US Citizenship General DiscussionOmitting Place of Birth on a US Passport....
"The UN has repeatedly stated that everyone has a right to a nationality; i.e., nobody should be "stateless". However, they have never implied in any way that anyone has a right to choose their nationality. The nationality which you have a right to is established at birth, either by parentage or by location of birth. If you want to change your de-facto nationality, then you are asking another nation for a PRIVILEGE. When you realize that what you are asking for is a favor from the government of a nation, and not a right of any kind, then most of your arguments about fairness and equality evaporate."

I thought this quote by Jim in another thread summed up my feelings rather eloquently.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-02-26 12:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOmitting Place of Birth on a US Passport....
Well, they ARE equal under law. There is no discrimination, technically. All natural born citizens ALSO have their place of birth listed in the passport, it's not just the naturalized USCs that have it in order to mark them out as foreigners. And if they were all so "equal" they why are naturalized citizens barred from running for POTUS? I'll tell you why: it's because they're deemed to be "not as American" as natural born citizens and not possessing the same patriotic fervour that comes from being born on the soil of a certain country.

Edited by sachinky, 26 February 2010 - 12:06 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-02-26 12:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOmitting Place of Birth on a US Passport....
No, I agree with you in that it doesn't make sense but those are just some privileges that certain individuals enjoy as a result of their of birth. Others don't, simply because there were not born at that certain place. Their rights come having being born at that place, whereas others have to 'earn' it. I enjoy plenty of rights and privileges in India, however, I certainly don't expect the same "treatment" in USA, even if I were ever to become a USC. It's just the way it is, I don't see anything fair or unfair in it.

It is an interesting discussion that has its base in political philosphy.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-02-26 07:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOmitting Place of Birth on a US Passport....
Well, there IS a difference between natural-born and a naturalized citizen. I'd think this is quite obvious.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-02-26 06:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI'm new :) Have a lot of (simple) questions..
I'm sorry but your post just made me laugh. Just because you happened to live in the U.S. for a few years, speak fluent English and know about U.S. history, you seem to think you are entitled to U.S. citizenship? I lived in the U.S. for four years, speak flawless English and majored in History and Politics in a U.S. college -- one would think they should've given me a Green Card based on just those factors.

As has been stated, there is really no viable way for you to immigrate. Also, more information is required--where are your parents? Are they still in the U.S.?

You could look into a F-1 for college but that's not a walk in the park either. You will have to leave the U.S. after graduation unless you can find employment with a company who'd be willing to sponsor your H-1B.

I think it's something like 6 years on a H1 and then you can apply for LPR status based on a certain number of years of residency. I know 2 extended family members who did this. One came on a F-1 and then naturalized to USC (took him nearly 15 years) and the other one came on the H-1 and then got his GC last year.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-05-31 14:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFormally and Legally giving up former birth country after US Citizenship....
The difference is that Columbia doesn't recognize the Oath of Allegiance to the U.S.A as a renunciation of your wife's Columbian citizenship. To them, she is still a Columbian citizen and will be, till she takes the additional (legal/formal, whatever those may be in Columbai) steps of giving it up.

For India, the renunciation is automatic. Acquiring USC means you've automatically lost your Indian citizenship. Surrending the passport is a formality. Getting the 'renunciation certificate' is a fairly new thing, from what I understand, because of the extra security concerns regarding the Headley case. You now need it to apply for an Indian tourist visa, or OCI/PIO.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-25 11:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFormally and Legally giving up former birth country after US Citizenship....
Yea, that's just not possible. All USC, natural-born and naturalized, have POB listed on the passport.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-25 02:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFormally and Legally giving up former birth country after US Citizenship....
Regarding India, you lose your Indian citizenship if you acquire USC. You have to surrender your Indian passport to the Indian Embassy and obtain a certificate of renunciation from them.

There are other options like PIO (Person of Indian Origin) and OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) which allows you to enter India without a visa and to hold land, property, bank accounts etc. The only difference, I think, is that you can't vote or hold an Indian passport.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-24 23:58:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

Another hypothetical situation:
Supposingly if a Naturalized US Citizen could become president of the USA.......I wonder what would happen.....hmmm....
Lol.We'd definitely see a lot of immigration-related issues being positively addressed there, amongst other things....


