IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED !!! in Kingston,Jamaica
Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance: Wish you both happy re-union in the U.S :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-10-27 13:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!
Very correct, Mark & Ruth :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 13:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

The old my lawyer makes no mistakes ####### again lol. I guess you don't understand that you can get an RFE not for your mistake but the NVC's as well. I got one right now because Marriage certificate was deemed a copy come to find out they don't have it at all, they lost it. and has now requested it be sent again. So it went from the lie of it's not an original to they didn't have it in the first place. It was sent but they lost it as the supervisor apologized for but guess what i still get an RFE for there mistake. It doesn't take a lawyer or a mistake on your part to get an RFE all it takes is incompetence at their level and you get one for their errors.

Exactly! If I send a marriage certificate and they misplace it, I'll get an RFE for their mistakes as well :thumbs:

There is no perfect world! Until visa is in hand after the interview, everything is hanging in the air :star:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

Ok that i realize there is some target countries they need to pay attenion to. So here is a question; how is the best way to prove a bona fide marriage if your there for a short limited time and there is not a offical weeding for wedding invites and things like that. I know many that get maried on there last days in the country.

Read the RFE link I gave you.

Gather all the evidences since the meeting of the other half until the interview. If I start typing it here, it will be an exhaustive list. There are good threads in the first few pages that discuss about it.

First of all, marriage must be an official marrige. Not a sham marriage!

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 12:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

RFE's happen and it is better then a flat out denile. Is there any way that we can take info from what the RFE's are asking for and pinn a thread like that to help ppl in the future. Or has that already been done and I have not come across it yet.

RFE can happen to anybody, even the well prepared folks.

Read the below link from the experienced people:

To prove bona-fide relationship, just 1 or 2 secondary evidences (other than all the required docs) may be sufficient for the petitioner whose beneficiary is from some countries. But, extensive evidences will be required for the people from other countries. Hence it is a relative term!

Better to be safe than sorry!

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

Thanks Loto. Good Luck on your interview!

Thanks MattyDil :)

You will be all set when you clear that hiccup :thumbs:

I would have been happy to assist you, but NVC EP is new to me and not done much research on it. Sorry!

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 12:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

Whats funny is people don't understand. The RFE wasn't for incorrectly filled out forms. (what the lawyer would do) Most of you have no clue about Electronic Processing which is a pilot program we are taking part in. For what ever reason my wifes Birth Cert. wasn't accepted in its Digital Format. Many of you are ignorant to the EP process so before you comment on it educate yourself first. You'd than understand why I am so upset about the RFE. It's basically bogus. The Digital copy they got was extremely clear and legible. IT also contained all information necessary on it. It's just upsetting because I'm finding out many people who are from Canada are getting the same RFE's. It's a stall tactic.

Also for those saying not to get upset with the Customer Service, I didn't up just over all upset. I understand how a call center works, its just frustrating when there is no communication between the adjudicators and the front lines who answer the phones. Either way, we are taking care of it, one of the pluses with EP, is when you get an RFE you can immediately take care of it instead of using snail mail.

LOL at the dude in here who said if I had a lawyer I wouldn't of gotten the RFE. As many have said the CR1 visa is very straight forward, anyone even with a basic education and reading comprehension would be able to put this together. I'm also proud to say we got all the way to this point at NVC with no RFE's. While your spending thousands on a lawyer, I'll be sitting back counting my extra cash deciding what to do with it.


As you said, this NVC EP is relatively new program and mostly in pilot mode. It is not yet streamlined, so it is highly likely to get all the hiccups for any minor issues.

Hope things will be rectified soon for you :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 11:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

Responses to the highlighted ones.

Second highlight - I agree with you in that I-130 process is a long wait process and on an average it takes 4 to 6 months for the approval for "most of the people" here. So, the patience is the key. Once you fill out the forms carefully, add all the required and supporting documents to prove the sposnor's US citizenship and petitioner-beneficiary bona-fide marriage relationship, just sit tight and relax.

First highlight - You have much money to spend is good. I have much money too, but I want to spend it in different way. Also, note that having much money and attorney WILL NOT SPEED UP the I-130 approval.

