IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase Completed. how long to wait for interview???

I have received my interview date for 19th of august today itself via email.I had to call the embassy regarding this though.It was strange that I received the email within 2 hours of calling them!!!!





Just want to make sure, you have received an interview date for a K1 visa appointment and NOT for an IR1/CR1 appointment right?


Thanks and good luck.

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-23 13:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs there anybody who got interview in August for India???

You are absolutely right. Since 2010 I have changed 5 jobs just so that I can stay with her. She moved to Canada for a year so that I could visit her every weekend. I feel that because of this broken immigration system, I am pushed back so much in my life. I am depressed and sad. It is hard to work and concentrate on my career. I know few who came on student visa and brought their wife along and they sometimes laugh at me just because I am USC and I am suffering. Some of my wife's friends are here even tho they got married last year because they are non immigrant. Can you imagine what we are going through. K1 is faster than CR1/IR1. Very frustrating and sad situation. 


This is a mentally, physically, emotionally grueling process. It's us, the only ones who are involved would understand. I honestly don't wish this even on my worst enemy. I am sorry that you are mocked by your friends regarding this. However, they will not understand the pain of not being able to go home from work to your loved one or catching a movie or going to grocery shopping even. Everyone I talk to says your wife will be here soon because it's easier for US Citizens to bring their spouses. I would then describe to them how last 7 months have gone and how with NVC's inept attitude the pain has continued to grow.

It is true that we have chosen this path ourselves, but the path for us and the non-immigrants are so incredibly different, that it makes you wonder what the politicians think while making these rules. The land of opportunity somehow does not recognize the loyalty of it's own citizens! 

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-22 13:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs there anybody who got interview in August for India???

illegals have more rights then we who chose to go on legal path. Student visa or Work visa holder can bring their spouse along but we who pay taxes and are American citizens do not have rights. I do not believe in current immigration system. If they want to change something then they should start with helping Citizens first who wants to bring immediate family rather then talking about legalizing illegals. 


I think we made a terrible mistake by becoming USC before marriage. It may have given us other privileges, but waiting for a mere interview date for a month is simply awful. We can't plan ahead with our lives and just spend each moment in agony. While the non-immigrant visa applicants get to pick and choose dates for their interview! 

I think the stress from this journey has officially taken few years away from us.

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-22 12:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI CAN FINALLY SAY.....APPROVED...YAYY!!


ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-06 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYou Guys are Awesome!!!

My Husband's interview was on the 19th and he was told he will get his Visa in a few days.


This is a really great forum, and you guys are really helpful and great.


A big and warm THANK YOU!!!


Great news!! Congrats!! dancin5hr.gif

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-20 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews




congrats to you both too.. and abt 11:00 AM.. looks like there are quiet a few ppl with that timing.. may be mumbai consulate is working extra session to clear all the backlogs of june and july month.. which is very good.. i am waiting for the official list that would be posted on mumbai website soon so that we can see a lot at ppl with 11:00


Thank you! :)


Yup! That list should clarify it. I have been on their website every day trying to see if they have uploaded the August list of interviews yet. They'll do lot of us a big favor if they are actually trying to clear the backlog!


Funny how depressed I was 24 hours ago and now have million things running through my head haha.


Good luck!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-31 11:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

We received our P4 as well at 1:44am EST. It was an exciting night for sure and woke up to a confirmation email.


Thanks again everyone and dwheels76, it feels amazing to see the completed lines with dates each time you update the list haha.


On another note, not sure about the 11am appointment date for Mumbai embassy, but calling the embassy should help in confirming when to actually reach there.


Good luck guys!! 

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-31 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Checking in with the interview date  FridaySeptember 13, 2013!!!! dancin5hr.gif


Thank you everyone for your support and wish you all the best of luck!  

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-30 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Congrats to everyone receiving their interview dates. It's an amazing feeling I'm sure. I now understand why 'dwheels76' insists on being part of this thread. :-)
Hopefully India gets going soon. Good luck to each one of you!!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-30 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Called DOS and NVC, no date for India yet. very very very sad situation. 


Thanks for the update Robinhood.

I actually got a bit excited when I saw that you posted in the topic, but who are we kidding!

I wonder how is it possible for NVC not to schedule any appointments for the whole month of August for India.

Highly doubt that all the dates in August are filled up with the non-immigrant visa applicants!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-22 12:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews


good observation robinhood... they did not give any appointments between 07/12 and 07/28, i really can't understand whats wrong with them at all... delay.. delay... and delay......


