Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Noir
All documents that are in a foreign language should be translated into english by someone who is fluent in both languages (but it cannot be the petitioner or the beneficiary translating). I found this link for someone else, read what it says about translations:
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-30 21:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Attorney advice!?

Well I don't really care how it happens I just want to win a waiver haha

I hear ya Dude. That is the important thing and if using one of these guys gets it done, that's all that matters. I don't think they take on cases that don't have a good chance at approval, so if you consult with Liz and she says she can do it, then she can most likely get it done. Good luck.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-14 18:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Attorney advice!?

Yea....her 'specialty' is charging thousands of dollars for doing relatively little actual work, while the client scrambles around to find and/or manufacture whatever 'evidence' will be submitted to somehow prove extreme hardship...few people seemed to have caught on to this outrageous fleecing....on average, some of these 'noble' practitioners charge $8000 to 'prepare' a waiver package, which represents close to 30 billable reality, these attorneys use a boiler plate template for their weepy cover letter, (changing only the names), probably have an out of work psychologist available who for some token fee will draft a letter claiming that every health problem allegedly befalling the client can somehow be traced to the separation caused by the client's irresponsible foreign born spouse (typically an individual who has thumbed his or her nose at our laws from the moment they snuck across the border or were [foolishly] admitted to the US as a 'tourist', and mostly have their paralegals xerox the same medical reports to create a two inch high stack which the attorneys hope will cause the USCIS adjudictors to avoid reading and just rubber stamp an approval, for which the attorney will take full credit when none was due.
My own observation/experience having worked for a similar ethically challenged individual, was that about 3 hours of actual office time 'work' was done in the preparation of the average waiver packet...and any claimed 'expertise' by said attorney that magically brought about an approval was largely mythical.

Hahahaha!! That's putting it kindly..and exactly why I decided to prepare our waiver myself and it will be filed the end of June/early July. I'll let you know how it goes. :wacko: (disclosure: I don't recommend you try this at home)

Edited by trojam227, 12 May 2012 - 02:29 PM.

trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-12 14:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Attorney advice!?
I don't have personal experience with Liz Cannon but she, Steven Heller & Laurel Scott seem to be the famous amongst the waiver attorneys. I think they all have a lot of experience preparing them and have a good approval rate from what I have heard.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-10 22:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver
You might fall under the petty exception clause if the maximum penalty possible for the crime does not exceed 12mos. (it generally depends on how much money the stolen goods totaled, what the possible maximum sentencing could have been..not what penalty was actually imposed).

If your attorney thinks you may fall under the petty exception, then wait for the decision on that. The waiver is a quite an undertaking and there are no guarantees of approval. Have your lawyer get that letter in ASAP and sit tight..
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-24 22:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I130 approved, may need waivers, any advise pls!!
How long was he in the US after the first entry in 2000? When you say he was "stopped" at the border in 2003, did border control take any information from him? Fingerprints? After he EWI the 2nd time did he leave voluntarily or was he deported?

It sounds like a 9c, but these details are crucial to determine anything.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-23 21:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601

MARRIED ON 10-27-2010




I don't really understand your case. I DO know that a new filing procedure is being put in place for overseas I 601's and is supposed to begin very soon. The proposed changes will effect waivers normally filed at overseas USCIS offices, and when announced (probably in the next 4-6wks) all I 601's will have to be mailed to a lock-box here in the US.

All waivers from all over the world will be adjudicated here in the US by approx. 15 adjudicating officers with waiver experience. By doing this, the USCIS hopes to decrease waiting times (with a goal of 6 mos Max.) making the adjudication more uniform for everyone. Another bonus is that we will be able to check status online via the USCIS website.