Having said all these, if you or anybody use the attorney, it is perfectly fine and we are all not advising you NOT to proceed through the attorney. It is just (again just) your personal choice.

Footenote: I have completed this CR1 process before without attorney and RFE. Also, completing the IR1 process now, so far (again so far!) no RFE's or any other hiccups and have not used attorney this time as well.


Money is NO object why do you worry about it ? ? ?
it's not your money anyway.. RIGHT !
I have much and if i could pay to get it faster i would have mine now
But since everybody else seems to have money issues and or did it
them self fine to each his own.
Who cares...seems you the people who are having the problems and
all worried when your getting approved why worry yourself.
Just sit and wait like me I dont have any RFE or any worries its you
people worring when and why havent you heard where is your NOA-2
AN so what ! ! ! Take the time they gave and just wait until the 5
months have passed and than worry not until than.
In 5 plus months or longer you'll get yours but you think everybody
is getting it in 4 months becasue it went to TSC..Maybe it will be longer
since they are back logged doing other NON I-130, I-129 IR-1/CR-1
Visa's right now. Until than wait an be patient, like all the rest of us.
ALL you Vjers calm down yourself and wait like all the rest of us the 5 months
You cant hurry them up if they have thousands to do Did you ever put
yourself in there place ? ? Than wait your turn like everybody else does
after the first of the year will pick up. August 1st filings NOA-1
will be after January 1st or longer, an so ! ! ! !
I can wait .. get excited when you get your approval, until than
chill out yourself. If I can wait I'm sure I can wait and without RFE also
or anything else. When and until approval sit tight and wait.. It seems you all are stressed out for no reason, becasue you havent heard if your NOA-2 has arrived.
wait your time like all the other 10's of thousand also. :)



Edited by PatiencePaidOff, 23 November 2010 - 11:24 AM.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 11:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

If it was as simple as the guide says it is, there would not be so many RFE's. I know a couple of ppl that has used the guides and have RFE"s and the letters these ppl are being sent out is almost 3 pages of things they want. The high rate of RFE's, is the changes taking place with USCIS right now. They want ever little detail of the marriages and if something did not happen they want to know why and have it notirized. And the guides need to be updated. But that is just my opinion.

Angel Eyes Yuseef,

Neither attorney nor the guide will prevent the RFE. In other terms, people who have followed the guide have got RFE. Also, people who have used the attorney also have got RFE.

Why? Every case is unique. There is a background check process as part of the I-130 petition and some times "innocent people" also will be stuck. Also, USCIS has their own rules to check the bona-fide relationship if the cases are from "certain countries". Everybody, including me, has to overcome this additional check to get the I-130 approval and subsequently to get the visa from the Consulate.

To me, just 2 secondary evidences (marital relationship) may be sufficient to overcome at one point of time. When I apply for next time, these 2 evidences may be insufficient and need to produce more.

So, I advise everybody to have as many evidences as needed to overcome the issues and to prove the "bona-fide marital relationship".

Footenote: If you don't have those bona-fide relationship, even the guide or attorney will also be helpless!

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-23 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!

ALL you people who say Attornies do it wrong...
Take a hike. You got proof of all of them that have
attornies all got RFE's, or you just make stupid coment
becasue you dont really know.
I bet you there are more RFE done by people doing it
them self than Attornies. But for you all that did do
it right great.
But all you that think ALL attornies are bad LET'S HOPE
you aren't DENIED and never need one becasue you have
problems. And I'm sure you will have to wait much
longer also if you made a mistake. It must be why I
see so many people come on here asking for help because
they didnt do it right the first time, having no experience.
Than if your doing it yourself, you got nobody to BLAME
Than face it ...experience does make a difference
But to each his own, if you do it and dont get a RFE
I slatue YOU !
But I rather take my chances with a attorney, than not.
Anybody can try doing all the forms them self.
But if you do make a mistake than you have to be UPSET
only at yourself and your own ability to have done it

I'm sure some attornies do make mistake but i would bet all my
money on a attorney than without. People doing it themself have
a MUCH HIGHER RATE of RFE...Than people who have attornies !
So let just hope you dont need and attorney and dont get a RFE.
I bet my money on and attorney that has done 2 or 3 hundred
cases than somebody who doing it their first time alone ! ! ! ! !
Maybe you luck out doing it right but there the chance you
dont also. Dont tell me experience attornies and them doing hundreds dont
mean nothing. I really dont care what you think. Let's just say
I rather take my chances on somebody who knows what they are
doing than somebody trying to do it themself and not sure or
doing it wrong. Help is available here.
Doing it right and you will have a better chance on not getting
a RFE.

