Middle East and North AfricaLeave in MENA pls

There are American schools in Cairo and as they say travel broadens the mind.

Does your daughter have an Egyptian passport?

No she only has an American Passport. We have decided to continue with K1 and if that fails for any reason then I will return to Egypt, Marry him and begin another journey. FOR NOW.....we pray that our K1 goes with out a hitch :-)InshaAllah.

Edited by True Love at Last, 16 December 2012 - 10:44 PM.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-16 22:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeave in MENA pls

I'm going to say it one more time: this place is lawless.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-14 23:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeave in MENA pls
Yes I have two children, one is 16 and has one more year of highschool, then off to college (inshaAllah). I could not take him out of the country because of his father, BUT he would come to stay with me for summer vacations. My daughter is 5 and her father is Egyptian so she would enjoy Egypt as she has already been once with me for 30 days.

I brought my ex-husband to the US because I could never leave my child (only one at that time). However, my situation at this time opened the thoughts AFTER discussing this with my son to move to Egypt for awhile. Moving out of the country is a huge decision and my fiance and I along with my children have decided that our best chance at a great future would be here in the states. We will return to Egypt on a regular basis to visit family but again after much consideration, our children will be better served here in the states.

Thanks again for all the great responses !
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-13 18:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeave in MENA pls

I might be coming late to the party but trust me, you do not want to move to the Middle East. I was born and raised in the states, got married in Qatar and have been living here for the last 7 years. I've hated every minute of it. I'm not saying to take my experience as law, not saying you're going to have the same experience, but I don't know of one person who made the move from the USA to the Middle East and liked it. They all pine for the day that they'll move back. And a lot of them are in different stages in their lives. Everyone from the married woman to the single party boy all want to move back after one year, most times less. And these are people who live in the Gulf, where there is no unrest, you're safe, and you have all the amenities and most of the technology of home. But you're still not home and there are HUGE differences that most simply can not adapt to. Human rights issues and etc.

I am SO glad that we're moving back, and you know the deal breaker? My son's schooling. He's 5 years old, will be starting first grade next year, and there is no way we'll be able to afford good schooling for him. So we're moving. Even if my husband (the non-US citizen) does not find the best job in the beginning it will still be better than living here. Not to mention I do NOT want to raise my child in this society, it's not Muslim no matter what anyone tries to tell you. You have a better chance of raising a well rounded and stable child in the USA.

This is all my opinion and I do apologize if I offended anyone, but this is my experience and what I've seen and learned during my expat years, and what I've seen and learned of others' expat experiences.

Thank you for your reply and good advice is never too late. My fiance and I have talked about all of our concerns and weighed all the pros and cons. We have decided to continue as planned with the K1, as soon as I receive my final divorce decree. We both agree that our best chance at a good future for both my kids, my fiance and God willing our future kids, is here in the USA. As I've been through this before, I know it's hard at times but the end result is worth it. My last marriage may have failed after almost 7 years but it was in good faith and it ended due to reasons not related to immigration.

I appreciate all the honesty and this is exactly why I visit VJ everday. I dont post as much but I do read and take in advice of those who have the expierence that I may not have. Good or bad information/ expierences for me are all very educational and helpful. This communnity tells it like it is, gives excellent advice and sometimes a person needs insight from someone who is neutral to the situation. A fresh look from someone elses perspective is exactly what we needed to confirm our ideas/ options.

I think a visit after we file will help to keep us focused on our ultimategoal of raising a family together and providing the best future possible, inshaAllah (God Willing).

Again, Thank you all ;-)
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-12 21:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeave in MENA pls
First thank you for all of your reply's. This is why I love VJ. I have only begun my thoughts and I have had some conversations with my daughter and other family members. There are other issues that have contributed to the thought of simply moving to Egypt to be with my fiance but he has also voiced some of these similiar concerns. I don't feel that I am going for selfish reasons and actually feel that my daughter being around her Egyptian family members would be a good expierence but it seems I have alot of things to consider and all input is appreciated.
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-12 14:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeave in MENA pls
Salamu alaikum to all.....This is not my first journey on VJ (I am the USC)and I'm sure many will think I'm crazy to go through this process again but my MENA marriage ended due to personal issues on my ex's side (the non USC). Here is my current situation and plan for the future. Advice, expierence and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I was planning on going the K1 Fiance visa route again (1st K1 was a 6 year marriage that was not fraud and resulted in my ex becoming a US citizen.) I have recenlty decided that I want to start fresh and go to Egypt, marry my love and stay with him there. Does anyone have an expierence about marring there that they would mind sharing? I would like it to be formal and through the US embassy just incase we decide to go ther CR1 route one day.