I have mixed feelings about what might happen, but this is my own personal thought:

In the beginning things will run pretty smooth. I think waivers will be decided in less than 6mos, maybe even 3-4. After about 6-12mos the backlog will set in and waiting times will begin to increase. New adjudicating officers will be brought in, and because of lack of experience/speed, wait times will increase even more. I am hoping to be amongst the first batch of lock-box waiver filers, and share my experience as a learning tool for others in line behind us.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-24 21:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 query
No, you wouldn't have to start from the beginning. If your I-601 was to be denied, you can pay another fee & submit another I-601 with new evidence.

You shouldn't have a problem getting approved with only an overstay (3 yr ban). Join and start getting ideas for compiling the waiver, or which attorney's to consult with if that's the route you want to take.

If you are proactive and get the waiver sent in June you could possibly be here for Christmas..did the denial letter say to mail the waiver to the lock-box in the US, or the london USCIS office?
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-25 22:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VISA IN HAND AFTER 3 MONTHS A 3 WEEKS AP
Gret News! Congrats..
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-03 06:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied and 2 weeks later RFE!
Steven Heller is who I emailed you about..if anyone knows a thing about UK Law & US Immigration, he's the one. Laurel Scott is at the top of the waiver expert list so I think you are in good shape using these guys. Keep us posted on your progress and I'll be sharing our experience from interview next week to waiver decision. We have difficult cases so if others can learn something from us then all the better!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-21 00:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied and 2 weeks later RFE!
We haven't even had the interview yet. June 29. But I have been working on the waiver for a while now and will have it ready to mail to lock-box directly after. I am not sure how I feel about the new processing because I had heard that London has a high approval rate for urgent medical hardships and that is what our waiver is mainly focused on. Not sure how Nebraska will view our case. I will pm my email to you..
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-08 07:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied and 2 weeks later RFE!
Laurel is supposed to be great! Expensive but worth it from what I have heard. My husband is in london & I'm in NY and we are on our 4th year of living on different continents...I don't really want a 5th. That's good that you guys are together for the baby, but probably makes proving extreme hardship, hard. Did you call the field office?
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-07 19:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied and 2 weeks later RFE!
And that's why an attorney familiar with uk law is so important. They probably hit your husband with an inadmissiblity for violent & dangerous crime in addition to CIMT right? Now your lawyer has to argue both. I am forseeing that happening to us also, but I am arguing that in the waiver backing it up with evidence. Anyone who can google would know that any GBH tried in the Magistrates court on summary conviction holds a max sentence of 6 mos. or a fine/community order. I love they way the INA groups GBH in with offenses like Murder???? It is the equivalent of Assault in the US (in summary cases).

Let us know what happens...I would call the uscis field office that decided your waiver. Insist on speaking to the officer in charge because of the error they made sending out an RFE.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-07 08:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied and 2 weeks later RFE!
Yes that's us! GBH sec20...12 mos probation. No weapon-misdemeanor (and I have to convince them to use UK caselaw to determine this) Did your husband interview in Montreal?

Congratulations on your baby! I hope you have another shot at this one, but definitely refile if not. We are having trouble diging up the old court records (we got the acpo & moc but the magistrates court said they can't go back any further than 1996 I believe) were your records archived somewhere?
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-06 22:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied and 2 weeks later RFE!
It may not be a mistake. Some waivers do get forwarded to DHS for the final say..if they issued an RFE that means they are giving you a chance to submit what they are asking for. I refer to this manual every now & again and it makes reference to transfering cases to DHS in Nebraska...I think you have one last shot but they probably gave you a tight timeframe to work with right?

Edited by trojam227, 06 June 2012 - 09:24 PM.

trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-06 21:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED
:thumbs: :thumbs:

Very happy for you!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-07-10 18:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How long allowed to turn in waiver after interview?
OK, so I asked Laurel your question during the chat session (which btw is 11am CST..not est like i thought) Anyway, she says you have 1 YEAR to file a waiver regardless of what the consulate tells you. Plenty of time to get a good packet put together.