And also on other note, i saw a recent post in new delhi consulate review posted on July 5th saying that they were again asked for PCC even though the one submitted to NVC was just 6 months old... Its because of NVC delay our PCC is now more than 6 months old, do we have to get a new one again? I thought PCC is valid for 1 Year right? any idea on that?... link is below..






I think the gap in appointment dates given for the Mumbai consulate could be a clerical error or their negligence. Because there are two members of the VJ community who have been given interview appointments for July 24th and 25th (links below). 



So, it's confusing if they purposely left those dates out from the list or if there are any other issues.

My wife contacted the Mumbai embassy to confirm if they are operational and they said that they are conducting interviews and the dates for the August interviews will be updated when NVC provides them with the complete list.

As per you query about the PCC, I think contacting New Delhi consulate would be the ideal way to go. We delayed obtaining the PCC and my wife received it only 2 weeks ago. I am hoping that I get in interview within 3 months to avoid any panic.


Good luck!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-21 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews



First of all, I wanted to thank you for your continued support to this community. I have been following this forum since the beginning of the process and it's been very comforting to know that there are others who share the pain of being away from your loved ones. The information provided in each topic by you, SaylinDarnellNikiR and numerous others have been nothing short of remarkable and immensely helpful. The human spirit is alive and thriving in this forum!


On that note, could you please add me to the case complete list? My information is below. I am another unlucky soul who's waiting for an interview date for my wife at the Mumbai consulate in India. It has been an agonizing wait as all the necessary documents were approved by NVC and we were really excited that finally we would be able to plan ahead with a fixed date assigned to us. However, it seems like this 'amazing' immigration structure is crushing our march forward to happiness.




Also, I wanted to mention to others, especially Robinhood, waiting for an interview date in Mumbai that the gap shown in the July interview list on the Mumbai consulate website maybe a clerical error. As two VJ members (links below) seem to have interviews scheduled on July 24th and 25th. 




My wife also contacted the Mumbai consulate in the meantime and they have told her that the consulate is operational, but they couldn't tell her whether the August interview dates have been scheduled yet. Apparently, when NVC provides them the complete list, they will upload it on their website.


I'm hoping that the wait ends soon for all of us. Good luck!


ahiariMaleIndia2013-07-20 23:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2013 Interviews

VJ Family,

I am happy to inform you that our interview was approved, visa received, and my wife is here with me now J. See my signature below for details. This wouldn?t have been possible without all your help, and I sincerely appreciate everything.


Dwheels: Many THANKS for all your help. smile.png 


Interview details:

I went to the interview with my wife, but CO instructed me to take my seat as he interviewed only my wife. The interview lasted for about an hour, with over 70 questions.


The first 20 minutes was about our relationship, in which the CO was very impressed about our documentation and commended us for the level of details presented for each category of documents (we sent over 400 pages of docs proving our relationship with detail descriptions and a table of content).  

The remaining 40 minutes was related to and invitation I gave my wife about a year ago. Although we did not state it anywhere on the application that I was inviting her as my cousin, she might have mentioned that at the first interview, and it came back again last week at our IR-1/CR-1 interview. Good thing was that we prepared for this ahead of time and my wife delivered. After 40 minutes of debate between my wife and the CO, our visa was approved.

My wife is still trying to remember all the questions she was asked at the interview, and I will post them under my embassy review forum by next week.


Best lessons learned & Suggestions:

  1. NEVER invite your spouse as your cousin or as a family member as it could come back and hunt you.
  2. The beneficiary should be familiar with all the documents presented, including the ones sent to USCIS and NVC and be able to explain them in detail.
  3. If you are taking a lot of documents to the interview as we did, arrange them nicely in page dividers, and a table of content page for easy reviews.
  4. Utilize the embassy reviews from your country and get familiar with what others say, and compile a list of frequently asked questions. (We did this and compiled a list of 60 frequently asked questions for our embassy for the last two years, and about 45 of them were asked). Good thing was that we had prepared answers for all of them so it went well.
  5. Prepare your spouse for the day by conducting mock interviews. We had about 8 different mock interviews, and it really helped!!
  6. Stand your ground with the CO and don?t just settle for yes Sir or Madam all the time. My wife challenged the CO on a lot of things and it worked out well for us. I saw another beneficiary at the interview in which the CO told him to go back and bring more evidence. He stood up and challenged him as to what exactly he wants again since he presented the same docs already but CO didn?t want to look at them. He argued with them for about two hours and by the time he was done, his visa was approved. You have to be nice though. Know your facts, and be consistent with your answers.