Yeah is makes me laugh also when i see many here making their own
problems for not doing it right also.
Maybe they did make a mistake on their case, NOBODY PERFECT EXCEPT GOD

SO if you dont fine if you do what you going to do
JUST COMPLAIN....Join all the others with problems.
There are 10 of thousand claims being processed.
Yeah you have a right to see mistakes
But what you dont have a right if they find your MISTAKE also.

What if you were working right alone and you were them working
on a claim and you found a mistake processing your claim. Dont you
think they are pissed off also becasue you didnt or failed to do it right.
Now they have to take the time out to notify of your mistake
You thinks its fun for them, when they have to process hundreds
a week or thousands ? ? ? Everybody complains about them
They dont have a right to place the blame on you if you are
not correct also ? ? ?
Think about it or place the blame always on them right ?
They are human just like you and have rights to make mistakes also.
But what if you make the mitake are you complaing to them or looking
at yourself for YOUR OWN MISTAKE ?

Something for you to like, complain about to me or to take the blame
yourself. Your fooling nobody but yourself.
NOT ME ! NOT THEM. Make your coment but let hope i dont see any of
you in the future asking for help becasue i see you did it wrong
Than let's see who laughing too !

SO laugh all you want at yourself not me.
I will save the names of you all, and let see if you ask when or
if you ask for help or get a RFE or anything with your claim in
the future also. Thans let see ! ! ! !
I get to laugh at you all FAIR GAME BACK TO YOU No problem.
Laugh all you want you think i care until i see you have a problem.

And see who ask if they know and attorney to help them, or dont ask for one
But i bet you wife over seas wont be so happy at you either...
Will she be laughing at you ? ? Think about it for your mistake ! ! ! ! !
Having to wait longer also.

Good luck for those who dont have any in the future and for you that do



Calm down buddy :star:

First of all, this IR1/CR1 process is very simple procedure and most of the people do not need attorney to do this.

When attorney needed:
1) One doesn't know the IR1/CR1 procedure clearly.
2) If one has complex cases such as previous overstay or any other complex cases.

The IR1/CR1 process is this much only for simple cases - http://www.visajourn...p/EZGuideSpouse

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-22 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Gives us SECOND RFE!!
I did mine by attorney so there is no mistake it was done right

This made me laugh :rofl:

The OP's issue is they opted for Electronic processing at NVC level. The scanning may not be legible or may not be acceptable to NVC EP standards. Since they used "long form" birth certificate, I would assume it has all the info such as parent's name, full name of the applicant, DOB in English to be clear etc.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-22 18:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 approval for IR-1/ CR-1
USCIS site's average is 5 months.

Many approved before that or even in this timeframe.

However, many are waiting still in their 7th month of filing.

God bless you for faster approval!

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-01-24 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVFS- new delhi

My husband sumbit all the papers that was requested by officer during the interview. we check the status everyday it was showin "Your Passport is under process at U.S Embassy/Consulate" and today it shows "Track Your Passport Your passport has been handed over to Blue Dart for delivery" what does that mean???? Does it mean Visa is Approved???

It is handed over from Consulate to VFS to courier service. Yes, it is an indication of visa approval with the visa stamp in it + visa packet.

Don't open the visa packet and must be hand carried to POE.

Good luck!
LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-01-27 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApply for F-1 visa while I-130 pending?

I got advice from an attorney. The advice follows:

There is a difference between preconceived intent to immigrate and fraud/misrepresentation.

If you misrepresent a fact to the immigration agency, then there will be negative consequences. Anything that is said or written to an immigration official will be known by all subsequent immigration officials.

Preconceived intent refers to entering the United States with the intent of gaining permanent residency immediately (without leaving the country). Future intent to immigrate is not preconceived intent.

