Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisiting Russia
I use Medjet Assist... It's not really insurance but if you are hospitalized in some strange land ie. Russia you can opt for a flight back home to your hospital of choice. The important point here is that it is your choice and not that of an insurance company or a doctor, unless your medical condition prevents you from being moved. Rates are not bad... $225 for one year of coverage.

Fortunately I've never had to test it :)
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-03-11 19:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Russian Visa registration forms
I found some copies of the new registration forms:

What was OVIR is now UFMS (Department of the Federal Migration Service).

Attached File  UFMS_Visa_registration.pdf   232.68KB   29 downloads

After some further reading... The Host (inviting party, landlord, etc.) goes to the local police station with your passport & migration card (within 3 business days, with or without you but must have your passport & migration card) and fills out the above forms, gives part of it to you and then when you leave Russia your Host returns another portion (within 2 business days!) showing that you have left. Actually this does sound a little more simple and the police station will most likely be open more than OVIR was. The post office is supposed to be able to stamp these forms as well but apparently (outside of Moscow) they know nothing about it!


Edited by dmhweb, 01 April 2007 - 09:41 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-01 21:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNOA2!! Need some advice!!

I like quick results and certainty.

You must not be talking about anything to do with Russia! :no: :lol: :no:


I couldn't resist...
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-16 08:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America

... Too many jerky men are going abroad and mistreating these girls. ...

Always nice to see more unfounded baseless tripe. :lol: :no: :lol:
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-21 01:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America
See the following post for the new forms...

New Russian Visa registration forms

I found some copies of the new registration forms:

What was OVIR is now UFMS (Department of the Federal Migration Service).


After some further reading... The Host (inviting party) goes to the local police station with your passport & migration card (within 3 business days, with or without you but must have your passport & migration card) and fills out the above forms, gives part of it to you and then when you leave Russia your Host returns another portion (within 2 business days!) showing that you have left. Actually this does sound a little more simple and the police station will most likely be open more than OVIR was. The post office is supposed to be able to stamp these forms as well but apparently (outside of Moscow) they know nothing about it!


dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-01 21:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America
I found some copies of the new registration forms:

What was OVIR is now UFMS (Department of the Federal Migration Service).



After some further reading... The Host (inviting party) goes to the local police station with your passport & migration card (within 3 business days, with or without you but must have your passport & migration card) and fills out the above forms, gives part of it to you and then when you leave Russia your Host returns another portion (within 2 business days!) showing that you have left. Actually this does sound a little more simple and the police station will most likely be open more than OVIR was. The post office is supposed to be able to stamp these forms as well but apparently (outside of Moscow) they know nothing about it!

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-01 21:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America
And if that didn't clear it up...

Maybe this will... :unsure:


Question: What is “migration accounting” and what is its purpose?
What is the procedure of implementing the migration accounting?

Answer: On January 15, 2007, the Federal Law No. 109-FZ dated July 18, 2006, “On Migration Accounting of Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship in the Russian Federation” comes into force.
In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law migration accounting of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship is the activity on recording and generalizing the data of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship and of the movement of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship stipulated by the Federal Law.
The migration accounting is implemented with the purposes as follows:
- creating necessary conditions that citizens of the Russian Federation could exercise their rights and freedoms, as well as execute their duties assigned to them;
- development and implementation of state policy in the field of migration;
- forming full, accurate, operational and topical information of the movements of foreign citizens required for forecasting the consequences of said movements, and also for carrying out state statistical observations in the field of migration;
- planning of development of Russian Federation territories;
- management in conditions of crisis situations;
- protection of the fundamentals of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and lawful interests of citizens living in the Russian Federation, and also with the purpose of ensuring the national security and public security of the Russian Federation by way of counteracting illegal migration and other unlawful manifestations;
- systemizing the data of foreign citizens staying in the Russian Federation (including their personal data) and of the flows of foreign citizens;
- solution of other social-economic and social-political tasks.
A ground for migration registration is the following:
1) the fact of entry of a citizen to the Russian Federation;
2) the fact of registration of birth of a foreign citizen or another person who, as of the moment of birth, does not obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation;
3) the fact of loss of citizenship of the Russian Federation by a person staying in the Russian Federation.
Ground for withdrawal from registration includes the following:
1) the fact of exit of a foreign citizen from the Russian Federation;
2) the fact of death of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation;
3) entry into legal force of a court decision of admitting a foreign citizen staying in the Russian Federation a missing person or of admitting him decedent;
4) the fact of acquiring the citizenship of the Russian Federation by a foreign citizen staying in the Russian Federation;
Withdrawal of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship from registration at the place of his stay shall be implemented by a migration registration body after an accepting party receives a tear-off portion of a form of notification of this person arrival at the place of stay with the date of his departure from the place of arrival indicated on this form portion. The tear-off portion of the notification form of arrival at the place of stay shall be sent by the accepting party to a corresponding body of migration registration not later than 2 days after this person departure from the place of stay.
When executing migration registering, the following data of a foreign citizen are to be collected, fixed, generalized and used:
1) kind and particulars of a document certifying the identity and admitted by the Russian Federation in this quality (name, series, number, date and place of issue, validity period and, if available – biometrical data contained in the said document);
2) kind and particulars of a document confirming the right to stay (live) in the Russian Federation;
3) surname, name, patronymic (if the latter is available);
4) date and place of birth;
5) sex;
6) citizenship;
7) purpose of entry to the Russian Federation;
8) profession;
9) declared period of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation;
10) date of registration at the recent place of residence and its address, dates of registration and withdrawal from registration at the previous places of residence and their addresses;
11) date of registration at the recent place of stay and its address, dates of registering and withdrawal from registration at the previous places of stay and their addresses;
12) data of legal representatives (parents, adoptive persons, trustees, tutors);
13) data of deportation or of administrative exclusion outside the borders of the Russian Federation (applied or not, if yes - when and by who);
14) data of decision-taking of undesirableness of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation (applied or not; if yes – when and by who);
15) data on instituting criminal proceedings or bringing to administrative responsibility or to responsibility for committing tax infringements;
16) date and place of death in the Russian Federation or the date of entering into legal force of a court decision of admitting a missing person or decedent, name and place of the said court;
17) grounds for registering and withdrawal from registration.