Good luck to you..
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-20 12:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How long allowed to turn in waiver after interview?
Most consulates/embassies will say you have 30 days to file a waiver, but by law you have 1 year (according to Laurel Scott, Scott & Associates PLLC)

Laurel has a chat session every Wed. at 11am-ish EST. I will ask her today how to keep case active so they know you are working on the waiver submission..not sure who/if you have to notify an office that you plan on persuing the waiver. Will get back to you on that.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-20 09:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)We're Approved!
Congratulations!!! You must be SOOOOO glad it is finally over and you can move forward with life!! I can only imagine how great you must be feeling right now and wish you both all the best. :)
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-07-06 07:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy completed 601 case, but haven't received notification of the outcome

Hi everyone, i lived in the US for 13yrs an did not get marrried until 12yrs after i started the process of filing for citizenship but had to leave the US 8months after i started filing because my father was in his last days an i had to return back to my country (Trinidad). I had my interview June,2012 , which didn"t go well at all beacuse they told me that I jave to file form I-601. Do noot know how to start filing such document, I would kindly appreciate some help from anyone who has been through that process. Thank you.........

You may want to start by joining

It's a forum geared toward waiver filing...lots of good tips on hardship letters and what to include for evidence. You can also get attorney recommendations if you are looking to hire an immigration lawyer. The I-601 is a big undertaking if you decide to prepare it yourself. Lawyers usually charge $6000-$10,000 to do it for you. Proving extreme hardship to the USC is key, but so is proving rehabilitation of the intending immigrant (under certain grounds of inadmissibility). I would be happy to give you some tips but first research the forum I suggested and if you need help just ask.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-07-11 17:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy completed 601 case, but haven't received notification of the outcome

I hope that this is good news for you, sure it is.

Quick question - How do you know that the waiver has been completed. Is there somewhere on line we can check that, or a different way? My wife and I are waiting for I-601 processing in Frankfurt.


The status of an I601 filed through london can be checked on the embassy's website. I don't think Frankfurt has this feature. It can take up to 6 months for waivers to be processed. Good luck to you!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-13 22:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy completed 601 case, but haven't received notification of the outcome
I have heard on another forum that london can take up to 2wks to send "the notice". I have seen posts of others who got it in a week, but they were denied, so maybe a good sign for you?! How long have you been waiting for them to process it?

Edited by trojam227, 13 April 2012 - 06:40 PM.

trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-13 18:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Has anyone not needed a waiver with cimt?
This is a tricky one...I have been researching & trying to decipher the INA code for over 2 yrs now, and I think you just won't know until you interview. I am certainly not a lawyer or expert in inadmissability & waivers, but my suggestion is to be prepared for a denial and I-601. Maybe you should consult with a solicitor since you are getting close to interview time, even if its just to inquire how it will affect your son's visa. Are you a member of some good advice on waivers..I hope you won't need it though. Best of Luck!
trojam227FemaleEngland2011-05-23 10:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Filed I-601 to Lockbox facility
I am interested to see how long your decision takes so please post when you get it! Thanks...will be behind you in the line soon.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-07-06 17:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!

Hi, I'm Carty's wife. My timeline is up to date so you can see our journey recapped below:

Bowling for Soup huh? lol...congrats, you guys had a toughy! Kind of how ours is panning out however we knew/know he will be getting the denial so the heart dropping & devastation won't be coming into play..we had that with his B2 interview a few years back. I can't believe it's been over a year since you submitted the waiver! God, if I have to wait another year I think I'll just become British. :D Thanks for posting your wishes for your future!!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-25 21:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!
Wow, you really got yanked around! Thank you for posting your process. It helps us all to realize that nothing is cut & dry with US immigration and not all cases will have an easy outcome. But you did it and will be able to enjoy some much deserved time with your wife next week!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-25 08:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!

Yes, I must complete my timeline. It's been a right rollercoaster ride of terror!

I called the US Customs & Border Patrole and a pleasant lady told me that my visa in my passport carried much more weight than any VWP and that everything would be alright. I explained that I still couldn't book my flight, to which she advised me to contact the airline.

