CanadaQuestion about package?
Hey guys
Finally were about to seal the envelop but before we need to write up the checks. Where can I get the info for how much we need to pay with all the costs etc. And also to finalize the checks have to be from a US bank?
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-08-18 16:02:00
CanadaDr. Saiden (Toronto) Review
I am glad that went well for you, hope it goes smooth from here. I just mailed my package yesterday, I am only just starting the process.
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-08-20 16:09:00
CanadaUpdates....we made it
Thanks guys, were in Florida now....we got in yesterday afternoon, it is hot lol but its good. I am just trying to settle in, alot to do lol unpacking and everything. I hope to get to the applications and send in the package soon we got it all ready its just a matter of writing up the check since it needs to be a US bank account and than mailing it all in.
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-08-12 21:45:00
CanadaUpdates....we made it
No not straight through, only till x fiance always comes home for the holidays
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-08-09 11:36:00
CanadaUpdates....we made it
Hey guys how is everyone doing? I thought i'd update you all on where we are at this point. We left yesterday morning for Florida, we made it through the boarder, we crossed at fort erie. They asked me alot of questions but the guard was very nice, he asked for my daughters birth certificates i guess for proof. He asked questions about whether I am intended to stay longer than 6 months and if I will return to Canada, I also had to proof my residence in Canada, which I showed him...we also mentioned were in the process of the visa application....and showed him our package..... he than let us through, so it went well considering the situation. Were now in Pittsburg and were staying for today and leaving tomorrow morning, we got family here, I will keep you guys updated.
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-08-09 11:31:00
CanadaStill waiting for first notice.
Yea it was yesterday just found out.
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-09-04 12:01:00
CanadaStill waiting for first notice.
I thought Id update that were still waiting for the first notice of action from service centre we send at vermont. We send ours on Aug 19th so it now 2 weeks since Wedesday. Anyone wait longer? what were your waiting times for first NOA. Also my fiance just told me that the cheque was processed last night, so I guess that is a sign.

Edited by Amanda2020, 04 September 2009 - 12:00 PM.

Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-09-04 11:57:00
CanadaReceived NOA
We finally received our first NOA on thursday......I am so excited to finally start the process
Amanda2020FemaleCanada2009-09-12 12:27:00
CanadaCANADIAN Criminal Records, HELP!!

I know the Winnipeg City Police Wil do a criminal background check (canada wide) and mail it to you, but not sure if they will send it out of country. I had one mailed to me from Winnipeg to halifax. Doesnt hurt to contact them and find out. Not sure if the Australian Consulate with accept it though. They search the exact same system as the RCMP, but consulates can be picky.

While the Montreal or Vancouver Consulate would probably accept a non-RCMP Police Certificate, I highly doubt the consulate in Sydney would... They don't know what CPIC is and wouldn't be able to discern whether the certificate they were holding is valid or not...

Good point. I have contacted SydneyIV and ask if a non-fingerprint based search would be acceptable, just waiting to hear back from them.
BigAussieZeeMaleAustralia2006-05-24 21:09:00
CanadaCANADIAN Criminal Records, HELP!!

You can see details of what is required at this web page. It looks like you have to get the fingerprint type done. Hopefully it won't take as long as you have observed.


Thanks for that, but I have been over that info already. I am sending an application to the RCMP for a fingerprint search, But, I want to see if I can get either another fingerprint based search OR just the name and DOB search ASAP so I can file sooner. The worst thing that will happen in that the US Consulate will ask me to send the fingerprint based search once I have it if they dont accept the name based one.

Any one else have some advice.

BigAussieZeeMaleAustralia2006-05-18 06:47:00
CanadaCANADIAN Criminal Records, HELP!!
I just got information back from the US Consulate in Sydney asking me to provide a Criminal Record Check from Canada as I spent more than 6months there since turing 16 years of age. I have recently received my Australian Record Check (by fingerprints) and got the all clear.

I have checked online about getting a certificate from the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), which has current processing times with a wait in excess of 150days! for one with fingerprints.

I have also checked the Commissionaires in Canada and they said about the same processing time.

In reading other threads I have heard that some people just get a check based on a national name and DOB search (if they dont have criminal records). I have contacted a few police organizations in Canada about this and they have told me that I have to be in Canada to get that done.

Has anyone had any luck getting a Canadian Criminal Record Check done recently (with or without fingerprints) and how did you go about it?

