Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 checklist - Sydney
2 weeks exactly it took them...
i even rang their HQ and spoke to someone in Criminal history to find out where they were at.....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-21 17:55:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 checklist - Sydney
Will try as best i can - if anyone thinks i've missed something... pls add...

they send you a form DS - 230I - biographic data that you must send back to the consulate asap as they wont start processing your case until that is recieved.

there are another two forms to fill out - one is sent to you and the other is found online (this is explained in the letters and the address online to find the other form) you dont sign these - you do so in front of the consular officer in your interview.

* evidence of relationship
*Please obtain original documents or certified copies of an appropriate authority for yourself and all unmarried children under 21 - who will accompany you to the US. all docs that relate to your petitiion are required, even if thye were previously submitted to USCIS with your petiition (so basically - just give them everything you sent in with the petition)
*birth certificates
*or unobtainable birth certificates (examples are given of what you can provide)
*child custody (if applicable)
*deportation (if applicable)
*medical examination (arranging a medical with one of the physicians that the consulate provides you contacts with)
*court and prison records (if applicable)
*military records (if applicable)
*termination of prior marriages (if applicable)
*translations (if applicable)

affidavit of support - petitioner provides this

photographs - 2 are required for the consulate

police certificate (examples of what is needed is given)

as soon as you have all these you send in a form that they provide saying that your ready for your interview.... which i guess will issue packet 4.

with the medical - dont forget to take with you - your case number that NVC assigns to you - not the USCIS case number....

hope this makes sense... i only got my medical done today... if your in Sydney - i suggest Dr Waks - he's fantastic!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-19 03:16:00
Asia: East and PacificFiancee pretty stressed..... help
my interview is tomorrow - and i'm a bundle of nerves - i've checked all the paperwork like 20 times and ticked it off the list of what to give them................

you cant help be doubtful but i know she'll get thru this just like i will....

if you have everything they ask for theres no need for them to fail you.
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-07-22 20:17:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates In Aussie Land
it might be included - but i agree with Jezz....

none of my parking offenses were included on the police certificate - ......
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-07-01 23:28:00
Asia: East and Pacificany aussie from Camden NSW way?
sutherland shire............
will be in the US in november...........
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-08-28 00:51:00
Asia: East and PacificRed Flag concerns...
i met my fiance last year in august - via a artwork forum - in january we met in person and he proposed and the rest is history, i'm moving over there in november ............
the consulate didnt question the length of our relationship or the fact that we only spent one time together, i did tell them that due to finances and work we were both unable to visit each other more regularly as it is expensive to fly over the sea............
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-08-09 21:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
amazing you were able to get thru to the consulate ... when i did it - it was all automated....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-11 21:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
the medical is sent directly to the consulate but ask that doctor to give you a copy of it
the certificate comes in the mail to you (or your fiance - whoever asked for it) - i was in NSW ....

Edited by sharyna, 11 November 2008 - 08:57 PM.

SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-11 20:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
and our baby is due in a month .... so things are happening!!

all our hard work has paid off lol .... and now we all live happily ever after!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-10 22:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
our one year anniversary is next month .... it was a tough journey ....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-10 21:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
true .... lol wow that was such a long time ago!!! time flies!!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-10 21:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
yeah they gave me 2 months but then sent me another letter updating the interview to 2 weeks later ... i think someone had gotten carried away
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-10 20:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
annax they gave me 2 months notice of my interview date .....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-10 17:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
omg i cant remember that far back ..... i know i booked my medical in australia as soon as i got my NOA2 .. cause the doc sent it to the consulate once he did it ........ then i just had to wait for a interview date and time and have all papers ready for that.
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-09 02:32:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i am 6 years older then my husband and had no issues at all .... just keep all pictures and video conference files on disk if you can .. maybe they will ask for evidence - maybe not .. depends on who you get at the consulate for the interview ..... however from my experience they were all really nice ........

hubby and i hit our one year anniversary next month and our baby will be borne in what we hope will be 2 weeks .....

Annax - they assign you a date and time for the interview and for the certificate it took me about 2 weeks to get but once you request one you can call some number and ask them for a ETA ....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-09 02:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
im so glad its over for now at least .. now i can continue enjoying life!!!

and it'll come sooner then you expect!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-11-02 21:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey fellow aussies!!

i just recieved my green card yay!!! and i had my immigration interview last week!! talk about fast!!

i have to renew it in 2 years so yay!! no more immigration headaches until then!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-10-30 18:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i only took small things with me and used australia post ...

ok i had my immigration interview today and i'll be recieving my green card in 3 weeks!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-10-21 22:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well i have my immigration interview in 2 weeks ... and had to go to a civil surgeon to fill out the medical examination form for the green card ... all fun and peachy ... (note sarcasm) .. had to do the TB skin test plus go thru a physical examination (note : i am 8 months pregnant) ... and i refused a vaccination which the doctor assured me would not harm my pregnancy but i refused it anyways and she noted it down on the form .... i told her i was more then happy to have it after giving birth but not before and thats something i will say to immigration as well was following protocal as she stated when i saw her ... so i'm following my motherly instinct and protecting my child ....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-10-10 22:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey kath!!
in two weeks i have my interview ... and i've yet to schedule an appt with the civil surgeon ... life has been hectic and this just jumped on me lol ....especially being pregnant i've forgotten a few things!!

good to hear your well and happy!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-10-06 02:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
finally got my interview letter from homeland security after waiting 6 months after filing the AOS ..... its next month so they've given me plenty of time to get prepared.... hubby will take the day off to come, cause they said in the letter that he has to.
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-09-02 00:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

recieved finally my interview letter for homeland security .... october 21st .. that may change however - if and when we move to colorado - ...... yay!!!

