K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen should we apply for Social Security?
Thank you guys. What should we bring with us to social security office? I heard some people complaining that they have been told at SS office K-1'ers are not eligible for Social Security until AOS.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-10-12 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen should we apply for Social Security?
My fiancee has been in US for almost a week now. When can she apply for Social Security?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-10-12 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game
Not to worry, first month after you sent your petition is the hardest one, then you get used of waiting and time flies by. Want to feel better look at my timeline below :)
JVFMaleUkraine2010-09-02 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter Interview and approval how long to get Visa?

Which ever is faster. With these obscure timelines it's pretty damn hard to purchase flight tickets if things are up in the air so much.

It's faster if you pick it up from local office.
I am planning to purchase plane ticket once we receive our visa.
Looking at your timeline you have plenty of time, 17 business days from the day you have interview until departure.
When we have our interview, I was planning to go to Ukraine for ~10 days, 5 days to receive visa, 5 days to say good-byes and pack.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-08-12 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter Interview and approval how long to get Visa?

I'm hearing conflicting time frames.

I'm hearing 48 hours, 3 days, and now 2 weeks.

Can anyone actually confirm a realistic time frame?

Are you planning to pick up your passport from FED EX office or have it delivered?
I heard 2-3 days if pick it from the local FED EX office and about a week if you have it delivered.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-08-12 12:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Fee increase .. it's official now !

I, for one, am glad to see the fee increase. It's about time government ran like this. Can you imagine if every government office was self-sufficient?

I'm not really sure how Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development or Department of Education would run, but in truth, I don't really care. Seems to me those things could be (and should be) run by the states. I seem to remember something about regulating interstate trade and providing for the common defense... and not much else. Importing a wife doesn't fall into either of those categories so I guess we should pay.

"I, for one, am glad to see the fee increase"
Of course your are. I wonder if they increased those fees back in 2005, when you filed, would you still be glad? ;)
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-23 14:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Fee increase .. it's official now !

You are right, Slimster,

In fact, they should just round up the visa fee to an even $500, and round down the AOS fee to $1000. Easier on the brain to calculate for us Public School Edumacated folks.


Looking at your timeline it's easy to guess why you think that way.
I wonder what new filers have to say about that? Take a lucky guess...
How about your township raises your property taxes by 400%? Why should I should care. Get the point?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-23 14:35:00

I don't advocate this, but if you are pressed for time you can also just bribe a local doctor to falsify the documents as a last resort. Make sure that the intervals match up with what is required.

hehehehehe...the beauty of old Soviet Union system.
I think we are ok at this point. My fiancee found all the documents with the shots and went to the local medical center where they copied everything on the separate paper and stamped it. I think that should be good enough.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-28 11:48:00

Again, any vaccination that is a series of shots only need be started. You do not need to wait for a series to be complete before submitting AOS

understood. Thank you.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-26 23:05:00
Thanks everyone. This is very helpful information. I knew that K1 does not require vaccinations, but good idea to have them prior arrival to US. Te confusing part was once she comes to US, we will not be able to adjust her status until she has all the shots. Also, I heard she needs to do her blood test done first for a doctor to determine if needs Hepatitis shots at all.
P.S. My fiancee is 25 years old.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-26 19:59:00
I found a list of Vaccination Requirements on http://travel.state..../info_1331.html
I am a little confused. My fiancee does not have Hepatitis B shots. As I understand Hepatitis B done in 3 stages within 7 months period. We don't have that much time.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-26 16:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question

We also have the thought process. We know that "worry" is a worthless endeavor. Worry cannot change the outcome of anything. Worriers WATCH the world go 'round. Thinkers and do-ers MAKE the world go 'round.

Do not Document all your communication, visits, document your relationship. GO to the interview in DO. Don't ask, don't think about it...JUST DO IT. Plan for it now. Show up with so much evidence they laugh at you...and ask for none of it. Carry it out with a smile on your face and a visa in your hand. STUDY the documents needed for a petition and send them in. Then you can come back and VisaVeteran will tell everyone how "easy" you had it. Ok, deal.

You are worried about a foreign passport and a birth certificate for your fiancee...WHY? It IS NOT NEEDED for the petition. Why worry? LEARN. Worry is such an unnecessary and worthless emotion and beneficial to no one. Yes, it is "nature", so is taking a dump, but we control that also. Prepare your documents for the interview NOW, get everything helps to pass the itme. Read the informative forums not the "petition progress report forums" Who gives a flying #### that some else got an NOA2 153 days after they filed. I NEVER looked at that sh*t and NEVER mentioned such things to my fiancee. Not to sound rude, but of what value is that to you? How does that help you or her? th epeition wil BE APPROVED...eventually. It will occur on a different imeline than everyone else. That is all you need to know about that.

