IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS letter says petitioner doesn't meet poverty guideline?

Line 22 equals "total income" on the transcript, just as it is titled total income on the 1040.

I am 100% sure that my tax transcript is NOT total income and would more than happy to show you W2s and past earnings statements vs tax transcript. The Tax transcript number is about $20 K less than my total salary income number from my W2s and from my paychecks. Tax transcript (I am reading right now) says "Adjusted Gross Income"....then next line is "Taxable income"...the AGI on my Tax Transcript is nearly $20K less than my Total Gross Income.

Tax Transcript uses line 37 which is actually AGI...I just check on IRS site.

Edited by ~Johnny~, 12 March 2010 - 03:51 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-03-12 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS letter says petitioner doesn't meet poverty guideline?

The number they look at on the Federal income tax return is line 22 of the 1040. His "current" income may be more or less than that but they are speaking only of line 22 on the most current return.

Just a question: Would you know if that line 22 is AGI (adjusted gross income) used in the tax transcripts? My AGI way over poverty levels, but I loose about $20K from AGI to total gross earned.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-03-12 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprocessing sequence.
Having been a Federal employee for 12 years (not USCIS but US Army Corps of Engineers) I noticed a very common thing regarding actions that we received for processing. We had 50 project managers in my office (I was one of them) and EVERY action as far as how long it took to process was totally dependent on who was the receiving manager. For example, two exact same actions and one could be done in 15 days and the other could go 6 months depending on the manager!! I used to always have contractors request me as their manager because I was considered one of the good ones but the government doesn't let contractors choose their permit manager. We had Corps manager's names in the business that spelled instant project death or very long permit battle. So...I think USCIS is no different.... I think you get some really good adjudicactors who honestly enjoy and try to do their jobs and then you have the other adjudicators that create all these unnecessary problems because they really don't care about what they do for a living. I think it's just the luck of the dice and I hope when I roll my dice in January that CSC gives me to a good adjudicator. And I'm in the private sector now so I understand both sides, IMO. I'd be willing to bet, if we started collecting the VJ'rs petition problems and associating them with their adjudicators, we would begin seeing some correlations. Possibly... the same folks that get processed in 2 months all have the same adjudicators.

Oh BTW...great forum..I been soaking in the knowledge for months and usually search works wonders. good.gif
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2009-12-14 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce decrees
Actually the US Divorce records search is hit and miss depending on the particular US State of marriage/divorce and even down to which county clerk office. Some states (such as California) have strict reporting requirements from all counties in their state to a single state vital records office. Hard to believe, but this central reporting of vital statistics is only required by less than half the states in the US.

How do I know this? Well, I just spent the past few months researching for myself. I was married about 25 years ago in the recordless state of Louisiana (which is only requiring New orleans Parrish to report marriages/divorces as vital statistics). I spent over $100 on background search engines used by the government such as Choicepoint and Intellius and an even used odd search engine called "Are they really single?". All search results came back that I was never married in Louisiana, but my previous marriage/divorce in Alaska was recorded because they have a central reporting requirement. I wasn't sure which parrish we filed for divorce, so I sent letters to 3 different clerk offices for the ones I lived in during those years. All responded back with no results of any records of me and any recorded marriage/divorce. I'm trying to track down a divorce/marriage record which apparently doesn't exist. So, in my case there doesn't seem to be an electronic/physical trail. The clek office where I was pretty sure I live 25 years ago mentioned a flood that destroyed records about 20 years ago. So, if there's no record???? then what? I was only married for 6 months in Louisiana but still....what next?? Just FYI: Choicepoint which is used by many sources for background investigations states that marriage/divorce records are available only for these States: Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Illionois, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada (yes incl Vegas), Ohio, Texas, Utah, W.Virgina.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2009-12-17 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

Ignore Bob, he's just a little "quirky" of late but occasionally there is wisdom when you look past the sarcasm.

He's not saying you will go to jail for filling in the 129 form wrong, so much as being charged for being a bigamist, which is a jailable offense (I believe). Bob's statement however is flawed in you are not sure if you actually WERE married, but I have to be honest, I am surprised you didn't confirm she filed for divorce. Some people are lazy (her I mean). Maybe it cost too much.. but I definitely would have checked at the time. But again, as you have stated, you were young, you were foolish and things happen.