Generally, preconceived intent is a problem. However, since your wife is an immediate relative, there is case law which states that immediate relatives should not be denied adjustment of status based solely on preconceived intent.

So, this means, if she obtains the f-1 status (making sure to indicate that she was married to a U.S. citizen), and then enters the United States on the F-1, you two will face a choice. You can either file the I-130 by itself (this would require her to travel back to Canada for the interview), or she can file the I-130 and I-485 together (commonly referred to as Adjustment of Status). If she does that, you two will have an interview in the United States at the immigration office closest to your residence (there is one in New York City). By filing for adjustment of status, she will also be able to obtain work authorization about 90 days later.

In deciding whether to file the I-130 alone, or the I-130 with the I-485, it comes down to the question of whether you made any indication that stated she planned to return to Canada. For example, if at the border (or the consulate) the official asks if she plans to return to Canada, she will either have to say yes or no. If she says yes, and then she files the I-130/I-485, she could be accused of making a misrepresentation to an immigration official. If she says yes, and then files the I-130, there will be no misrepresentation or preconceived intent because she is leaving the country before she is granted permanent residency.

She should always truthfully answer a question from an immigration officer (or on an immigration form). She should also make sure that she does not hide her marriage to a US citizen.

If the topic of returning to Canada never comes up, then she made no misrepresentation, and can file the I-130/I-485 because there was no misrepresentation. Case law indicates that preconceived intent should not the sole reason for the denial of an adjustment of status.

Filing the I-130 would be the safest approach. However, it should be possible to Adjust Status as long as you two have made no misrepresentations.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-09-03 11:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApply for F-1 visa while I-130 pending?

Agreed, but there is a possibility I may be offered a job in NY and if that happens I will want to take it. There is *big money* involved here, hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am willing to screw around and try anything conceivable to shorten this process and I've had limited help from the attorneys I've been dealing with. I can fly back to Toronto every weekend, but that's a shitty arrangement. I realize other people are in the same boat but that doesn't mean I intend to lie down in it.

prakriti, PM me if you need some advice from me.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-09-02 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApply for F-1 visa while I-130 pending?

Any possibility the I-130 would be jeopardized if it's filed so soon after approval of the F-1, on the grounds that we fraudulently filed the F-1 while intending to immigrate? We could always wait a year or something with her going to school, and then file the I-130 and AOS. If we direct consular file the I-130 we wouldn't have to file an AOS, not sure if that simplifies the interview process. Waiting 2+ yrs to apply I-130 from within the US without AOS would be a bit much.

If that's the case, don't proceed with F1.

Go for DCF. It should be faster than filing I-130 with USCIS.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-09-02 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApply for F-1 visa while I-130 pending?

Another thing we were considering... get the F-1 first and then direct consular file the I-130 after the F-1 is approved but before moving?

You may try this option.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-09-02 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Packet Checklist
The list is good as long as your aunt's tax transcripts show only her income.

Also, include her current year paystubs too, if possible.


Edited by LotOfPatience, 11 November 2010 - 09:45 PM.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-11 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to calculte current annual income for I-864?

Hi , how to calculate Current Annual Income of USC? My wife earn $10.70/hr and she works for 40hrs/week. Her gross income of last 3 years from 1040 forms are as below:

2007 = $11435
2008 = $17226
2009 = $19839

Now in her last paystub the Year to date(from 01/01/2010 to today) earnings is $10,468.Its little low becuase she didn'd worked for 3 months(jun,july,august) as she came here(india) for marriage. So now i am confuse how to calculate her current annual income??

1) Should i have to take her hourly pay and multiply it by 2080. 2080 is the number of hours a full-time person works per year (based on 40 hours a week) ??

2) Should i have to use figure from 2009 year??

3)Should i have to use the current Year to date Income(which is $10,468) + Pay of rest of the weeks of this year(No of weeks * 40 *$10.70) ??

Please guys give me some sunshine... ur help will be highly appreciated.

Er Neal,

First of all household size of 2 must meet income threshold of $18,212. Since she has progressively made it, it is good!