Any help would be great. Thanks.
BigAussieZeeMaleAustralia2006-05-18 05:05:00
CanadaMontreal interview Feb. 7
I will definitely go back in the summer sometime. We were only there for one day so we didn't have time to do anything interesting, but we did go for a drive around the city. That certainly improved our impression of Montreal. It's on the list for a holiday.

Thanks everyone!
BexandDavidNot TellingCanada2007-02-10 14:48:00
CanadaMontreal interview Feb. 7
I wasn't terribly impressed by Montreal. Everyone I talked to said, "oh, you'll love Montreal, it's so great." I wasn't that thrilled. It probably doesn't help that it was winter and effing cold while we were there, but our hotel seemed to be in a pretty seedy area of downtown. It was dirty, graffiti'd, and full of sex shops and strip clubs. We stayed at the Econo Lodge on Rue Saint-Dominique. It was pretty cheap, only $60 a night, but if you want a good impression of Montreal I don't recommend it. However it was really close to the consulate. Only a 15 minute walk.

We woke early on the 7th. It took about 15 minutes to walk to the embassy from the hotel. The walk had a death march feel to it. We were both pretty nervous. I know I had a few stomach flips. We got to the embassy at about 7:15am and were third in line. We were behind this Iraqi man who said he'd been there since 6am. CRAZY. It was frikken cold. That poor guy was really unlucky though. He should have been first in the door, but he (for some stupid reason) thought he could bring his book bag in with him. It said very clearly in the letter we received from the embassy, NO BAGS or weapons or electronics or food. So he had to leave to find a place to stash it and we got to be first through security. Security is pretty tight there, understandably. We were lucky though, we got the nice security guard. The other guy seemed to be grouchy and was rather rude to the poor Asian people he was checking in. Our guy was this All-American, pretty boy, patriotic military guy. He was like something out of a propaganda magazine. He almost had that glossy look to him. It was a little creepy. I didn't think people like that actually existed. They made us take our coats off and empty every pocket. Then we went through the metal detector and had the wand.

We had to wait in a room for them to escort us up to the 19th floor. I think they brought us up early before they were supposed to, because we went up alone and then about 20 minutes later everyone else came up at the same time. It was so early that the cashier wasn't even there yet, so we had to wait for her to arrive before we could pay the fee. At window 9 we talked to this lady who was behind some thick glass with a slot for passing things through. She took care of our paperwork, then we went over to the cashier (who we had to wait several minutes for), paid, and then went back to window 9. She took our payment reciept and told us to wait to be called in for the interview.

We waited about 20 minutes and they called me to room 7. We went in to this little cubicle-like room with thick glass at one end with a man sitting behind it. Everything about this man was calming and pleasant. I've never seen anyone like him before. He made me feel incredibly relaxed and welcome. He asked us how we met and a couple of other things I can't remember. I wish I could remember all the questions he asked, but I wasn't worried about them to begin with and he was so pleasant that they didn't seem like a big deal. Oh ya, he asked David what he was doing for work now that he didn't have a full time job anymore. He said that he could ask us more questions, but our paperwork was very complete and straightforward so he didn't think it was necessary. It was really worth it to spend as much time as I did making sure everything was in order and organized to be as efficient as possible. He took our Xpresspost envelope, verified the address, and congratulated us. *SQEEEEE* He took a big approved stamp and smacked our application with a resounding thud. Well he didn't actually do that, that's just the way it felt. There was nothing so obvious as that, but he did say congratulations and I would receive the visa in a few business days.

David and I walked out of the 'cubicle' with huge grins on our faces. Several people in the waiting room congratulated us. Since everyone was there for similar reasons they were very sincere in their happiness for us. We were first to leave the consulate and we walked back to the hotel with an overwhelming sense of relief. It was like a big weight was lifted and the sun was appropriately shinning for us.

I wish the same good luck for everyone
BexandDavidNot TellingCanada2007-02-09 13:05:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..
I had two reasons for moving to the US. #1 is my husband of course #2 is to attempt to make a career in the best city in the world for theatre. I'm quite young so I could have done it in Toronto. I had a good start, and if things don't work out either with our marriage or our careers I'll definitely go back. And he would likely come with me, because he's been looking for any excuse to get out of the USA.