Question: Registration at the place of stay:
- what is the legal standard of registration at the place of stay?
- what is the procedure at the place of stay for foreign citizens?

Answer: There are two legal institutions to be differentiated: registration of citizens
of Russian Federation at the place of stay and registration of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship at the place of stay in the Russian Federation.
Questions of accounting of foreign citizens or persons without citizenship at the place of
stay and their registration at the place of residence are regulated by the standards of Federal Law “On Migration Accounting of Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship in the Russian Federation”, which was already mentions above (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law). In this certain case accounting and registration are components of the institution of migration accounting, its essence consists in ensuring and implementing the guarantees of observance of right of everyone staying legally in the territory of the Russian Federation to free movement, choice of the place of stay and residence within the borders of the Russian Federation and other rights and freedoms of person established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and also implementation of national interests of the Russian Federation in the field of migration (enacting clause of the Federal Law).
A principal legislative innovation is featured by notification nature of migration accounting. At the same time in Part 2 of Article 5 a legislator has established an exhaustive list of reasons, at which registration at the place of residence and accounting at the place of stay of foreign citizens may feature an administrative nature, namely:
1) in a border zone;
2) in restricted administrative-territorial formations;
3) in military communities with restricted access;
4) on territories, in organizations or at objects which require a special entry permit for foreign citizens in accordance with the Federal Law;
5) on a territory on which state of emergency or martial law is declared in compliance with a decree of the President of the Russian Federation;
6) on zones of environmental disasters;
7) on individual territories and in populated areas, where, due to the danger of spread of infection and mass noninfectious diseases and people mass poisoning special conditions and regimes of population living and economic activity are introduced;
8) in areas of antiterrorist operations conducted;
9) in a period of mobilization and in wartime;
10) in other cases established by federal laws.
Let us fix upon terms “accounting at the place of stay” and “registration at the place of residence” applicable to a foreign citizen or person without citizenship.
In compliance with the requirements of item 5, part 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law accounting of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship at the place of stay is the fixation (by authorized bodies) in an established procedure of the data on such person location at the place of stay. In a similar way, registration at the place of residence is the fixation (by authorities of migration accounting) of the data on the place of residence of a foreign citizen or person without citizenship.
In this case a place of residence shall be interpreted as a dwelling space, at which address the foreign citizen or a person without citizenship is registered in an established procedure. And the place of stay shall be interpreted as a dwelling space, which is not a place of residence, and also another room, office or organization, in which the foreign citizen or person without citizenship is staying and (or) at whose address the foreign citizen or person without citizenship should be registered at the place of stay.
Article 7 of the Federal Law established categories of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship subject to registration at the place of residence and to accounting at the place of stay. Those foreign citizens who live in the Russian Federation permanently or temporarily, shall be subject both to registration at the place of residence and to accounting at the place of stay. Those foreign citizens, who live permanently in the Russian Federation, shall be subject only to accounting at the place stay.
Status of foreigners, who serve sentence or carry administrative punishment, is determined separately. Such persons are subject to accounting at the place of stay in an establishment, where they serve a corresponding punishment in a procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation (presently the development of a corresponding draft is underway).
In accordance with an order established by the Federal Law subject to accounting at the place of stay are:
- a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship living permanently in the Russian Federation – on expiry of 7 working days from the day of his arrival except for cases, when the said foreign citizen:
a) has no dwelling space;
b.) is staying in a hotel or in another establishment rendering hotel services, in a sanatorium, resthouse, vacation hotel, camping, in a youth hostel, in a children’s health camp, hospital or in another health or social service establishment;
c) implements labor activity in conditions of job-sharing method;
d) is placed into a special establishment for social rehabilitation of persons without permanent dwelling;
e) is placed into an establishment of criminal or administrative punishment;
- foreign citizen or person without citizenship permanently living or permanently staying in the Russian Federation – on expiry of 3 working days from arrival to a place of stay except for cases when the said foreign citizen:
a) is staying in a hotel or in another establishment rendering hotel services, in a sanatorium, resthouse, vacation hotel, camping, in a youth hostel, in a children’s health camp, hospital or in another health or social service establishment;