How much searching you do is up to you, but if you look at it as you stated in the original post, you WERE married, and you neither have proof of that, OR of the divorce. So, the only way to know for sure, is to seek out your ex, or pony up the money to have a PI look for her, or your marriage/divorce records.

What exactly does your lawyer say? (I believe you said you mentioned another divorce but he nixed that idea) I honestly am just shocked that each STATE at least doesn't have a central database. This is not a judgement of you, just.. wow. Someone above my post mentioned "nunc pro tunc petition" and the Vital record petition. It sucks, but the prices we pay for poor judgement years ago. I'm still waiting for mine (think it might be my school loans :P) Good luck!

Hey thanks for the encouragement. Yeah I agree... Bigamy is jailable offense in most states... and agree with his statement regarding that. But I never lied on my 2nd marriage and just assumed, as the OP said...that they had a national registry checked it up and all was good, hence the 10 day waiting period (not like 5 minute wait in Vegas...which by the way...Nevada DOES participate in the national database..go figure). The state of Alaska never said..."hey we need a decree" so I figured they must have it in their computer.. But it boils down to for me is a possible Louisiana justice of the peace in someone's backyard. And Louisiana JoP's are the most corrupt in the nation....I have to even question that since the county clerk has no record of marriage or divorce... that maybe it wasn't validated in the first place. How do we know when we sign those papers that the JoP takes your $50 dollars and actually does anything with those papers?? He knows they go into a file cabinet NEVER to be seen again... Yeah... I was shocked as well to find that my marriage of 13 years in Alaska has no record in national databases. It really changes my perception of how things work in the US. I read stories of guys having wives in different states and always wondered....How the F... can they do that??? Wouldn't they get immediate Whoa when they run the license application???? and see he has 5 other marriages??? well depends on which state.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-06 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

I would be scared sh*tless to spend many years in prison, not only for bigamy but also for stating at your second marriage that you were not married before when in fact you were. If not, you would have been required to produce divorce papers. And now you are trying for number three. Wow!

NO ONE ever said that we stated we were not married before on ANY the contrary. I stated yes on mine....and Stated my status as divorced. NEVER was asked for anything else!! Not EVERYONE has a rosy life! With white picket fence and wife of 40 yrs! So, this is now a judge you forum by number of marriages??? And I've never really seen or read of anyone go to prison for many years for making a mistake on an I-129F form.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-06 01:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

Something like that. Or ignore it altogether. However if anything is found, then you might get into trouble and the letter shows you were trying to be honest. However if you honestly believe that it never "really" happened then you're not lying. Someone lied to you years ago and luckily you got out unscathed (hopefully).

Hey isn't that the George Canstanza of Sienfeld's Lie Detector strategy??? "It's not a lie if you believe it's true"
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-06 00:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem


Okay so you need to remember approximate. Based on what you said:

1. what age were you when you married? Surely you remember whether you were late teens (i.e. 19, 20) or heading on up towards 30
2. you said you moved while she divorced you. Do you remember where to, or roughly when that was, or a friend that you met after you moved that could remember when you met them? Maybe check your credit history for the apartment you moved into?
3. On that vein, did you move in with your wife at the time? Do you remember where you were living? That'll give you a time frame from your moving out date
4. Was there ANYTHING you got together?
5. Do you remember what song was popular at the time? You could do a wiki search. Like personally, that friggen frog song... *shudder*... I remember that well :S
6. You were in a band, do you remember any gigs around the time? Or cd's or tapes you released?

