K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

I appreciate that personally.

Thank-you and best of luck on your visa-journey. I'm sending good vibes that you and your fiance are reunited by Christmas Eve! Posted Image
sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-30 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

"Intelligent and literate?" - certainly. "Wise beyond her years?" I am not sure! I am sure she is thoughtful, but not in the most prudent fashion. She has a proclivity to articulate (and publish) every thought that occurs to her, whether it has any value or not.

As a person of similar intelligence, I am sure you will be able to find the "ignore user" button on your own? Might I recommend it?
sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-30 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

I am a new member but I am not exactly new to VisaJourney. I have relied on this website extensively during my immigration process but never registered..until now. I felt the need to register after reading sachinky's comments regarding SunDancer's situation. I could be wrong but I get the impression that sachinky has a bit of "I am better than others" attitude. Her thinly veiled judgmental comments about SunDancer's relationship and her statement about how the CO granted her a visa in less than three minutes are just two examples. When I applied for a visa several years ago it was granted very easily and quickly. I did have a strong case, but two others I knew were denied at the same consulate, despite the fact they also had strong evidence. The point is that it is not always possible to explain (much less explain away) the CO's decisions simplistically. Nor should one try to. Sundancer felt that justice was not served in her case, and she approached this site seeking suggestions. I have no idea whether justice was served or not. But the best I can do is to offer her helpful suggestions, if I have any. If there is nothing helpful to say, I should at least have the courtesy to stay quiet. This is not meant as an attack on sachink. Not at all. Perhaps she is too young and needs help in terms of social skills.

Well, I am glad that my posts finally convinced you to delurk. Let's call that my good deed for the day. I also thank you for your concern regarding my social skills. Here's the kicker. I didn't join VJ to display my social skills or make friends. I have enough of those in real life. The comment I made earlier, that my interview took less than three minutes wasn't bragging on my part, merely a fact. I know plenty of people whose interviews were a breeze, too. Others who had a torrid time and were humiliated and berated for hours. My point was rather simple: all cases are unique and that, your mileage may vary. A huge factor that led to a relatively uncomplicated immigration journey was the enormous amount help and wonderful advice I got on this site. And the best help came from some fantastic veteran members who gave sharp, precise advice. No BS, no fuzzy-wuzziness -- just straight-talking. That's what I try to emulate. Because sometimes people need to hear things that they don't particularly want to hear. Nothing chaps my hide more than these "supportive" comments that are nothing but empty platitudes and offers nothing more than false hope. Contact your ambassador. Is that the US ambassador to India? The Indian ambassador to the US? Anyway, what on earth is an ambassador going to do?

Not once did the OP in her opening post ask for help or suggestions. I can't find a single sentence where she says that. I don't see an instance of "what do I do now?" All I see is a lot of blustering and blithering about how horrible those people were, how they yelled at her fiance, how she's going to contact her Congressman, yada yada yada, and something about panties and how she's not going to take this lying down. Not once in her opening paragraph does she show any (implicit) acknowledgement that perhaps, her case is full of several holes and for a high-fraud consulate, this outcome (denial) was not surprising. The treatment of the beneficiary (which I am not saying I agree with) was frankly, pretty much in keeping with the norm and similar to what I witnessed when seated at the embassy for three hours. This is how I see it, you are under no compulsion to remain in the embassy and be yelled at for eight hours. You're not being kept there against your will, ergo, you're free to leave at your convenience. Till date, I haven't attacked her personally or anyone else on this site (although, I tell ya, it's getting hard trying to remain polite). I suggest you re-read her opening paragraph and feel free to correct me if my comprehension skills are lacking.

In the meantime, have a nice night. Posted Image

Edited by sachinky, 30 April 2012 - 09:51 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-30 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

I hope you give more respect for the other's feeling, this place is maintained to help the others on their issues regarding the immigration. If you had a smooth process that doesn't give you the right to judge the people in this way. I think, from your picture , you and your husband from different race, and sometimes this is an issue when it comes to the immigration. But, Nobody asked you to defend your relation. you are telling us that the CO is doing his/her job, CO's & IO's sometime do a horrible judgment. I don't think you work for the DHS or DOS, so you defend them. I can get you so many stories about officers who did a stupid, unprofessional jobs when it comes to the decisions. When this poor lady wrote about her problem , she was seeking hints or suggestions so shat she can be with her lover. and I think she is older than you and she should be able to judge her partner's intentions more than you and more than me.