It will be better if she can get an employment letter with annual income listed for 2010, something above the provertyline with last 6 months paystubs that are available. If that's not available, you should put 2009 income.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-10-05 12:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 process and fees
Immigrant visa application fee is $330. But, you need to pay "Immigrant visa security surcharge (per person applying for any immigrant visa category)" which is $74.

So, NVC will collect total $404 to process your DS-230 application.

Loto (Sleeping again!)
LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-02-09 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRegarding filing status

Hello LOTO, I have another question. Since I have not filed tax return, and I have to wait 6-8 week alone for tax return, Can I include this year tax return on I-864? I have been approved and hoping to get NVC sooner. Please advice

George&Gina is correct :thumbs:

Me and my wife, Take a copy of 2010 filings (Main form and schedules) with W2/1099 to provide to NVC. Since you are showing as MFJ/MFS, it will be a good bona-fide relationship proof at interview time.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-02-09 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRegarding filing status

I looked the posting from other people. They disagreed with me. I was getting a different answer from different people. Some said single , some married filing seperately and other jointly. Today I went to IRS assistance center and talked with tax professional around half an hour. She told me that I have to file either filing jointly or married filing seperately. She told me:

1 GEt the passport copy notorized
2 Fill 1040 form and should be signed by both husband and wife
3 Get w-7 filled and signed from spouse
4 Submit w-7 along with 1040 at IRS assistance center or by mail to IRS

I am sorry I posted wrong information based on the H & R block, jason and hewitt, and tax professional. When I asked her if I will have penalty, she told me that filing wrong information is subject to examination. Then I realized that it is better to file jointly as I get more return and a good proof that we are married. That is my thought. It is up to you.

This is correct :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-02-09 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA family emergency has occurred in US

?? From what I understand the OP is asking about an emergency visit while close to final with immigrant visa processing, not about canceling the spouse visa.

Though yes could delay filing the DS-230 for a bit to avoid having spouse visa interview scheduled when visiting for the emergency.

Oh then it is my bad!

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-02-09 17:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA family emergency has occurred in US
Do not send DS-230. NVC will close the case automatically after 1 year.

If you wish, you can inform NVC to close the case as well.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-02-09 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGet ITIN

how very cool ! Thanks for sharing !

I second that :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-02-10 14:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat form to fill out I-864 or I-864A ??
A friend of a sponsor will always file I-864 only as part of joint sponsorship.

Not I-864A.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-11-25 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hey guys I wanted to share with you what we have just got: Post Decision Activity On January 13, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN


Good luck to all of you and things have really started moving at TSC, you will get good news soon too! Thank God!! ;)

Congratulations again :dance: :dance: :dance: What a fantastic news, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY :dance: :dance: :dance:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2011-01-14 00:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Good luck and best wishes to all for your NOA2 soon :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-03 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hi there - I received the post-decision activity email last week and got a hard copy last night via regular mail (same content as email).

Good luck!


Edited by PatiencePaidOff, 03 December 2010 - 07:01 PM.

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-03 19:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

guys!! i woke up this morning and went to randomly check my email and i saw USCIS email !!!! and the surprise was great, we got approuved!!!! we are august fillers too:


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On December 1, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

I really will keep praying for you guys, i havebeen praying a lot for myself. I know that are people there who sent the process in june, july, and i agree you guys should get it before us, but im sure that we all will receive our NOAs2 before christmas as i see Texas Service Center ARE working fast!!

im so happy

Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-03 18:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hi Loto - If anyone deserves great Karma, it's you for being an outstanding calm, thoughtful voice along this journey. Thinking of you both tomorrow!

Thanks CanuckChick (F)

Waiting for your guys NOA2, as well, for the joy to complete :thumbs:


Hey got an updated spreadsheet? I'm just curious out of all of us who's still waiting for their NOA2

CRN, I'll post it in July thread now :thumbs:

Hope your NVC process is progressing!


good luck Loto :thumbs: As for me, still nothing and tomorrow is my 5 month mark :bonk:

Thanks Apeters (F)

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 21:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Sure. Get your Congressperson to propose it.