What is the worst that can happen? Do you have a legitimate relationship? Then, you will get approved OR you will get an RFE. Those are the only choices. What happens if you get an RFE? You answer it and THEN you get approved. Does it delay your case? YES. An RFE delays your case, nothing to "worry about" does. Can you live with that? I thought so. Stop worrying.

Study the guides, ask questions about the I-134, learn what you need for evidence, learn what others used for evidence, study the AOS process...that will be next. You will worry less and be prepared more. PLUS Kiev is one of the few consulates where preparing ahead actually makes a difference and you can shave weeks off the process by being prepared in advance. I didn't know that when I started the process, I learned it by reading about the consulates in the consualte forums. saved me 4 weeks at least. Reading random whining will do nothing for you.

Thank you Gary. You have always been giving me very valuable advices.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-10 21:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question

A little friendly advice. Take Gary's posts with a grain of salt and a shot of vodka.

There is more to getting a visa than simply doing certain mechanical tasks. You could face administrative review for no clear reason. You could get a difficult consulate officer doing the interview. Your approved visa could be held up for weeks for no clear reason (as someone is currently experiencing). All these things have occurred to real people on this forum. Just be aware that things do happen.

I'm saying this for you to be prepared for any and all events along your visa journey. Yes, follow the USCIS/NVC instructions to the letter. Read the VJ Guides on this site. Ask questions. You will probably be one of the 95% who sail through by simply following the rules. But there are other variables to contend with upon occasion, and you don't control them. Just a little reality check.

exactly... Our relationship is legit. We love each other and to be together . I provided and will provide them with all the required documents. However, unexplainable things do happen (things you've mentioned above) and I can't control that. How can't you not be paranoid about it? It's a human nature to be worried ;)
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-10 12:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question

You've been in the whiners forum too much. NO ONE decides your fate except YOU. You do the forms and documents get approved. You don't, you get denied. Simple. Read and follow instructions, take responsibility, and make your own dreams come true.

Adjudicators follow the LAW, period. It is not a judgment call, you do not have to "convince anyone", you simply provide what is in the instructions and they approve it and send it on. Really, it is not so dramatic as all that.

If she was previously married, you will need her marriage (or name change) certificate and divorce certificate translated. If she ever served in the military, you need military discharge papers translated.

I guess you are right. I have been spending too much time reading whiners forums :) More I read, more I become paranoid. I need my computer confiscated for a few months...hehehehe
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-10 10:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question

I didn't know you can send supplemental information while the application is being processed. Good idea if they take it. One thought on the RFE-- no, not the end of the world and as you know I got one JVF. The lost time for RFE turnaround for me was only 8 days, which wasn't too bad. That said, my application seemed to take a month longer than most everyone else's on Igor's list to even get to the point where they sent me an RFE. That is, other people were getting their NOA2 a month before I even got my RFE. I don't know but I suspect that the adjudicator at the CSC, when reviewing my file the first time, decided there would be an RFE and then just shelved my app for a month! Don't know, but I'm very suspicious.

Adding insult to injury, when I did get the NOA2 which clearly stated they had send the app to the NVC that day, it never made it to the NVC! Stuck in some "Administrative Review" or simply lost, I will never know the truth. But after 3 more weeks and countless e-mails and phone calls to both the CSC and NVC (no one had any idea where the app was!) and contacting my Senator's aide who made inquiries, I got another, 1-line e-mail from the CSC saying simply that the app was sent to the NVC on that date. #######?!

Was the Admin Review related to the RFE? Dunno, but I have my suspicions. If true, the simple fact that the I-129f instructions tell you NOTHING about what is considered evidence of meeting (and I had not yet discovered VJ to find out) may have cost me 2 months of delays!

Lesson for Today: Get it right the first time!

What is scary in this whole process is that one person decides your fate. I hope whoever decides mine is in the good mood :)
Good luck with your interview my friend.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-09 20:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question
Thanks everyone. My fiancee already got her birth certificate translated and notarized in Ukraine. She even send it for Apostille. What else besides birth certificate and police report need to be translated for the interview?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-09 20:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question

As you can see, it's not on the list.

However, even if you do get an RFE, it's not the end of the world. They send you a document asking for what's missing and you send it to them. No big deal. Adds two weeks to the process at most. They won't "look harder" just because you get an RFE. All an RFE says is something is missing, send it to us.