b.) is placed into a special establishment for social rehabilitation of persons without permanent dwelling;
c) is placed into an establishment of criminal or administrative punishment.
At the same time for a number of categories of foreign workers an exception is made, and they are not subject to accounting at the place of stay. This relates to:
- heads of foreign states, heads of the governments of foreign states, members of parliamentary and governmental delegations of foreign states, heads of international organizations, who arrive to the Russian Federation on invitation of a federal body of state power or state power body of a subject of the Russian Federation, and also members of the families of the said persons arriving together with them;
- sailors, who are members of warship’s crews and arrived in the Russian Federation on an official or non-official visit or by a business call, or members of military aircraft of foreign states (except for cases of forced stay or another kind of stay of said foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation for a period more than 3 days outside their main crew compositions);
- sailors, who are members of non-military ships of foreign states, if they come ashore and temporarily stay on the territory (not over 24 h) of a port of the Russian Federation or in case these persons make circular tours to populated area for a period not over 24 h;
- crew members of civil aviation aircraft, train personnel or personnel of other transport facilities participating in international movements, if these persons stay in the territory of the Russian Federation in airports and railway stations stipulated by time-tables (schedules) of these transport facilities;
- other foreign citizens who arrive to the Russian Federation for a period not over 3 days except for cases of their stay in a hotel or in another establishments rendering hotel services, in a sanatorium, resthouse, vacation hotel, camping, in a youth hostel, in a children’s health camp, hospital or in another health or social service establishment.
In compliance with Article 21 of the Federal Law a reason for accounting at the place of stay is ac temporary actual sojourn of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in a place which is not his place of residence, or this person has no place of residence.
Registration of foreign citizens or persons without citizenship directly at the place of stay is implemented, when a migration accounting authority (as a rule a corresponding territorial body of the FMS of Russia) receives notifications of their arrival at the place of stay.
To carry out registration at the place of stay:
a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship:
- on arriving at the place of stay shall present to the receiving party a document proving his identity, which should be acknowledged by the Russian Federation as valid for this purpose, and also a migration card;
- after the receiving party sends a notification of his arrival at the place of stay he shall receive from it (the inviting party) a tear-off portion of the form of the said notification.
the receiving party:
- shall submit the notification of arrival of the foreign citizen (person without citizenship) at the place of stay to a migration accounting body directly or by mail;
- shall transfer to the foreign citizen (person without citizenship) a tear-off portion of the form of the notification of arrival to the place of stay.
Providing justifiable reasons (certified documentarily), which prevent the receiving part to send independently a notification of arrival of the foreign citizen (person without citizenship) to the migration accounting body the said notification should be accepted by the migration accounting body directly from said foreign citizen.
A foreign citizen or person without citizenship living permanently in the Russian Federation shall be entitled, by a written consent of the receiving party, to notify a corresponding migration accounting body about his arrival to the place of stay either directly or by mail.
Receipt of a notification of arrival of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship to the place of stay by a migration accounting body and by a federal mail service organization shall be carried out by a person submitting such notification solely on presentation of a document certifying his identity and acknowledged by the Russian Federation as valid for this purpose.
An entry in the tear-off portion of the notification form made by a migration accounting body or federal mail service organization shall be regarded as a confirmation of actions executed by the receiving party and the foreign citizen or person without citizenship required for registration at the place of stay.

The original .doc may be more readable...

Sounds to me like your Host (inviting party) goes to the post office with your passport (within 3 business days, with or without you but must have your passport) and gets this tear-off notification thingy (sort of like the original migration card? maybe?) fills it out, gives part of it to you and then when you leave your Host returns another portion (within 2 business days!) showing that you have left. What could be simpler LOL :lol:

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-01 19:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America
This should clear it all up.... :lol:

Obligatory Personal Registration

The Federal law of the Russian Federation dated 18.07.2006 No. 109-FZ "On the immigration record of foreign nationals and stateless persons in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as "Law No. 109-FZ") as of 15.01.2007 has established the following new registration rules at the place of stay for the Temporarily staying persons.

The Temporarily staying person, pursuant to common rule, is obliged to be registered / de-registered at their place of stay within 3 business days of arrival on the territory of the Russian Federation (subclause 2 clause 2 art. 20 of the Law No. 109-FZ) as described below (art. 22-23 of the Law No. 109-FZ).