My last post was more of a general musing in nature, and not specific to this case -- I thought that this thread would be the most relevant one in which to post in. Like I have said before, it personally doesn't bother me if the OP is 20 years older or younger than her fiance or how many kids she has. Again, I am not judging her or anyone's relationship. I am writing my perspective from my experience of having being an Indian for the last 25 years. I don't poke my nose in cases where the beneficiary is from another country since I cannot authoritatively speak about another nation's cultural norms. I can however do that with India. Telling the truth doesn't automatically mean judgement, I don't know why people keep insisting that I must be judging them. Anyway, whatever, think what you will.

I will stand by my comment that the scenario of a 25 year old Indian male being engaged to a 40 year old Indian woman with a child from a previous relationship would never happen. In Indian society, it IS absurd. None of my male friends, of which I have plenty, would even consider it. And they all belong to the upper echelons of society, have university degrees, liberal upbringing, they grew up in urban, cosmopolitan cities, etc.

Of course, I don't work for the DHS or DOS, so I have no idea what you're trying to say there.

I am one half of an unconventional (by Indian standards) relationship so clearly I am not saying that only Indian/Indian relationships are legitimate. We both belong to different races and we had no real issues during our immigration journey to speak of, for which I am truly grateful. But I can tell you right now that if Mr. Sachinky were a black man, our immigration journey would've been a whole different ball game. If we hadn't met in college and instead, met on Facebook. If I was ten years older than him. If he or I were Muslim. If he had a kid. If I had been previously married. You could change one variable and the outcome could have possibly been radically different.

I do not envy the job of the consulate officers, I do not think it is easy to deal with blatant fraud on a day to day basis. Do they make mistakes? I am sure they do. But on the whole, I will say that most of the cases out of India who have been denied, I too would have denied them too, based on their profile picture alone. If I, a stranger on the internet, am having doubts about the validity of your relationship, you can be rest assured that the CO (who has extensive knowledge of the land, its people, its culture and normative societal expectations) has his doubts as well. I realize that this will not be a popular opinion but then, the truth is never popular.

The problem here is that you, I or even the lady in question is not the ultimate judge of the beneficiary's intentions. The consulate officer is. All the whining and "supportive" comments in the world is not going to change that. These text-book red flags invite scrutiny for good reason.

Edited by sachinky, 29 April 2012 - 08:41 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-29 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19
This is just me, musing to myself: relationships like this, in itself seems rather unequal and unfair to me, and I wonder how factors like this are taken into account during the interview. We were both 22 when we got married so we didn't really have an established life to speak of on either side, but if the beneficiary and petitioner have no common ground to speak of -- that is, the petitioner has such an established and settled life that makes it impossible for him/her to move whereas the the beneficiary is fresh out of college and has nothing to speak of. In the context of third-world countries, it would also bear a look at the beneficiary's quality of life to discern whether desperation to get to the US at any cost is a factor in this relationship.

Let it be said, for the record, in my whole born-and-brought-up-native Indian life, I have not known any twenty-year old Indian guy who'd be seen with an Indian woman approaching forty (with a kid from a previous relationship to boot) in public as engaged or married. The whole scenario is so absurd that it makes me laugh. I don't care how cosmopolitan or liberal the city is, or how progressive their parents are and how enlightened their upbringing was. No way, Jose. [Of course, now, these women who have spent 2 weeks in India will tell me otherwise, because, you know, anyone with an Indian significant other is an expert on India. Or that their beau is different and so bloody mature]. So what's so special about these 40 year old American women that suddenly all these deep seated cultural taboos are being flouted left, right and center, with apparently, parental blessings when the same exceptions would never be made for another Indian woman? A green-card sure is a nice way to sweeten the deal, I'd think.

I don't think it's discrimination against couples with age-gaps but rather concern over what that age gap implies. Similarly, I refuse to believe that the US consulates in India have it out for inter-racial couples. It's not race that is the issue, but other factors in play, that bring out the disparity in life goals, education levels, socio-economic strata, etc.


Edited by sachinky, 29 April 2012 - 09:48 AM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-29 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

Actually he didn't. The OP was not married before, so there was no 'previous marriage'.