But I plan on making the absolute best that I can out of my life here. I don't plan on wasting my time in the most exciting city on the continent by being miserable and homesick.
BexandDavidNot TellingCanada2007-03-12 17:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAffiliated Groups - N-400 Form

One more dirty liberal overhere :)


Oh hello!  :joy:

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-17 11:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAffiliated Groups - N-400 Form


Donations don't equate to membership, so you really ought to be fine. I donate to the Salvation Army and GoodWill, but I would never consider myself a member of those organisations.


P.S: your husband probably will be considered a dirty liberal. Not likely to impact the outcome of his N-400 petition though.


Ha! That's all I care about. We're happy dirty liberals together. Thanks for the advice.  :thumbs:

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-16 14:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAffiliated Groups - N-400 Form

I know, right? That's exactly my concern. While we have no reason to worry about non-profit and political groups, I can't shake the fear in the back of my mind that they'll look at our list of groups and judge him for being a dirty liberal.  :D


Maybe I'll just leave them off, as he's just donated money (not an active member). I suppose in the very unlikely chance they questioned it we can claim we didn't realize donations meant active membership. 

Edited by gap1, 16 April 2014 - 02:04 PM.

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-16 14:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAffiliated Groups - N-400 Form

Hello All,


I'm just about to wrap up my husband's N-400 form and naturalization packet, but I just thought I'd get your take on Part 11/Question 9A "Have you ever been a member of and organization or foundation, etc". 


He belongs to and occasionally donates to a few non-profits, some of which are political (anti-gun violence campaigns, women's health groups, etc) so I'm just listing them on a separate sheet of paper. I should include anything he donates money to, correct, or do you think this question is more for groups in which he's an official member? It's a very vaguely-worded question! 


Thanks for any advice. 

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-16 13:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview tomorrow, what to bring!

Thanks all! Great suggestions. I'll definitely bring print outs to confirm payment of the ticket just in case.  :D

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 11:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview tomorrow, what to bring!


When my husband registered for the Selective Service, he got a confirmation letter with his registration number on it. That was the number we put on the N-400 when it asked.


I got the number from Illinois' Selective Service website for the form. We probably received a letter a long time ago, but I didn't think it would come up on the naturalization form since no other forms asked about it. 


I'm sure I can find a place to request an official letter. Thanks!

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 11:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview tomorrow, what to bring!

Hmm, my husband had 1 traffic ticket (which was promptly paid) and I confused the N-400 instructions stating you didn't need to provide documentation for standard traffic violations. I took that as you didn't have to report it on the form so I didn't include it. Hopefully it's ok! 

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 11:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview tomorrow, what to bring!

Do you have to bring information on traffic tickets? I thought USCIS states that basic traffic infractions do not count as legal issues for this process?

Also, you have to bring proof of Selective Service registration? My husband obtained his automatically when going to the DMV in Illinois, they didn't give him any documentation on it. You just go to the website and it shows he's registered. If so, how does one obtain documentation on this? 

Edited by gap1, 05 June 2014 - 10:11 AM.

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 10:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTwo Interview Experiences with Traffic Tickets

I also forgot about a ticket, I amended my n-400 during my interview, the IO just asked me, "did you pay the ticket?", I said "yes", and we moved on.


We are in the same boat here. My husband turned left on a yellow light and was caught by a traffic camera. He got the ticket by mail and paid it straight away (well under $500). We misread the N-400 instructions and did not disclose it on the form. Now I'm worried!


He wouldn't have a court disposition I don't think as it was just received by mail, and there wouldn't be a police report as it wasn't given to him in person....we can call the DMV, but we've since moved states. Any thoughts on what we can get to show as evidence, should it come up (besides the receipt of payment)?

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-19 10:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNew York City N400

This is my timeline for my citizenship and I live in Queens. I was sworn in this morning in BK! Woohoo! Good luck!!!


application sent 01.10.2014

application recv?d 01.13.2014
Biometrics scheduled notice rec'd 01.30.2014
Biometrics done on 02.20.2014

Interview and testing notice rec'd on 

Interview and testing on 06.02.2014
Notice for interview rec?d on 06.10.14
Initial Oath Ceremony on 06.26.2014 (couldn't make it cos I was away for work month of June)
Notice for reschedule rec?d 07.15.2014

Reschedule Oath Ceremony on 07.22.2014


Got my certificate and get ready to apply for my passport on Thursday~


Congrats! I just had a quick question, after the oath, do you get a certificate stating citizenship right away (at the oath) or do you have to wait for it to be mailed? If the latter, how long did it take between the oath and certificate?