At the end, we give GOD the glory and honor for his guidance and mercy throughout this difficult journey.




Congratulations! Finally a long journey has ended and I'm glad you two are reunited! :)

I'm awaiting my wife's arrival as well and getting quite anxious with every passing moment!

Also, thank you for compiling such a meticulous tips section, it does really help.


Good luck to both of you!

Enjoy! :)

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-24 09:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2013 Interviews

Not sure if this is the correct forum, but is the spouse required to pay any additional fees at the embassy (during interview)?


No. Once you paid the amounts for AOS ($88) and IV ($230) bills at NVC stage, you won't be required to pay any additional fees at the embassy (during interview).


Good luck!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-16 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 Interviews



How are ya?

Good to see all the interviews coming up. Exciting time!

My wife's GC and SSN came in last week and we are finally settling down.

Thanks for all your help and keep up the great work that you do!


Good luck everyone!



If you want to share your case complete and interview dates:
1. Go to LAST PAGE or before and click "Quote/Reply" on the MOST RECENT LIST.
2. Ask for help only if you will mess up the list
3. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting(Settings>Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
4. Remove [quote] around the list by clicking back space just before "do not delete"
5. Always use [Courier New] Font.(It will stay lined up correctly if you use the correct font.)
6. Add in order by NVC case complete date.
7. Add the date you received your interview date so others can see from case complete to assignment time-frame.
8. Please use your VJ member name not the Petitioner/Beneficiary name on your timeline.
9. Please update your timeline so VJ members can have accurate timelines to monitor their own case.

March Cases Waiting on Interview:


April Cases Waiting on Interview:


May cases waiting on interview:


June cases waiting on interview:

July cases waiting on interview:




August cases waiting on interview:

ez & s..............08/09/13....08/20/13....10/02/13....IR-1/CR-1....Turkey

Fab + She...........08/13/13....08/27/13....10/08/13....IR-1/CR-1....Italy
Tu chikita..........08/16/13....08/27/13....10/23/13....IR-1/CR-1....DR
rose nice...........08/22/13....10/09/13....10/17/13....IR-1/CR-1....France

schuecl.............08/22/13....08/27/13....10/15/13....IR-1/CR-1....South Korea


john & fay..........08/23/13....09/04/13....10/11/13....IR-1/CR-1....UK


domingo y bianca....08/26/13....08/27/13....10/03/13....IR-1/CR-1....Mexico
Katherinn...........08/26/13....08/29/13....10/24/13....IR-1/CR-1....Costa Rica



mr. shah............08/30/13....09/09/13....10/23/13....IR-1/CR-1....India



September cases waiting on interview:







AP & VP.............09/10/13....09/10/13....11/15/13....IR-1/CR-1....India


Bethann and Omar....09/19/13....10/01/13....11/26/13....IR-1/CR-1....Jamaica





October cases waiting on interview:









RandR2013...........10/08/13....10/15/13....11/21/13....IR-1/CR-1....Sri Lanka










ahiariMaleIndia2013-10-29 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews


Thank you very much! Couldn't write it earlier because I still have no internet! You're a life saver!




No problem at all. Glad to help. smile.png

Hope everything's sorted out now.


Good luck! 

ahiariMaleIndia2013-08-30 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Guys I'm sorry to post here but I have a horrible internet connection and I can't search on the website. I'm sure the info I am looking for is somewhere here but at the moment I can't find it and I can't look for it because a stolen connection from neighbors is slower than a sloth. I got my visa almost 2 weeks ago and entered the states 1 week ago (more or less). I couldn't pay the green card fee before coming to the States and now that I need to pay it, I have no idea what to do? Where do I pay for it? Is there a portal where I can login and pay? Basically any info on what to do next would be much appreciated and useful.

Thanks guys!




The following info was posted by 'NLR' on another forum. Please take a look and hope it helps.

The stamp on your passport is valid for a year and serves as a temporary proof of your green card.

Once you pay the fee, you will receive the green card via mail. The time it will take may vary.


Good luck! 


And thanks 'NLR' for the info!


Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:07 PM


You should have gotten a sheet with your passport and package that explained how to pay the fee.  But the website does it for you.  It has to be paid from a US bank account or credit card.  The registration number on the visa is your Alien number and often you have to add the A + a 0 (zero) before it so that is is A123456789


read that as well! 