And if you knew anything about India or Indian societal norms you would know that a child from a previous "relationship" would be considered much "worse" than a child from a previous "marriage." At least, when it comes to consulate officers who are well aware of prevalent cultural attitudes in India and how an average 24 year old Indian male's parents are likely to feel about these circumstances.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-23 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

Since I couldn't edit my post anymore..

1. Is it completely unheard of in the US for an American male/female to marry an Indian?
2. Is it completely unheard of in India for an Indian male/female to marry an American?

If not, then don't think of it as a red flag.

I agree with you, in that I don't think V&C have any reason to worry about.

But while these sort of relationships are not completely unheard of, it is pretty damned rare. Rare enough to be a cultural aberration. Couple that with a large significant age gap (definitely against all established Indian cultural norms), the fact that the female OP is nearing the end of her child-bearing years, has a child from a previous relationship, the meeting was online, and only 10 days have been spent in person together -- it is what it is. Those are not one but several HUGE red flags. Again, it is has very little to do with race, per se. Those are the things I pointed out earlier, not as judgement but as the factors that led to this unsurprising outcome. The OP jumped to the defense of her relationship (despite the fact that I wasn't attacking her relationship) -- just telling her that this is what the CO saw and these are the factors that led to his/her decision. India is a high-fraud country (for good reason, IMO -- I have seen people say and do things you wouldn't believe when it comes to a US green-card) and these factors are clearly why the beneficiary was grilled for hours.

At the end of the day, this is what the CO essentially is looking at. If you take out the immigration aspect, does this relationship still make any sense? Would the beneficiary continue to be in this relationship, all other factors remaining constant, if the OP were an Indian female?

Edited by sachinky, 23 April 2012 - 06:38 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-23 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

In response Mrs. Sachinky:
Some of us have great jobs, with retirement, a house, kids, family.....We can not just on a whim go okay I will move to India then. Maybe if I was in my early twenty's and not established in life I could just do that. Not saying that I would not go and live with him in India, but we have been apart for long enough and if I need to move to India it will be a long process also. Yes it is very sad that it is not so easy to get a visa to be with your loved one. Also it is great to give honest advice, but stating the obvious holes in her case does not help. She knows just like I and you about where the holes are in our cases that we could have more evidence. She was hoping that what they had would be enough and she was disappointed and upset that they denied him his visa and how they treated him. I would feel the same.

I know Boiler addressed this but I don't get this. Somehow when the question of the USC moving is posed, it is always damned near impossible. House, mortgage, kids, wonderful job, retirement etc are cited and yet, apparently, the beneficiary has no binding ties. He or she is capable of moving across oceans but it is unreasonable to expect his/her spouse to do the same. Do these conversations not take place before marriage? Especially in red-flag cases where denial is a very likely outcome, especially on the first try? "It is impossible for me to leave, but the US government must issue a visa to my intended despite murky circumstances! How can they not? We are in love! Love, I say!"

I know Mr. Sachinky and I talked at length about possibly living in India since I am the only child of my parents. We eventually went with the CR-1 since I had been in the US for four years (on a F-1 visa) and there wouldn't be any issues regarding transitions. If denied, Mr. Sachinky would've moved to Calcutta and we would've made a go of our life there. Perhaps, we would've have given the DCF a try in the future. Perhaps not. Anyway, V&C, your case doesn't seem similar to the OP's (the circumstances and evolution, at least, but perhaps, you too, have an age difference and therefore are relating your situation to the OPs?) and this discussion is rather off-topic as it has no bearing on the original thread.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-20 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19

Wow, I just have to say you have got to be the most negative person I have seen in a long time. Every time you post it is to always say something negative, or to belittle everyone on this forum. You can say whatever you like or think, however your opinions or thoughts don't matter to me, at the end of the day Harsh and I know who we are and what our feelings are for each regardless of much time we have spent together in person. We have known each other for over 2 years. And what does it matter if I have a child from a previous relationship? You know it amazes me that people can be so narrow minded. Of course we knew it would be tough and the age difference would come into play here, what I am shock at is how they treated Harsh. My god people treat their dogs better then he was treated. Its people like you that have to run at the mouth all the time and always have to put in your two cents that makes others not want to post on forums. Maybe you should to not be a negative Nelly all the time and try to be supportive of others struggles. My mom always says if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Some good advice maybe you should try it!!

