Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

This was on page 2 when I left for work this morning.

What happened???

I posted a cartoon and all hell broke loose. :o
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-07 01:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within
If all Arabs were like JP, the world would be a much better place.

As for all racism being unacceptable -- there was a discussion a while back about
"reverse racism" and someone argued quite convincingly that black on white racism
was acceptable because blacks aren't in the positions of power where their racism
can actually have as strong an impact (if any) on that group as a whole, even if it
was anywhere near as widespread a problem.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 17:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

I'd like to maintain my right to stay mad at mawilson, however. :P

Let's be friends again, Jen. I won't say anything bad about Arabs for, like, a day.
Ok, two days. Deal?
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 16:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

Well, I don't know any Arabs except you guys...

You live in New York. How is that possible? :P

There are no Arabs where I work. After work I go to the pub - and guess what, there are no Arabs there either.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

It's also funny that you just said that mawilson is ignorant :lol:

Well, I don't know any Arabs except you guys, and so far I'm not impressed
(not you, JP, you're great)

Edited by mawilson, 06 November 2006 - 04:08 PM.

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

Why don't you educate mawilson on his racism then instead of worrying about my posts?

She already has. JP was always very patient with me in the past and
always took the time to explain her point of view. She's an angel. (F)
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

so if jp defends any non arab who sees a news report in the west, then she's sticking up for your rights too then, eh? :whistle:

being racist is a right? :huh:

As a matter of fact it is. Racist speech is protected under the First Amendment.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 15:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

You think my fiance already doesnt get discriminated against? Its a part of his daily life! Do you think he cares? NO :no: He is smarter than that and takes the oppertunity to educate the person instead of fighting with them to infuse more hatred.

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 14:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

Can you blame Mawlison or anyone for that matter for feeling that way? Quite honestly, any race that is portrayed the way arabs are on TV would get the same reaction from the general public. I don't agree with Mawlisons statements and I myself am an Arab, but I do understand how and why people do feel that way. I myself am against the Arabs and Extremists that have tarnished our name over the decades.

I don't hate all Arabs.

For example, JP is such a sweet person, I could never dislike her even if I wanted to. (F) (L)

VP, on the other hand, makes me want to join the IDF.... Posted Image
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

I was referring to your racism against Arabs... Arab is a race

Either way, I'm outta here. :reading:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 13:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

why don't you take your racism some place else?

Muslim is not a race.

I don't think it's an overreaction to point out that once something has been removed from a thread by a moderator, that it's inappropriate to post it again.

I didn't post it again, did I?

You said it yourself that the title was silly. I thought so too.

Anyway -- peace, love, etc (F) (L)
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

Is it? What are you basing that on? I would beg to differ.

Such as your overreaction to an innocent cartoon,

the recent War in the Middle East and North Africa,

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 13:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

it is kinda redundant, ain't it?

Well it's certainly true that most Muslims here are angry and explosive.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 12:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

Hmmmm, maybe it's that you're lacking a bit in the common sense department... What kind of a$$hole posts something like that in a serious discussion regarding Islam? You've got to know your audience, buddy.

Oh come on Jen, don't be mad at me. What do you expect when the title is "Explosive Muslims"? :D
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 12:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

I see someone took out the garbage that was in here last night.

:thumbs: to the Captain Ewok ! (F)

You guys have no sense of humour.

Charles - thanks for reposting. I looked all over but couldn't find the GIF version anywhere. :D
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-06 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab

Why is there so much effort to convince women to disrobe?

Do you even have to ask? :lol:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-04 22:51:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

For example I read that if a muslim wife rejects her husband's come on for sex, the angels curse her from the time she sleeps until the morning. That isn't anything I've ever heard of in Christianity so things like that is what I was looking for.

Dude - I should get myself one of them Muslim wives - LOL
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-27 17:48:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

I think it is the paranoia before the 10 yr card that makes a person change.
A person that feels this will wear that extra pair of socks to ensure their toes don't freeze and will put away that extra dish in the sink to remind her spouse that she's a great wife and that he loves her. A far step ? yeah a bit. Does it happen? absolutely. I think after the 10 year card is received, the intensity level lessens and they feel they can resume their normal lives. It is just a level of paranoia, that's all. :thumbs:

Wow :o
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-27 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Christmas traditons

I don't think this is the time nor the place to start a debate about this. Thanks! :star:

Ok :luv: (F)
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-27 17:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Christmas traditons
Nice pics, Wife of Mahmoud!

Last time I was in Bethlehem (early 2000) it was absolutely gorgeous!

It was safe too, until some genius decided to play the intifada game with Sharon.

Things went downhill soon afterwards (Nativity Church siege, anyone?)
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-27 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!

Did you not get the memo of the full copy of that pic, complete with copyright trademark and logo? <---it's right there

Darn it, Lisa. And there I was thinking it was wife_of_mahmoud...
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaLike the cat...meow!

A friend of mine is Persian, and passed along this funny stand-up routine, which includes a bit on the difference between Arabs and Iranians.

It's a light touch, but pretty incisive.