DOS number is your NVC number. 

ahiariMaleIndia2013-08-02 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews

Thank you all for your help. We are approved dancin5hr.gif


Congrats Robinhood!

Good luck with rest of the journey!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-10-01 11:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews

Hi All My wife had interview today (9/18) at Mumbai consulate and her visa is approved. Thanks a lot VJ friends for all the help



ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-18 08:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews

We had our interview this morning and got Approved!! biggrin.png biggrin.png biggrin.png  Really Happy!!! dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gifkicking.gif kicking.gif

Thank you so much everybody for all the information which made our journey easier! biggrin.png



Congrats guys!!! woohoo! dancin5hr.gif

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-16 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews


wooo whooo. Congratulations.


Thanks dwheels!

It's been a crazy ride and couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement, especially in July with that longggggggg wait to receive interview date!


Thank you!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-13 09:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews


Many Congratulations!!!!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png


Thank you Thank you!!smile.png smile.png smile.png

My wife told me very fast how her experience was and she said it was pretty straightforward.

They didn't ask to see any proof or any documents at all.

Asked her a few basic questions regarding how we came to know each other and where I live.

I'll ask her to provide as detailed a review as possible, but it may not be ready for a while.

However, if anyone has any questions, I'm more than happy to try my best to answer them.


Thanks for existing!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-12 23:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews

Guys! Happy to announce that my wife has been approved!!!!!!!!!!!! dancin5hr.gif


Thanks a bunch to all of you!!


I'm sooooo excited!!!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-12 22:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews


Good Luck today 


Thanks Robinhood! Good luck to you too, coming up soon!

Wifey just left the hotel to go to the consulate.

It's going to be a long night for me!


Thanks again to all the VJ members for their help and encouragement. I really appreciate it!!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-12 20:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews

Congrats DVV!dancin5hr.gif


Here you go:


Please provide interview details if possible.


Thank you!


ahiariMaleIndia2013-09-03 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Interviews


Saying hellooo!smile.png

Very excited for wife's interview in couple of weeks and we are getting ready with the docs 

and studying some questions.

Thanks to all of you again for your support so far!

And congratulations to the latest members getting their interview dates!! woohoo!

ahiariMaleIndia2013-08-28 16:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp me!!!!!!! I need u guys

i think your best bet is to ask the Jordan embassy what other documents can be used in place of the police report... and to inform them of your husband's situation.... some embassies are very understanding....

MrJetzMaleVietnam2013-08-16 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!!!

Congratulations, its a great feeling when the process goes smoothly!

suwon to nycMaleSouth Korea2013-10-07 16:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2014 Filers

I just called USCIS, a tier 2 officer said now the process could take 6-9 months because of the backlog, other than that, there is nothing more about my specific case. 


I was like "What the hell? You are telling me 9 months now?!", I don't know how some people on this thread could find out the EXACT whereabouts of their cases. What I got was "nothing new, sit tight, shut up and wait!". 


Hang in there, guys.

pploverMaleChina2014-10-21 13:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2014 Filers

joining this group!

pploverMaleChina2014-06-29 05:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 March 2014 Filers UNITE !



Who would have thought Global Entry might have played a role. But the background check alone won't take long, because if you look at the pace of CSC, most cases have been cleared within 3 months. Prolonged background check theory cannot explain the delay, provided that VSC and CSC are subject to the same background check scrutiny, which I believe they are, required by law.



It's a myth. it might be global entry, might be that the USCIS secretly knew you were a nice guy, god knows. but congrats anyway. 





Hello pplover,

Thanks for the congrats! I don't know why mine was approved before others (I don't know if they were approved and just didn't come back to let us know) but I think maybe because My family and I was approved for the global entry program before I sent in my ROC might have played a part. We were approved and accepted into the program so I included copies of our Global entry ID cards and approval letters with the package. Since a background check is done by immigration for global entry, this might have saved us some time with the ROC. Just a theory.




pploverMaleChina2014-09-20 22:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 March 2014 Filers UNITE !

Why is the VSC moving so slowly?


Why was Matt1968 who filed on 3/17 approved so early (congrats, btw!) while the rest of the batch that filed well before Matt1968 aren't even tapped at all?


Is there any reasonable explanation at all?

pploverMaleChina2014-09-20 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my acceptance confirmation (yay) - What step am I in?