I know there is alot going on there but I have been over 5 times and I know first hand that the news media blows things out of proportion. I'm sure I will receive many comments about this. I am thinking of gathering my finances through say April of 2013 and making the move with my daughter (5 years old) to Egypt(her father is also Egyptian so I see no problem there). We are both muslim and I'm excited at the thought of being with my love as soon as I can. I haven't seen him in life since June of this year.(Not complaining, I know others have waited much longer)

I am looking for women living in Egypt with their fiances or husbands. Specifically, if you have any small children and how they have adapted to the move, school and general life. I would like to find work there abviously quickly but I am confident that if not, my man is able to support us until I can find suitable work. I would be living in the Cairo area and would love to hear about others expierences living, working there and etc.

We may one day wish to return to the US together and any thoughts on that would be great as well.

Our other option is to continue with the K1 process (we havent sent our package in just yet)and wait our turn.

I look forward to any and all responses. Also, anyone who would like to share what part of Egypt they live and the cost of living would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks Alot!
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-11 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt fillers get-together ;)

Hey guys :)

I thought that maybe all Egyptian fillers and USC in Egypt who are with their spouse can get to plan a get together :)

It will be a nice thing since all of us at least share the same journey :)

I am a USC, but 100% Egyptian :) I mean I was born in the US, but lived most of my life in Egypt and the other in the US :) I am now in Egypt with my husband and waiting for NOA2 for my husband's visa :)

I hope we can get to make friends here :luv: :star: :star:

Lastly, good luck to all of you :)

Salamualikaum ,

I am preparing for filing my second K1 visa. My Fiance is from Egypt and VJ has been a blessing for me. My first m arriage was in good faith but ended. I am hopeful that my first k1 will not effect this K1 as I feel you cannot chose whom you fall in love with. I am American Muslim and it's my pleasure to meet you. You will find that VJ members are very helpful and forward. You have found the best place for you journey. I wish you the best of luck and may Allah grant you many years of happiness, inshaAllah.

Melody and Tarek
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-12-19 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally started

Wishing you the best of luck. We finally got our approval yesterday!

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2013-07-23 15:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt People - question non immigration related

Fanooses are a great idea. He could also bring Islamic home items such as framed Quran verses, prayer rugs, prayer beads, etc. These items are hard to find here and the quality is much better there. Think about things maybe your kids can use in the future at school (projects)such as Egyptian money, anything to do with "ancient Egypt and Pharaohs". My family really enjoyed Cartouches (rings, necklaces and paintings.) Khen El Khalili holds many treasures such as leather products, great perfume bottles, arabian shoes, anything that is 100% cotton such as bed sheets, curtains, etc.


As you can tell I love Egypt and all it has to offer. I also brought back many kids items that can't be found here. Fulla dolls (like Barbie) with a scarf. Large wall stickers in all cartoon characters, sterling silver jewerly is just beautiful there. Tea sets are perfect for any home with serving tray. All these things will help bring a little bit of Egypt into your home.


Good luck with your choice!

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2013-07-19 15:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA movement - Packet 3 Egypt

Asalamu Alaikum, Peace to All,


Just wanted to share some good news after all the bad things happening in Egypt and around the world. We received "packet 3" from the Cairo Embassy today (Alhamdulillah - Thanks to God) and we are so excited to get things moving again. InshaAllah (God Willing) we will work fast to gather the required documents (at the pace of Egypt of course) and be on our way to an interview.


This journey has been long and hard but we know that our most important goal is to be together and begin our family. We keep each and everyone of you in our prayers. We know our journey is not over yet but this little movement has restored our hope that we can reunite soon.


For those looking for information the package came by DHL. Your name will not appear on it for safetly reasons they use a ID number. It contained two letters explaining instructions on the proper completion of the package and proper return via DHL. It also contained information about the medical exam process, fees to be paid and each additional step to get an interview.


We will keep you posted on our journey.


Also, for those who may have or may in the future file for more than one Fiance or Spouse, I noted that they flagged my file as (Multi Visa Petitioner).


**This information came from the NVC letter we received prior to it going to the Embassy.**


Salam and Good luck to us all. Please keep Egypt and Syria in your prayers.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2013-08-28 20:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally!! interview in cairo

Good Luck...We were hoping to be on the list for this month also but maybe January inshaAllah. We are at almost 1 year too.


FYI you can check your case number on this site for interviews: http://egypt.usembas...nsular/iv8.html



True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2013-12-07 00:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - MENA - K1 Interview

Our package was received at the Embassy on October 22, 2013 and our interview is scheduled for March 24, 2014.