Hope this helps to jog your memory :D

I got it close to the two year span of 1986-1987 and had clerks of court attempt search. Both parishes (counties) where I assume we had the wedding came up nada. These problems are epidemic nationwide in the divorce/marriage records. People really are clueless until they need an old document and find out like I did...ohhhh we don't really keep track of that stuff!! Not enough money in the budget and it's not a priority. Now, I think people here have gotten very technology "spoiled" in the past 15-20 years and can't believe the thought of there NOT being a database or electronic file system in place. People remember this was around 1986!! remember??? The IBM 286 with DOS was just released. Remember those 5 1/4" flexible floppies?? The internet was mostly text, not visual! 8 track tape decks were the thing not cassettes or CDs!! And NO ONE but the IRS and Defense department types were using huge databases....and they occupied large rooms for very little data storage when compared to today's standards. Now...take an archaic judicial process such as a county marriage license...20+ years ago....NO PDF pre-filled forms, no scanning, no database, just standard carbon paper forms...a court assigned number and eventually getting filed into some file cabinet for storage....never to be seen again. Fast forward 20 years.... somebody wants the clerk to go dig in the basement for a license and reality the cabinets are disorganized...there is no "system" other than possibly filing by court numbers.and "maybe" a court legend for numbers..maybe not......not even filed by can't just go to "B" and find Brock's divorce.... they have to thumb through hundreds of files..if the files are even I said one of my clerks mentioned a fire some 15-20 years ago.... soooooo if a company or government is searching for me... they will find addresses, birth records, previous occupations, tax records, loans, but not marriage records. I know we want to believe the government has super computers that you touch a button and poof instant everything but they don't. I worked in the Pentagon 8 years...and believe me they don't have special anything.

Not sure about the OP...but I barely remember my wedding...I was 19..I think we had it at her parents back yard. I think I got pretty drunk but hey it was the 80s....and today I'm a scientist and a non things change.

So... I think someone mentioned asking USCIS.... No offense but I don't know what the answer to that question is before I ask it. I'm not suggesting anything illegal and would never recommend it. The point is IF there are no records and nothing in the database then why list it only to be RFE'd for a document that may or may not exist? And the site does not work for Louisiana.. as mentioned earlier... Louisiana is one of the states that DOES NOT maintain marriage/divorce records as vital records. I just remembered I tried that site as well but it found nothing in Louisiana because they have no marriage records...but they are the site to for birth certificates...and I got mine there. I have been working on this since....last summer....and have been in LOT's of circles. I even dug up my old Pentagon class 4 background investigation from 1998....and guess what... no marriage listed, and I was married then 2nd time in Alaska...another state that DOES NOT report marriage/divorce records. I'm not trying to be smart a... but this is quite frustrating... I know legal and I know insanity!!!
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

have you tried facebook searching her or myspace? Or googling her? you said it's a common name but maybe she has a good profile pic so you know for sure it's her (my 60 y/o half-sister has a FB! as does my husbands grandmother so not only "kids" join)

Can you think of ANY records you had with her? Maybe a joint bank account, the state you were married in at least? Would your family/friends know a rough year? Can you think of a range of dates? Like "it was hot" or "it was Christmas soon"... something like that?

I'm not sure how legal this is, but maybe the school her kids attended? Surely the government keeps track of kids and their education?

You know I haven't been able to even find her name on any search. But even if I could find her name SOMEWHERE....I'd still be looking for the specific marriage/divorce papers, which takes me back to square one...the county clerks' office. Which needs more than her name and my name. They need approximate years (which really I don't know, I was a singer in rock band in the 80s...hint hint)... I even wonder if we had official wedding... I don't recall much from those years. Life is so much better now!! ...:blush:

Edited by duplantisjj, 05 January 2010 - 07:53 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

have you tried facebook searching her or myspace? Or googling her? you said it's a common name but maybe she has a good profile pic so you know for sure it's her (my 60 y/o half-sister has a FB! as does my husbands grandmother so not only "kids" join)

Can you think of ANY records you had with her? Maybe a joint bank account, the state you were married in at least? Would your family/friends know a rough year? Can you think of a range of dates? Like "it was hot" or "it was Christmas soon"... something like that?

I'm not sure how legal this is, but maybe the school her kids attended? Surely the government keeps track of kids and their education?

Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Friendster, Hi5, Google, Whois, Yahoo People, you name it. Like this girl disappeared 20 years ago. I don't even know if she is dead, or remarried and changed name...which is likely what happened.

