Middle East and North AfricaInterview Result
I'm so happy fer ya both! Congratulations! :dance:
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-06-29 06:34:00
Middle East and North Africaany body hear about that : visa cancled without prejudice
Don't even bother trying to 'lose the passport.' That information is there in their system and they have access to it.

Once my CR-1 was approved, they stamped and cancelled my student visa and tourist visa -- with similar verbiage -- I had from 2005 and 1999 respectively.

I had a B2 denial in 1997 and it came up in all three interviews thereafter.

Edited by sachinky, 02 July 2010 - 11:06 AM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-02 11:05:00
Middle East and North Africaany body hear about that : visa cancled without prejudice
Hmm, sounds like they approved your visa verbally at the interview. It was then attached to your passport and now they've denied your case because they believe your relationship is solely for immigration purposes. Since they can't damage your passport by tearing out a page, they cancelled the newly attached K-1 visa. Most visas are cancelled in that manner - 'cancelled without prejudice.'

I'd definitely contact the Embassy and see what happened and what changed after the interview.

Edited by sachinky, 01 July 2010 - 01:47 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-01 13:46:00
Middle East and North Africaany body hear about that : visa cancled without prejudice
What visa was cancelled without prejudice?

I had my prior student and tourist visas cancelled in a similar fashion once my CR-1 was approved.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-01 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
Are you kidding me?

This thread is insane.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-30 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
This has nothing to do with being Muslim or not. A jerk is a jerk, irrespective of religious faith.

As I like to say, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Dump his sorry butt and move on. Don't ever look back.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-28 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
While I don't have any advice regarding divorce in Egypt but you should contact the embassy immediately and notify them that you're no longer interested in pursuing this marriage. State that you're pulling your I-864.

I'm sorry to hear the news of an impending divorce, hang in there and be strong! Keep the faith, lady!
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 22:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecurity checks for MENA men in foreign consulates
Every case is different. Period.

Stop comparing. You will only drive yourself crazy.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-08-22 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!
I bought a bottle of bubble bath on my way back from work. I will now light some aromatic candles, fill up the tub and soak in it for at least two hours. I will drink an entire bottle of wine (over-the-weekend, of course), will eat some goodly fried foods and finally finish that novel I've been meaning to finish. Hurrah for long weekends!
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-09-03 18:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!
3 day weekends, FTW!

I get off at 3 today, so excited! =D
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-09-03 07:42:00
Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca

Alright I know all that but I asked about why he didnt travel to live with u first time using his Visitor Visa and after that u can start AOS from there beng together during the process being done? thats what I meant actually its done for the try u took and now u should move on to be together no matter wishes

Uh, because using a tourist visa to enter the US in order to get married and intend to remain in the US via AOS is illegal and visa fraud. That's why. You may not use one non-immigrant visa (tourism) for the express purpose of gaining immigration benefits (residency).
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-11-02 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA making one upset....
Brother needs an iPhone to start a rapping career???? :rofl: :rofl:
Seriously, lady. Run. Run like hell. GTFO.

Edited by sachinky, 19 December 2010 - 11:21 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-12-19 23:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy stories of American women +Moroccan husbands
If I were to be honest, I wouldn't count a couple as a 'success story' unless the beneficiary has stuck around for at least a year or so after acquiring USC. So, that'd be like 4-5 years.

I teach kindergarten and one of the moms there is married to a very nice Morrocan man who sometimes subs as the PE teacher. She was his physical therapist when they met and they have been married for about ten years and have three kids together (the youngest one's in my class). I think they even moved to Morocco for a while to take care of his mom. So there you go.

Edited by sachinky, 01 March 2011 - 07:01 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-01 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaPreparing for the benficiary's arrival
That's weird, I had no issues opening two bank accounts in NY with my Indian passport, the student visa inside it and my college ID. I didn't even have a SSN at that point.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-17 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaPreparing for the benficiary's arrival

Does he have to use it or just have it in his name and not necessarily use it for purchases?

I can't remember the exact details - you can use it sparsely, but you have to use it. For example, if I didn't use my card AT ALL, they would cancel it after 5 months.

