K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied - Need Advice

Presenting a DR birth certificate knowing that he was actually born in Venezuela? Sounds very much like misrepresentation. Definitely get a good immigration lawyer - hopefully someone on here will have suggestions.


It's not a misrepresentation.  I have a friend who was in a similar situation.  She was born in Canada.  She was adopted by American parents when she was 3 years old.  When she got here they promptly issued her an American birth certificate.  When she first tried to apply for a passport some 20 years later, she had the exact thing happen. They told her they didn't have her original Canadian birth certificate and they needed it before they could issue her passport.  She eventually got it to them and when she did they issued the passport.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-17 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Thanks for that info Darnell.  That's very good to know!

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-04-20 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Why will it add a year on?


Because she'd have to wait a year to get legal residency before she could do the interview in the new country.  I guess it would actually add more than a year.  

Edited by Jon York, 22 March 2014 - 02:06 PM.

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-22 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Harpa - you know you have had a lot of really good ideas here and I really appreciate it!  That is a good thought actually.  I hate the idea of adding at least another year to our wait which would be the case if she moved.  And she hates the idea too.  


Her family owns a relatively nice house there that her father built (with his own hands).  But they're very comfortable there.  Moving would be really really hard for them.  But if the danger looks like it's going to be sustained for a long period of time they might really have to consider that.  Although this guy doesn't seem to be directing any anger to their parents... just to the two girls.  So maybe they could move and their parents could stay.  But thanks for this suggestion - it's definitely worth us giving some thought to.  


It's all very fluid right now and we have to kind of play it by ear for a while until we get a clearer picture of the seriousness of the threat and whether or not it may dissipate over time.  They're going to have another court hearing on Monday and depending on the outcome of that - things may change and they might feel safe after that. Or they may not.  We really have to wait until then to try and get a sense from her about how serious and real the danger might continue to be.  


I know they have some relatives in other places but it seems they're mostly in very remote backwards places.  So I'm not sure how much of an option that might be.


On the other hand - I have two good friends who are from the country I'm thinking they could move to.  And they're already checking with their friends and relatives back home to see if someone could help take them in when they first arrive and take care of them until they can get on their feet there.  Although since that plan will add a year to our wait I think my fiance and I are only going to do it if she feels she will still be in danger after the court hearing on Monday.  If the court rules in the other guy's favor - he may simmer down and not be so angry.  But on the other hand he's kind of a hot head so he may be angry either way.  


You're right about her sister - she's going to be a little harder problem because she won't be able to come to the US any time soon no matter what happens.  But if they get to this country I have a feeling she might be able to find some work there that would provide her with enough to live on.  Especially if my friends' friends can help her with that.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-21 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Emergent means new.  So, if it is a new threat, a new situation, then expedite might work.  If someone is complaining about general bad conditions or longterm unrest then it is not a means for expedite.  I've seen someone try to get an expedite because the fiance was poor and couldn't eat lots of hamburgers.  Despite the fact that she lived like this her whole life and survived.  See the difference?


Your situation is emergent, I would certainly say.  Best of luck.


Ah!  Well that makes sense - emergent = new.  A very vague word for them to use.  Thanks for that Harpa.


Yes, this is very new and it is a direct threat to my fiance and her sister.  We knew we couldn't ask for any special handling just because the conditions she normally lives in are horrendous.  This does specifically threaten them. I've asked her to file a police report or a report with the court they've been dealing with, next week on the threats. That way we'll have some documentation of it.  


Lack of hamburgers!!!  I'm sure they got a good laugh out of that one!

Edited by Jon York, 21 March 2014 - 11:13 AM.

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-21 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

My comment was based on them moving.


I got you.  Well, yes you're right - that's a problem.  We don't have the money for them to leave right now.  I'm just going to have to see if we can raise it through donations from friends who know the story and want to help.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-21 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Quick question for you gurus.  On this expedite thing - - I read somewhere a week or so ago that somebody said that's if the petitioner is having a hardship.  


They list:  

  • Extreme emergent situation
  • Humanitarian situation

I'm not sure I know what an "emergent" situation is!  Did they mean to say "emergency"?  But surely this would qualify for that or humanitarian situation.  But somebody said these apply to the petitioner not the beneficiary.  Did he just not know what he was talking about?

Edited by Jon York, 20 March 2014 - 09:23 PM.