Honestly I have steered away from discussing my legal and non-legal options because this site is a great site and has loads of good information. But I know we can not promote anything that would support an illegal recommendation. However, I am running out of options. If I can't find the the date of marriage or divorce decree even with a search to the county clerks of court, how would USCIS find it?

Edited by duplantisjj, 05 January 2010 - 07:40 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

It had 4 ‘possible sister’ listings… all names I don’t know. (I don’t have a sister)

We didn’t have a joint bank account, no joint taxes, not even a utility bill. I think I might have had her on an old video store membership, and I think they are out of business now.

She may have been a want-a-be gold digger, but also was not a very smart one because I had no gold to dig at the time.

WOW!! Did you steall my past??? Damn same fn story.. I have 6 mths with this princess from hell when I was 19. We lived with my parents.... and never had a bank acct, video card, nothing together. Her name doesn't even show on my background investigation. But lots of people I don't know are on there as having similar address. I even a have person with my name (different middle) that is DECEASED!! Go figure.

Edited by duplantisjj, 05 January 2010 - 06:09 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

At the time I like most people had assumed these records were available nationally. They didn’t ask, I knew there had to be a default judgment. So I just assumed they looked it up someplace and saw it was all good.

It wasn’t until I had to provide copies of the divorce papers that I found out there is indeed no national registry.

Yes I have the second.

EXACTLY!! I really thought they looked into some national computer registery and since I knew I was divorced/annulled..whatever....20+ something yrs ago...that it just showed up on their radar screen. I was never asked twice about it when we filed for Alaska marriage license (which took 10 days to process). Wasn't until a few months ago, prepping for K1 that I realized,,,,there is NO national registery.... only a few states have data available....and my own search came up nothing. I've also read that many of the consulates do the exact same search as done by the same commerically available outlets. And VJ has VERY little reading on this subject.....

Edited by duplantisjj, 05 January 2010 - 06:04 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

I'm curious on how you managed to get married the second time.

They ask you if your were previous married, and if so, you have to produce evidence of the divorce.

Did you not tell them you were married prior?

For me it's been 16 years since my Alaska wedding. And if remember right, there was check box...previously divorced? And then I believe there was a question, "are you legally able to marry?" And that was the extent of it. Never was asked to produce a decree. Every state handles marriages/divorces differently that why the difficulty in a national database exsists. Imagine getting all those national clerks to work together... :wacko:
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

out of interest I did a search for my husband on "" and no marriages were listed for him and I KNOW our marriage was legal and it was only 2 months ago. I have the official marriage licence too so I qn their validity

The thing is, your state may NOT maintain records available to a national database. Some states, like Louisiana, only maintain birth records as a searcheable "vital statistic." There is NO national records database in the US that inlcudes all states where you can know everyone that was married and when, where, etc... There are only 12 or so states that participate in a national database project. That leaves 38 states, and others Districts etc... maintaining it's own records, files, and method of retreiving. I was married 13 years in Alaska ...and the search engines never showed my marriage, because Alaska doesn't participate. did show my name and her name at the same address due to SSN records and tax filings.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

Yes, I did know, but when she moved out of state it was with her mother.

I know her first name, and I know that her last name was different than my X, but exactly what I don’t remember.
I also have narrowed it down to about 5 probable states they moved to based on what I do remember about them.

I also just did a search on both intelius and they didn’t even find my second marriage or divorce much less the first one.

I am wondering now if the first was even legal considering the clerk can’t find it. As it stands I have no proof of the marriage much less the divorce.

Just realized that both of those search sites will tell you if your state is one of the lucky ones that don't keep database searcheable records. I seriously believe that without a private investigator, the USCIS could not just magically push a button pull up your marriage/divorce info. They can't pull up what isn't in a database. The USCIS has a FACT Sheet on how it conducts it's searches. It does two main searches, one is the FBI search (looking for domestis arrests/convictions)...I forgot what the other search is, but it also is not related to marriages/divorces....I think something to do with immigration. Do you have your second divorce decree?