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-24 14:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNew York City N400

Hi Gap 1,


The yellow paper is called a pre-interview letter. They state that it is sent in lieu of an RFE so as not to delay up the process. I got one as well and what they requested were not in the N-400 instructions for me to send in with my application, so I guess it is just a reminder regarding what we are to ensure that we take to the interview. For me, it was my drivers/state ID and all my passports. You are lucky to have been placed in line this  month and get a yellow paper already. My 90 day period since my status changed to "in line for scheduling" ends on August 12. Hope to get an interview update soon :clock:  :clock:  :clock:  :clock: . NYC is not as fast as some states. 


Thanks! I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. You're saying that it's typically 30 days from the 'yellow paper' to the interview letter or the interview date? We are actually not in a hurry as we stupidly forgot we booked a trip to Canada at the end of August when we decided to file in May. D'oh! Now we're just hoping his oath ceremony isn't before Aug 30th, which I very  much doubt, otherwise we'll be trying to frantically expedite a passport 24 hours before leaving the country!


I'm quite happy with NYC taking their time. We are in Brooklyn, what does that mean?

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-22 20:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNew York City N400

i think that might the yellow paper. Everyone gets it i believe. Did he sign up for online updates? Log in to see what the current stage is.


Ah he just told me it was yellow (I haven't seen it yet as it just arrived today), so thank you! I just checked and we're in line as of 7/7. Thank you!

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-22 11:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNew York City N400

My husband is waiting for a NYC interview/oath. We just got a notification today telling us more information may be requested, and to bring his current and expired passports and IDs to the interview, but no interview date. Did anyone else get this? Is this what's referred to as 'inline'? 

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-22 11:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Advice: BRING EVERYTHING!

Cry me a river.  You could be in Liberia right now.  What does one expect BUT paper gathering for getting US CITIZENSHIP. 


Right, and we could all be starving, or we could be dying from the plague, or we could be enslaved....does that mean no one is allowed to complain about anything ever? Everything could always be worse. 


Yes, you expect to gather paperwork to become a citizen of a country, but it becomes increasingly infuriating when there is no logic to the system. This has been four years now of submitting the same stuff over and over again (registered copy here, in duplicate there, don't sign here and make sure you notarize this initial there, oh and we'll need another $1k for the 15th biometrics appointment, you know, in case my husband's fingerprints changed in the last year) and it's obvious the immigration departments do not speak to each other or even reference a centralized database when looking through the files.  A database probably doesn't even exist.


I have provided the so-called 'missing' documents that are currently delaying our case countless times on prior forms and packets, yet because we didn't produce them AGAIN when we weren't even asked to bring them to the interview in the first place, they were not yet able to approve him at the interview. It gets to the point where I feel like they're just making up the rules as they go along based on how they feel that day.  :angry:

Edited by gap1, 17 October 2014 - 10:24 AM.

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-17 10:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Advice: BRING EVERYTHING!

When I went for the interview the officer asked me what basis I was filing under. I told her marriage to a citizen (3 years). She asked, why don't you file under the 5 year clause, so I pointed out that it's only been 4 years since I received my green card.. After she figured this out by counting on her fingers she agreed and asked me what proof I have. So I showed her the original marriage certificate and his birth certificate. (I actually mailed in another original marriage certificate with my application but I guess that went into some file somewhere and will never see the light of day.) That was enough for her and she moved on to asking civics questions.


What the interviewing officer did with your husband is very unfair and I'd be mad as hell too.. Sounds like your officer is either having a bad day or is just a jerk. >_>

I'm sure once you send in all the papers they will let things move along and you can put this all behind you. Hang in there, you're almost done!!


My husband said the officer didn't ask him for anything on the 'documentation needed' list they gave us to prepare for the interview. When my husband asked him if he needed our tax documentation (as it was on the freakin' letter!!) he replied with "Nope, I already have all of that right here!" Then he acted surprised when my husband didn't have our financial records and leases, when it wasn't even requested! I honestly think the person processing our N-400 made a mistake when creating our documentation list and wrote down what we already submitted versus what they wanted to see. It's the only explanation. At any rate, I am just really annoyed. I don't mess up the paperwork, I never have for this entire process. I read the instructions meticulously and cross reference at every step of the way. 


I know it could be much worse, but I'm just eager to be done with it all. 