Oh, awesome. Another one of those "agree with me about how horrible the consulate officers are or say nothing" posts. My favorite! These threads should be titled "please don't bother replying unless you are in agreement. If you disagree with me, you must be a horrible person." If you simply want a place to vent or are in need of some internet sympathy, then just say so. As far as I don't violate the VJ TOS, I believe I am allowed to post as and where I please. Not once did I say anything mean to you personally, I didn't attack your relationship or make any judgements about it. (However, you've already made several unwarranted personal attacks against me, because what I said was the truth, and you didn't like what you heard). I merely made a couple of observations that were apparent from your profile. Bullet points that fit an unfortunate pattern. You can bluster all day long about how you and Harsh know your relationship is real but at the end of the day, it matters whether you can prove that to a consulate officer who sees fraud on a daily basis. And you didn't. The picture you are painting needs to make sense and right now, it doesn't. It reeks of fraud, a text-book pattern Embassy officials are very aware of.

Again, I am not implying that you are in a sham-relationship or a judgement on your relationship -- but it is what it is. I have no idea who you are or who Harsh is but clearly you are very aware of my posting history. That's wonderful, I am sure you have noticed that I am not in the habit of mincing words, I have no time for cyber-hand-holding and sugar coating the truth. Life isn't unicorns and rainbows. Neither is immigration. I have sat in the Bombay consulate-general and watched passports being hurled across the room. My own interview lasted three minutes. I was treated with respect and courtesy. Others weren't. Life's not fair. Why should I lambast the consulate officers who are simply doing their jobs? Jobs that I certainly don't envy. But then again, why should you listen to me? What do I know? I will just go back to watching Food Network with Mr. Sachinky. It is none of my business how old you are, whether you have kids or not from a previous marriage, or how you met. Frankly, I couldn't care less, it will have zero effect on my Friday night. But it IS the US government's business and they certainly care given that you are requesting them to let your beloved enter on an immigrant visa. Here's a tip: the odds are stacked heavily against you. Drop the outrage, especially if you plan on being in this for the long haul.

He did not state any opinions, just facts pertinent to the case.

Minor correction: "She" -- but I am in agreement with you on the rest of the statement. Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to get Mr. Sachinky on VJ.

Well said Amy!!! Please don't kick people when they are down. How horrible each one of us would feel if we were told we could not be with our loved ones....

No one has told the OP that she cannot be with her loved one. She is free to move to India tomorrow if she so desires. It is what we would've done if my CR-1 visa wasn't successful. We, as a country, are very open and non-discriminatory when it comes to handing out visas.

+1 , I must say that " sachinky " comments are really MEAN. I wish if he/she supports the people and share the solution for their hard time instead of being mean buddy.

How was I mean? Because I wasn't "supportive" as you claim? What should I say? "Oh honey, don't worry, everything is going to be fine. Just fight the good fight, girlfriend." How on God's good green earth is that helpful or constructive? You want a "solution" --here's my advice. Move to India to be with your Indian fiance. No amount of letter writing to a Congressman or all the righteous indignation in the world is going to squeeze a visa out of Bombay.

Edited by sachinky, 20 April 2012 - 09:20 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-20 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19
--Facebook meeting.

--Spent merely 10 days in person.

--Female petitioner is 38. With a child from a previous marriage.

--Male beneficiary is 24 from India.

Frankly, I am shocked that you are so shocked at this outcome.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2012-04-20 07:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarried Egyptian waited 3 years now filing for visa
QUOTE (surrender @ Jan 4 2008, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know what we did file with the consulate. I think I am clueless. wacko.gif

There may be some helpful information here. Good luck!
Gringita/MorenitoFemalePeru2008-01-05 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaDevasted
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Feb 5 2008, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to be so secret, but on the advice of my attorney not to really talk about the details.