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-20 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

I suppose my concern is if they don't have money for a police report, (do they really have to pay to make a report there?) how are they going to cover the costs of moving and getting residency in another country?


I didn't say they don't have money for a police report.  They don't have money to keep bribing the police to do their job!  The police want to charge them like $200 every time they talk to them!  


I don't think getting the police report that the embassy needs will cost anything... or if it does it'll be very little.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-20 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Thanks to everyone who recommended looking into an expedite.  I'll do that.  And thanks to those who mentioned that they'll need a police report.  If we're able to figure out a way to get them out I'll tell them they have to get that before they leave.  Very glad you mentioned that!  Because after they leave it would be very difficult if not impossible.  


As far as where they'll go - I just really don't feel comfortable posting that publicly here.  I feel uncomfortable posting anything at all actually.  But I needed your help and advice.  I even changed my profile pic - it used to have both of us in it, but I didn't really want her picture on here anymore after all this.  


There is a western country that is very open and welcoming to Pakistani citizens. They can even get residency there in just a year.  So I guess that would delay our K-1 for a year more.  But in the big scheme of things that's not really that long. Plus I'd be able to visit her a little more often and a lot easier!


Thanks so much to all of you - your information has been really quite helpful.  

Edited by Jon York, 20 March 2014 - 09:15 PM.

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-20 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Pakistan is a BIG country, how many years did it take for them to find Bin Laden? So you would be saying this one nut job could track them down?


Yes, he could.  He was a very close and trusted family friend for the last five years.  He knows a LOT about them. And he definitely knows where they live.  Which is why they've gone into hiding now.  They really can't go home until this passes.  It would be nothing for him to show up at their house or to have people show up at their house.  


If bin Laden had had a friend like this who turned on him - we would have found him a lot faster!

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-20 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Janetusman, yes they reported it to the police.  And it went to court.  The court ruled in their favor (a happy surprise since they're Christians and he's a Muslim).  But afterwards that's when he got seriously angry and has been threatening them.  If they want to report that to the police they have to pay more money which they're kind of out of at this point.  And he can easily point to a few things to say that under Pakistani law he is in the right.  So in the end there's not really much they can do now.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-19 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Thanks so much Harpa.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-19 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

Thanks for the info Harpa.  I don't want to go into too much detail publicly.  But basically she's a Christian living in a Muslim country.  And someone who has been a trusted family friend has turned on them and is very angry and is making very serious threats about killing her and her sister.  They've had to flee their home because he knows where they live.  And they're staying with other people right now.  It's a very serious and dangerous situation and their lives are very much at risk.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-19 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance's in serious trouble and has to leave her country

My fiance (beneficiary) is in serious trouble in her country.  Her life is being threatened.  We are seeing if we can get her out soon and moved to another country.  If we can, I wanted to know if it would be possible to get her interview scheduled for the embassy in the new country.  We've received NOA1 but haven't received NOA2 yet.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-03-19 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file 129 f if living abroad

This is an insane process.  I am just lost with all of the steps.  It is incredibly overwhelming


Yes, it is incredibly overwhelming.  Some people have advised you to start with the first step and just take one step at a time.  But I would advise not to take any steps until you read and understand all the steps to the very end.


When you understand the whole process and what's required at each step, it will really help you to fill out the initial forms the right way, as well as to plan ahead for what you're going to need to have and need to do.  


VisaJourney is a great help.  Click on "Guides" in the menu at the top of the page and then click on the K1 guide. Or just click here:  http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide


I read and thoroughly understood all of that before I started.  It will really help you to see the whole process laid out before getting started.  

Jon YorkMalePakistan2014-05-05 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 arrival how long

ok well its not me im here in the states its my fiancee that is coming but thanks for clearing that up 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-06 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 arrival how long

so i have to get married before those 6 months expires and 90 days when my fiancee comes to the us correct 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-06 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 arrival how long

oo its not from the interview 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-06 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 arrival how long

hey guys just wanted to know how long after the k1 visa is approved do you have to come to the us is it 3 months or 6 months 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-06 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 and new job with current job
Ok thanks
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-08 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 and new job with current job

yeah i did my income tax already ok so everything looks good from what i explain right with the 2 jobs i wouldn't need a co sponsor 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-08 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 and new job with current job

another question is I made 15,000 last year with my income and currently got another job now I was calculating with this job I will be making 16,000 so in total it would be 31,000 with my current job and this new job now can I combine both of these income for the affidavit of support i live with my mother but i don't put her on my taxes and neither does she so it would still be considered household of 2 correct