I did just that, and booked my flight over the phone. So job done, and thanks for all your input.

There of course, may be a dilemma whenever I try to book international flights online as the ESTA denial will probably crop up again. Unless it is updated when some official scans my passport into the system.

The next hurdle (and hopefully the last of very many we have had) will be the interrogation at the aiport.


So when is your flight?? You must be so relieved it's almost over and life can begin! Congrats!!! How long did london take to process your waiver and what were your grounds of inadmissibility (if you don't mind me asking). We will be in the london I-601 waiting line soon...
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-24 20:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!

Which makes sense. However, when I try and book the flight ticket with United Airlines, the booking is denied due to my ESTA denial, which is still in the system.

That's ridiculous! Get that human on the phone!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-24 08:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!
Can you update your timeline please so others can see how your process went? I for one am interested.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-24 08:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!
If you have a CR1 visa inside your passport you are not required to do an ESTA. You're visa is your permission to enter the US as a legal permanent resident!
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-04-24 07:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CENTRALIZED LOCK-BOX FILING of I-601

This is not about the provisional waiver, the provisional waiver process is not in effect yet, this one is regarding centralized lock-box filling of I-601 and I-212.

Yes, that is exactly what it says in the post.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-01 16:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CENTRALIZED LOCK-BOX FILING of I-601



- GOAL IS 3 MONTH TOTAL PROCESSING TIME once case has been received from lockbox

Provisional Waiver engagement meeting will happen when all of the rules are finalized. No date has been announced for engagement or start of PW program yet.

- RESIDUAL CASE LOADS MAY START TO BE TRANSFERRED to Anaheim, CA (International Adjudication Support Branch) where 21 adjudicators may be working overtime to process non-lockbox filed cases.
Cases may also be transferred to the Miami Asylum Office or the NBSC.
The processing time for residual case loads was not announced during the 8 am call.
Which consulates and when cases will start to be transferred was also not clear from the 8 am call.

- GRACE PERIOD: Until July 3rd, consulates will allow non-Mexico filers that have a choice to file waiver through consulate or lockbox.[/B]

- I-601 DECISIONS: Will be sent electronically on a spreadsheet weekly to consulates and multiple times a week for Juarez cases.

- VISA ISSUANCE: Will depend on the case loads at the consulates.

- DO NOT FILE I-130 CONCURRENTLY WITH I-601 WAIVER: The I-130 must be processed as usual per the usual instructions and lockboxes. The I-601 will be rejected if the consulate has not found the applicant inadmissible yet.

Policy Memorandum on Filing Exceptions


- I-601
- I-212 (if associated with I-601)
- I-290B (if associated with I-601 and denied by NBSC)

Not required for residents of Cuba, just optional due to mail service problems.


- up to December 4th 2012, applicants will have a choice to file through lockbox or using current vetting program in Mexico

- May cancel waiver appointment if one is already scheduled so the applicant can file through lockbox if desired.

- Referred cases will continue to go to Anaheim CA and the Miami Asylum Office in Miami, FL - If NBSC has additional capacity, NB will take additional cases.


DOS process will not change. Applicant must be found ineligible by DOS officer before I-601 can be filed. If no inadmissibility has been found/applicant has not interviewed, I-601 waiver cannot be filed.


- most applications should be processed within 48 hours
- Use forms online because those are most recent forms
- G-1145 should be included with I-601 or I-212 and text/email updates should be provided
- Rejection reasons: incorrect fees, lack of signatures, missing required information (e.g. name, address, DOB)
- More mailing tips will be available online soon.
- for problems. Please include receipt number in email.


- 12 adjudicators were trained and will start working immediately.
- total of 18 adjudicators will eventually work at NBSC.

- test cases and practice started in April
- 300 test cases were processed within 4 weeks of receipt. Additional 1000 practice cases were later sent to NB and are still processing.