If you're really worried about it, have your fiancee scan her passport, e-mail it to you, and then you can print out a copy on your home PC and send it in. Just put something like "please attach to K-1 visa request for XXXXXXX, XXXXXX."

Good idea. Thank you slim.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-09 10:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question

Here's the Checklist from the VJ Guides, BC or passport copy is not mentioned for the beneficiary.

Assembling the I-129F Package: Checklist
Forms and Documents (follow these assembly instructions. All supporting documents must be in English or be translated as noted here.):
1. Payment as required by USCIS. Use a personal check so you can track the payment. Money Orders are also accepted.
2. Cover Letter (see example). Should include a description of what your are petitioning for (I-129F), a table of contents (list everything in the packet). If you need additional room to explain your case, attach a separate sheet (list the attachment on the cover sheet). Make sure to sign and date the cover sheet.
3. Form I-129F: Petition for Alien Fiance(e) (see example)
4. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years. This should be a single typed page attachment regarding question 18 of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it.
5. Original statements (from both the US Citizen and foreign fiance) certifying an intent to marry within 90 days of entering the US on a valid K-1. (see example)
6. Proof of having met in past two years. (click here for examples)
7. G-325A filled out by the US Citizen signed and dated (see example).
8. One passport-type photo (see specification) of the US Citizen. Write the full name of the US citizen on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of <Insert US Citizen's Name>". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
9. G-325A filled out by the foreign fiance(e) signed and dated (see example).
10. One passport-type photo (see specification) of the foreign fiance(e). Write the full name of the foreign fiance(e) on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of (insert foreign fiance(e) name) ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
11. Copy of the Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of the US Citizen's naturalization certificate (front and back). This is used to establish citizenship.
12. Copy of final Divorce Decree(s) or Certificate(s) for the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) if either has been previously married. If the previous marriage of the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) ended due to the death of their spouse then include a Copy of Death Certificate(s) documenting that fact.
13. Proof of Legal Name Change if either the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) is using a name other than that shown on the relevant documents. You must give USCIS copies of the legal documents that made the change, such as a marriage certificate, adoption decree or court order.
14. In regards to Section C Question 2, if applicable provide certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for any specified conviction(s) (in accordance with the IMBRA). See section 9 of the I-129f instructions for more information.

Thank you. I guess she will have to bring those documents when she goes to the interview.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-09 09:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129F question
I just realized I forgot to sent copy of my fiancee Ukrainian passport. I did send copy of her birth certificate, notarized in US. Will I get a REF for that?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-09 01:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice report before NOA2

You can pay a extra fee and it does speed things up. It cost about ten dollars US.


Yep, that's what Svetlana did a few days ago. She paid extra to expedite the service. This why I wanted to know when it expires, since we didn't receive NOA2 yet. Gary already answered my question. Thanks everyone. We are good here...Ohh by the way, do we need to translate and notarize it?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-12 17:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice report before NOA2
Is it a good a good idea to get a police report now before we receive NOA2? I heard it could take up to a month in Odessa. How long before it expires? 6 months?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-12 00:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUniversity Diploma translated/Apostille in Ukraine
My fiancee got her Masters a several years ago. Should she get her diploma from University translated and send it for Apostille while in Ukraine or do that US?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-13 19:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce Decree/Judgment of Divorce

Good luck to you, in any case.

Thanks. Seems like Vermont is issuing NOA2 much quicker this months. I see a lot of approvals from April filers.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-18 17:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce Decree/Judgment of Divorce
Got it. I guess NY/NJ issue "Final Judgment of Divorce" rather then "Divorce Decree".
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-17 08:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce Decree/Judgment of Divorce
What is the difference? Which one did I have to sent with my I-129F? I only have "Judgment of Divorce".
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-16 23:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

I'm sure Al Gore will find a way to take credit somehow.

What I believe is going to be more of an impact is the economic one. They were saying air travel was losing something like a Billion a day when all of Europe was shut down, and that's when all of Europe wasn't shut down yet. Some of Europe was still flying. Imagine when ALL of Europe is shut down, including St. Petersburg and Moscow in the East all the way to down to Rome and Madrid in the South and West. While this volcano may not close all of them at once, it's a possibility. And the reality could be rail to Lisbon as the only out on Tuesday followed by rail to St. Petersburg on Wednesday. Then maybe on Thursday they're both closed and folks will take a ferry from Naples to Tunis, fly to Dubai, then back to New York. Talk about a headache!