I will certainly keep you updated as my Fiance has a perfect memory and will give me every single detail to share with you all., InshaAllah.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-03-08 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - MENA - K1 Interview

4 months to get the interview letter or the interview is 4 months?


It took 4 months after returning our package to the embassy until we received the interview letter. We had several email communications with the embassy and even had my congreswoman inquire on our behalf. They reported that they were back logged due to all the unrest in Egypt but would get to us in order that our package was received. So far that has been true for our case.


Thank you for all the good wishes. We are just ready to be done so that we can start the next process TOGETHER. InshaAllah.


We will keep you posted as always.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-02-28 20:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - MENA - K1 Interview

Howl long did u wait for ur interview after package 3?CONGRATULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4 long months!

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-02-27 21:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - MENA - K1 Interview

Asalamu alaikum - Peace be upon you all!


We received notice today that our K1 interview has been scheduled for March 23rd! I'm so excited all I could do is cry. ((alhamdulillah)) luv.gif  


Now the praying starts that all goes well and he will be able to come shortly after (wishful thinking).



I haven't seen him in person since May of 2013 so this has saved me a 6th trip.


We will keep you posted on our progress! Thanks for all your support! We are members for life.



Take Care and many prayers for all of you.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-02-25 09:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 "Vent"

Elchelle: My Fiance almost said the exact same thing as you did. I understand that everyone has filed and is waiting for one reason or another but I agree that waiting for your loved one is very difficult on all of us. All of these situations are in need of timely handling and it just doesn't seem to be any ryme or reason to how and when they are scheduling these interviews.


We are at the mercy of the Embassy and the instability of Egypt. Patience and Faith have been the only things that have given me the hope that ONE DAY, I will be reunited with my love and my life can finally resume. Currently it has been on hold for much longer that anticipated.


Wishing and praying for us all.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-03-08 22:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 "Vent"

OMG!!!!! Just received notice of interview today for the middle of March! I'm so very excited. Alhamdulillah. At least this is the progress we were praying for! Keep up your good spirits, they seem to be doing what they said.



Take care to you all and I will keep you updated.





Melody and Tarek

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-02-25 09:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 "Vent"

I applied for an expedite because I'm on the verge of losing my home over a technicality and having my fiance here would make it possible for me to keep it. It's the home where my kids have security and continuity after a difficult divorce, and it's my source of income because it contains a legal income property in the basement. I have two special needs kids and a three-year-old. The other of my four kids has been talking about suicide. Just found out today that our expedite request was rejected. So now I either have to lose my house and income, or go get a job and put my autistic son, young daughter, and suicidal son in daycare. FML.


I can't stop crying. This means he won't get his interview until probably June and doesn't want to travel right before Ramadan because that would make our first month together so strange and it would be so hard for his family to have him gone right then. So I won't see him until August at the earliest now. I just can't think. I need him here. I have absolutely no other security net and now I just have to somehow get stronger and do the impossible. I can't even think, I'm so disappointed and upset.


Lots of four-letter words running through my brain. Sorry for the "vent" but isn't that what this thread is for? (And please, be kind in your replies. I just need a little compassion right now.)


I am truly saddened to hear about your terrible situation. I have been thru similiar situations over the last several years but the one thing I know is that you have your children to keep you strong. They need you and your time will come to be with your love. He will then help you rebuild and regain what material things you may lose. In the end, your love together can rebuild a better fresh future for you and your family. I have children with disabilities also so I can sympathize with you in many ways. Its not easy being a single mother but you are strong and Im sure, and I pray that you find what you need soon. Take care and feel free to vent anytime. VJ was created for exactly this reason and many more great things.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-02-10 22:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 "Vent"

So just to update you all...I contacted my senator for a status request. The reply was immediate. Egypt is currently working on scheduling those who returned package 3 in September. I assume this means they will start scheduling us (my fiance and I) and  October returners in March, we hope and pray. The senators office was told that there is a back log and they are going in chronological order of returned packages not by initial filing date.


We just hope this information is correct but again we will take it with a grain of salt and simply continue being patient.


Good luck to us all, inshaAllah.




True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-02-05 01:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 "Vent"

My fiance and I started the process in August 2012. We sent packet 3 to the Embassy on August 3, 2013 . His interview was December 18. Another woman whose fiance sent his packet 3 to the embassy in June had an interview one week before ours. The interview was really tough for my fiance (about 25 minutes of intensity) and in the end the main concern of the interviewer was that he believed we were actually married. He told my fiance they would check with the Department of Justice to make sure there was no marriage on file. If it all checked out they would "go forward with our visa". He then said it would be a few weeks before we would know.  As of now we are still in AP.  It is frustrating to wait for sure. We are trying to be patient, but I still check our status everyday. 