- Follow received RFE instructions. Do not send evidence to NB if not instructed to do so.

- I-290B has to be filed with office that denied waiver.
- MTR processing time goal has always been 45 days.


Urgent I-601 expedite may still be filed through a foreign consulate ONLY WHERE USCIS HAS AN OFFICE at the discretion of USCIS officer at consulate.

All other expedites will be filed through the lockbox.


The consulate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil does not have a USCIS office. Expedites from Brazil need to be filed through the lockbox.

The consulate in Lima, Peru has a USCIS office and may accept an expedite request at the officer's discretion. This is only an option for people who go to the Lima office in person.

** Please consult with an experienced attorney before moving forward with your case even if you have received immigration advice/opinion from this website. **
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-06-01 06:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CENTRALIZED LOCK-BOX FILING of I-601
Details from the March 9, 2012 conference call. Next conference call is scheduled for tomorrow, May 31, 2012 so I will post an update shortly after.


The US lock box allows all I-601 consular processed waivers to be sent to and processed in the US instead of foreign consulates. This means that most consulates will still be interviewing applicants, but the applicant will no longer submit a waiver to the foreign consulate, but instead, will submit is to the US lock box where it will go to the Nebraska Service Center for adjudication.


- Expected timeline for process implementation is late spring or early summer.

- Goal time to adjudicate I-601 is 6 months.

- Concurrent I-130 and I-601 filing will NOT happen.


USCIS can't advise. Has to be client/applicant decision.

- This is probably going to take time to work out, especially for Mexico and pending filers. USCIS did not have an immediate solution. Please discuss this with your attorney.

- Mexico filers!:

Mexico filers take up 75-79% of all yearly I-601 processing. Mexico filers will have a choice to file with lockbox or keep filing with Juarez for 6 months following the implementation of the lockbox. Mexico filers will still be able to benefit from vetting process if their case is "clearly approvable."

- Cuba filers!

Cuban applicants will probably not be able to send waivers to US lockbox due to difficulty mailing out of Cuba, but Cubans will have option to send I-601 to lockbox and also have file through Havana.


- Comparing overseas pending waiver times to US processing times, things will be coordinated so the overseas filers do not have to wait longer. The details of this still need to be sorted out, but it sounds like overseas applicants will not get "pushed to the back of the line" which is good.Foreign filed waivers will most likely not be transferred to the NSC for processing. These waivers will continue to be processed at the consulate.

- Waiver goes from lockbox to processing center. There will be no immediate approval/referral like Mexico. All cases will be adjudicated in order of being received.

More TBD.


- Phoenix lockbox will receive waivers. Other lockboxes and service centers will not be receiving I-601 waivers.

- After the waivers are received in Phoenix, they will be sent to the NSC for processing.

- I-212 can sent to lockbox or still be filed with local offices.

- Team of 10 staff members to handle new procedure and send I-601 and I-212 waivers to NSC.

- G 1145 for tracking?

- - to ask questions/inquire about lockbox status.

- Main reasons for waiver rejections from lockbox will be lack of signatures (must be original), lack of proper fees, and missing information like last name, full complete address, and DOB. - MUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS FOR SUBMITTING FORM WITH MOST RECENT DIRECTIONS.


- Lockbox waivers will go to Nebraska Service Center for adjudication.

- Consular officers will still be advising applicant of their inadmissibilities at the applicant's visa interview and providing directions on how and where to send waivers.

- Do not file waiver BEFORE interview or the waiver will be denied. An applicant may not file waiver until given permission at the visa interview.

- DOS (people who conduct visa interview) send inadmissibility and case information via an electronic database to the NSC so the adjudicators will have the case information readily available.

- Applicants should be able to receive a tracking number/case number to track case online!

- If waiver submissions are duplicated (one foreign filed, one US filed), the duplicate waiver will be sent to NSC so one officer will adjudicate the two waivers.