Edited by duplantisjj, 05 January 2010 - 05:37 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem

I called clerk’s office in the state and county that we filed for the license and asked for that. They were not able to find it. They asked if I knew the year to help narrow it down, but I don’t. (I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID, OK.)

I had same problem with date/yr...My problem with the search was I didn't even know exact year of month of marraige/divorce (heck I was 19). And they could not find the files as was told to me...there are thousands of files in the cabinets in the basement.... for each yr,,,,, and each month....without knowing a date to narrow it down...well Good luck...and there are NO plans to ever scan and digitize those records in my case.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers Problem
Hi. Finally I can contribute something! I am having a similar problem, but my 1st marriage (of only 6 months also) was about 23 years ago in the state of Louisiana. Which is also one of those states that does not have a national or statewide marriage/divorce database. Only the city of New Orleans maintains a searcheable database. You have to mail a letter to each Parish county clerk for a records search, and you may or may not get lucky, I paid $10 for each search. It's really a turkey shoot. I sent letters the two places we lived during the divorce and both clerks came up record of marriage/divorce. But one of the seats had experienced a fire some years and records were destroyed. So, I'm on the fence now as to what to write on my K1 petition. Also I did pay for two commercial nationwide/statewide matrimonial searches. The first one is from a widely used commercial company called Intelius.... they have a website I think The service was maybe $40 for a nationwide search and showed NO record of any marriage. There are only a handful of states that maintain national marriage/divorce database infomation as most states don't consider it to be "vital statistics". SO irrespective of what anyone says, unless the USCIS has local attornies in every state county seat searching file cabinets for divorce/marriage records, I would think it difficult to say the least for them find out if you were or were not even married. Unless as mentioned, that you were married to an immigrant candidate. Also another site that has access to national databases is called one is $10 and they search only marriage records nationwide. Intelius gave me a nice 20 page background investigation,,,which is kind of cool....(noticed I had 3 speeding tickets in Alaska over 15 years....and showed EVERY address I've ever had)) Also, I lived in Alaska and was married there and have the divorce docs...but Alaska also does not maintain database...and the marriage/divorce did not show up on either of those commercial searches. There is NO national database for this type of search. I do think after reading everything for many hours about what they search for...and came up with the conclusion that they are more concerned with past criminal actions, and maybe rely on the honor system with regards to the majority of past "stated" marriages.

Edited by duplantisjj, 05 January 2010 - 05:00 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-01-05 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much evidence?

Hi! I'm going to mail to my fiance evidence I got for him to assemble the first package. . How many e-mails would be fine on the average? How many photos together, because I have 50 ? . I don't want to send either too little or too much !

Thanks for your help.

Just curious as to your question. Are you asking for evidence of relationship or evidence of meeting? I just submitted my 40 page thesis 129F and only included solid evidence of meeting. I agree with others that including as much info early is good thing and can't hurt your petition. But we have thousands of pages of IM messages and emails and such that we did not include just because I understood that it's not required as evidence of meeting. But I do intend to give a lot of paper to my fiance' in prep for her interview. Including copies of hundreds of photos.....eventhough we only included 8 photos with out 129F.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-03 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos for proof

Printed 4 per page on bond paper with captions under each.

Same here but used photo paper. Included two sheets for total of 8 photos.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-15 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1

If that doesn't get her too shook up maybe the fact that I'm 900 pounds, hooked up to 10 machines, foaming at the mouth, and with 30 days to live will. No, we are aware, and I haven't shared any details on here.

Note: Sarcasm

Hey, are you that guy from Mexico I seen on TV?? They were driving you around on back of a flatbed truck? You know, technically-as far as USCIS is concerned, if you can travel around on back of that truck, you meet the definition of being able to travel and therefore you can travel to see your girl. :thumbs:

But USCIS, even expedited, can't get you through in 30 days. So, you'll likely not live through the process.

Just getting in before the door shuts closed. :whistle:
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-16 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1

Send the letter along with all the evidence when you file the petition for the K-1 visa.

Good luck and I think enough said on this topic.