I don't have many takers on that dollar offer.

I was talking in general, but if you know a way to get anyone's wife overseas without a passport, I'm all ears!

That 1300 miles seems pretty far for me too. There are several Russian consulates here in the U.S. (NY, DC, Houston, San Fran, Seattle) so unless you live in South Dakota there should be one closer than 1300 miles. Even at that distance, why not take the opportunity to see a little bit of America and make a vacation out of it?

Also, a few weeks back I remember reading a post from someone who paid a service company to get their wife's passport renewed and they never had to make the trip. I can't remember who did it or which one they went through, just remember that it is possible if you "pay the fine" to get it done here in America too.

"I was talking in general, but if you know a way to get anyone's wife overseas without a passport, I'm all ears!"
That's impossible, unless you find a way to get her overseas undetected in a language ;)

"That 1300 miles seems pretty far for me too. There are several Russian consulates here in the U.S. (NY, DC, Houston, San Fran, Seattle) so unless you live in South Dakota there should be one closer than 1300 miles. Even at that distance, why not take the opportunity to see a little bit of America and make a vacation out of it? "

Can't argue that.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-31 00:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

Hi All,

Thanks for your replies... Traveling east makes a lot of sense and I have no idea why I didn't think of it...

As for my wife's passport, she didn't go specifically for that purpose. She went to visit her family that she hasn't seen in two years, and while there, she decided that it made sense to renew. But, even in the US -- so she understands from reading the Consulate's website -- the process would be convoluted, with her needing to appear in person to start the process, and again a month later retrieve the passport. Given that the consulate is more than 1300 miles away, being forced to make multiple trips was not palatable to her. So she took the initiative and started taking care of this while in Russia. I was actually proud that she was [finally] taking care of something without having been prodded, but this volcano makes things interesting.


I was not aware it was 1300 miles away, plus Russians making renewal process extremely difficult in US. You are right it makes a lot of sense to renew while visiting her relatives. I hope she makes it back with no problems.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-28 22:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

I'll give you $1 if you can explain to me how to make a Russian woman understand the logical way to conduct business here in America.

I'll give you another if you can explain to me how to get your Russian wife back to the U.S. without a passport.

That's a tricky one, therefore you can keep your $1 ;)

I am not sure I understand your question. Are you referring to shikarnov's wife or in general?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-28 22:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...
As I mentioned to shikarnov in my initial reply, I would not go to Russian to renew my Russian passport known there is good chance I will not make it back. It can be easily done on US soil in Russian Consulate.
Remembering the hell I went through when airports were closed in Ukraine and Russia, I would bring her back ASAP.
Note, people in old Soviet Union countries tend to take advantage over someones grief. Americans tend to unite during the crisis.
I remember 911, when strangers in NY were offering you food, water even rides. In Kiev, as soon the airport closed prices on goods, taxi went up by x10. The airport was packed will millions of people. Officials were extremely rude. You had to pay them off to get on the next available flight. There were shortage of food and water. And no one cared. Same thing happened in Moscow after the metro bombing back in March 29th.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-28 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

well, there's a train run from Moscow to BeiJing, as well. She could pick up a flight in BeiJing coming into USA.

Can you imagine how many people will try to get on that train? :)
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-28 00:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

Why can't she renew her Russian password here in Russian Embassy? Most of my friends in US did that.

I meant say Russian Consulate in US
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-27 23:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

Moscow to BeiJing to SFO or LAX or NYC. Don't go west, travel east !

She could transit through Dubai, as well - Emirates Airlines is having some special deals.

If this happens they will shut down the airport, like they did in April.
I got stuck in Ukraine for a week because of that. If you ever wonder how is in HELL there was it.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-27 22:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...

Hi all,

For those of you who don't know, Iceland's big brother volcano seems to be close to eruption...

What the news seems to be avoiding is whether it'll blow within hours, days, weeks, or, maybe, longer...

I guess I'm just griping because my wife is still in Russia, visiting family and renewing her passport - which won't be ready for another 20 days or so. And the prospect of her getting trapped there for weeks or months more is less than appealing. Assuming she doesn't get out before the skies become hazardous to planes, does anybody know other ways of getting back to the US from Russia? Do they still do transatlantic passenger trips on boats?



Why can't she renew her Russian password here in Russian Embassy? Most of my friends in US did that.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-05-27 22:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYet Another Visa Approval!

Sorry for the hiatus but all is good. Diana and I had our interview on Thursday and got the excellent news the same day. I'll post more details on the Kiev embassy review but suffice to say, it went quite smoothly.