I only spend $150-$200 a month on it (groceries, dinner out) and always pay it off in full, always on time. Easiest way to shoot your credit score up.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-16 23:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaPreparing for the benficiary's arrival
As soon as they get their SSN, get them a secured credit card through your bank. Seriously, it is THE best thing ever. It took me just under 6 months in the US to have an amazing credit score and because Mr. Sachinky (the USC) is on it as well, his credit has drastically improved too. He didn't have a credit card before this and so his credit score was negligible.

Edited by sachinky, 16 March 2011 - 11:09 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-16 23:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp!
All the best to you. I hope you can work things out.

Edited by sachinky, 16 March 2011 - 11:36 AM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-16 11:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!
Ai, why would you want to be married to an a*hole?
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-25 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!
Dump his sorry butt and move on. There's no reason one should have to put up with this.

Your daughter will be better off without this kind of man in her life.

Edited by sachinky, 20 March 2011 - 11:16 AM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-20 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow important are multiple visits?

The people who answer questions at the Kolkata consulate are a bunch of clowns. My wife's mama is very proud of the fact that he knows many of them personally and introduced me to one gentlemen during a visit to Kolkata. Fiancee visas came up and he told me those illegal now due to fraud :lol:

:rofl: I had called them a few times to ask a few different questions. One man I spoke to asked me if I was marrying an American or an Indian. I said, "American, obviously, otherwise why would I choose to bother the US-Consulate with my wedding plans?" "No, no, madam, white American?" I said, yes. "Then you will have no problem. Just take your marriage certificate and they will issue the visa on the spot." Riiiiiight.

(To be fair, I got this same question during my interview at Mumbai. They even asked several times if my husband was a USC. At one point, I wanted to say, 'if he isn't, then clearly I'm at the wrong place.' I held my tongue though, I got snippy during my student visa interview and that didn't go too well, although I was issued the visa at the end.)

Edited by sachinky, 17 March 2011 - 12:42 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-17 12:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow important are multiple visits?

Not that it matters but the consulate in Kolkata doesn't have an IV unit. Indian citizens who live in that region have to apply with the IV unit in Mumbai.

True, and it never made any sense to me. My tourist visa and student visa were issued by the Calcutta NIV unit and for the CR-1, I had to travel to Mumbai. In fact, one of the main reasons I pursued a CR-1 as opposed to an AOS (which would have been far easier and less stressful for us) is because the Calcutta Consulate General convinced me (while I was dithering on the issue) with their 'yes, yes, those CR-1s take only two-three months, Madam.' And then to find out that they don't even issue immigrant visas!

Edited by sachinky, 17 March 2011 - 12:27 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-17 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow important are multiple visits?

While I find this statement completely baseless and inflammatory, I will concede that women from MENA have an easier time with visas.

I don't know about 'inflammatory' but frankly, I don't think that her statement about male beneficiaries having a harder time due to an atypical relationship is baseless at all. Apart from additional security checks for the male beneficiaries, I have always assumed that the reason that APs last as long as they do is because those cases are not the norm for that region/culture. And I'd think that's a safe assumption to make and holds true for a lot of regions.
I do know for a fact that this is certainly true for the New Delhi Embassy (which is a high-fraud consulate as compared to Consulates in Calcutta, Chennai or Bombay) and ANYTHING out of the ordinary (prior divorce, kids, online courtship, different race/religion, large age gap etc) is almost guaranteed to place you in AP. I can count nearly ten couples of the top of my head (VJ and personal) who've had a lot of trouble going through NWD because their cases didn't exactly fit the norm.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-17 12:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate
It has nothing to do with "discrimination against Arabs" and everything to do with the fact that those Consulates are assumed to be very high-fraud posts.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-04-10 10:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-14 10:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate

Wow, I remember her. That is so sad, but she's pretty gutsy coming back and talking about it coz she was also starry eyed and cocksure that they were deep in love and on the way to a bright future. Everyone is at first, then reality hits . . .

I know, I find that admirable. I remember her very well because we went through the process together (pretty much the same timeline) and I remember her agony during the wait for AP. I actually had to double check her profile to make sure it was her. It's unbelievable how people can use and abuse others for a piece of paper. It's almost inhuman but desperate people do despicable things. But I do respect her strength -- if it were me, I'd be crawling under a rock right about now and never showing my face on VJ ever again, given the past declarations of 'undying love' and whatnot.