I will email to them :star:


Best of luck tomorrow, Loto! I'm sure everything will go great and it'll be party time for you! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks mikec (F)

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

It's an interesting idea but the Life act requires that an I-129F for a spouse can only be approved by USCIS when an I-130 petition is pending. So, the I-130 must be filed first.

I know that pushb :star:

My thought was revamp that and make similar to employment based equivalent :star:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 19:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

that's an interesting theory... i'll certainly keep you guys posted. i tried calling that number you gave me several times but it's always busy!

When you hear busy tone, redial immediately and put it in a loop until connected.

I have tried 157 times this way to get connected on a worse day :star:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Im not wishing you luck, because you wont need it. Im sending you an early congrats!


Thanks moonandsun (F)

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Lest anybody thinks I'm not sympathetic to the desire for a K3 visa, I've opposed NVC's February 2010 action from the beginning because there are actually more actual valid reasons why their action was detrimental to US Citizens trying to unit families. Here's a (probably partial) list of the negative impacts.

1. At the time of their action, there were many families in the system pursuing K3 and K4 visas, who had not filed the I-130's for the children. These folks were left out in the cold and their reunions delayed until they could get those I-130's through the system.

2. There were and are currently a number of families pursuing the K3 visa who did NOT have immediate immigrant intent but could not obtain visas to enter the USA. Examples are those in border towns or easy travel distance from their USC spouses but needed to keep their jobs for a while. Other examples are families living abroad in countries from which the foreign spouse could not obtain a visitor visa.

3. The portions of the Life Act that created the K3 and K4 visa paths was effectively nullified by NVC's actions.

I'm interested in other examples of good solid reasons people prefer the K3 visa over the immigrant spouse visa. Some people's reasons may not be so valid or may be the result of misinformation. Others may well be solid reasons I haven't thought of. Whatever the valid reasons, I think the only way NVC's mind can be changed is through pressure from an influential member of Congress in behalf of one or more petitioner constituents. I would be happy to assist in articulating such a request but it would be in behalf of a current case. It's too late for me, as my K3 and K4 beneficiaries are already permanent residents for nearly three years.

Good points, pushb :thumbs:

Just my thoughts

Even if NVC re-opens K-3 path any time in future, I-129F aprroval must be independent of I-130 and must be approved in 1 to 2 months time, since it provides non-immigrant visa to the foreign beneficiary. It can be equated like I-129 petition by the employer of a foreign worker to get H1B visa etc.

Then K-3 visa holder and the petitioner have the chance to do the Adjustment of Status by filing I-130 coupled with I-485, exactly same like Labor Certification, I-140 and I-485 process of the employment based categories.

This way families of the U.S petitioner living abroad will not have any long separated time period. Then only the "Life Act" created for K3/K4 visas make sense. I know in the past, K3/K4 was super fast process. Over a period of time, USCIS started forgetting about the Life Act :star:


Best wishes on interview Loto!!

Thank you art (F) and wish for your NOA2 too :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 18:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I second that- best of luck champ :thumbs:

Thanks to you too, celldoc (F)

And wish you all speedy NOA2 too :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 18:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Good luck on your interview tomorrow morning!

Thank you rpratt (F)

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

While the K3 is not available and to my knowledge no I-129F petitions for a spouse have cleared NVC since February, means the IR1 or CR1 are always best because they are the only spouse visas currently available, it does not mean that in all cases the IR1 or CR1 would be the best fit. K3 has always been a better fit for those who don't have immediate immigrant intent.

A better statement would simply be that the currently available spouse visas are IR1 or CR1, as applicable. They aren't better in all cases, just the only thing available in virtually all cases.

Only 3) of your 1-3 above is really meaningful, IMO because filing the I-129F itself puts the I-130 approval back almost as long as the extra time at NVC, so even when the K3 was available, it has saved only a matter of a month or so in time, since November of 2006. Consular officers tend to use I-864 criteria for K visas anyway and although the I-864 requires disclosure of past years of income, current income is what's most important.

I agree, pushb :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Yay, another 2 touches, I130 and I129F touched today 01 December. Please let us have our NOA 2 soon :dance:
Hope that will be a good sign .


This is great news, Cip :thumbs: I smell your NOA2 on the way :thumbs:

LotofPatienceMaleIndia2010-12-01 17:51:00