I wish you the best. May God watch over you and your loved ones....
Gringita/MorenitoFemalePeru2008-02-05 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaVJ Timeline
QUOTE (angie & abed @ Jan 25 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Am I the only one who checks the date at the bottom of the VJ timeline for when my I-130 *MIGHT* be approved every 5 minutes?....I don't know why I do that, it's not like it changes anything.....please tell me I'm not alone.... blush.gif

Hope everyone is having a great Friday! cool.gif rose.gif

I would bet that most of us do that!!
Gringita/MorenitoFemalePeru2008-01-28 20:38:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions please someone give me some replies
hello all im new to all this and i have been reading your stories and i feel you all....i pray soon all of you will be with the one you love....i have some questions they trasferred my husbands papers from the Vermont office to the California office....they hadnt touched our papers since 2-5-08 then on August 14th 15th 18th 19th 21st and agian the 25th....please someone tell me should i get there so much of a wait....i feel that i will go crazy....anyone please if you know anything i would be so gratful....
bassel15FemaleMorocco2008-08-26 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Ever God has planned for ready
Thank You all so much really....and I pray that everything goes well for all of you as well....and i feel the same way about living another year without my husband no way i can deal with that again....i would move there to be with him....i mean if that is what it takes to prove that we truly love one another then so be's my kids that i worry about during this matter.....they are with me on moving but i know that it would be hard on them....but im praying that it doesnt come to that....anyways you all are great people and happiness is around the corner God Bless....
bassel15FemaleMorocco2008-10-11 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Ever God has planned for ready
Hey everyone hope all are for me im going nuts here really i am....i have been reading how some interviews at Casa are scarey as hell....should i have my husband run for the hills lol kidding....yes i know this is no laughing matter but i have been stressing and he hasnt even had his interview date....i know i should just calm down and wait but God only knows why im stressing....okay who am i kidding i know why im stressing this is just my life im talking about, mine and my husbands lets not forget my two great kids that have been there for me over a year while i sit infront of the computer with my husband for hours every single day....this is no way for a husband and wife to live life wishing to hold one another if these people at Casa could see the pain that we go through....damit....this just makes me so mad to read what they put people through to prove that they love their spouse....what do they want from them to cut their hearts out and show them just how much love they have for us....okay now im sounding crazy like really....its just that i love my husband so much and i love my kids....there is nothing i wouldnt do for kids are great they told me the other night that if my husband doesnt get his visa that they would stand behind me no matter the all i can do is leave this matter in God's hands and pray for a happing ending....yes i know not all of us get a happy ending but im hoping for one....all my life i have asked for happiness and my first marriage was nothing but cheating,lies,tears,heartache....and God has given me a great man and im holding on to this one....thank you all for letting me go on and on....God Bless....
bassel15FemaleMorocco2008-10-10 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED!!
Thats great news good luck and i wish you much happiness....God Bless....
bassel15FemaleMorocco2008-10-15 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
I am writing this just for what it is worth, no flaming please!

I was reading over on the CFL website. They were talking about the ACH American Citizen Hour in Guangzhou. Apparently it is a service where petitioners can go and ask the actual VO’s questions, although there are no decisions made on your case there. You can have papers notarized for the interview.

One of the items discussed that I found interesting was, one of the posters there intentionally did not have all his papers notarized prior to attending the “hour”. He did this with the thought of going to the hour and presenting his papers for notarization and also showing that he was there in support of his SO. At this meeting you can also explain if your honey might have any language difficulty, and gently drop a request for a local language interview. This along with the fact that you are here in support will be noted on your file. I thought this was a good idea, something I now intend to do. I do not know if all of the Consulates provide this service, but it might be something to look into if you are considering being there for your honey.

One of the other things I have just read there was about front loading you case file, please remember this is for the Chinese Consulates. Providing substantial documentation when filing the initial request, this is something I did not do. There was some mention of almost a pre-decision on the case, even before the interview. This has me worried, because I created my initial file based upon what I have read here, and no I am not saying I was misinformed. You know part of the KISS, keep it simple stupid, plan. Please understand the CFL website is only based upon interviews held in China so YMMV.

Please do not shoot me for this. Even though I did exactly what is posted here in the guidelines, read everything twice and signed it all three times, the usual stuff. But because of some of the recent difficulties in Guangzhou, I now doubt my preparation and I am already worried enough. I know, too late now to worry!

Okay time to duck and run for cover! sad.gif


greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-15 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 14 2009, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok i filed online, is the 1040 that was printed out from hr block good, or do i need something else"?

Mford I am not sure what you get with H&R, and I do not wish to give any misinformation out here, so I am better off just saying I do not know. It does seem though that most of the people here are getting at least 3 years worth of returns. In your situation though perhaps you might be able to have the returns sent to one of the computers on your base? The IRS should be able to recognize a military address on a computer, maybe? That is worth looking into. They really should try to work along with you. You really are the reception to the rule here, they should cut you some slack.