Edited by sachinky, 02 March 2011 - 07:11 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-02 19:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate

I don't recall how long exactly you've actually spent physically in the same country as your husband, so again, I'm not directed this at you. But, comments like these are frequently tossed around by people whose spouses have not yet gotten here, and for those living with their husbands, the comments really do bring about a lot a roll of the eyes. Simply because many people who make these statements have spent a pathetically little amount of time with their fiance/spouse, etc. And, the time they have spent has not been "real life" time.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-03-01 19:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today
I think he's approved! Congrats! You can call DOS and enquire the status of the case if you want to but if he was in AP he would've been given a paper that said so.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2010-02-23 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy husband and my child
I don't know if you mentioned it but how old is your husband?
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-05-08 12:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
Mr. Sachinky and I both work 40 hour weeks. Chores in the Sachinky household are divvied up as follows:

Mr. Sachinky takes care of the

--laundry/ironing (once a week, or in the winter, once every two weeks). Hey, we're all for energy/water conservation.

--he takes the trash out, every couple of days or so. And here's the big one.

--He's cleans the pot (and the bathroom in general).

This is something I have absolutely refused to do, so, in exchange, I am amenable to

--doing the dishes every couple of days or so (freshman year in the dining hall taught me well). We have a dishwasher but it takes so much time that it's just not worth it. I can do it in a quarter amount of the time and use less water.

--If we are eating in, I usually cook. I'm very picky and particular about what I eat (think taste, not calories) whereas Mr. Sachinky is quite willing to go with the flow. He's also quite the human trash compactor. He helps out in the kitchen, stirring the sauce or chopping the vegetables etc.

--And I take care of all the bills. This includes gas, electricity, phone, internet, rent, cable, car payments, credit card, etc. I don't particularly like this last chore mostly because it's annoying to have to punch in the several-digit-long credit card number many times over but I'd rather do this task myself than leave it to Mr. Sachinky's forgetful nature and be hit with late fees. I trust in my inherent OCD and make sure I leave myself reminders in a different number of ways. Phone, post-its, tags on the refridgerator. You get it.

Once in a while, when (more like, if!) we get the urge to clean our apartment, we usually split up and take two rooms each. He gets the bathroom and the living room and I take the bedroom and kitchen.

I am also in charge of managing our finances and ordering take-out. You know, important stuff. And Mr. Sachinky is in charge of car-related stuff, and other banal ####### like insurance and taxes.

Man, we may sound old for a couple of twenty-four year olds but between the two of us, we have at least, got this living-together-in-near-harmony-thingie, (if not the whole-marriage-deal,) worked out. :lol: It works for us because we're both pretty laidback, easy-going individuals.

I hope things work out for you, Sarah. I'm sure once you communicate your needs clearly to him, he will begin to reciprocate. A list of duties and dividing up certain chores/responsibilities might make him realize that he needs to start pulling his weight around the house. I'm sure you are very tired after working a long day and if you don't nip this in the bud now, you'll wind up resenting him. Good luck!

Edited by sachinky, 06 July 2011 - 04:25 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-07-06 16:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenied
It would seem, from your posts, that meeting in person for 5 days and getting engaged on the first visit was your undoing. Would you agree to marry an American man you've met only for 5 days? I (and, more importantly, the COs) don't think so. Time spent online, no matter how many hours, is not considered to be as important as face-time in the real world.

You can get married and file for the CR-1 again. Good luck and keep us posted.

Edited by sachinky, 24 September 2011 - 03:22 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-09-24 15:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion Regarding Marriage and how to adjust
Her I-94 will have her authorized period of stay stamped on it. It will authorized at the discretion of the CBP officer at POE.

You can file for the I-130 with USCIS as soon as you receive your marriage certificate.

Edited by sachinky, 08 October 2011 - 05:17 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-10-08 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion Regarding Marriage and how to adjust
If she already has an existing 5 year visa, she can always enter the US to visit while awaiting the CR-1 processing. Entry, as always, is at the discretion of the POE immigration official.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-09-10 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion Regarding Marriage and how to adjust
The other way would be for your fiance to enter the US, get married, file for the CR-1. She can stay while her I-94 is valid but she will have to return to Jordan to complete the consular processing. Any other way would be illegal and considered fraud.