If you sent in packet 3 in October it shouldn't be that much longer now. I do know that it feels like a lifetime away sometimes.  Best wishes for the two of you.


Thanks for the reply. I know we were in for a longer wait but this is too much. I pray that you get your visa soon. If you dont mind me asking, what gave them the impression you were already married?


We really are at the mercy of the embassy. It's sad to see all the DV Lottery Visas going to interviews while we wait. They have only scheduled two Fiance Visa interviews for January!


My prayers are with you and your fiance too.

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-01-08 02:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 "Vent"

Salamu Alaikum....Peace Be Upon You All, Attached File  319834_538753662821756_1656170981_n.jpg   21.58KB   0 downloads

Attached File  new card1.jpeg   78.07KB   0 downloads


So we are going on one year from the date we mailed our K1 package and yesterday I received an email from the Embassy saying that they are serving "first come first serve". Currently working on those who returned package 4 in AUGUST 2013. We are a unlucky OCTOBER returner. 


I know many have been waiting longer but we all have the right to vent a little. I have been so patient as we all are trying to be. I'm also proactive by emailing the embassy for updates and checking the website for interview schedules. I'm just wondering if all the new "clashes" in Egyptwill delay us even more. It seems now Egyp's Embassy is focusing on Sudan Visas.


Anyone else in the same situation? Also, after the interview we may or may not have to wait for either a long or short AP. Now they require higher visa feesand updated Police Reports, Medicals and TB tests. It just seems they are trying to drag things out. I have been waiting two (2) years now to get the love of my life here. Its really sad that we have to go through hoop after hoop and jump whenever they decide to change the process.


Im contacting my Congresswoman but what help are they really? I can't return to Eypt because I know the clashes will continue and I can't bring my 6 year old daughter into that mess. I just feel stuck. Anyway, had to vent. Not that it helps but it gives me something to do and a way to et my feelins out before I explode.






True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-01-06 12:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Interview today and......

APPROVED :joy:  Finally but of course he is on AP. He was up all the night and day so when he is fresh and awake I will deliver a detailed account of his visit to the Embassy for everyone.





Now just praying for a speedy AP!



True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-03-24 18:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 Visa in hand!!!

Thanks . I have posted step by step in my signature. I will post the embassy review once my fiance arrives per his request. My timeline is also up to date.




True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-04-17 18:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA K1 Visa in hand!!!

Asalamu alaikum, Peace be to all of you....


Just wanted to update and say that my Fiance finally received his Visa. He will be here in less than 5 days.



1 year and 4 months from start to finish. I would do it all over again for him, for the Love of my life.



Many prayers and best wishes for each and everyone of you.


With great gratitude, Melody and Tarek

True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-04-14 21:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
As-salam-u-alaikum ( Peace upon you),

Just wanted to send my best wishes to all of you. I hope that your process continues and will be successful. I remember what it felt like, going thru the process and all I can say is the life you will eventually get to live is well worth all the hell it took to get there. I thank God everyday for my journey and my prayers are all with you.

InshaAllah (Godwilling) Success for you all !
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2010-05-07 09:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaA question From Egypt!!

Salamu alaikum,


You CAN do K1. I don't know why all the negative comments about K1. This is my 2nd K1 Visa from EGYPT and although it took longer than expected it is almost finished. We are awaiting the visa anyday now. It isn't easy but if you are truly in love it is WORTH the wait. Allah has a plan for you and everything will be as it should. InshaAllah. I also have kids from my previous marriage, 17 and 6. My Fiance and I are only 1 year apart in age difference so I'm not sure about that being a  red flag for you.  You should definetly talk about your options and have her read up on VJ and ask questions. The more you know the easier the decision. We are all here to help. You can see my timeline below.



True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2014-04-08 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmy husband was deployed for 2 years and is currently unemployed
Please give more information so that we can offer the correct advice. Thank you.
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2012-07-22 20:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI have some question if some one can give us an advice i will be grateful

You can ask for an Expedite over the phone or by E-mail contact USCIS


If you have already filed your application or petition:

You can make an expedite request by contacting the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1-800-375-5283.  The NCSC will take a ?service request? and forward your expedite request to the office with jurisdiction over the application or petition.  You also have the options of 1). visiting your local office by scheduling an InfoPass appointment or 2). writing a letter to the local office or service center.


Your case was adjudicated to NBC, but still with USCIS. Also you can get your NOA2 by E-mail and updates of your status by text message if you gave a cell number (US number) and choose to get them. Also you can check the status of your case https://egov.uscis.g...d/ enter your MSC #



Took the words right out of my mouth!