- Additional evidence should be sent to the NSC, not the lockbox.

- The way concurrent I-485 + I-601 waivers are adjudicated will not change. Please follow local filing instructions.

- Adjudicators are already experienced or will be trained. Overseas adjudicators will not be brought to NSC. 14 officers will start at NSC and will add more for a total of 26 adjudicators to handle over 23,000 waivers submitted per year. Not all officers are experienced adjudicators, but will be receiving "headquarter sanctioned training." If outside support is necessary, the support team will also receive training before they start adjudicating waivers.

Tropical estimates, not official:

23000 waivers per year + 26 adjudicators = 885 waivers per adjudicator per year.
885 waivers per adjudicator in 252 business days in a year = avg 3.5 waivers per day, per adjudicator.
About 2.5 hours spent on each case.

Much better than the current 2 per day at some embassies that only have 1 adjudicator.


- NSC will notify consulate electronically on a weekly basis, or more often, especially Mexico.

- The applicant will receive decision by mail.

- Overall time from waiver decision to applicant notification will probably be 6-10 weeks after the projected 6 month waiver processing time.

- If waiver is denied and person chooses to refile (not appeal), the applicant will not need a 2nd visa interview. The new waiver can be sent directly to the lockbox.


- So many expedite requests. No notification will be provided if expedite request is denied, just as they do now.

- Expedite request requirements will remain the same.

- Requests must be made in writing and should be sent to lockbox.

- Cases needing immediate attention / exception to adjudicate I-601 central filing will have to be discussed with consulate interviewing officer.


- When/if provisional waiver process is put in place, the NSC is not sure if the 26 adjudicators will be working on those waivers or if it will be separate adjudication team. TBD. The provisional waiver process was not discussed much beyond this.


- Many offices only have 1 US citizen officer adjudicator.

- There are 4 currently in Mexico because of the massive caseload.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-30 20:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CENTRALIZED LOCK-BOX FILING of I-601
I haven't seen any mention of this big change that effects many members on this website as well as visitor's to the site who are seeking information, so thought I would post it myself.

Lockbox/Centralized I-601 Filing Starts June 4

Please note this is NOT about Provisional Waivers, just about lockbox filing. Thanks!

WASHINGTON—Beginning June 4, 2012, individuals abroad who have applied for certain visas and have been found ineligible by a U.S. Consular Officer, will be able to mail requests to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility directly to a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Lockbox facility. This change affects where individuals abroad, who have been found inadmissible for an immigrant visa or a nonimmigrant K or V visa, must send their waiver applications.

Currently, applicants experience processing times from one-month to more than a year depending on their filing location. This centralization will provide customers with faster and more efficient application processing and consistent adjudication. It is part of a broader agency effort to transition to domestic filing and adjudication; it does not reflect a change in policy or the standards by which the applications are adjudicated. Individuals filing waiver applications with a USCIS Lockbox will now be able to track the status of their case online.

The change affects filings for:

Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility
Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal
Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion, (if filed after a denial of a Form I-601 or Form I-212).
Applicants who mail their waiver request forms should use the address provided in the revised form instructions on the USCIS website. Applicants who wish to receive an email or text message when USCIS has received their waiver request may attach Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance, to their application.

During a limited six-month transition period, immigrant visa waiver applicants in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, will have the option to either mail their waiver applications to the USCIS Lockbox in the United States or file in-person at the USCIS office in Ciudad Juarez. USCIS is aware of the pending caseload for applicants in Ciudad Juarez and is taking proactive steps to work through these cases. USCIS will significantly increase the number of officers assigned to adjudicate the residual cases filed before June 4, and those filed during the interim six-month transition period. USCIS has already begun to test this process and has transferred applications from Ciudad Juarez to other USCIS offices in the United States.

This change is separate and distinct from the provisional waiver proposal published in the Federal Register on Mar. 30, 2012.