The Temporarily staying person (having arrived in the Russian Federation and within 3 business days of arrival to the place of stay):

1. Provides the host party a document identifying his/her identity and acknowledged by the Russian Federation as such (passport), as well as the Russian "Migration Card" (copies of documents should be made since the withdrawal of original documents by the host party is not allowed - cl. 5 art. 22 of the Law No. 109-FZ);

2. The host party sends notification of his/her arrival to the place of stay (hereinafter referred to as the "Notification") to the corresponding immigration authority of the Russian Federation. The Temporarily staying person receives the detachable part of the Notification (with the remarks of the host party and of the corresponding immigration authority);

3. Before their departure from the place of stay the Temporarily staying person must return to the host party, the detachable part of the Notification (showing the departure date from the Russian Federation), which he/she had earlier received from the host party.

Law No. 109-FZ has also introduced the definition of the "host party", i.e.: "a citizen of the Russian Federation, permanently residing in the Russian Federation foreign national or stateless person, legal entity, branch or representative office of the legal entity, federal body of the state power, state power authority of subject of the Russian Federation, local authority, diplomatic representation or consulate authority of a foreign state in the Russian Federation, international company or its representative office in the Russian Federation or representative office of a foreign state associated with an international company located in the Russian Federation, where the foreign national or stateless person actually resides (stays) or in which the foreign national or stateless person works".
The Host party:

1. Sends the Notification to the corresponding immigration authority and receives the corresponding remarks of the immigration authority on the Notification, which acts as proof that the host party and the Temporarily staying person have complied with the legislation;

2. Transfers the detachable part of Notification to the Temporarily staying person;

3. Before their departure from the place of stay the Temporarily staying person must receive the detachable part of the Notification (with indication of the departure date from the Russian Federation),

4. Sends the detachable part of the Notification to the corresponding immigration authority not later than 2 days from the day the Temporarily staying person departs from the place of stay. These actions show that the host party has complied with the legislation.

In essence the above mentioned Notification substitutes the "Consent of landlord (owner of the residential premise) to registration of foreign national", which until 15.01.2007 was used for the registration of Temporarily staying persons in the Russian Federation.

We would also like to draw your special attention to the following essential issues:

If the Temporarily staying person stays at a hotel the responsibility for his/her immigration registration rests with the administration of this hotel.

The re-registering of the Temporarily staying persons at the place of stay needs to be performed at each change of the place of stay (at each new entry into the Russian Federation or any new point of the place of stay). According to the preliminary information obtained by our Company in the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for Moscow this procedure of the re-registering at the place of stay may not be necessary if the period of absence of the Temporarily staying person in the earlier declared place of stay is not for more than 3 business days.

Since Law No. 109-FZ came into effect the place of stay will no longer be marked in the passports and Russian "Migration Cards" of the Temporarily staying persons.

Law No. 109-FZ declares that as of 15.01.2007 there exists the possibility to receive the confirmation of the federal post authority of the Russian Federation on the detachable part of the Notification and which when done will be considered as confirmation that the host party and the Temporarily staying person performed the actions necessary for registering at the place of stay (point ? subclause 2 cl. 2 art. 22 of the Law No. 109-FZ). However, for unknown reasons at the present time this provision of the Law is not being fulfilled and it is unclear when this situation will be resolved.

Found this (the text of the new law?) on

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-01 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America

... so he won't be able to register through GTR or any OVIR office there. ...

I still think you should be able to drop your stuff off at the GTR office (even if they're closed) and they'll have a "stamp" for you when you leave. ...

I have not been there since the new law has taken effect but from what I understand of the new law regarding registering your visa, it's no longer the obligation of the visa holder and OVIR is no longer able to register visas. The burden is now placed on the inviting party to register with local migration officials (whoever they are :whistle: ). If GTR is the inviting party then they would be responsible for having the visa registered when you arrive and also making notification of your departure from Russia as well.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-01 18:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America

But the fact is that you can be busted for it, so why take a chance over a few bucks? Hell, compared to the cost of a plane ticket, it's nothing.

I talked to my fiance today. She had been to the post office in her city earlier to find out about my registration since I won't be in Moscow on a business day to register with GTR until we return from her city 10 days later.
The post office told her on the first visit that they had no idea about the new registration process but they would try to find out something about it.
She went back to her post office yesterday and they told her they couldn't find out anything about me being able to register at her post office.
OVIR says they don't do it anymore.
This is getting exciting so I'm off to call GTR on the phone and yell :help:


I posted about this a while back...

As noted in another thread new laws in Russia regarding Visa Registration process became effective Jan. 15, 2007.

Looks like they are trying to simplify things but in Russia this may only mean it will be more confusing and/or cost more money! :lol:


It does not surprise me at all that the left hand doesn't have a clue what the right hand is doing.