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-16 14:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Advice: BRING EVERYTHING!

Thanks for the advice, I'm having my interview next month and I'm preparing my evidence just in case... now I have to go through a bunch of paperwork


Bring EVERYTHING. I've just spent an entire day at work going through our accounts over the last 4 years, scanning, highlighting, digging through old emails on a day we were supposed to finally be celebrating.  :rolleyes:


This process never ends. The interview was today, and we should have all additional documents sent to them by tomorrow (at least we don't have to send it to a processing center, they gave us the direct address of the local office where the interview took place), but I really hope this doesn't delay his oath for too long. So frustrating! He has been expertly prepared the entire process for the last 4 years, I've made sure he brought a novel's worth of paperwork in duplicate to be on the safe side. We combed through every interview review on here and looked at every document 100 times to be prepared, then this just came out of nowhere. 

Edited by gap1, 15 October 2014 - 01:56 PM.

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-15 13:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Advice: BRING EVERYTHING!

Yeah, they didn't attach anything additional on our documentation letter for the interview. They only asked for what we brought. The craziest thing? All of the documentation they asked us to bring to the interview they didn't care about. He wasn't asked to show any of it. The only documentation they wanted was the stuff they didn't tell us to bring. It's like they mixed up our letter with another applicant or something. 

Edited by gap1, 15 October 2014 - 11:08 AM.

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-15 11:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Advice: BRING EVERYTHING!

I just wanted to be done with this, TODAY. I am so sick of gathering documents. Now we have to send some vague documents to a random address and not even know if it's enough for them, and now we don't know if or when he's going to be approved or if the ceremony scheduling will be delayed. Now we have to sit and hit refresh again on the stupid website rather than just being done today. 

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-15 09:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Advice: BRING EVERYTHING!

My husband had his interview today, but they can't yet approve him because they wanted copies of our joint account statements and leases. They did not mention this ANYWHERE in the document list on the letter, not to mention, we've submitted this to them countless times on the other applications. How can they not approve us for something they didn't even say they needed??? I'm fuming angry right now. 


I just wanted to post here to warn people to bring everything, even if they don't say it's needed. He went in with only the documents listed on the letter: Green card, passport, tax statements for the last 3 years, both birth certificates, and our marriage certificate. Nope, apparently we have to be mind readers. 


Hopefully this only delays us slightly. We are getting it all to them tomorrow, but why do I have a feeling this will take forever to sort out? If they wanted to see it, why the #### wouldn't they ask for it on the letter???


:ranting:  :ranting:  :ranting:

gap1FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-15 09:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIm in a serious bind-Oath Ceremony-Friday/International Travel-Monday

@Azure30....I am planning on going to the federal building on July 5th (without an infopass, as i was unable to secure one) and hope that they let me explain my situation and hopefully have a judge possibly swear me in at the same time (my friends father did this a few years back when he was in a similar predicament).

hope TTY his clears up any confusion...

my oath ceremony is still scheduled for July 19th....


I'm possibly in a similar situation. What was the outcome of your story?

SongerMaleIsrael2013-12-30 21:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionExamples of Postponing/Rescheduling Interviews


I'm not at the interview stage yet, but I came across some posts that you may find helpful.

Here's a case where rescheduling the interview only caused a 60 day delay:

Here's a case where the applicant asked for a rescheduled interview, but didn't hear anything for a weeks afterwards (unfortunately, we don't know how this one ended):

There are three applicants on this thread who rescheduled their interviews (with delays of only 1-3 months):

Here's a case where USCIS rescheduled the applicant's interview for a later time on the same day:

Here's a case where an applicant (not the original poster) sent in a rescheduling request that was never processed and had to explain why he/she missed the interview:


Jimmy, thank you so much for taking the time and providing such a useful list of examples. I'm sure this will come in handy for many other people in the future as well. Have a great new years!

SongerMaleIsrael2013-12-31 17:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionExamples of Postponing/Rescheduling Interviews

All I know on this subject is to read your interview appointment notification.  Says to return the appointment letter with an explanation of why you can't make the assigned appointment and include a date when you can make it to your assigned office.


Can bet with 80 different field offices will get 80 different responses.  Can also bet if your reason is not an emergency, they will not be happy about it.  You are costing them extra work. Also depends on which side the officer got out of bed that morning.  In our own St. Paul office, met some very nice people where others were downright rude.  So how can anyone say for sure?