Just to reiterate : there is no issue in using a B-2 to enter the US and get married. People do it all the time. The issue is entering with preconceived intent to circumvent the immigration process and getting married and filing for AOS. Many people also do this successfully. But it is for you to judge whether that risk is worth it or not.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-09-10 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion Regarding Marriage and how to adjust
You cannot use a tourist visa to enter and adjust status. That is considered visa fraud -- misusing the intent of a visa (visiting) in order to immigrate.

You will have to file for the CR-1 once you are married in Jordan.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-09-10 11:57:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
With a second denial you really need a good lawyer right now. They've found some inconsistency (somewhere) and they're using that. Consulates have access to information you normally wouldn't think they do. You need a blow-by-blow account of the interview, exact questions and exact answer to see what they're getting at. The chat-logs questions would indicate that communication seems to be the issue -- do you both converse in English? Is he proficient in English? Maybe they want to see what the conversations are about and how they are conducted rather than just a phone bill that doesn't show anything more than call-duration.

Sorry if I missed it, but were you there in Morocco for the interview?

Also, I don't know if you have opened a separate thread of your own but it might be good to get some advice/guidance from those who might not be regular visitors to this particular thread. Or maybe this could be split into a separate topic? Just a suggestion.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-04-01 16:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?
You guys don't seem to have much of a relationship, even by your own admission, or the strong foundation for one. Leave alone the multitude of red flags. Honestly, I am surprised he got approved.

Good luck with whatever you decide, any way. :star:
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-10-30 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?
I love when one person arbitrarily decides who or what a "real Muslim" is.

Edited by sachinky, 29 October 2011 - 02:06 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-10-29 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?

For me and every muslim women what he toled you is all right
the only relation ship between men and women is marriage and family members (like uncles brothers grand farther....only MEHRAM)
I was at school and at work my relationship between the boy student and men at work so limited we never went out for dinner or lunch or talking out off study
My husband is in American and he is muslim, his Islam is better than me and I was doing a lot off very small things wish I was thinking are right and he speak to me and explained to me why this is wrong and he was all right according to our Hadith (try to learn about muslim women and muslim men and Read about the Prophet life and his wifes life so you can understand our culture) Islam is one in all the world and I am getting so surprised with the people whom are saying that's they are muslim and we don't have this this is a big lie.of course some are muslim only by name and they don't have any relation with Islam and try to give all bad name to islam.
Iam sure that's once you read about the Prophet (salla Allaho 3alayhi wasalam) life you will understand every things and you will have a answer about all your questions.
in the end the choice is yours I only wanted to tell you my opinion and it's for you to decide what is the goods for you.
I am sure about one things that's if you lived your life as a muslim woman you will have the true happiness for ever in this life and in the other life.
I wish I can explain to you more but my English is so bad.

Vanessa, I think Sandinista! was referring to this above post and not the one by Jenn.
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-10-29 13:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?

Maybe so that what he says is all true about looking at another man with your eyes. However, she is deaf. She is a teacher. She teaches people who are deaf and blind. One thing I can tell you about Moroccan culture - they are behind on how to teach people with disabilities. How do I know this? My fiance there is a teacher. He said often those children go to the back of the class and are often ignored. She has special gifts, because of her deafness, she is able to communicate with her eyes. They are an important necessity to her existence. Someone who is blind, has increased hearing. In her case, her eyes do the work of her ears. She teaches people around the world who are deaf and blind. She is a beautiful example of someone who uses her gifts to the fullest degree, and helps a huge amount of people; people who are often being neglected in their own culture because of their disabilities. I am sure that you would find a woman president of a country will look into the eyes of the people she must communicate with. She is not using her eyes to flirt with men. She is using them to teach. I can not believe Allah would forbid her from doing this. Another thing - there is no coercion in Islam.

+ 1000 :thumbs:
sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-10-29 12:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?
Love (or marriage) should never have to be "two bulls hitting horns for many months..." Nuh-uh. I don't think so, call me naive if you want, but that's not how I would choose to live "many months" of my life.

Life's just too far freakin' short to be somebody else's punching bag. Literally or metaphorically speaking.

Edited by sachinky, 28 October 2011 - 11:30 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2011-10-28 23:29:00