From what I have read here, the transcripts for the past 3 years are the easiest, and have the least paperwork. Using the transcripts there is no need for W2's, 1099's and all those other alpha numeric papers that go along with the return. I have ordered 06 and 07 already, I am going to try again late next week for the 08 transcripts.

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-14 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
Anyone have any luck with the 2008 tax transcripts yet? I tried today, mine is not available yet.
greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-14 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (lee b @ Mar 13 2009, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So what have you guys been doing to prepare for your S/O to arrive?

I have started taking Russian language classes to be a bit more proficient and cleared up some closet space for Oksana. I am curious to know what others are doing.

I have also been trying to stay on top of my language practice. I have begun stocking up on Asian cooking supplies, mine are almost gone. Most important though, I am doing my best to start remembering to put the seat down! blush.gif

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-13 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (lizandpat @ Mar 13 2009, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Greg - I'm with you! good.gif rofl.gif

Oh..and i was thinking of compiling a list of us all and our NOA1 dates so we could keep up better....if your interested, just post your NOA1 date on here and once I have them all I'll make a list and post it. good.gif

I was not sure if you wanted this right here, but I am 2/18
greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-13 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Julie Ivy @ Mar 12 2009, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lizandpat @ Mar 13 2009, 12:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Julie Ivy @ Mar 12 2009, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the welcome lizandpat. We are certainly going to hang on in there and wait out the K1 - makes the most sense for us for sure. Great to chat with people on the same timelines and share the wait!!! Not too long fingers crossed

Your welcome..and please, call me Liz.. smile.gif

In the January 09 VSC thread someone said they'd already gotten their that even possible??? blink.gif blink.gif

Hi Liz! I saw that too, 37 days from NOA1 to NOA 2 or something like that. Pretty amazing, no idea if there wer any special circumstances, will follow the thread and report back!

Whoever that worker is I want my papers in their stack of to-do's!

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-12 23:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (lizziebits28 @ Mar 12 2009, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys said it!!!!! Get moving VSC! :dance Please...for us?? innocent.gif

I just had a couple of thoughts/questions.

First of all, we chose the fiance visa route because we thought it would be the fastest way for us to be together. (As I'm sure many of you did too.) Now the I130's are flying off the shelf at the speed of lightning and I'm wondering if we made a mistate....Is anyone thinking about doing it over, canceling the fiance visa, getting married, and going that route? Part of me is really tempted to do that...but the other part just tells me to hang in there....

And second of all, I had a question about touches. I see many of you have them, and I don't. crying.gif My case online just says recieved and pending. When they touch you does it give the date with the touch on the website?

Thanks so much guys...and good luck!!!

Logistically for me, canceling the the fiancee and getting married would set me back at least a month, if not more. Then reapplying and winding up back on the bottom of some pile, I do not know if it is worth it in the short term. Long term who knows? Besides my form is moving up it is now 3rd from the bottom...HA!

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-12 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 12 2009, 02:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes it was very simple, they didnt have any evidence, I filed on the phone with the military help line, and I asked could I go ahead and send the documents, and she told me to wait for communication from them. So I mailed out all the evidence, and I'm crossing my fingers now. The only bad part is that its being mailed from Korea so it will take 3 days to get there. So I hope to hear something next week.

I wonder if you had this in your computer if they would have accepted this at this initial stage. I would hope they would work along with you. Do you get to use some sort of intra-company mail (gov't to gov't) or did you need to use the local snail mail there? Even though there is an RFE here at least they are working on it! Still good news. GL.

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-12 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 12 2009, 01:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
RFE for expedite received today, sent response today.

Hope it was for something simple
greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-12 00:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
It is a worry about North Korea, for some reason they have something to prove. When I was in China last month the news reported North Korea was preparing another missile test. There were military jets flying around constantly, it was slightly unnerving. Cool looking jets though.

I travel to the airport on the road through the base. I must admit I did chuckle the first time I saw the bases' name. To me for some reason Bliss and military are two words that do not quite go well together.

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-05 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 4 2009, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didnt mail anything the CSR told me everything will be done by computer, so I guess I just have to wait and see. And Greg, what part of New Mexico you from, I am out of El Paso.

