United Kingdomchip and pin on credit cards?
Boy, have things changed. Credit cards now come with fish and chips?
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-26 10:40:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

But do you make ketchup? ;) I cannot stand how sweet US ketchup is!

I thought it was a bit strange at first, but eventually I got used to the taste, and now
it seems perfectly normal! I reckon the Yanks are on to something with this corn syrup thing
(besides mass obesity, of course :P )
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 13:13:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

HUbby was annoyed the other day when the (99p in the UK) grocery store French baguettes are $2.29 here (in LA) & not even fresh! Fresh food should not cost more!

Well....99p is worth almost $2.29 anyway.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 12:47:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

I'm not a fan of shop made sarnies, too much mayo. I do remember that I used to look at the calorific content of one of those sarnies and think "how on EARTH do they manage to get the calories so high??? It's JUST a sandwich!!".

I'm still puzzled, to this very day. Well, to be honest I'm puzzled by many things, but let's not go down that route! :lol:

Well... I love mayo :lol:

Anyway, I think their salads are better than their sandwiches, at least here in New York.
Organic as well.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 11:00:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

I've never heard of them either :huh:


Well.... 95% of them are in London and 5% in other places (Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton, Glasgow....New York :P )

So unless you're a Londoner... (mags, where are you? :help: )
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 03:35:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

Wow, the guy in that photo has terrible posture. That's not you is it? ;)

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 21:03:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

Attached Files

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 18:22:00
United KingdomPret a Manger

Yay! Mark's found his way to the regional forum....

Eh, sarnies don't really blow my skirt up. Tho Pret had some good ones

Hehehehe. I've been keeping an eye on you guys for a while, but my "region" is now NYC, US of A. :P
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 18:12:00
United KingdomPret a Manger
I used to go to Pret a lot when I lived in London and I absolutely loved their sandwiches (I wasn't into salads back then.)

There's a Pret here in New York (Midtown - 39th St & 7th Ave) which is great! I just had a BLT sarnie for lunch and it was almost as good as a London BLT. :P
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 15:11:00
United KingdomWeetabix

Is it popular? Yes. Is it tasty?'s exactly what I would expect compressed sawdust to taste like. :jest:

LOL @ compressed sawdust

My wife calls it "compressed hamster shavings" :lol:

I (L) Weetabix :luv:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-30 14:11:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

You know, I never thought about that one - I guess David was fortunate that Cockfosters is at the end of the line

Now THAT needed a spew warning! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ugh... reminds me of the night I got so wasted, I fell asleep on the train and woke up in Cockfosters. :lol:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-07 12:20:00
United KingdomUS Citizen Married to Spanish Working in UK

He's also Portuguese. Fair question. :)

Oh it's your dream come true then -- what are you still doing here, you liberal tree-hugger? :P

Go to Yurrup, embrace the socialist ideals! :devil:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 13:17:00
United KingdomUS Citizen Married to Spanish Working in UK

I'm just an American married to an EU citizen who's looked into this

I didn't know Brazil joined the EU :whistle:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 10:54:00
United KingdomUS Citizen Married to Spanish Working in UK

I'm British, if I wanted to live permanently in Spain I'd have to get the correct paperwork
and stamps in my passport. I couldn't just "stay there".

I'm pretty sure you can (at least if you're an EU citizen in the UK.)

You have to apply for a form of residency card. My Dad lives in Malta (an EU country) and had to go through a right old palava to get permanent residency there. It is quite bureaucratic, regardless of whether you are an EU citizen.

When did he apply for residency? Malta joined the EU in May 2005.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 17:58:00
United KingdomUS Citizen Married to Spanish Working in UK

I'm British, if I wanted to live permanently in Spain I'd have to get the correct paperwork
and stamps in my passport. I couldn't just "stay there".

I'm pretty sure you can (at least if you're an EU citizen in the UK.)

Edited by mawilson, 17 May 2007 - 04:54 PM.

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 16:51:00
United KingdomPilotless police drone takes off

People get annoyed with me when I mention how quickly we're all turning in to Orwell's 1984, but there it is.

"Turning"? Wake up, darling, we're already there! :crying:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:54:00
United KingdomIf I hear At the River by Groove Armada one more time

Secondly, annoying M&S Voice Woman is Dervla Kirwan. Just some trivia! :D

Mags, you're just a walking bag of trivia, aren't ya? :lol:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 17:14:00
United KingdomStaff asked to 'snoop' for police
Remember, remember the 5th of November.

Is V running about yet? :whistle:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 21:38:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!


You do, then? :dance:

Mr Wilson, you are one of a kind! :thumbs: :lol: :luv:

Well......if things don't work out with Larry, you know where to find me :P
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 13:52:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!


You do, then? :dance:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 13:37:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

At least humans have the ability to consent.

Except when you get a rash all over your body after using a shower gel which was
"not tested on animals", it's probably too late to consent or dissent.

Boots manage to make entire ranges of products not tested on animals and I've not heard of huge outbreaks of rashes amongst the British public.

Not a huge outbreak, just me. (It was a Boots product -- don't want to say anything bad
about Boots though, they are great.)

Ok, I officially love you. :thumbs:

mags is gonna be heartbroken :D

mags doesn't love me, it's time for me to move on :crying:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 12:44:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

At least humans have the ability to consent.

Except when you get a rash all over your body after using a shower gel which was
"not tested on animals", it's probably too late to consent or dissent.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 15:59:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're assuming that I eat cheese with animal rennet in it, or that I deliberately ignore the abuse of animals.