I had no idea Maz Jobrani was so funny :lol:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you religious?
QUOTE (mybackpages @ Aug 28 2007, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you need to define what is religious...its a rather subjective term don't you think?

Hmm, I really don't know what's so complicated about "religious".

It means following the principles of a religion - which is universally understood to
be a belief in (or worship of, or obedience to) a supernatural power or powers
considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny.

It also usually includes the practice of certain ritual observances - religious
meals, holidays, prayers, and such.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-28 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you religious?
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Aug 28 2007, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think what we do know is that many women have converted religions since meeting their S.O.'s or they converted shortly before meeting. This could be why this forum revolves so much around relgion, its new to many and they are in the learning process.

Hmm, good point - I didn't think of conversion.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-28 15:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you religious?
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Aug 28 2007, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What are you trying to get out of this poll?

I can't really tell you until I see the results.

Other regional forums don't seem to revolve around religion as much as MENA does,
so I guess I'm looking for a correlation between religiousness and success in
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-28 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you religious?
I've noticed that a lot of posts here in ME/NA are about religion or how to do this or that in Islam.

I'm just curious how many people involved with ME/NA nationals are religious.

Note to Organizers: please do not move this poll to General Polls - it's for MENA consumption only.

PS. Edited to ask non-MENA visitors not to vote.

Edited by mawilson, 28 August 2007 - 02:59 PM.

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-28 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-27 19:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 27 2007, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will have time to spend on y'all in the next few days star_smile.gif ... but I'm on vacation today kicking.gif

So in the meantime between times, here's your basic short answer in just 3min45sec


You do know that Rastafari believe they are the true Israelites, descendants of the ancient twelve tribes of Israel?

Repatriation - the desire to return to Africa (Zion) after 400 years of slavery - is central to their doctrine.

Zion = Ethiopia, Babylon/Egypt = America/Caribbean, River Jordan = Atlantic Ocean
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-27 19:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (allousa @ Aug 27 2007, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Obviously you don't read very well....

"Not anymore. Thank GOD, I met my husband and traveled out of this country to see how self-centered and egotistical that kind of thinking is. THERE IS NOT ONE RELIGIOUS GROUP OR RACE OF PEOPLE THAT CAN CLAIM SUPERIORITY. Both "sides" have made grevious errors. Neither do I believe in bombing each other in to submission"

Actually, my comment was directed at WoM whose views are myopically one-sided.
I'm not sure why you brought up religion or the racial aspect of the conflict -
I have never claimed superiority of one group over the other.

QUOTE (allousa @ Aug 27 2007, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My God, you cannot even begin to compare what Gaza was like 8 years ago! There are few places on this earth that have as high of an unemployment rate as Gaza and the West Bank. With the borders locked down for the last 3 years, explain to me how tourism and economy is supposed to flourish.

Obviously they can't now, but the borders are not locked down for no reason.
You can't unleash a wave of bloody attacks and then wonder "gee, why did
Israel revoke my work permit?"
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-27 11:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (allousa @ Aug 27 2007, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just wonder, have you yourself been personally affected by what has happened? Have you been inside Gaza or the West Bank to even know what life is like there? Time and time again, I hear the same vile, racist and my religion or ethnicity is better than yours from people that have NEVER been to that part of the world and experienced first hand what goes on there.

To answer your question, yes - I've been to the West Bank and Gaza and I have seen
for myself the conditions of the Palestinians who live there. Granted, I was there before
the second Palestinian Intifada broke out, so things were a little different back then.
Far from perfect, but people did have food and water and electricity. Tourism flourished
and the economy was booming -- GDP growth was 7.5% in 1999 and early 2000. Then
came the Intifada and the Israeli response.

Remember, there are two sides to every story. While Israel is certainly complicit in the
oppression of the Palestinian people, the Palestinians' own leadership is largely to blame
for what's happening there today.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-26 23:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 26 2007, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fact: this oh-so-scary "rain" of Scuds only managed to kill a single Israeli. (However, another 15 Israelis died from their own panicked reactions -- some had heart attacks while cowering in their state-of-the-art personal home bomb shelters, some suffocated in their state-provided gas masks because they didn't know how to put them on properly, and some accidently overdosed themselves in their rush to gulp down a state-provided chemical weapon antidote, which caused a deadly reaction in several.)

Yes. You seem rather upset about that.

QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 26 2007, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But as far as I know, no Saudis or Americans "panicked" themselves to death.

So you're comparing the reaction of U.S. and Saudi troops with that of Israeli civilians?

How f*cking sick.

I'd like to see how you would react if your town was attacked by Scud missiles
potentially carrying chemical warheads. I'm sure you would know how to put on
a gas mask properly on yourself and your children or others who need assistance, being
such a f*ing brave American. mad.gif
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-26 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Aug 26 2007, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 26 2007, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The last thing actual military professionals want or need is IDF loonies gumming up a real battle plan -- that's why they're NEVER invited to the party.

the idf is well regarded amongst professional military due to their track record. not sure where you got info that contradicts that.