Edited by dmhweb, 31 March 2007 - 07:39 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-03-31 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally bought tickets


So - I'm looking for an apartment now. Options are:
1) Staty at the Metropol. Expensive (this will account for most of what we will spend there), but also a nice treat.
2) Moscow Rick. Apartment would be nice, considering may be 4 or 5 of us. Just spoke with him on the phone, space is very tight in general with the Ukrania being closed (space is always tight in Moscow though)
3) Something else, if anyone has a recommendation.


I dealt with these folks a while back...


Good service and the apartment was fine.
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-14 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally bought tickets

I also paid for visa registration in advance, after it was such a disaster in Lipetsk last time.

Just curious, who did you pay for this service?
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-14 13:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMail Order Brides

On the CNN home page is a video link, "Mail-order brides trade poverty for hope, abuse". I wanted to watch it, but of course, it is WMP only, so I can't (I refuse to install that ####### on my machine).

The video is about Asian/Philipina women not a word about Russian women.

Typical biased reporting... citing only the horror stories of abuse as if that is the only result of so called "mail order brides". This really pisses me off. They report this as if this is the natural outcome. What about all the abuse that takes place in domestic relationships. Of course any abuse should not be tolerated but I'd bet that abuse among American/American couples is higher than among American/Immigrant couples.

Edited by dmhweb, 16 May 2007 - 11:18 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-16 23:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusToday's interview: neither YES nor NO

4. My fiancee was asked where is her daughter's father.

If possible get that letter from the father. It sounds like this is the trouble to me. I wouldn't recomend forging such a letter but I'm sure it's not beyond the realm of possiblity.

It also could have been just a bad day for interviews... they can run that way sometimes... things go very smoothly for months and then there seems to be a random crackdown on who gets a visa and that really sucks!
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-10 09:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge Difference, How you met & How soon you met?
I did this a couple years ago in a poll format like this one.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-28 22:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusinternational passports for russian citizens

OVIR is no more. It's all done through the post office now, from what I've heard. I think there is an official redesignation, but I'm not sure of the new name.

Slim, the OP was talking about Passport Services for Russian Citizens! The OVIR perhaps under a new name is certainly still there. The building does property registration and has the passport desk. An other administrative functions. It simply doesn't do foreign citizen registrations. It probably still does foreign permanent residency and the like.

I posted on this a while back...

Apparently more Post Offices know what to do now but I'm sure it's being handled in typical "It's Russia" fashion. :lol:

I found some copies of the new registration forms:

What was OVIR is now UFMS (Department of the Federal Migration Service).


After some further reading... The Host (inviting party, landlord, etc.) goes to the local police station with your passport & migration card (within 3 business days, with or without you but must have your passport & migration card) and fills out the above forms, gives part of it to you and then when you leave Russia your Host returns another portion (within 2 business days!) showing that you have left. Actually this does sound a little more simple and the police station will most likely be open more than OVIR was. The post office is supposed to be able to stamp these forms as well but apparently (outside of Moscow) they know nothing about it!


dmhwebMaleRussia2007-06-05 21:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBack To Russia

There is a Russian saying, [translated] "for every joke there is some truth to it."

Actually it's Shakespeare...

"Jesters do oft prove prophets.", Act V, Scene 3, King Lear

In other words... "Truth is often told in jest."

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-04-30 21:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPacket 3 for Moscow Embassy

Does her doctor give her the DS 2035 form or do I get the form and the doctor fills it out??????? Does this form have to be completed by the medical exam doctor or her pesonal doctor(has been the same doctor her whole life)????

The DS 2035 will be sealed in the envelope that she receives from the medical prior to interview. What you want is for her to ask for a copy of that form so she'll have it when she enters the USA. Who knows what happens to the one inside the envelope but if she does not get a copy she's SOL and then may need to get vaccinations $$ that she really doesn't need.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-27 17:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMail Order Bride Video

I almost wish it were that easy!

? That's not how it works ? :devil:

Still waiting for the refund :P :lol:
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-06-26 11:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

(acutally it all goes by military post which means it goes from DC to New Jersey and then waits for a cargo bin to be full then gets aboard a military cargo plane then takes a flight, gets lost in customs for 1 week then onto the embassy where some part timer may sort through it in a week, then onto the Officer who looks at his calendar to see when the next holiday is so he can plan a taxpayer paid trip and if he sees a couple of free days might pencil in an interview or two. ) You may laugh but that is almost exactly how my cousin who works in the international criminal court in the Haig described the process to me and she works for the pentagon. She once sent some papers to the court from her office in the funny shaped building, went on vacation, two weeks later went to her office in the Haig and the package had not arrived yet. Its crazy but its our govt.

Not sure if you are just joking here but most if not all Visa Cases are delivered from the NVC in Portsmouth, NH to the destination Embassy via DHL, International Express as "US DIPLOMATIC PAPERS".

You can even look at the tracking info once you know when it left the NVC.