We came to the consulate the day before so that we could verify the location, where to pay, ask 'do we put the photos on the DS-156 or do you?' (the consulate does). Our appointment was for 9 am Thursday and we were wired for sound so got there at 8:15 fortunately there is an enterprising young lad Starbucks wannabe with a latte machine so all was good.

8:55 we went in, the immigration lobby was already nearly full. We checked in at the window, handed over the endless mound of documents, did the finger prints, waited 3 more hours then got called up for the interview.

Diana, son Denys, and I went to the window together. I was asked (mm, more like told) 'you have met several times' (yes, 5) 'traveled a lot together' (yes, 8 countries in 8 months) 'you make more than enough money to support them' (I've been fortunate). Then I was politely asked to beat it.

2 minutes later Denys came out, no questions to him were asked.

5 minutes later Diana came out beaming ear to ear! The questions were mostly about the children-Denys & my daughters, how/when/where did we meet and that was about it.

Everyone else we talked to was approved as well. It was a good day at the House of Dreams!

Now 5 days of packing left before heading home to Oregon. POE JFK.

Congratulations Casper!
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-27 11:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAugust 13 flights

Hello everyone!!!
I just scheduled Liana's medical appt. on August 4 and her visa interview on August 5. Does anyone know if flights are cheaper on Friday the 13th?
I am planning on flying to Ukraine on the weekend of the 13th of August and just want to know if anyone had experience buying Friday the 13th tickets. :devil:

If you want you can try my Russian travel agent. She always gets me tickets to Ukraine below market price.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-29 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother touch.

I hope you've been working on getting those police reports! :lol:

Now it starts getting exciting!

As for me, I'm bringing Diana home in 32 hours. :D

All done, income tax transcripts for 2007/08/09, letter from employer, police report, medical records, birth certificate translated with apostille . We even filled out DS-230 form (it just needs to be dated);)
I am just waiting for the interview date so I can be there with Svitlana.

Have a smooth trip back to US with your family.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-30 15:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother touch.
omg...I just received text of my approval.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-30 14:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother touch.
I have another touch today. The first one was several days after NOA1. Does that mean I might get NOA2 (hope not REF) in the next few days?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-06-30 11:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNAO2 what is next?

You are supposed to buy a PIN code to speak with someone. $12 for 8 minutes and id does NOT include phone sex! You will get to speak to a person. Here is what is funny...there are only two operators at the call center. Viktoria and Vitaly. When you buy a PIN and push numbers to buy a PIN, you get one of the operators...they take your credit card information and issue a PIN. Then they tell you to call back with the PIN. When you do, the SAME person answers! :lol:

Anyway, last summer was real slow at the consulate and they were giving interviews on 3-5 days notice. We needed an interview for June 25th for our son (k-2 to follow) and they were only booking to 2 weeks out (or thereabouts) So I had to call a few times per week to see if they were booking for June 25th yet. So I got in the habit of following the steps to buy a PIN but when Viktoria answered I would just say.."Are you booking for June 25th yet?" :lol: She would answer and that was it. I suggested to people that they do the same and ask if a case number was in the file...and I guess some people did it and it worked for a while. Last I heard they were no longer doing that.

Just limit your calls to once a week, any more than that is a waste anyway when you are waiting for a case to be entered.

"....and id does NOT include phone sex!" That's funny :rofl:
"Anyway, last summer was real slow at the consulate and they were giving interviews on 3-5 days notice."
Since we have all the papers ready for the interview(I-134, police report) maybe I can get her interview scheduled sometime in July.
JVFMaleUkraine2010-07-04 23:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNAO2 what is next?

Either language is OK. I filled out all of Alla's and the boys forms in English. They signed them. Except to sign forms, neither Alla nor either of the boys has ever touched a form to date. I am a STRONG believer that this is NOT a team effort project. ONE person should do everything, the other should "shut up and sign" Dividing responsibilities almost always multiplies the chance that something is forgotten.

If you pay part of the fee at ProCredit Bank, it is in CASH, UAH and they will give you a receipt. You need the KEV number. The amount used to be $131, I do not know where the $140 comes from. I haven't quite figured out why you would pay part of the fee at the bank, and the rest at the consulate.

So, it is ok if I fill out online form 156 (bar coded) in English and submit for my fiancee? Please note, she barely understands English. Could that raise additional questions when she goes to the interview? Who filled out that form and why?
JVFMaleUkraine2010-07-04 23:30:00