The US Constitution would have to be amended first as this is explicitly disallowed. It is assumed that naturalized citizens don't feel the same sort of allegiance to the country as a natural-born citizen would have. There is also often the troubling aspect of 'dual allegiance' which may not be a problem for most civilians but can definitely become a problem for a President during war time.

Edited by sachinky, 29 June 2010 - 11:02 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 22:59:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

Another question out of curiosity. Say hypothetically that someone was brought here illegally by the mother as a child. This person was in the US illegally for years and then later found out that biological father is a US citizen. Does that mean this person has always been a natural born USC? So it means there was never any illegal presence all these years?

Yes. If the biological father has met all the residency requirements, then, in my amateur understanding of the law, the child is considered to be a USC. It think maybe there are some rules about whether the CRBA was filed in a certain period of time. Or may be not. Interesting question, it actually popped into my head the other day.

Ok now here is another hypothetical situation...

Supposingly 2 parents were both US Citizens by naturalization....
Then they decided to leave the USA and have their baby/child in another country...
So is the child a US Citizen via birth abroad or by any other means?
Can the child run for US president when they grow up too?
Just curious.....


Yes. The child is born to USC. Doesn't matter if the parents are natural-born or naturalized. He/she will be eligible to run for POTUS even if he is born in another country.

Edited by sachinky, 29 June 2010 - 10:56 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 22:55:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

Sach-True...But they became president regardless....:)

Sach-Countries can give either one or the other....
It's either through birth or naturalization....It's good that the US gives both....
Though one difference between birth and naturalization is that birth is not chosen and naturalization is chosen...
And regardless, both are viewed equally and results in the same...Being a US Citizen, which is what should matter in the end
Lol..US Citizenship by any name or means would smell just as sweet...... (F)
Now as for presidency, that's another debate....left to who have a US birthright to pursue such....
But as far as the "jus soli" technicality is concerned...We are all 'born' on US soil when we become US Citizens, no matter how we acquired that citizenship.....
So being literal...all US Citizens have "US Soil" inside of them....:lol:....Just a thought....

--Yes, because it IS U.S. soil.

--I see what you're saying. However, I wasn't talking about naturalization. ONLY Natural-BORN citizenship is granted through jus soli and jus sanguinis. Not naturalization which has nothing to do with it. I think you're confusing what I'm saying or you're trying to say somehow naturalization is the same process as natural-born when it's really not. I'm not disputing how YOU personally feel about the process or that you feel 'reborn' in some way.
U.S. grants citizenship through a) BIRTH (BOTH 1. jus sanguine and 2. jus soli--some countries do both and others do only one) AND also through a separate process of b) NATURALIZATION (again, some countries allow you to do this, the US being one, other countries don't). Bear in mind, I'm applying strict political science concepts of citizenship and not how you or I may 'feel' about acquired citizenship. A lot of people simply take up USC because it is convenient for them to do so. Not everybody feels 'reborn' in any manner whatsoever.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 22:51:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

Oops..Sorry...I mis-read that...Never mind.... :blush:
On a technicality...I did naturalize on US Soil.....And naturalization is kind of like being "born in the USA"....
So I suppose that "jus soli" thing can works in ways for naturalization...
Just kidding.....But I wonder if anyone else has ever thought about that...Hmmm....
(lol..I'm not running for doesn't matter

Jus soli and jus sanguinis are philosophical/political concepts that apply ONLY to natural-born citizens. Countries usually grant citizenship on one or both. US grants citizenship on both as does India. Germany only grants based on 'jus sanguinis.' Naturalization involves a long process (money, forms, time, meeting requirements etc.) -- stuff that is very separate and distinct from being a natural-born citizen -- irrespective of whether or not you feel spiritually 'reborn.'

How is it a technicality -- I'm not sure what distinction you're trying to make? One may ONLY naturalize on U.S. soil. Even if you naturalize in a US embassy abroad, that IS considered to be US soil.