To track the shipment go to

Use "Track by reference"

The reference should be one of the following:

I-730 <--- (This is the one I used a few years ago but does not seem to be working now)

Select a range of dates around the date that NVC says package shipped and select Track.

Once you have the results just look for the package that is headed for the embassy you're interested in. You should see the date and time the package was delivered to the embassy and even who signed for it. Odds are that your case is in that shipment.

I tried all 4 of those options on DHL, it worked for EXPEDITE NIV SECTION, and EXPEDITE IV SECTION, I found two packages one to Lome, Togo, and one to Bogota, Columbia, so far nothing to Moscow. I am a little confused, there are just there two packages but the Department of State said that ours was sent to the embassy on the 11th???

If the volume is not high then it may take a couple weeks to fill the shipment but... I suspect that they are using new reference codes that we are not aware of. :(

We need someone on the inside to tell us what the new reference code might be or spend many many hours trying to guess :P
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-06-21 09:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

(acutally it all goes by military post which means it goes from DC to New Jersey and then waits for a cargo bin to be full then gets aboard a military cargo plane then takes a flight, gets lost in customs for 1 week then onto the embassy where some part timer may sort through it in a week, then onto the Officer who looks at his calendar to see when the next holiday is so he can plan a taxpayer paid trip and if he sees a couple of free days might pencil in an interview or two. ) You may laugh but that is almost exactly how my cousin who works in the international criminal court in the Haig described the process to me and she works for the pentagon. She once sent some papers to the court from her office in the funny shaped building, went on vacation, two weeks later went to her office in the Haig and the package had not arrived yet. Its crazy but its our govt.

Not sure if you are just joking here but most if not all Visa Cases are delivered from the NVC in Portsmouth, NH to the destination Embassy via DHL, International Express as "US DIPLOMATIC PAPERS".

You can even look at the tracking info once you know when it left the NVC.

To track the shipment go to

Use "Track by reference"

The reference should be one of the following:

I-730 <--- (This is the one I used a few years ago but does not seem to be working now)

Select a range of dates around the date that NVC says package shipped and select Track.

Once you have the results just look for the package that is headed for the embassy you're interested in. You should see the date and time the package was delivered to the embassy and even who signed for it. Odds are that your case is in that shipment.

Edited by dmhweb, 20 June 2007 - 08:34 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-06-20 20:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruswhats the website?

You can call the US State Dept in DC and they will tell you the interview date.

You want to tell me that the folks in DC tell Moscow what date they must see you for an interview? It's news to me. I was under the impression that the consulates pretty much had free reign on how they handle their business. I do understand they belong to the state department, but had no idea interview scheduling which is a pretty small internal affair is also handled from the top.

A foreign embassy gest its marching orders from the State Dept.

My information is 2 years old, but back then I called them in DC, and they told me in about 2 minutes the date of the interview. This was before the case left the NVC. I wish that I had the number handy, it was a local DC number.

The trouble here is in thinking that the schedule posted on the "web page" is the source information. The interview schedule (whether created by the Embassy or DOS in DC) is probably generated a week or more before it makes it to the "web page". I also called DOS and got the interview date before it was posted on the web.
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-06-20 16:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Moscow Interview

... if you get a Monday interview, you'll have two wasted days on the weekend where you can't do the medical. Likewise I suspect a Friday or Thursday interview might also delay the embassy in processing the visa.

The other two clinics still seem to have weekend hours...

2nd Tverskoy-Yamskoy Pereulok, bld. 10, rm. 420
125047 Moscow, Russia
Metro: Mayakovskaya
Tel: (7-095) 250-9190, 250-9900, 250-9903
Fax: (7-095) 250-9180
Appointment Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00; Sat-Sun: 9:00-15:00
Medical Examination for children under 15 years: $75
Medical Examination for applicants 15 years and older: $100

Filatov Clinic

Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 15
103001 Moscow, Russia
Tel: (7-095) 423-7780
Fax: (7-095) 423-7780 fax
Appointment Hours: 24 hours/7 day service available by appointment
Medical Examination for children under 15 years: $95
Medical Examination for applicants 15 years and older: $95
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-21 08:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestion about embassy

When you produce nothing and live off the production of others you are a fungus.


That makes you a Politician or maybe a Lawyer!

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-22 14:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestion about embassy

This may be more amusement than accuracy.
Early last year, in 2006, Peter Miami posted his method of tracking via DHL. There were some who tried it.
Here's a link to one of the posts: http://www.visajourn...hl=DHL Tracking
The posts were in the National Visa Center (Dept of State) Forum.
He responded to a similar question of tracking:
"Follow my instructions on The Foreign Embassy and Consulate General Discussion section."
This was Mar 2 2006, 11:29 PM.

I am trying it but doesnt seem to work, the DHL return "too many shipments with this reference" - i have tried single dates..doesnt seem to work.