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-08 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 and new job with current job
Lol ok
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-02-26 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 and new job with current job

hey guys i recently got a new job so now i have two do i still need a letter and pay stubs of this new job to go with my I-134 along with my letter with the current job thanks 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-02-26 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1-134 question
Ok thanks guys
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-09 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1-134 question
But can I combine my two income which would be 31,000
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-08 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1-134 question
Hi guys I know there have been a lot of questions regarding this form my question is I made 15,000 last year with my income and currently got another job now I was calculating with this job I will be making 16,000 and my other current job is always the same salary so I get 15,000 now can I combine both of these income for the affidavit of support
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-08 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressamples letters. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years.

when i see that green ticket i know im approved

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-26 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressamples letters. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years.

yeah that i heard very hard 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-26 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressamples letters. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years.

My fiance only wrote one sentence:
We met in a ressort at punta cana. April 27, 2013.
That was all he wrote, our petition was approved and my visa too.

Question what questions did they ask you guys I only wrote something similar to that just those 3 lines and from what I heard they ask you questions from the paperworks

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-26 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsoring so soon
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-15 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsoring so soon

ok great thanks 

so it doesn't matter how soon she just started sponsoring as long as she has enough 

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-15 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsoring so soon

Quite confusing, but if the USC or LPR that is sponsoring the other person makes enough for their own household size, plus the person they are sponsor plus your fiance(e) (do you mean spouse? cannot file for AOS for a fiance(e)), then are able to sign more than one I-864. They can sponsor as many people as their income will allow them too.


How to count household size >

Your household size includes yourself and the following individuals, no matter where they live: any spouse, any dependent children under the age of 21, any other dependents listed on your most recent Federal income tax return, all persons being sponsored in this affidavit of support, and any immigrants previously sponsored with a Form I-864 or Form I-864 EZ



Ok, scratch all that. Just looked at your timeline and you are actually not filing for AOS, as this seems to be for the K-1 visa interview. Same answer though. They can sponsor as many as their income will allow. They will use the I-134 for the K-1 visa though.




~ Moved from AOS from Family Based Visas to K-1 Process- OP going through K-1 visa interview, not AOS ~

well yeah im doing k1 visa now and then get married then aos but i just wanted to know my cousin makes 40,000 a year she is sponsoring her husband and she has a child so she wouldn't have any problem with my fiance correct  

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-15 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsoring so soon
Sorry my cousin is a us citizen and she brang her husband to the us as she filed for her husband aos can she be my fiance cosponsor since I don't make enough
acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-15 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsoring so soon

hello how soon can someone sponsor for someone my cousin just got married in Jan. and already filed for the AOS it is in process and she is sponsoring her husband i am currently in process for my k1 visa for my fiance can she sponsor my fiance so does she has to wait she makes 40,000 a year thanks

acabrera7186FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-15 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate requirements for Beneficiary.

I submitted one on my first packet, even though it wasn't specifically asked. Just tacked a copy to the back of my biometrics form. Didn't get an RFE. In my third packet I was asked to send in the original.

flowershoesFemaleAustralia2014-03-10 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media
Dominican Movil? Is that an IPhone app puts us all on.
NoeliayRonnyFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-30 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media

Go ahead and file for your man girl, you will have plenty of time to continue showing your bonafide relationship porque this takes time. Segun essa foto mija ustedes se ven muy muy pareja and a gorgeous couple at that. Congrats on your engagement, remember to keep us posted. Welcome to this journey y ahora es que falta mambo. Remember every case is very different.   

NoeliayRonnyFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-30 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisit while k1 pending
Not enough ties to my home country
todosNot TellingItaly2014-03-24 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisit while k1 pending

Hi all, this is my situation: I am an italian citizen and I got denied a j1 visa in the past and because of that my ESTA got denied too. We filed the I-129 f in january and I would like to go visit my fiancee for 2-3 weeks in the US while the k1 is pending. The problem is that I cant go to the US under the ESTA but I will have to apply for a tourist visa. Having a pending I-129F and prior ESTA and visa refusals, do you think I should try to schedule an interview at the embassy or should I just drop it and wait?

todosNot TellingItaly2014-03-24 14:12:00