Don't forget your check for $455 for USCIS filing fee, and don't forget to sign the petition. :whistle:

Edited by duplantisjj, 16 February 2010 - 01:09 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-16 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1

I'm 25 years old. When I see cases where the applicant has to get co-sponsor I think how he/she will support her/ his spouse, wedding, marriage, etc. BUT WHEN I SEE CASES WHERE THE APPLICANT CAN'T EVEN AFFORD THE AIR TICKET (AND I HAVE SEEN A LOT OF THOSE) I JUST CAN'T STAY QUIET.

shane7721237 with respect I'm tell you that you are not prepare to bring your future wife just yet. Disability is NOT the issue here. Money and stability are the real issue. With respect I'm telling you: If you can't even afford a single trip you can't afford the petition case you can't afford a wife.

That's your biggest problem right now, get this problem resolve then you can move to the next one.

:thumbs: :thumbs: Good advice from a 25 yr old!
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-16 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1

The OP won't lose that much. The case will be denied at the Service Center level.

My guess as well.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-15 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1

You understand that if you file and the waiver is denied, that is money lost?

Can you imagine being denied at the consulate level?? Let's say after the visa fee increase coming soon? So, that's $455 USCIS, $500 (give or take) St Lukes medical, travel and interview costs, then the newly proposed $355 for visa fee....whoa!! That's about $1300 non refundable if denied!! :blink:
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-15 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1
There are many others on this forum who know far more than I on this subject. I know that aquiring a tourist visa from PI is next to impossible. My fiancee's mom tried a few years ago and was denied. And she has a job, a house, two kids and every reason to come back to PI. Still denied. It's very difficult to get approval of tourist Visa is PI because it's considered a high fraud consulate.

Your best option would be to try to visit in person. If you were married in PI then you fall under different catagory of Visa with a bit of a different process. As a K3/IR, you could have better luck with a co-sponsor and the approval process is different. Just FYI, PI has a 10 day waiting requirement for marriage license and you must both apply in person.

I don't believe denial of tourist visa is a valid reason for not requiring the "meeting in person" requirement.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-15 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1
I would echo what has already been said. The airlines are pretty good at working with disabled travelers. Unless you were incapacitated and on life support, chances are slim you'd get them to allow this exemption. And her getting a tourist visa is a lost cause.

But the other issue has been touched upon which relates to financial responsibility. "Your" finances are the ones used as basis for the K1 Visa. The consulate DOES NOT caculate money that your fiance could make in 6-8 months after her arrival. It looks at money you've earned last year or two. I don't know how much disability you receive monthly/annually. Is it considered at 125% above the poverty level? The key factor here is that the US will not approve a K1 Visa if there is any hint that the beneficiary will become a burden on the federal government. Those are pretty straight forward rules that apply to everyone. You can go with a co-sponsor but I understand that it is a bit problematic with K1s and more accepted with post married visas (K3/IR).

You're best bet is to attemp the trip for a visit.

Edited by duplantisjj, 15 February 2010 - 06:53 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-15 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich Service Center?
Be happy. Vermont is still kicking CSC's butt even with the weather delays.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-17 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent
Also, check the address and make sure you don't use the USCIS address. Instead you should put the relating embassy address. Such as:

United States Department of State
United States Consulate, [name of country where Embassy is located]
[Embassy Address]
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-17 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized Statements
The only thing that comes to mind is for the Philippines that requires Parental Consent/Advice notice if the beneficiary is under 25. Those are usually notarized letters and have not histrically been required by the embassy, but they have been required by the PI government during its exit consultation process (CFO Seminar). But the OP is pursuing Visa in Colombia, parental consent letters may not apply.

Edited by duplantisjj, 17 February 2010 - 04:09 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-17 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F - Submit Originals Or No?

Ok, so originals there.

What about my Birth Certificate? Make a copy of that for submission and then send the original to her to have ready for the interview?

Yep, don't send them original birth certificates and such. You will not get them back. Always make copies and have originals for backup at the interview.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-19 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForiegn Fiancee Signatures LOI/G-325A
Yeah, we tend to focus a lot on signatures in the US. My fiance freaked out when she had to "sign" her "signature" on the 325 and LOI. She said, what's my signature??? So after explaning to her how we use them for everything here in the US, including electronically signing your signature at Wal Mart or retail store check-out stands. She practiced for 2 hrs on how to do her signature then signed the forms. It's funny because in the US, we are taught to develop our handwriting signature almost in first grade when we start learning how to write our name.