Just know Egypt is moving but very slow. They just finished a K1 case that began in August of 2012. We are hoping we are next in line as the Embassy tells us, inshaAllah. Good luck to you and your family.



True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2013-11-30 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCurrent L1-B visa holder, getting married to U.S. citizen seeking permanent residence
After your married you can apply for would be changing from L1-B to permanent resident because of marriage. You can check out the AOS guide. Good luck! You do not have to leave while your completeing AOS.
True Love at LastFemaleEgypt2008-05-07 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond Marriage
QUOTE (soniasharmin @ Nov 30 2008, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Petitioner's First Marriage.
Beneficiary's Second Marriage after termination of first one (duly as per state's and religious rule).

I have not heard of being denied due to divorce! As long as it is legal and documented with the appropriate seal, it really shouldn't be an issue.
Or maybe I don't understand the question either - it IS late! LOL!
LorriQFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-01 00:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally Finally Finally!!!

LorriQFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-15 22:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI GOT MY APPROVAL
A VERY Happy New Year! Congrats! kicking.gif
LorriQFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-01 15:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApppppproooooved hooray
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
LorriQFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-04 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does the CR1 expire?

You are correct. I have an approved petition. And that's all I have. I was really worried that I'd have to resubmit all the paperwork again if that petiton expired. Seeing that there's not a lot of people in my shoes, I posted to get answers. I tried editing my post but I seem to get kicked out of that function, I didn't mean to sound bitchy. I guess it all comes down to presentation.

here's the edited post

Yodrak, I didn't realize I was that confusing. I see that when I was refering to my application as the CR1, I should have probably separated it and said the inital paper has been approved, meaning my I-130 petition. It's the application( petition) the the consulate needs in oder to grant me a visa, therefore I have an approved application but no visa. And that's what I needed to know, if there was an expiration on the I-130 petition. And Joej, thanks for answering my question. What I understand is that while the DHS is still reviewing my application, it remains valid. Meaning I don't need to resubmit another I-130 to Texas again, untill a decision has been reached concerning an approval or a denial of my visa
new orleans boundFemaleCanada2006-06-27 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does the CR1 expire?
I didn't realize I was that confusing Yodrak. I was refering to all my application as the CR1 and I should have probably separated it out. My inital paper has been approved, meaning The I-130 application. The application is separte from the visa CR1. It's the application the the consulate needs in oder to grant one a visa, therefore I have an approved applcation but no visa.

And Joej thanks for answering my question. What I understand is that while the DHS is still reviewing my application, it remains valid. Meaning I don't need to resubmit another I-130 to Texas again Untill a decision has been reached.
new orleans boundFemaleCanada2006-06-27 21:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does the CR1 expire?
Yes, my CR1 application has been approved. BUT my visa has been denied because the consulate is researching all my previous TN visas, when I worked in the states. Therefore, my question is, although my CR1 was approved, but I have no visa so how long is the application(CR1 paperwork that I filed in Texas) valid for?

With an approved application I was under the impression that that paperwork alone was valid for 1 year from the time it got approved at the processing center and sent to the National Visa Center. So is the approved application good for a year, two, less than that. That's what I'm asking and need to know.

Yodrak-DHS hell means that the Department of Homeland Security is now responsible for researching 6 years of my one year TN visas. I call it hell because I can't get a straight answer on how long it's going to take them to go throught them all and get back with an approval on my visa.
new orleans boundFemaleCanada2006-06-26 22:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does the CR1 expire?
I was just wondering if some one knows the answer to this question. My file is in DHS hell and I have no idea when it will ever surface. So lets say that I have to resubmit the whole application again. When does it expire so I can begin the process again without the useless expensive lawyer. Thanks
new orleans boundFemaleCanada2006-06-26 02:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for NVC and Interview
:dance: :dance: :dance: alright chicken little. You have your interview date! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats to you too awaterlily, good luck on your interviews.
new orleans boundFemaleCanada2006-02-07 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is GOING ON with VSC

I have also been waiting in VSC since September 11. I have already called them once and was told that they are still working on cases from March 12, that every case is processed differently, and that they usually like us to allow them 180 days to process these cases.

Heina, what number are you using to call VSC? Is it 1800-375-5283
I have to edit this post to say that the number abouve cannot be called from canada. Anyone else have another contact number?

Edited by new orleans bound, 20 March 2007 - 03:40 PM.

new orleans boundFemaleCanada2007-03-20 15:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo I'm stupid
posted in the wrong spot. sorry

Edited by new orleans bound, 02 August 2007 - 09:19 PM.

new orleans boundFemaleCanada2007-08-02 21:19:00