Yeah... They must have changed the reference code... they seem to use form numbers as the reference code... try I-129F for a single day and you'll see many shipments between service centers i.e. TX to CA etc...

We need to figure out what code they are using for the NVC > MOS deliveries.

Try different form numbers... several years ago it worked for I-730 and that form seems to have no relation to K-1 visa applications. So, maybe there is no rhyme or reason to it. May just be random.
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-21 20:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow

I just got off the phone with NVC tonight, I about dropped the phone when the gentleman asked me verifiers ummm yea ....sweet........ they got the case on Monday and its already left for Moscow on Wed. Looks like interview will be mid to end Sept, ironically that will exactly be one year from when we last saw each other in Hungary. Looks like I'm done with the K1 thread now.

Tax transcripts -- anyone have experience on how long it takes to get them? I faxed a request in June and haven't gotten anything. I also followed that up with a mail out just this week.

If I remember correctly I just called the 800 number... it's all free...

You have two easy and convenient options for getting copies of your federal tax return information--tax return transcripts and tax account transcripts--by phone or by mail.

Request transcripts by calling 1-800-829-1040, or order by mail using IRS Form 4506T (Request for Transcript of Tax Return). We do not charge a fee for transcripts. Allow two weeks for delivery.

Edited by dmhweb, 19 July 2007 - 11:54 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-19 23:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia with GC

Maybe you missed this...


"Documents issued in one country which need to be used in another country must be "authenticated" or "legalized" before they can be recognized as valid in the foreign country. This is a process in which various seals are placed on the document. Such documents range from powers of attorney, affidavits, birth, death and marriages records, incorporation papers, deeds, patent applications, home studies and other legal papers. The number and type of authentication certificates you will need to obtain depend on the nature of the document and whether or not the foreign country is a party to the multilateral treaty on "legalization" of documents. (A) If your document is intended for use in a country which is a party to a treaty called the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents ("Hague Legalization Convention") (countries listed below), obtaining a special "apostille" certificate is generally all that is required."

I didn't realize this was from a page regarding abduction!!! :blink: But the info is the same and accurate.
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-30 14:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia with GC

Sorry to resurrect an old topic but my now wife is worried about this since we plan on traveling back to Russia to visit her family and such. I was reading the US state department site and they will not Appostilied a state issued certificate (ie a marriage certificate) so can you please enlighten me as what you are suggesting here? The way I read the rules on this process is that it is for federal issued documents only. Help me understand this please.

I am trying to get Anna to call the Russian consulate to have an adendum added to her International passport with an AKA but was interested in what you said above and was hopeing for some clarification.


Maybe you missed this...


"Documents issued in one country which need to be used in another country must be "authenticated" or "legalized" before they can be recognized as valid in the foreign country. This is a process in which various seals are placed on the document. Such documents range from powers of attorney, affidavits, birth, death and marriages records, incorporation papers, deeds, patent applications, home studies and other legal papers. The number and type of authentication certificates you will need to obtain depend on the nature of the document and whether or not the foreign country is a party to the multilateral treaty on "legalization" of documents. (A) If your document is intended for use in a country which is a party to a treaty called the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents ("Hague Legalization Convention") (countries listed below), obtaining a special "apostille" certificate is generally all that is required."
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-05-30 14:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam
On the way from IOM to the Hospital there's a McCafe at 31 Krasnaya Presnya ul.
Nice little coffee shop part of McDonalds.

Posted Image

Posted Image

I miss that, wish they would open them here! :crying:

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-25 16:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam

We are also planning to go to this clinic.

How far is the this second building from the first building? You say that they gave a map, so I am assuming that its not that close to the first building? Would you know the address of the second building?

It's about 1 km. #27 Zamorenova ul.

Posted Image

IOM is Here

The Hospital they send you to is Here

It's also on the Google Earth map I refer to from a previous post.


Edited by dmhweb, 24 July 2007 - 11:25 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-24 23:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusImportant Locations In Moscow
I put this information together several years ago...

You may find it useful especially the "Google Earth" map if you have not used it before (you should try it).

Important Locations In Moscow


dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-18 23:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck

It does not matter when DHL makes the pickup at the US Embassy or when the Visa is placed into the passport. When you purchase the prepaid DHL voucher for the shipment of the (passport) package you give them the address you want it to go to! If that address happens to be the same as the DHL office at "ZAO DHL International, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya str, 11, Moscow, 125047" then guess what... That's where it'll be delivered. I know "customer service" is hard to come by in Russia and it doesn't hurt to have them write on the voucher "Hold for pickup at: etc..." but guess what, You are paying for this delivery service and they better ship it to the address you give them!

Just my 2c

Here is what the label should look like if you want the package held for pick up.
(this is a copy from my voucher/airbill)

Posted Image

I also put an image of the package on my Moscow info page.


Edited by dmhweb, 20 July 2007 - 04:05 PM.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-20 16:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck
Great news... wissooner

Great news!

