ab 2008 glaub ich haben die gesagt! ich mag den park und liebe die grossen fenster daher will ich mich mal umsehen dort! ... es ist zwar considered harlem aber es sieht so aus dass dort viel neubau ist und die gegend ist halt jetzt viel angenehmer ... schau dir mal an ;)
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-06-02 14:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@ butterfly: wir leben auf der upper west side und hab halt "rent stabilized apt" aber die wollen jetzt condos draus machen und ich will diese alte bude nicht behalten ... so alt dass es halt nit wert ist fur ne million zu kaufen da wir ja sehr viel reinlegen muessten um die zu renovieren daher besser ne neue condo kaufen ... und zu den kleinen beibewohnern die findet man ueberall in nyc hahaha ob $500 oder $5000 apt ;)

@ alle anderen: danke anke fuer die glueckwuensche :D
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-06-02 12:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@ chnst: na wo hat den die dame denn das termin zu biometrics wenn ich das mal richtig gelesen habe ... muss du in die city oder wo? werd da auch bald hin muessen also lass mal wissen wie es war meine liebe!!!

@ butterfly: ja wir suchen auch ne neue wohnung in manhattan aber es ist ja schon ganz scary mit den hohen miete ... muss mal halt durch gell ... viel glueck an euch!

@ alle anderen: gruesse aus nyc :P
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-06-01 19:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

@MsA: Wo man eine Kopie des Impfpasses beantragen kann weiss ich nicht...mach Dir aber keine Sorgen; wenn Du keine bekommst, wird der Arzt einen sogenannten Titer-test machen und so feststellen, welche Impfungen Du schon hattest.

oh mann ich hab mir schon sorgen gemacht ... ich bereite hier alles vor und meine mama konnte das impfbuch nicht finden ... jetzt fuehl ich mich schon besser!
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-05-02 17:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

@MsA: wir wohnen in einer ganz netten Ecke gleich am Zoo, ist ganz ruhig und gruen und relativ sicher. Hoffen aber trotzdem das wir asap aus der City rauskommen. Ich will nach DC und Chuck will nach upstate NY wo er aufgewachsen ist. is mir zu kalt da oben, deswegen wird noch verhandelt. :wacko:

da stimm ich zu wir denken auch dran umzuziehen aber nit nach oben ... mehr nach unten ... ich liebe the zoo :thumbs: meiner ist ja von BX!

:help: oh ja noch ne sache werd weiss wo ich eine kopie von meinem deutschen impfbuch beantragen kann? meins ist verloren gegangen!!! danke!!!
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-05-02 17:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@chnst: hallo hallo mein mann ist aus der bronx aber wir leben in manhattan .... welche ecke aus der bronx meine liebe?
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-05-02 11:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ja ja ja da hast du recht es ist schon ziemlich teuer hier aber was soll da muss man halt durch ... und wenn man will kann man es schon hinkriegen ... wie lange warst du hier anne?
MsAMFemaleGermany2007-04-30 11:55:00