Edited by sachinky, 29 June 2010 - 08:27 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 20:25:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

However, there are always exceptions to the rule: I think there was a man that was born in another country, on a US military base....They became

U.S. military base is considered to be U.S. soil.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 20:20:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?
The conspiracy regarding Obama's citizenship is what it is. BS. It's brought up by people who are too lazy to open a political science text book or read their own Constitution. It's why law-suit after law-suit have been thrown out by the Supreme Court.
EVEN if he was born in Kenya, he is entitled to natural born USC through his mother.
The only reasonable explanation I've read so far is something about his mother's residency (you have to have lived in the US for a certain # of years after attaining a certain age). From what I understand, she was in Kenya for a few years when she gave birth to Obama at the age of 16.

However, all that is moot since he was born in Hawaii.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 20:17:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

Sachinky-Thanks for the explaination...Helpful, indeed!
Rofl...I'm Jus Soli....My husband is Jus Sanguinis.....My son is Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis..... :lol:
What a great combination for US Citizenship!....... :thumbs:

I thought you just recently naturalized to become a USC. How do you derive natural-born citizenship through 'jus soli?'
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 20:12:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?
Valerie--Yes, they can. The parents must meet some sort of residency requirement, yes but they are still considered to be NATURAL-BORN citizens of the US even if they are born outside the U.S. They derive their citizenship through 'jus sanguinis' -- lineage or blood. Natural-born citizens of the US are eligible to run for POTUS. Naturalized citizens aren't. The US grants citizenship through jus soli (soil) and jus sanguinis (blood) -- some USCs are natural born by both accounts (born on U.S. soil to USC parents) -- others may fulfil only one category. Born on U.S. soil to foreign parents. Or born to USC parents on foreign soil.

Edited by sachinky, 29 June 2010 - 07:42 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 19:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400, have you ever voted?
I still don't understand how people think that they can vote without being a citizen. Most, if not all, countries allow only citizens to vote. It is one of the rights, duties and responsibilities of a citizen, one that is not accorded to PRs.

Consult a lawyer. Do NOT lie on that form. I'm going to go with Bob on this one.

Edited by sachinky, 07 July 2010 - 01:16 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-07 13:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDOS Place of Birth Issue revisted.

I did reply that her place of birth is on her
naturalization certificate and is listed as Colombia, although she left that country when she was of legal age to do so. She does not want to be
a citizen of that country, her choice is the USA and she was very serious when she took that oath. Still have to contact immigration was told.

Colombia doesn't give a damn whether your wife took an oath or how serious she was. Taking the 'Oath of Allegiance' isn't an automatic renunciation of former citizenships (for some countries, like India, it is, but not all). Yes I know what the oath says but unless she takes concrete steps to surrender her Colombian citizenship, she is considered to be a citizen by the Colombian government and thus, is subject to the laws of that country.

Is it really that hard to get a Colombian passport and to use it when entering Colombia to visit her mom? I'm still struggling to understand what the big deal is, honestly.

Edited by sachinky, 15 July 2010 - 11:20 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-15 23:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDOS Place of Birth Issue revisted.

Bob4Anna-Yes, it is true that one can't change where they are actually born. And yes, I am aware of your situation that your brother got citizenship via CBRA (or by other means) and you were born in the USA. You can be president, while your brother cannot. Other than that, does it really matter what both of your birth places are? Regardless, you are both US Citizens, and that's the only thing that should matter and should be listed on a US Passport and/or other legal documents.

His brother is a natural-born citizen (via 'jus sanguinus') and thus is eligible to run for POTUS.

Yes, it matters because it shows HOW one acquired citizenship of the United States -- whether by natural born (jus soli or jus sanguinis) or naturalization.

Edited by sachinky, 15 July 2010 - 11:15 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-15 23:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship Question
USCs need a visa to enter India as well.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-10-13 19:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience Los Angeles
Congratulations on your new name and identity! Thanks for the detailed review.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-12-07 23:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA foreign couple's perspective on our Oath of Citizenship
My USC husband lived in Switzerland for several years and went to high school there. From what he tells me, their immigration policy sounds extremely strict and strongly enforced. I like Bob's description: "It's easier to castrate yourself with a piece of glass off a broken beer bottle without screaming then becoming a Swiss citizen."