Thanks this is helpful! :) 


If it helps - our hard copy notices have been taking 2-2.5 weeks to arrive in Australia from USCIS :) Ours came from Chicago and then Nebraska so may have taken a little longer than California.


Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-04-10 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my acceptance confirmation (yay) - What step am I in?

The first notice you'll receive is the I-797. It confirms your petition has been received and the transfer at the service centers will give you RFEs (hope not) or approvals. California Service Center usually is the fastest to adjudicate cases among the other service centers but this was during my batch (March, April, May 2013 filers). Cheers. Good luck!


Thanks! :) 

Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-04-09 04:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my acceptance confirmation (yay) - What step am I in?

Hi VJer's


Sorry if this might be a silly question but I thought I'd post it anyway. I received an email from the USCIS Chicago Lockbox letting me know that my case has been accepted and that it's been routed to the California Service Center for processing. I also got my receipt number in the email. 


They also mentioned I should be getting my official receipt notice in the mail in 7-10 days. I'm guessing it might be longer since I'm filing from abroad, right? 


My question is, what stage in the process is this? 


Also, how is the California Service Center in terms of processing?



Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-04-09 03:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilers from Abroad, How did you show proof of Domicile?

Hi VJers, 


Finally heard back from the NVC and next step is to submit the AOS package. I wanted to get some feedback on all other petitioners living overseas. What did you include in your AOS package to show proof of Domicile? 


I plan to include the following (per wiki outline): 


- Bar code from portal

- I-864 form completed 

- Copies of 2012/2013 tax returns

- Copy of 2012 W-2 from my previous job in the US 

- Proof of voter registration in NYC

- Deed of property in the US with my name on it

- Bank statement showing US address

- Credit card statement showing US address

- Contact with shipping company for move to the US 


I'm also planning on getting a co-sponsor. My mother recommended I get my aunt to co sponsor me. 


Question: should I also include info on my current employment overseas? 


Looking forward to hearing from you all 


Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-06-09 23:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Hi olives24

Another fellow Australian.

Getting the IV invoice is a bit slow at the moment. I waited exactly 30 days from completing DS-261 until we could pay the invoice. Hang in there.

We sent the AOS package though so at least we could get that in the system.


Hey Msc,


Thanks so much for the reply. This makes me feel a lot better. Once I get the paperwork from my co-sponsor I'll send through my AOS package as well. 


Fingers crossed we get the IV invoice soon. 

Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-06-24 05:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

It's been two weeks since I completed my DS-261 online form and paid my AOS fee, yet still no IV fee has been invoiced. How long is it supposed to take? Did I miss something? 


I want to send both packages AOS and IV together at the same time. Any advice or guidance? 

Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-06-23 07:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Oh yay! You're so close! :) 


Thanks for the info that's super helpful. I'll try and time it closer to the interview. 



Hi Olives24!  We're on the Gold Coast!


Your medical is good for 6 months, meaning you have to enter the US within six months of the date of your medical exam.  So you need to make sure your timing works for that.  I would suggest you call the civil surgeon in Brisbane when you know your case is complete.  Your interview won't be for 4-6 weeks after the case is marked complete, and that should give you plenty of time to schedule the medical exam (we called on a Thursday and got a slot on the next Tuesday) and get the results back before your interview.


The civil surgeon is right at Central Station on Ann Street.  You have to walk two blocks away (to Queen Street) for the blood tests and then up the mall for the X-ray.  We were done in less than two hours.




Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-06-10 02:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

We're in Brisbane and are in the AOS pending paid stage.


Where did you do the medical? Do you think we should get it done now?




My partner went for her Medical today in Brisbane, Australia.  We were lucky - they scheduled the exam for her even though we don't have our Case Complete email yet, nor our interview date.  Turns out all they wanted was her case number, so we could have gotten her exam done two months ago!


Anyway, I was surprised that they told her it would take seven days for the results, AND, she has to go back to their office to pick it up.  It takes us an hour-and-a-half train ride to get into Brisbane.


The receptionist said we could have it mailed to us for an extra $20, but firmly discouraged this method.


I, myself, think that $475 for an exam is an outrage, and having to go back to pick it up is too.  However, it is the last "tick" of the box prior to our interview, and for that, we are both thankful.


I see LifeOnHold got her CC email on June 9.  That means ours will probably come on June 11.  Sure wish we'd get that interview email, though!


I've not seen any interviews given in the last three working days at NVC...




Olives24FemaleAustralia2014-06-10 02:00:00