NickD, I understand your point that my results my vary, but that's the case for everything in life as well as immigration. I believe the whole point of VisaJourney is to share people's actual experiences in the hopes that it paints an informed fact-based picture of what we might expect. I'm not trying to be rude, but vague hypotheticals are less helpful.


Thank you for the time in replying and have a happy new year.

SongerMaleIsrael2013-12-31 10:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionExamples of Postponing/Rescheduling Interviews

We just received notification of our upcoming Naturalization Interview for Jan 29th (NYC). Unfortunately, we're supposed to be abroad that week. Can people reply with their appointment rescheduling experiences?


I'm not looking for commentary about what I should or should not have done, but I am curious to hear people's ACTUAL EXPERIENCES with requesting a new appointment date for your Interview or Oath. (Not Biometrics though, since we know you can just show up unannounced whenever you want)


I've already read posts about what can "theoretically happen" or vague urban myths about "getting lost in the system for years," so can we please keep replies to verified experiences?


Thank you in advance!



SongerMaleIsrael2013-12-30 23:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGoing on Vacation in Spring when should i file?

So Im currently elgible to apply for citizenship woohoo!
but I will be going out of the country for a week in the Spring April

I'm afraid if i apply now I will get bio appointment and maybe interview appt right by my vacation?

What do you guys think?
I live in IL so i will be sending my papers to Arizona office and interview would be at Chicago.


If you look at the other threads that have Aug 2013 or Sept 2013 filers, then you can get an idea of how long the process takes for people, though your results may vary depending on your situation/filing office.


That being said, we were able to just walk in 2 weeks early to do our Biometrics Fingerprint Appointment (NYC office) before our scheduled appointment. I've heard multiple reports from other offices that they did similar early walk-ins.


The N400 Interview Date, however, is more tricky. Check out the following thread/post to read about examples of people who have done it.



SongerMaleIsrael2014-01-07 18:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOngoing marriage evidence

Hello guys, I have  quick question, Regarding to ongoing marriage evidence, how much evidence is enough regarding to joint finances, bills, lease, etc,?  Thanks in advanced. My i-751 was approved on July 2013. Thanks


Great question to ask now. Since you're still early in your process, here's my advice. Start saving/collecting files and organizing them. My understanding is that Financial ties are the strongest evidence, even more than having a child together. Also, they want you to show multiple years going back, so don't think you'll just get everything together at the end...start saving them now.


1. Apartment Leases

2. Tax Transcripts from every year you're together (can just call IRS to order them for free)

2. Joint Bank account statements (2 from each year) - best if they're actively used each month

3. Joint Utility Bills (2 from each year) showing addresses

4. Joint Credit card statements (2 from each year)

5. Joint Health Insurance

6. Life Insurance with each other named as the beneficiary

7. Savings/Retirement accounts with each other named as beneficiary

8. Personal Wills, Power of Attorney documents



1. Affidavit letters (you'll need to submit for N-400) from friends/family, but no reason to do this now. Wait until you apply.

2. Personal mail addressed to both of you at your address

3. Photos from vacations (and/or boarding passes)

4. Birth Certificates from kids you have together


Good luck!

SongerMaleIsrael2014-01-08 11:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionEvidence needed with n400 application.

Hello VJ members.  I would like to know how much evidence should I send in with my wife's n400 application. should we send in evidence dating back when she came to the united states or just send in evidence going back to one or two years. thank you for any replies.


Is she applying based on marriage to you (a US citizen)? Our situation may be different since she applied for a removal of conditions for her greencard in 2010, so we already sent in a lot of evidence for that process, so for the N-400 process, we just sent in updated materials (2010-2013).


We sent in as follows:


1. Copy of greencard

2. Copy of marriage certificate

3. Copy of US Citizen birth certificate

4. Copy of children's birth certificate

5. Copies of current Passports

6. Copy of apartment rent invoice/lease (current only)

7. Copy of IRS Tax Transcripts (2009-current)

8. Copy of life insurance policies (current)

9. Copy of WIll & Testaments


When went to the interview, we also printed out (had both our names on each):


1. Copy of bank account statements (2 from each year since 2010)

2. Copy of cable & electric utility statements (2 from each year since 2010)

3. Copy of credit card statements (2 from each year since 2010)

SongerMaleIsrael2014-01-31 09:45:00