He is eligible to apply for Swiss citizenship but hasn't made up his mind yet.

As far as I am concerned, taking up US citizenship would mean renouncing and surrendering my Indian passport and I am not sure if I am ready to do that. I am not sure if I can, in good-faith, swear an oath I don't truly believe in, despite my great love and admiration for America and most things American. We'll see how I feel in two years.

Edited by sachinky, 29 November 2011 - 11:31 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-11-29 23:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 August 2013 Filers

A September filer just popping in to ask just how long the oath ceremony takes? My letter says to report at 8:30 am - just wondering how long to take off work that day. 



sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-09 11:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

And I am officially a U.S. citizen! Ceremony was quite lovely. 164 oath-takers from 44 countries. Took around 2 hours. I was asked to report at 8:30 am and it started promptly at 10:00 am. I was far more emotional than I thought I would be and got quite weepy at several points. Good luck to everybody - may your journey come to an end soon.

N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hartford, CT

Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|12/13/13|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|12/09/13|01/16/14|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|12/13/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
mjc79............|12/17/13|09/25/13|10/02/13|10/07/13|10/28/13|11/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|11/12/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chatsworth, CA
Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|11/06/13|11/09/13|12/16/13|--/--/--|San Francisco, CA

WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/31/13|12/03/12|12/12/13|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|12/06/13|01/09/13|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|11/06/13|11/11/13|12/11/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|11/04/13|11/13/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|12/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|11/14/13|12/18/13|01/21/14|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Quote" it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply (to do this, click the little grey switch on the top left of the edit box then remove the tags). You MUST "quote" the reply instead of copying and pasting the post or it messes up the formatting.
* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
* Please ensure the "..." line up
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that (except when posting "I'm a US Citizen" which you should change to RED
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly (helps the rest of us)
* If you cannot add (or update) your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
NOA1 date = Priority date, Bio = Date of appointment, Int. Ltr = date of letter, Intview = date of interview, Oath = date of Oath


Edited by sachinky, 20 December 2013 - 10:15 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-20 22:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

My oath is tomorrow. Can I bring a couple of friends along? My husband will be going as well. 

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-19 19:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Congrats to the newly minted US citizens - how long did your oath take (from check in to completion of the ceremony)? Thanks. :)

N-400: September 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Cala Bel.........|06/20/13|08/26/13|--/--/--|09/04/13|10/01/13|09/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Hartford, CT

Tom&Tanya........|11/08/13|08/31/13|09/05/13|09/04/13|09/27/13|10/08/13|10/15/13|11/13/13|12/13/13|West Palm Beach, FL
Mav_1975.........|02/12/13|09/01/13|09/05/13|09/06/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
Lars-N-Yenia.....|09/30/11|09/04/13|09/10/13|09/05/13|09/19/13|09/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
girimurthy.......|06/16/11|09/04/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|09/24/13|09/26/13|12/09/13|01/16/14|--/--/--|Hialeah, FL
Elafito..........|01/15/13|09/06/13|09/13/13|09/19/13|10/04/13|10/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
raparap..........|11/14/13|09/07/13|09/16/13|09/20/13|10/07/13|10/09/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
Justine+David....|06/19/13|09/09/13|09/19/13|09/17/13|10/29/13|10/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
Dpeter736........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/21/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
letmein..........|--/--/--|09/13/13|09/18/13|09/23/13|10/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
psiprez..........|09/02/11|09/13/13|09/25/13|09/20/13|10/21/13|10/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
NatzG............|09/22/10|09/16/13|09/23/13|09/18/13|10/18/13|10/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
mjc79............|12/17/13|09/25/13|10/02/13|10/07/13|10/28/13|11/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|In-line |Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
alex and astrid..|01/23/13|09/05/13|09/12/13|09/09/13|10/03/13|10/07/13|11/12/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chatsworth, CA
Lasko12..........|--/--/--|09/06/13|09/11/13|09/16/13|10/11/13|10/24/13|10/31/13|12/02/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
newlyweds2010....|12/07/13|09/07/13|09/13/13|09/10/13|10/04/13|11/06/13|11/09/13|12/16/13|--/--/--|San Francisco, CA