"This is typical anti-Israel schizophrenia -- or rather "double talk," if you will -- where Israel
is loudly proclaimed to be the scourge of the Middle East threatening the stability and security
of an otherwise peaceful region, while at the same time petulantly trying to declare the other
side "victorious" in their battle against the "weak" and "impotent" IDF."

As for the rest of WoM's comments, she's so blinded with her hatred of Israel and one-sided view
of the conflict, she's become completely unhinged from reality.

She's too far gone to be saved.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-26 20:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (LaL @ Aug 23 2007, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's revive the original post's discussion. If you wish to continue posting about the secondary topic please post here :



Sounds good.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-23 12:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 22 2007, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deny all you want, but anyone can look it up for themselves. Many reading this will Google the key terms for themselves and see that what I've written is the truth. Yes, it's a bigger and much more ambitious plan. But not to benefit the U.S.

What you've written is the truth, except the part where you claim it was all done for Israel's benefit.

A strong Iran and a U.S.-occupied Iraq on the verge of civil war is NOT better for Israel
than a strong Iraq under Saddam Hussein, even if they could save 20% buying oil from
Iraq instead of Russia.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-22 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 22 2007, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The core members of this group -- Perle, Wolfowitz and Wurmser -- published their blueprint of the master plan back in 1996, titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm." Removing Saddam Hussein was only the first step, which would then follow with eliminating the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Only the realm they were working for wasn't the United States. They were advising the same foreign nation mentioned above.

All of the "gang" either had or soon obtained positions working in or advising the Bush administration. Their neocon think-tank "Project for a New American Century" cut and pasted the very same plan they had created for the foreign nation, and sent it off in a letter to George W. Bush on September 20, 2001, urging a war on Iraq "even if evidence did not link Iraq to the attack." Essentially, they clamored for the U.S. to act a proxy in order to advance the program they had developed for that foreign nation. And the Dumbass-in-Chief went for it, in total disregard for the counsel of much more circumspect advisors, seasoned military experts, experienced oilmen, even his own father. All who happened to be LOYAL AMERICANS, who put the interests of OUR country first.

The Middle East was always a key battleground in the hostility between the United States and
the Soviet Union. If you think the Cold War is over, think again. Look at Russia’s geopolitical
ambitions in the region and you will understand the importance of a permanent US military
presence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-22 16:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 22 2007, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quite frankly, the gang who pushed for the invasion and occupation of Iraq are a cabal of dual-loyalty traitors -- people like Douglas Feith, David Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, Dov Zakheim, L. Lewis Libby, David Wurmser, and many more -- who clamored to "take out Saddam" to serve the interests of a foreign nation, NOT the U.S. they were supposedly working for. This foreign nation is the same one which demands to be the sole regional superpower in the Middle East, the same nation whose ultimate hegemony to invade and terrorize and annex land from its neighbors *might* have been constrained by Iraq and *might* still be constrained by Iran, and the same nation which just *happens* to be situated at the end of the old Haifa pipeline (shut down since 1948) which this nation fervently hopes will soon re-open, sending cheap oil flowing into its control to middle-man out to Mediterranean tankers, where it can take a generous cut for itself, and collect lots of free money in the process.

That is complete and utter nonsense.

Iraq posed no real threat to Israel ever since the Israeli Air Force destroyed the Iraqi
nuclear reactor at Osirak in 1981. During the 1991 Gulf War, when Iraqi Scud missiles
rained down on Tel-Aviv, Israel didn't retaliate only because US military leaders pleaded
with them to turn the other cheek. Israeli retaliation would have fractured the ever so
fragile "US-Arab coalition."

So no, don't give me your usual "it's Israel's fault that the sky is blue" rhetoric.
And no, the war was not "for oil" -- it's part of a bigger and much more ambitious plan.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-22 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Aug 22 2007, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the pic had been posted in a thread about civilian casualties in the Iraq war, for instance, the context *might* have been clearer. Posted so abruptly in this thread, with no connection to the topic other than the word "Muslim," it did not come across as a "sarcastic" comment to many of us. Also, mawilson has posted plenty of comments about the Iraq war being "necessary" for Western domination of its resources, and has also made comments supporting a similar action in Iran. Perhaps he was "joking" then, too.


I wasn't really joking. You know as well as I do that the real reason for Bush's
invasion of Iraq was to establish a permanent military presence in the region and
secure our continued access to natural resources. The only two obstacles left
to a geographically contiguous U.S. sphere of influence (from Poland to Pakistan)
are Iran and Syria. Syria is a nothing country (militarily) that leans on Iran for
strength, so it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Iran is going to be dealt with
next. You're not really buying the WMD story or the "spreading democracy" story,
are you?
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-22 13:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion
QUOTE (jenn3539 @ Aug 21 2007, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I agree. And I'm not one to defend mawilson... whistling.gif Though I am surprised...


QUOTE (jenn3539 @ Aug 21 2007, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is funny how the reaction can depend on the poster. I wonder if the sarcasm would have been more obvious had I posted it.

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-21 20:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaSatire Cartoon and Discussion

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-21 15:52:00
Middle East and North Africamovement certificate paper
What's a movement certificate paper? unsure.gif
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-25 01:46:00