about time something happened..... 6 months waiting!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-08-28 15:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi kiwiana.
you just go to your local police station or call ahead to ensure that when you go you wont have any issues at all in getting it done .... if they have criminals in the room etc they dont like to let you in just incase...
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-08-23 10:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
oh i rang USCIS .. and they said "we are processing October 2007" .... i did get a RFE which we dealt with quickly .... so that must of stuck me at the bottom of the pile again ..... i asked the girl if they needed anything else from me because the website said they were "processing and case has been resumed after recieving the RFE they requested" and she said all was fine and that it could take up to less then a year for my green card to get thru ....

as for our new arrival .... we are having a girl! ..... im nearly in my 6th month ...... and getting more tired by the day lol .....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-08-12 01:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks Kath, i was thinking of doing that .. . endorsing it so that my mom could cash it for me and then change it to US dollars for when she comes in November to stay with us for holidays
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-08-12 00:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
blink.gif i need to ask a very important question to those that may of already gone thru this...

i am filing my final tax return with the ATO .... my cousin is doing it for me .... and he is sending me the cheque ...

can anyone tell me where i can cash this cheque? i live in california - in barstow more specifically ...... since its a international cheque some banks may be real buggers about it .....

thanks in advance!!!! good.gif

oh and jenni!!

i am having real issues getting credit anywhere because i have no history ..... i've been told to get a credit card so at least i'll be in the system ..... so i'm in the middle of looking for one with low interest and no annual fee ......

Edited by sharyna, 01 August 2008 - 02:02 PM.

SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-08-01 14:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
my cousin is doing my final tax return ... and filing it as such so the ATO wont be chasing me next year for my tax return lol ....

hi kath!! good to see your doing really well! i've got a number for USCIS to call them and find out what the heck is going on,.. tired of waiting - i'd rather have this all done before the birth of our first child .....

congrats to all who have their visas!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-07-23 09:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I'm still waiting for my appt for my green card lol ...

its been over 2 months since they got more information from me and its frustrating to wait.... i know i got pushed back in the line for it......
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-06-18 13:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks Vylex!!

still waiting on interview date for green card or green card itself and its dragging!!

does anyone know how long they take?

should i give them a call?

i filed in Feb and had my bio appt in March......

hi everyone!!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-06-07 12:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey everyone, just wanted to drop in and say hi and give you all a bit of an update...

've applied for the aos and while they are still processing they have approved my request to be able to work which is really good...

also to let you know that i'm almost 3 months pregnant - so thats also good news that has hit us this month and april....

to everyone that is going thru all the visa paperwork in sydney - dont despair, be positive and everything will go perfectly fine .... the american embassy are really nice people and very helpful...

oh and my husband is ordering me pies and sausage rolls lol cause i miss them so much, if only i could get a pavlova mailed over now huh?....

talk soon!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-05-05 02:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-03-28 12:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
does anyone know how long it takes them to give you your green card?

i had to give them more evidence - and that was 10 days ago..... i havent heard anything since, should i assume its being processed?

hope your all doing well!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-03-22 19:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi guys
i'm about to apply for the AOS ... and wondered - i live in california... so where do i send in the application to?

the same office that the original application for K1 visa was sent to?
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-31 21:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well ive got my SSN card ordered yay!!!

now to file for the AOS.....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-24 12:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
AOS form? meaning the supplement form?
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-22 18:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
QUOTE (ausqueen @ Jan 23 2008, 05:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hawaiiandreams @ Jan 20 2008, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
TracyOz... on the medical forms, the panel physician I saw here in Melbourne gave me a copy of Appendix C and the vaccination grid "for my own records". If he doesn't give you a copy, I'm sure you can ask. It's handy info to have for the future. Especially for your little kiddies who will need to have certain boosters as they grow up!

On top of that... for us who enter US on K-1 visa... that vaccination supplement is a MUST for AOS application later on. If you apply for AOS within 12 months of the medical - you will not need the costly, full medical here - only vaccine supplement sheet transcribed by Civil Surgeon to the form... I-693A I think. But it is a compulsory part of AOS filing package. So... make sure you do get the copy or ask for it if not given to you.

the doctor for me sent everything to the embassy then immigration i'm guessing has everything that the embassy had.... but i do have the copy of the vaccinations he gave me and checked me for.... so hopefully that should be enough....
we'll see...
our cat has been sick so tomorrow we're doing the social security number thing then applying for the AOS - luckily my adorable husband has already added me to his insurance, electric bill etc so my name is on those... and will further add to proof .....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-22 17:22:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i checked the dmv here in california and you can drive with your aussie license however once you get your green card you have to get a us license...

oh guys question...
i'm going to file for my AOS on monday and need this clarified...

the I-693 form medical examination of aliens seeking AOS - i dont have this form from my medical examination as the doctor sent everything himself ot the consulate and i'm guessing immigration has it now?
what do i have to do? or not do?

SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-19 20:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Katz no it doesnt get sent off anywhere - you just fill it out, and then print it off...... hope this helps....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-09 14:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
ausqueen, you just took a massive load off me!!!! i had a migraine from it lol...
thankyou for that information!!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-08 17:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey guys finally ran into a hiccup lol

went to pick up our marriage certificate yesterday but it wasnt recorded, they HAD recieved it but not yet imputted it into the system.... so i have a copy of the license/marriage certificate that the preacher gave us. do you think that will be enough to be able to use to file for the AOS?
its a customer copy signed and dated by the preacher with a witness.....

thoughts? i have to file before 4th feb - and they said it could be another couple of weeks... but we're going back on friday to give them another work week to do it....

we got married 15th december....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2008-01-08 12:43:00