For additional information on USCIS and our programs and services, please visit You can also follow us on Twitter (@uscis), YouTube (/uscis) and the USCIS blog, The Beacon.
trojam227FemaleEngland2012-05-30 20:09:00
United Kingdomcriminal record
I know the London Embassy wants an ACPO (police certificate) & Certified Court Records(known as memorandum of conviction in the uk) for each long as you got the certified copies from the court in which he was convicted you should be good to go. I think it will be up to the interviewing officer to decide whether he/she feels his crimes involve Moral Turpitude or not..."Assault" seems to be shady...some types are CIMT and some are not. Good Luck to you both!!
trojam227FemaleEngland2011-04-22 23:13:00
United Kingdomquick question regarding USC coming into England for a visit
Hi Colin, I have traveled over to london 10 times in the past 2 yrs and only on one occasion did a border control officer give me a hard time. Just tell your fiance to be prepared to answer some questions about who/why and for how long she is visiting and where she will be staying (she'll have to write down exact address & phone on the landing card they will give her on the plane). As long as she has a passport & return flight she will be fine. If you guys decide to get married in the UK instead, then she will need a marriage visa before travel and have to follow UK laws...I did this and it was easy-peasy. Enjoy every second of your visit!
trojam227FemaleEngland2011-04-22 20:57:00
United KingdomB2 Visitor Visa interview
He had some "assault" offenses (punch ups as he calls them) from over 20yrs ago, one was "grievous bodily harm" because he accidentally broke the guys jaw, a DUI and 1 caution for battery(flicked a guy in the ear) I'm not entirely sure how the US deals with cautions because the INA code refers only to certain CONVICTIONS as being inadmissable. A conviction is being found guilty, but with a caution you are not necessarily, its just like a warning. I wouldn't think he will have a problem but maybe you should post another topic asking if anyone was granted a visitor's visa having only cautions on police record. There's got to be someone out there who was in the same situation..I don't know of many guys who haven't been cautioned by the police at some point in their younger years, and if they haven't they're just lucky =)
trojam227FemaleEngland2011-04-23 15:22:00
United KingdomB2 Visitor Visa interview
I suggest you wait for the usually comes quick, within 2 wks. The problem with a visitor's visa is that there is no waiver in the case of a denial. Wait and see what the content of his police certificate shows so he'll have plenty of time to prepare for the interview. My husband was denied a visitor's visa because of his police record and the officer questioned him on particular offenses...he didn't even look at the rest of his documents or paperwork. Answer Honestly, but only what's asked.
trojam227FemaleEngland2011-04-22 23:52:00
United KingdomMarrying in UK
Hi triumph..if you are talking about getting married in England then you should go to the County Council website of whichever county you want to marry in. Follow instructions on Legal Requirements of Marriage and Civil Partnership for Foreign Nationals. I am a USC and married a UKC in Surrey, England last Sept...I applied for a Marriage Visa(cheaper than a fiance visa) with the UK(you don't need any permission from the US). I don't know where your fiance is from but if she is NOT British, Swiss National, or European Economic Area then she is also subject to immigration control & will need to apply for a marriage visa as well as yourself. It took about a month to get my visa sent back in my passport and its good for 180 days. I had to be in the country for atleast 8 nights before we could give Notice of Our Intent to Marry at the designated registry office, and then wait a further 15 clear days before the ceremony could take place. So plan on spending atleast a month in the UK. Hope this helps a bit & Best Wishes!

Edited by trojam227, 22 April 2011 - 10:46 PM.

trojam227FemaleEngland2011-04-22 22:42:00
United KingdomCheap phone calls to the UK ?
SKY & BT in the UK have unlimited calling to US landlines or mobiles for 5 pounds/month. I ring hubby a few times and he calls me back...the only catch is you have to hang up before 60min. so we hang up & he calls back for another 60min. If your hubby already has one of these landline providers than he just has to call & ask to add it on.
trojam227FemaleEngland2011-05-25 22:41:00