Hope it is not just coincidence, someone needs to get lucky here! I am in Cruces, just down the road. You at the fort?
greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-04 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 4 2009, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, touched for the very first time today, this is like watching paint dry.

Do you have a way of knowing if they received your request yet? Or is this just coincidence?
greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-04 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (lizandpat @ Mar 2 2009, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hayleywynne, if they cashed your check, you should get your NOA1 in the mail within the next couple of days. That number will also be on there so you'll still be able to follow things online once you get that.

That is totally true, but I understand, no-one wishes to wait. Myself I would sit there for some time and keep plugging away. Then when I was successful I pull up a chair to wait and come here!

I think it is nerves, excitement, and anticipation, and everything that goes along with that.

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-02 21:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Mar 2 2009, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (greg584 @ Mar 2 2009, 08:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Mar 2 2009, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (greg584 @ Mar 2 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Mar 2 2009, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG!!! Check cashed!!!

One problem though haha. Isn't the case number on the back somewhere? I only see a stamp that is VERY hard to read. Is it something I should take up with my bank?

Edit: I can vaguely depict a number that starts "E090...etc" if that's it I definately can't read it.

Hi Haleywynne, Yes the number you are looking for is below the dotted line. It might begin with is a combination of 13 digits, letters and numbers. The bank might be able to help, the sad part is when the monies are transferred the check is destroyed I believe. Hope this helps.


Dang, this is not good lol. I really want to be able to keep up with everything online. I'll have to call the bank first thing in the morning with my hopes up. My fiance is trying to decipher it, but there are a couple characters that are really hard to read.

Thanks though smile.gif

Well my check was also processed through Vermont. So my check begins as EAC, zero,nine. the rest are all numbers. So if you wish to spend some time plugging in numbers you might get lucky that way. Good luck.


Yeah, it's something like that. Is it possible for me to enter the wrong number and the email updates just never come? Or will it recognize that it's invalid? I know that's a lot to ask/know haha.

The fact the rest of yours are numbers is helpful. We might have it! It does start EAC0

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-02 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Mar 2 2009, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (greg584 @ Mar 2 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Mar 2 2009, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG!!! Check cashed!!!

One problem though haha. Isn't the case number on the back somewhere? I only see a stamp that is VERY hard to read. Is it something I should take up with my bank?

Edit: I can vaguely depict a number that starts "E090...etc" if that's it I definately can't read it.

Hi Haleywynne, Yes the number you are looking for is below the dotted line. It might begin with is a combination of 13 digits, letters and numbers. The bank might be able to help, the sad part is when the monies are transferred the check is destroyed I believe. Hope this helps.


Dang, this is not good lol. I really want to be able to keep up with everything online. I'll have to call the bank first thing in the morning with my hopes up. My fiance is trying to decipher it, but there are a couple characters that are really hard to read.

Thanks though smile.gif

Well my check was also processed through Vermont. So my check begins as EAC, zero,nine. the rest are all numbers. So if you wish to spend some time plugging in numbers you might get lucky that way. Good luck.


greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-02 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Mar 2 2009, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG!!! Check cashed!!!

One problem though haha. Isn't the case number on the back somewhere? I only see a stamp that is VERY hard to read. Is it something I should take up with my bank?

Edit: I can vaguely depict a number that starts "E090...etc" if that's it I definately can't read it.

Hi Haleywynne, Yes the number you are looking for is below the dotted line. It might begin with is a combination of 13 digits, letters and numbers. The bank might be able to help, the sad part is when the monies are transferred the check is destroyed I believe. Hope this helps.

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-02 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 2 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW, thanx for the kind words, you are one of the few who still support what we do. That means a lot, even though I may never meet you, to hear that during these times is great. I wish you the best also.

I need to respectfully disagree with about one thing you said there, and I pray I am correct about this. In my heart I do not believe there are just a few who support what you do, and if there are some who do not, they should be ashamed. My disappointment is with the knuckle heads who have us where we are, and about that I will say no more. This is not the place, and we have other things to worry about here. Like why do my papers always land on the persons desk who is on vacation...he-he!

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-02 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Mford019 @ Mar 2 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Applied for my military deployment expedite today, 8 AM sharp, now all I have to do is pray. OOh and by the was yes I am deployed before anyone goes to bashing.