WindyCity22a.....|--/--/--|09/10/13|09/16/13|09/19/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/31/13|12/03/12|12/12/13|Chicago, IL
RoamingTheNet....|12/02/13|09/03/13|09/09/13|09/11/13|09/25/13|11/01/13|12/06/13|01/09/13|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA
KaashParinda.....|12/06/13|09/23/13|09/28/13|10/03/13|10/24/13|11/06/13|11/11/13|12/11/13|--/--/--|San Jose, CA
OlegAndSveta.....|09/04/13|09/24/13|--/--/--|10/04/13|10/18/13|11/04/13|11/13/13|12/18/13|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
Whtevr...........|11/26/13|09/03/13|--/--/--|09/05/13|09/17/13|10/24/13|10/30/13|12|02/13|--/--|--|Chicago, IL
Carocaro.........|12/14/13|09/27/13|10/03/13|10/11/13|10/25/13|11/14/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Phoenix, AZ

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

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sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-14 14:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Does anyone know how long the oath ceremony takes? Mine says to report at 8:30. Just wondering how long I should take off work? 

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-09 10:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Oath ceremony scheduled for 12/20/13 - totally wasn't expecting one till next month. Lucky because I am scheduled to fly out on the 21st to visit my in-laws for Christmas!


Damn, that was quick! 

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-07 16:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Hahaa, I offered to show her extra bank statements and tax returns but she said no. The only thing she asked me was for my driver's license and as it happened, I had left that in my purse with Mr. Sachinky in the lobby. :|


Just checked my status online, it's been updated to reflect that my oath ceremony notification has been mailed out!

Edited by sachinky, 04 December 2013 - 11:34 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-04 23:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Thanks you guys!!goofy.gif


My naturalization interview lasted about twenty-five minutes, it was a little bit over an hour wait time included. We got there a little before eight and I was back at work by nine-fifteen. After a cursory fingerprinting and check in, we had to wait a bit till my name was called. 


The interview went well, the female blonde officer was incredibly nice and put me at ease right from the beginning. She was pleasant and courteous and joked a lot. She asked me the regular "are you a Communist?" "Are you a terrorist?" "Are you a polygamist?" type questions, followed by the civics questions - I got the first six right and so she put an end to it. 


Questions asked were: 

What does the Cabinet do?

What did the Declaration of Independence do?

How many Supreme Court justices are there?

How many years is a US Senator elected for?

Who takes over in case the President and the Vice President are unable to fulfill their obligations?

Name one branch of the government.


She also threw in "what is Einstein's famous theory?" in the middle of that and I answered before I realized she just kidding. She took out my approval notice and said she was so confident that I'd ace it that she'd already signed it and kept it ready. And I was proud just like any good History geek would be. kicking.gif 


Then I had to read and write a sentence to demonstrate English proficiency. And that was it!  


I was amazed to see my file on her desk - enormous - and actually asked her, "is that all mine?" and she laughed and said it was because I immigrated through marriage. Thinking back to those awful CR-1 visa waiting days, it is definitely heartening to know that it hadn't just disappeared into a huge black hole and that someone ( in fact several people) had gone over it quite carefully. The case of the missing wedding DVD was also uncovered as it turned out Mr. Sachinky had submitted that with my original petition. 


She returned all my pictures and said she recognized "the ginger from the pictures in the waiting room." She asked me how my marriage was doing and if we planned on having any children.


I will say that my impression of USCIS has gone up several notches based on (what is hopefully) my last interaction with them. The lady told me a bit about herself, she used to work in the immigrant visa section in the middle East and she said it was awful. She said how being lied to her face day after day was numbing and how she'd cry in the bathroom for hours at the state of humanity. 


She gave me her personal number and told me to call her so that we could schedule a field trip for the school kids (I teach kindergarten at a private academy). She said that she wanted them to see a positive aspect of immigration - how often they are portrayed poorly in the media for one screw up despite getting a hundred things right. I said most people recognize that they have a hard job and given the number of people who are trying to abuse the system, the scrutiny is understandable. 