Products that are not tested on animals are tested on humans. Much better. :rolleyes:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 15:33:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

I am not saying it isn't personal choice, I'm not saying it isn't where each individual draws the line, I'm saying It's amazingly hypocritical on many levels. I suppose though, it's whatever helps one sleep better at night in the end.

I don't see that it's hypocritical at all. Explain precisely how it's hypocritical.

Hypocritical = pretending to be what you're not.

In this context, pretending to care about rennet in a chocolate bar, while
turning a blind eye to rennet in cheese, as well as ignoring a myriad of other
products and companies that use animal ingredients.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 15:19:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Like I said it's a matter of pick and chose your exploitation. If people gave as much thought to everything as they do one thing the hear in the news, they'd be chewing their cud in the fields with the coos. No toothpaste, no soap, no makeup, no hand bags or shoes, etc etc.

Ok, I officially love you. :thumbs:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 13:18:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

The difference being clearly that you don't kill the cow to extract the milk! ;)

I imagine they don't kill cows just to extract rennet from their stomachs either.

If they didn't use the stomachs for rennet production, they'd just go to waste.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:57:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

However I certainly don't think being concerned about using rennet in chocolate is "taking vegetarianism too far".

What about cheese? Apparently, rennet is used by many (most? all?) cheese makers.

In the UK at least, most supermarkets sell Vegetarian Cheese.

Yeah but isn't it #######?
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:50:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

However I certainly don't think being concerned about using rennet in chocolate is "taking vegetarianism too far".

What about cheese? Apparently, rennet is used by many (most? all?) cheese makers.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:32:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Never mind, I looked it up.


"The chief use of rennet is in the making of cheese, junket, and chocolate bars.

[ ... ]

Natural rennet is produced in the inner mucosa of the fourth stomach chamber
(the abomasum) of young ruminants.

[ ... ]

Because of the limited availability of proper stomachs for rennet production,
cheesemakers have always looked for other ways to coagulate the milk. Artificial
coagulants are a useful alternative, especially for cheap or lower-quality cheeses.

[ ... ]

Many plants have coagulating properties.

[ ... ]

Worldwide there is also no industrial production for vegetable rennet. Commercial
so-called vegetable rennets usually contain rennet from the mold Mucor miehei -
see microbial rennet below.

[ ... ]

The flavour and taste of cheeses produced with microbial rennets tend towards some
bitterness, especially if longer maturation is wanted."
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:28:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

yanno what pisses me off? Just because I'm not a veggie does not mean I'm down for eating animal intestine ####### in my choccie.

What does the "secret ingredient" do? And why does it matter to a veggie
if it's extracted from plants, cow intestines or monkey brains? It's not like
it's an actual meat product, just a tiny amount of some preservative.
Taking vegetarianism a bit too far, aren't we?
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:03:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Awwww cmon guys...I'm not feelin the love here. Let's all make up and eat some non-animal product choccie.

Here's some LOVE for you Lisa:

:luv: (L) (F)
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 12:00:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

I believe the bag was supposed to imply that DR_LHA was a girl or some such.

I liked the "bag of whoop #######" explanation better. :blush:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 11:11:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

:o Cook it anymore than that and it will be ruined! :crying:

mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 12:51:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Speaking of vegetables, Omaha Steaks has 72% off The Memorial Day Celebration Party
pack which can be had for $60 (original price $250). Click "Order from Mailing" and enter item
number 7819BBB to get it for $60.

The package includes:
  • 4 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons
  • 4 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins
  • 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops
  • 2 (4.5 oz.) Stuffed Sole with Scallops and Crab
  • 8 (3 oz.) Gourmet Franks
  • 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers
  • 10 portions Potatoes au Gratin
  • FREE GIFT: 6 (4 oz) Omaha Steaks Burgers, Cutlery, and Cutting Board

Posted Image
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 11:16:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Passionate about their causes and the well being of animals. Not angry. :)

mags, are you a vegetarian? :o
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 11:11:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Yes, but it has to be something like 90%-100% cocoa solids to overcome the detrimental effects of the sugar and dairy products in order to be of any benefit, and the strongest chocolate I've seen for sale in a supermarket is 85% cocoa solids. They should just make a chocolate pill.

Nah, 70% dark chocolate doesn't have THAT much sugar and fat to have a detrimental effect
(and what's unhealthy about dairy products???)

C'mon, how much sugar does a dark chocolate bar contain?

The guideline I have read and as given by my nutritionist was 70% - so like I said, high quality chocolate. In moderation.

Thank you.
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 22:45:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Chocolate should never be a staple anyway, it's very unhealthy.

On the contrary -- chocolate (especially DARK chocolate) is VERY healthy.

It's packed with polyphenols which protect against heart disease and cancer.
It also contains phenylethylamine, which (research suggests) is a stimulant
released during intimacy. :P
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 13:45:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Tell us why we should care about the ease of your insertion into US society again?

Because I am a huddled mass and you are well known for reaching out to us !

:lol: :lol: :lol:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 14:10:00
United KingdomISA's and Unit trust type things

Those of you with ISA's etc should know that the US will not recognize their tax free status and will tax you...

Hmm. Wouldn't it be nice if you could roll an ISA over into an IRA... :whistle:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 13:40:00
United KingdomI'm so in love with this house.
Hmm, nice. 2,300 square feet for less than 1/2 of the price of a tiny studio in Manhattan. :whistle:
mawilsonMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 13:12:00