Edited by duplantisjj, 19 February 2010 - 11:50 AM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-19 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresError made in G-325 Form and K1 petition is now in USEM

Play it safe. Make sure you fill out and sign another G325. Take the new G325 to your interview and use it only if necessary.

~ Tahoma

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-09 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresassembling the fiancee visa packet

Sure - Use the following as your assembly guide:

Check or money order Stapled to top sheet ($455 - payable to US Dept of Homeland Security)
I-129F cover letter
I-129F petition
I-129F Supplement letter (if applicable)
G325-A (yours) - with passport photo attached
G325-A (fiancee's) - with passport photo attached
Proof of USC Citizenship - either birth certificate or copies of passport pages
Letter of intent to marry (USC)
Letter of intent to mary (Beneficiary)
Divorce Decree (if aplicable)
Proof of having met (Boarding passes, hotel receipts, photographs, etc)

Tada! All done!!!!!!!!!!!


Seems you've answered this question a few times before. :whistle:
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-19 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquick question about form g-325a
Check out this post... I remember now why I did TWO copies. One VJ member was lucky to have a converation with a VSC director and the question of one or four copies was asked. He said two copies is fine.

Gary interview with VSC Director
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-19 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquick question about form g-325a
I think it depends on who you ask, but the older forms required 4 pages and the newer form requires 1 page. Many folks here have gone through USCIS with only 1 page for the 325a and have not had problems. I gave them two signed copies for each petitioner and beneficiary.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-19 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTotal fees for K1 just to get here
Yeah, they just keep tightening the screws on these fees! And does anyone think we'll get better service for this 267% increase in fees? A rational increase would have been 30-50%..! And, yeah, public comment period is a joke.. Just a smoke screen to make us believe we actually have a say in the process. "Sure....we'll give you (US Public) 60 days to convice us why we shouldn't raise fees, then after that, we're going to do what we planned on doing in the first place...which is raise the fees 267%!"

I know we do what we have do to be with the ones we love, but these constant barrage of fees is ridiculous! And you finaly get your baby here, and paid for air fare, wedding and personal adjustments (clothes, home redecorating, food restocking, etc)...then you have a nice $1010 AOS fee waiting for you... There's my rant for the week...thank God it's Friday! :ranting:

Edited by duplantisjj, 19 February 2010 - 04:59 PM.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-19 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStupid Question Sorry

Most prefer black or blue ink - hard to go wrong with black ink though.

~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-20 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 NOA2 timeline?

Hi it says the california timeline to get your second notice of action is at five months...Just wondering if that is accurate or if it is possible that it may get done sooner there. My friend said hers took about 3 months a year ago. Just curious any info would help, thanks

Hi, the 5 months is from USCIS and is hit or miss. Some cases are done in a month (typically military expedites) but most are done around 3 months. You should create a VJ timeline and it will give a general idea of how long your case should take. More info on creating a timeline is HERE

Good luck and God Bless!
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-21 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st step for k1 visa process & procedure...Help!

Fair enough :) I have to say, I've found this site to be extremely helpful and, while the big picture still feels overwhelming, I'm quite grateful for the guides - they break it down into manageable components, even for those of us whose eyes glaze over at the thought of forms and paperwork!

Regarding the OP and her fiance: I'm confused... isn't Hawaii part of North America? That whole referenced thread makes no sense to me (and that's even after deciphering all of the typos...)

If you really want to be confused and understand what everyone is hinting about then here you go:

HBK Topics started
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-24 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAppointment Letter

I would think someone is confused - perhaps January was the NOA2/Approval Notice (from USCIS) and Feb.08 was the letter/notice from NVC. The US Citizen/Fiance should contact NVC to be certain the package has left.

:thumbs: That would be my guess.
~Johnny~MaleUkraine2010-02-23 12:09:00