She commended me for being thorough and prepared and truth be told, navigating the US immigration system (mostly on my own) is something I am quite proud of. Special mention must be made of without which I wouldn't have been nearly as successful. wub.png

Edited by sachinky, 03 December 2013 - 05:02 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-03 16:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Had my interview this morning. I was approved. The whole thing was very smooth and the IO was incredibly nice. Took a total of 25 minutes. Wait time was about an hour.

Will post a more detailed review once I get out of work. 



sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-12-03 11:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS


Did you also receive a text message/email?


No, but I didn't sign up for that.

Just saw this on USCIS: Many offices schedule approved applicants for the oath ceremony on the same day as the day of the interview. Please check the local office profile page on our website to determine if the office where you will be interviewed schedules same day oath ceremonies.

My local office is Santa Ana. It's page states:   The Santa Ana Field Office conducts Judicial Ceremonies once per month.  This office does not conduct same-day naturalization ceremonies.


Thanks - looks like ABQ doesn't either. 

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-11-02 10:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Is there a way to find out if my field office gives the oath on the same day?

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-11-01 09:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Just received my interview letter. It's scheduled for December 3, 2013.


sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-10-31 20:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Could someone please update my dates? I don't want to mess it up.


In-line: October 18

Interview letter: October 24 (update on USCIS website)

Interview Date: Still waiting for the physical letter in the mail.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-10-26 12:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Just checked the USCIS website:

On October 18, 2013, your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION was placed in line for interview scheduling. 


Yay! I am so excited.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-10-19 12:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

My biometrics has been scheduled for Wednesday 10-16-2013 at 10AM. 

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-10-12 10:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

Could somebody input my information please? I was eligible on 2/20/13 - they received my packet on 9/23, my check was cashed 9/26 and my NOA date is 9/25/13. 

Oh, mine was sent to Texas lockbox.

My field office is Albuquerque, NM.

Edited by sachinky, 01 October 2013 - 06:42 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-10-01 18:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - SEPTEMBER 2013 FILERS

My packet will be going out tomorrow morning. Have been procrastinating on this for a while so it feels good to have sorted it all out. Hope this last stage is smooth and worry-free. Good luck to all. Will post once check is deposited.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2013-09-18 20:23:00
Canadak1 switch to AOS???
Even if you cancel the K1, it DOES NOT disappear off the radar. USCIS still has record of your fiance visa. FYI.

Of course, at the end of the day, it is your decision but there could be a lot of trouble if they decide to question you about your prior intent at a AOS interview.

K1s are the quickest of the lot -- some have it done in 3-4 months. And Canada isn't half the world away -- say like India -- you could still vist your fiance and vice versa.

And my sincere advice to you is: Please DON'T try to play U.S. immigration. This is only for your sake.

At the end of the day, the burden of proof rests upon you. Not them. ONLY YOU.

And this is just my objective third-party opinion: for someone who had NO idea/intent about getting engaged till not even a month back, you seem to be in an awful hurry to get married all of a sudden. And I don't know too many people who visit the U.S. with a police clearance certificate.

I hope everything works out well for you. Good luck on your visa journey.

P.S.: I could have gone the AOS route as I was on a F1/OPT (both are still valid till July 2010) but I felt like I couldn't get married without my parents/friends/family meeting my husband first. I just couldn't do it. So he came to India and we got married here. And we went with the CR1 route. Certainly AOS would have been easier and we could've avoided this painful separation. But in all honesty, I couldn't go through with something easier just for its sake and not have my husband meet everyone else I love, just as dearly as I love him.

Do I miss my husband? Of course, I do. I cry daily. Do I wish I had chosen the easier option and remained in the U.S. through this process? I won't lie. Sometimes, yes. But I believe our relationship is strong enough to make it through with us being apart from each other for a few months. After all, we have the rest of our lives to spend together.

Edited by sachinky, 15 November 2009 - 04:55 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2009-11-15 16:54:00