I'm not too surprised about not being able to pick up the visa. The embassy doesn't place the visa in the passport until a few days after the interview usually, so this is very little way of knowing when the passport will be ready. My wife was able to pick hers up at the DHL office in Kyiv, but she called the embassy every day to find out if they had issued the visa. She got lucky and spoke to the woman that had just sent it off with the DHL courier.

She should just plan to go home and begin packing and saying her goodbyes.

I think the point is getting lost here...

It does not matter when DHL makes the pickup at the US Embassy or when the Visa is placed into the passport. When you purchase the prepaid DHL voucher for the shipment of the (passport) package you give them the address you want it to go to! If that address happens to be the same as the DHL office at "ZAO DHL International, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya str, 11, Moscow, 125047" then guess what... That's where it'll be delivered. I know "customer service" is hard to come by in Russia and it doesn't hurt to have them write on the voucher "Hold for pickup at: etc..." but guess what, You are paying for this delivery service and they better ship it to the address you give them!

Just my 2c
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-20 12:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck

What is the address of this DHL where it can be held? On Tverskaya-Yamskaya?


Here are the addresses for the DHL offices. It's also in the "Google Earth" file that I posted Here.

Damn... they changed the hours... Here are the revised hours:

DHL Near US Embassy:
Lat/Lon +55.7578/+37.582
ZAO DHL International
Novinsky blvd, 31
Moscow, 123242
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Sat-Sun Closed
Holidays Closed

DHL Pick-up Location:
Lat/Lon +55.7726/+37.5911
ZAO DHL International
1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya str, 11
Moscow, 125047
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 08:00-23:59
Sat-Sun 10:00-16:00
Holidays Closed

Cheers, David
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-19 17:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck

What is the address of this DHL where it can be held? On Tverskaya-Yamskaya?


Here are the addresses for the DHL offices. It's also in the "Google Earth" file that I posted Here.

DHL Near US Embassy:
Lat/Lon +55.7578/+37.582
ZAO DHL International
Novinsky blvd, 31
Moscow, 123242
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Sat-Sun Closed
Holidays Closed

DHL Pick-up Location:
Lat/Lon +55.7726/+37.5911
ZAO DHL International
1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya str, 11
Moscow, 125047
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 08:00-21:00
Sat 10:00-18:00
Sun Closed
Holidays 10:00-15:00

Cheers, David
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-19 17:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS - Russia relations

Actually, you can still buy the stuff over the internet. It is useful in cloud chambers, calibrating equipment, etc.

Amazing... But you'd need a state budget to buy enough to use as poison...

0.1 microcurie for $69 x 32,000 = over $2 million for a lethal dose (50ng) or something like that. These quantities are so small it would be very difficult and quite suspicious to assemble such a dose unless you have the power to make it (gather it).

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-08-01 15:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS - Russia relations

What a perfect chain of logical conclusions. Five Russians walk in a store with counterfeit $100 while Putin visits = they are his security people = Putin is aware and involved = Russia is an enemy.

Yeah, That's why I called it bizarre...

But, the apparent backsliding is really troubling.

Notably, the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, a Russian dissident, in 2006 was announced as due to polonium poisoning [34] (see Alexander Litvinenko poisoning). According to Nick Priest, a radiation expert speaking on Sky News on December 2, Litvinenko was probably the first person ever to die of the acute ?-radiation effects of polonium.

This stuff (polonium) is so rare and so toxic (it's 250 Billion times more toxic than cyanide) handling it is almost impossible and it can only be made by states with large nuclear programs. It also leaves a fairly obvious breadcrumb trail.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-08-01 10:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS - Russia relations
Just came across this... Not sure what to make of it.

Sounds pretty bizarre!

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-07-31 21:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusexpiring forms

That was October of last year.

Oops... :blush:
dmhwebMaleRussia2007-08-05 08:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusexpiring forms

So i just realized the ds156 and 156k forms I need for the interview on 9-26-07 expired 7-31-07, so I went to the uscis website to print the revised forms and the forms are not there.......Not even the old ones are up.......?? I am leaving for Russia in about a week and I am wondering if any one knows how long the uscis usually takes to update forms?

You can probably just use the old ones... looks like they are taking them until October... then they go electronic... not sure if that includes the DS-230.

Attention! Beginning October 25, all K1, K2, K3 and K4 visa applicants must submit a completed Electronic Visa Application Form. The Electronic Visa Application Form must be filled out online at After filling out the form online, applicants will be able to print a copy of their visa application form, which will include their data in a barcode format.

The Electronic Visa Application Form is not available in the Russian language. Answers to the questions on the application must be in English and must use English characters. The applicants are welcome to use the Russian language translation to guide them through the online English Electronic Visa Application Form.

Effective October 25, 2006, the old version of the application form DS-156 will not be accepted.

dmhwebMaleRussia2007-08-04 21:39:00