There is no way I would consider bashing your request. People in service to the country, such as yourself, probably receive few if any perks. So please allow me to step aside on this long line we are waiting on, and allow you to move ahead! Good Luck, and keep your head down!
greg584MaleHong Kong2009-03-02 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (lizandpat @ Feb 27 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (greg584 @ Feb 27 2009, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ah fellow Feb. filers. I have found my waiting room! Now I can pace about and wear out my shoes, while we wait.


hehe....welcome to the waiting room, Greg! Might want to take those shoes off and get comfy....I think we've got a bit of wait in front of us... wacko.gif

Sigh....Sadly you are probably least we are all waiting together now...I am worried about smelly feet though...he-he

greg584MaleHong Kong2009-02-28 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
Ah fellow Feb. filers. I have found my waiting room! Now I can pace about and wear out my shoes, while we wait.


greg584MaleHong Kong2009-02-27 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2010 K1 filers
[quote name='greg584' timestamp='1305415694' post='4665602']
Such a surprise, I received a letter from the NVC today, dated 5/10. Just a letter to let me know that within a week they will be forwarding my stuff to HK. This was a surprise because when I called the NVC requesting their file number on my case I specifically asked the person does the NVC notify of any progress. He told me no, but that when it arrives in HK they will send an email. So now I am sending an email to NVC asking for tracking info...if they still provide it. It is SO nice to see things move rapidly once Vermont lets things go.

Good luck everyone.

They did reply quickly, but they might have just as well have not even answered it. All I asked for was the date the package was forwarded, and a tracking number if available. I wonder if they even read the emails they receive. Here is the answer...

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC). The NVC has completed its processing of the visa petition you mentioned in your letter and has recently been forwarded to the US Embassy/Consulate General. Please allow 10-15 business days for the Embassy/Consulate General to receive the petition.

Any further inquiries should be directed to the assigned US Embassy or Consulate General.

This whole process is just SO frustrating to everyone here. I got a little pi$$ed at their answer so I sent off another request...

Thanks for getting back to me. Let me try this again though...

Recently forwarded? You do not know the date?

How was it forwarded? FEDEX, DHL, USPS, carrier pigeon?

Is there a tracking number?

Please just a little more info would be nice. Place yourself in my shoes please, wouldn't you want to know these details?

Thanks, Greg

Sad thing is, I can already picture their response...
Recently forwarded? You do not know the date?....yes we do know the date
How was it forwarded? FEDEX, DHL, USPS, carrier pigeon?.....courier
Is there a tracking number?....yes

Sorry, I just needed to vent here. Same as everyone else here I am just frustrated. Especially in only asking 3 (what I consider) simple questions. I know, at least it was forwarded, but geeze. I never called anyone about this, this was the first time I asked for information. Just wanted to get my monies worth. As of yet I do not wish to bother the US Embassy or Consulate General, for some reason I would not think they have access to the info, but they might. Right now I'll just wait for the next reply if they even send one. I guess I could always call, but based upon the next response I think I will be sending a copy of this to Hilary for starters. Maybe, it will make it better for those who follow.

Okay, off the soapbox.

Good luck to all.
greg584MaleHong Kong2011-05-17 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2010 K1 filers
Such a surprise, I received a letter from the NVC today, dated 5/10. Just a letter to let me know that within a week they will be forwarding my stuff to HK. This was a surprise because when I called the NVC requesting their file number on my case I specifically asked the person does the NVC notify of any progress. He told me no, but that when it arrives in HK they will send an email. So now I am sending an email to NVC asking for tracking info...if they still provide it. It is SO nice to see things move rapidly once Vermont lets things go.

Good luck everyone.
greg584MaleHong Kong2011-05-14 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2010 K1 filers
It was pretty interesting. I do not check CIS (Vermont)for updates very often, perhaps once or twice a month at most. I found it way too frustrating to never see any changes. One touch a few weeks after delivery and that was it. So I was totally surprised after checking on the 18th and seeing NO update, to then wake on the 19th and see an email with our approval. Just under the 5 month threshold. Hopefully they are pushing to meet commitment times for everyone out there; my hopes are with you all. I know this waiting really SUC@S.
greg584MaleHong Kong2011-04-20 12:25:00